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Steps to Christ

The book Steps to Christ discusses our relationship with God. The author Ellen White
describes thirteen steps we must take to enable us to have a loving and committed
relationship with our Heavenly Father. In this discourse I discuss the benefits I found in each
of the thirteen steps.
In Steps to Christ, Ellen White discusses our relationship goals with Christ. The metaphor of
the “steps to Christ” in the title can be understood as the steps in our relationship with Christ,
which is equivalent to the rungs of a ladder. The author begins with God’s love for man, our
need for Christ as sinners, repentance, confession, consecration, faith and acceptance, test of
discipleship, growing up in Christ, the work and the life, a knowledge of God, and the list
goes on.
Step one is to view the intensity of God’s immeasurable love for each of us, for you, in the
light of Jesus’ life and death. Step two is to realize that we have no power within on which to
depend. Our hope is in Jesus, to Whom we can look and live, because only by beholding do we
become changed. Step three is to see sin in its truly offensive, separating nature, to recognize
our own sinfulness in comparison with Jesus’, and to desire reconciliation with Him. Step four
involves confession both to God and to those we’ve wronged, making restitution, accepting
Jesus’ forgiveness, and letting Him work His cleansing miracle in our lives. The fifth step,
consecration, means complete submission, complete trust in God, which brings a peace the
world cannot offer—it brings oneness with God. Step six is to know that God will fulfil His
promises to you. Accept them as truth in spite of how you feel, and act on that belief. Step
seven bears evidence of a repentant, forgiven, and consecrated heart of faith in complete, loving
submission to His Spirit as He imparts to us the fruits of the Spirit. Step eight is beholding
Christ daily, constantly observing His love for us, so that we mature into His character from
babe, to disciple, to worker for Him. In step nine, your blessed will influence will cause others
to want to know Him. Step ten involves getting into God’s Word, the bio of His character,
every day. In the eleventh step, if you have been praying all your life, the answer to this
discourse may come easily to you. In the twelfth step, makes us understand how best we can
deal with doubt. In the concluding chapter of Steps to Christ, the author talks about the
Christian attitude. In simple words she calls Christians “representatives of Christ.”
With that we finally come to the end of Ellen G. White’s Steps to Christ summary. I’m super
excited to have shared these lessons with you. No doubt, these steps to Christian growth are
invaluable. Not everything is as easy as it appears. But remember that one can do all things
because Christ gives you strength.
The title of the book tells its mission. It was a motivation to the mind and aroused excitement
of what one needed to expect. It points the reader to Jesus Christ as the only one who is able to
meet the needs of the soul. No doubt that tt directs the feet of the doubting and halting to the
pathway of peace. It leads the seeker after righteousness and wholeness of character, step by
step, along the way of Christian living, to that experience where he can know the fullness of
blessing which is found in the complete surrender of self. It reveals to me the secret of victory
as it unfolds in simplicity the saving grace and the keeping power of the great Friend of all
The book was very insightful as it did not only show me very important concepts but it gave
details of each concept. The greater benefit of reading the book steps to Christ is that it wrought
in me a spirit of repentance after reading the book. It cemented in my heart the fact that the
love of God is unconditional and beyond any measure there is nothing I can do that can turn
me away from his love.
I also realized that as a sinner, I need Christ and Him crucified, to redeem me from my sinful
state and that only pride can stop me from accessing my salvation. I am now confident that I
cannot change my bad behavior on my own but I need Jesus to attain true repentance. True
confession is not only feeling bad about your sin but truly telling God that you need to change
and seek help from him. If we invite Christ into our heart every day, though we cannot change
a single desire, there will be a noticeable change, which Christ does for us.
I, as a branch, cannot grow without a connection to the vine, who is Jesus Christ. I am now that
if I want to see God I have to look at nature and read the Bible because Nature is indeed a book
God has given us to have a glimpse of His glory. I am now confident that when praying to God
I should not be afraid but talk to God like am talking to my friend. He has shown me to be
better than my friend, for He will not share my secret with any other but will help me become
a better person. I can even pray to God as I am walking or praying.