APPROVAL SHEET The Bachelor’s Feasibility Study entitled: MOBILIZE RICE MILL, prepared and submitted by the researchers, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Human Resource Management, has been examined and is recommended for acceptance and approval for oral defense. APRIL B. BERESO, MBA Adviser FEASIBILITY REVIEW PANEL Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of ___________________. APRIL B. BERESO GEORGE L. PASTOR Member Member JOE MARIE N. ENRIQUEZ Chairman Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Human Resource Management. APRIL B. BERESO BSBA/BSTM DEAN Date of Final Defense: ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The researchers would like to exude their genuine and heartfelt gratitude to the following persons for their support and involvement in the pursuant of this study. We would also like to extend our earnest admiration to these people who extend their all-out support and who played an important role in making this study fortunate. Above all to our ALMIGHTY GOD for keeping us healthy, safe, and sound throughout the entire process of this study with the necessary resources and that brought us to accomplish this study. To Mrs. April Bereso, MBA, the Dean of the Business Administration Department, who showed the value and moral support through her personal and professional concerns, understanding assistance, and guidance, making this study more stimulating yet fulfilling. To our family for their unending support and understanding. To the respondents of our survey for this Feasibility Study, we are heartily thankful for your cooperation and participation to make this study more fascinating and reliable when it comes to your answers. To our classmates and friends who give their support and meaningful ideas, to be able to go this far and to construct this study very well despite those struggles and difficulties beyond our other members’ distance, which don’t lead to downfall but in fact, it makes us more aggressive in making this study successful. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Title of the Feasibility Study: A FEASIBILITY STUDY ON “MOBILIZE RICEMILL” Researchers: Genbae Suralta Bianca Bating Jude Gabrielle Estrada Winghem Beron Angelo Omega Degree: Bachelor of Science in Business Adminstration Major: Human Resource Management Date of Completion: