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Pork Barrel System in the Philippines: A Position Paper

Garcia, Kyla Jae P.
Prof. Luisito Dela Cruz
Issues in Philippine Gov’t Procurement Policies
Pork Barrel in the Philippines: Far from the Nature of the System
Definition and Nature of Pork Barrel System
The definition of the pork barrel system comes with different terms. In some cases,
it is not called pork barrel but other terms like patronage and back scratching. In simple
terms, pork barrel is defined as the use of large amount of money by government officials
on a local project where they reside to use it to secure more votes and support by the
people. It can also be defined as the "collusion between the Legislative and Executive
branches of government to accumulate lump-sum public funds in their offices with
unchecked discretionary powers to determine its distribution as political largesse.” (Rollo
(G.R. No. 208566), p. 325.) The question is, how do these officials acquire such huge
money? It comes from proposed budgets of a certain country that is more than the actual
estimated usage, called the lump sum money. These discretionary money will be now in
hands of certain officials in a more discreet way since it is acting like the residue. This is
now how officials are able to use it to their own localities for projects that can eventually
be in accordance to their own interest. In nature, pork barrel is a way of using lump sum
money in good use, so it is a good act or system. It all depends on how it works and how
it processes in a certain country. Plus, to give an estimate more than the actual need of
the country says a lot about this system.
Magnitude and Effects of the System to the Philippines
The pork barrel system in the Philippines had noble intentions where it “empower
the legislators to identify key projects that local government units could not fund.” Those
lump sum money were perceived to be used in good intentions (Limpot, 2021). Although,
in the case of Philippines, this system had changed faces, turning the noble intentions to
a tainted one due to the officials. Of course, the pork funds can’t escape abuse due to
some corrupt officials that see this as an opportunity to do their illegal acts and satisfy
their own interests. The most recent issue of pork barrel in the Philippines is the PDAF
scam involving an alleged ₱10-billion scam manipulated by Janet Lim-Napoles. In this
issue, it is allegedly reported that the cousin and employee of Napoles, Benhur Luy, was
held captive by Napoles to avoid him from revealing the scam. The scam involved a large
amount of money, several lawmakers, and 20 dummy non-governmental organizations
(NGOs). These alleged brains have said to have swindled billions of government funds,
wherein Napoles had given money to those dummy NGOs, where in reality, those funds
were brought to her account. After the expose, several lawmakers namely Senator
Ramon “Bong” Revilla, Joseph Estrada, and Juan Ponce Enrile were revealed to be part
of the scam. Obviously, they were held accountable but not for the most part because
they were able to come clean just by going out of bail.
Looking at this issue and how it was handled, it actually says a lot about the system
in the Philippines, and how an act with a noble intention can go dirty. Pork barrel is
evidently eminent in the Philippines, may it be in some small projects proposed for the
benefit of the some people to big projects that can eventually help for the development of
the country. The only problem is that the good intentions of pork barrel was being used
wrongly by some officials, in the end becoming a great loss for the country. Instead of
helping the country, it gives more disadvantages. Due to this, the development is far from
being acquirable, thanks to some officials who chose to abuse it.
Arguments for and Against the System
Giving a good chance for the Pork Barrel system, one have to consider the true and noble
intention of it. It actually aims to help the country more and to empower the legislation,
giving chances for local projects to manifest. It is also inevitable to make an estimate
more than the actual needed budget since not everything is sure. So, the pork barrel helps
in distributing those funds. But in reality, these good intentions are actually far from reality
since it is in nature of the people, specifically officials, to abuse it. It gives this great
opportunity to what they want and just to get those funds. But when we come and think
of it, this kind of illegal act will not manifest if a good system or good government is
manifesting. It is difficult to say that pork barrel is a completely wrong act, it can be
sometimes based on the people who acts on it.
Position on the Matter
Similar to the ones stated in the arguments, we cannot really say if we should be against
it or should be up for it. But looking closely, far from its nature, pork barrel really does give
a great opportunity for illegal acts. We can avoid these acts by not actually giving the
chance for it to manifest. Here are the reasons why pork barrel should not manifest:
(a) Prior to it, it is manageable for the fiscal administration to give an estimate for projects
of the budget of the country not far from what the country really needs. The problem
sometimes is the proposed budget is far from what the country needs, having these
amount of money being lump sum. These lump sum, instead of being distributed to the
benefit of many, is being abused by the officials. Now comes the emergence of illegal
acts that came as issues.
(b) Given that the acts have already happened, there is a little to none accountability for
the people involved. Giving the PDAF scam as an example, those who are involved,
mostly reputable lawmakers and officials, have been getting out of this issue easily. They
can just bail out even guilty of illegal acts, even robbing the whole country of what they
To summarize, pork barrel has good intentions but in reality, it just opens a lot of doors for
corruption and illegal acts. As to the PDAF scam, we should be aware that some of those people
involved are still running out free and might be doing more illegal acts. In here, we should actually
turn to the system we have and try to explain why this happens.
G.R. No. 208566. https://lawphil.net/judjuris/juri2013/nov2013/gr_208566_2013.html
Kenton, W. (2022, July 13). Pork barrel politics. Investopedia.
Limpot, K. (2021, February 14). Explainer: What you need to know about the PDAF
scam. cnn. Retrieved November 9, 2022, from