WaterjetWare ProcessWare WaterjetWare ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | EN | Rev.01 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE ProcessWare WaterjetWare The information in this manual is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by DRS. DRS assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this manual. Except as may be expressly stated anywhere in this manual, nothing herein shall be construed as any kind of guarantee or warranty by DRS for losses, damages to persons or property, fitness for a specific purpose or the like. In no event shall DRS be liable for incidental or consequential damages arising from use of this manual and products described herein. This manual and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without DRS written permission, and contents thereof must not be imparted to a third party nor be used for any unauthorized purpose. Contravention will be prosecuted. Additional copies of this manual may be obtained from DRS at its then current charge. © Copyright 2016 DRS. All right reserved. Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB Västra Industrigatan 3B Box 525, SE-372 25 Ronneby Sweden ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 2 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE Table of Contents 1:1 OVERVIEW............................................................................ 5 About This Manual ................................................................. 5 Usage .................................................................................. 5 Who Should Read This Manual ................................................. 5 Prerequisites ......................................................................... 5 Organization of Chapters ........................................................ 5 Revisions .............................................................................. 6 1:2 INTRODUCTION..................................................................... 7 Overview .............................................................................. 7 1:3 PROCESS INSTRUCTIONS ....................................................... 8 Description ........................................................................... 8 Programming ........................................................................ 8 Program Example ................................................................ 10 1:4 TOOL CO-ORDINATE SYSTEM ................................................ 12 1:5 BASIC FUNCTIONS (OPTION) ................................................ 13 Description ......................................................................... 13 Control/Service Routines....................................................... 13 Instructions ........................................................................ 14 JetOn ................................................................................. 14 JetOff ................................................................................. 14 Waterjet Equipment Lag ....................................................... 15 TCP Control Station .............................................................. 17 Introduction ........................................................................ 17 Function ............................................................................. 18 1:6 ADVANCED FUNCTIONS (OPTION).......................................... 21 Description ......................................................................... 21 Instructions ........................................................................ 21 CutL................................................................................... 22 CutC .................................................................................. 25 CutCircle ............................................................................ 28 CutExtCircle ........................................................................ 31 CutSquare .......................................................................... 34 CutExtSquare ...................................................................... 37 CutOblong .......................................................................... 40 CutCross ............................................................................ 43 VelSetOri ............................................................................ 46 VelSetLin ............................................................................ 48 1:7 PERFO FUNCTIONS (OPTION) ................................................ 50 ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 3 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE Description ......................................................................... 50 Instructions ........................................................................ 50 CirclePerfo .......................................................................... 51 PerfoOn .............................................................................. 53 PerfoOff.............................................................................. 54 Example ............................................................................. 55 Limitations.......................................................................... 55 Performace Diagram............................................................. 56 1:8 GEOMETRIX (OPTION) .......................................................... 57 Description ......................................................................... 57 Instructions ........................................................................ 57 CutWCircle.......................................................................... 58 1:9 WATERJET POSTION CONTROL (OPTION) ................................ 62 Introduction ........................................................................ 62 Function ............................................................................. 62 Settings.............................................................................. 62 Control/Service Routines....................................................... 63 1:10 WATERJET QUALITY CONTROL (OPTION)................................. 64 Introduction ........................................................................ 64 Function ............................................................................. 64 Settings.............................................................................. 64 Control/Service Routines....................................................... 65 Error Messages.................................................................... 66 ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 4 ( 66 ) 16:08 1:1 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE Overview About This Manual This manual explains when and how to use the options: • Basic Functions • Advanced Functions • Perfo Functions • Geomtrix • Waterjet Position Control • Waterjet Quality Control Usage This manual can be used either as a reference to find out if the option is the right choice for solving a problem or as a description of how to use the option. Who Should Read This Manual This manual is mainly intended for: • robot programmers. Prerequisites The reader should: • • be familiar with the concepts described in ABB Robotics manual Operators Manual - IRC5 with FlexPendant. have basic knowledge in robot operation. Organization of Chapters The manual is organized in the following chapters: Chapter Contents 5:5 Describes the option Basic Functions 5:6 Describes the option Advanced Functions 5:7 Describes the option Perfo Functions 5:8 Describes the option Geometrix 5:9 Describes the option Position Control 5:10 Describes the option Quality Control ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 5 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE Revisions Revision Description - First issued A Correction of incorrrect information and a general update ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 6 ( 66 ) 16:08 1:2 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE Introduction WaterjetWare is a family of waterjet process options from Dynamic Robotic Solutions. The products are designed to make you more productive and lower your cost of owning and operating a waterjet equipped robot. Dynamic Robotic Solutions has invested many years into the development of these products and they represent knowledge and experience based on several hundreds of robot installations. They are primarily designed to improve the process result and to simplify installation and programming of application. Note! Some of the options described in this manual are included in a machine delivery but not for single robots. Overview WaterjetWare option Description Basic Function Basic functionality for the waterjet process. Advanced Functions Advanced functionality for the waterjet process. Instructions for the programmer to use when creating any type of production program. For example linear or circular movements, geometries such as circles, squares, oblongs etc. The instructions speeds up online programming, faster editing of programs and optimizes the cycletime. Perfo Function Advanced functionality for the waterjet process. Instructions for the programmer to use when perforated cuts are required. The instructions speeds up online programming, quicker editing of programs and optimizes the cycletime. Geometrix Advanced functionality for the waterjet process. Instructions for the programmer to use when high accuracy for round holes are required. Cutting round holes with a robot has always been a big problem. This option is the solution if high accuracy of roundness for roundholes are required. Position Control A robot performance control used during production to minimize production quality problems. Quality Control An orifice control used during production to minimize production quality problems. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 7 ( 66 ) 16:08 1:3 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE Process Instructions Description A process instruction includes both motion and process. It basically contains the same type of information as a positioning instruction (MoveL). However, each instruction also includes further arguments for the process. Data for process Argument for flying start of the process CutL\On pS1_1\D:=10,vAirSlow,z1,tJet8\WObj:=obSAAB1; L = Linear C = Circular Arguments as in a MoveL instruction (Additional optional arguments exist for each process instruction) Figure 1. Example of a CutL instruction Programming The following example illustrate how to program process instructions. Item Description Info 1. Jog the robot to the desired destination position 2. Call up Instruction Pick List M.C 1 3. Select the desired instruction: CutL\On, CutL\Off... 4. The instruction will be added directly to the program, as illustrated in the picture below. The arguments are set in relation to the last Cut instruction that was programmed. The instruction is now ready for use ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 8 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE If an argument needs to be changed, the data can be replaced by another. The following example will illustrate this. Item Description Info 1. Select the argument you wish to change (vAirSlow in this example). 2. When the argument is selected, tap it again to open up the Change instruction dialog. The window used to change instruction arguments appears. The selected argument is highlighted. The lower part of the window displays all available speed data that can be selected. 3. Select the desired speed data. 4. Change another argument by tapping on the argument in the intruction. 5. Repeat this for all arguments you want to change. 6. Choose OK to confirm the change. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 9 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE Program Example The positions illustrated in figure 2 shows how the robot will move. The path to cut is represented by the thick line. The ------- characters between point 1 and point 2 designate a flying start. In other words, pre-actions for process are carried out on the way to point 2. The process is stopped in point 9. Note! The startingpoint for the cut is point 2, inside the part to be cut away, going out to point 3 on the cutting line. When coming back, notice the overlap, going by point 3 to point 8, before terminating the cut in point 9. The section between point 3 and point 8 are cut twice. When using the process instructions CutL\On, CutL\Off the program should always be build up like this. p10 p1 "Overlap". Approx. 2-3 mm p80 p30 p70 p40 p90 p5 p20 p6 Figure 2. Program example ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 10 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE The program sequence for for the cut in figure 2 should be written as follows. All air movements are made in a main-cutting routine. The acctual cut is done in subroutines to the main-cutting routine. Correctly build up waterjet production program for robot 1 MODULE R1_SAAB1 PROC MainCut1() RobotStart tJet8\Wobj:=obR1_SAAB1; ! Position over part. MoveJ *,vAirFast,z50,tJet8\Wobj:=obR1_SAAB1; ! Position over part. MoveJ *,vAirFast,z50,tJet8\Wobj:=obR1_SAAB1; ! Position over part to be cut. Represented by p1 in figure 2 MoveJ *,vAirFast,z50,tJet8\Wobj:=obR1_SAAB1; ! Start the process. Represented by p2 in figure 2 CutL\On pR1_20,vAirSlow,z1,tJet8\Wobj:=obR1_SAAB1; ! Call for subroutine. R1_Saab1_1; ! Position over part to be cut. Represented by p10 in figure 2 MoveJ *,vAirFast,z50,tJet8\Wobj:=obR1_SAAB1; MoveJ *,vAirFast,z50,tJet8\Wobj:=obR1_SAAB1; MoveJ *,vAirFast,z50,tJet8\Wobj:=obR1_SAAB1; RobotEnd; ENDPROC PROC R1_Saab1_1() ! Cut position. Represented by p3 in figure 2 MoveL *,vCutFast,z1,tJet8\Wobj:=obR1_SAAB1; ! Cut position. Represented by p4 in figure 2 MoveL *,vCutFast,z1,tJet8\Wobj:=obR1_SAAB1; ! Cut position. Represented by p5 in figure 2 MoveL *,vCutFast,z1,tJet8\Wobj:=obR1_SAAB1; ! Cut position. Represented by p6 in figure 2 MoveL *,vCutFast,z1,tJet8\Wobj:=obR1_SAAB1; ! Cut position. Represented by p7 in figure 2 MoveL *,vCutFast,z1,tJet8\Wobj:=obR1_SAAB1; ! Cut position. Represented by p8 in figure 2 MoveL *,vCutFast,z1,tJet8\Wobj:=obR1_SAAB1; ! Stop the process. Represented by p9 in figure 2 CutL\Off *,vCutFast,z1,tJet8\Wobj:=obR1_SAAB1; ENDPROC ENDMODULE ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 11 ( 66 ) 16:08 1:4 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE Tool Co-ordinate System The co-ordinate system for the waterjet tool have the following orientation. = Origin for the tool co-ordinate system, the TCP position. X Y X Y Z Z Figure 1a Tool co-ordinate system (front view). The X-axis is poiting right out from the picture. The Z-axis is following the pipe. Figure 1b Tool co-ordinate system (right view). The Y-axis is poiting right out from the picture. The Z-axis is following the pipe. Figure 3. Tool co-ordinate system. Some of the instructions in the options are are based on an offset from a reference position (programmed position). The offsets are made in all directions relative the tool co-ordinate system. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 12 ( 66 ) 16:08 1:5 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE Basic Functions (Option) Description The option Basic Functions holds all basic data, routines and instructions for the process. Control/Service Routines Following routines are included in Basic Functions. The routines are accessible from the Program Editor, Debug menu, buttons PP to Routine... or Call Routine... Routine Description InitProcess Initiate Process Settings Routine InitProc is executed before the robot leaves homeposition to run the production program. The routine makes preparations for the process before it starts. CtrlJetbeam Control Jetbeam Routine CtrlJetbeam is used to check the quality of the jetbeam and status of the orifice. This routine display a dialog on the FlexPendant Unit giving the user the possibillity to start and stop the jetbeam at the current position of the robot. NOTE! Before running this routine, move the robot to a suitable position, perferably over the vaccum tray so the jetbeam won’t damage anything on the machine! CtrlWJEquipLag Control Waterjet Equipment Lag See section Waterjet Equipment Lag for a description. CtrlTool Control Tool See section TCP Control Station for a description. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 13 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE Instructions Following instructions are included in Basic Functions. Instruction are accessible from Instruction Pick List M.C 1. Instruction Description JetOn Start the jetbeam at current position. JetOff Stop the jetbeam at current position. JetOn This instruction is used in cutting to start the jetbeam at current position. Arguments JetOn Instruction Execution Forward Jetbeam not started. Backward Jetbeam stopped. Continues or cycle On machines delivered by DRS If the robot controller auto-stop chain is open: Jetbeam stopped. If the robot controller auto-stop chain is closed: Jetbeam started. JetOff This instruction is used in cutting to stop the jetbeam at current position. Arguments JetOff Instruction Execution Forward Jetbeam stopped. Backward Jetbeam status unchanged. Continues or cycle Jetbeam stopped. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 14 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE Waterjet Equipment Lag There are several parameters that affect the accuracy of the start and stop of the jetbeam. For example robot type, highpressure valve type, water pressure, communication system etc. All of these parameter together are a part of the waterjet equipment lag. Incorrect parameters will affect the production giving uncontrolled cuts on the part. Calculate Waterjet Equipment Lag Run routine CtrlWJEquipLag and answer the questions. This routine minimizes the waterjet equipment lag problems. Routine Description CtrlWJEquipLag Control Waterjet Equipment Lag Routine CtrlWJEquipLag should be run through after a C-Start of the controller or when any of the following parameters have been changed: Valve Type, Waterjet Pressure or Orifice Size. This routine communicates with the user on the FlexPendant Unit. Based on the input given, calculations are made to get an opening and closing time for the jetbeam that compensates for the Lag of involved components. This means, it calculates how long time before programmed position the jetbeam logically must be started or stopped to be On or Off in position. For options Advanced Functions, Perfo Functions, Geometrix and Waterjet Quality Control, routine CtrlWJEquipLag must be run through and the questions answered for the them to function correctly. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 15 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE Adjust Calculated Waterjet Equipment Lag If routine CtrlWJEquipLag have been run through but the result for the jetbeam start and/or stop still isn’t acceptable, it is possible to modify the start and stop times individually. Note! Unacceptable result could be caused by worn out components (needle and seat), use of other components then supplied or offered by DRS. To modify the calculated Lag there are two numeric data that can be adjusted to increase or decrease the start or stop time. Changing these data are normally not needed, as long as the correct values are specified when running routine CtrlWJEquipLag. The following illustrates how to change these data if needed. Item Description Info 1. On the ABB menu, tap Program Data. 2. Select data type num in the list, then tap Show Data. 3. Select data nClDelay or nOpDelay in the list, then tap Edit / Change Value. nClDelay: Increase/Decrease the closing time in seconds. nOpDelay: Increase/Decrease the opening time in seconds. 4. If any one of these data’s are changed routine CalcWJEquipLag must Important! be run through to activate the adjustments before going to production. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 16 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE TCP Control Station Introduction The TCP Control Station is a manual control to check the position of the tool in a control station. This check helps to maintain a good production. The TCP Control STation has two functions: • • Control if the TCP of the working tool is correct. Update the TCP of the working tool if needed. Note! Updating of the TCP should never be carried out before all other things that could influence are controlled. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 17 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE Function Before any new program are made or when there are prodution quality problems this control is used to verify the TCP of the in a control station. Note! Before running the routine: - Dismount the orifice and mount a 10 mm programming pin. - Take away the protection covers from the control pins in the TCP Control Station. tcpcontrolpin_robotop_O3 Run routine CtrlTool. This routine moves the robot from homeposition to control station (Figure 4) and stops. In the control station it is easy to check a number of things that could affect the TCP and cause production quality problems. See section If the control is incorrect? for instructions how to proceed if the tool and the control pins in the control station do not match. Figure 4. Tool in control station. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 18 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE Control/Service Routines Running routine CtrlTool minimizes production quality problems. Routine Description CtrlTool Control Tool Routine CtrlTool is used to control the position of the tool TCP in a control station. This routine moves the robot from homeposition to the control station where the tool TCP can be controlled. When finished, continue program execution and the robot will return to homeposition. Why this control? With this control it is easy to control if the nozzletube is damaged, the coil incorrect mounted, the robot incorrect synronized or if the TCP is incorrect. If the tool and control pins do not match, corrective actions must be taken before production/programming starts. To run production with a damaged tool or incorrect TCP means that the robot will deviate from programmed path! When to do this control? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Before any new programs are made or before modifing older programs. When there are production quality problems. After replacement of nozzletube. When a new productionshift starts. After collision with the robot. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 19 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE What if the control is incorrect? If the tool and control pins in the TCP Control Station do not match ... 1. On question Update TCP?, answer No. The robot will return to homeposition. Proceed to point 2. 2. Run routine UPDATEPOS_IRB. Check if the update position markings for each axes on the robot match. - If the markings match, proceed to point 4. - If the markings do not match, update the revolution counter. See manual Robot Operation, chapter Robot, section Update Resolver Revolution Conters. When finished proceed to point 3. 3. Run routine CtrlTool. - If the tool still is incorrect, on question Update TCP?, answer No. The robot will return to homeposition. Proceed to point 4. - If the tool is correct, on question Update TCP?, answer No. The robot will return to homeposition. Start production. 4. Check if the tool is damaged. - If Yes, replace the nozzletube. When finished proceed to item 5. - If No, proceed to item 6. 5. Run routine CtrlTool. - If the tool still is incorrect, on question Update TCP?, answer No. The robot will return to homeposition. Proceed to point 6. - If the tool is correct, on question Update TCP?, answer No. The robot will return to homeposition. Start production. 6. Check if highpressure tubes are mounted correctly. Tension in the material may influence in a negative way. When finished proceed to point 7. 7. Run routine CtrlTool. On question Update TCP?, answer Yes, then follow the instructions. Note! - Minor deviation, <0.5 mm, between tool and control pins should normally NOT be compensated by updating the TCP. - Deviations, >0.5 mm, between tool and control pins can be compensated by updating the TCP. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 20 ( 66 ) 16:08 1:6 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE Advanced Functions (Option) Description The option Advanced Functions holds advanced instructions for the process. It is a set of instructions for the programmer to use when creating the production program. Instructions are accessible from Instruction Pick List M.C 1. Related chapters: • • Basic Functions, section Waterjet Equipment Lag Tool Co-ordinate System Instructions Instructions included in this option: Instructions Description CutL Start or stop the process with a linear movement. CutC Stop the process with a circular movement. CutCircle Start and stop the process with a circle movement. CutExtCircle Start and stop the process with a extended circle movement. CutSquare Start and stop the process with a square movement. CutExtSquare Start and stop the process with a extended square movement. CutOblong Start and stop the process with a oblong movement. CutCross Start and stop the process with a cross movement. VelSetOri Control the orientation velocity of a persistant speeddata VelSetLin Control the linear axis velocity of a persistant speeddata ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 21 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE CutL The CutL instruction is used in cutting to control the process while moving the TCP on a linear path to the programmed position. Arguments CutL [\On] | [\Off] ToPoint [\D] Speed [\V] [\VOri] Zone [\Z] [\Inpos] Tool [\WObj] [\On] Data type: switch Argument \On is used in the first cutting instruction to start the jetbeam before the ToPoint position is reached, compensating for process lag, so the jetbeam is On in the ToPoint position (see chapter Process Instructions, section Program example). As the instruction cannot contain the argument \On and \Off together, the cutting path must have at least 2 instructions, one containing the \On and one containing the \Off argument. The pre-actions, which are performed on the path to the ToPoint position, are setting for the start of the jetbeam according to the calculated process lag. [\Off] Data type: switch Argument \Off is used in the last cutting instruction to stop the jetbeam before the ToPoint position is reached, compensating for process lag, so the jetbeam is Off in the ToPoint position (see chapter Process Instructions, section Program example). The pre-actions, which are performed on the path to the ToPoint position, are setting for the start of the jetbeam according to the calculated process lag. ToPoint Data type: robtarget The destination point for the robot and external axes. It is defined as a named position or stored directly in the instruction (if marked with an * in the instruction). [\D] Data type: num Argument \D (distance) can be used to change where according to the ToPoint position the TCP should be when the jetbeam is On or Off. The value must be positive and specified as the distance in mm. If argument \D is present, it means that the jetbeam will be On or Off the specified distance before the TCP reaches the ToPoint position. If argument \D is omitted, the jetbeam will be On or Off in the ToPoint position. Speed Data type: speeddata The speed data that applies to movement. Speed data defines the velocity for the TCP, the tool reorientation and external axes. [\V] Data type: num This argument is used to specify the velocity of the TCP in mm/s directly in the instruction. It then replaces the corresponding velocity specified in the Speed parameter. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 22 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE [\VOri] Data type: num This argument is used to specify the velocity of the TCP in deg/s directly in the instruction. It then replaces the corresponding orientation velocity specified in the Speed parameter. Zone Data type: zonedata Zone data for the movement. Zone data describes the size of the generated corner path. [\Z] Data type: num This argument is used to specify the position accuracy of the robot TCP directly in the instruction. The length of the corner path is given in mm, which then replaces the corresponding zone specified in the Zone parameter. [\Inpos] Data type: stoppointdata See ABB Robotics RAPID Reference Manual, System Data Types. Tool Data type: tooldata The tool in use when the robot moves. The tool center point (TCP) is the point moved to the specified destination position. [\WObj] Data type: wobjdata The work object (co-ordinate system) to which the robot position in the instruction is related ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 23 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE Instruction Execution Internal sequence in a CutL instruction: • The tool starts to move towards the ToPoint position. • If argument \On is present, the jetbeam will be started before the ToPoint position is reached, compensating for process lag, so the jetbeam is On in the ToPoint position. If argument \D is present, the jetbeam will be On at the specified distance before the ToPoint position. • When the ToPoint position is reached, the program execution continues with the next instruction. Limits [\On] | [\Off] - [\V] [\VOri] [\Z] - Mutually exclusive and thus cannot be used simultaneously. Only if argument \On and \Off are omitted. Only if argument \On and \Off are omitted. Only if argument \On and \Off are omitted. Forwards Always motion without cutting. Backwards Always motion without cutting. Continues or cycle On machines delivered by DRS If the robot controller auto-stop chain is open: Motion without cutting. If the robot controller auto-stop chain is closed: Motion with cutting. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 24 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE CutC The CutC instruction is used in cutting to control the process while moving the TCP on a circular path to the programmed position. Arguments CutC [\Off] CirPoint ToPoint [\D] Speed [\V] [\VOri] Zone [\Z] [\Inpos] Tool [\WObj] [\Off] Data type: switch Argument \Off is used in the last cutting instruction to stop the jetbeam before the ToPoint position is reached, compensating for process lag, so the jetbeam is Off in the ToPoint position (see chapter Process Instructions, section Program example). The pre-actions, which are performed on the path to the ToPoint position, are setting for the start of the jetbeam according to the calculated process lag. CirPoint Data type: robtarget The circle point for the robot. The circle point is a point between the start point and the destination point (ToPoint). To obtain the best accuracy, it should be placed about halfway between the start and destination point. If it is placed too close to the start or end point, the robot may give a warning. The circle point is defined as a named position or stored in the instruction (if marked with an * in the instruction). ToPoint Data type: robtarget The destination point for the robot and external axes. It is defined as a named position or stored directly in the instruction (if marked with an * in the instruction). [\D] Data type: num Argument \D (distance) can be used to change where according to the ToPoint position the TCP should be when the jetbeam is On or Off. The value must be positive and specified as the distance in mm. If argument \D is present, it means that the jetbeam will be On or Off the specified distance before the TCP reaches the ToPoint position. If argument \D is omitted, the jetbeam will be On or Off in the ToPoint position. Speed Data type: speeddata The speed data that applies to movement. Speed data defines the velocity for the TCP, the tool reorientation and external axes. [\V] Data type: num This argument is used to specify the velocity of the TCP in mm/s directly in the instruction. It then replaces the corresponding velocity specified in the Speed parameter. [\VOri] Data type: num This argument is used to specify the velocity of the TCP in deg/s directly in the instruction. It then replaces the corresponding orientation velocity specified in the Speed parameter. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 25 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE Zone Data type: zonedata Zone data for the movement. Zone data describes the size of the generated corner path. [\Z] Data type: num This argument is used to specify the position accuracy of the robot TCP directly in the instruction. The length of the corner path is given in mm, which then replaces the corresponding zone specified in the Zone parameter. [\Inpos] Data type: stoppointdata See ABB Robotics RAPID Reference Manual, System Data Types. Tool Data type: tooldata The tool in use when the robot moves. The tool center point (TCP) is the point moved to the specified destination position. [\WObj] Data type: wobjdata The work object (co-ordinate system) to which the robot position in the instruction is related. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 26 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE Instruction Execution Internal sequence in a CutC instruction: • The tool starts to move towards the ToPoint position. • If argument \Off is present, the jetbeam will be stopped before the ToPoint position is reached, compensating for process lag, so the jetbeam is Off in the ToPoint position. If argument \D is present, the jetbeam will be Off at the specified distance before the ToPoint position. • When the ToPoint position is reached, the program execution continues with the next instruction. Limits [\V] [\VOri][\Z] - Only if argument \Off are omitted. Only if argument \Off are omitted. Only if argument \Off are omitted. Forwards Always motion without cutting. Backwards Always motion without cutting. Continues or cycle On machines delivered by DRS If the robot controller auto-stop chain is open: Motion without cutting. If the robot controller auto-stop chain is closed: Motion with cutting. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 27 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE CutCircle The CutCircle instruction is used in cutting to control the process while moving the TCP in a path cutting a circle hole. The programmed position for the instruction is in the center of the circle. Starting path is offset in X and Y from the tool co-ordinate system. Arguments CutCircle [\RelWObj] | [\OverLap] ToPoint [\Reori] [\Offset] [\D_start] [\D_Stop] Radius_mm Speed Tool [\Wobj] [\RelWObj] Data type: switch Argument \RelWObj is used to cut a circle hole relative the active work object. If this argument is omitted the circle will be cut relative the tool co-ordinate system. [\OverLap] Data type: num The endposition will be on the cutting line, overlapping 1/8 of the path. ToPoint Data type: robtarget Target specifying the origin of the circle. The destination point for the external axes. It is defined as a named position or stored directly in the instruction (if marked with an * in the instruction). [\Reori] Data type: num Makes a cone shaped circle or an inverted cone shaped circle. The cone angle is specified in degrees. [\Offset] Data type: num Argument \Offset is used to add an extra position in the beginning and in the end of the circle hole. Specified distance in argument \Offset adds the extra position above the circle hole in Z direction of the tool co-ordinate system. This argument is only valid if argument \RelWObj is omitted. [\D_start] Data type: num Argument \D_start (distance) can be used to change where according to the ToPoint position the TCP should be when the jetbeam is On. The value must be positive and specified as the distance in mm. If argument \D_start is present, it means the jetbeam will be On specified distance before the TCP reaches the ToPoint position. If argument \D_start is omitted, the jetbeam will be On in the ToPoint position. [\D_stop] Data type: num Argument \D_stop (distance) can be used to change where according to the ToPoint position the TCP should be when the jetbeam is Off. The value must be positive and specified as the distance in mm. If argument \D_stop is present, it means the jetbeam will be Off specified distance before the TCP reaches the ToPoint position. If argument \D_stop is omitted, the jetbeam will be Off in the ToPoint position. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 28 ( 66 ) 16:08 Radius_mm PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE Data type: num The radius of the circle to be cut. The value must be positive and specified in mm. Speed Data type: speeddata The speed data that applies to movements. Speed data defines the velocity for the TCP, the tool reorientation and external axes. Tool Data type: tooldata The tool in use when the robot moves. The tool center point (TCP) is the point moved to the specified destination position. [\WObj] Data type: wobjdata The work object (co-ordinate system) to which the robot position in the instruction is related. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 29 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE Instruction Execution Internal sequence in a CutCircle instruction: • The tool starts to move towards the startposition for the instruction. • The jetbeam will be started before the startposition is reached, compensating for process lag, so the jetbeam is On in the startposition. • When the startposition is reached, it will cut the circle, then stop the jetbeam in the endposition. • The program execution continues with the next instruction. Programmed position (ToPoint). Alt 1. Program end position (Default). X Tool co-ordinate system Alt 2. Program end position (Optional argument /OverLap). Y Program start position. Figure 5. Shows the programmed position and the start- and endposition used when the instruction is executed and the path it will follow. Forwards Always motion without cutting. The robot will move to the ToPoint position. If argument \Offset is present the robot will first move to the active offset, then to the ToPoint position and stop. Press Forward again and it will move back to active offset. The circle path will never be executed in Forward execution mode. Backwards Always motion without cutting. The robot will move to the ToPoint position. If argument \Offset is present the robot will move to the active offset. The robot will never go to the ToPoint position. The circle path will never be executed in Backward execution mode. Continues or cycle On machines delivered by DRS If the robot controller auto-stop chain is open: Motion without cutting. If the robot controller auto-stop chain is closed: Motion with cutting. The robot will move to the startposition and start the process, execute the entire path, then stop the process in the endposition. If argument \Offset is present the robot will move to the active offset position, then to the startposition and start the process, execute the entire path, then stop the process in the endposition. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 30 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE CutExtCircle The CutExtCircle instruction is used in cutting to control the process while moving the TCP in a path cutting a circle hole. The programmed position for the instruction is in the center of the circle. Starting path is offset in X and Y from the tool co-ordinate system. Arguments CutExtCircle [\OverLap] ToPoint [\Reori] [\Offset] [\D_start] [\D_Stop] Radius_mm p1_mm p2_mm p3_mm p4_mm p5_mm p6_mm p7_mm p8_mm Speed Tool [\Wobj] [\OverLap] Data type: switch The endposition will be on the cutting line, overlapping 1/4 of the path. ToPoint Data type: robtarget Target specifying the origin of the circle. The destination point for the external axes. It is defined as a named position or stored directly in the instruction (if marked with an * in the instruction). [\Reori] Data type: num Makes a cone shaped circle or an inverted cone shaped circle. The cone angle is specified in degrees. [\Offset] Data type: num Argument \Offset is used to add an extra position in the beginning and in the end of the circle hole. Specified distance in argument \Offset adds the extra position above the circle hole in Z direction of the tool co-ordinate system. [\D_start] Data type: num Argument \D_start (distance) can be used to change where according to the ToPoint position the TCP should be when the jetbeam is On. The value must be positive and specified as the distance in mm. If argument \D_start is present, it means the jetbeam will be On specified distance before the TCP reaches the ToPoint position. If argument \D_start is omitted, the jetbeam will be On in the ToPoint position. [\D_stop] Data type: num Argument \D_stop (distance) can be used to change where according to the ToPoint position the TCP should be when the jetbeam is Off. The value must be positive and specified as the distance in mm. If argument \D_stop is present, it means the jetbeam will be Off specified distance before the TCP reaches the ToPoint position. If argument \D_stop is omitted, the jetbeam will be Off in the ToPoint position. Radius_mm Data type: num The radius of the circle to be cut. The value must be positive and specified in mm. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 31 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE p1_mm Data type: num Change the circle radius in specified position (Radius_mm +/- p1_mm). p2_mm Data type: num Change the circle radius in specified position (Radius_mm +/- p2_mm). p3_mm Data type: num Change the circle radius in specified position (Radius_mm +/- p3_mm). p4_mm Data type: num Change the circle radius in specified position (Radius_mm +/- p4_mm). p5_mm Data type: num Change the circle radius in specified position (Radius_mm +/- p5_mm). p6_mm Data type: num Change the circle radius in specified position (Radius_mm +/- p6_mm). p7_mm Data type: num Change the circle radius in specified position (Radius_mm +/- p7_mm). p8_mm Data type: num Change the circle radius in specified position (Radius_mm +/- p8_mm). Speed Data type: speeddata The speed data that applies to movements. Speed data defines the velocity for the TCP, the tool reorientation and external axes. Tool Data type: tooldata The tool in use when the robot moves. The tool center point (TCP) is the point moved to the specified destination position. [\WObj] Data type: wobjdata The work object (co-ordinate system) to which the robot position in the instruction is related. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 32 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE Instruction Execution Internal sequence in a CutExtCircle instruction: • The tool starts to move towards the startposition for the instruction. • The jetbeam will be started before the startposition is reached, compensating for process lag, so the jetbeam is On in the startposition. • When the startposition is reached, it will cut the circle, then stop the jetbeam in the endposition. • The program execution continues with the next instruction. P5 Alt 2. P4 Program end position (Optional argument/OverLap). P6 Programmed position (ToPoint) X P7 P3 Tool co-ordinate system Y P2 P8 Alt 1. Program end position (Default). P1 Program start position. Figure 6. Shows the programmed position and the start- and endposition used when the instruction is executed and the path it will follow. Forwards Always motion without cutting. The robot will move to the ToPoint position. If argument \Offset is present the robot will first move to the active offset, then to the ToPoint position and stop. Press Forward again and it will go back to active offset. The circle path will never be executed in Forward execution mode. Backwards Always motion without cutting. The robot will move to the ToPoint position. If argument \Offset is present the robot will move to the active offset. The robot will never go to the ToPoint position. The circle path will never be executed in Backward execution mode. Continues or cycle On machines delivered by DRS If the robot controller auto-stop chain is open: Motion without cutting. If the robot controller auto-stop chain is closed: Motion with cutting. The robot will move to the startposition and start the process, execute the entire path, then stop the process in the endposition. If argument \Offset is present the robot will move to the active offset position, then to the startposition and start the process, execute the entire path, then stop the process in the endposition. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 33 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE CutSquare The CutSquare instruction is used in cutting to control the process while moving the TCP in a path cutting a square (rectangular) hole. The programmed position for the instruction is in the middle of side A. Starting path is offset in X and Y from the tool co-ordinate system. Arguments CutSquare [\RelWObj|] | [\RotT] ToPoint [\Offset] A_side_mm B_side_mm Speed Zone Tool [\Wobj] [\RelWObj] Data type: switch Argument \RelWObj is used to cut a square hole relative the active work object. If this argument is omitted the square will be cut relative the tool co-ordinate system. Argument \RelWObj can not be present together with argument \RotT. [\RotT] Data type: num Argument \RotT (rotate tool) can be used to change the robot configuration when cutting the square hole. Set the start point as normal, add argument \RotT and put in a value (in degrees), how much you will change the configuration (rotate the tool around the TCP). The hole will be cut in the same position but with a different robot configuration. ToPoint Data type: robtarget The reference point for the robot and external axes. It is defined as a named position or stored directly in the instruction (if marked with an * in the instruction). [\Offset] Data type: num Argument \Offset is used to add an extra position in the beginning and in the end of the square hole. Specified distance in argument \Offset adds the extra position above the square hole in Z direction of the tool co-ordinate system. This argument is only valid if argument \RelWObj is omitted. A_side_mm Data type: num The length of side A. The start side for the robot. The value must be positive and specified in mm. B_side_mm Data type: num The length of side B. The value must be positive and specified in mm. Speed Data type: speeddata The speed data that applies to movements. Speed data defines the velocity for the TCP, the tool reorientation and external axes. Zone Data type: zonedata Zone data for the movement. Zone data describes the size of the generated corner path. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 34 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE Tool Data type: tooldata The tool in use when the robot moves. The tool center point (TCP) is the point moved to the specified destination position. [\WObj] Data type: wobjdata The work object (co-ordinate system) to which the robot position in the instruction is related. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 35 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE Instruction Execution Internal sequence in a CutSquare instruction: • The tool starts to move towards the startposition for the instruction. • The jetbeam will be started before the startposition is reached, compensating for process lag, so the jetbeam is On in the startposition. • When the startposition is reached, it will cut the square hole, then stop the jetbeam in the endposition. • The program execution continues with the next instruction. Figure 7. Shows the programmed position and the start- and endposition used when the instruction is executed and the path it will follow. Forwards Always motion without cutting. The robot will move to the ToPoint position. If argument \Offset is present the robot will first move to the active offset, then to the ToPoint position and stop. Press Forward again and it will go back to active offset. The square path will never be executed in Forward execution mode. Backwards Always motion without cutting. The robot will move to the ToPoint position. If argument \Offset is present the robot will move to the active offset. The robot will never go to the ToPoint position. The square path will never be executed in Backward execution mode. Continues or cycle On machines delivered by DRS If the robot controller auto-stop chain is open: Motion without cutting. If the robot controller auto-stop chain is closed: Motion with cutting. The robot will move to the startposition and start the process, execute the entire path, then stop the process in the endposition. If argument \Offset is present the robot will move to the active offset position, then to the startposition and start the process, execute the entire path, then stop the process in the endposition. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 36 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE CutExtSquare The CutExtSquare instruction is used in cutting to control the process while moving the TCP in a path cutting a square (rectangular) hole. Possible to pull in and pull out the center point of side A and side B. The start position for the instruction is in 1/4 of the distance for side A. Starting path is offset in X and Y from the tool co-ordinate system. Arguments CutExtSquare [\RelWObj] | [\RotT] ToPoint A_side_mm A_middle_p B_side_mm B_middle_p Speed Zone Tool [\Wobj] [\RelWObj] Data type: switch Argument \RelWObj is used to cut an extended square hole relative the active work object. If this argument is omitted the extended square will be cut relative the tool co-ordinate system. Argument \RelWObj cannot be present together with argument \RotT. [\RotT] Data type: num Argument \RotT (rotate tool) can be used to change the robot configuration when cutting the extended square hole. Set the start point as normal, add argument \RotT and put in a value (in degrees), how much you will change the configuration (rotate the tool around the TCP). The hole will be cut in the same position but with a different robot configuration. ToPoint Data type: robtarget The reference point for the robot and external axes. It is defined as a named position or stored directly in the instruction (if marked with an * in the instruction). A_side_mm Data type: num The length of side A. The start side for the robot. The value must be positive and specified in mm. A_middle_p Data type: num Pull in or out the middle point of A_side_mm. If this value is 0 the cut will be as a CutSquare instruction. B_side_mm Data type: num The length of side B. The value must be positive and specified in mm. B_middle_p Data type: num Pull in or out the middle point of B_side_mm. If this value is 0 the cut will be as a CutSquare instruction. Speed Data type: speeddata The speed data that applies to movements. Speed data defines the velocity for the TCP, the tool reorientation and external axes. Zone Data type: zonedata Zone data for the movement. Zone data describes the size of the generated corner path. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 37 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE Tool Data type: tooldata The tool in use when the robot moves. The tool center point (TCP) is the point moved to the specified destination position. WObj Data type: wobjdata The work object (co-ordinate system) to which the robot position in the instruction is related. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 38 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE Instruction Execution Internal sequence in a CutExtSquare instruction: • The tool starts to move towards the startposition for the instruction. • The jetbeam will be started before the startposition is reached, compensating for process lag, so the jetbeam is On in the startposition. • When the startposition is reached, it will cut the extended square hole, then stop the jetbeam in the endposition. • The program execution continues with the next instruction. Programmed position A middle Length A side Line _ _ is A side Program start/end position Tool co-ordinate system B middle Length B side Line_ _is B side Figure 8. Shows the programmed position and the start- and endposition used when the instruction is executed and the path it will follow. Forwards Always motion without cutting. The robot will move to the ToPoint position. The square path will never be executed in Forward execution mode. Backwards Always motion without cutting. The robot will move to the ToPoint position. The square path will never be executed in Backward execution mode. Continues or cycle On machines delivered by DRS If the robot controller auto-stop chain is open: Motion without cutting. If the robot controller auto-stop chain is closed: Motion with cutting. The robot will move to the startposition and start the process, execute the entire path, then stop the process in the endposition. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 39 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE CutOblong The CutOblong instruction is used in cutting to control the process while moving the TCP in a path cutting an oblong hole. The programmed position for the instruction is in the middle of side A. Starting path offset in X and Y from the tool co-ordinate system. Arguments CutOblong [\RelWObj] | [\RotT] ToPoint [\Offset] Radius_mm Length_mm Speed Tool [\Wobj] [\RelWObj] Data type: switch Argument \RelWObj is used to cut a oblong hole relative the active work object. If this argument is omitted the circle will be cut relative the tool co-ordinate system. Argument \RelWObj cannot be present together with argument \RotT. [\RotT] Data type: num Argument \RotT (rotate tool) can be used to change the robot configuration when cutting the oblong hole. Set the start point as normal, add argument \RotT and put in a value (in degrees), how much you will change the configuration (rotate the tool around the TCP). The hole will be cut in the same position but with a different robot configuration. ToPoint Data type: robtarget The reference point forthe robot and external axes. It is defined as a named position or stored directly in the instruction (if marked with an * in the instruction). [\Offset] Data type: num The argument \Offset is used to add an extra position in the beginning and in the end of the oblong hole. Specified distance in argument \Offset adds the extra position above the oblong hole in Z direction of the tool co-ordinate system. This argument is only valid if argument \RelWObj is omitted. Radius_mm Data type: num The radius of the oblong. The value must be positive and specified in mm. Length_mm Data type: num The total length minus the radius x 2. The value must be positive and specified in mm. Speed Data type: speeddata The speed data that applies to movements. Speed data defines the velocity for the TCP, the tool reorientation and external axes. Tool Data type: tooldata The tool in use when the robot moves. The tool center point (TCP ) is the point moved to the specified destination position. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 40 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE [\WObj] Data type: wobjdata The work object (co-ordinate system) to which the robot position in the instruction is related. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 41 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE Instruction Execution Internal sequence in a CutOblong instruction: • The tool starts to move towards the startposition for the instruction. • The jetbeam will be started before the startposition is reached, compensating for process lag, so the jetbeam is On in the startposition. • When the startposition is reached, it will cut the oblong hole, then stop the jetbeam in the endposition. • The program execution continues with the next instruction. Figure 9. Shows the programmed position and the start- and endposition used when the instruction is executed and the path it will follow. Forwards Always motion without cutting. The robot will move to the ToPoint position. If argument \Offset is present the robot will first move to the active offset, then to the ToPoint position and stop. Press Forward again and it will go back to active offset. The oblong path will never be executed in Forward execution mode. Backwards Always motion without cutting. The robot will move to the ToPoint position. If argument \Offset is present the robot will move to the active offset. The robot will never go to the ToPoint position. The oblong path will never be executed in Backward execution mode. Continues or cycle On machines delivered by DRS If the robot controller auto-stop chain is open: Motion without cutting. If the robot controller auto-stop chain is closed: Motion with cutting. The robot will move to the startposition and start the process, execute the entire path, then stop the process in the endposition. If argument \Offset is present the robot will move to the active offset position, then to the startposition and start the process, execute the entire path, then stop the process in the endposition. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 42 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE CutCross The CutCross instruction is used in cutting to control the process while moving the TCP in a path cutting a cross. The start position for the instruction is in the middle of the cross. Starting path offset in X from the tool co-ordinate system. Arguments CutCross [\Circles] [\Radius_mm] ToPoint [\Offset] [\D_start] [\D_stop] A_side_mm B_side_mm Speed Zone CenterZone Tool [\Wobj] [\Circles] Data type: switch Argument \Circles is used to add circles to each end of the cross lines. May be needed if the material is fragile. [\Radius_mm] Data type: num Argument \Radius_mm is used to specify desired radius of the \Circles. Default radius is 1.5 mm . ToPoint Data type: robtarget The reference point for the robot and external axes. It is defined as a named position or stored directly in the instruction (if marked with an * in the instruction). [\Offset] Data type: num Argument \Offset is used to add an extra position in the beginning and in the end of the circle hole. Specified distance in argument \Offset adds the extra position above the circle hole in Z direction of the tool co-ordinate system. [\D_start] Data type: num Argument \D_start (distance) can be used to change where according to the ToPoint position the TCP should be when the jetbeam is On. The value must be positive and specified as the distance in mm. If argument \D_start is present, it means the jetbeam will be On specified distance before the TCP reaches the ToPoint position. If argument \D_start is omitted, the jetbeam will be On in the ToPoint position. [\D_stop] Data type: num Argument \D_stop (distance) can be used to change where according to the ToPoint position the TCP should be when the jetbeam is Off. The value must be positive and specified as the distance in mm. If argument \D_stop is present, it means the jetbeam will be Off specified distance before the TCP reaches the ToPoint position. If argument \D_stop is omitted, the jetbeam will be Off in the ToPoint position. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 43 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE A_side_mm Data type: num The length of side A. The value must be positive and specified in mm. B_side_mm Data type: num The length of side B. The value must be positive and specified in mm. Speed Data type: speeddata The speed data that applies to movement. Speed data defines the velocity for the TCP, the tool reorientation and external axes. Zone Data type: zonedata Zone data for the movement. Zone data describes the size of the generated corner path. CenterZone Data type: zonedata Zone data for the intersectional part on the cross. Tool Data type: tooldata The tool in use when the robot moves. The tool center point (TCP) is the point moved to the specified destination position. [\WObj] Data type: wobjdata The work object (co-ordinate system) to which the robot position in the instruction is related. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 44 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE Instruction Execution Internal sequence in a CutCross instruction: • The tool starts to move towards the startposition for the instruction. • The jetbeam will be started before the startposition is reached, compensating for process lag, so the jetbeam is On in the startposition. • When the startposition is reached, it will cut the cross, then stop the jetbeam in the endposition. • The program execution continues with the next instruction. Program start position Program end position Programmed position (ToPoint) X Length A side Y Tool co-ordinate system Length B side Figure 10. Shows the programmed position and the start- and endposition used when the instruction is executed and the path it will follow. Forwards Always motion without cutting. The robot will move to the ToPoint position. If argument \Offset is present the robot will first move to the active offset, then to the ToPoint position and stop. Press Forward again and it will go back to active offset. The oblong path will never be executed in Forward execution mode. Backwards Always motion without cutting. The robot will move to the ToPoint position. If argument \Offset is present the robot will move to the active offset. The robot will never go to the ToPoint position. The oblong path will never be executed in Backward execution mode. Continues or cycle On machines delivered by DRS If the robot controller auto-stop chain is open: Motion without cutting. If the robot controller auto-stop chain is closed: Motion with cutting. The robot will move to the startposition and start the process, execute the entire path, then stop the process in the endposition. If argument \Offset is present the robot will move to the active offset position, then to the startposition and start the process, execute the entire path, then stop the process in the endposition. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 45 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE VelSetOri The VelSetOri instruction is used in cutting to control the orientation velocity of a persistant speeddata. Arguments VelSetOri Speed Orient Speed Data type: speeddata Desired persistant speeddata to change orientation velocity of. Orient Data type: num Desired orientation velocity as a percentage of default value. 100% corresponds to default value. Default value = 500 degrees/s Instruction Execution The programmed orientation velocity of all subsequent positioning instructions are affected until a new VelSetOri instruction is executed. It is only possible to decrease the orientation velocity from default value. Forward All moving instruction after the VelSetOri instruction using the Speed will be affected. Backward Default value will be restored to Speed. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 46 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE Example Example of how to use instruction VelSetOri MODULE R1_SAAB1 PROC MainCut1() RobotStart tJet8\Wobj:=obR1_SAAB1; MoveJ *, vAirFast, z50, tJet8\Wobj:=obR1_SAAB1; CutL\On, pR1_Saab1_1, vAirSlow, z1, tJet8\WObj:=obR1_SAAB1; R1_Saab1_1; MoveJ *, vAirFast, z50, tJet8\Wobj:=obR1_SAAB1; MoveJ *, vAirFast, z50, tJet8\Wobj:=obR1_SAAB1; RobotEnd; ENDPROC PROC R1_Saab1_1() MoveL pR1_1, vCutFast, z5, VelSetOri vCutFast, 20; MoveL pR1_2, vCutFast, z5, MoveL pR1_3, vCutFast, z5, MoveL pR1_4, vCutSlow, z5, MoveL pR1_5, vCutFast, z5, VelSetOri vCutFast, 100; MoveL pR1_6, vCutFast, z5, ENDPROC tJet8\Wobj:=obR1_SAAB1; tJet8\Wobj:=obR1_SAAB1; tJet8\Wobj:=obR1_SAAB1; tJet8\Wobj:=obR1_SAAB1; tJet8\Wobj:=obR_1SAAB1; tJet8\Wobj:=obR1_SAAB1; ENDMODULE When the robot moves to position pR1_1, the orientation velocity in speed data vCutFast is 500 degrees/s. When the robot moves from position pR1_2 - pR1_5 the orientation velocity in speed data vCutFast is decreased to 20% of default value, 100 degrees/s. Exception is position pR1_4. It is not affected since it is using speed data vCutSlow. When going to position pR1_6, the orientation velocity in speed data vCutFast is set to default value, 500 degrees/s. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 47 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE VelSetLin The VelSetLin instruction is used in cutting to control the linear axis velocity of a persistant speeddata. Arguments VelSetLin Speed Track Speed Data type: speeddata Desired persistant speeddata to change linear axis velocity of. Track Data type: num Desired linear axis velocity as a percentage of default value. 100% corresponds to default value. Default value = 1500 mm/s Instruction Execution The programmed linear axis velocity of all subsequent positioning instructions are affected until a new VelSetLin instruction is executed. It is only possible to decrease the linear axis velocity from default value. Forward All moving instruction after the VelSetLin instruction using the Speed will be affected. Backward Default value will be restored to Speed. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 48 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE Example Example of how to use instruction VelSetLin MODULE R1_SAAB1 PROC MainCut1() RobotStart tJet8\Wobj:=obR1_SAAB1; MoveJ *, vAirFast, z50, tJet8\Wobj:=obR1_SAAB1; CutL\On, pR1_Saab1_1, vAirSlow, z1, tJet8\WObj:=obR1_SAAB1; R1_Saab1_1; MoveJ *, vAirFast, z50, tJet8\Wobj:=obR1_SAAB1; MoveJ *, vAirFast, z50, tJet8\Wobj:=obR1_SAAB1; RobotEnd; ENDPROC PROC R1_Saab1_1() MoveL pR1_1, vCutFast, z5, VelSetLin vCutFast, 20; MoveL pR1_2, vCutFast, z5, MoveL pR1_3, vCutFast, z5, MoveL pR1_4, vCutSlow, z5, MoveL pR1_5, vCutFast, z5, VelSetLin vCutFast, 100; MoveL pR1_6, vCutFast, z5, ENDPROC tJet8\Wobj:=obR1_SAAB1; tJet8\Wobj:=obR1_SAAB1; tJet8\Wobj:=obR1_SAAB1; tJet8\Wobj:=obR1_SAAB1; tJet8\Wobj:=obR_1SAAB1; tJet8\Wobj:=obR1_SAAB1; ENDMODULE When the trackunit moves to position pR1_1, the linear axis velocity in speed data vCutFast is 1500 mm/s. When the trackunit moves from position pR1_2 - pR1_5 the linear axis velocity in speed data vCutFast is decreased to 20% of default value, 300 mm/s. Exception is position pR1_4. It is not affected since it is using speed data vCutSlow. When going to position pR1_6 the linear axis velocity in speed data vCutFast is set to default value, 1500 mm/s. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 49 ( 66 ) 16:08 1:7 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE Perfo Functions (Option) Description The option Perfo Functions holds advanced instructions for the process. It is a set of instructions for the programmer to use when creating the production program. Instructions are accessible from instruction pick list M.C 1. This option consists of two functions: 1. Perforation of a circle hole 2. Perforation of other geometry’s such as rectangles, oval holes or periphery cutting Related chapters: • • Basic Functions, section Waterjet Equipment Lag Tool Co-ordinate System Instructions Instructions included in this option: Instructions Description CirclePerfo Start and stop the process during a circle movement. The result is a perforated circle. PerfoOn Start the process for perforated cutting of any type of geometry PerfoOff Stop the process for perforated cutting. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 50 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE CirclePerfo The CirclePerfo instruction is used in cutting to control the process while moving the TCP in a path cutting a perforated circle hole. The programmed position for the instruction is in the center of the circle. Starting path is offset in X and Y from the tool co-ordinate system. Arguments CirclePerfo ToPoint Radius_mm NumberOfPerfo PauseLength_mm Speed Tool [\Wobj] ToPoint Data type: robtarget The reference point for the robot and external axes. It is defined as a named position or stored directly in the instruction (if marked with an * in the instruction). Radius_mm Data type: num The radius of the circle to be cut. The value must be positive and specified in mm. Speed Data type: speeddata The speed data that applies to movement. Speed data defines the velocity for the TCP, the tool reorientation and external axes. NumberOfPerfo Data type: num Number of perforations on the circle path. PauseLength_mm Data type: num The length of the uncut section on the circle path. Tool Data type: tooldata The tool in use when the robot moves. The tool center point (TCP) is the point moved to the specified destination position. [\WObj] Data type: wobjdata The work object (co-ordinate system) to which the robot position in the instruction is related. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 51 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE Instruction execution Internal sequence in a CirclePerfo instruction: • The tool starts to move towards the startposition for the instruction. • The jetbeam will be started before the startposition is reached, compensating for process lag, so the jetbeam is On in the startposition. • When the startposition is reached, it will cut the circle with specified number of perforations, then stop the jetbeam in the endposition. • The program execution continues with the next instruction. Figure 11. Shows the programmed position and the start- and endposition used when the instruction is executed and the path it will follow. Forwards Always motion without cutting. The robot will move to the ToPoint position. The circle path will never be executed in Forward execution mode. Backwards Always motion without cutting. The robot will move to the ToPoint position. The circle path will never be executed in Backward execution mode. Continues or cycle On machines delivered by DRS If the robot controller auto-stop chain is open: Motion without cutting. If the robot controller auto-stop chain is closed: Motion with cutting. The robot will move to the startposition and start the process, execute the entire path, then stop the process in the endposition. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 52 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE PerfoOn The PerfoOn instruction is used in cutting to start the process for perforation. Standard Move instructions (MoveL, MoveC) are then used moving the TCP in a path cutting perforated geometry’s such as rectangles, oval holes or periphery. Arguments PerfoOn Speed CutLength_mm PauseLength_mm Speed Data type: speeddata The speed data that applies to movement. Speed data defines the velocity for the tool center point, the tool reorientation and external axes. CutLength_mm Data type: num The length of the cut section of the perforated cut. The value must be positive and specified in mm. PauseLength_mm Data type: num The length of the uncut section of the perforation. The value must be positive and specified in mm. Instruction Execution Internal sequence in a PerfoOn instruction: • Activates a perforated cut for geometries such as rectangles, oval holes or periphery cuttings. Forwards As under Instruction Execution. Backwards Not possible. Continues or cycle As under Instruction Execution. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 53 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE PerfoOff The PerfoOff instruction is used in cutting to stop the process for perforation started by instruction PerfoOn. Arguments PerfoOff Instruction Execution Internal sequence in a PerfoOff instruction: • The perforation started by instruction PerfoOn is stopped. Forwards As under Instruction Execution. Backwards Not possible. Continues or cycle As under Instruction Execution. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 54 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE Example Instructions PerfoOn and PerfoOff in program: • PerfoOn starts the perforation, meaning activates settings for the perforation and starts the jetbeam. • PerfoOff stops the perforation, meaning terminates settings activated by PerfoOn. Please refer to the example below. Example of how to use instructions PerfoOn and PerfoOff MODULE R1_SAAB1 PROC MainCut1() RobotStart tJet8\Wobj:=obR1_SAAB1; MoveJ *, vAirFast, z50, tJet8\Wobj:=obR1_SAAB1; CutL\On, pR1_Saab1_1, vAirSlow, z1, tJet8\WObj:=obR1_SAAB1; R1_Saab1_1; MoveJ *, vAirFast, z50, tJet8\Wobj:=obR1_SAAB1; MoveJ *, vAirFast, z50, tJet8\Wobj:=obR1_SAAB1; RobotEnd; ENDPROC PROC R1_Saab1_1() PerfoOn, vCutSlow, MoveL *, vCutSlow, MoveL *, vCutSlow, MoveL *, vCutSlow, MoveL *, vCutSlow, MoveL *, vCutSlow, MoveL *, vCutSlow, PerfoOff ENDPROC 14, z5, z5, z5, z5, z5, z5, 5 tJet8\Wobj:=obR1_SAAB1; tJet8\Wobj:=obR1_SAAB1; tJet8\Wobj:=obR1_SAAB1; tJet8\Wobj:=obR1_SAAB1; tJet8\Wobj:=obR_1SAAB1; tJet8\Wobj:=obR1_SAAB1; ENDMODULE Limitations • • • Routine CtrlWJEquipLag must be run through to get the correct opening and closing times calculated for the start and stop of the jetbeam. If instruction CirclePerfo or PerfoOn has been activated and the robot was stopped, without completing the perforation, the PerfoOff instruction must be run through manually to re-set the functionality. For Perfo Functions to work correctly, the speed must not exceed the minimum opening and closing time calculated for the highpressure valve. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 55 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE Performace Diagram Max speed in mm/s at cutting/pause length in mm Cutting speed, mm/s 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 1 2 Length 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 Cutting/Pause Figure 12. Perfo Function performance digram Note! The diagram is only intended as an indication, since the valve types and cutting pressure may vary. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 56 ( 66 ) 16:08 1:8 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE Geometrix (Option) Description The option Geometrix holds advanced instructions for the process. Instructions are accessible from Instruction Pick List M.C 1. Related chapters: • • Basic Functions, section Waterjet Equipment Lag Tool Co-ordinate System Instructions Instruction included in this option: Instructions Description CutWCircle Start and stop the process with a circle shaped movement. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 57 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE CutWCircle The CutWCircle instruction is used in cutting to control the process while moving the robot wrist axes so that the projection of the movement in the plane perpendicular to the tool orientation describes a circle. Moving only the wrist axes to increase the path accuracy. Note! The tool orientation is not constant. The height of the TCP above the plane isn't constant. Use with caution. The programmed position for the instruction is in the center of the circle. Example CutWCircle pR1_1, 4, v20, z1, tJet8; The motion begins with a spiraling movement from the interior of the circle with origin pR1_1 to the circle boundary. This is to get a smooth trajectory. Thereafter the robot moves so that the projection of the path in the plane perpendicular to the tool orientation describes a circle with radius 4. The motion is concluded with a spiraling movement towards the center of the circle. The speed data used during the motion is v50 and the zone data is z5. Since the switch arguments are omitted the motion will be done with axes 5 and 6. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 58 ( 66 ) 16:08 Arguments CutWCircle PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE ToPoint [\Offset] [\D_start] [\D_Stop] Radius_mm Speed Zone Tool [\Wobj] [\PathRes] [\LeadRadius] [\LeadAngle] [\Move4_5] | [\Move5_6] ToPoint Data type: robtarget Target specifying the origin of the circle. The destination point of the external axes. It is defined as a named position or stored directly in the instruction (if marked with an * in the instruction). [\Offset] Data type: num Argument \Offset is used to add an extra position in the beginning and in the end of the circle hole. Specified distance in argument \Offset adds the extra position above the circle hole in Z direction of the tool co-ordinate system. [\D_start] Data type: num Argument \D_start (distance) can be used to change where according to the ToPoint position the TCP should be when the jetbeam is On. The value must be positive and specified as the distance in mm. If argument \D_start is present, it means the jetbeam will be On specified distance before the TCP reaches the ToPoint position. If argument \D_start is omitted, the jetbeam will be On in the ToPoint position. [\D_stop] Data type: num Argument \D_stop (distance) can be used to change where according to the ToPoint position the TCP should be when the jetbeam is Off. The value must be positive and specified as the distance in mm. If argument \D_stop is present, it means the jetbeam will be Off specified distance before the TCP reaches the ToPoint position. If argument \D_stop is omitted, the jetbeam will be Off in the ToPoint position. Radius_mm Data type: num The radius of the circle to be cut. The value must be positive and specified in mm. Speed Data type: speeddata The speed data that applies to movements. Speed data defines the velocity for the TCP, the tool reorientation and external axes. Zone Data type: zonedata Zone data for the movement. Zone data describes the size of the generated corner path. Tool Data type: tooldata The tool in use when the robot moves. The tool center point (TCP) is the point moved to the specified destination position. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 59 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE [\WObj] Data type: wobjdata The work object (co-ordinate system) to which the robot position in the instruction is related. This argument can be omitted, and if it is, the position is related to the world coordinate system. If, on the other hand, a stationary TCP or coordinated external axes are used, this argument must be specified in order for a circle relative to the work object to be executed. [\PathRes] Data type: num Parameter to increase or decrease the path resolution (accuracy). A low path resolution increases the maximum speed of the movement. A high path resolution increases the quality. The circle trajectory should have as low path resolution as possible without jeopardizing the circle quality. The default value is 1. A value smaller than 1 will give a lower path resolution, a value higher than 1 will give higher path resolution. The maximum value is 1.5. [\LeadRadius] Data type: num Minimum radius of the lead-in lead-out curves expressed as percent of circle radius. The parameter LeadRadius must be in the range [0, 100]. If the value is zero, then lead-in and lead-out curves are not used. If the value is 100, then the lead-in and lead-out trajectories will coincide with the circle perimeter. The larger the value for leadRadius, the smoother the curve will be. A too large value however, will make the cutting tool cut the same path twice. Default value is 80. [\LeadAngle] Data type: num Angle determining the 'width' of the lead-in lead-out curves expressed in degees. The parameter LeadAngle is given in degrees and must be in the interval [0, 100]. Default value is 50. [\Move4_5] Data type: switch Use axes 5 and 6 to perform the circular motion. [\Move5_6] Data type: switch Use axes 4 and 6 to perform the circular motion. Default value. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 60 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE Instruction Execution Internal sequence in a CutWCircle instruction: • The tool starts to move towards the startposition for the instruction. • The jetbeam will be started before the startposition is reached, compensating for process lag, so the jetbeam is On in the startposition. • When the startposition is reached, it will cut the circle, then stop the jetbeam in the endposition. • The program execution continues with the next instruction. Figure 13 shows a circle together with the lead-in and lead-out curves. The parameter leadRadius is the smallest radius of the lead-in and lead-out curves, expressed as percent of the circle radius. Figure 13. Shows the circle together with lead-in and lead-out curves. Forwards Always motion without cutting. The robot will move to the ToPoint position. If argument \Offset is present the robot will first move to the active offset, then to the ToPoint position and stop. Press Forward again and it will go back to active offset. The circle path will never be executed in Forward execution mode. Backwards Always motion without cutting. The robot will move to the ToPoint position. If argument \Offset is present the robot will move to the active offset. The robot will never go to the ToPoint position. The circle path will never be executed in Backward execution mode. Continues or cycle On machines delivered by DRS If the robot controller auto-stop chain is open: Motion without cutting. If the robot controller auto-stop chain is closed: Motion with cutting. The robot will move to the startposition and start the process, execute the entire path, then stop the process in the endposition. If argument \Offset is present the robot will move to the active offset position, then to the startposition and start the process, execute the entire path, then stop the process in the endposition. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 61 ( 66 ) 16:08 1:9 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE Waterjet Postion Control (Option) Introduction The option Waterjet Position Control is a control to check the absolute position of the jetbeam in a control station. This check minimizes the risk to cut with a bend nozzle tube, incorrect mounting of a nozzle tube, a fault in one or several of the robot axis or a wrong Tool center Point (TCP). Function When the robot have produced a number of parts (definable), the Waterjet Position Control program moves the robot from homeposition to the control station and starts the jetbeam. • • If the Waterjet Position Control is OK: A sensor in the control station is affected and a signal is send back to the robot. Production continues as normal. If the Waterjet Position Control fails: No signal is send back to the robot. The robot stops and an error message is shown on the machine Operator Panel and on the FlexPendant Unit. It will be possible to start a new production cycle but the message will come up after every cycle until the problem is corrected. Settings The Waterjet Position Control main program, CheckWJPC, is called from instruction RobotEnd that is used by all production programs. Activate/Deactivate Control The control is activated/deactivated by boolean data bOption1. The following illustrates how to activate/deactivate the control if needed. Item Description Info 1. On the ABB menu, tap Program Data. 2. Select data type bool, then tap Show Data. 3. Select data bOption1 in the list, then tap Edit / Change Value. 4. Change the value, then tap OK. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 62 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE Set Interval for Control The interval of the control is defined by numeric data nIntervalOpt1. Default value for interval is 20. The following illustrates how to change the interval of the control if needed. Item Description Info 1. On the ABB menu, tap Program Data. 2. Select data type num, then tap Show Data. 3. Select data nIntervalOpt1 in the list, then tap Edit / Change Value. 4. Change the value, then tap OK. Control/Service Routines The routines are accessible from the Program Editor, Debug menu, buttons PP to Routine... or Call Routine... Routines Description TestWJPC Test Waterjet Position Control Routine TestWJPC displays a dialog on the FlexPendant Unit giving the user the possibility select between: TEST, EDIT or EXIT. TEST: Run the complete Waterjet Position Control program. The robot moves from homeposition to the Waterjet Position Control station and starts the jetbeam. Information is displayed on the FlexPendant Unit about the result of the test. The TEST is the same as in production EDIT: Run the Waterjet Position Control program but STOP in the test position above the control station. This gives the possibility to edit the position if needed. EXIT: Terminate program. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 63 ( 66 ) 16:08 1:10 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE Waterjet Quality Control (Option) Introduction The option Waterjet Quality Control is a control to check the quality of the jetbeam. This check minimizes the risk to cut with a bad or broken orifice. Function When the robot have produced a number of parts (definable), the Waterjet Quality Control program moves the robot from homeposition to a startposition in the control station and starts the jetbeam. A check of the jetbeam will be performed by moving forward and backward through the lightbeam. • If the Waterjet Quality Control is OK: Production continues as normal. • If the Waterjet Quality Control fails: The robot stops and an error message is shown on the maskin Operator Panel and on the FlexPendant Unit. It will be possible to start a new production cycle but the message will come up after every cycle until the problem is corrected. Settings The Waterjet Quality Control main program, CheckWJQC, is called from instruction RobotEnd that is used by all production programs. Activate/Deactivate Control The control is activated/deactivated by boolean data bOption2. The following illustrates how to activate/deactivate the control if needed. Item Description Info 1. On the ABB menu, tap Program Data. 2. Select data type bool, then tap Show Data. 3. Select data bOption2 in the list, then tap Edit / Change Value. 4. Change the value, then tap OK. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 64 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE Set Interval for Control The interval of the control is defined by numeric data nIntervalOpt2. Default value for interval is 20. The following illustrates how to change the interval of the control if needed. Item Description Info 1. On the ABB menu, tap Program Data. 2. Select data type num, then tap Show Data. 3. Select data nIntervalOpt2 in the list, then tap Edit / Change Value. 4. Change the value, then tap OK. Tolerance The Tolerance of the control is defined by numeric data nBreakPo. Default start value for tolerance is 1.5. The value can be set in normal production from 1.0 for small orifice and tolerance to 2.5 for big orifices and tolerance. The following illustrates how to change tolerance of the control if needed. Item Description Info 1. On the ABB menu, tap Program Data. 2. Select data type num, then tap Show Data. 3. Select data nBreakPo in the list, then tap Edit / Change Value. 4. Change the value, then tap OK. Orfice size To be set by running through routine CalcWKJEquipLag. See chapter Basic Functions, section Calculate Waterjet Equipment Lag. Control/Service Routines The routines are accessible from the Program Editor, Debug menu, buttons PP to Routine... or Call Routine... Routines Description TestWJQC Test Waterjet Quality Control Routine TestWJQC displays a dialog on the FlexPendant Unit giving the user the possibillity selest between: TEST or EXIT. TEST: Run the compleate Waterjet Quality Control program. The robot moves from homeposition to the Waterjet Quality Control station and starts the jetbeam. Information is displayed on the FlexPendant Unit about the result of the test. The TEST is the same as in production EXIT: Terminate program. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 65 ( 66 ) 16:08 PROCESSWARE WATERJETWARE Error Messages If the red ERROR LED on the Waterjet Quality Control station is continuously on that indicates that the sensor is damaged and must be replaced. ProcessWare WaterjetWare | IRC5 | Dynamic Robotic Solutions Europe AB 66 ( 66 )