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Crime Types & Prevention: Theft, Murder, Cybercrime, Kidnapping

“ From Awareness to Action ”
Different Types Of Crime And
How To Prevent Them
Oral Techniques And Argumentation
Nour Hussein Zaidan
Crime is an act that violates the law and can be
punishable by the government. It's a complex and
multifaceted issue that affects individuals, communities,
and societies as a whole. The causes of crime are
varied and can be influenced by factors such as
poverty, financial gain, inequality, mental illness.
Punishments for a crime can vary depending on the
severity of the crime and the laws of the country or
state. Understanding the nature of crime and its impact
on society is an important step in developing effective
strategies to prevent and address criminal behavior.
Generally, crimes can be categorized into four
categories : property crimes, personal crimes,
statutory crimes, and inchoate crimes.
Types Of Crime :
● Theft Crime , is when someone takes something
that doesn't belong to them.
● Murder Crime , is when someone intentionally
kills another person.
● Cybercrime , is when someone commits a crime
using technology and internet.
● Kidnapping Crime , is when someone takes
another person and holds them against their will.
Ways To Prevent Crime :
" Theft Crimes "
" Murder Crimes "
● Keep valuable items out ● Reduce access to lethal
weapons and firearms.
of sight and in a secure
● Invest in community
programs and resources
● Lock doors and
that promote social and
windows when leaving
emotional well-being.
home or a vehicle.
" Cybercrimes "
" Kidnapping Crimes "
● Report any suspicious or ● Being aware of your
concerning activity to law
surroundings and avoid
enforcement or the
walking alone in isolated
appropriate authorities.
● Being cautious when
● Educate yourself and
making online purchases
your children about the
or sharing financial
risks of kidnapping and
how to stay safe.