01 FIND ME ON I N S TA G R A M TWITTER YOUTUBE @ adigill90 @adI_gillespie adi gillespie 02 INTRODUCTION Firstly I would like to thank you all for purchasing my book, my aim is to give you all an insight into my training and diet regime in the hope that you can take something from it and implement it into your own lifestyle. Everything inside is based on my own tried and tested methods, experience as a personal trainer and my background playing sports at high level. Let this book guide you to make sustainable, life long changes towards health, fitness & achieving your ideal physique. This approach will not work for everyone, having said that, I believe that there is something in this book for all experience levels. All I ask is if you are going to undertake the programmes in this book, give it everything you’ve got, this won’t be easy. Be patient, grow daily & enjoy the process. 03 DISCLAIMER Always consult your physician or health care professional before performing any exercise or making any changes to your current diet. By using the program outlined in this book, you agree you are doing so at your own risk and the author shall not be held accountable for any physical injury or any health related issues. This book is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of physicians. The reader should regularly consult a physician in matters relating to his/her health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. No parts of this publication may be reproduced in any way. It is strictly prohibited to: - Lend - Sell - Share online - Copy 04 CONTENTS 01 TRAINING OBJECTIVES 08 02 TRAINING SPLIT 09-11 03 STRUCTURE OF WORKOUTS 12-15 04 TRAINING PROGRAM 16-44 05 DIET INTRO 45-48 05 06 D I E T F O R FAT L O S S 49-51 07 DIET FOR MUSCLE BUILDING 52-53 08 PERI-WORKOUT NUTRITION 54-55 09 SAMPLE DIET 56-59 10 A L T E R N AT I V E F O O D L I S T 60-61 06 01 TRAINING OBJECTIVES My style of training has never just been geared towards one objective, which for most people is usually the way they look. Although body composition has had a huge impact on how I periodise my training, staying athletic, healthy and physically fit is just as important. The goal: to become a machine all round. The main objectives of this programme are to: - Increase overall fitness - Decrease body fat percentage (With appropriate diet) - Add or maintain lean muscle (With appropriate diet) - Improve athleticism I believe that all of the objectives above can and will be achieved with this type of program. To maximise the results from this program you must give every aspect of the training, diet, rest & recovery your 100% attention. As I’ve mentioned before, this programme is not tailored to you as an individual, therefore you must monitor your own progress, re-evaluate and make adjustments where needed. This is about you taking your own fitness and health into your own hands and using this as a guide to better your own training. Listen to your body. 08 02 TRAINING SPLIT DAY 01 DAY 02 DAY 03 DAY 04 DAY 05 LEGS PUSH PULL METCON REST The training split I’ve put together lasts over 5 days with one of the days being rest. Day 6 of the week will simply be the programme starting over again but the second round of workouts. The aim of this split is to hit muscle groups often enough for them to grow but allowing just enough time to rest and recover. Training 6 days a week may not be sustainable for everyone long term due external stresses like work and family commitments etc., with that in mind do not run yourself into the ground trying to keep up with a programme that realistically isn’t right for you. If you fall in this bracket and are unsure how to tailor this programme to suit yourself, please seek guidance from a fitness professional. This programme is designed around only going to the gym for 1 session a day, i.e. no additional morning cardio, how I do that will become more apparent in the next chapter. If you feel you’re not getting leaner and are tempted to add in additional cardio I would suggest taking a look at your diet before anything else. 09 DELOAD WEEK DAY 01 DAY 02 DAY 03 DAY 04 DAY 05 LEGS PUSH PULL LIGHT CARDIO REST Once all 6 workouts from each muscle group have been completed it is then time to take a deload week. This is essential for reducing accumulated fatigue which can in turn cause a training plateau and run the risk of injury. Think of it as recharging your batteries which will allow for improved performance post deload week. There will be no HIIT over the 5 days and both volume and intensity will be reduced. Choose any of the workouts in the book for each relevant muscle group of that week and reduce each exercise by 1 set and reduce load by 20%. The light cardio day is exactly what it says on the tin, 30mins of low intensity cardio of your choice. This could be the cross trainer, hill walk, swim, bike etc. 10 HERE IS AN EXAMPLE OF A DELOAD WEEK WORKOUT: BARBELL F RO N T S Q U AT 3X6 (Usual weight: 100kg, deload weight: 80kg) SMITH M AC H I N E STAT I O N A RY LU N G E S 2X8 EACH LEG (Usual weight: 50kg, deload weight: 40kg) LEG PRESS 3X12 (Usual weight: 100kg, deload weight: 80kg) PISTOL S Q U AT S (SUPERSET BOX WITH 2X8 EACH LEG ) 2X10 Just volume reduced as both exercises are bodyweight. JUMPS 11 03 STRUCTURE OF WORKOUTS The workouts are structured to incorporate more than one component of fitness into a single session. The training methods used will include strength training, hypertrophy, HIIT, muscular endurance and metabolic conditioning. STRENGTH Each workout will start with our strength aspect of the session and will more often than not be a compound movement. This is where we are looking to improve overall strength and function of our CNS. Improvements in both of these areas will allow us to lift heavier for longer. There will be a maximum of 6 reps with a minimum of 3 minutes rest between sets. HYPERTROPHY The middle portion of the workout is still strength training but working towards muscle hypertrophy (Muscle growth). Repetitions are increased and rest periods are shortened but by no means does this mean you go light on the weight. If you need to then use Intra-set rest which means you rack the weight for a minimum of 5seconds to allow for partial recovery of the muscle then carry out the rest of your set. Rest for 90 seconds, unless stated. 12 HIIT For both the legs and pull sessions there will be 10 minutes of hell in the form of High Intensity Interval Training. HIIT has been proven to burn fat for up to 48hrs after. This is time efficient and beneficial for both body composition and cardiovascular fitness. You must give each interval maximal effort for this to work, Intervals will be anywhere between 15secs & 30secs. 10 minutes of work, that’s it! METCON These are tough. Put together to torch fat, improve functional fitness and keep your training interesting! These sessions should last a maximum of 25-30 mins with some additional abdominal work to finish. 13 BELOW IS AN EXAMPLE WORKOUT SO YOU CAN IDENTIFY THE TRAINING METHODS USED BARBELL F RO N T S Q U AT BULGARIAN S E AT E D SMITH 4X6 3X8 S P L I T S Q U AT HAMSTRING CURLS EACH LEG 4X12 M AC H I N E E X P LO S I V E S Q U AT (SUPERSET SMITH : WITH 4X8 ) MACHINE CALF RAISE DEADMILLS (THIS 4X15 IS WHEN THE TREADMILL IS C O M P L E T E LY S TAT I O N A RY , HOLD ONTO THE BAR IN FRONT AND PUSH LIKE ITS A PROWLER) 10X15SECS (45 SECS REST ) - T OTA L STRENGTH HYPERTROPHY HIIT 14 TIME 10MINS. 04 TRAINING PROGRAM There are 6 workouts for each of the muscle groups, work your way through from one to six, then carry out a deload week. On completion of your deload week this would then be the perfect time to evaluate the previous cycle and see what is and isn’t working for you then make adjustments where needed. Exercises can be substituted for similar exercises if your gym doesn’t have that piece of equipment. If you’re ensure on how an exercise is performed, first Google it, if that fails then speak with a fitness professional. Lets get into it. 16 LEGS one BARBELL SUMO DEADLIFT 3X8 BARBELL LEG (Go heavy, 3mins+ rest) (90 secs rest) LUNGES 3X8 EACH LEG CURL 8X8 CALF (90 secs rest) (45 secs rest) RAISE ON LEG PRESS MACHINE 3X10 W AT T B I K E (45 B AC K S Q U AT 5X5 SPRINTS (AIM SECS REST) - T OTA L FOR TIME 5 0 0 WAT T S + 10 MINS 17 . (90 secs rest) P E R I N T E RVA L ) 10X15SECS LEGS TWO BARBELL F RO N T S Q U AT 5X5 BARBELL STIFF LEG DEADLIFT 3X12 LEG PRESS 4X10 (SUPERSET WITH) EXT 8X8 SMITH (90 secs rest) (90 secs rest) B W S Q U AT S 4X20 LEG (Go heavy, 3mins+ rest) (90 secs rest) (45 secs rest) MACHINE CALF RAISE 3X20 (90 secs rest) D E A D M I L L S (This is when the treadmill is completely stationary and you hold onto the bar in front and push like a prowler) 1 0 X 1 5 S E C S (45 secs rest) - T O T A L TIME 10MINS. 18 LEGS three BARBELL B AC K S Q U AT 5X5 BULGARIAN S E AT E D SMITH each leg, (90secs rest) (90 secs rest) M AC H I N E E X P LO S I V E S Q U AT 4X8 WITH ) MACHINE CALF RAISE 4X20 W AT T B I K E (45 S P L I T S Q U AT 3X8 HAMSTRING CURLS 4X12 (SUPERSET SMITH (Go heavy, 3mins+ rest) SPRINTS (AIM SECS REST) - T OTA L FOR TIME (90secs rest) 5 0 0 WAT T S + 10 MINS 19 . P E R I N T E RVA L ) 10X15SECS LEGS four BARBELL SMITH LEG F RO N T S Q U AT 4X6 M AC H I N E STAT I O N A RY LU N G E S 3X8 PRESS 4X12 PISTOL each leg (90 secs rest) (90 secs rest) S Q U AT S 4X8 EACH LEG (SUPERSET BOX (Go heavy, 3mins+ rest) WITH) JUMPS 4X10 (90 secs rest) D E A D M I L L S (This is when the treadmill is completely stationary and you hold onto the bar in front and push like a prowler) 1 0 X 1 5 S E C S (45 secs rest) - T O T A L TIME 10MINS. 20 LEGS five BARBELL B AC K S Q U AT 5X5 (Go heavy, 3mins+ rest) D E A D L I F T 3 X 8 (90 secs rest) LEG EXTENSION 8X8 LEG PRESS 8X8 CALF (45 secs rest) RAISE ON LEG PRESS MACHINE 4X20 W AT T B I K E (45 (45secs rest) SPRINTS (AIM SECS REST) - T OTA L FOR TIME 5 0 0 WAT T S + 10 MINS 21 . (90 secs rest) P E R I N T E RVA L ) 10X15SECS LEGS six BARBELL F RO N T S Q U AT 4X6 BULGARIAN HACK S P L I T S Q U AT 3X8 EACH LEG S Q U AT 4X10 JUMPING (Go heavy, 3mins+ rest) (90 secs rest) (90 secs rest) A LT E R N AT E L U N G E S 3X20 EACH LEG (SUPERSET) BOX JUMPS 3X10 (90 secs rest) D E A D M I L L S (This is when the treadmill is completely stationary and you hold onto the bar in front and push like a prowler) 1 0 X 1 5 S E C S (45 secs rest) - T O T A L TIME 10MINS. 22 PUSH ONE B E N C H P R E S S 5 X 5 (Go heavy, 3mins+ rest) DB SHOULDER PRESS 3X10 INCLINE (90 secs rest) BENCH PRESS 3X12 (SUPERSET) D B L AT E R A L ARNOLD RAISE 3X12 (90 secs rest) PRESS 3X12 (SUPERSET) DB C H E S T F LY 3X12 (90 secs rest) EZ BAR SKULL CRUSHER 4X12 CABLE (90 secs rest) ROPE PUSH DOWN 8X8 23 (30secs rest) PUSH two BARBELL PUSH PRESS 5X5 INCLINE DB BEHIND CHEST PRESS 3X10 (90 secs rest) THE HEAD BARBELL SHOULDER PRESS 3X10 (SUPERSET HAMMER PEC (Go heavy, 3mins+ rest) WITH) STRENGTH CHEST PRESS 3X10 DEC 3X12 (SUPERSET WITH) P L AT E FRONT RAISE 3X12 CLOSE GRIP BENCH PRESS 4X12 (SUPERSET DIAMOND WITH (90 secs rest) ) PUSH UPS 4X12 (90 secs rest) 24 (90 secs rest) PUSH THREE B E N C H P R E S S 5 X 5 (3min rest) SMITH DB M AC H I N E S E AT E D S H O U L D E R P R E S S 3X12 DECLINE PRESS 3X10 (SUPERSET DB WITH ) S E AT E D L AT E R A L R A I S E 3X10 H A N D STA N D (SUPERSET CABLE SINGLE (90 secs rest) PUSH UP 3X8 WITH ) F LYS 3X12 (90 secs rest) ARM SKULL CRUSHERS 4X12 BODYWEIGHT DIPS 100 REPS (90 secs rest) (as many sets as it takes) 25 (90 secs rest) PUSH FOUR BARBELL SHOULDER PRESS 4X6 WEIGHTED DB (90 secs rest) SHOULDER PRESS 3X10 (SUPERSET INCLINE DECLINE CABLE WITH BENCH ) DB F LY 3X10 WITH ) L AT E R A L R A I S E 3X10 E AC H A R M . BAR SKULL CRUSHER 3X12 CABLE (90 secs rest) C A B L E F LY 3X15 (SUPERSET EZ DIPS 4X12 (Go heavy, 3mins+ rest) ROPE PUSH DOWN 8X8 26 (90 secs rest) (45 secs rest) (90 secs rest) PUSH five BENCH DB PRESS 5X5 (Go heavy, 3mins+ rest) SHOULDER PRESS 3X10 MACHINE (SUPERSET MACHINE P L AT E SINGLE CHEST PRESS 3X12 WITH ) SHOULDER PRESS 3X12 (90 secs rest) FRONT RAISE 3X15 (SUPERSET SVEND (90 secs rest) WITH ) PRESS 3X15 (90 secs rest) ARM SKULL CRUSHERS 4X12 BODYWEIGHT DIPS 100 REPS (90 secs rest) (as many sets as it takes) 27 PUSH six BARBELL PUSH PRESS 5X5 (Go heavy, 3mins+ rest) INCLINE BENCH PRESS 3X10 ARNOLD PRESS 3X12, (90 secs rest) (SUPERSET) DB PEC F LY 3X12 DEC 3X12 (SUPERSET DB (90 secs rest) WITH ) L AT E R A L R A I S E 3X10 E AC H A R M . CLOSE GRIP BENCH PRESS 4X15 (SUPERSET DIAMOND WITH ) PUSH UPS 4X15 (90 secs rest) 28 (90 secs rest) PULL one T- B A R L AT ROW 4X6 (3MIN REST ) PULL DOWN 3X10 (SUPERSET) REAR D E LT F LY 3X10 BARBELL ROW 4X8 (SUPERSET WITH UNDERHAND STRAIGHT UP & ) GRIP BARBELL ROW 4X8 BAR CURL 3X12 DOWN RACK DUMBBELLS 5X8REPS each arm on each weight, (Increase weight 5 times, no rest between sets) START LIGHT! ROW SPRINTS 5 0 0 M (90secs rest) , 4 0 0 M (80 secs rest) , 3 0 0 M (70 secs rest), 2 0 0 M (60 secs rest) , 1 0 0 M (45 secs rest) , 4 0 0 M to finish. 30 31 PULL two WEIGHTED BARBELL S E AT E D DB SHRUGS 3X12 ROW 8X8 (Go heavy, 3mins+ rest) (90 secs rest) (45 secs rest) R E A R D E LT F LY 3X10 (SUPERSET SMITH DB PULL UPS 4X6 WITH ) MACHINE BODY ROW 3X25 (90 secs rest) HAMMER CURL 3X10 EACH ARM STRAIGHT BAR CABLE CURL 8X8 (90 secs rest) (45secs rest) T A B ATA ROW - 2 R O U N D S ROW 8X20SECS, 10 SECS REST. REST 2MIN 31 BETWEEN SETS PULL three T- B A R WIDE 4X6 ROW GRIP (SUPERSET L AT WITH UNDERHAND S N ATC H G R I P L AT P U L L D OW N 10,10,10 10,10,10 WITH) ROW PREACHER 10,10,10 ) GRIP HIGH PULL (SUPERSET BARBELL PULL DOWN 10,10,10 CURL 3X12 U P & D O W N R A C K D U M B B E L L S 5 X 8 R E P S each arm on each weight, (Increase weight 5 times, no rest between sets) START LIGHT! ROW SPRINTS 30 SECS SPRINT / 30 secs rest - T O T A L 32 TIME 10 MINUTES. PULL four P E N D L AY WIDE ROW 4X6 ARM STRICT PULL UPS 3X12 (SUPERSET STRAIGHT S E AT E D WITH ) ARM PULL DOWN 3X12 WITH ) R E A R D E LT F LY 3X10 STRAIGHT INCLINE (90 secs rest) ROW 3X10 (SUPERSET DB (Go heavy, 3mins+ rest) (90 secs rest) BAR CURL 3X12 (90 secs rest) BENCH DUMBBELL CURLS 8X8 (45 secs rest) ROW SPRINTS 5 0 0 M (90secs rest) , 4 0 0 M (80 secs rest) , 3 0 0 M (70 secs rest), 2 0 0 M (60 secs rest) , 1 0 0 M (45 secs rest) , 4 0 0 M to finish. 33 PULL five WEIGHTED BARBELL PULL UPS 4X6 ROW 4X8 (SUPERSET WITH UNDERHAND WIDE GRIP BARBELL ROW4X8 (90 secs rest) PULL DOWN 3X10 WITH) UNDERHAND PREACHER ) GRIP L AT (SUPERSET DB (Go heavy, 3mins+ rest) G R I P L AT P U L L D OW N 3X10 CURL 3X12 (90 secs rest) (90 secs rest) A LT E R N AT I N G C U R L 3X8 EACH ARM. T A B ATA ROW - 2 R O U N D S ROW 8X20SECS, 10 SECS REST. REST 2MIN 34 (90 secs rest) BETWEEN SETS PULL six T- B A R ROW 4X6 S E AT E D ROW 3X10 (SUPERSET REAR D E LT BARBELL WITH DB ) F LY 3X10 WITH ) HIGH PULL 3X12 HAMMER (90 secs rest) SHRUGS 3X12 (SUPERSET DB (Go heavy, 3mins+ rest) CURL 3X10 STRAIGHT (90 secs rest) Each arm (90 secs rest) BAR CURLS 3X21’S (7x low,7x high, 7x full range of motion) ROW SPRINTS 5 0 0 M (90secs rest) , 4 0 0 M (80 secs rest) , 3 0 0 M (70 secs rest), 2 0 0 M (60 secs rest) , 1 0 0 M (45 secs rest) , 4 0 0 M to finish. 35 METCON ONE 4 RO U N D S TOTA L Max reps in 1 minute on each exercise, no rest between exercises 2min rest between rounds. BOX KB JUMPS SWINGS SKIPPING PUSH UPS ABS 4 ROUNDS OF CRUNCHES 20, : BICYCLES 20, HALF SITS 20, 38 LEG RAISES 20, P L AT E T W I ST S 2O. METCON two 3 RO U N D S TOTA L 400M - minimum rest RUN 50 S Q U AT S 40 PUSH UPS 30 JUMPING LUNGES 20 PULL UPS 10 BURPEES ABS EXERCISES CABLE BALL PULL IN ROPE CRUNCHES (SUPERSET HANGING WITH 3X15 3X15 ) KNEE RAISES 3X15 39 METCON three 5 RO U N D S TOTA L Max reps in 1 minute on each exercise, no rest between exercises 2min rest between rounds. ROWING MACHINE WALKING PUSH LUNGES UPS SKIPPING ABS WEIGHTED ROMAN TRX 3X15 C H A I R O B L I Q U E T W I ST S O R P L AT E T W I ST S AB CRUNCHES (SUPERSET TRX CRUNCH MACHINE WITH 3X20 ) M O U N TA I N C L I M B E R S 3X20 40 3X20 METCON four 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 REPS Perform 10 reps on each exercise, then move on to 9, then 8..... all the way down to 1. BARBELL THRUSTER DIPS S N ATC H GRIP HIGH PULL ABS LEG RAISES CABLE 3X20 ROPE CRUNCHES (SUPERSET M O U N TA I N WITH 4X20 ) CLIMBERS 4X40 41 METCON five 8 RO U N D S TOTA L 8 PULL UPS 8 CRUNCHES 8 KB SWINGS 8 HANGING LEG RAISES 8 BOX JUMPS 8 V SITS 8 RING DIPS 8 KB S N ATC H ABS WEIGHTED ROMAN CRUNCH MACHINE 4X15 C H A I R O B L I Q U E T W I ST S O R P L AT E T W I ST S 42 4X20 METCON six 5 RO U N D S TOTA L Max reps in 1 minute on each exercise, no rest between exercises 2min rest between rounds. MEDICINE HIGH BALL SLAM KNEES ON SPOT B AT T L E ROWING ROPES MACHINE ABS TRX CRUNCHES 3X15 TRX M O U N TA I N C L I M B E R S TRX OBLIQUE CRUNCHES 3X20 3X20 43 05 DIET INTRO In order to be healthier, preform better and achieve the body you want, the right nutrition plan needs to compliment your training regime. Unfortunately there isn’t a generic diet that is going to work for everyone as there are too many individual variables to take into account but let this book guide you to consistently make better food choices which you can maintain for the rest of your life. 45 I’ve listed some nutrition basics/tips below that if implemented in your diet I have no doubt will improve health & body composition. Lets take a look: 01 Eat REAL foods. Foods found in its most natural state i.e. whole, unprocessed and unrefined. 02 Get enough sleep. The amount we need will vary for each individual but aim for a minimum of 8hrs a night. Adequate sleep is essential for recovery, performance, health & growth. 03 Drink plenty of water. 04 Preparation is key. Ensure good quality food Is at the ready and in your cupboards. 05 Eat more whole food protein. Include in every main meal for both fat loss and muscle building. 46 06 11 Be aware that alcohol binges will have an effect on recovery. Get used to reading food labels, paying particular attention additives, high sugar and salt content. 07 12 Ditch high sugar drinks, this includes most fruit juices. If having a cheat meal make sure its only once a week & on a training day (preferably post workout) 08 13 Eat a variety of different colour fruit and vegetables. This will ensure a wide variety of Phytochemicals (good stuff) are ingested. Get yourself a healthy cookbook. 09 14 No food is off limits, everything in moderation. This will increase adherence to your nutrition plan and your body composition is not going to be affected by small deviations in your diet. Eat a wide variety of foods and rotate your meal plans to ensure you’re not deficient in any micro-nutrients. 10 15 Try and stick to a 90/10% rule throughout the week. Meaning 90% of your weekly food is considered clean. Enjoy your food. There will be times when you have to consume cold chicken,rice & broccoli but where possible get experimental with the foods you make. 47 06 D I E T F O R FAT L O S S Our eating habits can have an impact on our body composition in the following ways, eating to maintain, eating for fat loss and eating to build muscle. All three outcomes can be achieved through purposeful periods of dieting towards that goal. To burn fat you must be in a caloric deficit, meaning you’ve burned more calories than consumed that day. This can be done in the following ways: 1) Reduce calories 2) Increase output 3) Or reduce calories whilst increasing output. Restricting calories drastically will only lead to muscle loss & very quickly hitting a brick wall. Just increasing output can be done but may give you too much work to do. The favoured method is to very slightly reduce calories whilst increasing output, this will be more effective at reducing body fat whilst maintaining as much muscle as possible. 49 This can either be achieved by eating intuitively, listening to your body and monitoring progress ( this will require you to know what you roughly eat to maintain weight) or eating based on BMR + activity level calculations using an online calculator and decreasing calories slowly, allowing your body time to adjust to the new caloric intake before moving on. Both methods will give results but you need to find what best suits you and your lifestyle. I strongly recommend that before looking to restrict any calories, just making better food choices like the tips outlined in this book would be a good starting point. It is important that you measure your weight routinely to see if you’re gaining or losing weight and make a comparison with how you’re looking in the mirror. The goal: To be healthy, preform well but have just enough of a deficit to reduce body fat whilst maximising muscle retention. Slow and steady will win the race. Here are some nutrition tips for fat loss: 50 01 06 Avoid simple sugars i.e. fruit juices,Sugary drinks, added sugars (always read the label). Season foods with herbs & spices over high sugar sauces. Avoid pre packaged as they will have high salt content. 02 07 Caffeine pre workout can act as a thermogenic to further increase fat loss throughout your workout. Be as active as you can in daily life. Walk more, cycle to work,, take the stairs etc. 03 08 Ensure your kitchen is packed with nutrient dense foods and there is no temptation to deviate from your diet. Once your body has adapted and you have hit a fat loss plateau, learn to cycle carbohydrates to further increase fat loss. 04 09 To maximise muscle retention, body fat reduction should be a slow process. This requires you to be consistent for long periods of time. Eat your good fats, found in Avocados, Nuts, healthy oils, fish etc. 05 10 Increase vegetable intake not only for nutritional content but to help you feel fuller for longer.Vegetables should take up a minimum of 1/3 of your plate at all meals. Consistency & preparation is paramount. Plan your meals in advance and ensure you have the correct ingredients ready to go. 51 07 DIET FOR MUSCLE BUILDING To increase muscle mass you must be in a caloric surplus, meaning you have consumed more calories than burned that day to leave you in an anabolic state. The goal here is to increase calories enough for the muscles to grow whilst putting on a minimal amount of fat, hence the term lean gains. Again this can be done by either eating intuitively and increasing calories slowly from your normal maintenance diet by either adding additional good quality carbohydrates or fats or eating based on BMR + activity level calculations using an online calculator and increasing calories slowly, allowing your body time to adjust to the new caloric intake before moving on. The goal: To be healthy, perform well and have just enough of a surplus of calories to enable the muscles to grow whilst putting on a minimal amount of fat. I’ve listed some muscle building nutrition tips below: 52 01 06 Eat protein with every meal. In most cases opt for ‘real food’ over Liquid calories (protein shakes). 02 07 To ensure maximum growth ensure proteins are available through pre workout meals and intra workout drinks (we will go over this later in the book). For ‘Hard gainers’, try to be a little full at most meals. 03 08 Get enough sleep, lack of sleep can increase cortisol which can stunt growth. Sleep in anabolic. For ‘Hard gainers’ , if in doubt eat more. 04 09 Don’t let yourself get hungry. Increase meal frequency. Consume a minimum of 4 meals (not including snacks) containing whole protein and spread throughout the day. 05 10 An appropriate amount of protein throughout the whole day is more important than timing of protein. Ensure you’re getting enough. Add in a calorie rich shake in the morning if you find you’re struggling to get enough calories. Add in Nut oils, Nut butters,Yoghurt, Avocado, Honey, oats etc. 53 08 PERI-WORKOUT NUTRITION Correct nutrition around your workout window is vitally important for performance,body composition & recovery. Below I’ve laid out some tips to guide you when putting together your pre,intra & post workout nutrition. PRE WORKOUT A pre workout meal should be consumed at least 90minutes before you enter the gym, this will make sure it has had time to break down and feed you with what you need. This should be a nutrient dense balanced meal with slightly lower amount of carbohydrates than your post workout meals to keep you feeling alert. 90 MINS BEFORE MEAL EXAMPLE: 30-45 MINS BEFORE SUPPLEMENTS: - Chicken - Beta Alanine - 3g - Brown rice - Caffeine - 200mg - Mixed vegetables - Acetyl L carnitine - 2g - Nuts (Macadamia, almonds or cashew) 54 INTRA WORKOUT Intra workout supplementation is vital when undertaking tough sessions like the ones in this book. To ensure you’re maximising muscle growth, performance & starting the recovery process as early as possible, this is what I suggest: DURING WORKOUT SUPPLEMENTS: - BCAA’S - 5g - Powdered Carbohydrates i.e maltodextrin, dextrose - 25g POST WORKOUT To increase protein synthesis, replenish energy stores and start the recovery process the correct nutrition needs to be implemented as soon as possible post workout. WITHIN 30MINS AFTER SUPPLEMENTS: 1-3 HOURS AFTER MEAL EXAMPLE: - Whey protein - Salmon fillet - 1 Banana, pineapple or 20-30g - Sweet potato of powdered carbohydrates i.e. - Kale, edamame, avocado salad. maltodextrin or dextrose. 55 09 SAMPLE DIET I’ve included a daily sample food and supplement intake so you can see how one is put together. The basic structure, balance and timing of the meals should stay the same but use this just be a guide for you to then make your own food choices. I’ve also included supplementation to work alongside your diet that I believe are essential for health and performance. There is a vast amount of supplements on the market and lets be honest the majority are useless and a waste of money, but here are a few that would be a great addition to any regime. 56 ON WAKING UP 06:30: - Whey protein - Acetyl L-carnitine - 500mg BREAKFAST 07:30: - 2 whole eggs, 3 egg whites (scrambled) - Mushrooms fried in small amount of coconut oil. - Ezekiel bread. - Multi vitamin - High grade Fish oil 2-3g - Vitd3 4000iu. MID MORNING MEAL 10:30: - Chicken breast - Quinoa - Rocket, cucumber, tomato. LUNCH 13:00: - Grilled Chicken - Basmati rice - Mixed vegetables incl half avocado. 57 PRE- WORKOUT SUPPLEMENTS: - Beta alanine - 3g - Caffeine - 200mg - Acetyl L-carnitine - 500mg INTRA- WORKOUT SUPPLEMENTS: - BCAA’s - 5g - Powdered carbohydrates i.e. Maltodextrin or dextrose - 20g POST- WORKOUT SUPPLEMENTS: - Whey protein - Banana, pineapple or 20-30g of powdered carbohydrates i.e. maltodextrin or dextrose. EVENING MEAL 18:30: - Salmon fillet - Sweet potato mash - Kale, edamame, avocado (use other half) salad. 58 EVENING SNACK 21:00: - Tinned tuna - Cottage cheese - Chopped spring onion PRE BED SUPPLEMENTS 22:00: - ZMA 59 10 A L T E R N AT I V E F O O D L I S T As I mentioned before, the sample diet in this book is just to give you an idea of how the meals are put together and shouldn’t be relied on as your daily meal plan. Use this alternative food list to substitute foods in order to keep your meals diverse and ensure you’re getting a widespread of nutrients. There are many more foods that could make it onto this list but here is a start: PROTEIN • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • chicken salmon tuna lean beef turkey eggs cod sea bass pork tenderloin halibut C A R B O H Y D R AT E S • • • • • • • • • basmati rice brown rice wholegrain oats sweet potato quinoa oatmeal wholegrain pasta ezekiel bread rye bread 60 tilapia venison soy beans navy beans black beans cottage cheese milk lentils tofu FAT S • • • • • • • avocado almonds cashews extra virgin olive oil whole organic butter walnuts macadamia nuts • • • brazil Nuts coconut oil flaxeed oil • • • • • • • • • • • • parsley radishes spinach string beans zucchini carrot leeks spirulina beetroot peppers onions tomatoes peas V E G E TA B L E S • • • • • • • • • • • • • asparagus bamboo Shoots bean Sprouts bok Choy broccoli cabbage cauliflower celery chicory cucumber garlic kale mushrooms 61 THE REST IS UP TO YOU. 62 64 FIND ME ON I N S TA G R A M TWITTER YOUTUBE @adigill90 @adi_gillespie adi gillespie