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ACC 3702 Discussion 5 Question 1 Presentation Slide

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Nethania Che Khai Le: Since there are multiple aspects in the commercial definition of
preference shares, must the rights of the class of shares fulfil all conditions before being
considered a preference share? Is there a key determining one which would determine whether
this class of shares is a preference shares? For example, it was not stated that Class B shares
has preferential rights to dividend payments over ordinary shareholders, thus, can we still
conclude that it is a preference shares?
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Ng Jing Ting Cheryl - For consideration 4, if assuming special resolution was passed, won’t the passing of
special resolution (75%) automatically apply to ensure that there is a simple majority (>50%) for the
ordinary resolution of s161? Can we automatically assume that there is prior approval in s161(1)
immediately and not need the ordinary resolution?
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Jonathan Low Jun Jie: According to S70(5), will the issuance of new shares to finance the
redeeming of shares result in shareholder’s dilution of shares?
Low Zi Lin: Is there a need for a separate special resolution, regarding the redemption of
shares, given it should be viewed as a selective off-mkt purchase under 76(D)?
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Phang Chen Yi: Could I check if it is necessary to assume that Woodstock is not a subsidiary of
a public company, since we can already ascertain that Woodstock only has about 33% of voting
power in ST and hence does not have actual control, which means that ST would not have a
holding company or ultimate holding company?
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Yeo Zhi Yu: I interpreted the definition of expenditure incurred for the purposes of the company
in s162(3)(a) as corporate spendings, but in this case Heather is using the fund proceeds to buy
the shares which is not a typical corporate spending. In this case, would this exception not be
applicable to the loan guarantee?
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Khaarthik Kumar Amuddhu: More of a clarifying question, how did you get 33.33% of shares for
Tam Keith Yvee Michele: Were they supposed to let the bod know that they were marrie