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ASME B31.3 Interpretations: Welding & Piping Standards

Interpretation: 22-33
Subject: ASME B31.3-2006, Para. 341.3.3, Defective Components and Workmanship
Date Issued: October 5, 2009
File: 08-473
Question: For a weld repair to a portion of a circumferentialweld that was completely examined,
does ASME B31.3-2004, para. 341.3.3 require that only the repair weld area be reexamined after
the repair?
Reply: Yes, unless the materials are P-Nos. 3, 4, or 5 and heat treatment is required; then the
entire weld must be reexamined after completion of any heat treatment [see para. 328.6, para. 331.1,
Table 331.1.1, and para. 341.3.1(a)].
Interpretation: 22-34
Subject: ASME 831.3-2008, B31.3 Versus U-Stamp
Date Issued: October 5, 2009
File: 09-1002
Question (1): Are heat exchangers within the scope of ASME B31.3?
Reply (1): No. Refer to para. 300.1.3(d) and Fig. 300.1.1. However, applicable design standards
may be as agreed between purchaser and manufacturer.
Question (2): Does ASME 831.3 have a certification and code stamp requirement?
Reply (2): No.
Question (3): Are there any advantages to designing to ASME B31.3 instead of ASME Section VIII?
Reply (3): We cannot respond to your request, since ASME does not provide consulting assistance. We regret that we cannot serve you in this instance, and suggest that you contact a reputable
consulting organization experienced in 831 piping applications.
Interpretation: 22-35
Subject: ASME 831.3-2008, Para. 328.5.1(c),Tack Welding Welder Performance Qualifications
Date Issued: October 5, 2009
File: 09-1003
Question (1): Does ASME B31.3, para. 328.5.1(c) require that tack welds, whether they are to
be incorporated into the final weld or be removed, be made by a qualified welder?
Reply (1): Yes.
Question (2): Does ASME B31.3, para. 328.5.1(c)require that tack welds be made to a qualified
WPS for that joint?
Reply (2): Yes; see para. 328.5.1(a).
Question (3): Does ASME 831.3, para. 328.5.1(c)allow tack welds on a groove weld joint to be
made by a welder qualified on a fillet weld test?
Reply (3): No. See ASME BPV Code Section IX, para. 303.2.
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