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Environmental Science & Technology Exam Paper

Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport
College of Engineering & Technology
Final Examination Paper
Basic & Applied Science
Date: 11 /Jan. / 2018
Course Title:
Environmental Science & Technology
Time Allowed:
2 hrs
Start Time:
1:00-3.00 PM
Course Code : NE466
Lecturer :
Dr. Ibrahim Hindawy Saleh
................................................................................................. :(‫اﺳﻢ اﻟﻄﺎﻟﺐ )رﺑﺎﻋﻲ ﺑﺎﻟﻠﻐﺔ اﻟﻌﺮﺑﻴﺔ‬
Student’s Name:
Reg. No.:
Exam Marks
Question #
Ibrahim Hindawy Saleh
………./ Jan. /2018
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MPC 6/1-1
I): Choose the correct answer (25- degrees)
1. Environmental Science is…………
 Multidiscipline science
 Biological science
 Physical science
 Social science
2. Cyanobacteria ………… during the Cambrian time period
 Increased O2 in the atmosphere
 Increased CO2 in the atmosphere
 Decreased O2 in the atmosphere
 Rised the temperature of the atmosphere
3. Gamma rays is …………………….
 Ionizing radiation
 Non-ionizing radiation
 Ionizing and non-ionizing radiation
 Thermal radiation
4. Sievert (Sv) is a unit of …………………
 Effective radiation dose
 Noise level
 Electric change
 Energy
5. The role of microorganisms in an ecosystem is …
 Food decomposer
 Food consumer
 Energy supplier
 Food supplier
6. Radium is ………………….
 Radioactive chemical element
 chemically vital element for all forms of life
 Not radioactive chemical element
 Greenhouse chemical element
7. Wind energy is…………….
 Renewable source of energy
 Thermal energy supplier
 Radiated energy source
 Non-renewable resource of energy
8. CO2 gas is …
 Greenhouse gas
 Nontoxic gas
 Environmental friendly gas
 Flammable gas
9. Coal is…………………….
 Fossil fuel
 Radiated energy source
 A biofuel supplier
 Renewable source of energy
10. The role of plant in food chain is ...................
 Food producer
 Decomposer
 Energy supplier
 Food consumer
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MPC 6/1-1
11. The role of the sun in the ecosystem is ...................
 A Food Producer
 A Source of energy
 A Source of waste
 A Food consumer
12. The main environmental problems....................
 Distinction of organisms
 Pollution of environment
 Resources depletion
 All are right
13. Smog is ……………………….
 Primary pollutant
 Secondary pollutant
 Multi-colored fumes
 Just a smoke in upper part of atmosphere
14. One of the most important causes of cancer diseases is...........................
 The low air pressure at high altitudes
 Chemical and radioactive pollutants
 The large number of children
 The excess noise levels.
15. The higher efficiency of energy consumption leads to....................
 Environment degradation
 Economic saving
 Increase health risks
 Rising prices of goods
16. Cleaner production means producing…………….
 Green colored products
 Products complied with the environmental regulations
 Free contamination products
 Low price products
17. Sustainable development means...................
 Low price agricultural crops
 Long term planning for projects
 Short term planning
 Rising the cost of marriage
18. Tropospheric ozone...................
 Protects the earth from UV
 Is one of air pollutants
 Protects the earth from Infrared
 Generates nuclear radiation
19. Tropospheric ozone is……………………….
 Environmental friendly gas
 Greenhouse gas
 Heavy metal
 Organic pollutant
20. One of the main causes of the population problem..................
 Early Marriage
 Increasing the number of people and decreasing the national production
 The inability to have children
 Decreasing the percentage of the elderly in society
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MPC 6/1-1
21. Ozone in stratosphere is..................
 UV protector
 Pollutant
 Burner
 Atmospheric clouds
22. Radon gas (222Rn) released into the environment from….
 Natural sources
 Artificial sources
 Both natural and artificial sources
 Biological sources
23. Ultraviolet Radiation (UV) involved in………………………..
 Ozone (O3) depletion
 Green House problem
 Acid rain problem
 Renewable energy sources
24. Infrared Radiation (IR) involved in …………………………..
 Green house problem
 Acid rain problem
 Ozone (O3) depletion
 Renewable energy sources
25. Tropospheric ozone generated during smog formation is
 Secondary pollutant
 Primary pollutant
 Not pollutant
 Environmental friendly gas
26. Ecology is……………………….
 The relation between biological life and the physical formations of the environment.
 The historical study of the environment
 An environmental management system
 An environmental awareness program
27. Exposing to high level of ionizing radiation causing…...
 Death
 Cancer
 Genetic effects
 Psychological risks
28. The energy conservation practices causing ……………………
 Pollution reduction
 Acid rain
 Increase air pollution
 Greenhouse effects
29. CFC (Chlorofluorocarbons) are responsible for……………………
 Green house and ozone depletion
 Heating of atmospheric air
 Cancer and kidney failure
 Animals and plants deterioration
30. Radioactivity is measured in ………….
 Becquerel
 Decibel
 Bar
 Pascal
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MPC 6/1-1
31. NOX gases are responsible for……………………
 Fast growing of plants
 Cooling and flooding of rivers
 Greenhouse effect
 Increasing of soil fertility
32. Depleted uranium is……………
 Organic waste
 Biological waste
 Nuclear waste
 Chemical corrosive waste
33. Eco centrism is…………………………..
 Bad ethic environmentally
 Not related to the environment
 Good environmental ethic
 No answer is right
34. Anthropocentrism is………………………….
 Good ethic environmentally
 Not related to the environment
 Bad environmental ethic
 No answer is right
35. Eco-Freon is………………………………………..
 Greenhouse gas
 Ultraviolet radiation
 Environmental friendly gas used in air conditioning device
 Nonionizing radiation
36. The earth is ……… system for materials
 Opened
 semi closed
 Closed
 Not a
37. The main gas in stratosphere is………….
 O2
 H2
 O3
 N2
38. The Stratosphere layer located
 Above the earth surface directly
 Under the sea
 Above the troposphere layer
 At 1000000 km height above the earth surface
39. The earth is …………….
 An energy closed system
 A non-energy system
An energy opened system
 An ionizing radiation generator
40. The troposphere is ……………………. of atmosphere.
 The highest layer
 The middle layer
 The lowest layer
 It is not a layer
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41. The function of "electrostatic precipitator device is…………..
 Water purifying system
 Food preserving system
 Electric generator
 Air dust separator
42. The separating force of cyclone device is ……………….. force
 Centrifugal
 Electrostatic
 Gravitational
43. The function of " Skimmer device is…………..
 Water purifying system
 Food preserving system
 Electric generator
Air dust separator
44. The separating force of Electrostatic precipitator device is …………….. force
 Centrifugal
 Gravitational
 Magnetic
 Electrostatic
45. Most of radiation emitted from the earth is
 Gamma radiation
 X-rays
 UV radiation
 IR radiation
46. The role of a human in the ecosystem is ...................
 Food Producer
 Source of waste
 Source of energy
 Food consumer
47. Carbon capturing and storage is used to………….
 Increase CO2 in Air
 Save energy
 Save fresh water
Reduce CO2 in Air
48. LCA, is the Life Cycle Assessment for a product, it is used to….
 Set a justified price for that product
 Extend the validity period for that product
 Decrease the price for that product
 Reduce the environmental pollution resulted from that product
49. Climate changes are due to…
 Solar system changes
 Nuclear radiation reactions with air
 Earth magnetic fields
Greenhouse gases in air
50. Biogas is a fuel that is produced from…
 Desert sands
 Underground water well
 Outer space
Agricultural crops residues
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MPC 6/1-1
II): Answer the followings: (5-degrees)
What are the essential roles of following atmospheric layers for sustainability on the earth?
1. What are the health and environmental aspects of complete and partially combustion of fossil
Complete combustion
Partially combustion
Combustion products are….
Combustion products are…
Health effects are…
Health effects are…
Environmental effects are….
Environmental effects are…
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MPC 6/1-1
III): Answer the following questions (5-Marks)
1. How can you change the following factors to reduce the sea level rise Δh?
Definition of factor
Actions to reduce, Δh
2. Explain the phenomenon of smog formation?
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MPC 6/1-1
VI): Answer the followings (5- marks)
1- Define the followings:
a) Economic decoupling
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------b) Acid rain
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2- Arsenic chemical element is a carcinogen.
Calculate the lifetime cancer risk (R) caused by drinking water contaminated by arsenic. The
data given are: arsenic concentration is 0.8 µg/L, daily water consumption is 2 L/day, and the
oral cancer potency factor for arsenic is 0.02 [µg/ (bodyweight/year)]-1. Consider the human body
weight is 70 kg and his age is 70 years.
Dose =
----------------------------------------------------------------------- =
The risk, R =
Complete the following spaces to conclude the result.
a) The obtained value of R means the ………… of injury with cancer due to arsenic contamination of
water is ….................................................
b) R x million people; means the expected number of ……………….cases per million is ………………..
c) R x 70 year x 265 day; means the days that are …….……...…… from the age of affected people is
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MPC 6/1-1