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Pharm II Week 3: Disulfiram, Naltrexone, Opioids Study Guide

Pharm II Week 3 Sherpath
Study online at https://quizlet.com/_cogw7w
1. A patient asks the nurse how disulfiram works. What "If alcohol is ingestis the correct nursing response?
ed, acetaldehyde accumulates to toxic
levels, producing unpleasant effects."
2. Based on what the nurse understands about the
Take the prescribed
pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of oral dose at the same
naltrexone, which instruction regarding dosing
time each day.
would be included in patient teaching?
3. The nurse is caring for a patient taking disulfiram Respiratory rate 10
who consumed alcohol before admission. Which breaths per minute
assessment finding requires immediate nursing intervention?
4. Which patient statement regarding disulfiram reflects that nursing teaching has been effective?
"When taking this
medication, I cannot
consume alcohol."
5. Which teaching would a nurse provide if a patient Notify the health care
experiences edema, erythema, and pruritis around provider.
the injection site after a dose of intramuscular naltrexone?
6. Which substances would the nurse teach a patient beer
taking disulfiram to avoid?
cough syrup
cold remedies
7. Which substances will the nurse teach the patient st johns wort
about that may cause adverse reactions with disul- warfarin
8. Which teaching will the nurse include about the
"Symptoms can oceffects of drinking alcohol while taking disulfiram? cur with as little as 7
mL of alcohol."
pain control
Pharm II Week 3 Sherpath
Study online at https://quizlet.com/_cogw7w
For which primary purpose does an individual take
an opioid drug that has been prescribed by a health
care provider?
10. Which assessment finding would the nurse antici- Impaired judgment
pate for a patient who has a blood alcohol content with poor coordinaof 0.10%?
11. Which drugs are considered to be Z-drugs?
12. For which desired effects does a person misuse a induce a sense of
achieve muscle relaxation
decrease anxiety
facilitate sedation
13. The nurse is caring for a patient who has misused alcohol
substances and whose temperature is 95°F. Which
substance does the nurse anticipate the patient has
14. The oncoming nurse receives report and will be car- diaphoresis
ing for a patient who has stimulant toxicity. Which
assessment findings would the nurse anticipate? hyperthermia
extreme agitation
15. The nurse is caring for a patient who has been
prolonged QT interdiagnosed with oxycodone overdose. In addition to val
Pharm II Week 3 Sherpath
Study online at https://quizlet.com/_cogw7w
expected assessment findings, for which additional
sign of toxicity would the nurse monitor?
16. Which assessment findings does the nurse anticipate in a patient diagnosed with benzodiazepine
CNS depression
respiratory depression