Uploaded by Haziq Tarmizi

Power System Protection Zones

Zones of Protection
• Definition of Protection Zone in Power System
• Protection Zone for different power system components
• Concept of Overlapping Protection Zones
• Examples on Protection Zones of Real Power Systems
Definition of Protection Zone in Power System
Protection zone is defined as the part of the power system which is protected by a
certain protective system
It is established around each power system equipment
The entire power system is covered with several protection zones, and no part of
the system is left unprotected
Protection zone
Protection Zone for different power system components
1. Generator
2. Transformer
3. Transmission Line
4. Loads or Motors
5. Busbar
Concept of Overlapping Protection Zones
• Neighboring zones overlap so that no “dead spot” are left in the protected system
Dead spot
Overlapping zones
Example on determining protection zones of simple power system
Example on determining protection zones of complete power system
❑ Draw the protective zones for the following power systems
❑ Which breakers should open for faults P1 & P2 ?
Example on determining protection zones of complete power system
❑ For fault P1
Breakers B24 , B42 open
❑ For fault P2
Breakers B24 , B21 , B23 open
For the following network , Mention
and locate the place of the fault which
would result in the following trip cases
1. C.B1 & C.B3 are opened
2. C.B2 is opened
3. C.B5 & C.B7 & C.B8 are opened
4. C.B9 & C.B12 are opened
5. C.B11 & C.B12 & C.B14 are opened
6. C.B15 & C.B17 & C.B18 are opened
Protective System
❑ The term Protective System ,or simply 'Protection’ is named according to the
principle of operation or abnormal condition.
• Over current protection
• Earth fault protection
• Reverse power protection
• Under voltage protection
• Under frequency protection
Protective Scheme
❑ A protective scheme comprises set of protective systems and the protective
scheme is named according to the protected equipment
• Transformer protection
• Motor protection
• Generator protection
• Busbar protection