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English Exam: Somali Visitors in Britain

Read the Passage Below and Answer the Following Questions.
Many Somalis go to Britain each year. some go in order to study, others go for tourism, and others go for
business. most enjoy their visit each year. However, nearly all of them encounter a few problems. These
problems can be divided into five main areas, culture, travel, money, climate, and homesickness.
Most Somalis who went there say, that it took at least three months for them to understand British
culture. This included how to talk to people and what questions you could and could not ask the British
people. for example, you should not ask an Englishman how much he earns at his job as this is
considered to be rude. also the British are very reserved so, it takes a great deal of time to get to know
them and make firm friendships. some talked about the pace of life in British. You have to get used to
the pace of life which is much faster than the pace in Somalia. the British are in a roaring Hurry most of
the time. they rush to and from work and many buy a hamburger for lunch and eat while they are
walking along the street. habits like this astonish somalis because they have never seen it before.
Many Somalis said they encountered problems on buses and underground trains. they say it was very
easy to get lost. However, they added that if you asked the British for directions they were very kind and
A Number of people say they thought the British was expensive, especially the shops and restaurants. on
the other hand, an equal number of people said they thought Britain was a cheap country. it is not easy
to understand these different opinions. there are others who said that some shops and restaurants are
more expensive than others so you have to find out which are cheaper then go to them.
Nearly all Somalis grumbled about the Weather. One Somali said that during winter he wore a vest, a
shirt, three jumpers, an overall coat, a scarf, and a pair of gloves. In spite of all these clothes, he was still
feeling cold.
Many Somalis live in London which is the Capital City of Britain. London became the Capital of England in
the 11th Century. It is Situated on the River Thames which is also the Britain's Most important Port,
handling at least 50% of the nation’s goods. it is linked to all parts of the Country by roads and railways.
Transportation within the City is by Means of buses and the systems of underground railways which is
known as Underground.
London has many attractions sites for Tourists. you can visit the Tower of London, which was used to be
a king's Palace and then a Prison. today it is a Museum.
Questions 1.
1. Name two reasons why Somalis go to Britain?___________________ _____________________.
2. State two problems that are encountered by the Somalis in Britain?_________________
3. How long did the Somalis take to understand the British culture?__________________________
4. London is _________________________________of Britain.
5. What problems do the Somalis have on the buses and the underground?
6. Name one tourist attraction site in London _________________________________.
Mcl. Suleymaan Haaji Aadan
1. It takes a long time to get to know the British because __________________________
A. They don’t like strangers
B. They are very reserved
C. They are always in a hurry
D. They are very rude
The British buy _______________________________for lunch and eat while they are walking
along the street.
A. Chicken
B. Roasted meat
C. Hamburger
D. Fried fish
If you asked the british for___________________________,they were very kind and helpful.
A. The right place
B. Directions
C. London
D. Bus station
When did London become the capital city of England?
A. After the first world war
B. In 1920
C. In the 9th century
D. In the 11th century
When you speak to an English man you _________________________about his salary?
A. Should ask him
B. Should not ask him
C. Should only ask him politely
D. None of the above
London is linked to all parts of the country by ____________________________
A. Roads
B. Ports
C. Railways
D. Roads and railways
QN.2 Change the Statement Sentences Below into Interrogative Statements.
The First One has Been done for You.
1. A Parrot is a beautiful Bird._____is parrot a beautiful bird?
2. The Shabelle is a Perennial River__________________________________________________
3. My Father Started a Business.____________________________________________________
4. Shukri won the Game.__________________________________________________________
5. The Teacher punished the Student.________________________________________________
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6. Somalia gain independence in 1960._______________________________________________
7. We are not your Friends.________________________________________________________
8. He is my Father._______________________________________________________________
9. They have come to buy a Car.____________________________________________________
10. You are not in this team.________________________________________________________
11. He is the Captain of this team.____________________________________________________
QN.3 Fill in the Blanks with Present Continuous or Simple Present Tense.
Use the Correct Form of the Verb in the Bracket.
The first one has been done for you.
1. The Children are playing (play) outside now.
2. She usually_________________________________(read) the Newspaper in the Morning.
3. I ___________________________________ (do) my homework now.
4. I ____________________________________(eat) my dinner now.
5. do ________________________________(you / want) a pizza?
6. They ______________________________(Watch) TV now.
7. I ____________________________________ (not / like) Spaghetti.
8. The baby_______________________________ (Sleep) now.
9. My mother usually _______________________(Cook) dinner in the evening.
10. He _____________________________________(write) a letter to his father every month.
11. Yusuf ________________________________(not/like) football.
12. Mariam ______________________________________(listen) to Quran now.
13. Tom usually____________________(drink) Coffee,but he ________________(drink) tea now.
14. We __________________________(go) to the disco tonight.
15. He _________________________(go) to work by bus everyday.
QN.4 Write the Synonyms of the Following Words.
QN.5 Define the Following Terms.
1. Prefix_______________________________________________________________________
2. Suffix______________________________________________________________________
3. Noun________________________________________________________________________
4. Verb________________________________________________________________________
5. Adjective_____________________________________________________________________
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6. Countable
7. Uncountable
8. Collective Nouns_______________________________________________________________
9. Compound
QN. 6 Classify the Following Nouns as Countable Nouns and Uncountable Nouns.
Chair, team, Orange, coffee, boys, furniture, tea, water, Gold, friend, Music
1. Countable Nouns_____________________________________________________________
2. Uncountable Nouns____________________________________________________________
QN. 7 Name Six Perfect Tenses that you Know.
1. ____________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________________________
6. ___________________________________________________________________________
QN. 8 Change the Sentence Below from Present Perfect Tense to Past Perfect Tense.
1. Farhan has finished his Work.
QN. 9 Complete the Following Words with “e I” or “i e”
The First one has been done for You.
1. Th ei r
2. Gr_____________vous
3. Var_____________d
4. P_____________rce
5. Cash_____________r
6. Sh_______________ld
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7. V______________
8. L_____________sure
9. Conc________________ve
10. F_________________ld
QN.10 Form Nouns from the Following Verbs.
The First two have been done for You.
1. Advise = Advice
2. Remember = Remembrance
3. Invite_______________________________________
4. Introduce____________________________________
5. Destroy______________________________________
6. Perform______________________________________
7. Require_______________________________________
8. Obligate_______________________________________
9. Enter_________________________________________
10. Observe________________________________________
11. Possess________________________________________
12. Accept________________________________________
13. Discuss__________________________________________
QN. 11 Add Prefixes to the Following Words and Write them Correctly.
The First one has been done for you.
1. Mis + treat = Mistreat
2. __________ + appear = ____________________________________
3. __________ + able = _____________________________________
4. ___________ + Natural =________________________________
5. __________+ pure =___________________________________
6. __________ + relevant = ________________________________
7. __________ + literate = __________________________________
8. ___________ + similar = __________________________________
9. ____________ + responsible= _____________________________
10. ____________ + join= _____________________________________
11. ___________________ + ordinary= ____________________________
QN.12 Add Suffixes to the Following words and Write them Correctly.
The First one has been done for You.
1. Desire + able = desirable.
2. Story + _______________ = ______________________________
3. Save + ________________ = _______________________________
4. Safe + ________________ = ________________________________
5. Fat +_________________= ________________________________
6. Use + ________________= ________________________________
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7. Easy + _________________ = ________________________________
8. Pretty + _______________ = ________________________________
9. Queue + _______________ = ________________________________
10. Try + __________________ = ________________________________
11. Live + ________________= _________________________________
12. Mystery + _____________= _________________________________
13. Shop + ________________ = ________________________________
14. Enjoy + ________________ = _______________________________
15. Float + ___________________= ________________________________
QN. 13. Use the Model Verbs in the Box to fill in the gaps below.
Some Model Verbs can be used More than once.
Might Can
The First one has been done for You.
1. He Might come if he gets time.
2. I _______________________come when I finish my homework.
3. warsan ____________________wash her clothes now.they are very dirty.
4. keynan ___________________drink the juice if he likes.
5. My Father __________________come to school today if he gets time.
6. All candidates __________________be in the hall by 8:00.
7. You _______________________read the instructions before you do the exercise.
8. The police ______________________set a trap for the drug trafficker.
9. The nurse _______________________feed the patient when she wakes up.
10. You ___________________________use the money to buy a book if you like
QN. 14 Add Negative Prefixes to the Following Words.
Choose the right Prefix from the Bracket ( non, un, dis, ir, im, in, ab, ig, mis, il)
The first one has been done for you.
1. il + legible = illegible
2. ___________ + Moral = ______________________________
3. ___________ + reverent = ____________________________
4. ____________ + Advantage= __________________________
5. ___________ + Perfect= _____________________________
6. ___________ + Correct = _____________________________
7. __________ + Sense= _____________________________
8. __________ + Noble = ____________________________
9. ___________ + Efficient= __________________________
10. ___________+ Desirable= ___________________________
11. ___________ + Legitimate= __________________________
12. ____________ + Laid= _____________________________
13. ____________ + Human = __________________________
14. ____________ + Continued = ________________________
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15. ____________ + Prudent = __________________________
16. ____________ + Satisfy= ____________________________
17. ____________ + Resistible = _________________________
18. ____________ + Famous = __________________________
19. ____________ + Perfect = ___________________________
20. _____________ + Responsible = _______________________
21. _____________ + Literate= ___________________________
22. _____________ + Certain= ___________________________
23. _____________ + Proper = __________________________
24. _____________ + Behave= __________________________
25. _____________ + modest = __________________________
QN.15 Use the Suitable Prefix to Make Verbs from each of the Following Nouns.
Choose the right prefix from the bracket ( be, en, em, un, )
The First one has been done for You.
1. en + danger = endanger
2. ________ + calm =_____________________________
3. ________ + joy = ______________________________
4. ________ + moan = _____________________________
5. ________ + smear = _____________________________
6. ________ + body = _____________________________
7. _________ + siege= _____________________________
8. _________ + trust= _____________________________
9. _________ + wail= ______________________________
10. _________ + slave= ______________________________
QN. 16 Fill in the Spaces with the Appropriate Comparative Adjective.
The first two have been done for You.
1. The truck was as big as a house.
2. the light shines as bright as the sun.
3. the runner moves as_________________ as the wind.
4. the giraffe is as __________________ as the tree.
5. his voice was as _________________as thunder.
6. Your bag is as ________________as a rock.
QN. 17 Fill in the blank Spaces with the Correct form of the Comparative Adjective that was
given in the Bracket.
The first one has been done for You.
1. Daud is older (old) than Ali.
2. I am_______________________ ( tall ) than the bookshelf.
3. My cat is _____________________( fast) than his cat.
4. The soup is _____________________ ( hot) than the Milk.
5. The rock is ______________________ ( hard) than the Banana.
Mcl. Suleymaan Haaji Aadan
6. Ali was at school ____________________ ( early) than I was.
7. Rice is ________________________ ( sticky) than salad.
8. This exercise is_____________________( tricky) than the last one.
9. My little brother is _________________ ( funny) than me.
10. My picture is _______________________ ( pretty) than the other one.
QN. 18 Use going to to Make Sentences of your Own
1. Stop smoking.
2. Start a business.
3. Watch television.
QN. 19 Construct a Sentence of Your own while Using the following words or phrases.
1. Beautiful.
2. My teacher
3. Language
4. She
5. Market
6. This year
7. After the exam
8. Travel
QN. 20. Complete the following Sentences to Show what is going to happen in
the Situations described.
1. He is driving dangerously. the car is swerving on the road.
He is going to ________________________________________________________________
2. Ali cannot see the trench in front of him. he is walking towards it.
Ali is going to_________________________________________________________________
3. The thatch on the roof is not firmly held. A strong wind is blowing.
The wind is going to ___________________________________________________________
4. Asha is not studying hard for the examination.
Asha is going to _______________________________________________________________
5. He is eating greedily. He is belching.
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He is going to ________________________________________________________________
QN. 21 Fill in the blank Spaces with a Phrasal Verb beginning with the Correct form
of the Verbs in Brackets.
The first one has been done for You.
1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate phrasal verbs. (fill )
2. Her child's teeth started to ___________________at the age of seven. ( fall )
3. It is better we _________________________this syllabus.it has lost its meaning. (do )
4. Maryam is trying to _________ her point ________but some students are making noise.( get )
5. All the Students have___________________from their long holidays. (get )
6. They _______________________free Islamic books to young children every month (give)
7. The bad man has finally _______________________smoking. (give )
QN.22 Add an Appropriate Expression of Quantity for the following Uncountable Nouns.
The First one has been done for You.
1. A Packet of cigarettes.
2. Three _______________________of Cooking Oil.
3. Two ___________________________of Jam.
4. Ten __________________________of butter.
5. Six _____________________________of soda.
6. A ______________________________of toothpaste.
7. Four ______________________________of rice.
8. A ______________________________ of rice.
9. Seven ____________________________of flour.
10. Three ______________________________of Chocolate.
QN. 23 What is the Plural of the following Nouns?
1. Furniture _______________________________________.
2. Committee _____________________________________.
3. Group__________________________________________.
4. Luggage_________________________________________.
5. Information______________________________________.
6. Money___________________________________________.
7. Policeman________________________________________.
8. Fruit machine______________________________________.
9. Breakfast_________________________________________.
10. Remote control_____________________________________.
11. Mother-in-law____________________________________.
QN. 24 Turn the Following Statements into Question Tags.
The first one has been done for You.
1. it is a noisy class,
isn’t It ?
2. they are reaching tomorrow, ___________________________________
Mcl. Suleymaan Haaji Aadan
3. you have finished writing, _____________________________________
4. she had typed all the letters, _____________________________________
5. Ahmed lives here, ______________________________________________
6. they speak English at home, ____________________________________
7. you ate a lot, ______________________________________________
8. the book isn't very interesting, ___________________________________
9. they aren't very clever, __________________________________________
10. there weren’t many people at the function, ____________________________
11. The car hadn't much fuel, ________________________________________
12. he doesn't understand french, _____________________________________
13. they didn't play well, _______________________________________________
14. she doesn't love you, ______________________________________________
15. his father is a teacher, ______________________________________________
16. she can speak french, ___________________________________________
17. she must take this medicine, _______________________________________
18. I have faith in Allah, _____________________________________________
19. we shall miss the train, __________________________________________
20. girls are noisier than boys, _______________________________________
21. the bottle was quite empty, _______________________________________
22. she sells sea shells, _______________________________________________
23. Ahmed likes coffee, _______________________________________________
24. they are reading well,____________________________________________
25. he prefers tea to coffee, ___________________________________________
26. the sky looks blue during the day, ______________________________________
27. it rained heavily that day, ____________________________________________
28. shops close at seven p.m, ___________________________________________
29. I sing well, ____________________________________________________
30. the player hit the ball with force, __________________________________
31. she hurt herself,_______________________________________________
32. I am on time, ___________________________________________________
QN. 25 Change the following Statement into Present Perfect Continuous Tense.
1. she goes to school daily.
2. Ali comes here every weekend.
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QN. 26 Make seven Compound Nouns from the following Words.
The first one has been done for you.
1. House wife
2. ________________________________________
3. ________________________________________
4. ________________________________________
5. _______________________________________
6. _______________________________________
7. ________________________________________
8. _______________________________________
QN. 27 Fill in each of the Gaps in the following Sentences with the Most suitable Word from the
Box below.
The delicious aroma of the food made them __________________________________.
The decision really _______________________________ her.
The woman ______________________________ that there was danger.
The scary woman was always _____________________________ for people.
She_________________________ that her delicious food was ruined.
Livestock rearing is the main economic activity of ______________________________.
QN. 28 Choose the Correct Phrasal Verb from the box and fill in the Blanks.
in the following Sentences.
Put out
show up
ran into
looking forward
hands in
1. I __________________________ my old friend.
2. Did she_____________________________?
3. He always ______________________his assignment?
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4. I am _________________________to midterm break.
5. They__________________________the fire before the fire extinguish.
QN. 29 Use the Words in the Box below to fill in the Blank Species.
cock screw
The first one has been done for you.
1. Curiosity was one of his notable traits.
2. The football team exercised _____________________________.
3. She strongly _____________________her mother in appearance and in temperament.
4. This is a cute child with beautiful _____________________________haircurls.
5. It was not a _________________________condition to Somalia.
6. I saw a _____________________________old man crossing the road by himself.
7. The secretary filled in the details of the rather ______________________preliminary reports.
8. No one could deny her _____________________________truth.
9. He was a man of 65, with ____________________________eyebrows and hair.
10. Praying five times a day is the ___________________________muslim culture.
11. If you don't take physical activity at all you will develop _________________________bones.
12. The cat __________________________up near the fireplace.
13. The general ___________________________of the house is quite good.
14. The restaurant has hired a ________________________chef.
15. My grandmother's health has always been __________________eventually, she passed away.
QN. 30 Choose the Words in the Box below and match them with their meaning.
cock screw
1. To become pregnant ____________________________________________
2. An inherited characteristic________________________________________
3. A regular basis________________________________________________
4. To be similar to__________________________________________________
5. To twist into a spiral_________________________________________________
6. Being the only one__________________________________________________
7. Easy to be harmed___________________________________________________
8. Rough in texture_______________________________________________________
9. An undoubted friend__________________________________________________
10. Prevailing over all others_______________________________________________
11. Breakable__________________________________________________________
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12. To wind into rings or spirals___________________________________________
13. Look______________________________________________
14. Expert_____________________________________________
15. Delicate __________________________________________________
QN. 31 The Following objects are the Traditional Somali Handcrafts.
Name the Use of each of the Objects.
The first one has been done for you.
Container for storing milk, water, and ghee.
Wooden Vessel _______________________________________________
Wooden Bowl _________________________________________________
Wooden Slate________________________________________________
Cutting tools___________________________________________________
The stick with the curved head_________________________________________
The Pot_____________________________________________________________
The Mat_______________________________________________________________
QN. 32 Write the Correct Answer for the Following.
The Place where Animals are kept is called ____________________________________
A Person who eats too much is a _____________________________person.
Someone who is unable to read and write is called an__________________________person.
The Person who Sells goods from door to door is called_______________________________
The Building where the laws are Made for the Country is called_________________________
The Place where bees are kept is called____________________________________________
QN. 33 Choose One Word from the Box below to Complete the Sentences that Follow.
The public is given little information________________________matters of National Security.
The city has changed ________________________________over the last 20 years.
Nomads are a________________________________ society of herders.
____________________________events have brought attention to the problem.
There were ______________________________complaints regarding his bad behavior.
QN. 34 Choose One Word from the Box below which has the Same Meaning with
the Following Words.
eyebrows fundamental
1. Catastrophic______________________________________________________
2. A single person____________________________________________________
3. Sticks tightly______________________________________________________
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To have life________________________________________________________
To try to get along without help__________________________________________
Something that is Necessary_______________________________________________
Hair growing over the skin of the eye_________________________________________
QN. 35 Fill in the Blank Spaces with One Word from the Box Below.
1. Marriage provides security, peace, and_______________________________________.
2. ___________________________started to go away from each other.
3. A war broke out between two_____________________________societies.
4. Fadumo realized______________________________but she was glad to meet Farah.
5. Allah Almighty created Adam and Hawa as __________________________for one another.
6. Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H ) married and also ____________________________others.
7. A Man__________________________Farah wanted to marry a girl named fadumo.
8. Fadumo _________________________herself to the ground in front of the guards.
9. Farah __________________________very far and at last came to fadumo’s community.
10. Farah expressed his ____________________________to the guards and said, thank you.
11. One of fadumo’s relatives_________________________________ towards Farah.
12. The elders of both communities decided to maintain _____________________between them
QN. 36 Choose One Word from the box below and Match it with its Definition.
drug abuse
drug trafficker
An illegal drug inhaled through smoking_________________________________________.
The state of seeing or hearing something that is not there.____________________________.
Use of drugs in a way that is wrong and harmful.____________________________________.
A person who buys and sells drugs illegally is called a ________________________________.
A ______________________center is a place where people are helped to recover from drugs
Something that is likely to harm somebody________________________________________.
An offense._____________________________________________________________.
To be made possible_____________________________________________________.
A person who abuses drugs________________________________________________.
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QN. 37 Complete the Sentences below with One Word from the Box
Most African countries tell their history through ________________________and the music.
Africa is a ________________________________continent.
Most African’s development is ____________________________by was and ethnic violence.
Africa continent is rich with natural resources such as oil, gold, and__________________
from its vast forest.
5. The people of africa are very ________________________and hold their culture dear.
6. Africa has many tourist attraction sites that makes many tourist___________________ into
the continent.
7. When islands and sahara countries are _______________________africa has 54 countries.
8. Arabic language is the largest ________________________language ___________________in
9. African
_____________________colonial powers.
10. Libya and Nigeria have the largest oil________________________________________.
11. Millions of people died during the Rwanda___________________________________.
Q N. 38 Define the following Terms.
1. Oral Literature.
2. Proverbs.
3. Fiction.
4. Nonfiction_______________________________________________________________________.
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Q N. 39 Name two Importance of Oral Literature.
1. ____________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________
QN. 40 Name Six types of Oral Literature.
1. ___________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________
6. ____________________________________________________
QN. 41 Choose the Correct Answer for the following Proverbs.
1. Practice what you Preach.
A. To spread some news.
B. To practice everyday how to build a beach.
C. behave the way you encourage other people to behave.
D. To see the behaviour of other people
2. Rome was not built in a day.
A. Important work takes time to complete.
B. The grass is greener on the other side of the day
C. One day rome was built.
D. All of the above.
3. Strike while the Iron is Hot.
A. To burn iron until it becames very hot.
B. To do things at the right time.
C. strike while the iron is very hot.
D. take advantage of an opportunity as soon as it becomes along.
4. To Smell a rat.
A. to catch a rat and smell it.
B. to smell a rat when you get in the kitchen.
C. to be suspicious.
D. To tell someone a secret.
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5. Hold ones Tongue.
A. to hold your tongue when you come to school.
B. to keep silent.
C. to be honest.
D. to hold your tongue in a secret place.
6. To get into hot Water.
A. to take shower with a hot water.
B. to burn yourself.
C. to get into trouble.
D. none of the above
7. To be in the same Boat
A. to be in a similar situation.
B. to travel with the same boat.
C. to go together to the same place.
D. to buy a boat together.
8. Mind your P’s and Q’s
A. to be careful about your spelling.
B. to be careful about your behaviour.
C. to rewrite letter p and q carefully.
D. to be careful about what you say.
9. To hit the Nail on the Head
A. to use a hammer and to hit the nail correctly.
B. to hit the nail and the head together.
C. to be right.
D. to be in a difficult situation.
10. Too many Cooks Spoil the Soup
A. too many people involved in one activity, destroys it.
B. a cook always cooks a better soup.
C. too many soup spoils the cooks.
D. none of the above.
11. Don’t judge a book by its cover.
A. don’t judge the book before you read its cover.
B. don’t prejudge the value of something by its outer appearance.
C. don’t cover the book before the judge reads it.
D. don’t cover the book before you judge it well.
12. Two heads are better than One.
A. many people working together can solve a problem than one person doing it.
B. when two heads meet, they became one.
C. two heads are good in spreading news.
D. one head cannot make many mistakes that two head can make.
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QN. 42.
1. Write a Composition entitled My best Eid Day that I will Never Forget.
i. Which Eid was that and you celebrated it where?
ii. How have you celebtrated your eid day and you celebrated together with who?
iii. What was so interesting during that Eid day celebration?
What did you celebrated with that you liked most
Were there any challenges that faced you during your Eid celebrations?
2. Write a Composition about The Country you Wish to Visit.
i. Which country do you wish to visit and when?
ii. Why are you interested to visit that country and not another one?
iii. What do you expect to see when you visit that country?
Where do you expect to visit when you reach in that country?
What challeges do you expect when you reach there?
3. Write about The Scariest Moment in your Life.
i. When did you felt so scared and what was the problem?
ii. How has that affected you?
iii. How did you overcomed that situation?
What were the lessons you learnt from that situation?
4. Write a Composition entitled Colour.
i. Are there different colours that you know?
ii. Which colour do you personally like most?
iii. Why do you like that colour?
What colour does you friend in the class likes most?
Are people different in the skin colour?
What is the colour of your skin?
5. Write a Composition about The Importance of Marriage.
i. how is marriage important to the society?
ii. do you personally like to marry someone after your education?
iii. what would have happened if people could not marry each other?
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