STRUCTURAL AND TRANSIENT THERMAL ANALYSIS OF PISTON USING ANSYS ABSTRACT The aim of this work is to determine the structural and thermal stress distribution of piston rings using CATIA and ANSYS. The structural and thermal analysis were also done on the piston and piston rings model using, Aluminium Alloy, Al 4032, ALSic. Composite materials are chosen as per the requirement of the piston and Structural and Transient thermal analysis are performed to study the performance of piston. The piston material needs to have great fatigue resistance and good heat transfer properties with low weight⁵. The results of structural and thermal calculations using finite element analysis are compared. INTRODUCTION Piston is a crucial component in mechanical engineering and finds wide applications in various mechanical systems such as IC Engine, Pneumatic cylinders, Hydraulic cylinders, etc. This paper aims to design a piston for automobile applications. The function of a piston in an IC engine is to transfer the gases produced in the cylinder to the crankshaft. The piston designed for IC Engines should possess good strength, thermal properties, and minimum weight. Weight reduction of the piston increases fuel efficiency and composite materials are the best materials for the weight reduction of the piston. The main reasons why a piston gets damaged are due to wear and fatigue but more importantly, the failure of the piston is due to Mechanical and Thermal Stresses. A fourstroke petrol engine’s piston model is designed in CATIAV5 R20 and Simulation software Ansys 2021 R1 is used to study the performance of the piston. In Static Structural Analysis of the piston, pressure is applied on the top of the piston to study deformation and stresses. Transient Thermal analysis is performed on the piston to study thermal effects on the piston. Three different composites that have suitable characteristics have been identified, analyzed and compared with standard material. PROBLEM DESCRIPTION The main aim of this project is to design a model of piston and test it for Structural and Thermal analysis using FEA software (ANSYS 2021 R1) to determine the sustainability of the material under various conditions. MATERIALS SELECTED 1. 2. 3. 4. Al Alloy AL Alloy 4032 ALSic Ti-6-AL-4V 1. Properties of Al Alloy SYMBOL VALUE UNITS Young’s Modulus of Elasticity Poisson’s ratio PROPERTY E 71000 MPa µ 0.33 Density Tensile Yield Strength Ρ 2700 280 kg/m3 MPa 𝜎𝑇 2. Properties of AL Alloy 4032 SYMBOL VALUE UNITS Young’s Modulus of Elasticity Poisson’s ratio PROPERTY E 79000 MPa µ 0.35 Density Tensile Yield Strength Ρ 2680 315 kg/m3 MPa 𝜎𝑇 3. Properties of ALSic SYMBOL VALUE UNITS Young’s Modulus of Elasticity Poisson’s ratio PROPERTY E 210000 MPa µ 0.33 Density Tensile Yield Strength Ρ 7800 745 𝜎𝑇 kg/m3 MPa 4. Properties of Ti-6-AL-4V SYMBOL VALUE UNITS Young’s Modulus of Elasticity Poisson’s ratio PROPERTY E 113800 MPa µ 0.342 Density Tensile Yield Strength Ρ 443 880 𝜎𝑇 DESIGNING OF PISTON IN CAD (CATIA V5 R20) kg/m3 MPa ANALYSIS OF PISTON 1. STATIC STRUCTURAL Structural Analysis is performed to observe the deformation and stresses absorbed by the piston when a pressure of 3.5MPa is applied on the piston with piston pin being constrained and frictional supports are given for piston ring. 2. TRANSIENT THERMAL Transient Thermal analysis is used to determine the temperatures and thermal quantities that changes over time. The loads applied in transient thermal analysis are the function of time. The temperature applied is about 1000°C and temperature distribution and heat flux is noted for different element. RESULTS OF TE ANALYSIS(PICTORIAL) 1. STATIC STRUCTURAL OF AL Alloy I. II. STATIC STRUCTURAL OF AL ALLOY 4032 STATIC STRUCTURAL OF ALSic III. STATIC STRUCTURAL OF Ti-6-AL-4V 2. TRANSIENT THERMAL ANALYSIS I. TRANSIENT THERMAL ANALYSIS OF AL ALLOY II. III. TRANSIENT THERMAL ANALYSIS OF AL ALLOY 4032 TRANSIENT THERMAL ANALYSIS OF ALSic IV. TRANSIENT THERMAL ANALYSIS OF Ti-6-AL-4V RESULTS (TABULAR DATA) 1. STATIC STRUCTURAL Material Deformation (mm) Al Alloy Al Alloy 4032 ALSic Ti-6AL-4V 0.045525 0.046929 Von Moises Stress (MPa) 63.652 55.197 Shear Stress (MPa) 35.684 29.486 15 15 4.39 5.7 0.02123 0.032805 61.981 56.147 17.14 29.558 15 15 12.2 15 2. TRANSIENT THERMAL Material Heat Flux (W/𝒎𝒎𝟐) Al Alloy Al Alloy 4032 ALSic Ti-6AL-4V 1.707 2.4994 0.16829 1.259 Safety Safety Factor(max) Factor(min)