ASD-STE100 单词整理笔记 本单词笔记依据第七版 ASD-STE100 整理,常见 单词的释义来自牛津、柯林斯、韦伯等权威词典, 专业名词的释义部分来自维基百科。 单词学习不应仅仅局限于 CCAR66R3 的英语考 试,更重要的是要做到活学活用,触类旁通。因此, 除了与维修最相关的释义外,我将每个单词日常最 常用的释义也加入了该单词笔记。同时精选了权威 语料库中的一些经典语句和用法。在学习单词的同 时,熟悉单词的用法以及常见语境,真正做到看得 懂,讲得出。 希望对大家有所帮助!共同学习,共同进步! —— 郑煜 2020 年 9 月 目录 >> A................................................................................9 abaft...................................................................... 9 abate......................................................................9 abrasive................................................................. 9 abrupt.................................................................... 9 abut....................................................................... 9 accommodate........................................................9 account for............................................................ 9 acrid.....................................................................10 adequate............................................................. 10 adhere................................................................. 10 adhesion.............................................................. 10 admit................................................................... 10 adopt................................................................... 10 adverse................................................................ 10 aerate.................................................................. 10 aggravate............................................................. 11 agitate..................................................................11 allocate................................................................ 11 alter..................................................................... 11 alteration............................................................. 11 alternate.............................................................. 12 alternative........................................................... 12 amendment.........................................................12 ancillary............................................................... 12 angular.................................................................12 annotate.............................................................. 13 annotation...........................................................13 annunciate...........................................................13 announce.............................................................13 aperture...............................................................13 appropriate..........................................................13 arise..................................................................... 13 arrest................................................................... 14 ascertain.............................................................. 14 assembly..............................................................14 assess...................................................................14 assessment.......................................................... 14 assign................................................................... 14 assure.................................................................. 14 as to..................................................................... 14 asymmetric..........................................................14 attain................................................................... 14 in attendance...................................................... 15 augment.............................................................. 15 aural.....................................................................15 authentic............................................................. 15 autorotation........................................................ 15 autorotate........................................................... 15 avert.....................................................................16 axial......................................................................16 axis.......................................................................16 >> B.............................................................................. 17 back off................................................................17 bare......................................................................17 bear down........................................................... 17 beware.................................................................17 bind......................................................................17 blank out..............................................................17 blank off...............................................................17 bleed....................................................................17 blot...................................................................... 18 blunt.................................................................... 18 bolt...................................................................... 18 bounds.................................................................18 brace....................................................................18 breadth................................................................ 19 brilliance.............................................................. 19 brilliant................................................................ 19 brisk..................................................................... 19 briskly.................................................................. 19 bulkhead..............................................................19 burst.................................................................... 19 butt...................................................................... 20 buttock................................................................ 20 >> C.............................................................................. 21 cap....................................................................... 21 capable................................................................ 21 capability............................................................. 21 cavity................................................................... 21 cease....................................................................21 certify.................................................................. 22 chafe.................................................................... 22 channel................................................................ 22 chip...................................................................... 22 chlorine................................................................23 chock................................................................... 23 circa..................................................................... 23 circulate............................................................... 23 clamp................................................................... 23 clam..................................................................... 23 crab......................................................................24 clip....................................................................... 24 clog...................................................................... 24 coat...................................................................... 24 coil....................................................................... 24 coincide............................................................... 24 coincident............................................................ 24 cowling................................................................ 24 collar.................................................................... 25 combustible.........................................................25 commence...........................................................25 commencement.................................................. 25 compile................................................................ 25 compliant.............................................................25 comply................................................................. 25 comprehensive....................................................25 comprise..............................................................26 compulsory..........................................................26 concentric............................................................26 concurrent........................................................... 26 condensation.......................................................26 conduit.................................................................26 confine.................................................................26 conform............................................................... 26 conformance....................................................... 27 conformity........................................................... 27 consecutive..........................................................27 consistent............................................................ 27 contaminant........................................................ 27 contiguous........................................................... 27 contour................................................................ 27 conventional........................................................27 converse.............................................................. 28 coordinate........................................................... 28 correspond.......................................................... 28 corresponding..................................................... 28 couple.................................................................. 28 curvature............................................................. 28 >> D..............................................................................29 damp....................................................................29 decrement........................................................... 29 dedicated.............................................................29 defect...................................................................29 defective.............................................................. 29 deflect..................................................................29 deflection............................................................ 29 deform................................................................. 30 deformation.........................................................30 grease.................................................................. 30 delicate................................................................ 30 denote................................................................. 30 deposit.................................................................31 dispatch............................................................... 31 desiccant..............................................................31 deteriorate...........................................................31 deterioration....................................................... 32 detrimental..........................................................32 dermatitis............................................................ 32 deviate.................................................................32 devise...................................................................32 diagonal............................................................... 32 diameter.............................................................. 33 diametrical...........................................................33 diametrically........................................................33 differentiate.........................................................33 dilute....................................................................33 dip........................................................................34 discrepancy..........................................................34 disinfect............................................................... 34 disinfectant..........................................................35 dismantle.............................................................35 disperse............................................................... 35 dispersal.............................................................. 35 displace................................................................35 dispose................................................................ 35 dispose of............................................................ 36 disposition........................................................... 36 distinct.................................................................36 distort.................................................................. 36 goggle.................................................................. 37 don.......................................................................37 drain.....................................................................37 dress out..............................................................37 droplet................................................................. 37 droop................................................................... 37 dull.......................................................................37 >> E.............................................................................. 39 efficacious............................................................39 efflux....................................................................39 elapse.................................................................. 39 emit..................................................................... 39 employ.................................................................39 enamel.................................................................39 enclosed.............................................................. 39 enclose................................................................ 39 encircle................................................................ 40 emery.................................................................. 40 enforce.................................................................40 ensue................................................................... 40 entail....................................................................40 erect.....................................................................40 erratic.................................................................. 40 evaporate............................................................ 41 evident.................................................................41 exception............................................................. 41 exceptional.......................................................... 41 excess.................................................................. 41 exempt.................................................................41 exert.....................................................................41 exhale.................................................................. 42 extract..................................................................42 extractor.............................................................. 42 exude................................................................... 42 >> F.............................................................................. 43 facilitate...............................................................43 faint......................................................................43 falter.................................................................... 43 fashion................................................................. 43 feasible................................................................ 43 feather................................................................. 43 feature................................................................. 43 feed......................................................................44 file........................................................................44 filing..................................................................... 44 film.......................................................................44 fine.......................................................................44 finish.................................................................... 44 fit......................................................................... 45 flange...................................................................45 flaw...................................................................... 46 flex....................................................................... 46 flood.................................................................... 46 fluorescent.......................................................... 46 flush..................................................................... 46 fortify................................................................... 47 foul.......................................................................47 fulfill.....................................................................47 fume.................................................................... 47 furnish................................................................. 48 >> G..............................................................................49 gall....................................................................... 49 garble...................................................................49 garner.................................................................. 49 gaseous................................................................49 gash......................................................................49 gauge................................................................... 49 gear......................................................................49 genuine................................................................50 give rise to........................................................... 50 gleam................................................................... 50 glitch.................................................................... 50 gloss.....................................................................50 glossy................................................................... 50 glow..................................................................... 50 potentiometer..................................................... 50 gouge................................................................... 51 gradient............................................................... 51 graduation........................................................... 51 grave.................................................................... 51 grip.......................................................................51 grommet..............................................................51 gash......................................................................51 gust...................................................................... 51 >> H..............................................................................53 halt.......................................................................53 halve.................................................................... 53 hamper................................................................ 53 harmonize............................................................53 haul......................................................................53 hazy......................................................................53 heighten.............................................................. 53 hinge....................................................................53 hinge on...............................................................54 hitch.....................................................................54 hoist.....................................................................54 hold back............................................................. 54 hold off................................................................ 54 hose..................................................................... 54 housing................................................................ 55 sling......................................................................55 shackle.................................................................55 stripper................................................................ 55 strip......................................................................55 hum..................................................................... 55 >> I............................................................................... 57 atomizer...............................................................57 strobe.................................................................. 57 immerse...............................................................57 immobilize........................................................... 57 impair.................................................................. 57 imperative........................................................... 57 implement........................................................... 57 impregnate.......................................................... 57 impurity............................................................... 57 inadvertently....................................................... 58 incident................................................................58 incline.................................................................. 58 ramp.................................................................... 58 incorporate.......................................................... 58 increment............................................................ 58 inflammable........................................................ 58 ingest................................................................... 58 ingress................................................................. 58 syringe................................................................. 59 inhale................................................................... 59 intact....................................................................59 integral.................................................................59 intermediate........................................................59 inward..................................................................59 outward............................................................... 59 >> J...............................................................................60 jack.......................................................................60 spindle................................................................. 60 jar.........................................................................60 jerk.......................................................................60 jolt........................................................................60 jut.........................................................................60 >> K.............................................................................. 61 pulley................................................................... 61 shaft.....................................................................61 kink...................................................................... 61 >> L.............................................................................. 62 laminate...............................................................62 laminated............................................................ 62 lamination........................................................... 62 lap joint................................................................62 overlap joint........................................................ 62 latch..................................................................... 62 legible.................................................................. 62 lethal....................................................................62 lock on................................................................. 62 liberal...................................................................63 ammunition.........................................................63 loose.................................................................... 63 lukewarm.............................................................63 >> M.............................................................................64 maladjusted.........................................................64 mask.................................................................... 64 girt....................................................................... 64 Velcro...................................................................64 spline................................................................... 64 matt..................................................................... 65 white spirit.......................................................... 65 nipple...................................................................65 fuse...................................................................... 65 fusible.................................................................. 65 mesh.................................................................... 65 metallic................................................................ 66 moor.................................................................... 66 multiply................................................................66 >> N............................................................................. 67 alkaline................................................................ 67 alkali.....................................................................67 acid...................................................................... 67 electrolyte........................................................... 67 boric acid............................................................. 67 notch....................................................................67 bogie....................................................................67 notify................................................................... 67 >> O............................................................................. 68 observe................................................................68 opaque.................................................................68 orient................................................................... 68 overhaul...............................................................68 overlap.................................................................68 oral.......................................................................68 >> P.............................................................................. 69 paste.................................................................... 69 as per................................................................... 69 perforate..............................................................69 membrane........................................................... 69 permissible.......................................................... 69 persist.................................................................. 69 persistent.............................................................69 picket................................................................... 69 pierce...................................................................70 plug......................................................................70 receptacle............................................................ 70 pop.......................................................................70 port...................................................................... 70 precede................................................................71 proceed................................................................71 preferable............................................................ 71 premature............................................................71 prescribe..............................................................71 specify..................................................................71 preserve...............................................................71 preset...................................................................71 prime................................................................... 72 profile.................................................................. 72 progressive.......................................................... 72 prolonged............................................................ 72 prolong................................................................ 72 prompt.................................................................72 propagate............................................................ 72 propagation......................................................... 73 protrude.............................................................. 73 bladder................................................................ 73 purge................................................................... 73 >> Q............................................................................. 74 quarterly..............................................................74 quote................................................................... 74 >> R.............................................................................. 75 radioactive...........................................................75 rear...................................................................... 75 referee................................................................. 75 rearmost.............................................................. 75 rearward.............................................................. 75 recess...................................................................75 reclaim.................................................................75 cleat..................................................................... 75 recoil.................................................................... 75 recondition.......................................................... 76 rectify...................................................................76 recur.................................................................... 76 refit...................................................................... 76 inflate...................................................................76 reinforce.............................................................. 76 relay..................................................................... 76 relevant................................................................76 remnant...............................................................76 remains................................................................77 render.................................................................. 77 renovate.............................................................. 77 residual................................................................ 77 residue.................................................................77 resin..................................................................... 77 restore................................................................. 77 respective............................................................ 78 restrain................................................................ 78 retain................................................................... 78 retouch................................................................ 78 enamel.................................................................78 reverse.................................................................78 rig.........................................................................78 rinse..................................................................... 78 rip.........................................................................79 roughen............................................................... 79 rope off................................................................79 route.................................................................... 79 >> S.............................................................................. 80 turnbuckle........................................................... 80 sanitize.................................................................80 saturate............................................................... 80 scavenge.............................................................. 80 scrap.................................................................... 80 scrape.................................................................. 80 screw................................................................... 81 scrub.................................................................... 81 seepage............................................................... 81 semicircular......................................................... 81 semicircle.............................................................81 serrated............................................................... 81 serration.............................................................. 81 sever.................................................................... 81 sideways.............................................................. 81 simultaneous....................................................... 82 situated................................................................82 slack..................................................................... 82 slacken................................................................. 82 sling......................................................................82 slot....................................................................... 82 sluggish................................................................83 slush.....................................................................83 slushy...................................................................83 smear...................................................................83 snag..................................................................... 83 snap..................................................................... 83 solidify................................................................. 83 span..................................................................... 83 chord....................................................................84 spanwise..............................................................84 chordwise............................................................ 84 sparing................................................................. 84 sparingly.............................................................. 84 speck....................................................................84 spill...................................................................... 84 spillage.................................................................84 splash...................................................................84 split...................................................................... 85 split pin................................................................ 85 spurious............................................................... 85 stamp...................................................................85 starboard............................................................. 85 sterilize................................................................ 85 tacky.................................................................... 86 cement.................................................................86 stiff.......................................................................86 spatula................................................................. 86 cartridge.............................................................. 86 stow..................................................................... 86 strain....................................................................86 strap.....................................................................86 stripe....................................................................87 stroke...................................................................87 subject................................................................. 87 subsequent..........................................................87 surplus................................................................. 87 swap.....................................................................87 sweep.................................................................. 87 swing....................................................................88 symmetrical......................................................... 88 asymmetric..........................................................88 >> T.............................................................................. 89 mallet...................................................................89 foil........................................................................89 tape......................................................................89 taut...................................................................... 89 bellow.................................................................. 89 bellows................................................................ 89 telescopic.............................................................89 tertiary.................................................................90 thorough..............................................................90 thread.................................................................. 90 threshold............................................................. 90 tilt........................................................................ 90 tip.........................................................................90 top up.................................................................. 91 trace.....................................................................91 trip....................................................................... 91 tuck...................................................................... 91 facepiece............................................................. 91 >> U..............................................................................92 uncouple..............................................................92 visor..................................................................... 92 underside.............................................................92 undue.................................................................. 92 reel.......................................................................92 >> V..............................................................................93 varnish................................................................. 93 vanish...................................................................93 vigorous............................................................... 93 volatile................................................................. 93 >> W.............................................................................94 weep.................................................................... 94 wedge.................................................................. 94 whilst................................................................... 94 >> X.............................................................................. 95 >> Y.............................................................................. 96 yawn.................................................................... 96 >> Z.............................................................................. 97 >> A abaft |əˈbɑ:ft| PREPOSITION = 在船尾,向船尾;在后面,在……之后 // AFT OF -> THE CONTROL UNIT IS INSTALLED AFT OF THE FLIGHT COMPARTMENT. // A school of porpoises swam abaft the fishing boat. abate |əˈbeɪt| VERB =(使)减弱,减退,减轻,减少 // Steps are to be taken to abate pollution. // The storms had abated by the time they rounded Cape Horn. abrasive |əˈbreɪsɪv| ADJECTIVE = 有研磨作用的,研磨的 // Dust, when mixed with oil, has an abrasive effect. // abrasive compounds for whitening teeth = 粗鲁的,不友善的 // Pamela was unrepentant about her strong language and abrasive remarks. NOUN = 磨料,磨蚀剂 abrupt |əˈbrʌpt| ADJECTIVE =(令人不快的)突然的,意外的(改变、行为) // the recession brought an abrupt halt to this happiness =(言语或行为)粗鲁的,唐突的,鲁莽的,生硬的 // an abrupt reply abut |əˈbʌt| VERB =(土地或建筑物)邻接,毗连,紧靠 // His land abuts onto a road. // The bin abuts the forward hinge surface. accommodate |əˈkɒmədeɪt| VERB =(有足够的空间)容纳,接纳 // Over 70 minutes of music can be accommodated on one CD. // Studs are available in different lengths to accommodate different thicknesses of skin. = 为(某人)提供住宿 // The hotel can accommodate up to 500 guests. = 顾及,考虑到;(调整以)适应(新情况) // Our proposal tries to accommodate the special needs of minority groups. // Some animal and plant species cannot accommodate to the rapidly changing conditions. account for PHRASAL VERB =(尤指在事后)了解,查明;解释,说明, // We have to account for every penny we spend on business trips. // All passengers have now been accounted for. // All tools and equipment must be accounted for. // How do you account for the show's success? = 是……的原因 // What accounts for this success? // A variety of reasons accounts for the success story. // Bill must be ill; it’s the only the thing that accounts for his being away. =(数量上、比例上)占 // The Japanese market accounts for 35% of the company's revenue. acrid |ˈækrɪd| ADJECTIVE =(气味或味道)难闻的,苦的,刺激的 // acrid smoke from burning tyres // On contact with hot surfaces, this material produces acrid fumes. adequate |ˈædɪkwət| ADJECTIVE = 足够的,合乎需求的 // SUFFICIENT // Provide containers of adequate capacity and diameter. // adequate grounds for a lawsuit adhere |ədˈhɪə(r)| VERB = 黏附,附着 // BOND // The stamp failed to adhere to the envelope. =(规定、协议)遵守,遵循 // OBEY // adhere to traditional values adhesion |ədˈhi:ʒn| NOUN = 黏附(力),黏着(力) // Better driving equipment will improve track adhesion in slippery conditions. admit |ədˈmɪt| VERB =(常指不情愿地)承认,供认 // She admitted to having stolen the car. = 准许(某人)进入,加入 = 接收入院,收治 // Each ticket admits one adult. // Two crash victims were admitted to the local hospital. adopt |əˈdɒpt| VERB = 采取,采纳,采用 // Adopt this procedure if the unit is damaged. = 收养,领养 // to adopt a child adverse |ˈædvɜ:s| ADJECTIVE = 不利的,有害的 // BAD // This drug is known to have adverse side effects. aerate |ˈeəreɪt| ADJECTIVE = 使(土壤、水等)透气 VERB = 分配,分派,划拨 // Aerate the soil by spiking with a fork. = 充二氧化碳于,充气于(液体) // aerated water aggravate |ˈægrəveɪt| VERB = 使严重,使恶化 // He would only aggravate the injury by rubbing it. agitate |ˈædʒɪteɪt| VERB // Tickets are limited and will be allocated to those who apply first. // Hogwart’s fabled Sorting Hat allocates first-year students to their houses. alter |ˈɔ:ltə(r)| VERB = 改变,更改,改动 // Nothing can alter the fact that we are to blame. // It wouldn’t alter my opinion one bit. = 修改(衣服使更合身) // No, I had my uniform altered. alteration = 煽动,鼓动 // political groups agitating for social change |ˌɔ:ltəˈreɪʃn| NOUN = 搅动,摇动 // Agitate (=shake) the solution. // Its molecules can be agitated by microwave energy. // Your mind is like this water, my friend. When it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see. = 改变,变化 // It forbids significant alterations or manipulations. = 激怒,使不安,使激动 // Eddie, his son, said that he was agitated by the traffic and then just started shooting. allocate |ˈæləkeɪt| = 修改(衣服使更合身) // Her jacket was at the boutique waiting for alteration. // I like it a lot. It fits well. It doesn’t need any alterations. = 备选的,备用的 // Do you have an alternative solution? = 非传统的,另类的 // alternative energy (electricity that is produced using the energy from the sun, wind, water, etc.) NOUN = 可供选择或者替代的事物 alternate |ɔ:lˈtɜ:nət| ADJECTIVE = 交替的,轮流的 // a day of alternate sunshine and rain // The loos in the East Tower are on alternate floors. The ladies are on one floor and the gents are on the other. = 间隔的,隔(天、月、年)的 // He works on alternate days. = 供选择的,备用的 // alternate forms of medical treatment // Now, we have a nation that is growing increasingly hungry for alternate energy. VERB =(使)交替,(使)轮流 // Her aggressive moods alternated with gentle or more co-operative states. // The volume seems to alternate between very loud and very soft. NOUN = 替补,替代的人 // You made her my alternate? – Well, there’s always an alternate. Lily is the best choice. // We had no alternative but to fire Gibson. // It is permitted to use alternative materials. amendment |əˈmendmənt| NOUN = (法令或法规的)修正条款,修正案 // The 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote. ancillary |ænˈsɪləri| ADJECTIVE = 辅助的,补助的,补充的 // ancillary staff = 附属的,附带的 // Ancillary charges are at least $30 per day. angular alternative |ˈæŋgjələ(r)| ADJECTIVE |ɔ:lˈtɜ:nətɪv| ADJECTIVE = 有棱角的,有尖角的 = 角的 // angular position/velocity/acceleration // He had an angular face with prominent cheekbones. // Get access to the control unit through the aperture in the side of the tank. annotate =(照相机的)光圈 |ˈænəteɪt| VERB = 给……作注解(或评注) // an annotated edition annotation NOUN = 注解,注释 // the author's annotation of the diagram annunciate |əˈnʌnsɪˌeɪt| VERB = announce 的变体 // The display annunciates a fault message. announce |əˈnaʊns| VERB = 宣布,宣告(决定、计划等) =(尤指通过广播)通知 // He will announce tonight that he is resigning from office. // They announced his plane was delayed. =(以字母、声音、信号等形式)通知,告知,指示 // His entrance was announced by a buzzer connected to the door. aperture |ˈæpətʃə(r)| NOUN = 小孔,缝隙、 // OPENING // The photograph was taken using a fast shutter speed and a large aperture. appropriate |əˈprəʊpriət| ADJECTIVE = 合适的,恰当的 // Dress neatly and attractively in an outfit appropriate to the job. VERB = 盗用,挪用,占用,侵吞 // Several other newspapers have appropriated the idea. = 拨(专款) // Five million dollars has been appropriated for research into the disease. arise |əˈraɪz| (arose |əˈrəʊz|, arisen |əˈrɪzn|) VERB = 发生,产生,出现 // OCCUR // A new crisis has arisen. = 起床;起立,起身 // Arise, Sir William. arrest |əˈrest| VERB // evaluation assign = 逮捕,拘留 = 阻止,中止 // The law could arrest the development of good research if applied prematurely. |əˈsaɪn| VERB = 吸引(注意) // The work of an architect of genius always arrests the attention no matter how little remains. = 指定,指派 // Did you choose Russia or were you simply assigned there? ascertain = 赋予,给予(功能或价值) // Assign a different colour to each different type of information. |ˌæsəˈteɪn| VERB assure =(尤指经过努力后)查明,弄清,确定 // Once they had ascertained that he was not a spy, they agreed to release him. |əˈʃʊə(r)| VERB assembly = 使确信,向……保证 // You think I did it deliberately, but I assure you (that) I did not. |əˈsembli| = 议会,代表大会 = 集会(者),集会(权利) // The US Constitution guarantees free speech, freedom of assembly and equal protection. = 组装,装配 assess |əˈses| VERB = 评估,评定 = 估算(数量、价值) // ESTIMATE // What's the property's assessed value? assessment NOUN = 分配(某物);分派,布置(工作、任务等) // Later in the year, she'll assign them research papers. as to PREPOSITION = 至于,关于 // ABOUT // Refer to Table 7001 for information as to the construction of the pivot assembly. asymmetric |ˌeɪsɪˈmetrɪk| ADJECTIVE = 不对称的 attain |əˈteɪn| VERB =(经过努力)获得,达到 // Jim is halfway to attaining his pilot's licence. = 达到,进入,实现(某种状态或情况) // The cheetah can attain speeds of up to 97 kph. in attendance PHRASE = 到(某地),出席(某活动) = 陪侍,随侍(某人)左右 // He lived in considerable style, travelling widely, usually with a cook, valet, butler and chauffeur in attendance. augment |ɔ:gˈment| VERB = 增加,增大,加强,提高 // She took a second job to augment her income. aural autorotation NOUN = Autorotation is a state of flight in which the main rotor system of a helicopter or similar aircraft turns by the action of air moving up through the rotor, as with an autogyro, rather than engine power driving the rotor. 顺桨指的是在发动机空中停车后,把飞机的桨叶转 到与飞行方向接近平行状态的操纵动作。此时桨叶 顺着气流的方向使螺旋桨自转,就像风车一样继续 转动,这种自由转动现象称为螺旋桨自转,即 autorotation。 其操纵机构利用转速敏感元件,感受螺旋桨转速的 变化,用以改变、调节桨叶的桨叶角(即桨距),达 到调节发动机转速和螺旋桨拉力的目的。在发动机 起动时,桨叶安装角变小,使螺旋桨转动阻力矩最 小,便于起动;飞机起飞时桨叶安装角变大,使螺 旋桨产生最大拉力;当飞机降落后在地面滑跑时, 还可将桨叶调到负桨位置以产生负拉力,对飞机进 行刹车,缩短滑行距离;飞机飞行中,一旦发动机 因故障而停车时,操纵机构自动将桨叶前缘调整到 与飞行方向一致的位置(称为顺桨),以免桨叶被气 流吹转,形成飞机的阻力。 |ˈɔ:rəl| ADJECTIVE = 听觉的,听的 authentic |ɔ:ˈθentɪk| ADJECTIVE = 真品的,真迹的 // Is that an authentic painting from Piccaso? // authentic street food =(信息或记述)准确的,可靠的,可信的 // She has authentic charm whereas most people simply have nice manners. // ACCURATE -> If the adjustment of the stops is not correct, the results of the test will not be accurate. // The altitude record for a rotorcraft stands at just over 40,000 feet, and during that flight the engine flamed out and the pilot had to land using autorotation. autorotate VERB // The failed engine is free to autorotate. avert |əˈvɜ:t| = 防止,避免(危险、坏事) // Okay, fine! Just leave! I’m all good. Crisis averted. Problem solved. // PREVENT -> IF THE MICROSWITCH BECOMES UNSERVICEABLE, DO THE DEACTIVATION PROCEDURE OF THE ACTUATOR TO PREVENT DAMAGE TO THE VALVE. = 转移(目光等) // He avoids any eye contact, quickly averting his gaze when anyone approaches. axial |ˈæksiəl| = 轴的,轴线的 // This is known as the Earth’s axial tilt, or obliquity. axis |ˈæksɪs| (pl. axes |ˈæksi:z|) NOUN = 坐标轴,轴线 // the vertical axis // the horizontal axis >> B back off PHRASAL VERB =(使)后退 // Back off, or I kill him right now. // Do not back off (=LOOSEN) the nut to obtain alignment. bare |beə(r)| ADJECTIVE = 无遮盖的,未加装饰的 // Bare metal surfaces are usually satisfactory for an electrical bond. = 裸体的,裸露的 =(树木)光秃秃的,(土地)荒芜的,寸草不生的 bear down bind |baɪnd| (bound, bound |baʊnd|) VERB = 捆绑,系;包扎 // Bind the pipe joints with two layers of tape. // WIND AROUND -> Wind two layers of tape around the pipe joints. // She bound up his wounds. =(使)联合在一起,结合 // Organizations such as schools and clubs bind a community together. = 约束,限制,使负有义务(或责任) // He had been bound to secrecy (= made to promise not to tell people about sth). // The agreement binds her to repay the debt within six months. =(使)粘合,凝结 // Add an egg yolk to make the mixture bind. // Check that valves do not bind. blank out PHRASAL VERB PHRASAL VERB = 用力下压,使劲往下推 // Bear down on the panel until it moves into place with a click. = 冲向,咄咄逼近 // A group of half a dozen men entered the pub and bore down on the bar. =(使)(屏幕)突然变空,无显示 // The screen blanked out. = 掩盖,遮盖;刻意忘记,抹去记忆 // All the names in the letter had been blanked out. // I learned to blank those feelings out. blank off beware PHRASAL VERB |bɪˈweə(r)| VERB = 封锁,封闭 // Blank off the hoses. // SEAL -> Seal the hoses. = 当心,小心,提防 // BE CAREFUL -> Be careful of dangerous voltages. // Beware of being too impatient with others. bleed |bli:d| (bled, bled |bled|) VERB = 流血,失血 = 放掉(气体、水) // The war has bled the once-strong Armenian economy dry. // Bleed the speedbrake hydraulic system. NOUN = 螺栓 blot |blɒt| VERB =(用软纸或布)吸干液体 // Before applying make-up, blot the face with a tissue to remove any excess oils. // Blot the surface with a towel. NOUN = 污点,墨渍 bounds |baʊndz| NOUN = 限制范围,极限 // Public spending must be kept within reasonable bounds. // LIMIT -> Make sure that the clearance is in the limits. brace // This drugs scandal is another blot on the Olympics. blunt |blʌnt| ADJECTIVE = 钝的,不锋利的,不尖的 // Remove the sealant with a blunt scraper. = 嘴直的,直言的 // To be blunt, your work is appalling. bolt |bəʊlt| |breɪs| VERB = 加强,加固;支撑 // Reinforcement plates brace the lap joints. // Support struts hold (=brace) the floor structure in position. = 使(身体或身体部位)顶住,抵住(以免跌倒等) // He braced his back against the wall. NOUN = 箍子,夹子;支架 =(光线、色彩)明亮的,鲜艳的 // It was 250 million times more brilliant than the Sun. brisk |brɪsk| ADJECTIVE = 轻快的,生气勃勃的 // The horse broke into a brisk trot. // a neck brace (= worn to support the neck after an injury) =(天气)寒冷而清新的 // a typically brisk winter's day on the South Coast = 大括号 // { } briskly breadth ADVERB |bredθ| NOUN bulkhead = 宽度 // WIDTH -> The width of the material must be larger than 10 mm. |ˈbʌlkhed| NOUN = 广度,广泛性 // Older people have a tremendous breadth of experience. =(船的)舱壁,(飞机的)隔板 brilliance NOUN = 才华,智慧,聪明 // It would be an incredible honor to work for a man of your brilliance. =(光线、色彩)明亮鲜艳 // Set the brilliance to the minimum. brilliant |ˈbrɪliənt| ADJECTIVE = 巧妙的,使人印象深的,聪颖的,技艺高的 // It was his brilliant performance in 'My Left Foot' that established his reputation. burst |bɜ:st| VERB =(使)爆裂,胀破,炸开 = 突然闯进(或冲出) // BREAK // The driver lost control when a tyre burst. // The door burst open and an angry young nurse appeared. NOUN = 突发,猝发,迸发 // a burst of machine-gun fire // I tend to work in bursts. butt |bʌt| NOUN = 屁股;(武器或工具)较粗的一端,柄 // Troops used tear gas and rifle butts to break up the protests VERB =(动物)用头(或角)顶 // Wire must butt against rear of contact. // Lawrence kept on butting me but the referee did not warn him. buttock |ˈbʌtək| NOUN = 屁股的一边,臀部 >> C cap |kæp| NOUN = 帽子;帽,盖 // Put caps on the connectors. VERB // She's a very capable speaker. // Vital checks are to be carried out by a capable person. capability |ˌkeɪpəˈbɪləti| NOUN = 能力,才能 = 用……覆盖顶部(或端部) // Cap all the hoses. // snow-capped mountains = 限额收取(或支出) // Nearly half of all local councils face being capped. capable |ˈkeɪpəbl| ADJECTIVE = 有……能力的,能够……的 // The power unit is capable of producing 28 VDC. // CAN -> The power unit can supply 28 VDC. = 能力强的,足以胜任的,熟练的 // Age affects the range of a person's capabilities. cavity |ˈkævəti| NOUN = 洞,孔,腔 // Fill the cavity (=hole) with resin. =(牙科)蛀牙洞 cease |si:s| VERB = (使)停止,终止,结束 // You never cease to amaze me! // He ordered his men to cease fire (= stop shooting). certify =(电视,无线电)电视台,频道,波段 |ˈsɜ:tɪfaɪ| VERB =(尤指书面)证明,出具证明,证实 // Certify (=write) the change in the logbook. = 给……颁发证书,授予合格证书 =(表达的)方式,手段,途径,渠道 // Complaints must be made through the proper channels. = 水渠,沟渠;水道,航道;海峡 // a certified accountant chafe |tʃeɪf| VERB = 擦痛,擦得红肿 // the English Channel // Install the wires in the channel along the housing. VERB =(经过通道)输送,传送 = 引资,引导,贯注,输送资金,提供帮助 chip |tʃɪp| VERB = 弄缺,被损坏;切下,削下,凿下(碎片、屑片) // The paint had chipped off. NOUN // The collar was far too tight and chafed her neck. // Examine the tubing for chafed (=worn) areas. channel |ˈtʃænl| NOUN = 炸薯条,炸薯片 = 芯片 = 碎片,碎屑,碎块 // Examine the filter element for metal chips (=particles). =(瓷器、木头、玻璃等的)缺口,缺损处,豁口 // The washbasin had a small chip. chlorine circulate |ˈklɔ:ri:n| NOUN |ˈsɜ:kjəleɪt| VERB = 氯,氯气 =(液体或气体)环流,循环 // Cooking odors can circulate throughout the entire house. = 流传,散布 clamp |klæmp| NOUN = 夹具,夹子,夹钳 chock |tʃɒk| NOUN = 轮档 // Attach the adjacent cables with a clamp. VERB = 夹紧,夹住,固定 clam circa |klæm| NOUN = 蛤,蛤蜊,蚌 |ˈsɜ:kə| PREPOSITION =(置于年份之前,表示不确定)大约,大概 // Put a container (circa (=approximately) 5 liters) under the waste water outlet. crab coil |kræb| NOUN |kɔɪl| NOUN = 蟹,螃蟹 =(绳子、金属丝等绕成的)卷,圈 clip |klɪp| NOUN = 回形针,夹子 // Attach the conduit to the structure with the clips. = 剪辑,片段 VERB =(用夹子)夹在一起 = 剪(掉) ,修剪 // Clip (=cut) wire to the correct length. clog |klɒg| VERB = 阻塞,堵塞 // Tears clogged her throat. // If the filter is clogged, replace it. coat |kəʊt| VERB (用……)覆盖 = 给……涂上一层; // cookies thickly coated with chocolate // A film of dust coated the table. NOUN = 外套,大衣 =(动物的)皮毛 // Vitamin B6 is great for improving the condition of dogs' and horses' coats. = 涂料层,覆盖层 // You will need to apply three coats of varnish. // Make sure that the coils of the oxygen hose do not rub together. VERB =(使)缠绕,盘绕 // The snake coiled up, ready to strike. coincide |ˌkəʊɪnˈsaɪd| VERB = 巧合,同时发生 // It's a pity our trips to New York don't coincide. = 相接,相交,同位,位置重合,重叠 // a case in which public and private interests coincide coincident |kəʊˈɪnsɪdənt| ADJECTIVE = 同时发生的 // Make sure that the movement of the two surfaces is coincident (=synchronized). = 相符的,一致的 // Their aims are coincident with ours. cowling |ˈkaʊlɪŋ| NOUN = 整流罩,(尤指)飞机引擎罩 = 学位授予典礼,毕业典礼 compile collar |ˈkɒlə(r)| NOUN = 衣领,领子 =(狗的)颈圈;(管子的)圈,箍 |kəmˈpaɪl| VERB = 编写(书、列表、报告等),编纂 // The album was compiled from live recordings from last year's tour. = 编译 compliant |kəmˈplaɪənt| ADJECTIVE combustible |kəmˈbʌstəbl| ADJECTIVE = 易燃的,可燃的 // Keep combustible (=flammable) materials at a minimum distance of 50 feet from the work area. commence |kəˈmens| VERB = 开始,着手 // Warning commences and indicators flash. commencement |kəˈmensmənt| NOUN = 开始,开端 = 顺从的;百依百顺的;俯首帖耳的 = 符合的,一致的 // We should not be producing compliant students who do not dare to criticize. comply |kəmˈplaɪ| VERB = 遵从,服从,顺从 // They refused to comply with the UN resolution. comprehensive |ˌkɒmprɪˈhensɪv| ADJECTIVE = 全部的,所有的;(几乎)无所不包的,详尽的 // Do a comprehensive (=full) inspection of the fairing. NOUN =(英国的公立性)综合中学 comprise conduit |kəmˈpraɪz| VERB |ˈkɒndjuɪt| NOUN = 包括,包含,由……组成 // Each survival kit comprises (=contains) these items. =(液体、气体或电线的)管道,导管 = 是(某事物的)组成部分,组成,构成 // Older people comprise a large proportion of those living in poverty. compulsory |kəmˈpʌlsəri| ADJECTIVE =(因法律或规则而)必须做的,强制的,强迫的 // Before you put new oil in the system, it is compulsory (=mandatory) to replace the filter. // It is compulsory for all motorcyclists to wear helmets. concentric |kənˈsentrɪk| ADJECTIVE =(几何)同心的 // The external diameter must be concentric to the internal diameter. concurrent |kənˈkʌrənt| AJECTIVE = 并存的,同时发生的 condensation |ˌkɒndenˈseɪʃn| NOUN = 凝结的水珠 =(联系的)渠道,通道 // The organization had acted as a conduit for money from the arms industry. confine |kənˈfaɪn| VERB = 限制,限定 // The work will not be confined to the Glasgow area. conform |kənˈfɔ:m| VERB = 相一致;遵守,遵从,服从(规则、法律、他人 意愿等) // The building does not conform with safety regulations. = 顺从,随大流 research. contaminant |kənˈtæmɪnənt| NOUN = 污染物 // Contaminants found in poultry will also be found in their eggs. // He refused to conform to the local customs. conformance NOUN contiguous |kənˈtɪgjuəs| ADJECTIVE = 相接的,相邻的 // The countries are contiguous. conformity contour |kənˈfɔ:məti| NOUN |ˈkɒntʊə(r)| NOUN =(对法律、个人意愿等的)遵从,遵守 // The prime minister is, in conformity with the constitution, chosen by the president. = 墨守成规,循规蹈矩 consecutive |kənˈsekjətɪv| ADJECTIVE = 连续不断的,不间断的 // She was absent for nine consecutive days. = 外形,轮廓 // The road follows the natural contours of the coastline. =(地图上表示相同海拔各点的)等高线 // a contour map (= a map that includes these lines) conventional |kənˈvenʃənl| ADJECTIVE consistent = 依照惯例的,遵循习俗的,墨守成规的,普通平 凡的 // a respectable married woman with conventional opinions |kənˈsɪstənt| ADJECTIVE =(武器、战争等)非核的,常规的 // We must reduce the danger of war by controlling nuclear, chemical and conventional arms. =(行为、态度等)一贯的,一致的,始终如一的 // He was consistent in arriving late. = 一致的,相符的,符合的,不矛盾的 // The results are entirely consistent with our earlier converse corresponding |ˈkɒnvɜ:s | VERB |ˌkɒrəˈspɒndɪŋ| ADJECTIVE = 交谈,谈话 // They were conversing in German, their only common language. NOUN = 符合的,相应的,相关的 // Profits have risen by 15% compared with the corresponding period last year. (事实或陈述的)反面 = 相反的事物, // One must also consider the converse case. couple |ˈkʌpl| VERB =(把设备等)连接,结合 // Overuse of those drugs, coupled with poor diet, leads to physical degeneration. = 两人,两件事物;几个人,几件事物 // The couple have no children. coordinate |kəʊˈɔ:dɪneɪt| VERB = 使协调,使相配合 NOUN = 坐标 // the x, y coordinates of any point on a line correspond |ˌkɒrəˈspɒnd| VERB = 相一致,符合,相对应 // Your account of events does not correspond with hers. = 通信(信件) // We corresponded regularly. curvature |ˈkɜ:vətʃə(r)| NOUN = 弯曲,曲度,曲率 >> D damp deflect |dɪˈflekt| VERB =(击中某物后)偏斜,转向 |dæmp| ADJECTIVE = 潮湿的,微湿的,湿气重的 // MOIST // Wipe the surface with a damp cloth. decrement // The ball deflected off Reid's body into the goal. // Bars deflect to the right. = 减量,缩减 = 转移,引开(批评、注意力等) // It's a maneuver to deflect the attention of the people from what is really happening. dedicated deflection |ˈdedɪkeɪtɪd| ADJECTIVE |dɪˈflekʃn| NOUN = 献身的,一心一意的,热忱的 = 专用的,专门用途的 // She is dedicated to her job. // A dedicated tool is necessary for the installation of the unit. = 偏斜,偏离 |'dekrɪmənt| NOUN defect |ˈdi:fekt| NOUN = 缺点,缺陷,毛病 // a defect in the aircraft caused the crash defective |dɪˈfektɪv| ADJECTIVE // The disease is caused by a defective gene. // the angle of deflection deform delicate |dɪˈfɔ:m| VERB |ˈdelɪkət| ADJECTIVE =(使)变形,(使)成畸形 // Bad rheumatoid arthritis deforms limbs. = 纤细的,精美的,小巧玲珑的,娇美的 // an evergreen tree with large flame-coloured leaves and delicate blossom. deformation (味道)清淡可口的, (气味)清 =(颜色)柔和的, 香 NOUN // delicate pink color // Make sure that the tubes have no deformation. grease = 微妙的,棘手的,需要小心处理的 // a long and delicate operation carried out at a hospital in Florence = 娇贵的,脆弱的,易碎的 |gri:s| NOUN = 油脂,润滑油 // delicate arch // Be careful with delicate (=EASILY DAMAGED) parts. // Remove the grease from the faying surface with solvent. =(炼过的)动物油脂 denote |dɪˈnəʊt| VERB = 标志,预示,象征 // A very high temperature often denotes a serious illness. VERB =(符号)代表……,是……的标记 // The red triangle denotes danger. = 派遣,派出 // Troops have been dispatched to the area. deposit =(邮件、包裹)发出 // Contamination sample must be dispatched for analysis. NOUN |dɪˈpɒzɪt| NOUN = 订金;押金 // A £50 deposit is required when ordering, and the balance is due upon delivery. = 存款 = 沉积物,沉积层,淤积物 desiccant // mineral deposits // If there are metal deposits (=PARTICLES) in the oil filter, check the filter element for wear. VERB |ˈdesikənt| NOUN = 干燥剂 = 将(钱)存入银行;寄放,寄存(贵重物品) // Millions were deposited in Swiss bank accounts. = 付(订金),付(保证金),付(押金) =(尤指河流或液体)使沉积,使沉淀,使淤积 // Sand was deposited which hardened into sandstone. dispatch |dɪˈspætʃ| deteriorate |dɪˈtɪəriəreɪt| VERB = 变坏,恶化,退化 deterioration NOUN // This condition will cause deterioration of the surface. detrimental |ˌdetrɪˈmentl| ADJECTIVE // Personnel must not deviate from this procedure. // He planned his schedule far in advance, and he didn't deviate from it. devise |dɪˈvaɪz| VERB = 想出,设计,策划,发明 = 有害的,不利的 // foods suspected of being detrimental to health dermatitis |ˌdɜ:məˈtaɪtɪs| NOUN = 皮炎 deviate |ˈdi:vieɪt| VERB = 偏离 // think up // We devised a scheme to help him. diagonal |daɪˈægənl| ADJECTIVE = 斜线的,对角线的 NOUN = 斜线,对角线 // Mark five points an equal distance apart along the diagonals. diameter |daɪˈæmɪtə| NOUN // We hold diametrically opposed views. differentiate = 直径 |ˌdɪfəˈrenʃieɪt| VERB // a tube less than a fifth of the diameter of a human hair = 区分,区别,辨别 // It's difficult to differentiate between the two varieties. diametrical = 使有差别,使不同 // The male's yellow beak differentiates it from the female. |ˌdaɪəˈmetrɪkl| ADJECTIVE = 直径的 = 截然相反的,完全不同的 // He's the diametrical opposite of his brother. diametrically ADVERB = 完全(相反) ,截然(不同) dilute |daɪˈlu:t| VERB = 稀释,冲淡 // The sun dipped below the horizon. NOUN =(短时间内的)减少,下降,衰退 // a sharp dip in profits = 凹陷处,低洼处 // Puddles had formed in the dips. discrepancy |dɪsˈkrepənsi| NOUN = 差异,不符合,不一致 // Dilute primer with solvent. = 削弱,降低效果 ADJCTIVE // a dilute acid dip |dɪp| VERB = 蘸 // the discrepancy between press and radio reports disinfect |ˌdɪsɪnˈfekt| VERB = 消毒,杀菌 // He dipped the brush into the paint. =(迅速地)下降,下沉 dispersal |dɪˈspɜ:sl| NOUN // Chlorine is used to disinfect water disinfectant |ˌdɪsɪnˈfektənt| NOUN = 消毒剂,杀菌剂 // Salt is a natural disinfectant. dismantle |dɪsˈmæntl| VERB =(机器或结构)拆开,拆卸 // DISASSEMBLE // I had to dismantle the engine in order to repair it. displace |dɪsˈpleɪs| VERB = 移动,挪开,转移;取代,替代,置换 // These factories have displaced tourism as the country's largest source of foreign exchange. = 迫使(某人)离开家园 =(逐渐)废除,撤销 // Public services of all kinds are being dismantled. disperse |dɪˈspɜ:s| VERB =(使)分散,散开,疏散,驱散 // Blow through tubes to disperse residual fluid. // The fog began to disperse. = 散布,传播 // The seeds are dispersed by the wind. // Most of the civilians displaced by the war will be unable to return to their homes. dispose |dɪˈspəʊz| VERB = 排列,布置,安排 = 使倾向于,使有意于,使易于 dispose of VERB = 去掉,清除,销毁 // There's a lot of evidence that oily fish, as distinct from fatty meat, has a beneficial effect. = 清晰的,清楚的,明白的,明显的;确定无疑的, 确切的 // His voice was quiet but every word was distinct. // Dispose (=discard) of used solvent. distort disposition |dɪˈstɔ:t| VERB |ˌdɪspəˈzɪʃn| NOUN = 使变形,扭曲,使失真 = 性格,性情;倾向,意向 // They show no disposition to improvise or to take risks. = 排列,布置,安排;(财产金钱的)处置,让与 // Obey the dispositions of the manufacturer when you use the solvent. // Check the disposition of fire extinguishers before you start the engines. distinct |dɪˈstɪŋkt| ADJECTIVE = 截然不同的,有区别的 // The loudspeaker seemed to distort his voice. = 歪曲,曲解 // The media distorts reality; categorises people as all good or all bad. goggle dress out |ˈgɒgl| NOUN PHRASAL VERB = 护目镜,风镜,游泳镜 VERB =(尤指由于惊奇而)瞪大眼睛看 don = 去除 // Dress out (=remove) sharp edges. droplet |ˈdrɒplət| NOUN |dɒn| VERB = 小液滴 = 穿上,戴上,披上 // He donned his gloves and hat. // Don mask and breathe through it to check oxygen supply. droop |dru:p| VERB drain |dreɪn| VERB = 排空,(使)流光,放干 // Drain the system fully. = 大量消耗,耗竭,耗费;使精疲力竭,使心力交 瘁 NOUN = 下水道,排水管 = 低垂,垂落,垂下 // If you do not install the rigging pin, the elevators will droop when there is no pressure in the system. // She was so tired, her eyelids were beginning to droop. dull = 消耗,耗竭,耗费 // The drains date from the beginning of the century. |dʌl| ADJECTIVE = 枯燥无味的,无聊的 = 不明亮的,不鲜明的,无光泽的;阴沉的,昏暗 的,多云的 // The lamp comes on with a dull (=dim) light. // Letters will be dull (=matt) black on white background. // It's always dull and raining. VERB =(使)不强烈,变得无光泽,无生气 // He can dull your senses with facts and figures. >> E efficacious enamel |ɪˈnæml| NOUN = 搪瓷,珐琅,釉 |ˌefɪˈkeɪʃəs| ADJECTIVE = 有效的,奏效的,灵验的 // This is an efficacious way to remove paint. efflux |ˈeˌfləks| NOUN = 流出物,流出 // Ensure that there are safety barriers around the engine efflux (=EXHAUST) area. elapse |ɪˈlæps| VERB // If the enamel is chipped (=damaged), replace the unit. enclosed |ɪnˈkləʊzd| ADJECTIVE = (墙)围住的,封闭的 =(时间)过去,流逝 emit |iˈmɪt| VERB = 发出,射出,散发(光、热、声音、气等) // the amount of carbon dioxide emitted employ |ɪmˈplɔɪ| VERB = 雇用 = 应用,运用 // Type B employs (=uses) a loose collar. // The work area must be well-ventilated if solvent is used in an enclosed space. enclose |ɪnˈkləʊz| VERB =(用墙、篱笆等)把……围起来 // Enclose the pot in a clear polythene bag. = 随函(或包裹等)附上 // I have enclosed a cheque for £10. encircle |ɪnˈsɜ:kl| VERB = 环绕,围绕,包围 // Safety precautions must be strictly enforced. = 强迫,迫使 // You can't enforce cooperation between the players. ensue |ɪnˈsju:| VERB = 接着发生,因而产生,接踵而来 // A brief but embarrassing silence ensued. // Damage will ensue from incorrect installation. entail // The island is encircled by a coral reef. emery |ˈeməri| NOUN = 金刚砂,刚玉粉(尤以粉末状用作磨料) |ɪnˈteɪl| VERB = 使……必然发生,势必造成,使……成为必需 // Such a decision would entail a huge political risk. // This procedure entails the use of special tools. erect |ɪˈrekt| VERB = 建造(建筑);建立,创建,创立(理论、体制、 机构等) // The church was erected in 1582. // Give the vertical gyro time to erect (=BECOME STABLE). // Erect (=ASSEMBLE) the movable hoist before lifting the gearbox. ADJECTIVE // If rough spots are encountered, remove them with emery cloth. enforce |ɪnˈfɔ:s| VERB = 强制执行,强行实施(法律或规定) = 垂直的,竖直的,直立的 // Stand with your arms by your side and your head erect. erratic |ɪˈrætɪk| ADJECTIVE = 不规则的,不确定的,不稳定的,难以预测的 // The electricity supply here is quite erratic. // The operation of the compass is irregular (=erratic). NOUN = 漂砾,漂石 exceptional ADJECTIVE = 例外的,特殊的 // If exceptional (=unusual) force is needed to open the unit, examine the control linkage. = 优异的,非凡的 // His translation is exceptional in its poetic quality. excess evaporate |ɪˈvæpəreɪt| VERB =(使)蒸发,(使)挥发 // Moisture is drawn to the surface of the fabric so that it evaporates. = 逐渐消失,消散,衰减 evident |ˈevɪdənt| ADJECTIVE = 清楚的,显而易见的,显然的 // If no damage is evident, continue the inspection. // The threat of inflation is already evident in bond prices. |ɪkˈses| NOUN = 超过,过度,过分 // We cover costs up to £600 and then you pay the excess. = 免赔额 // There is an excess of £100 on each claim under this policy. =(复数形式)放肆行为,越轨行为 // We need a free press to curb government excesses. ADJECTIVE = 超额的,额外的,附加的,过度的 // Do not apply excess (=too much) adhesive on the gasket. exempt |ɪgˈzempt| ADJECTIVE exception = 被免除的,被豁免的 // Men in college were exempt from military service. VERB |ɪkˈsepʃn| NOUN = 免除,豁免 // His bad eyesight exempted him from military service. = 一般情况以外的人或事物,例外 // Yesterday was a day off for everybody, with the exception of Lawrence. exert |ɪgˈzɜ:t| VERB = 施加(影响、压力等) ,行使,运用(权威等) // He exerted all his authority to make them accept the plan. // The moon exerts a force on the earth that causes the tides. exhale |eksˈheɪl| VERB = 呼出,吐出(肺中的空气、烟等);呼气 // Hold your breath for a moment and exhale. extract |ˈekstrækt| NOUN = 摘录,选录,选曲,节录 = 提取物,浓缩物 // fragrances taken from plant extracts VERB = 提取,提炼 // Citric acid can be extracted from the juice of oranges, lemons, limes or grapefruit. = 选取,摘录,选录 extractor NOUN = 螺丝反攻 // Remove the bolt with an extractor. exude |ɪgˈzju:d| VERB = 流露,显露(感觉或品质);(感觉或品质)显现 // She exudes an air of relaxed calm. = 流出,渗出(液体);散发出(气味) // Make sure fresh grease exudes from the joint. >> F // How could they behave in such a fashion? feasible facilitate |fəˈsɪlɪteɪt| VERB = 使便利,促进,促使 // The new airport will facilitate the development of tourism. faint |feɪnt| ADJECTIVE =(光、声、味)微弱的,不清楚的;(可能性)不 大的,微小的; // If the light is faint (=too dim), replace the battery. |ˈfi:zəbl| VERB = 切实可行的,行得通的,可行的 // She questioned whether it was feasible to stimulate investment in these regions. feather |ˈfeðə(r)| VERB = 中饱私囊 // She was accused of feathering her own nest with the company's money. = 顺桨 = 不尽力的,敷衍的,半心半意的 // a faint smile on her lips falter |ˈfɔ:ltə(r)| VERB = 衰退,衰落 // The economy shows no signs of faltering. =(说话)结巴,支支吾吾 // Her voice faltered and she had to stop a moment to control it. =(走路)迟疑,犹豫,畏缩不前;运转不平稳 // Make sure that the generator does not falter (=that the generator operates smoothly). // She walked up to the platform without faltering. to change the angle of airplane propeller blades so that the chords become approximately parallel to the line of flight; to put a propeller to a position of minimum drag; // Put the condition lever in the FTR position to feather the propeller. NOUN = 羽毛 = 志趣相投的人,一丘之貉 // Those two guys are birds of a feather. fashion feature |ˈfæʃn| NOUN |ˈfi:tʃə(r)| NOUN = 时尚,时兴 = 以……方式,以……方法 = 特色,特征,特点 = 面容,五官 // Her eyes are her most striking feature. = (报刊、杂志的)特写,专题;(电台、电视台的) 特别节目 // a special feature on the fund-raising project VERB = 由……主演,出演重头戏,担任主演; // The film features Cary Grant as a professor. = 以……为主要组成; (展览、杂志)为重点推出的 部分 // Many of the hotels featured in the brochure offer special deals for weekend breaks. // These nuts feature (=HAVE) a plain flange. feed |fi:d| VERB = 喂养,饲养,投喂 = 供给,供应 // blood vessels that feed blood to the brain = 把……放进机器,将……塞进机器 // Running out to feed the meter every hour doesn't work, because the meter will not permit more than one hour for a given car. // Feed (=Put) the wire through the conduit. file |faɪl| NOUN filing |ˈfaɪlɪŋ| NOUN = 存档,归档;存档档案,归档记录 = 锉屑 // iron filings (=particles) film |fɪlm| NOUN = 电影,影片 = 胶片,胶卷,底片 // to have a film developed = 薄薄的一层,薄膜 // The sea is coated with a film of raw sewage. // Cover with plastic film and refrigerate for 24 hours. fine |faɪn| ADJECTIVE = (金属)纯的,无杂质的 // fine gold = (反 coarse)颗粒细微的,细的 // Use a finer piece of sandpaper to finish. // Only particles finer (=smaller) than 5 microns can go through the filter. = 文件夹,卷宗 = 锉,锉刀 VERB = 纤细的,很细的 // a brush with a fine tip = 把(文件等)归档 // The forms should be filed alphabetically. finish = 锉平,锉去,锉薄,锉光滑 // Manicurists are skilled at shaping and filing nails. // Take care not to file too deeply. (=DO NOT REMOVE TOO MUCH MATERIAL WITH THE FILE.) NOUN = (漆完抛光后的)成品表面,末道漆 // a gloss finish // My slimming attempts tend to go in fits and starts. flange |flændʒ| NOUN // a matt finish = 最后精细加工,最后润色,最后修饰 // Right up until the last minute, workers were still putting the finishing touches on the pavilions. = 凸缘,法兰 // flange bolt // flange nut fit |fɪt| BEING RIGHT OR GOING IN THE RIGHT PLACE = 适合,与……相匹配,相称 // You will find data about fits and clearances in section 9001. // a pocket computer which is small enough to fit into your pocket HEALTHY // flange bearing = 健康的 UNCONTROLLABLE MOVEMENTS OR EMOTIONS = fit 痉挛,昏厥 // About two in every five epileptic fits occur during sleep. = a fit of 止不住的一阵(咳嗽、大笑) // Halfway down the cigarette she had a fit of coughing. = in a fit of (因为愤怒、惊慌等)爆发,发作 // Pattie shot Tom in a fit of jealous rage. = in fits and starts; by fits and starts 间歇性地,一阵 一阵地 // flange clamp // Do not flood the area with solvent. fluorescent |ˌflɔ:ˈresnt| ADJECTIVE flaw = 荧光的;强烈反光的 |flɔ:| NOUN =(理论、论据)错误,谬误 =(性格)缺陷,弱点 =(物品)瑕疵,缺陷 // Make sure that there are no flaws in the surface finish. flex |fleks| VERB = (肌肉或身体某一部分)活动,屈伸 // He slowly flexed his muscles and tried to stand. // The wing can flex (=bend) up and down during flight. flush flood |flʌd| VERB = 暴雨后河水泛滥;淹没,使……充满水,淹水 // The Chicago River flooded the city's underground tunnel system. =(使)充满,(使)充斥 |flʌʃ| ADJECTIVE = 两个表面完全齐平 // Make sure the tile is flush with the surrounding tiles. // Make sure that the door is flush with the fuselage skin. NOUN = 脸红,潮红;一阵强烈情感 // A pink flush spread over his cheeks. = 冲(抽水马桶) VERB =(用水)冲洗净,冲洗 = 发红,脸红 fortify |ˈfɔ:tɪfaɪ| VERB = 筑防御工事 = 强化,增强 // Carbon-fiber struts fortify the floor structure. // All sherry is made from wine fortified with brandy. = 绞住,缠住 // The freighter fouled its propeller in fishing nets. // Make sure that the levers are not fouled by the cables. // fouled anchor foul |faʊl| ADJECTIVE = 肮脏恶臭的,难闻的 =(语言)粗俗的,冒犯的,充满脏话的 // He was sent off for using foul language in a match last Sunday. // I'm sick of her foul mouth (= habit of swearing). =(情绪、脾气)易怒的,暴躁的 NOUN =(体育运动)犯规 fulfill |fʊlˈfɪl| VERB = 实现(梦想、抱负),履行(职责、义务、诺言), 执行(协定条款、商业订单) // He fulfilled his pledge to cut taxes. // Their order for more TVs was promptly fulfilled. VERB =(体育运动)犯规 = 弄脏,弄污,污染 // A village's entire beach and harbor can be fouled by a single rotting whale. // Remove all fouled igniter plugs. = 满足,符合,具备……的要求 // This procedure fulfills (=obeys) all the requirements of Service Bulletin No. 97. = 充分发挥……作用 fume |fju:m| NOUN =(难闻、有害的)烟,气体 // engine exhaust fumes // Do not breathe the solvent fumes. VERB = 生气,发怒 furnish |ˈfɜ:nɪʃ| VERB = 布置,配备家具陈设 = 提供,供应 // They'll be able to furnish you with the rest of the details. // A jack is furnished (=supplied) with the tool assembly. >> G gall |gɔ:l| VERB = irritate 激怒,触怒,使生气 = chafe(皮肤)擦破,(使)擦伤 // the loose saddle galled the horse's back // the galling of a metal bearing NOUN = impudence 厚颜无耻,居然有脸 // You have the gall to ask for pity after what you’ve done. // “I don’t see how you have the gall to face me!” she cried. // Where do you get the gall to do this to me? garble |'gɑ:bl| VERB = to so alter or distort as to create a wrong impression or change the meaning 断章取义,窜改,歪曲 = to introduce textual error into (a message) by inaccurate encipherment, transmission, or decipherment(非有意地) 混淆,干扰;电文错乱, 电文错漏 // If the radio signal is garbled, adjust the frequency. // The announcement must be audible and not garbled. garner |ˈgɑ:nə(r)| VERB = gather, acquire 获得,得到,收集(信息、支持等) // He has garnered extensive support for his proposals. gaseous |ˈgæsiəs| ADJECTIVE = 气体的,气态的 // Freon exists both in liquid and gaseous states. gash |gæʃ| VERB NOUN = 深长的切口(或伤口、划伤) VERB = 划伤,砍伤(尤指人的皮肤) // He gashed his leg while felling trees. // If the thermal blanket is gashed, do repair No. 9. gauge |geɪdʒ| NOUN =(构成复合词)测量仪器,仪表 = 宽度,厚度,直径 =(用来估计或判断的)事实,依据,尺度,标准 // a narrow gauge (= narrower than standard) railway // The index is the government's chief gauge of future economic activity. VERB =(用仪器)测量 = 判定,判断(人的感情或态度) // Gauge the width of the gap between the fuselage and the Krueger flap. gear |gɪə(r)| NOUN =(车辆)排挡,齿轮,传动装置 =(某种活动的)设备,用具,衣服 // fishing gear genuine gloss |ˈdʒenjuɪn| ADJECTIVE |glɒs| NOUN = authentic 真的,名副其实的,非伪造的 = sincere and honest; that can be trusted 诚实可信的 = actual, true 真实的,实际的,真正的 // Is the painting a genuine Picasso? // Make sure that the reading on the gauge is genuine. =(平滑表面上的)光泽,光亮 = 虚假的外表,虚饰;粉饰,掩饰 = 解释,阐述;注释,评注 // paper with a high gloss on one side // Beneath the gloss of success was a tragic private life. // The director puts a Hollywood gloss on the civil war. VERB // This is not something to gloss over. // It is a difficult word that needs to be glossed. give rise to PHRASAL VERB = to cause sth to happen or exist 使发生(或存在) gleam |gli:m| NOUN = a pale clear light, often reflected from sth 反射出来 的微弱的光 = 少量,一丝,一线 =(感情的)表露,闪现 // the gleam of moonlight on the water // a faint gleam of hope // a gleam of triumph in her eyes VERB // The moonlight gleamed on the water. // Her eyes gleamed in the dark. // His eyes gleamed with amusement. glitch |glɪtʃ| NOUN = 小故障,小毛病,小差错 // If there is a glitch in the system, the screen shows: NO GO. glossy ADJECTIVE // a glossy brochure (= printed on shiny paper) // the glossy world of fashion glow |gləʊ| VERB =(物体因发热而)发出微弱而稳定的光 =(运动后或者因情绪激动、尴尬等而)发红,发热, 显得红,感觉热 // Turn the potentiometer until the light glows dimly. // The night lantern glowed softly in the darkness. // Her cheeks were glowing. // The countryside glowed with autumn colours. NOUN // the cigarette's red glow // the glow of autumn leaves potentiometer |pəˌtenʃiˈɒmɪtə(r)| NOUN = 电位计 = 严肃的,表情沉重的 // We were in grave danger. // Anxiously, she examined his unusually grave face. grip gouge |grɪp| NOUN rough or violent way 凿 // He had gouged her cheek with a screwdriver. // Glaciers gouged out valleys from the hills. NOUN // A deep gouge or bite in those strategic areas could prove fatal. = 紧握,紧抓 = 控制力,影响力 = 理解,了解 // Keep a tight grip on the rope. // The president maintains an iron grip on his country. // I couldn't get a grip on what was going on. VERB // ’Please don't go,’ he said, gripping her arm. // The book grips you from start to finish. // I was gripped by a feeling of panic. gradient grommet |ˈgreɪdiənt| ADJECTIVE |ˈgrɒmɪt| NOUN = (公路、铁路的)坡度,斜率,倾斜度 // If you have to park the aircraft on a gradient, make sure that wheel chocks are in front of the wheels. =(织物或皮革上用以加固扣眼的)金属环,金属圈 |gaʊdʒ| VERB = to make a hole or cut in sth with a sharp object in a graduation NOUN gash |gʌʃ| NOUN = 毕业;毕业典礼 = 刻度线,刻度 // the graduation ceremony at Yale // Upon graduation he joined a small law firm. // Measure the dimensions with a metal rule that has graduations in millimeters. =(大量液体)喷出,涌出,冒出 =(感情的)迸发,爆发,发作 // I heard a gush of water. // Their initial gush of sympathy gradually dried up. VERB // A supertanker continues to gush oil off the coast of Spain. grave gust |greɪv| ADJECTIVE |gʌst| NOUN = 严重的,重大的,严峻的 = 一阵强风,一阵狂风 =(感情的)迸发,爆发,发作 // A gust of wind drove down the valley. // a gust of laughter VERB // The wind gusted up to 164 miles an hour. >> H halt |hɔ:lt| VERB =(使)停止,停下 // The engine note changed as the aircraft landed, taxied and halted. NOUN // Strikes have led to a halt in production. halve |hɑ:v; hæv| VERB = 把……减半;把……二等分 // Halve the pineapple and scoop out the inside. hamper = 使某人出庭受审,把某人提交法庭 // He reached down and hauled Liz up onto the wall. // He was hauled before the managing director and fired. NOUN = 大批赃物,大量非法物品 = 费时费力的事,耗时累人的行程 // Another break-in yielded a £4,000 haul of jewellery. // Revitalising the Romanian economy will be a long haul. hazy |ˈheɪzi| ADJECTIVE = 薄雾蒙蒙的,朦胧的 // The floodlights were hazy behind the slanting rain. heighten |ˈhaɪtn| VERB |ˈhæmpə(r)| VERB = intensify(使)加强,提高,增加 // Tension has heightened after the recent bomb attack. = hinder 妨碍,阻止,阻碍 // The bad weather hampered rescue operations. hinge harmonize |hɪndʒ| NOUN |ˈhɑ:mənaɪz| VERB = 铰链,合叶 // a storage trunk with a hinged lid = 融洽,与……协调一致 // The new building does not harmonize with its surroundings. haul |hɔ:l| VERB =(用力)拖,拉,拽 hoist |hɔɪst| VERB = to raise or pull sth up to a higher position, often using ropes or special equipment 吊起,提升,拉高 // The cargo was hoisted aboard by crane. NOUN = crane 起重机,吊车 hold back PHRASAL VERB = to hesitate before you do sth because you are not =(行动、结果等)有赖于,取决于 // Everything hinges on the outcome of these talks. sure whether it is the right thing to do.(使)犹豫, (使) 退缩 = 阻止,阻挡,阻拦 = 抑制住,忍住(眼泪、笑声等),不露声色 = 隐瞒,不向(某人)透露情况 // Melancholy and mistrust of men hold her back. // Jake wanted to wake up, but sleep held him back. // He could no longer hold back convulsive laughter. // You seem to be holding something back. hitch hold off |hɪtʃ| VERB = to attach, fasten, or connect sth with a hook, knot, PHRASAL VERB hinge on PHRASAL VERB etc. 拴住,套住,钩住 = hitchhike 搭便车 // Hitch the towing arm to the nosewheel. // There was no garage in sight, so I hitched a lift into town. NOUN ,故障,障碍 = 暂时的困难(或问题) // The plan went off without a hitch. // a technical hitch = 推迟,拖延 = 战胜,(在比赛或竞赛中)抵挡住(对手的挑战) // The rain held off just long enough for us to have our picnic. // Between 1987 and 1990, Steffi Graf largely held off Navratilova's challenge for the crown. hose |həʊz| NOUN =(橡胶或塑料制的)水管,软管 // The prisoner was placed in shackles. VERB // The prisoners were kept shackled during the trial. stripper |ˈstrɪpə(r)| NOUN housing NOUN =(统称)住房 =(机器的)外壳,套 // poor housing conditions // Both housings are waterproof to a depth of two metres. sling |slɪŋ| NOUN =(悬挂或起吊重物的)吊索,吊链 =(保护骨折或受伤的胳膊的)吊腕带,三角巾 // Hook the sling on the shackle. // She was back at work with her arm in a sling. VERB =(随便地)扔,丢 = 挂,吊 // We slept in hammocks slung beneath the roof. // Sling me an apple, will you? shackle |ˈʃækl| NOUN = 束缚,羁绊,枷锁 = 镣铐,手铐,脚镣 // a country ready to throw off the shackles of its colonial past = 脱衣舞演员 = 剥离剂,脱漆剂,剥离器 // a male stripper // paint stripper strip |strɪp| VERB = 脱光衣服,脱掉大部分衣服;扒光……的衣服 = 除去,剥去(一层),剥光 = 拿走所有东西,使……空无一物 // She stripped down to her underwear. // Women residents stripped naked in protest. // Strip off all the existing paint. // Thieves had stripped the house bare. NOUN =(纸、布、食物等的)条,带 = 狭长区域,带状(陆地、水域) = 商业街 // The lightning diverter strips decrease lightning energy and transmit it to the airframe. // The coastal cities of Liguria sit on narrow strips of land lying under steep mountains. hum |hʌm| NOUN = 嗡嗡声,嘈杂声 VERB = 哼(曲子) = 发出连续而低沉的声音,发嗡嗡声 // The birds sang, the bees hummed. // Within five hours, the equipment will be humming away again. >> I atomizer |ˈætəmaɪzə(r)| NOUN = 雾化器,喷雾器 // Fuel goes through the atomizers into the combustion chamber, where ignition occurs. atomization strobe |ˈstrəʊb| NOUN = 频闪闪光灯 immerse |ɪˈmɜ:s| VERB = 使浸没(于液体中) = 使沉浸(于) ,使专心(于),使深陷(于) // Since then I've lived alone and immersed myself in my career. = 损害,削弱 // His movements were painfully impaired by arthritis. imperative |ɪmˈperətɪv| ADJECTIVE = 极重要的,必要的 = 命令的,祈使的 // That's why it is imperative to know what your rights are at such a time. NOUN // The most important political imperative is to limit the number of US casualties. implement |ˈɪmplɪment| VERB = 使生效,贯彻,执行,实施 // to implement changes/decisions/policies/reforms NOUN = 生效,贯彻,执行,实施 = 工具,器具,(常指)简单的户外用具 // agricultural implements impregnate immobilize |ˈɪmpregneɪt| VERB |ɪˈməʊbəlaɪz| VERB = 使充满,使遍布;使浸透,浸渍 = 使怀孕,使妊娠 // The pad is impregnated with insecticide. // Undercover officers found drug-making equipment used to impregnate paper with LSD. = 使不动,使不能正常运作 // The knee and ankle joints must be immobilized — this usually means up to six weeks in plaster. // Most people are immobilized by the fear of failure. impair |ɪmˈpeə(r)| VERB impurity |ɪmˈpjʊərəti| NOUN = 杂质,不纯物质 = 不纯洁,淫秽 // The air in the factory is filtered to remove impurities. incorporate inadvertently |ɪnˈkɔ:pəreɪt| VERB |ˌɪnədˈvɜ:təntli| ADVERB = 将……包括在内,包含,吸收,使并入 // The new cars will incorporate a number of major improvements. = 无意地,不经意地 // We had inadvertently left without paying the bill. incident |ˈɪnsɪdənt| NOUN = 事件,事故(尤指不寻常的或讨厌的) = 严重事件,暴力事件(如犯罪、事故、袭击等) =(两国间的)摩擦,冲突,军事冲突 // Record all incidents of water found in the fuel. // 26 people have been killed in a dramatic shooting incident. incline |ˈɪnklaɪn| NOUN = 斜坡;倾斜,斜度 // You can adjust the incline of the ramp. VERB =(使)倾斜 =(使)倾向于,有……的趋势 // I incline to the view that he is right. ramp |ræmp| NOUN = 斜面,斜坡 =(车辆进出主路时用的)匝道,坡道 increment |ˈɪŋkrəmənt| NOUN = 增加量,增长额 // The average yearly increment in labour productivity in industry was 4.5 per cent. // a salary of £25 K with annual increments inflammable |ɪnˈflæməbl| ADJECTIVE = flammable 易燃的,易着火的 // a highly inflammable liquid. ingest |ɪnˈdʒest| VERB = 摄入,咽下;摄取,吸收 // If you ingest hydraulic fluid, get medical aid immediately. ingress |ˈɪngres| NOUN = 进入 = 进入权,入境权 // Water ingress will damage the component. syringe |sɪˈrɪndʒ| NOUN = 注射器 // The injection of the corrosion preventive oil into the pump must be done with a syringe. evenings. inward |ˈɪnwəd| ADJECTIVE inhale = 向内,向中心 = 内心的 // Her calm expression hid her inward panic. // an inward curve |ɪnˈheɪl| VERB outward = 吸入,吸气 intact |ɪnˈtækt| ADJECTIVE = 完好无损,完整无缺的 // Most of the cargo was left intact after the explosion. integral |ˈɪntɪgrəl| ADJECTIVE = 必需的,不可或缺的,构成整体所必需的 = 完整的,完备的 // Music is an integral part of the school's curriculum. // The pin is integral with the pump. // an integral system intermediate |ˌɪntəˈmi:diət| ADJECTIVE = (两地、两物、两种状态等)之间的,中间的 = 中级的,中等的,适合中等程度者的 // You should consider breaking the journey with intermediate stopovers at airport hotels. // The Badminton Club holds coaching sessions for beginners and intermediate players on Friday |ˈaʊtwəd| ADJECTIVE = 向出的,朝外的 = 表面的,外表的 // Tickets must be bought 7 days in advance, with outward and return journey dates specified. // To all outward appearances they were perfectly happy. >> J jack |dʒæk| NOUN = 千斤顶,起重器 =(纸牌中的)J 牌,杰克 spindle |ˈspɪndl| NOUN =(机器的)轴,心轴 jar |dʒɑ:(r)| NOUN = 玻璃罐,罐子 VERB =(使)大力撞击;(使)震动,(使)摇晃 = 令人不快,使人不安 // The earthquake jarred the tiles loose. // The tiles jarred loose in the earthquake. jerk |dʒɜ:k| VERB =(向某个方向)急拉,猛推 // Jerk the oxygen mask to start the flow of oxygen. // The car jerked to a halt. NOUN = 急拉,猛推,猝然一动 = 傻瓜,笨蛋 // She sat up with a jerk. jolt |dʒəʊlt| VERB =(使)震动,摇动,颠簸 = 使受到震惊(而采取行动),唤醒,使觉醒 // The bus jolted to a halt. // a method of jolting the economy out of recession jut |dʒʌt| VERB = 凸出,伸出 // Replace the filter element if the clogging indicator juts out. >> K pulley |ˈpʊli| NOUN = 滑轮,滑轮组 // The weights are moved via a cable and pulley system. // The pulley must be keyed to the shaft. shaft |ʃɑ:ft| NOUN =(电梯的)升降机井,通风井,竖井,井筒 =(机器的)轴 =(光线、阳光)一束,一道 // a lift/elevator shaft // the propeller shaft // A shaft of moonlight fell on the lake. kink |kɪŋk| VERB =(使)弯曲,扭结,绞缠 // her wet hair kinking in the breeze NOUN = 弯,结;问题 // DO NOT MAKE KINKS IN THE CABLES. // We need to iron out the kinks in the new system. >> L laminate |ˈlæmɪnət| VERB =(将薄片砌合在一起)制成(材料) NOUN = A laminate is a tough material that is made by sticking together two or more layers of a particular substance. 薄片制成的材料,层压(或粘合)材料 laminated |ˈlæmɪneɪtɪd| ADJECTIVE =(木材、塑料等)薄层粘制成的,层压的 = 覆有薄片护层的,覆有透明(或有色)塑料薄膜 的 // This panel is made of laminated carbon fiber. // laminated membership cards lamination NOUN = the process of laminating; the state of being laminated = a laminated structure // If the lamination is damaged, replace the panel. lap joint overlap joint NOUN = 搭接处 latch |lætʃ| VERB = 用插销插上,用碰锁锁上 NOUN = 门闩,插销 = 碰锁,弹簧锁(关门时自动上锁) legible |ˈledʒəbl| ADJECTIVE =(字迹)清晰可辨的,清楚易读的 // My handwriting isn't very legible. // a barely legible sign lethal |ˈli:θl| ADJECTIVE = 致命的,可致死的 = 危害极大的,毁灭性的 // a lethal dose of sleeping pills lock on PHRASAL VERB = 捕获跟踪 // If the DME signal locks on (=captured), the unit is serviceable. liberal lukewarm |ˈlɪbərəl| ADJECTIVE |ˌlu:kˈwɔ:m| ADJECTIVE = 开明的,自由主义的 // a liberal democracy with a multiparty political system // liberal attitudes/views/opinions = 微温的,不冷不热的,温和的 = 无兴趣的,不热情的 // The coffee was weak and lukewarm. // a lukewarm response = 慷慨的,大方的,大量给予的 // As always he is liberal with his jokes. // I think Sam is too liberal with his criticism (= he criticizes people too much) . // Clean window using liberal quantities of water and soap. ammunition |ˌæmjuˈnɪʃn| NOUN = 弹药,军火 // Some maintenance tasks are not permitted on aircraft that have live ammunition. loose |lu:s| ADJECTIVE = 松动的,未固定牢的 // Make sure that you remove all tools, equipment and loose objects from the air intake. // Check that the plug has not come loose. = 未系(或捆)在一起的,未固定的,零散的 // The potatoes were sold loose, not in bags. =(分组、安排、组织等)松散的,随便的,自由的 = 意义含糊的,不严谨的,不精确的 // They came to some sort of loose arrangement before he went home. // a loose translation >> M maladjusted |ˌmæləˈdʒʌstɪd| ADJECTIVE = poorly or inadequately adjusted; lacking harmony with one's environment from failure to adjust one's desires to the conditions of one's life 心理失调的,不 能适应环境的,适应不良的 // a school for maladjusted children mask |mɑ:sk| VERB ,伪装 = 掩饰(情感) = 遮住,掩蔽,使……不易察觉 // Dena lit a cigarette, trying to mask her agitation. // Too much salt masks the true flavour of the food. // A thick grey cloud masked the sun. // Mask transparent panel with masking tape. NOUN = 面罩 = 伪装,掩饰 girt NOUN // Fold the girt over the container so that Velcro tape matches. Velcro |ˈvelkrəʊ | NOUN = 维可牢搭扣,尼龙搭扣,魔术贴 spline |ˈsplīn| NOUN = a key that is fixed to one of two connected mechanical parts and fits into a keyway in the other 花键 // Mate the splines on the shaft with the splines in the gearbox. matt // Check whether a fuse has blown. VERB |mæt| ADJECTIVE =(使)熔接, (使)熔合,(使)结合 // Conception occurs when a single sperm fuses with an egg. =(色彩、表面或照片)不光亮的,无光泽的,亚光 的 // Prints are available on matt or glossy paper. fusible white spirit NOUN = a clear liquid made from petrol or gas, used as a cleaning substance or to make paint thinner 石 油 溶 剂油,稀释剂 |'fju:zəbl| ADJECTIVE = capable of being fused and especially liquefied by heat 可热熔的 // fusible plug nipple |ˈnɪpl| NOUN = 乳头,乳头状物品 =(机器的)喷嘴 mesh |meʃ| NOUN // Use white spirit to clean a hinge mechanism that has a grease nipple. fuse |fju:z| NOUN = 保险丝,熔断器 = 导火线,导火索,引信,信管,雷管 = 网状物,网状织物 // a mesh small enough to exclude tiny insects VERB =(使)相匹配,(使)相互协调,(使)吻合 =(机器零件)啮合 // This evidence meshes with earlier reports of an organized riot. // If the gears do not mesh correctly, add a shim. metallic |məˈtælɪk| ADJECTIVE = 金属般的,有金属味(或声音)的 = 金属制的,含金属的 // Examine the filter for metallic particles. moor |mɔ:(r)| VERB =(使)停泊,系泊 // In bad weather conditions, moor the boat. NOUN =(主要生长杂草的)高原贫瘠之地,荒野,旷野 multiply |ˈmʌltɪplaɪ| VERB = 乘,乘以 =(使)成倍地增加,(使)大量地增加 // Cigarette smoking multiplies the risk of cancer. // Rabbits multiply rapidly. >> N alkaline |ˈælkəlaɪn| ADJECTIVE = 碱的,碱性的 NOUN = 等级,档次 =(表面或边缘的)V 形刻痕,圆形切口 // Let’s step it up a notch (= to a higher level). // Make sure that the bogie rollers are aligned with the notches in the track. bogie alkali |ˈbəʊgi| NOUN |ˈælkəlaɪ| NOUN notify = 碱 acid |ˈæsɪd| ADJECTIVE = 酸的,酸性的 = 尖刻的,刻薄的 NOUN = 酸 electrolyte |ɪˈlektrəlaɪt| NOUN = 电解液,电解质 // Neutralize the electrolyte with vinegar or boric acid. boric acid |ˌbɔ:rɪk ˈæsɪd| NOUN = 硼酸 notch |nɒtʃ| =(轨道车辆)转向架 |ˈnəʊtɪfaɪ| VERB =(正式)通知,告知 // If cracks are found, notify the chief inspector. >> O observe |əbˈzɜ:v| VERB =(尤指为了解而)观察,观测 = 看到,注意到 = 遵守,奉行(法律、习俗等) // Are there any classes I could observe? // If you observe oil in the drain, stop the test. // Will the rebels observe the ceasefire? opaque |əʊˈpeɪk| ADJECTIVE = 不透明的,不透光的 = 费解的,难懂的,晦涩的 // opaque glass // the opaque language of the inspector's reports orient |ˈɔ:rient| VERB = 以……为重点,面向,以……作为导向 = 确定方位,辨清方向 = 使适应,使熟悉(新的环境或行为方式) // profit-orientated organizations // The bolt heads must be oriented toward the rear. // The map pinpoints where you are, and the compass orients you in the right direction. overhaul |ˈəʊvəhɔ:l| NOUN = 检修,大修,彻底检修,全面检查 VERB = 彻底检修 =(尤指在体育比赛中)赶上,超过,超越 // The legal system needs to be overhauled. // Beattie led for several laps before he was overhauled by Itoh. overlap |ˌəʊvəˈlæp| VERB =(物体)部分重叠,交叠 // A fish's scales overlap each other. NOUN =(物体)部分重叠,交叠 // an overlap of 5cm on each roof tile oral |ˈɔ:rəl| ADJECTIVE = spoken rather than written 口头的 = connected with the mouth 用口的,口腔的,口服 的 // oral hygiene // a test of both oral and written French >> P paste |peɪst| NOUN = 面团 = 糊糊,糨糊;酱(作涂抹料或烹饪用) // Mix the materials until they make a paste. // tomato paste VERB = 粘贴,粘合 as per PREPOSITIONAL PHRASE = 按照,依据 // Do the leak test as per paragraph 7.0. perforate |ˈpɜ:fəreɪt| VERB persist |pəˈsɪst| VERB = 顽强地坚持,执著地做 =(不喜欢的事物)继续存在 // Why does Britain persist in running down its defence forces? // Contact your doctor if the cough persists. persistent |pəˈsɪstənt| ADJECTIVE // In the event of persistent background noise, determine the cause. picket |ˈpɪkɪt| NOUN =(栅栏的)尖木桩,尖板条 =(军营的)警戒哨,警戒队,哨兵 =(罢工期间)示威者,抗议者 = 打孔,穿孔 // Check the membrane to see if it is perforated. membrane |ˈmembreɪn| NOUN = 膜,薄膜 permissible |pəˈmɪsəbl| ADJECTIVE = 容许的,许可的 // Religious practices are permissible under the Constitution. // a picket fence // Ten hotels were damaged by pickets in the weekend strike of hotel workers. VERB = 在……外抗议,进行罢工纠察 // The miners went on strike and picketed the power stations. // Striking workers picketed outside the gates. pierce |pɪəs| VERB = 扎,刺破,穿透 // I'm having my ears pierced on Saturday. // A spotlight pierced the darkness. receptacle |rɪˈseptəkl| NOUN = 容器 = 插座 plug |plʌg| NOUN =(电气设备)插头 =(发动机)火花塞 = 塞子;栓塞,堵塞物 pop |pɒp| VERB // a three-pin plug // spark plug // She put the plug in the sink and filled it with cold water. // She took the plug of cotton wool from her ear. VERB = 堵塞,封堵 ,为……大做广告 = 大肆宣传(尤指书或电影) // Crews are working to plug a major oil leak. = 突然出现,弹出 =(因高度变化)耳压变化, (耳)胀; (因激动、惊 奇)眼睛张大,睁大,瞪起 // Her eyes nearly popped out of her head when she saw them. // If the circuit breaker pops, de-energize the circuit. // The menu pops up when you click twice on the mouse. // If the indicator button popped, replace filter. // An idea suddenly popped into his head. =(使)发砰砰声, (使)爆裂,发爆裂声 =(经常)服药,用毒品 // His back tyre just went pop on a motorway. // She's been popping pills for months. port |pɔ:t| NOUN = 港口城市;口岸,港口,避风港 =(设备输出或输入的)端口 =(船、飞机等的)左舷 // Remove the wing tip brake from the port wing. precede |prɪˈsi:d| VERB ,先于 = 在……之前发生(或出现) // The earthquake was preceded by a loud roar and lasted 20 seconds. proceed |prəˈsi:d| VERB = 继续做(或从事、进行),接下来做,接着做 = 行进,前往 // Proceed with the electrical test. // Passengers for Rome should proceed to Gate 32 for boarding. preferable |ˈprefrəbl| ADJECTIVE = 更好的,更可取的,更合适的 // Using the same brand of approved engine oil is preferable to mixing different approved engine oils, which is also possible. // Preferably, refueling should be done outdoors. premature |ˈpremətʃə(r)| ADJECTIVE = 比预期早的,过早的;不成熟的,早产的 // If the valve opening is premature, stop the test. // His career was brought to a premature end by a succession of knee injuries. prescribe |prɪˈskraɪb| VERB = 开(药、处方) = 规定,指定 // She took twice the prescribed dose of sleeping tablets. // Using the prescribed hydraulic fluid, replenish the hydraulic tank. specify |ˈspesɪfaɪ| VERB = 具体说明,明确规定,详述 // Fill the hydraulic tank with the specified hydraulic fluid. preserve |prɪˈzɜ:v| VERB = 保持,维持(原状);保护,保存,维护 = 保存,贮存,保鲜,腌制(食物) // an effort to fit in more students while preserving standards // olives preserved in brine NOUN =(某人或群体活动、工作等的)专门领域,专属工 作,独占的活动领域 = 保护区 // in the days when nursing was a female preserve preset |ˌpri:ˈset| VERB = 预先设置,预调(设备) // a computerised timer that can be preset to a variety of programs prime |praɪm| NOUN = 盛年,年富力强的时期,鼎盛时期 // a young woman in her prime ADJECTIVE = 主要的,首要的,基本的 = 一流的,上等的,最好的;最典型的,最有代表 性的 // Political stability, meanwhile, will be a prime concern. // It was one of the City's prime sites, near the Stock Exchange. // The building is a prime example of 1960s architecture. VERB = 事先指点使某人做好准备 = 把某物准备好;把(炸弹、枪支)装好;在(金 属、木材等上)打底漆 // They had been primed with good advice. // Tom keeps a primed shotgun in his office. profile |ˈprəʊfaɪl| NOUN = 侧面像,侧影像; (从)侧面(看) // This picture shows the girl in profile. = 人物简介,传略 = 外形,轮廓 // a job profile // the profile of the tower against the sky = 印象,形象;惹人/不惹人注目,高/低姿态 // Football is a high profile business. progressive |prəˈgresɪv| ADJECTIVE = 进步的,先进的,开明的 =(变化等)逐渐的,逐步发生的,逐步发展的 // One prominent symptom of the disease is progressive loss of memory. // Apply progressive torque to the nut. prolonged |prəˈlɒŋd| ADJECTIVE = 长期的,持续很久的,时间长的 // a prolonged period of low interest rates prolong |prəˈlɒŋ| VERB = 延长,拉长,拖长 // The operation could prolong his life by two or three years. prompt |prɒmpt| ADJECTIVE = 立即的,迅速的,及时的 // It is not too late, but prompt action is needed. VERB = 促使,推动,引起,激起 = 鼓励(说话者);给(演员)提词 // Japan's recession has prompted consumers to cut back on buying cars. // The program will prompt you to enter data where required. propagate |ˈprɒpəgeɪt| VERB = 传播,宣传 = 繁殖,增殖 // They propagated political doctrines which promised to tear apart the fabric of British society. // The plant can be propagated from seed. propagation NOUN the act or action of propagating, such as = increase (as of a kind of organism) in numbers 繁殖, 增殖 = the spreading of something (such as a belief) abroad or into new regions 传播,宣传 = enlargement or extension (as of a crack) in a solid body 扩展,拓展 // Biologically speaking, Howard is perfectly justified in seeking out the optimum mate for the propagation of his genetic line. // Crack propagation can cause the part to break. protrude |prəˈtru:d| VERB = 突出,伸出,鼓出 // The tip of her tongue was protruding slightly. // The tops of the bolt heads must not protrude from the plate more than 5 mm. bladder |ˈblædə(r)| NOUN = 膀胱 = 皮囊,气囊 purge |pɜ:dʒ| VERB = 清除,清洗,肃清(组织中的异己分子) ,涤荡(污秽) = 净化(心灵、风气等) // He closed his eyes and lay still, trying to purge his mind of anxiety. >> Q quarterly |ˈkwɔ:təli| ADJECTIVE ADVERB = 三个月一次的,季度的,每季的 NOUN = 季刊 quote |kwəʊt| VERB = 引述,引用,援引 = 原话是,这是……的原话 ,开(价) = 报(价) // He predicts they will have, quote, 'an awful lot of explaining to do'. // He quoted a price for the repairs. // In early trading in Hong Kong yesterday, gold was quoted at $368.20 an ounce. NOUN = 引文,引语 = 报价,开价 = quotation mark 引号 // Always get a written quote for any repairs needed. // If you take text from other sources, place it in quotes. >> R radioactive |ˌreɪdiəʊˈæktɪv| = 放射性的,有辐射的 // The government has been storing radioactive waste at Fernald for 50 years. rear |rɪə(r)| ADJECTIVE = at or near the back of sth 后面的,后部的 NOUN recess |rɪˈses| NOUN = 休会,休庭 = 壁龛,壁橱,凹室 = 隐蔽处,幽深处 // The conference broke for a recess. // Do not make a recess of more than 5 mm for the studs. // He stared into the dark recesses of the room. VERB = 休会,休庭 = 把……放进壁龛(或壁橱),将……嵌入墙壁 // The hearings have now recessed for dinner. // The flange is recessed into the fuselage. = the back part of sth 后部 // He settled back in the rear of the taxi. reclaim referee |rɪˈkleɪm| VERB |ˌrefəˈri:| NOUN = 裁判员,仲裁员 // He was sent off for arguing with the referee. = 要求归还(或恢复),收回,拿回,申请退(税) = 开垦(荒地),开拓(耕地或建筑用地) // I've come to reclaim my property // The Netherlands has been reclaiming farmland from water. =(求职)推荐人,介绍人,证明人 rearmost |ˈrɪəməʊst| ADJECTIVE = 最靠后的,最后面的 // the rearmost section of the aircraft rearward |ˈrɪəwəd| ADJECTIVE = backward // a rearward facing infant carrier cleat |kli:t| NOUN =(可绕绳索的)小木桩,金属桩 // Attach the tiedown cord with a cleat. recoil |rɪˈkɔɪl| VERB = 退缩,畏缩,回绝,退避;对……作出厌恶(或 恐惧)的反应 // People used to recoil from the idea of getting into debt. NOUN final cost. = 反冲,(尤指枪炮的)后坐力 reinforce recondition |ˌri:kənˈdɪʃn| VERB ,使(机器)恢复正常运转 = 修复(机器) // They sell used and reconditioned motorcycle parts. rectify |ˈrektɪfaɪ| VERB = 矫正,纠正,改正 // Rectify the defect before you restart the procedure. recur |rɪˈkɜ:(r)| VERB = 再发生,反复出现 // a theme that was to recur frequently in his work refit |ˌri:ˈfɪt| VERB =(船只)整修,给……安装新配件 // During the war, Navy ships were refitted here. inflate |ˌri:ɪnˈfɔ:s| VERB = 加固,使更结实;给……加强力量(或装备) // All buildings are now reinforced to withstand earthquakes. // Both sides have been reinforcing their positions after yesterday's fierce fighting. relay |ˈri:leɪ| VERB = 传(话),转述 = 转播,中继,传输(电视或收音机信号) // He relayed the message to his boss. // The satellite will be used mainly to relay television programmes. NOUN = 接力赛 = 中继设备 relevant |ˈreləvənt| ADJECTIVE = 相关的,相应的,切题的 // We have passed all relevant information on to the police. ANTONYM // irrelevant |ɪnˈfleɪt| VERB remnant =(使)充气,(使)膨胀,(使)胀大 ,(使)(物价)涨高 = 抬高(物价) = 夸张,夸大,吹嘘 // Inflate your life jacket by pulling sharply on the cord. // The promotion of a big release can inflate a film's |ˈremnənt| NOUN = 剩余部分;残余部分,残迹,残存物 = 布头,边角余料 // Beneath the present church were remnants of Roman flooring. remains |rɪˈmeɪnz| NOUN = 剩余物,剩饭菜;残留物 = 古代遗物,古迹,遗迹,遗址 = 遗体,遗骸 // the remains of a Roman fort // More human remains have been unearthed in the north of the country. render |ˈrendə(r)| VERB = 致使,造成,使处于某状态 // It contained so many errors as to render it worthless. // Hundreds of people were rendered homeless by the earthquake. residual |rɪˈzɪdjuəl| ADJECTIVE = 残留的,剩余的,遗留的 // residual radiation from nuclear weapons testing residue |ˈrezɪdju:| NOUN = 残余物,遗留物,残渣 // pesticide residues in fruit and vegetables resin |ˈrezɪn| NOUN = 树脂;人造树脂,合成树脂 = 给予,提供(帮助、服务等) // Any assistance you can render him will be appreciated. =(正式)递交,提交,宣布,作出(判决、决定或 回应) // The committee was asked to render a report on the housing situation. = 翻译 // All the signs and announcements were rendered in English and Spanish. renovate |ˈrenəveɪt| VERB = 修复,翻新 // The couple spent thousands renovating the house. restore |rɪˈstɔ:(r)| VERB = 恢复 // The army has recently been brought in to restore order. // He is now fully restored to health. = 归还(失物、赃款等) // The following day their horses and goods were restored to them. =(牙齿的)珐琅质,釉质 // a chipped enamel bowl respective reverse |rɪˈspektɪv| ADJECTIVE = 分别的,各自的 // Steve and I were at very different stages in our respective careers. // the respective roles of men and women in society restrain |rɪˈstreɪn| = 制止,阻止;抑制,限制,控制 // The government is taking steps to restrain inflation. |rɪˈvɜ:s| VERB = 颠倒,反转(事物的顺序) = 逆转,彻底改变(决定、政策、趋势等) // It is sometimes possible to arrest or reverse the disease. // Writing is reversed in a mirror. ADJECTIVE = 相反的,反面的,反向的 // to travel in the reverse direction NOUN ,抑制(自己),约束,忍住 = 克制(情绪) // Unable to restrain herself, she rose and went to the phone. = 相反的情况(或事物) = 损失,失败,倒退 // In the south, the reverse applies. // Property values have suffered another reverse. retain rig |rɪˈteɪn| VERB |rɪg| NOUN = 保持,持有,保留,继续拥有 = 预聘,付定金聘请(律师) // The interior of the shop nineteenth-century atmosphere. still retouch |ˌri:ˈtʌtʃ| VERB = 润色,润饰,修饰(图画、照片等) enamel |ɪˈnæml| NOUN = 搪瓷,珐琅,釉,瓷漆,瓷釉 retains a = 钻井设备,钻塔 // gas rigs in the North Sea VERB =(以不正当的手段)操纵,控制(选举、工作任命 或比赛等) // to rig the market (= to cause an artificial rise or fall in prices, in order to make a profit) rinse |rɪns| VERB =(用清水)冲洗,洗涮 // Rinse the cooked pasta with boiling water. NOUN = 漂洗,冲洗,洗刷 = 漱口液 // Fabric conditioner is added during the final rinse. rip |rɪp| VERB =(使)撕开,(使)扯开,(使)撕裂,(使)划破 // I tried not to rip the paper as I unwrapped it. // Their minibus was ripped apart by a bomb. roughen |ˈrʌfn| VERB =(使)变得粗糙,(使)变得不平滑 rope off PHRASAL VERB = 用绳子围起(一片区域),用绳子将(某个地方) 围起来 // a large roped-off area route |ru:t| VERB (电话、其 = 按……路线发送(车辆、货物或乘客) 他电子信号) // Double-stack trains are taking a lot of freight that used to be routed via trucks. // Approaching cars will be routed into two lanes. // Satellites route data all over the globe. NOUN = 道路,路线,路途 // All escape routes were blocked by armed police. >> S turnbuckle |'tɜ:nˌbʌkl| NOUN = 松紧螺丝扣,紧线器(用于调节钢索的张力) // The foxes’ winter menu of scavenged scraps may finally be improved with some fresh meat. // Wolves have made a kill, giving other hunters a chance to scavenge. scrap |skræp| VERB = 废弃,取消,抛弃,报废 // It had been thought that passport controls would be scrapped. NOUN = 碎片,小块(纸、织物等) // A crumpled scrap of paper was found in her handbag. // It won't make a scrap of difference. sanitize = 废料,废品 |ˈsænɪtaɪz| VERB =(用化学制剂)消毒,使清洁 = 去除……中使人不快的内容,净化 // This sanitized account of his life does not mention his time in prison. saturate |ˈsætʃəreɪt| VERB // a scrap dealer (= a person who buys and sells scrap) = 使湿透,浸透 = 使充满,使饱和(无法再添加) // If the filter has been saturated with motor oil, it should be discarded and replaced. scrape 加) scavenge |ˈskævɪndʒ| VERB =(从废弃物中)捡破烂,拾荒;觅食 |skreɪp| VERB =(尤指用锋利物)刮落,削掉,擦掉;摩擦发出刺 耳声 // The only sound is that of knives and forks scraping against china. = 擦伤,刮破(身体部位) // She stumbled and fell, scraping her palms and knees. NOUN // Chemical seepage has caused untold damage. = 刮,铲,刮擦的声音 = 擦伤,擦痕 =(自己造成的)困境,窘境 // We got into terrible scrapes. semicircular screw |skru:| NOUN = 螺丝钉,螺丝 VERB = 用螺钉固定 = 旋紧,拧紧 = 把(纸等)揉成一团,拧成一团 // I had screwed the shelf on the wall myself. // Screw down the lid fairly tightly. // He screwed the paper into a ball and tossed it into the fire. = 欺骗,诈骗,敲诈,勒索(钱财) // They haven't given us accurate information. We've been screwed. ADJECTIVE |ˌsemɪ'sɜ:kjələ(r)| ADJECTIVE = 半圆形的 // a semi-circular amphitheatre semicircle |ˈsemisɜ:kl| NOUN = 半圆,圆弧,半圆形 serrated |səˈreɪtɪd| ADJECTIVE =(刀、刀片等)呈锯齿状的,呈蛇尖状的 // Bread knives should have a serrated edge. =(盖子、配件)带螺旋的 // an ordinary jam jar with a screw lid serration scrub |seˈreɪʃn| NOUN |skrʌb| VERB = 用力擦洗,刷净 // Surgeons began to scrub their hands and arms with soap and water before operating. NOUN = 擦洗,刷洗 = 灌木丛,矮树丛 seepage |ˈsi:pɪdʒ| NOUN = 渗,渗透,渗液 = 锯齿边,锯齿刃 sever |ˈsevə®| VERB = 切开,割断,切下,割下 =(突然)断绝,中断(关系) // oil still gushing from a severed fuel line // The two countries have severed all diplomatic links. sideways |ˈsaɪdweɪz| ADVERB =(往、从、向)一侧 // He glanced sideways at her. =(调动工作)平级地 // He would be moved sideways, rather than demoted. simultaneous // Her grip slackened on Arnold's arm. // Inflationary pressures continued to slacken last month. sling |slɪŋ| VERB |ˌsɪmlˈteɪniəs| ADJECTIVE =(随便地)扔,丢 // Don't just sling your clothes on the floor. = 同时发生的,同时出现的,同步的 // The theatre will provide simultaneous translation in both English and Chinese. =(往肩膀上)挎,搭(在椅背上) =(在两点之间)吊起,悬挂 // She slung her coat over her desk chair. // We slept in hammocks slung beneath the roof. situated |ˈsɪtʃueɪtɪd| ADJECTIVE = 位于,坐落在 // The pain was situated above and around the eyes. slot |slɒt| NOUN =(机器、容器上的)狭缝,狭孔 slack |slæk| ADJECTIVE = 松弛的,没拉紧的;松懈的,懈怠的 = 萧条的,不景气的 // He's been very slack in his work lately. // a slack period NOUN =(绳索的)松弛部分 =(组织中人员、资金或地方的)富余部分,闲置部 分 // Check for slack in the control cables. // There's very little slack in the budget. slacken |ˈslækən| VERB =(使)变得松弛 =(使)放慢,减缓,萧条 // slot canyon // He dropped a coin into the slot and dialed. =(时间表、计划中的)时段,位置 // The first episode occupies a peak evening viewing slot. // the airport's take-off and landing slots VERB = 投放,插入, (被)塞进,(被)装入 // The car seat belt slotted into place easily. sluggish |ˈslʌgɪʃ| ADJECTIVE = 缓慢的,迟缓的,懒洋洋的 // Circulation is much more sluggish in the feet than in the hands. slush |slʌʃ| NOUN = 融雪,雪泥 // In the city the clean white snow had turned to grey slush. slushy ADJECTIVE // Towing in slushy areas must be avoided. =(尤指潜在的、意外的、不严重的)问题,困难, 障碍,麻烦 // Let me know if you run into any snags. VERB =(在带尖的东西上)钩住,挂破,被钩住,被挂破 // The fence snagged my sweater. snap |snæp| VERB (使)啪的一声绷断 =(使)咔嚓一声折断, =(使)发出吧嗒一声(合上或打开) =(打拍子、下指示等时)打响指 // The brake pedal had just snapped off. // He snapped the notebook shut. // He snapped his fingers, and Wilson produced a sheet of paper. = 拍照 // A passing tourist snapped the incident. =(动物)咬 // The dogs snarled and snapped at our heels. NOUN =(尤指关上或断裂的声音)啪嗒声,咔嚓声 // She closed her purse with a snap. smear =(尤指抢拍的)照片 // holiday snaps |smɪə(r)| VERB solidify =(用油性或稀软物质)胡乱涂抹;弄脏,弄上油污 // Smear a little olive oil over the inside of the salad bowl. |səˈlɪdɪfaɪ| VERB = 诽谤,诋毁,中伤,污蔑 // The story was an attempt to smear the party leader. NOUN // a smear of jam // He was a victim of a smear campaign. =(使)凝固,固化;(使)变得结实,稳固 // The thicker lava would have taken two weeks to solidify. // Vague objections to the system solidified into firm opposition. snag span |snæg| NOUN |spæn| NOUN = 持续时间 = 宽度,宽幅 // The batteries had a life span of six hours. // It is a very pretty butterfly, with a 2 inch wing span. VERB = 持续,跨越,贯穿 = 包括,遍及,涵盖 // His professional career spanned 16 years. // The operation, which spanned nine countries, resulted in 200 arrests. // Her sparing use of make-up only seemed to enhance her classically beautiful features. sparingly ADVERB // Use the cream very sparingly. speck chord |spek| NOUN |kɔ:d| NOUN (粉末状物质的)微粒 = 污点,痕迹,斑点,小块; // The ship was now just a speck in the distance. // specks of dust =(音乐)和弦,和音 =(数学)弦 spanwise chordwise spill |spɪl| VERB =(尤指液体) (使)洒出,泼出,溢出 // He startled her and made her spill her drink. NOUN = 洒出(量),泼出(量),溢出(量),泄漏(量) // An oil spill could be devastating for wildlife. spillage |ˈspɪlɪdʒ| NOUN // Put the bottle in a plastic bag in case of spillage. splash sparing |ˈspeərɪŋ| ADJECTIVE = 慎用;俭省的,吝惜的,少量使用的 |splæʃ| VERB =(使)溅泼,(使)飞溅,把(水)泼在……上, 朝……上泼(或溅) // He closed his eyes tight, and splashed the water on his face. // Rain splashed against the windows. = 在水中嬉戏,戏水 // A lot of people were in the water, swimming or simply splashing about. NOUN = 溅泼声,扑通声 // There was a splash and something fell clumsily into the water. spurious |ˈspjʊəriəs| ADJECTIVE = 溅上的液体,溅洒后留下的污渍 // splashes of water on the floor = 形似而实非的,虚假的,伪造的 // He was arrested in 1979 on spurious corruption charges. split =(论点、推理)不正确的,站不住脚的 // The justification of this chart is entirely spurious. |splɪt| VERB stamp =(使)断裂,(使)裂开,分割 =(使)(团体)意见不合,(使)分裂 // Don't tell me you've split another pair of pants! // She intends to split from the band at the end of the tour. NOUN // They accused both radicals and conservatives of trying to provoke a split in the party. VERB = 分担,分摊,分享 // His time is split between the London and Paris offices. |stæmp| NOUN = 邮票 = 印,章,戳 = 印记,戳记;印花 // a date stamp VERB = 盖(章),打(戳记) = 跺(脚) starboard split pin |ˈstɑ:bəd| NOUN NOUN =(船舶或飞机的)右舷,右侧 // Lower the starboard anchor. = 开口销 sterilize |ˈsterəlaɪz| VERB NOUN = 对……作灭菌或消毒处理,灭菌,消毒 = 使绝育 // Sulphur is also used to sterilize equipment. // My wife was sterilized after the birth of her fourth child. =(烹饪、油漆等用的)铲,刮勺,抹刀,刮刀 tacky |ˈtæki| ADJECTIVE = 做工粗糙的,劣质的,俗气的 =(油漆、胶水等)未干透的,发黏的 // The whole thing is dreadfully tacky. // Test to see if the finish is tacky, and if it is, leave it to harden. cartridge |ˈkɑ:trɪdʒ| NOUN = 弹药筒,弹夹 =(机器、设备等可更换使用的)盒,筒 // Change the filter cartridge as often as instructed by the manufacturer. stow |stəʊ| VERB cement = 妥善放置,把……收好 // Stow the life vest safely below the passenger seat. |sɪˈment| NOUN strain = 水泥,混凝土 = 胶合剂,胶接剂,黏固剂 // the hard-cold cement floor // dental cement (= for filling holes in teeth) |streɪn| NOUN stiff |stɪf| ADJECTIVE = 不易弯曲(或活动)的,硬的,挺的 // stiff cardboard // His waterproof trousers were brand new and stiff. = 压力,拉力,张力,应力 = 压力,负担,重负 // A build-up of strain on a section of the San Andreas Fault has been detected. // She was tired and under great strain. VERB = 损伤,拉伤,扭伤 // He strained his back during a practice session. =(门、抽屉等)难打开的,不灵活的,发紧的 // Train doors have handles on the inside. They are stiff so that they cannot be opened accidentally. = 过度使用,使不堪承受 // The volume of scheduled flights is straining the air traffic control system. // Resources will be further strained by new demands for housing. =(肌肉或关节)酸痛的,僵硬的 // I'm stiff all over right now = 过滤,滤掉(食物中)的液体 // Strain the stock and put it back into the pan. spatula strap |ˈspætʃələ| |stræp| NOUN = 带子,皮带,布带 // a watch with a leather strap VERB = 用带子系(或捆、扎、扣)好 // Everything had to be strapped down to stop it from sliding around. subsequent |ˈsʌbsɪkwənt| ADJECTIVE = 随后的,后来的,之后的,接后的 // the increase of population in subsequent years stripe surplus |straɪp| NOUN |ˈsɜ:pləs| NOUN = 条纹,线条 // a zebra's black and white stripes = 过剩,剩余,过剩量,剩余额 =(预算)盈余,(贸易)顺差 ADJECTIVE stroke = 过剩的,剩余的,多余的 // These items are surplus to requirements (= not needed). |strəʊk| NOUN ,(打、击等的)一下,一击 = 击球(动作) =(游泳或划船的)一次划水 // I turned and swam a few strokes further out to sea. // At the first stroke it will be 9 o'clock exactly. = 轻抚,抚摩 = 中风 VERB = 轻抚,抚摩,轻挪,轻触,轻拭 // Carla, curled up on the sofa, was smoking a cigarette and stroking her cat. subject |səbˈdʒekt| VERB = 使经受,使遭受(不好的经历) // Innocent civilians are being arrested and subjected to inhumane treatment. = 使臣服,使顺从, (尤指)压服 // The Roman Empire subjected most of Europe to its rule. swap |swɒp| VERB = 交换;替换,把……换成 // Despite the heat, he'd swapped his overalls for a suit and tie. // I'll drive there and then we'll swap over on the way back. sweep |swi:p| VERB = 扫,打扫,清扫 // to sweep the floor =(风、雨、雪、火等)猛烈吹过,掠过,席卷,横 扫 =(迅猛地)推送,吹走,冲走,带走 // Suddenly, she was swept along by the crowd. // Strong winds regularly sweep the islands. NOUN =(道路、河流、海岸等)一长段,绵延弯曲的地带, 呈缓坡状的地带 // the broad sweep of white cliffs around the bay = 巡行,搜索,扫荡 // The rescue helicopter made another sweep over the bay. swing |swɪŋ| (swung, swung |swʌŋ|) VERB (使)摇摆,(使)摇荡 = (使)摆动, // As he pushed her, she swung higher and higher (= while sitting on a swing). (使)转弯 =(使)成弧线运动,(使)转动, // The door swung open. // The tyres dug into the grit as he swung the car off the road. =(挥动手臂等)朝……打去,朝……挥击,挥向 // He swung another punch in my direction. NOUN = 秋千 symmetrical |sɪˈmetrɪkl| ADJECTIVE =(身体、图案、物体等)对称的 asymmetric |ˌeɪsɪˈmetrɪk| ADJECTIVE = 不对称的 >> T mallet |ˈmælɪt| NOUN bellow |ˈbeləʊ| VERB = 大声吼叫,怒吼,咆哮 bellows = 木槌 foil NOUN = 风箱,鼓风机 |fɔɪl| NOUN =(用来包裹食物的)箔(纸) // The chocolates are individually wrapped in gold foil. VERB = 挫败,阻止,制止(非法活动等) tape |teɪp| NOUN = 磁带,录音带,录像带 = 胶带,胶条 VERB =(用录音机、录像机)录制 =(用胶带)粘贴 taut |tɔ:t| ADJECTIVE = 绷紧的,拉紧的 // Keep the rope taut. = 肌肉结实的,健美的 = 忧虑的,紧张的 =(文章、电影等)结构严谨的,紧凑的 telescopic |ˌtelɪˈskɒpɪk| ADJECTIVE =(镜头、仪器)能望远的,望远镜的 // a sporting rifle fitted with a telescopic sight = 能伸缩的,套叠式的 // a telescopic aerial // Install the telescopic ducts in the wing de-icing system. tertiary |ˈtɜ:ʃəri| ADJECTIVE = 第三的,第三位的,第三级的 // the tertiary sector (= the area of industry that deals with services rather than materials or goods) // tertiary education (= at university or college level) thorough |ˈθʌrə| ADJECTIVE =(行为、活动)详细的,全面的,彻底的 =(人)仔细的,严谨的 // This very thorough survey goes back to 1784. =(用来强调程度)完全的,绝对的 // Everything was in a thorough mess. thread |θred| NOUN =(棉、毛、丝等的)线 = 线索,脉络,思绪,思路,贯穿的主线 // All religions are united by the common threads of fighting evil and helping others. = 螺纹 // The screw threads will be able to get a good grip. VERB = 穿行,曲折穿过,蜿蜒 = 将(珠子等)穿起来;穿(针) // Air ducts and electrical cables were threaded through the complex structure. threshold |ˈθreʃhəʊld| NOUN = 门槛,门口 = 阈,界,起始点 // My earnings are just above the tax threshold (= more than the amount at which you start paying tax). tilt |tɪlt| VERB =(使)倾斜,倾侧 // To align the bolt, tilt it to the left side. NOUN // the abrupt tilt of the hill tip |tɪp| NOUN = 末梢,尖端,顶端 = 指点,提示 = 小费,小账 VERB (使)斜侧 =(使)倾斜, // The boat tipped to one side. top up facepiece PHRASAL VERB NOUN = 重新加满,装满,注满(未满的容器) // We topped up the water tanks. = 面罩 trace |treɪs| NOUN = 痕迹,踪迹 // The ship had vanished without (a) trace. VERB = 查出,探出,找到,追溯,查考,探索 // The exhibition traces the history of graphic design in America from the 19th century to the present. = 勾画……的轮廓,描绘,勾勒 // I traced the course of the river on the map. trip |trɪp| VERB = to catch your foot on sth and fall or almost fall 绊, 绊倒 = to release a switch, etc. or to operate sth by doing so 触发(开关),(松开开关)开动 = to walk, run or dance with quick light steps 脚步轻 快地走(或跑、跳舞) // She tripped and fell. // to trip a switch tuck |tʌk| VERB = 把……塞入,把……塞进狭窄的空间,把……藏 入 // She found a rose tucked under the windscreen wiper of her car one morning. // Tuck headstrap into face piece. >> U uncouple |ˌʌnˈkʌpl| VERB = 使(车辆、车厢等)分离,分开(连在一起的两 个) // Uncouple the tow bar from the vehicle. visor |ˈvaɪzə(r)| NOUN =(头盔上的)面罩,护面;遮阳帽舌 =(汽车内挡风玻璃上方的)遮阳板 // Remove the visor from the clip. underside |ˈʌndəsaɪd| NOUN = 下侧,底面,底部,下表面 undue |ˌʌnˈdju:| ADJECTIVE = 不适当的,过分的,过度的 // The work should be carried out without undue delay. reel |ri:l| NOUN = 卷轴,卷盘,卷筒,一卷(金属丝、线等) VERB = 踉跄,摇摇晃晃地挪动,蹒跚 = 感到震惊,感到心烦 // I was still reeling from the shock. >> V varnish |ˈvɑ:nɪʃ| NOUN = 清漆,罩光漆,指甲油 VERB = 给……涂上清漆 vanish |ˈvænɪʃ| VERB = 消失,失踪,突然不见 // The aircraft vanished without trace. = 不复存在,消亡,绝迹 // Near the end of Devonian times, thirty percent of all animal life vanished. vigorous |ˈvɪgərəs| ADJECTIVE =(体育活动)剧烈的,强度大的,强劲的 // Very vigorous exercise can increase the risk of heart attacks. = 活跃的,积极的,热烈的 // a vigorous campaign against tax fraud = 精力旺盛的,充满活力的 // He was a vigorous, handsome young man. volatile |ˈvɒlətaɪl| ADJECTIVE = 易变的,无定性的,无常性的;可能急剧波动的, 不稳定的,易恶化的 // There have been riots before and the situation is volatile. =(液体等物质)易挥发的,易发散的 // Be careful with the solvent (this solvent is volatile and can be dangerous). >> W weep |wi:p| VERB =(通常因悲伤)哭泣,流泪 // She wanted to laugh and weep all at once. =(伤口)流出,渗出(液体) // In severe cases, the skin can crack and weep. NOUN // Sometimes you feel better for a good weep. wedge |wedʒ| NOUN = 楔子,三角木;(蛋糕、奶酪等)楔形物 VERB = 把……楔住,卡住 = 将……塞入,将……插入,将…挤入 // I shut the shed door and wedged it with a log of wood. // The boat was now wedged between the rocks. whilst |waɪlst| CONJUNCTION = 同 while >> X >> Y yawn |jɔ:n| VERB = 打哈欠 // She yawned, and stretched lazily. NOUN = 哈欠 = 乏味的事情;令人厌烦的观点(等) // The concert was a predictable yawn. >> Z