• • 8595965620 • 20 11\\1\11\1\1 \111' 11I11 1111111111 1111111111 11111111111111 1111 4 Fig. 4.1 shows a metronome. A metronome is a device used by musicians to set a regular beat in which a rod moves backwards and forwards. The movement of a rod is controlled by gears inside the casing of the metronome. The rod must be displaced sideways before it starts to move. The frequen cy of the beat of the rod is adjusted by moving a mass along the length of the rod. The position of the mass on the rod determines the frequency of the beat. The position of the mass can be measured on the sca le of the metronome. Most music is within the range 60 to 200 beats per minute. scale mass Fig . 4.1 The frequency of oscillation of a ve rtical rod clamped at the bottom, with a mass m placed a distance d along its length is where k and p and q are constants. hfzfkt You are provided with a rod, some small masses and a clamp. Design an experiment to determine the va lu es of p and q. You should draw a diagram to show the arrangeme nt of your apparatus and you should pay particular attention to (a) (b) (e) (d) the equipment you wou ld use the procedure to be followed how you could ca lculate whether your frequencies are within the range referred to the control of variables (e) any precautions that should be taken to improve the accuracy and safety of the experi ment. l.!.UCLES & MOE 2017 9749f04fOfNf17 CI CI Cz C!O C>- c8 CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI ,..., E E ;; c- (- ,,: ): )- the ;E IE IE IE IE IE IE IE IE IE iE IE IE IE IE IE IE i i IE Ie: lengthbetween ofholds thetop an is unto hewntheduration to • ant man siltation ⼼⼼ ⽐ 扣 扣 ⽐ rod wd Me thesup watch fat ⼼⼼ to dump is used The2blocks to rule the wd Stud still E E E E E E L m Stopnotch nun E E E E E E E E E E E 因 is 䈘 些 1感应 balance E E E E E E i Diagram 5: E E E E E E E E E E 21 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 2:-: :- E E E E E metreruler tohemun the * 8595965621 * Step D setupthe apparatus above 2 Useelectronic balance toheuunethehusofshdlhase.nltapes bucks and ate nanami 3 keepthe length between 4 Me the the of hwlpwpagpushtheubaulnaheitailliate 2005111intins meanwhile methestopwatch to fr readthe the of 205111intions 5 repentthestep 4 for 了 tinesfor gettingaverage result 6 Tabulate the result hit h addition of the hen find Out the fuqueugfrdiftecutua.gg .......................................................................................................................................................... Ohthe wb .......................................................................................................................................................... 7 tqag . . .fikid9ihfihlhjtpe.lt .... .............. ....................................................... i CI CI * 8595965622 * I IIIII 22 IIIII II1I1 I1111 I1111 I11111111I 1111111111111 dis 虬以 as and • Not thegraph Cz lf gain intercept .......................................................................................................................................................... ⻓ k is tqhu they .......................................................................................................................................................... Pi the grad in of the graph 8 keepthe .......................................................................................................................................................... mul constant andchangethelengthof between theblock and cane of the nun metre ruler 9 The length measured 10 Repeat Step 41 n plotthe graph as hall tap hG is constant gnp eiuseygate.to by LG q again hld is the gradientthe the periodof rsiliutiiou.eu the the topofthe rod passes though the light gate name the man on the fix wbpwpwytpheu thewnfndnpingthctlun.in V julien c2 CI CI CI Cl CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI Cl CI CI CI CI CI CI C C C C C C C C C C C C C CI CI C .......................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... [11] [Total: 11 marks] l.!.UCLES & MOE 2017 9749/04/0/NI17 C C C C C C C C C C C C C I" I