Uploaded by Candice Motefalco

Physical Education 9 Syllabus & Contract

Mahnomen High School
COURSE SYLLABUS: Physical Education 9
Instructor: Steve McMullen
Email: smcmullen@mahnomen.k12.mn.us
Location: High School Gym
Course Overview
The Physical Education program provides each student with the opportunity to participate in a
comprehensive program consisting of physical fitness activities, skill development, individual
sports/activities, and team sports. The class will begin with warm-ups that consist of running,
motion stretching, plyometric, and bodyweight workouts followed by the daily activity.
Individual and team sports are the focus of activities in Grade 9 PE. The students receive
instruction in rules, skills, and strategies associated with the different sports and activities. The
program promotes the spirit of cooperation, leadership, fair play, and friendly competition.
Units of Instruction
Eclipse Ball
PE students will be instructed in a variety of methods, including, but not limited to:
Explain, demonstrate and practice
Reciprocal teaching
Task Setting
Guided Discovery
Mahnomen High School
Evaluation Criteria
Students will have a variety of methods to display master of the subject area and to show their
effort and overall contributions to the class. The following are the criteria used to evaluate
● 80% - Class Participation/Effort
o Prepared for class (on time, dressed appropriately, etc.)
o Cooperative with staff and peers
o Active role in all class activities
o Display sportsmanship and leadership ability
o Adherence to all class policies as explained in the student contract
● 20 % - Fitness Test
o Curl-ups
o Push-ups
o Sit and Reach
● Shorts/Sweats and T-shirt
● Gym Shoes
● Towel
● Minnesota K-12 Academic Standards - Physical Education
● Various websites/books
Mahnomen High School
CONTRACT: Physical Education 9
Please review the course syllabus with your parent or guardian. Review the
following notes below, and then sign the document. The contract is due one
day after it is assigned.
● Students are expected have proper gym attire every day. This includes shorts/sweats, tshirt, gym shoes, and a towel. It is suggested to also have a swimsuit available in the
circumstance the PE class needs to use the swimming pool for class.
● Students are expected to turn in cell phones at the beginning of class.
● Students will show respect for everyone in the class. Students will address the class in
discussions in ways that do not offend others based on race, religion, or sexual preference.
● Students are expected to contribute to the atmosphere of the class in a positive manner.
Appropriate Locker room behavior is required. Calling out, making fun of others, being
sarcastic or disruptive in any way will not be tolerated.
● One person talks at a time. When the teacher or a student is addressing the class, they
deserve your attention, so please make every effort to respect this request.
● Students will be expected at times to work with a group. Sometimes students will be able
to choose their group, other times groups will be assigned. Equal participation from all
members of a group is essential to the success of the group.
● Students who are absent are expected to make up their daily points by running a mile or
swimming 20 laps for each day missed. Make an appointment with your PE teacher
before or after school to run or swim.
We have read the Physical Education Class Student Contract and Syllabus, and understand all
the rules of this class.
STUDENT’S NAME (PRINTED): ________________________________________________
STUDENT’S SIGNATURE: _____________________________________________________
PARENT’S NAME (PRINTED): _________________________________________________
PARENT’S SIGNATURE: ______________________________________________________
PARENT CONTACT INFORMATION (OPTIONAL): _______________________________