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Abnormal Psychology Review: Disorders & Definitions

Abnormal Unit Review
Non-suicidal selfinjury
Conversion Disorder
Body Dysmorphic
Disorder (BDD):
Personality Disorder
Personality Disorder
Personality Disorder
Personality Disorder
Anxiety Disorders
Phobic Disorders
Panic Disorder
Generalized Anxiety
Disorder (GAD)
ObsessiveCompulsive Disorder
Defining Abnormal Psychology
abnormal behavior, thoughts, and emotions that differ from society's ideas about
proper functioning.
a person reports feeling pain/discomfort with emotions, thoughts, and behaviors.
interfering with the ability to conduct daily activities in a constructive way. (can’t
care for self, or can’t participate in ordinary social events)
abnormal behaviors become dangerous to oneself or others. (careless, hostile)
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. The DSM-5 is constantly
changing and evolving. 541 labels. Most widely used classification system.
Rethink the Stigma
society's disapproval/ judgment of a person with a mental illness because it doesn’t
fit communities standards/social norms. The effects of the stigma can cause people
to refuse help, isolate themselves.
Mental Health First Aid
Refers to actions that are destructive to one's' own body tissue without the
intention of dying. (Cutting, scratching, branding or punching objects, burning their
Somatoform and Personality Disorders
A preoccupation with an imagined physical defect in a normal person when there is
no physical explanation.
Change or loss of physical functioning in a major part of the body without any
physical explanation.
Unrealistic obsession with the fear that one has a serious disease.
A preoccupation with an imagined physical defect in appearance, physique, or selfimage, despite no disfigurement or defect.
Patterns of inflexible traits that disrupt social life or work and distress the individual.
Persistent antisocial pattern of disregard for, & violation of, the rights of others.
Don’t feel guilt or remorse & continue despite punishment and social rejection
Characterized by repeated instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image, and
mood and by impulsive behavior
Characterized by an intense focus on orderliness, perfectionism, and control that
the person loses flexibility, openness, and efficiency
Anxiety and Mood Disorders
a state of uneasiness that occurs in response to a vague or imagined danger
excessive or irrational fear out of proportion to the actual danger
Anxiety disorder marked by recurrent & unpredictable panic attacks
● Agoraphobia: fear of crowded or public places, having panic attacks. (many
ppl with panic disorders have agoraphobia as well)
experience excessive anxiety,worry about everything. no definite trigger
unable to stop thinking the same thoughts or performing the same tasks
intrusive, persistent, unwanted thoughts that cannot get out of the mind
Stress Disorders
Posttraumatic Stress
Disorder (PTSD)
Mood Disorders
Bipolar Disorder
Major Depressive
Eating & Feeding
Anorexia Nervosa
Bulimia Nervosa
Autism Spectrum
Attention Deficit/
Disorder (ADHD)
Substance Use
Positive Symptoms
behaviors performed repeatedly
physical and mental strain caused by a traumatic event
result of trauma, re-experience traumatic event with flashbacks, or nightmares
general emotional state or mood is distorted or inconsistent with the circumstances
and interferes with ability to function
mood swings between major depression and mania
state of feeling sad, hopeless and worthless, withdraws from interpersonal contact
Other Disorders
mental disorders defined by abnormal eating habits.
may involve insufficient or excessive food intake to the detriment of one's health
Life-threatening eating disorder that involves intense fear of weight gain or
becoming overweight.
Recurrent binge eating followed by purging.
by extreme unresponsiveness to others, severe communication deficits, and highly
repetitive and rigid behaviors, interests, and activities
ADHD is the inability to focus on tasks or thoughts or inversely having overactive
impulsive behaviors that can be hard to control.
A substance use disorder is patterns of symptoms resulting from the use of a
substance despite experiencing problems with said substance in the past
Schizophrenia & Other Disorders
Schizophrenia is a group of severe psychotic disorders that distort thinking,
perception, emotion, and behavior.
when things are added to a person’s personality such as hallucinations of all sense
and feelings that are inappropriate for the situation
Bizarre or far-fetched belief(s) that are unchanging even after being proven
Delusions of
Believing that hidden messages are being sent to you via newspaper, TV, radio…
Delusions of
Believing you are someone very powerful or important, have special
Delusions of
Believing that spies, aliens, the government, or even your neighbors are plotting
against you (most common)
Disorganized Speech
Negative Symptoms
When a person sees, hears, smells, tastes, or feels things that are not actually there.
Combing thoughts or switching from one thought to another “word salad”
Characteristics taken away from a person’s personality; things that the individual
does not do.
Flat Affect
withholding emotions and diminished emotional expression
inability to start or complete a course of action
Dissociative Disorder separation of certain personality components or mental process
Dissociative Amnesia a sudden loss of memory, following a traumatic event, no physical explanation
Dissociative Fugue
Dissociative Identity
Disorder (DID)
amnesia characterized by a loss of their personal identity, moving and assuming a
new identity
feeling of detachment from one's mental process or body
Rare mental disorder, at least 2 different personalities, that control a person's
behavior (common in people who’ve suffered severe sexual/physical abuse)