LYythortm IDE featuus lüt tmbullg enk Coding yistance mteligent, (odng editon S mart code Nauiqatton 2 Built-în 1) Debuggg, Teting Develbp l a VC8, Depboy mant Toou - Puoling and Remote Developmuik 9) web Deudppmun uworuR Puhon ub Krtame Jauwabcrupt ard HTML 9eienhipic Tooli- 1Python Notehook înhegtahon utuautinwe ython Convole Maun Comuponn ucnarni U W M the Pueharm thau Coponenk follpuo Wut Menu Dakboarnd 2 Pruoyoct Panu 3) coda 0ditorr Consuole orn uspus windwuo . L fnampe9 pHnt tHello") wpont o0 prunt os.qukewdes) pruh bC path ) port Keyasgrd PruntCkuywond, kuwüb) port latform veruionC)) run Cplattorum» pykhon.- Debuging n Pharum and in tnng prohlem oanitying e prwwx ith t uhornteuk kus foluousing ode The aND debuu sttp Overr ( f8) tep fnto CFT) 37 Fornce tep into A+hitF4) Step u t Shipe+Fe) 5 Kuno Curuorz(AU+Fa) Lauirat to PYTHON ANACON DA FRAMtWORK Tho mos populaI Pthon tumium 36 "ba ( bata Satonce plad forrm, opèn uousee dikuihukionth uale dota priocanlng asge orr Python Qnd R.PLe hat am analyff,3cieneit ptudttue u m püty ompui ng pouckaq ek managëMMnt and deptoymen nolike. loadmg aPuthon portk w Makint leanninN Deep Learnuy 9) drtiiial i) tnkent ¥ntellug ente o Thihg 5fwnuhbna Tutnp ike LOTE Dthor Python eonkiLt LOul hp cttk sELENIUM ditrihurions uan Python ,Pythonl to Ynitalu anaonda) M :/Uwww.Anaconda on .(om/douonlood 6H-bit inttaller Puthon 3.6 veaion tnthallahon SAHert Uueen Aul go to wSDOs tommand rompt doun dnoconda ramtu tupe bpudorn o jurt pobeb wokR Developmenk EnuîRonmet) Julia, ython and R) Python JPyTER (Forumuly Python, SPYDERGantitic SPyDER 2 Duint ww u IDe Aon Python anquage usth adwanewed pouentul t Aing, intena tive toking,douggeng and intnspection eotuw and numucal eondutng enuilonmnk a Gounal Feotiiru ntnpraten Python rterastve od Bnhan 4EnAhon Algtbra 6entito Pyhon -tgnal &tmage Prownn MatPlotb4 hoter 0dkive adl9D plotting Num@uucal lyhon -neon Nunfy 9Py 4 5 Pondau For Daka Analyu uith D0daframe Gcikt-uarn =) Jt u a Mahine Learnie btany SPYDER onmpononk Spydar hau thu Componnh koloutng eliut o. Dauhb0asd 3 Code 8Aiton 4Covuo 7pyDER uhontut Kyg Uhortout Spydar De upport au ououui'ng drua uenty run, 4) f 5 T o u n T0 F97 ay C trt4 4 Ctr ueuAANO k he uued anttro ucnipt Uelktron or i n e tamment/uncomment COL gteUte Mi tuUuNt Bnttn HH0 uLrrenF Cel 59htBnttneNROUte A n m noMt Cel aduanceo tho h a t i Anacon da Nauigatort, T do UMIuNCh daktop GUl hat allow Y0 paeRagu uonda manag 0nly ond pucaiono ohounielu withou wwng tommond. nment o nd enuutton ne tommand 7JUPYTER Noteb00k knouon a 7 FOmly O 7 1Puthon Nolehook 4hat auoDg egit documonk JiA uwcb broweer appuicahon LAwer client a n tun on nug nokebogk open uourse web apptication hak ullous1 and uhoru doCumendt trat Contan we Ajuauttong, uialiaNous nond natatve bert bO ruate LO Featuuru TUPYTER Notebogk Pruorm ho ortuLeT o e Run ptoorom 0t uuppore 1 t choite LAnguao Oh å eala e uiKE Python,R,Julia -in danguLag 7 hare notebooka uung emaud, noFekook Cind he Jupytlr Drophom, Gitlt iam LwLage B dat mtegrmahion eeata rom Vython, R upask Apathe. ay 0ol, Mch and soaua TUpYTER KybOarnd horuk keu uppour Jupytert Notebook input modeu oihferant lkayboanu mmand Mode Edft Mode Commant Mpde Af find roplace b rtl 4hit t f open 4ho ommand polciHe Cctnda 5hi4 +F0pen +he mmand palete dEnken, ohbur edit mode P:open C vhe palote Hun ceu,Lelet bUous Command Shi4t¬ntert Edit Mode thu Can Moole l0itcode oru tett St uupport the toWoustng Ahortut N kat h C t t 7 wnoo tD; delett, whote ne Ct dl Cl + ndlo ueleckon to aU Utart C t r t Homes go 0Ctu .End a l end g0 to oetu what u Conda 0pen Souue patrage Managenmonk duyakem and don nokallfng mulhple uysbem wmawnt managemins enuatron hurn dependencu and yermona o a l pockaqe and St an witthing eary bluw tham pnyo dyd vuhd ougun dgd mduhd yeruy dad obwoPnoerndgd Togdy dg dyay dad rrowwT) dd /onunnyoi (mo/va/03 odhd dgd !: sdpu ruodoj4m dad noTuhs f o o a v d huoynidaud ur moh r o o w 004 mon ombuo rwwboud NOH1A M OA nvuvu ovarod on did m m dad n oum ropuod uug opuon n Krhuu DYj 9-F0pca opuon pht pdn opuGn( vpuo aopdn opuO 1Y790%dou Myug opuo9 e AR)ABLES IN PYTttON ; VARAE pesint Variahle 9 wwM ww A Variahle ü a nam that ruferu to 0 u n thu mumoruy uocatibn whru data what u aun denhitien 4ho. nama g An dentitte ujut UegalVONLahle Namu th aru ahles volus poünk toad ond modifed varudble y16Euomhons = " pEg Daka DUegal ecaue #legal necauue lt 3 begen w?th a nuuort contaunn an ilega chortatkern. Adwanced Thorütcal" # egal hecouue clau u pythonu hopwond clan aAcol COLe-lveu uyornd ukorthtng ,uih capltal Letleru Camel.Cow fiu detterumallî rutbudd uworndu utan ulth captal m Conwention u ReaL Time pruojech, camelCoe anaming in uohieh anameü Porumed art 0undtogathut a o o uAlipe wbndi tha uingle uword #on beten HLadabtUy eampte, CamolCa Phone Pascota fayPal FedE CNOTE CONSTANT9 latkeru fnud valuus wh au d ltu stunos and numbene, Caad 'conttons notatton u knsuA-aO. ualu &Ort FOpruenttno a UTal R d ienas totlouing th MLppor yhon Stung diteralks - In 8 Nument tikeralLong fLodt Enghe Comp a 18 Dotaan Literals TrULe foe Special iteral Nona t Python Non u dam a hulmLan non Qutent, not nown,mptu. 67 iteral qolethio Tuple Dlolionarue. NDT6 Lonq u daleted or depricaked frna.a verulon - arplos MyCNum omplet¢, 2) MySttu- " PYTHON ML (MONum) #poo edn_Aoral HOt CMystra) MybVal umeunuice t r a Trul Pru CMyBValuu).qiteral MuT t o 123 PHht(MyINom) My FNum la3 O 45 pHinMyfMum) Ptut-D2,3, 45 prins(PyLt) uTuple a , 3,45) rnPyTupla) y Set S1,2,3, 4,53 pihb (Yybt) Dreb 1:"ONE prunt CPyDtt) DATATYPES IN PYTHON H Evey UaluL In sEnt haua dotoype Pukhon eulhihq an Gheck n Python Prngruamraing dt dat ubnru 0urt ackualls dlauu and varuables nutanees Cohfett) O hue doue Standand Dota Tupe m Python, Standard datatype ase ddaified tnto6 bypëh, Numheu 4Tuple 8) tiat G picttonary MULTIPLE ASSIGNMENT You con awign Ualuos to 4amte varualel tn one uateryouk ab.c-56,"P4THON a b c -5 prunt Ca) mutiple pTNCo) #5 ptinkh) #G #5 pruntCh) #5 p r i n tCc)#*PYTHoN print CC) #S 6WAP VARLABLE valuss in Python a lehfech n python y m Awap yorri, vart2 > a Vosn2, yarti uingúe dunt and hu abptue to Ly enampla: 10Y*20 )# pt ( t0 ab DEL 6TATE MENT rwferune aluo detoke the uing 4ho dol Atakement 0 u Oan Sunta dtl varnf,van2[, to numher a Ghet van3[.-,VarNII 4nomple a to b 20 print la b) prun+Ca) not avaitahlo a obfetks Oeteke a ungle hect ort Mulkipte del varr dol vat-a, Val- typetPuNCT ION St uturn he ype Syntans , hqven ohjec. tyoe Cobgett ampe C ComplkC2) L0D prunk tupe Ca)) 2 printtypech)) pxnk (type (c)) d- True print[ 4upetd)) Aon pfant ttype le)) L23 Phuns Ctype(4)) UaN Cormplen) oaxd NonuType) cdau 'Lit ottmat C)"fUNCTIDN trettuLNA Atotumatel tupruentoron gthegtven va tpntroed by tha forumat &pecifien. tormat( volue l, dorumat. specJ) Lyfamole ptinorumotCi23)) *123 prun fortmak( 123,d)) *123 123.000000 pRink(forumak(i23)) t + 1290 prunkfomak( 123, A4') ) # 039 1,.)) g/q, Poumat( prunkt Lfprmat duionmenh: available 'The ttald uwiu e dekt altionad withén 4he wpace uiin u d fu be rloht alimas the awaitahle ace A tuntrad Porns the &eldtohe ace uithin the avatlalhe pHunk orumak C123, "<ad")) TnC&onma (123,"^20")) prunkC4orunat (123," >20")) 06 IE OPERATDRS AND OPGRANDS; that umblu Opartato peuwal k additton and mulllication Mo mepreknt tompukalk, omputo openaBtn tha openat valuasthe uoppied to ar oalled opesanda Eamptes MNEMONIC VARIABLE NAMES Th beginning oon tontue vOtdhl o4ten " t0iud" o wll-namod tudenk beoaune QODd am)te: NAo3790cd 35.0 Prink Cn193P4add NOTC Above uarüable for talime nams a r ending not recommn de dkandard. PyTHON NUMBER 6YSTEM5: PYTHON utng Binary, dtal,and hunadeimal. Numberbuaem Prtin 0b ort 0B Pina t0-nd, o/0-lpkal numberu tn Henadeumal 0 BINARYLITERALS Vbase a) wrutn al well. Thu 'haue be eastuy Uteru tan a "b"on"8" 4 lanaruy by sotourd "0*, doodng 0 e pruAmud y LSynkpon.: bön (numbtu) LeNOmples om=34 prina inl)) 0P- Db 480040 OeTALTERALS (Bare) "oru Do(kuw'and a loueroae o A humher prutinud by Mkenpruktd au an Octal Number wppencoe Suntan "0") wil be dckCnumhes) enampte: A= 34 prunt (0tt)) 0ctab + a 3H u H2 uprused ed by 0o ofp-Bo42 HEXADECIMAL LITERALS (Bae 1s) & y n t o , herlrurnben) emple # honadecimal o rnt Chorut2))+Pteeaded by P:0za3 34 u Ox 22,. A prtettmed hy "n'On 'OX' weU, Hemaduimal numben ORDER DF OPERATIONG: Whn an prumion tontaiu morthan one Onden waluation dependlu on he Fort malhomatital openatoru, 0nwonHon The acro nym PEMDAS U O nterpneked a be opUMAOr, ¥he ortdlett 0peratine, Pyfhon #olLoue meltemaHicag wwhu tway P:Partanthu EEponentation Cre herunce ORrwcedence M Mulpticaton D:Diuidon A dditiow A S &uhtrcactton Portandhee C-1)4 C+1C5-2) -8 (Eponuttation 4+2*3 9 hot 2) aga= 18 (not 30) Mulkiplaion Dvuion, Additon 3-1- 5 (not u) 6+ 4/1 not5 2 Sutnaehon Mustpticotion Diviion thave higho preLedance h a v ddition Subtnaslio TYPE CASTING /TYPE CONVERSION wOnt to may you typed, t e PGthon "u dynamicalu duyp ortk a thon anothertype 0owertt Ualu into ut Pundton Pornhe uama function yntn,Lbaue1)} DeucrpHov Lonwerk t o an tntegern BOe petle ha bae A u a string booL CValue). doat () di C4) tonuenk h valut, futo a hoolea onent t o a toaring point numbtiu nkoion Conued to o dla t eta) 6 pe (A) oict Co) dit Col) gy Ord dn) Conwen a to a duple C r a t e a dicrionary, ol mwt be a ueauante q CK, vaue) tuptej s Corenk a nodo haracter to 1tH Ynkege Voulu o) Chrt tn) cht) onvenh Oh tnkege tnto charrat er A90 and unitode Conuorth Ock C) an tukegeruto a thoradecimal to an ochad Atrui q Conuenk an tniegen a omper numbur (Cuateu Comptelual)> 4omper iwt C ,baue]) PHOnb Ent(123)) ptunt CfntC 1a8123)) Miblol", 2)) prork Cfnl y hooLCValue) prMt Choot(1)) + TrU # 123 # b # 9 8)) privor (int( j43", t6 )) int("63", Mn 1 # 2)) "11 ( PREn (int pHUNU bootCo)Fatue + ptant boollpy")) Trua prinkCbool[Alonw)) + Falte. 1a M 123 print (tupetx)) # înt phint () 2 ptint #int Chypea)) prunk ( ) A 4loouk () n l n ) onCtlou 123 . # t r e ktau prink typet)) Ctypecy)) #'Aloos prunttu) #1200 tC u) MyStru PYTHON PFOt tyre( Mystrn)) # <cla 'str) PYTHON pnt (My Stru) # Muytit tit(MyStr) prnt pranC prtn type (Mytiat)) + (Mylity+['p Mysbn = <tlau tút 1 y'T, H', '0, 'NJ pyTHON # < (Mystrt) (type pHunt tupte (My St) My Tuple- Aau 'skrn') 'o,'N') p'*Y,'T,'", 7 pruut(MyTuple) # dou tuple" # pHtCtybe( MyTuplel) Mystrt- PYTHDN 'o' print et (Mystr)) #P,"Y,'7','H, 'N'2 ta, 5), (3,'¢o) ) prin dier(Mtupe+ 1:'a',21'b' 3:'e'? MyTuyple(tI)a), 0 MM int tond ' a )) oHnt ond t'A')) 4 65 pHito ortd ( 'x')) # 90 43 thrn() p i n t h (97)4a print chrt (65)) AA printCchn/ 0))# 3 1COMpleM teal ) otint a) #42 y tompk Ca,3) printty) # a+3 u Compt (x) Ptint y) # 14Dj uhth y datoult i Entegero Conword ed into tomplerj prink t y ) 3 t 5 STRING FORMATTING 0PERATOR tortmat operafor the uttung u eeoturug wolet Dnu Pythønd Thi operaton pok ohoJuira, ond maketyp fon to utrunge unopu to funchionu druom bumat Symbol c prinktl Hamily Coneton hartacer 9 tuhg conwerron U*a krrc) prfor 4oformabng inned derima inkeger unsg nud oleimal integen Octal inteqer homonoimal intege o (lowercae Uoteru) X hnadecima inkeger Cvpper cae) )) t"'Naruthr ittoinung intitute, ""., prun" y.s u den0ing lp- NarushT1 0diha trtoun irnkte ho 154")) P-KSRaju LNA)8 hauing /d fn IT nouinoue.0 nt 0pe rsence ueanu 9Mpenienx in T," /["kaRaN Loctig PYTHON INDENTATION: rutermno 7wen to ndenkaluon tort, ndent ort betwen dhe dok 0hd o uare paaqHabw on indioleng Nguiud Put n Python t u utatemnt beko ngs ko o d e id eorttaue L Rule o t hdentaion DmortLoe tndent atten Cattn:) van utatoment ndicole the u ha a rught man whal blo utater orr forz Utoterar seope hablok (uhi fndent db h e I£orn) by a n u atected Uns deuab a the if utolemantn. thi 40 back Redu Redw fndent end tho bMotk bakermant to îndfcate. ho Maintain Fot 9.ank dunu aru Commetk on ignorud-hy no y do hot atech indentati UhimueLvy a r :Syntav i By desaul C condtion): 4 taken a tob tauterMenk ndentatêon) tatemonk; ghord uf4 NBSpoce u alvo altowo mentaten qthen, mutt net mivh and th tpaI t FRACTIONS MDDULE; uth Tht Frathent Motult dak yeu deal Jnachisnt nta rom drahont import frtachon Module import dtom drtachiont mpor frattion Cfrathion t1.5)) # 3/2 5/2 * /2 prünt (24)) prunt (Fnathon prin Frtoathion (3:5) PyTHDN MATH MODULE random to Cary mah and dike Python u u modulu ctrigonomatru , logasi mahumahd diRe gu ditunt Jkatifi ekc probahtk and Mashurm Puthon atical unchiona includa tunchionu Ahat ollouwing pertoran maBhums t f c a l calulahou. Sunto makh Cil() nponk math tuiing rtuturuu Thi muthod coile) tvdegeri rot #prk tleu than all mathoolu 1 attrubute pruent in math n.annple v impont math us)* Prurk (math telLlag 100 prunk math teil[-49 45)) tt pun math. ( (g.0) ptint Cairn Cmath)) 9 -99 m0dule . math.pDu( math loor() Thi miAhod Hturnu V0U nt method tuoonC) too turtna hu dangeut întege yot qrAaten than nample Enample mporuk math import math ptnt CMath oor rn(-49.45))-100 PHUG Cmath.hoo rünt math loo n(a.o)} mlhod tOndc) ruttund to ndigik kronmM deinmal point HOunded h emauple printrtQund(&b.23456, 2)) HOund prinr C (i00.G6 a3,3)) L0D S6 2 Handom C) S) uuw GLoaut t mahod ANdoM AMIthOd ch that t han or C0Ual +o o ü dena Lond t arple Hndlp Prtunt Cmath powc 9,2)) O1P- + A a Mound (n ,nJ a to the pouert o m ort ptunstandom. HLaNdDmt))) Mp @mathsqHE (7) uoyrtC) totuuy Me method or HDOt uauare the D ample impont Math 0 t tle)) pink math Lm ath qntCI8)) prunk P Y T H L O N OPERATORSS perator u ocharactet that tupruenkt on acton An o p e n a t o D MupponK di}ftron iypea openatoru 0 Andthmubal Openotoru Companufon (Ralatipnal) Operakon A dgmunt Opertatoru Looyl oa Openatou Membrwhip Operatou Gspecial Operotona ) 3 dentihs Opertatoru )houe Operatoru - _ Ardthenmektal Operatonu a Comparufon Opeao ru alfLODryidon s aluways utu tntegeru patt =) OC=) Not eauol to )exponnt OC) rater than 0'.) mod O) Bauals to LA than C : ) Grtater han eaual +o to equal than Leu C=) O/ Joliv tion (t)muliplicotion B t)AddiHow huhttactton Autonmint Operakon 0C) CajuaL:auiani valu t=)Add AND 0-) Sutact AND Petunt [ / / y ) # 3 pUnEC ) # C) Mulkiply AND /=) Divide AND IDoD OC'=) 0C ) Modulut ANO nponent AND 6 Membetuhup * i a t h i L iLAl ancl Loqical. AND ort ogical OK not Logitol MOT Thy are wed t0 tot whoy ROun n a ueuune uktunq,,i onaru) and dttionan ut l, tup idenkiky 0puratong adictuonan we n L n wvedto check, PA a yalu 0T6 n tort pruene y 0an only tek dn vantable) aro loodted on the he valu Wey,not LAana paJTt oL the Mmoru loperakor Meantna | True t vaJua/voniha n +uwo DjeH dentty opakoru tompOun wembry ooarong operator Meaning A u lound tn hu UeuLnCe openand T t ui4 hu aru ldenhtal Valuel yauruabte U not identcal. e.cmplel: ound n the tapa 8anmplel, Musktt" Machinu uuuna prnkC'm' in MysStr) 4* Åalug "Hello:yu Mhuo ni512 ui»US orunk C'm 'wot t Myskn)4Tm print g' in Mustu) Truu Fabe prnk (n A ) * Truu pHU C not y print tuuut) i THU the opetang not- True not Prunt not u not LOperakon 4faue u1) # True MAAununA tuwe Bttuu 0Ptakoru Thue wed to penforunht ouru decima Bperakiona AL tho a l u uoiU be conwerted inko AND rtwce OfA ituue, Mcluuive Mnay U a e ond wil work i luwoak Opnatou atOnu u shist leht shist tuoht on. on Hut them OR 8tuue Lonplenerl itwire ulet*O tuoht 8t Conuerter bit valu rom 0+oi ekt Lon. LeH ide a thu P4 cBltwae. Enucluive 0R> Dtwúe AN0 derlorud a and auiona ab JALYGIS| ue IAM h fnteeru 4 r operad o tha totwpond ond openand othan be t one hit uoî thu h e eortponding tolu h tk and 69S 5 D1O00 00| 0DO0D001 (An hoeh diqlk aru tha Othuruufee i to hit u sek bitu rerul oEno orLnupon 2) i rlt1 Uto b Sun tand. a ab tuult ah0ve Thareoru, tho deimali i. Caleudckon in 1 ) 00010DI h Or00000 Re-0400400D aS=010 D10081 b (b BRtwue QR* eaua t takes ahit patteruu ength poken 0 id Othertwie e ynto each a, ruult i (t)1 GaMptel -(64 The Hiuk n hot u o) (Rotentical 1. 65 prink Cab) dbinary s* 12 - Comptemnt NON-PVTHONIC APPRO ACHI D0000LOIO OIIIO10 Dvu's Cowptavant ; atb Tuwo' omp kmunt 'sct1 L4 01001 bOl 0440 PYTHONIC APPROACH 13 to 0 0000101 Stgncto r ) b65 print a b ) 4 73 4010= 4111bL [5tant uith 99 print ( # 6000 tant 104 wh 0 bi kgn u -(Minu uign u+CPlu) 2 yht CLet MPLE EWA OuA tomplemont ; 00004044 LL 3 # DO000 Two Comptemut 24D 0000 40 14 0 000 00 a YY =-12 # }1)= * PYTHON DPERATOR GX AMPLE CL-I0 rUnt v a ) 0binaru t 1L shi valu u kt opertatdu numberu Woued let by th e i t upecih #hu ley rugh PRECEDENCE: tahle dit LTh ol0uuing #nom hishu Lalt operakoka prcedence to dowe oronthu e Qrw salvau fuupected openand L 0 2 OID #HD lOt00D ponnttoton Crtaike to OU pOwer ) Dfvirion ishe digth MALkiplicokion, a Add Ound Kemainden Jide Denaruy Right hiH valus he Uekt opertands ho umbe moved 0 Hight by Qhik peded by the g h t pertand Oz 10 a) a -10 Remo ve a dégit trom fpht lde Additon and iuktatkn 5 Let to rüghtLont nak p9