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Marketing Consultant Assessment Brief 2022/23

Faculty of Arts, Business & Social Sciences – Assessment Brief – 2022/ 23
Module code and title
Module leader
The Marketing Consultant (6MK014)
Dr Imran Khan
1st sit
Assessment type
Individual Report
Submission date
Monday 09/05/2023 by 14:00
Submission method
Canvas upload
Assessment limits
3000 words
Assessment weighting
Assessment brief (if appropriate, please refer to module assessment briefing document)
You need to produce a report which is based on practical tasks integral to this assignment:
Create an optimised personal digital profile for yourself sufficient to apply for a job of your choice. This must include a
number of social media profiles based on your justifications and one compulsory optimised blog post.
Document your work in an Individual assessment report which should include:
 Analysis
 Plan
 Combination of work done
b) The topic of the blog/Video/LinkedIn Carousel post should be focussed on: “How my marketing course has
prepared me for the industry” (You can take the help of ChatGPT)
Individual Assessment Report structure:
SECTION 1: Analysis – 50 marks:
1. You must conduct a Search and social media Marketing analysis for the key skills and attributes that are desired by
potential employers, in an area where you would like to work (10 Marks).
 Select 3 employers that you would like to work for
 List of skills and attributes that they are looking for
2. You should include the analysis of key influencers who are leading the industry and have a large following (10 Marks).
 Pick three influencers in your industry i.e. who are they, follower numbers, screenshots of profiles
 Social platforms they use i.e. LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter
 Content they share (make sure to include screenshots and evidence)
3. For the top three competitors you should conduct a thorough evaluation (10 Marks):
 Critically analyse three influencers i.e. other students, professionals with 3 years experiences
 What are their strengths and weaknesses in terms of their use of professional social media profiles?
 Their top networks i.e. which marketing do they use? And how often do they engage on their profiles?
 The type of information produced and consumed.
 What can you learn from their behaviour using social media profiles and Freelancing profiles analysis tools and
Authorised: Authorised: FoSS version 1 - Approved by: FAEC November 8
2016. Ref: 2 Module Assessment Briefing Form
4. This should include the keywords for main industry specific skills (10 Marks).
 Use keyword research tools such as Ubersuggest, SemRush, Google/ Bing Keyword planner, Answerthepublic
 Primary and Secondary keywords i.e. your name, job title, skills key words in your industry
 Tabular justification for the selected keywords i.e. why have you chosen these key words
5. Based on your analysis of the job industry develop your personal benchmarks that you would like to attain within the
given time and set up monitoring processes i.e. personal SWOT analysis and PESTLE analysis (10 Marks).
SECTION 2: Plan (At least five references) – 25 marks:
Based on your analysis:
1. You must produce a search and social media strategy for the next 3 months. A practical marketing plan that identifies
you as an individual who is looking for to establish a career in this field and therefore become a recognisable “brand” (15
 Key SMART Objectives – for your strategy implantation using the Specific, Measurable, Achievable, realistic and
Time bound indicators. These can be justified with industry benchmarks or examples of other profiles that you
are using as a “template” or “guide” for your identity.
 3 months Gantt Chart.
2. Map out your target audience and how you will target networks and groups to channel your overall communications
(10 Marks).
 Critically justify the selection of specific social media services.
SECTION 3: Practical plan implementation – 25 marks:
You will implement your plan, an aspect of which has to be at least one optimised blog post, which will allow you
to be noticed by the industry. Consider creating a profile on free platforms such as www.wordpress.com which
allows you to install and customise a WordPress blog. Please show evidence of amplification OR www.canva.com
for the Video or LinkedIn Carousel post (10 Marks).
For the blog post you could take a screenshot and highlight in the code the positions of your keywords and their
importance in helping you to rank for a particular keyword.
One of the key criteria for your assessment is the implementation of as many search and social media
techniques as appropriate for your Search Engine Results Page (SERP) positioning. For example, how you have
approached search engine optimisation, social media (including video, audio, etc.) or mobile opportunities. The
more of your profiles you manage to rank on the first three pages, the higher your chances of being noticed. The
keyword for the SERP positioning is your “first and last name” for example “Imran Khan”. At least one other
primary keyword for which you must optimise your profiles is that related to the industry that you have
identified in your plan (15 Marks).
Based on your plan (primary and secondary keywords) demonstrate how you put the theory into practice by
developing and optimising your profile using appropriate online channels.
Screenshots of SERPS before and after you have started your project highlighting your digital identities and
explaining how this will benefit you in the long term.
Screenshots of your different profiles and indication of how you have used your keyword research to optimise
on-page and off-page assets. For example, how you wrote your Twitter profile description and used the primary
keyword in the choice of your username and linking to your other online properties.
If you are using LinkedIn how you completed your professional profile and how you identified the relevant user
discussion groups etc.
Report Aim:
Further Guidance
The maximum word limit for this assessment is 3000 words. This does not include figures, tables, and appendices
which you may use to support your work.
Authorised: Authorised: FoSS version 1 - Approved by: FAEC November 8
2016. Ref: 2 Module Assessment Briefing Form
Please reference your work using Harvard Style referencing. Harvard referencing is required for this assessment.
This includes Harvard style citations in the main text and full Harvard references in the reference list. You must
support your work with appropriate references throughout.
Further guidance will be available in lectures (please see the scheme of work for specific assessment support
sessions) and via the Panopto tab on Canvas. Please make use of the support available to you.
Appropriate sources include academic journal articles and academic texts. Examples of poor sources include
Wikipedia, Tutor Zone, Bus.net and other independent websites which are not credible. Please refer to journal
articles such as those viewable via Google Scholar and the Universities database, along with academic textbooks
which are available in the library.
Referencing and Academic Writing workshops are held regularly by the library services. Please ask a member of
staff in the Harrison Learning Centre or view the LIS pages of the Universities Webpage for more details.
Assessment Criteria (The actual assessment components for this assignment)
Weighting (If applicable)
Pass mark
Performance descriptors in use;
 University of Wolverhampton
Return of assessments
(Instructions for return /
collection of assessments)
Feedback will be within 4 weeks
This assessment is testing Module Learning outcomes
Tick if tested here
Critically discuss and evaluate the contemporary issues and opportunities
within search, social media and freelance marketing.
Critically examine and analyse the optimisation of social media platforms.
Examine the role of digital marketing tools and their application within a
range of complex business environments.
Critically evaluate the use of digital marketing tools, strategic processes and
their influence to support the implementation of freelance marketing.
Demonstrate analytical, problem-solving, communication, planning and
management skills using digital marketing tools
Additional information for students
Authorised: Authorised: FoSS version 1 - Approved by: FAEC November 8
2016. Ref: 2 Module Assessment Briefing Form
The University’s Learning Information Services have produced a series of guides covering a range of topics to
support your studies, and develop your academic skills including a guide to academic referencing
Your module guide and course handbook contain additional and important information regarding;
 The required referencing style for your assignment.*
Whilst many modules require referencing in accordance with the Harvard Referencing convention, some
modules – for example those within the School of Law – require Oxford Referencing. Please familiarise
yourself with the requirements of your module.
 Submission of your work
 Marking, feedback and moderation in accordance with the University of Wolverhampton Assessment
 Extensions on submission dates *
 Additional support *
 Academic conduct with regards to cheating, collusion or plagiarism *
 Links to appropriate sources of relevant information *
* Further information regarding these and other policies can be accessed through your student portal on wlv.ac.uk.
Always keep a copy of your work and a file of working papers
The requirement to keep a file of working papers is important. There may be circumstances where it is difficult to
arrive at a mark for your work. If this is the case, you may be asked to submit your file and possibly meet with your
tutor to answer questions on your submission.
When you submit your work you will be required to sign an important declaration confirming that:
The submission is your own work
Any material you have used has been acknowledged and appropriately referenced
You have not allowed another student to have access to your work
The work has not been submitted previously.
The following information is important when:
 Preparing for your assignment
 Checking your work before you submit it
 Interpreting feedback on your work after marking.
Module Learning Outcomes
Module Learning Outcomes are specific to this module, and are set when the module was validated.
Assessment Criteria
The module Learning Outcomes tested by this assignment, and precise criteria against which your work will be
marked are outlined in your assessment brief.
Performance Descriptors
Performance descriptors indicate how marks will be arrived at against each of the assessment criteria. The descriptors
indicate the likely characteristics of work that is marked within the percentage bands indicated.
To help you further:
Re-sit opportunities are available for students who are unable to take the first sit opportunity, or who need to re
take any component.
Refer to the VLE topic for contact details of your module leader / tutor, tutorial inputs, recommended reading and
other sources, etc. Resit details will also appear on the VLE module topic.
The University’s Learning Information Services offer support and guidance to help you with your studies and
develop your academic skills http://www.wlv.ac.uk/lib/skills_for_learning/study_guides.aspx
Authorised: Authorised: FoSS version 1 - Approved by: FAEC November 8
2016. Ref: 2 Module Assessment Briefing Form
FABSS Generic Assessment Performance Descriptors
Based on – University Performance Descriptors (updated September 2015)
Note that these are generic descriptors that apply mainly, though not exclusively, to written academic work. The relevant performance descriptors for the appropriate level (as
below) should appear in the module guide.
Any further module-specific assessment criteria, such as number of words, should be clearly stated in the assignment brief.
The pass rate at levels 3 -6 = 40%
Level 6 (Graduate level)
Exceptional level of analysis, showing deep critical engagement with a comprehensive range of contextual material. Demonstration of
independent thought resulting in highly original or creative responses to the assignment. Provision of clear evidence of understanding of
current scholarship and research based on an extensive range of relevant sources. Extreme clarity of structure demonstrating complete focus
of argument.
No obvious errors in referencing or grammar or syntax as appropriate.
Excellent links between relevant ideas, theories and practice. Evidence of clearly independent scholarship and the ability to engage critically
and analytically with a wide range of contextually relevant resource material.
Demonstration of original insights, supported by extremely well structured overall argument.
Very few errors in referencing or grammar or syntax as appropriate.
Very good links between a range of different ideas and theories. Places issues in a wider context. Evidence of clear understanding of a range
of relevant theories and application of these appropriately. Independent ideas, well argued and supported.
Few errors in referencing or grammar or syntax as appropriate.
Authorised: Authorised: FoSS version 1 - Approved by: FAEC November 8th 2016. Ref:
2 Module Assessment Briefing Form
Clear links between theory and practice. Good coverage of assignment issues. Full understanding of core issues. Evidenced level of
understanding of appropriate theory and concepts.
Some small repeated errors in referencing or grammar or syntax as appropriate
Identifies main issues and relevant theory. Coverage of most of assignment issues. Competent application of relevant theory and states
obvious links to practice.
Some repeated errors in referencing or grammar or syntax as appropriate.
Demonstration that the learning outcomes have been met. Makes few links between theory and practice. Answers question in a very basic
40% Pass
Describes relevant theory accurately, and some relevant ideas offered.
Limited coherence of structure.
Some learning outcomes and / or assessment criteria not met.
Inadequate content with issues not addressed; insufficient evidence of understanding of relevant theory and concepts and only partial
e Fail
understanding shown. Very limited application of theory. Use of extensive quoted passages is evident.
Evidence of sufficient grasp of learning outcomes to suggest that the student will be able to retrieve the module on resubmission.
20-29% Fail
No learning outcomes fully met. No demonstration of adequate knowledge or understanding of key concepts or theories. There is no
Authorised: Authorised: FoSS version 1 - Approved by: FAEC November 8th 2016. Ref:
2 Module Assessment Briefing Form
recognition of the complexity of the subject.
Little attempt to engage with assignment brief and has not met learning outcomes. Inadequate demonstration of knowledge or
10-19% Fail
0-9% Fail
understanding of key concepts, theories or practice.
No real attempt to address the assignment brief or learning outcomes.
Authorised: Authorised: FoSS version 1 - Approved by: FAEC November 8th 2016. Ref:
2 Module Assessment Briefing Form