Effectiveness of the social media marketing activities on brand awareness among olivarian shoppers. GROUP #2 MACARIO, PRINCESS IZZY M. PILI, RYZZA LEIGH MOLINA, JHANNA ROSE SILONGAN, NORAISA VILLANUEVA, ALAECKZANDRA HORFILLA, GLAIDINE GRACE DAMIAN, ROSY GADOR, DIEMHEL AGUSTIN, JOHN CHRISTMAR CANILAO, JOVAN BATOCTOY, DREXEN the year when social media are integrated in the organizations and really start to become useful for companies and become important tools in the communication (Carlsson 2010). Others have argued that it is crucial for marketers to look to the Web for new ways of finding customers and communicating with them, rather than at them, that it is vital to create a dialogue with the customers, and various kinds of social media are the most promising way to reach new customers (Weber 2009) At the same time, one of the most prominent names in research about branding and related subjects, David Aaker, has said that with the multitude of new medias developing, it is becoming increasingly difficult for companies to raise awareness for their brand. The only way forward in managing this complexity, is for companies to be able to coordinate messages and their marketing efforts across all medias (Aaker 1996) Social media is the online environment where people with common interest come together to share their thoughts, comments, and ideas (Weber,2007:4). Social media utilized by businesses as a platform through in which direct marketing actions are carried out. In this sense, social media is pushing the boundaries of time and space in the interactions of businesses with potential consumers and promoting the feeling of closeness (Mersey et al., 2010), these are called Social Media Marketing Activities that introduce Brand awareness to its potential customers. Brand awareness refers to the level of comsumer recognition, acceptance, and recall of a brand in any case (Percy and Rossiter, 1992; Perreault et al., 2013: 119) according to Aaker (1991:61) brand awareness is “the ability of a potential buyer to recognize or recall that a brand is a member of a certain product category". These variables are associated to each other, In this study shows how effective social media marketing activities to increase brand recognition, image, and awareness of the potential consumers. Research that examines social media marketing effects from the perspective of branding literature is also still mainly exploratory and lacks empirical studies (Hollebeek, Glynn, & Brodie, 2014). To date, brand equity has received only limited attention in the context of social media marketing and its effectiveness, despite a few notable exceptions (e.g. Kim & Ko, 2012). This research contributes to prior literature by offering a comprehensive framework that shows how social media marketing efforts influence brand equity and consumer behavior towards five luxury brands in four countries. The previous studies discovered that the social media marketing activities are effective on brand awareness and customer loyalty. However, these studies were done before the pandemic and a new era has started using Internet technology as a marketing tool which always follows up to date. According to Hana Othman ElAydi (2017), nowadays, marketing is changing faster than ever. Everyday new communication appears. Therefore, it is not impossible for the social media activities to change as time goes by because customers are now increasingly using social media to connect, look for, and exchange information, thoughts, and experiences of brands and companies for their brand awareness and their loyalty. The aim of this research is to examine the effect of social media marketing activities to analyze the effect of brand awareness and brand image on brand loyalty in this research. The population of the research consists of the consumers who actively follow five brands with the highest social score according to the Marketing Turkey social media brand performance data on social media communication channels such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. As a result of the analysis, social media marketing activities have been found as effective factors on brand image and brand loyalty. In addition, it has been found out that brand awareness and brand image have a significant effect on brand loyalty. Furthermore, in the research, it has been achieved that the brand awareness has a limited effect on the brand image. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/15332667.2019.1705742?fbclid=IwAR13MokRF RsMGQ0c3hjRGNR1Tm65gSnw3SQv8ED49lkP6b58nAgm8tSKiNY The objectives of this research are; (1) examining the effect of social media marketing activities on brand awareness, brand image and brand loyalty, (2) measuring the effect of brand awareness on brand image, and (3) analyzing the effect of brand awareness and brand image on brand loyalty. In this respect, social media marketing activities, brand awareness, brand image and brand loyalty concepts have been included in the literature. Then, research hypotheses have been explained. 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