UNIT V MARKET RESEARCH MODULE 5 (DAY 6) MARKET RESEARCH Knowing the market well is a sure fire way of succeeding in your chosen business endeavor. The more the entrepreneur knows about his or her market, the more customers can be segmented and reached, products can be positioned, price can be set. We ask the questions What, Why, Which, Who, When, Where and How. The breadth of the market research defines its coverage or how extensive the research would be. The depth of market research defines the level or degree of insight required or how intensive the research will be. MARKET RESEARCH Market Research Methodologies Sales Data Mining - Perhaps the most convenient way of coming up with an organized set of data, where data is readily available. Focus Group Discussion (FGD) - One of the most common qualitative research tools. It is effective in extracting consumer and non-consumer experiences regarding products, places or programs. FGD is an interview by a facilitator of a small group of people that normally lasts for an hour and a half up to three hours MARKET RESEARCH Market Research Methodologies Observation Technique - probably one of the best ways of gathering data about customers in their natural setting without having to interact or talk to them. Recording the event as it happens may be the best means to capture the information. Survey Research - the most preferred instrument for in-depth quantitative research. Probably the most popular type of survey research is the Usage, Attitude and Image (UAI) survey. MARKET RESEARCH Market Research Methodologies In planning a survey, there are three important concerns that one has to look into: 1. Sampling technique 2. Getting the sample size 3. Designing the questionnaire - the most sensitive phase.