Uploaded by Ryan Dagalangit

Filipino Folk Dance Terms

1.Saludo – Partners with feet together bow to each other to
the audience, opposite dancers, or to neighbors.
2.Salok –(Tagalog term)-Swinging the arm downward-
upward in front of the body as in scooping
and bending trunk following movement.
3. Sarok – ( Visayan term) Cross R(L) foot over L (R) bending
the body slightly forward and crossing hands
down in front R(L)over L ®.
4. Place –To put foot in a certain position without putting
weight on it; the sole foot of the foot rest on the
5.Step Close- Step right foot sideward(forward) and step
left foot close to the right and pause.
6.Step Point– Step right foot sideward(forward) and point
left foot in front.
7.Bleking- Step right foot sideward and place left heel in
8.Waltz Balance – Step right foot sideward and step left foot
close to right, raise both heels.
9.Slide Step –Slide right foot sideward and step left foot
close to right.
10.Brush Step – Step right foot sideward and brush left foot
11.Step Raise-Step right foot sideward, raise your left foot in
12.Waltz – Step right foot sideward, count 1…step left foot
close to right, count 2…and step right foot in place,
count 3.
13.Cross Waltz – Step right foot cross to left in front, count 1…
step left foot sideward, count 2, and step right foot
close to left, count 3.
14.Mazurka – Slide right foot sideward, count 1hop on left
foot, count 2 and cut right foot in front….count 3.
15. Arms in lateral position- Both arms are at the side, right
and left at shoulder position,chest or waist level.
16.Arms in T position –Arms sideward, bend elbow fingers
pointing downward palms, facing inward.
17. Abrasete – (Spanish origin) Girl at the R of partner, hold or
hook R arm of boy partner with her left hand or
18.Crossed Arms-Partners facing each other or standing side
by side join their L hands together and the R hands
together, either R over L or L over R.
19.Pivot –To turn with the ball, heel, or whole foot on a fixed
place or point.
20.Kumintang –( Ilocano, Bicol, Bisaya, Tagalog) Moving the
hand from wrist either in counter or clockwise
21.Jaleo –( Spanish term)-Partners stand side by side with
elbows1slightly touching each other, and
facing opposite directions, the inside hand on
22.Step Hop–step right foot sideward and raise left foot in
front, hop on right.
23. Hayon-hayon (Visayan term)- placing one forearm in
front and the other at the back of waist.
24. Arms in reverse T position- arms sideward, bend elbow
fingers pointing upward, palm facing inward.
25. Point- Touch the floor lightly with the toes of one foot,
weight of the body on the other foot.