Uploaded by Hadije Braga Daiub Mahmud

Future Tense: Will, Going To, Present Continuous

Use “will” to predict the future (a guess not based on evidence) + for actions decided at the moment
of speaking (not planned before).
The weather will get hotter – it won’t get colder.(prediction)
I think that cars will fly in the future.(prediction)
I’ll make some tea.(decision taken at the time of speaking)
For suggestions and offers, use Shall I / we …? or I’ll …
Shall I give you a lift to the station? / I will help you!
 Use “going to” to predict the future (based on evidence) + for actions planned before the moment
of speaking
Look at those black clouds! It is going to rain .(guess based on evidence “the black clouds”)
I am going to visit my grandmother next week.( action planned before the moment of speaking)
I’m not going to watch TV tonight. I’m going to read a book. ( action planned before the moment of
 Use “the present continuous” for actions planned before the moment of speaking (with
arrangements =the action takes place for sure )
I am travelling to Spain tomorrow. Here are the tickets.
1. I’m sure it (isn’t going to rain- will rain – won't rain). The sky looks clearer now.
2. What ( did you do – will you do - are you going to do) when you finish school?
3. I’ve decided. ( I studied – am going to) study French next year, as well as Biology.
4. I ( stayed – will stay ) indoors until it stops raining.
5. Next summer I (am going to visit – will visit - visited) my aunt
6. In the future, I think there ( were – will be) computers on every desk at school. Cars ( will – won’t ) be
used any more. We ( will have – are going to have) personal aeroplanes instead.
7. ( I'll turn – Shall I ) turn the music down a bit?
8. I speak German. ( I'll teach – shall I teach ) teach you?
9. Grandmother needs someone to do the shopping for her. ( I'll do – shall I do) the shopping for her.