Dr. Muhammad Imran Department of Pathology, UAF dr.mimran@uaf.edu.pk Swollen kidneys (from feed toxicity effected flock Intranuclear inclusion bodies in hepatocytes (400 X H & E stain) Hepatic parenchyma indicating intranuclear inclusion bodies (blue arrow) and vacuolar degeneration (green arrows) H & E satin 400 X Photomicrograph of kidney indicating congestion (black arrow) and pyknotic nuclei in tubular epithelial cells (yellow arrow) H & E satin 400 X Photomicrograph of kidney indicating necrotic changes (red arrow heads ) in tubular epithelial cells H & E satin 400 X Renal parenchyma indicating tubular necrosis(yellow arrows) and congestion (black arrows) 400 X H& E Satin Karyorrhexis (arrow heads) and congested blood vessels (arrows) Pyknotic nuclei and congested blood vessels in the kidney (arrow heads) Photomicrograph of kidneys of embryos treated/inoculated with ochratoxigenic fungal extracts showing Karyorrhexis (arrow heads) and hyalinization in glomeruli (arrows). (H & E : 400X)