See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Class in the classroom: The relationship between school resources and math performance among low socioeconomic status students in 19 rich countries Article in Education Economics · May 2011 DOI: 10.1080/09645292.2010.511848 CITATIONS READS 41 573 1 author: Katie Baird University of Washington Tacoma 21 PUBLICATIONS 104 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE All content following this page was uploaded by Katie Baird on 07 July 2016. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. Education Economics Vol. 20, No. 5, December 2012, 484–509 Class in the classroom: the relationship between school resources and math performance among low socioeconomic status students in 19 rich countries Katherine Baird* Politics, Philosophy and Economics, University of Washington, Tacoma, WA 98402-3100, USA (Received June 2009; final version received May 2010) Taylor and Francis CEDE_A_511848.sgm Journal 10.1080/09645292.2010.511848 0964-5292 Original Taylor 02010 00 000002010 &ofArticle Francis Education (print)/1469-5782 Economics (online) This paper investigates achievement gaps between low and high socioeconomic students in 19 high-income countries. On average, math scores of students with indicators of high socioeconomic status (SES) are over one standard deviation above those with low SES indicators. The paper estimates the extent to which these achievement gaps can be attributed to differences in classroom- and schoollevel resources available to students from different SES backgrounds. In some countries, achievement gaps can be largely explained by differences in the characteristics of schools attended. However, in many other countries, the gap appears more closely related to differences in the characteristics of the students. The results point to the importance of institutional difference among countries in explaining international differences in the quality of education received by different groups within a nation. JEL classifications: I21; I28; I39 Keywords: math performance; educational policies; disadvantaged students; international comparison Inequality of outcomes among schools is a big reason why Chile’s income distribution remains very unequal.1 Educational opportunity promotes social mobility … by distributing human capital in many ways that are independent of social origins. (Beller and Hout 2006, 31) Introduction Educational systems are often scrutinized with respect to their role in contributing to or weakening the intergenerational transmission of social status. One of the best internationally comparative measures of citizens’ human capital – student test scores – shows that throughout the world, these scores are closely associated with students’ socioeconomic status (SES; Hanushek and Luque 2003; Schütz, Ursprung, and Wöβmann 2005; Wöβmann 2003). Understanding why a link between SES and youths’ human capital accumulation exists is clearly important for promoting social mobility. This paper attempts to separate out the role of school policy and school *Email: ISSN 0964-5292 print/ISSN 1469-5782 online © 2012 Taylor & Francis Education Economics 485 resources from family and student background characteristics to explain why low SES students consistently underperform other students. Through an analysis of 2003 Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) math scores among eighth graders in 19 high-income countries, we attempt to explain the relative performance of low and high SES students (the achievement gap) by estimating the extent to which differences in average school- and classroom-level resources between these groups (as opposed to differences in student characteristics) can explain the gap in student performance by SES. We find that in some countries, the school-resource differences that exist between socioeconomic groups can account for a sizeable share of the achievement gap. However, in other countries, these resource differences do not explain the achievement gap, indicating that addressing the human capital side of social mobility is a more challenging and complicated undertaking in these countries. The results also point to the importance of institutional difference among countries in explaining international differences in the quality of education received by different groups within a nation. Background and literature review International analyses of student test scores consistently find that everywhere, test scores are closely associated with students’ SES (Hanushek and Luque 2003; Schütz, Ursprung, and Wöβmann 2005; Wöβmann 2003). What is unclear is the extent to which this association is due to factors specific to the formal educational system versus factors outside of the system. Yet knowing that the association between SES and educational outcomes varies by country (Cavanagh 2007; Wöβmann 2003) suggests that an international comparison of different students’ performance within countries may prove instructive. Student test scores from one of the most recent international test (the science PISA), for example, reveal that in the USA 18% of test score variation among students can be explained by students’ socioeconomic characteristics, compared with an average among industrialized nations of 14%, and a low of around 8% in Canada and Finland (Cavanagh 2007). One common criticism of the US educational system is that students attend schools with different school- and classroom-level resources, depending on their SES background (Arroyo 2008; Cogan, Schmidt, and Wiley 2001). For example, in one international comparison of the characteristics of schools attended by students whose mother had low levels of formal education, such students in the USA attended schools with less endowed educational resources relative to other students in the nation; and these gaps were larger in the USA than they were in other countries (Baker 2003). Since many (although not all) studies point to the importance of educational resources such as teacher quality on student outcomes, one possibility is that school systems that result in a closer correlation between the quality of educational resources in schools and social status have larger achievement gaps by social class (Betts, Zau, and Rice 2003; Education Policy Center 2007; Goe 2007; Goldhaber and Brewer 2000). Alternatively, factors other than differences in school resources might be more important in explaining a country’s achievement gap. The literature investigating and comparing different student performance patterns within countries is quite recent. In an early effort to compare students’ performance across different SES groups, Wöβmann (2004) examined 1995 TIMSS math and science scores among middle school students in the USA and Western European nations. He found that SES background was more strongly associated with students’ 486 K. Baird scores in Britain and Germany, while it was much less important in France and Flemish Belgium. However, Wöβmann did not attempt to separate out the importance of family background from the school attended, but rather focused on the combined effect of both. Thus, while he is able to distinguish different patterns within nations, his study is not able to identify the factors explaining why such differences exist. A similar study by Schütz, Ursprung, and Wöβmann (2005) examined the role of country-level features of school systems to explain variation in the link between SES and test scores. However, they focused on the importance of differences at the national level in explaining variation in average scores across nations, and not on reasons for variation in scores within countries. Wöβmann (2003) similarly found that differences in TIMSS scores between countries could be explained by institutional differences between countries rather than differences in school resources between countries, but he too does not address reasons for variation in scores within countries. Other studies have used cross national datasets to investigate the link between test scores, student background and school-level resources within countries (Wöβmann 2005a, 2005b; Wöβmann and Fuchs 2004), without making specific reference to possible differences among social groups in the school-level resources made available to them. While some international research on student performance occasionally does focus on outcomes for specific groups within a country – Jürges and Schneider (2004) and Wöβmann (2005a) differentiate students in a country based on their TIMSS score, and Doyle (2008) examines the role of class in explaining PISA scores in France and England – very little research has investigated the factors explaining differences in performance gaps across countries. Rather, studies commonly use cross national datasets to investigate the link between test scores and school-level resources (Wöβmann and Fuchs 2004; Wöβmann 2005a), without making specific reference to differences among social groups in the sorts of school-level resources made available to them. Given the somewhat stark differences across rich countries in the extent to which citizens are socially mobile (Solon 2002), it is surprising that more focus has not been placed on examining the possible contributions made by countries’ educational systems in explaining differences in social mobility. Methodology and data Measuring human capital acquisition among individuals is difficult, and in the past has commonly been measured by educational attainment. Recent studies have shown that cognitive skills, more than years of schooling, is a better predictor of individual productivity (Hanushek and Kimko 2000), and research is establishing an important link between cognitive skills (measured by test scores) and future career success (see Hanushek and Luque 2003 for a discussion). A recent cross national study by Hanushek and Wöβmann (2007) also concluded that measures of the quality of education in a country better predict changes in income distribution and economic growth then does the quantity of education attained in these countries. For these reasons, research assessing the link between educational systems and the human capital of citizens has increasingly focused on qualitative rather than quantitative measures of educational attainment. For purposes of international comparisons, this typically means using data obtained from PISA, PIRLS or TIMSS tests. This paper’s analysis is based on eighth graders’ TIMSS math scores in 2003. To limit the amount of variation among countries, the study uses the subset of countries Education Economics Figure 1. 487 Average eighth grade TIMSS math scores by SES and country (2003). identified by the World Bank in 2005 as high-income economies.2 While some of the ‘countries’ in the study are in fact regions of countries, for simplicity in this paper we refer to these regions as countries.3 Figure 1 shows the average TIMSS 2003 math scores for high versus low SES students (the categorization of which are explained below), with the difference between them what we refer to in this paper as the achievement, or test-score, gap. Figure 1 shows, for example, that Hong Kong and Quebec have very small achievement gaps, while Taiwan and Korea have quite large achievement gaps. Our strategy for investigating the factors explaining these 19 gaps is to borrow from a well-established technique labor economists use to identify the underlying causes of differences in racial and gender outcomes. The main idea of the Oaxaca decomposition is to quantify the extent to which differences in outcome means across groups can be explained by differences in average characteristics within each group. Typically, it will be used to estimate the contribution of differing individual characteristics between males and females, for example, in explaining gender wage gaps. For our purposes, we use it to quantify the extent to which average math test-score gaps between low and high SES students can be explained by differences in each groups’ average teacher, school and class characteristics – which together we henceforth refer to as school-level resources – as compared to differences in average student background characteristics. In particular, we use the Oaxaca technique to estimate the counterfactual: in each country, what would we estimate that on average low SES students’ math scores would have been had they (on average) had the same teacher, school, and classroom characteristics as had the average high SES students? In this way, we propose arriving at estimates of the importance of school-level versus individual and background Figure 1. Average eighth grade TIMSS math scores by SES and country (2003). 488 K. Baird characteristics in explaining a country’s test-score gap. As discussed earlier, one hypothesis is that larger achievement gaps within countries correspond with larger SES-based differences in students’ access to schools with advantageous characteristics; once accounting for these differences, achievement gaps will be more similar across countries. Our strategy is to measure the extent to which this hypothesis is supported by the data. To decompose the achievement gaps into the portion attributed to schools, and the portion due to student background characteristics, we use regression analysis to estimate separately for each country,4 the relationship between the characteristics of students’ teachers, schools, math classes, and background characteristics, and these students’ test scores. For each country, this estimation gives us a vector of βs associated with each of these explanatory variables. We next calculate the counterfactual case where the average value of each school, classroom, and teacher characteristic for low SES students was instead the average value of high SES students by multiplying the difference in the average value between low and high SES students in the explanatory variable, by the estimated importance of this variable for student test scores (β). In this way, we obtain an estimate of the portion of the test-score gap that can be attributed to differences in average school-related characteristics between low and high SES students. To illustrate, let PS be the number of points in the total math test-score gap in a country (Figure 1) that can be attributed to differences in the characteristics of low versus high SES students’ math teachers, the schools they attend, and their math classes. We estimate PS as: PS = Σβi( X ih − X i1) (1) where each βi is the estimated marginal effect of the teacher, school, and classroom characteristic Xi on test scores (discussed in greater detail below), and X ih refers to the average teacher, school, and classroom characteristic i that high SES students experience, while X i1 refers to the average for low SES students. We similarly can calculate PB, the test-score gap attributable to differences in low versus high SES student background characteristics. We now decompose the gap in average test scores between low and high SES students into that attributed to differences in PS (school characteristics) and from that due to PB (student background characteristics). Because the portion of the gap due to school (PS) and background (PB) characteristics together often underestimate the size of the achievement gap, we report the estimated importance of school resources as: (PS) (PS + PB + PU) (2) where PU is the number of points that can be attributed to unmeasured factors in our study. We use Equation (2) as an estimate of the percent of the gap that is attributable to differences in school-level factors where unmeasured factors are positive (i.e., where the model underestimates the test-score gap), thereby conservatively assuming that the unmeasured factors are due to unmeasured student characteristics.5 For each country, then, Equation (2) provides us with the estimated percent of the achievement gap that is due to differences in the quality of school, teacher, and classroom characteristics experienced by low versus high SES students in each country. Education Economics 489 Before proceeding, we should point out two common methodological problems with the analysis we undertake here. First, estimated βs may not be the same for low and high SES students. If we thought that high SES students’ scores were more sensitive to the characteristics of schools than were low SES students’ scores, then the true impact of school-level differences would be overstated if high SES students attend on average schools with better characteristics. If on the other hand low SES students’ scores were more responsive to measures of school quality (as suggested by findings reported in Jürges and Schneider 2004), then school effects would be understated. Later in this paper, we consider this possibility and discuss our results in the light of estimates testing for this possibility. A more difficult methodological problem is establishing that the βs capture the causal relationship between the variable and test scores, rather than reflecting omitted variables. This problem of omitted variable bias is the most important shortcoming of this study. One method for reducing this problem is to take account of the nested structure of observations (individuals are not randomly assigned to schools, and thus school variables are not truly independent of test scores) by using multi-level statistical techniques. To this end, we use a hierarchical linear model (HLM) to account for this structural feature of the data, because it accounts for the fact that observations within a school may be correlated with one another. To illustrate, take the following general linear model: yit = β0 + β1 X 1ij + β 2 X 2ij + K + βm X mij + rij ( 3) where i is the index for the individual, j is the index for the school, y is a continuous outcome variable measuring students’ achievement or growth, X is a set of m independent variables associated with individuals, and r is the error term where rij ~ N (0, σ 2 ) . Let W be a set of n school-level factors associated with the school j attended by individual i, that influences β0 (the intercept) for each school. The equation, β0 j = γ 00 + γ 01W1 j + K + γ 0 nWnj + µ0 j ( 4) models this assumption. If the X variables are all centered on the grand mean for all students, then β0j, the intercept β0 for each school j, is the school mean score, adjusted for the characteristics of students in the school. The random element µoj is common across students in a school. Combining (3) and (4) results in: yit = γ00 + y01W1 j + K + γ0 nWnj + µoj + β1 X1ij + β2 X 2ij + K + βm X mij + rij (5) Equation (5) calls for a maximum likelihood estimation technique since the error term (µ0j + rij) and its variance are school specific. HLM uses maximum likelihood, and thus provides better and more efficient estimates than does a simple linear regression. In this way, we reduce concerns over omitted variable bias by allowing for schoolspecific estimates.6 To further address this potential problem of omitted variables, later in the paper we perform analyses based on subsets of students that we consider to be more homogeneous, thus limiting differences among students in their unmeasured characteristics. 490 K. Baird Data A total of 85,387 students took the 2003 TIMSS math test in the 19 countries used in this study (International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement 2003). We select for those students who report being born in the country (bsbgborn = 1), and who at home primarily speak the test language (bsbgolan = 1 or 2), thereby reducing the number of observations from 85,387 to 68,765, but also reducing the influence on test scores of factors external to the country and its educational system. Test scores The TIMSS is a math and science test given every four years to fourth and eighth graders. Each participating school and country follows the same test-giving and datagenerating process so that comparisons in math and science performance within and across country can be made. In 2003 among eighth graders, the average country TIMSS math score was 467, and ranged from 605 in Singapore to 264 in South Africa. Of the 68,765 students in the 19 countries sampled in this study, the average (weighted) score was 530, with a standard deviation of 72. In addition to collecting test-score data for representative samples of students, extensive data on family, school, teacher, and classroom characteristics are collected on each participating student. TIMSS data also include a student weight for each student since some student characteristics are oversampled, and others undersampled. All of the results reported here are based on weighted observations. Table 1 contains summary statistics for each country. Table 1. Summary statistics by country; weighted by student weight. Australia Basque Belgium England Hong Kong Italy No. observations Average math score 2013 507 1456 491 2685 546 864 503 1353 590 3306 486 Teacher characteristics Years teaching 25 years or younger Studied math Certificate in math % teach math Low morale Highest education attain 15.9 0.05 0.59 0.88 0.7 0.14 0.5 21.3 0 0.25 18.7 0.11 0.97 15.5 0.04 0.75 12.1 22.6 0.67 0.08 0.35 0.83 Math class Class size Min math-week Math text Taught TIMSS curriculum Student characteristics Female HH size 26.4 210 0.95 70.8 0.53 4.5 24 210 0.9 67.1 0.51 4 0.94 0.17 0.17 0.61 1 0.68 0.14 0.09 0.21 0.95 0.59 0.15 0.06 20.2 216.8 0.92 63.4 27.1 182.3 0.86 83.2 37.9 259.8 0.99 76.8 21.5 227 0.96 79.3 0.55 4.4 0.51 4.4 0.49 4.4 0.5 4.3 491 Education Economics Table 1. (Continued). Australia Basque Belgium England Hong Kong Mother born in country Father born in country Age Low SES High SES Try best Little math homework 0.77 0.74 13.9 0.04 0.33 0.16 0.18 School characteristics Size eight grade Vacancy hard to fill Low school climate Low school attend Math resource Language Different math curriculum Disadvantaged population Advantaged population 161 0.06 0.07 0.11 0.01 0.65 0.21 0.09 0.17 0.98 0.98 14.1 0.04 0.25 0.21 0.17 0.95 0.93 14 0.12 0.12 0.13 0.25 0.92 0.9 14.3 0.12 0.25 0.12 0.08 0.65 0.64 14.1 0.23 0.1 0.11 0.34 77.4 156.7 0 0.11 0.09 0.07 0.1 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.49 0.8 0.11 0.3 0.07 0.02 0.24 0.65 213.3 0.26 0.05 0.12 0.08 0.83 0 0.13 0.16 205.3 0 0.15 0.04 0.02 0.91 0 0.27 0.05 Italy 0.97 0.98 13.9 0.12 0.2 0.16 0.09 151 0.12 0.05 0.02 0.78 0.05 0.09 0.12 Japan Korea Netherlands New Zealand Norway Ontario No. observations Average math score 3303 571 4155 591 1406 545 2326 496 3622 Teacher characteristics Years teaching 25 years or younger Studied math Certificate in math % teach math Low morale Highest ed attain 16.9 12.6 0.02 0.01 0.81 0.3 0.99 0.98 0.82 0.97 0.13 0.1 0.05 0.25 16.1 15.6 17.7 0.01 0.4 0.96 0.34 0 0.1 10.5 Math class Class size Min math-week Math text Taught TIMSS curriculum 35.2 36.7 159 177 0.98 0.97 73.5 81.1 25 153 1 71.3 73.9 26 181 1 54.5 24.1 267.6 0.99 79.3 Student characteristics Female HH size Mother born in country Father born in country Age Low SES 0.5 0.49 4.8 4.3 0.99 1 1 1 14.4 14.6 0.13 0.15 0.54 4.7 0.85 0.84 14.1 0.07 4.4 0.94 0.94 13.8 0.05 0.52 4.5 0.8 0.77 13.8 0.06 0.49 0.76 0.03 0.09 0.51 4.5 0.91 0.89 14.2 0.07 0.5 1 0.72 0.08 0.37 24.4 214.9 1527 517 0.09 1 0.31 0.12 0.11 492 Table 1. K. Baird (Continued). Japan Korea Netherlands New Zealand Norway Ontario High SES Try best Little math homework School characteristics Size eighth grade Vacancy hard to fill Low school climate Low school attend Math resource Language Different math curriculum Disadvantaged population Advantaged population No. observations Average math score Teacher characteristics Years teaching 25 years or younger Studied math Certificate in math % teach math Low morale Highest education attained Math class Class size Min math-week Math text Taught TIMSS curriculum Student characteristics Female HH Size Mother born in country Father born in country Age Low SES High SES Try best Little math homework 0.17 0.09 0.25 0.19 0.1 0.3 164 0.02 0.03 0.44 0 1 0.01 0.01 0.42 366 0.02 0.15 0.01 0.03 0.99 0.08 0.1 0.04 Quebec Scotland 1939 549 1000 518 18.5 14.1 0.73 0.09 0.35 0.2 0.21 214 0.12 0.16 0.19 151.6 0.29 0.29 0.1 110 0.05 0.1 0.05 0.91 0.68 0.7 0.06 0.28 Singapore Sweden Taiwan 0.18 0.18 83.6 0.06 0.08 0.07 0.05 0.54 0.12 0.08 0.26 USA 1845 622 2119 512 3542 600 3303 517 11.39 16.3 14.3 15.2 0.35 1 0.86 0.04 0.12 0.85 1 0.69 0.08 0.06 0.85 0.12 0.13 26.8 259 0.95 69.4 25 224 0.93 69 0.49 0.88 0.85 14.1 0.12 0.53 4.3 0.97 0.96 13.7 0.11 0.52 5 0.89 0.88 14.3 0.05 0.11 0.16 0.21 0.15 0.3 0.12 37.8 229 1 81.6 0.59 1 0.4 0.03 0.3 0.79 1 0.84 0.01 0.15 0.52 1 0.81 0.09 0.68 36.6 213 0.95 71.7 23.1 225 0.97 82.8 0.52 4.3 0.9 0.91 14.9 0.05 0.5 4.9 0.98 0.98 14.2 0.14 0.54 4.5 0.92 0.91 14.2 0.09 0.07 0.47 0.16 0.18 0.17 0.15 19.7 157 1 58.9 493 Education Economics Table 1. (Continued). School characteristics Size eighth grade Vacancy hard to fill Low school climate Low school attend Math resource Language Different math curriculum Disadvantaged population Advantaged population Quebec Scotland 177.7 0.13 0.11 0.11 0.03 0.55 0.18 0.11 0.2 164 0.09 0 0.09 0 0.91 0.07 0.27 Singapore Sweden 332 0 0.05 0.04 0.02 0.6 1 0.06 0.15 113 0.02 0.07 0.37 0.63 0.11 0.05 0.67 Taiwan USA 594 0.01 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.44 0.06 0.02 0.07 256 0.04 0.08 0.1 0.01 0.79 0.59 0.17 0.13 Since students only take a portion of the TIMSS math test, for each student a probability distribution of test results is generated, from which five plausible values are sampled. HLM results in this paper are based on the results generated by using all five plausible values, while OLS results are based on the average of each student’s five plausible test-score values.7 Socioeconomic status TIMSS does not collect information on family income or occupation. Typically, researchers using TIMSS or other international datasets capture SES through the parents’ educational attainment, through the number of books that students report in the house or through both (Schütz, Ursprung, and Wöβmann 2005; Wöβmann 2004, 2005a, 2005b). In this study, we capture students’ SES by the reported number of books in each student’s home. This provides us with many more observations than would parent education, since students were much more likely to answer the question about the number of books in the home than they were the question about their parents’ educational attainment.8 Moreover, some argue that books in the home may be a better measure of the extent to which academic achievement is valued, and thus better captures the role that differences in the home environment play in terms of youths’ outcomes. Prior TIMSS reports have consistently shown a very strong correlation between books in the home and test scores (Beaton et al. 1996; Mullis et al. 2000). In explaining this, Beaton et al. write ‘The number of books in the home can be an indicator of a home environment that values literacy, the acquisition of knowledge, and general academic support’ (1996, 99). We label a student as high SES when she reports that her household had at least three cases of books in the house (bsbgbook = 5), and as low SES where she reported that the household had at most 10 books in the house (bsbgbook = 1). In this paper, then, the achievement gap in a country (shown in Figure 1) refers to the difference in average math scores between these two groups of students. On average, about 10% of students in a country have indicators of low SES, although this percent varies from about 4% to 23% (see Table 1). 494 K. Baird Math teacher characteristics Characteristics of students’ math teachers during the eighth grade may be important factors in explaining students’ math performance. Students may learn less math when their teacher is younger and more inexperienced, has a weaker background in math, devotes less of the school day to math instruction versus other obligations, or has low morale. The TIMSS data include a wide range of information on the math teacher of each student who takes the math TIMSS test. For this study, the teacher-related variables that we included are (a) number of years teaching (btbgtaut), (b) a dummy variable constructed for teachers who are 25-year-old or younger (btbgage = 1), (c) a dummy variable constructed if the teacher has a degree in math (btbmpsma = 1), (d) a dummy variable constructed if the math teacher has a teaching certificate or license (btdgtelc = 1), (e) the percent of total periods in the day that the teacher spends teaching math (btbmsptm/btbgsptt), (f) a dummy variable if the teacher has a high level of educational attainment (btbgfedc = 6), and (g) a dummy variable if the teacher reports low or very low job morale (btbgchts = 4 or 5). School and classroom characteristics School and classroom characteristics may also promote or hinder the learning of math. Larger classrooms with more frequent disruptions, classrooms or schools with less studious students, with poorer math-related resources or with a more challenging population of students to teach may lead to less learning during the school year. To capture such factors, we include the following variables, as reported by either the student’s teacher or the student’s school principal: (a) the number of students in the math class (btbmstud), (b) the minutes spent each week on math instruction (btbmtimt), (c) a dummy variable indicating that a math textbook is used in the classroom (btbmtbtc = 1), (d) the total number of students in the eighth grade (bcbgeenr), (e) a dummy variable indicating that the principal reported more than 50% of students in the school came from a disadvantaged background (bcbgsbed = 4), (f) a dummy variable where the principal reported that more than 50% of the students came from an advantaged background (bcbgsbea = 4), (g) a dummy variable where the principal reported that math vacancies were very difficult to fill (bcbmfvay = 4), (h) a dummy variable where the principal reports a low school climate (bcdgch = 3), (i) a dummy variable indicating that the principal reports low school attendance (bcdgsp = 3), (j) a dummy variable where the principal reports a low availability of resources for math instruction at the school (bcdmst = 3), (k) a dummy variable where the principal reports that at least 90% of the students at the school speak the test language (bcbgnala = 1), (l) a dummy variable where the principal reports that students of different ability levels receive different math curriculum (bcbmodla = 3), and (m) the percentage of students in each class who are taught the TIMSS math curriculum (btdmtoov). Student background characteristics To capture student background characteristics, in addition to measures of SES discussed above, we include the following information that students provides about themselves: (a) the number of people in the student’s household (bsbgplho), (b) dummy variables indicating that the mother or father was born in another country (bsbgfbrn = 1 or bsbgmbrn = 1), (c) the student’s age in years (also entered as a Education Economics 495 squared value) (bsdage), (d) a female dummy variable (itsex, where 1 = girl), (e) a dummy variable where the student reports spending less than 15 minutes daily on math homework (bsbmhwmg = 1), and (f) a dummy variable where the student reports always giving their best effort (bsbgattb = 1). Findings and discussion The results of the analysis discussed below are based on country-specific regression analyses where all of the above characteristics of students and their schools are regressed on students’ TIMSS math scores. The analysis is based on country-specific rather than a pooled analysis because in pooled regressions, the country fixed effects pick up most of the explanatory value, and a test of the hypothesis that the coefficients are identical among countries is rejected. Given the amount of variation among countries and the educational context within countries, this makes sense. Most likely for these reasons, using country-specific production functions is standard practice when comparing student performance across countries (Schütz, Ursprung, and Wöβmann 2005; Wöβmann 2004, 2005a, 2005b). The βs that result from the country-specific regressions are used as described above in Equations (1) and (2). All students Our first attempt at measuring the importance of SES-based differences in schoollevel resources in explaining a country’s achievement gap is based on a two-level HLM model that accounts for the non-random nesting of students in classes. This analysis is based on the 41,764 of the 68,765 students in our sample for whom data on all variables described above exist. The TIMSS data do not have enough classes within the same school to permit a three-level hierarchical analysis, which would account for the non-random nesting of classes within each school. For this reason, school-level features are entered at the classroom level. Table 2 reports the coefficient estimates by country, and Table 3 summarizes the findings by country. The first column of Table 3 presents the achievement gap in terms of average point differences between low and high SES students, while the second column presents the gap in percentage terms. The third column, based on our estimates using HLM and all students (Table 2), presents our estimate (using Equation 2) of the percent of the gap that can be explained by differences in schoolrelated resources. Included in our estimation are all of the school-related resources (characteristics of teachers, classes, and schools) discussed above. In Taiwan for instance, the estimate using HLM finds that 10.2% of the 126-point achievement gap can be explained by the differences in school-level resources between high and low SES students, while the other 89.8% can be explained by observed and unobserved student characteristics.9 In eight countries (Korea, the Basque Country, New Zealand, Norway, Australia, Ontario, Japan, and Italy), school-level differences in resources explain less than 10% of the country’s achievement gap. On the other hand, in four countries (Singapore, England, the Netherlands, and Hong Kong), differences among the schools attended by low and high SES students can account for over 40% of the achievement gap (see Table 3, Column 3). Apart from these different patterns, Column 3 of Table 1 also shows that there is no obvious link between the size of a country’s test score gap (Columns 1 and 2) and the role of differences in school-level resources in explaining this gap. Among the 2.94 0.27 −0.23 0.37 0.87 −2.21 −1.51 2.61 1.45 −0.36 0.11 −3.12 −17.1 −13.1 0.0 4.3 −0.5 −32.8 4.2 0.0 31.1 1.78 0.13 0.04 −1.77 −0.05 −1.88 Teach <25 −23.8 20.6 Years Age Coefficient estimates. Taiwan Korea Sweden Basque Singapore England Scotland Netherlands USA New Zealand Norway Australia Indiana Ontario Japan Belgium Italy Quebec Hong Kong Country Table 2. 0.05 0.02 0.06 −0.06 −0.01 0.07 0.00 −0.03 0.10 0.01 −0.02 −0.02 −0.08 0.01 Teach2 Years 30.4 1.3 0.2 −2.4 3.5 15.5 9.4 22.4 6.2 23.8 −3.8 3.1 −12.6 5.4 6.1 13.6 −13.2 16.7 −13.9 Degree Math 8.9 25.5 −35.7 1.0 2.6 −14.1 19.5 Cert Math Teacher −48.9 12.5 −8.7 8.7 33.6 −262.0 −40.7 41.8 1.0 4.1 15.2 36.5 73.0 −20.6 −9.7 10.1 23.8 −20.5 77.7 Period Math 2.6 15.3 32.7 14.4 0.7 15.9 −0.7 −33.4 62.7 −22.1 −3.1 1.2 14.2 −8.5 0.8 2.0 2.6 Attain Education −1.3 11.4 −17.0 −4.5 −45.0 −4.6 19.6 −25.3 25.6 14.5 −29.9 −7.4 10.1 19.3 −15.7 −29.7 −35.6 Morale Low −22.8 −11.4 −13.9 −24.8 −5.2 −3.2 −14.1 −11.8 −15.5 −24.9 −20.6 −16.7 −13.9 −19.8 −12.7 −6.8 −14.6 −13.3 −8.8 Hard Try 4.1 5.3 6.9 −30.9 8.1 8.4 6.4 −4.7 −4.7 −1.6 5.2 7.1 −0.8 14.1 10.8 12.8 7.5 −9.4 Home work Little −3.58 0.20 −0.37 −0.50 0.16 −1.46 1.40 1.46 0.69 −0.70 −0.11 −0.66 −1.77 −0.55 −1.36 2.02 −1.84 0.84 0.89 Size HH Student 31.18 2.58 5.91 −3.49 −0.65 1.33 1.51 14.31 2.06 −8.06 5.41 −4.69 −9.97 −9.02 2.35 10.39 0.98 3.98 2.05 Born Mother 17.88 11.04 7.23 8.53 −1.21 −1.26 5.98 6.28 3.16 2.34 14.94 4.29 −3.70 9.98 37.85 9.85 13.76 4.26 −8.36 Born Father 496 K. Baird 484 695 35.9 181 125 57.4 320 −183 25.6 0.7 727 391 239 1258 322 84.1 335 15.0 −25 Age (Continued). Taiwan Korea Sweden Basque Singapore England Scotland Netherlands USA New Zealand Norway Australia Indiana Ontario Japan Belgium Italy Quebec Hong Kong Country Table 2. SES 38.6 50.6 30.8 18.3 4.03 4.22 17.8 −3.1 11.6 15.5 24.4 18.0 9.18 18.5 26.5 3.95 27.3 6.24 −0.6 Age2 −16.8 −23.5 −1.26 −7.11 −4.55 −2.06 −11.6 6.09 −1.19 0.16 −26.4 −14.2 −8.57 −45.6 −10.9 −3.17 −12. −0.89 0.61 High Student (cont) −7.58 −7.87 −2.96 1.13 −6.28 −3.56 −5.14 −11.47 −6.03 −1.88 −0.63 −6.72 −14.12 −3.45 −6.25 −9.36 −13.53 −12.10 −11.35 Female 0.50 0.87 4.20 0.27 0.68 7.21 6.59 6.25 0.58 1.78 −0.09 3.09 −1.29 −0.12 1.23 1.53 1.02 1.51 6.42 Size Class 0.12 0.06 0.19 0.16 −.04 −.21 −.05 0.25 −.07 0.00 0.01 −.02 −.19 −.10 0.34 0.51 0.14 −.13 0.02 Math Min −6.2 40.5 42.1 8.52 30.1 11 −12 −21 2.1 10.4 12.1 Text 0.94 0.57 0.44 1.18 0.38 0.08 1.16 0.08 3.17 1.49 0.89 1.53 1.20 0.30 0.20 0.05 1.23 0.58 TIMSS Taught 0.01 0.06 0.04 0.05 0.18 −.76 −.27 0.03 0.03 −.01 0.03 −.20 −.04 0.05 −.02 −.05 0.00 0.01 −0.3 Size School Class 33.3 −18 10.0 3.19 0.54 16.7 35.5 24.41 −41.8 −41.5 −12.2 −7.3 −18.1 −29.2 −3.9 19.73 23.26 1.47 15.7 16 23.1 48 6.11 10.0 Adv School −118.4 −26.6 −58.6 3.5 −11.9 −39.4 −5.1 −42.4 −31.5 Disadv School −22 −14 −44 −2.3 −33 10.4 −61 63.6 −15 −2.6 Vac Math Education Economics 497 (Continued). Taiwan Korea Sweden Basque Singapore England Scotland Netherlands USA New Zealand Norway Australia Indiana Ontario Japan Belgium Italy Quebec Hong Kong Country Table 2. 13.60 4.32 14.93 5.81 −3.42 −55.3 7.05 −15.62 −13.87 −5.88 −12.67 −6.48 −9.60 −28.93 −4.74 −3.04 −59.48 −24.73 −23.53 −20.5 3.40 −16.5 13.22 −18.4 0.44 −19.1 −17.8 −7.86 11.99 −56.7 −16.4 −41.8 −15 −4.06 −9.56 25.40 9.00 −3.43 0.12 15.13 53.19 13.57 −10. 3.02 −4.60 −5.25 15.54 13.91 23.57 26.49 4.41 Lang −22.62 −3.91 −15.6 Res Attend School Clim Math Low Low Class (cont) 0.48 9.76 13.27 21.31 19.00 −10.2 11.75 1.27 −4.04 −2.51 Curriculum Difference 498 K. Baird 499 Education Economics Table 3. Achievement gap and percent of gap explained by school resources and country, and with estimation technique. Achievement gap (All) Taiwan Korea Sweden Basque Singapore England Scotland Netherlands USA New Zealand Norway Australia Indiana Notario Japan Belgium Italy Quebec Hong Kong Percent of gap explained by model Achievement gap (H) Percent gap explained Points Percent All HLM Low SES Points H Type 126 102 83 79 89 93 88 76 91 88 73 76 73 62 71 63 66 40 41 20 16 16 16 14 17 16 13 17 17 15 14 14 11 12 11 13 7 7 10.2% 7.2% 24.2% 8.2% 44.8% 81.2% 33.1% 55.1% 24.9% 6.0% 2.1% 2.3% 22.8% 4.8% 4.4% 28.6% 9.7% 36.9% 59.1% 6.7% 7.0% 21.1% 3.2% 18.4% 104% 10.0% 42.9% 16.4% 0.0% −4.1% 1.3% 21.3% 9.0% 4.7% 22.5% 8.6% 50.0% 61.9% 19.5 22.1 53.1 16.8 57.9 80.4 62.7 46.5 49.7 30.8 7.6 26.6 51.7 6.3 2.9 22.0 18.5 17.0 8.9 10.0% 6.5% 22.4% 5.4% 34.8% 77.2% 30.8% 48.8% 20.9% 6.4% 2.0% 14.2% 29.6% 3.6% 5.9% 28.8% 8.9% 32.9% 48.1% 19 countries, there is virtually no correlation between the size of the test score gap and the extent to which differences in school resources between low and high SES students can explain these gaps. This is a surprising result; we had expected that countries with larger achievement gaps would correspond with greater social classbased differences in educational opportunities. But our findings suggest that the ability of differences in school-based resources to explain a country’s achievement gap is not related to the size of the gap. It thus appears that we must look to other reasons to explain why some countries have much larger achievement gaps than other countries. One potential problem with the estimates derived above is that the approach presumes that the marginal effect of school resources on low SES students is the same as it is with high SES students. To explore the importance of this assumption, the next section presents the results of an analysis identical to that performed above, but where the marginal effects of resources (βs) are estimated using data from the subset of students in each country with a low SES marker. Low SES students It is possible that low SES students’ test scores are more responsive to school resources than are high SES students. If true, then the previous estimates that are based on the average effect of school resources might underestimate the true effect of 500 K. Baird resources on low SES students’ test scores. On the other hand, for reasons of selfselection discussed above, the estimates based on all students may be picking up a correlation between inputs and unobserved student characteristics. If true, then the estimates based on all students would most likely overestimate the effect of school resources on the test-score gap. In this section we use low SES students only to estimate the importance of differences in school resources in explaining the test-score gap; we do this by estimating the marginal effect of school and individual characteristics in our regression analyses using only low SES students (N = 3582). If the use of this subset reduces the estimated importance of school resources, this would support the contention that our previous estimates have overestimated the importance of school resources in explaining the achievement gap because low SES students test scores are less responsive to school characteristics than are other students (or the estimates are biased upwards by problems of omitted variables). In Table 3, Column 4 presents the same estimates contained in Column 3, with the difference that the estimated effect of differential school resources on explaining the test-score gap (Equation 2) is calculated based on ß estimates derived from countrylevel regressions using only low SES students’ data.10 The results are generally quite consistent with those estimated using all students. In only five countries does the difference between the two estimates differ by more than 10 percentage points (more than 10 percentage points smaller in Singapore, Scotland, and the Netherlands, and more than 10 percentage points larger in England and Quebec). In the other 14 countries, using the more homogenous set of low SES students to reduce problems of omitted variables and to account for possible differences between low SES students and all students suggests that we can have more confidence that estimates based on all students are not inflated or deflated by problems of omitted variables or heterogeneity in the student population. Above average achievers A second way of testing the consistency of the estimates is to find another subset of students that may be more uniform in their characteristics and in their response to school resources. In this section, we attempt to do this by eliminating from the analysis about half of all the students in each country. While the precise justification developed below for choosing which students to retain may not in fact hold true, the exercise here can simply be seen as a way to gain a more homogeneous subset of students to examine – which we believe it does in practice, even if in the end it is not because of the reasoning developed below. Imagine there are two types of students, high achievers (H) and low achievers (L), where the difference between the two are in students’ level of motivation, ability, and effort expended on school. If H-type students’ scores are more responsive to school resources, and L-type students less responsive, then estimates of the effects of school resources on all students’ scores will overestimate their effect on L students, and underestimate it on H students.11 And if L-type students are more prevalent among low SES students, then the overall estimate of the effect of resources on the test score gap will be overestimated. In a final analysis, we test our findings by using a subset which might reasonably be thought of as consisting primarily of H students, to estimate the importance of school resources on test scores. We then identify the portion of the achievement gap due to differences in school characteristics. We identify H students as those where the residual, Education Economics 501 unexplained test score that remains after their and their school’s characteristics are taken into account, is positive.12 This means that approximately half of the students in each country will be considered H students, with the other half being L students. We next conduct country-level analyses identical to those discussed above to identify the impact of resource differences on explaining the test-score gap. Before proceeding, we comment on changes in the achievement gap once students are divided into L and H students. Column 5 in Table 3 shows the achievement gap among only those we identify as H students in each country. In all countries, the average test-score gap between low and high SES students narrows considerably when students are restricted to this H-type student population. To take an extreme example, we find that the 126 achievement-point gap in Taiwan (the largest gap in our study) shrinks to only 19.5 points when restricted to H-type students. Only in Singapore, Sweden, England, Scotland, Netherlands, the USA, and Indiana does the gap remain at least half the size it is when measured among all students. In most countries then, unmeasured student (and possibly school) characteristics – whatever it is that is distinguishing L from H students – is a significant factor in explaining the achievement gap in each country. That noted, we use our subset of H students to check our previous results for consistency. H students will be more similar to one another than will all students. This set thus reduces the potential problem of omitted variables and can give us a more reliable estimate of the importance of student and school characteristics on test scores. On the other hand, the estimates may differ from previous ones because while having addressed the problem of omitted variables, these students may be more responsive to school-level resources than are L students, in which case we might expect this subset to generate higher estimates of the importance of school-level factors in explaining achievement gaps. Thus, our third and final analysis is based on β coefficients derived from regressions using only these subsets of students, and is otherwise identical to the previous two analyses. Since our β estimates come from H students, the estimates can be seen as a hypothetical question: how big would the achievement gap be in each country if low SES students had the same school resources as high SES students and responded to school resources like our subset of H students in their country do. Our analysis based on this H subset of students reveals results quite consistent with our initial estimates (Table 3, Column 6). With this subset, in only three countries does the estimate of the importance of differences in school resources change by 10 percentage points or more – 10 lower in Singapore, 12 higher in Australia, and 11 percentage points lower in Hong Kong. By and large, the estimates are remarkably similar to previous estimates. This support for our original estimates strengthens the belief that the original ones are reasonable ones, and not an artifact of omitted variables. Returning, then, to our estimates of the sources of the achievement gap using data on all students, Figure 2 provides a graphical representation of our estimates of the role of school-resource differences in explaining the achievement gap in the 19 countries (‘explained gap’). In some countries such as England, the Netherlands, and Singapore, a significant share of these countries’ achievement gap can be explained by differences in school resources available to low versus high SES eighth graders. Our estimates indicate that in the Netherlands and England, were low SES eighth graders provided with the same school resources as are high SES students in these countries, these low SES students would perform as well as their SES counterparts do in the highest scoring countries of Taiwan, Korea, Japan, and Quebec. On the other hand, in other countries, 502 Figure 2. K. Baird Average achievement gaps adjusting for differences in school resources. notably Taiwan, Korea, the Basque Country, Norway, Australia, and Ontario, resource differences do not explain much of the achievement gap. In these countries, we estimate that providing these students with the same resources as their high SES counterparts in their country have would not improve their math performance. Table 4 further summarizes our results. We distinguish between countries where differences in school-level resources can account for at least 30% of the achievement gap (‘resource differences matter’) and those where they account for less than this (‘resources don’t matter’). We further distinguish between higher scoring countries (where the average TIMSS math score was at least 500) and lower scoring countries (below 500). As shown, we estimate that resource differences matter in some high and some low scoring countries, and that they also don’t matter in some high- and lowscoring countries. While a general pattern is thus not obvious, one pattern we do find relates to our previous discussion of H and L students. Column 3 shows the percent by which the achievement gap is reduced when measured strictly among H students than when measured among all students. As shown, among countries where resources don’t matter, the gap among H students is significantly lower than that among all students (on average 69% lower), whereas in countries where resources matter, the gap among H students in on average only 42% lower than that among all students. In other words, whatever the unobservables are that distinguish L from H students within countries, we find an interesting pattern where these unobservables matter most in countries where measured features of schools do not explain achievement gaps. Column 4 presents one final piece of information. It shows the percent of low SES students in each country that we identify as also being under performing (L) students (or more accurately, having disadvantageous unobservables). As shown, in countries where resources do not matter, low SES students are disproportionately also L students (on average 64% of them are also L students). In countries where we find that Figure 2. Average achievement gaps adjusting for differences in school resources. Higher-scoring countries Taiwan Japan Ontario Indiana USA Belgium Korea Australia Lower-scoring countries England Scotland Average all ‘resources matters’ countries Resource differences don’t matter 585 570 521 508 504 537 589 506 498 497 544 605 536 586 543 Average TIMSS score 20 12 11 14 17 11 16 14 17 16 12 14 13 7 7 Achievement gap (%) 85 96 90 29 45 65 78 65 14 29 42 35 39 78 58 Achievement gap (Reduction among H students) Characteristics of countries by importance of school resources in explaining achievement gap. Resource differences matter Higher-scoring countries Singapore Netherlands Hong Kong Quebec Table 4. 68 58 67 49 66 58 66 78 56 62 56 53 59 53 51 % of low SES below Average (L) 10 4 5 23 25 29 7 2 81 33 52 45 55 59 37 Importance of school resources on achievement gap (%)1 Education Economics 503 (Continued). 1 From Column 3 Table 1. Lower-scoring countries Basque Norway Sweden New Zealand Italy Average all ‘resources don’t matter’ countries Table 4. 487 461 499 494 483 519 Average TIMSS score 16 15 16 17 13 15 Achievement gap (%) 79 90 36 65 72 69 Achievement gap (Reduction among H students) 56 77 64 66 63 64 % of low SES below Average (L) 8 2 24 6 10 12 Importance of school resources on achievement gap (%)1 504 K. Baird Education Economics 505 resource differences do help to explain the achievement gap, on average only 56% of low SES are also L students. Thus, we see an interesting pattern that in countries where resource differences do not explain gaps, what does explain them is the unmeasured characteristics of students – low SES students have particularly disadvantageous unmeasured characteristics. On the other hand, in a subset of these countries we find that the achievement gap can be explained by SES-based differences in school resources. In these countries, we consistently find that about one-third to three-fourth of the achievement gap (52% on average) can be explained by differences in the characteristics of the schools attended by low versus high SES student. In contrast, in the resource doesn’t matter category of countries, disadvantageous factors not measured in the study – be it lack of effort or something else – are strongly associated with low SES status; and it is this rather than the measured features of the school systems that explain the achievement gap. In Taiwan, Korea, Norway, and Italy (‘resources don’t matter’ countries), for example, the achievement gap nearly disappears among H students; however few low SES students are an H-type student. In some high-performing systems such as Taiwan, Korea, and Japan, this finding might possibly be illustrated by the practice among families with money of sending lower performing students to what are called bu xi ban in Taiwan or juku in Japan. These ‘cram’ or ‘shadow’ schools are designed to help students keep up with the content of their school work, especially in math (Baker et al. 2001; Lee 1999). Those without resources in these high-performing countries may not have recourse to such schools, and thus may not get the additional help that their more advantaged peers acquire to keep up with others. What the explanation for this pattern might be in the lower performing countries of the Basque Country, Norway, Australia, and Italy is less clear, but the evidence is consistent with the general explanation that schools systems in these countries provide fairly equal opportunity for low and high SES students, but that they disadvantage L-type students. Unfortunately, these L characteristics are disproportionately found in low SES students, and it is this that goes a long way in explaining the achievement gap. Conclusions and implications Given the growing importance of human capital on social mobility and given the persistence of social immobility in rich countries, understanding the source of achievement gaps in countries is an important area of inquiry. A comparison across the countries is long overdue, especially given the differences between the countries that this paper highlights. This paper has investigated the source of achievement gaps in the 19 countries by borrowing the Oaxaca decomposition to partition the gap into that due to school characteristics, and that due to student characteristics. The study used HLM, and also confirmed the robustness of the estimates through analyses of two subsets of students with more homogenous characteristics to address problems of omitted variable bias. While one can never be sure that omitted variables bias does not explain the estimates reported in this paper, these two additional analyses provide us with greater confidence that our initial estimates capture the extent to which gaps in countries are due to student versus school characteristics. One main finding is that in all countries, unmeasured characteristics associated with students explain a significant portion of the achievement gap – on average the 506 K. Baird achievement gap is about cut in half when one limits the students to those who score above what their measurable characteristics would predict. By the nature of being unmeasured, we cannot say what these unmeasured characteristics are, or what they are related to. However, our findings are consistent with these characteristics being related to unmeasured student characteristics rather than unmeasured features of the schools they attend. Thus, our findings imply a large share of the achievement gap can be attributed to characteristics of low SES students rather than to differences in school resources available to low versus high SES students. This finding is particularly true in Taiwan, Ontario, Indiana, the USA, Belgium, Korea, Basque Country, Norway, Sweden, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, and Italy: differences in measured school characteristics between low and high SES students play a little role in explaining these countries’ large achievement gaps. Rather, in these countries the results suggest that achievement gaps can foremost be traced to disadvantageous student characteristics which are disproportionately found in low SES students. While we don’t know what these are, in the paper we hypothesize that this might represent the hard to measure but important characteristic of student motivation, interest, and effort expended in school. Indeed in these countries, there is much less difference in the (measured) characteristics of schools attended by low SES students than by high SES students when compared with countries where we find that resource differences matter.13 One should not conclude, of course, that in these countries little can be done to reduce the achievement gaps; but it does suggest that policies to address the achievement gap need to look beyond the school for solutions to the achievement gap. It could be that in these countries, the educational environment of many low SES students outside of the school is particularly unsuited to human capital accumulation (thus accounting for the disadvantageous unmeasureables associated with low SES students). It could also be that the achievement gap in these countries can be traced to a school system that succeeds in providing equal opportunity for students as long as students bring certain characteristics with them; and students without these characteristics are disproportionately found among low SES students. In high scoring countries, we have suggested that it may be due to the ability and practice of wealthier families to purchase the services available from ‘cram schools’ needed for their children to keep up with a demanding school system. In lower scoring countries, low SES students may be more prone to boredom and disinterest. To be clear, though, we are unsure what might explain these patterns in the lower scoring countries. However in all six of the low-scoring countries where we estimate that resource differences do explain the achievement gap, we estimate that providing low SES students with the same resources as high SES students receive still results in average test scores among this group of less than 500 points. In some countries, then, the belief that resources affect student performance and help explain why low SES underperform high SES is not supported by this study. A second main finding is that in some countries (Singapore, England, Scotland, Hong Kong, Quebec, and the Netherlands) measured school characteristics are much more important in explaining the achievement gap. In these countries, both H- and L-type low SES students (in our interpretation, those who are motivated and try hard versus those who don’t) are primarily and somewhat equally disadvantaged by an educational system offering a less advantageous set of educational resources. In these six countries, we estimate that were these students sent to schools that ‘looked like’ those attended by high SES students, the achievement gap would be about one-third Education Economics 507 to three-quarters smaller. In these countries, then, unlike in the first set, we reach the more straightforward conclusion that reducing the achievement gap means first of all improving the quality of the schools that low SES students attend. How do we reconcile the two different patterns we find? In this respect, this study may raise more questions than it answers. But we offer two tentative speculations. First, Wöβmann and Fuchs (2004) highlighted the importance of differences in institutional setting in explaining test-score differences between countries. Many wealthier countries appear to be on the ‘flat’ part of the production function, where additional resources (absent institutional change) do not really make a difference in terms of student performance. Our findings suggest the same might be true with respect to performance differences within countries: allocating more resources to low SES students will not make much of a difference, absent institutional change or absent changes in non-school related policies that affect low SES students and their families. Second, reconciling these different patterns give us some reason to pause over our conclusion that indeed ‘Resources Matter’ in some countries. As mentioned above, in the six ‘resources matter’ countries, low SES students typically attend less wellendowed schools than do their high SES counterparts. In the ‘resources don’t matter’ countries, differences in school characteristics between low and high SES students are much smaller. Yet there is no real difference in the average achievement gap between these two sets of countries. This leads us to question whether the true ‘cause’ of the achievement gap in ‘resource matters’ countries is really the schools, or whether providing more resources to low SES students in these countries would result in the country switching from the ‘resources matter’ category to the ‘resources don’t matter’ group. That so many countries are in this latter category provide some reason to be skeptical of the potential for ‘better schools’ – at least better in their measured characteristics – to reduce the achievement gap. In the end, these speculations indicate the importance of cross national studies examining institutional features of countries and their relationship to explaining the relative performance of countries’ low SES students. Our study finds that despite relatively high levels of SES-based differences in ‘school quality’, low SES students in Quebec and Hong Kong, for example, do nearly as well as their high SES counterparts – and perform better than high SES students do in many other countries as well. Addressing the human capital side of social mobility is a challenging and complicated undertaking, but is clearly an area deserving of more detailed country-level analyses; and Quebec and Hong Kong may be the right place to start. Acknowledgements I would like to thank the US Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics for training support, Sara de la Rica, Mark Long and Ricardo Mora for helpful suggestions, two anonymous reviewers, and participants in a seminar at the Departamento de Fundamentos del Análisis Económico II, Universidad del País Vasco, and at the University of Washington’s Center for the Study of Demography and Ecology, for useful comments. A draft of this paper was presented at the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) Third Annual Research Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, September 2008. Notes 1. The Economist. 15 December 2007. Chile: Playground harmony, p. 54. 2. See 508 K. Baird 3. The regions are Indiana, the Basque Country, Flemish Belgium, Ontario, Quebec, and 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Hong Kong. The countries in the study are Australia, Italy, Japan, Korea, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, Sweden, England, Scotland, Taiwan, and the USA. Further on we address why we do not pool the data. In a few instances, the unmeasured characteristics are negative (the model overestimates the test-score gap). In these cases, we leave PU out of the denominator, thus estimating the percent of the total test score gap as: Equation (2) (PS)/(PS+PB). As in Equation (3), the purpose of this is to bias downward our estimate of the importance of school characteristics. This approach is similar to a fixed effect approach, but assumes some underlying distribution to these school level effects. As discussed below, in this study, we substitute the classroom level for the school level. Using the average of the five plausible values does lead to a greater likelihood that the explanatory variables will be found to be significantly related to test scores; however it also generates unbiased estimates of the size of this relationship (the coefficient). For this paper, it is the size and not the statistical significance of the variables that we are most interested in, since the focus of the study is on the cumulative effect, rather than the effect of individual variables. Moreover, a comparison of HLM results using all five plausible values with the average value found no real difference in the coefficients or their significance. Only 1.5% of students in this study did not answer the question concerning number of books in the home, whereas over 30% either did not answer or answered ‘I don’t know’ to questions concerning their parents’ educational attainment. Moreover, analyses indicate that these 30% missing responses are strongly correlated with ‘books in the home’, suggesting a strong non-random component to who did and did not answer questions about parent’s educational level. The overall correlation between books in the household and parents’ educational attainment is 0.36, and the correlation between these alternative ways of measuring the achievement gap in this study is 0.7. As mentioned earlier, where on average the model underestimates the gap, the remaining unexplained gap we attribute to unobserved student characteristics, thereby giving a lower bound on the estimated importance of school characteristics. The model used in this and the next section is identical to that used above, with two differences. First, estimates are derived based on OLS rather than HLM. This is because limiting the analysis to low SES student results in too few observations per classroom to use HLM. The second difference is that the dependent variable is the average of the five plausible values, in contrast with HLM which performs five separate regressions and reports the average estimated value and standard deviation of the coefficients. While using the average value does lead to a lower standard error, the estimated βs are unbiased, which is all that is used in estimating the counterfactuals in this study. Wöβmann (2004), for instance, found that school characteristics are of greater importance for high scoring students. 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