MODULE 5 intro to genetics genes genetics the studyof theinheritance heredity oflivingthings thegenome isthesumtotalofgeneticmaterialofan organism each nucleotide is composedof a phosphate a phosphate deoxribose and nitrogenbase deoxiribose sugar allDNAnucleotides DNAstructure DNA isbasedon 4 nitrogen bases containthesamenitrogenous base butdifferent phosphates 2 separateRans it'sownreplication facilitatingcelldivision its role inproducingproteins theprocessofduplacatingDNAiscalledDNAreplication sugars Transcription andtranslation info flowsfromDNA RNA protein transcription themastercodeof DNA is first usedto genetic synthesize an RNAmolecule translation info contained in the RNA is their usedto produceproteins ribonucleic acid is similar to RNA in generalproperties but different in several ways asugar The3 RNA'sinvolvedin translation I ribosomalRNA rRNA singlestranded transcriptthat is acopyof partoftheDNAtemplate transferRNA tRNA connects aminoacids w mRNAduring translation anticodon designatesspecificity tRNA of themRNA'scodons andcomplements 3 messengerRNA mRNA Atranscript copy of a structuralgenegenes in theDNA Aencodesfor protein Codon transcribedstrandread asseriesoftriplets aminoacidsequenceof a protein intranslation all theelementsneeded tosynthesize a protein fromthe mRNA to theaminoacids arebroughttogether ontheribosomes eukarioterandbacterialtransomItranslate differences a eukarioticgenecontainsthecodefor aprotein butlocatedalongthe geneareone toseveralinterveningsequencesofoases called introns that donotcodeforprotein Genetic Regulation of Proteinsyntheses bacteria andarchedhaveadditionalstrategy theyorganize collectionsofgenesinto operons operons consist of a coordinated setofgenes all ofwhich areregulated as a single unit lactoseoperon best understoodsystemforcontrolthroughgenetic Bacteria induction accountsfor regulation oflactosemetabolism in Escherichialo the environmenthasgreatimpact ongeneexpression 3 importantfeaturesoflactoseoperon phasevariation whenbacteria turn outoff a complement ofgenes thatleads to obviousphenotypicchanges phasevariation is atypeofphenotypicvariation but also is a typeof phenotypic variation has own name blc ofspecial characteristics thephenotypeis heritable canbepasseddown ADNARecombination Events horizontalgenetransfer anytransferofDNAthatresultsin organisms acquiringnewgenesthat didnotcomedirectlyfrom parentorganisms oppositewouldbeverticlegenetransfer Mutations changes in geneticcode geneticchange isdrivingforcein evolution anychangetogeneticcodeis calledamutation mostnoticeablewhengenotypicchangeleads tophenotypechange spontaneousmutation a randomchangein theDNAarisingfrom errors in replication therapidrate in bacterialreproductionallowsthesemutationstobe observedmore than mosteukaryotes inducedmutations result fromexposureto mutagens mutagens physical or chemicalagentsthatinteract w DNA in a disruptedmanner mutations Some haveharmfuleffecton the cell leadingto cell death or dysfunction calledleathal mutations opposite of neutralmutations singlenucleotidepolymorphism SNP importanttoindividual traitsbk onlysinglenucleotide is altered Ipassedgenetically photoactivationlightrepair restoresdamagefromultravioletradiation requiresDNAphoto lyaseenzyme exisionrepair mutations cutoutbyseriesofenzymes that ripeone incorrectbases A DNAin lab andgeneticengineering restrictionendonucleases canbeusedto splicegenesin genetic polymerase chain run engineering also importantin DNAmanipulation theseenzymescomefrombacterial the new comics theabilityto obtaintheentiresequences oforganisms has spawned new vocabulary thatrefers to the totalpicture of some aspectof a cell ororganism genomics the systematicstudyof an organisms genes and theirfunctions proteomics the studyof an organism's complementof proteins it'sproteome andfunctionsmeditated by theproteins Recombinant DNAtechnology primaryintentof it is to deliberately remove geneticmaterial from1 organism and combine it wi that of adifferent one genecloning syntheticbiology creatingnew biologicalmolecules and organisms fromscratch genetherapyinvolves replacing a fatalgene