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Therapeutic Micro-Skills Guide for Counselors

Useful verbal counselling behaviour that has been shown to aid the counselling process.
Needs to be practised to become naturally part of the way a counsellor deals with a
person seeking help.
The First Session:
Collecting from the waiting room - coffee
Facilities: Signage, amenities, decor, reception staff, tea and coffee
Setting up counselling space
Where to set up chair i.e., near door
What effect might family photographs or graduation certificates have on the client?
Graduation certificates create a power dynamic and depending on the person it can be
beneficial or not
Noise/ Stimuli control
Comfort: a comfortable setting improves clients’ expression of feelings
It is important to note what you wear as it can have an effect on the therapeutic
First impressions last
Be true to yourself rather than putting on an act
Friendly, open and informal
Explain counselling to the client→
What the process will look like
Confidentiality and its limits
Operate in a client-centred therapy (CCT)/ patient centred therapy (PCT) approach, e.g.:
“Helping you to understand your situation, possibly seeing it in new ways”
“Helping you understand and reflect upon your own experience, rather than asking you
lots of questions”.
“My role is to help you to understand your experience (thoughts, feelings and reactions)
Opening questions→
“What made you decide to come to see me today?”
“I’m wondering what’s troubling you?”
“What is it that you would like to talk to me about?”
“No need to hurry. Tell whatever it is that comes into your head even if it seems
Tuning In→
Joining is being on the wavelength
We are very good at this already, must be aware of the messages we are giving out as
How do you know when someone is on your ‘wavelength’
Observing the Person→
What might you pick up from just looking at a person? (in the context of their cultural
Build a gradual picture
Micro-Skill: Listening with Interest
Minimal Response
Lets client know explicitly they have your full attention
Use tone of voice and non-verbal behaviour
Empathy VS agreement
Breif invitation to continue
“Tell me more”
Speed/ clarity/ tone of voice
Non-verbal behaviour
Matching/mirror client
Physical closeness
Facial expression/ eye contact
Egan (2007) used the acronym SOLER to encapsulate the non-verbal skills required:
S – sitting at a comfortable angle and distance
O – open posture; arms and legs uncrossed
L – leaning forward from time to time; looking genuinely interested, listening attentively
E – effective eye contact without staring
R – remaining relatively relaxed
Micro-Skill: Attending
Always stay aware of how you are attending.
Your goal in interviewing is to be a good listener through the use of specific, observable
behaviour which is culturally appropriate:
Using varied eye contact to communicate with the client
Using a natural relaxed posture and gestures. No need to sit rigid and “professional.”
Use your body to communicate your involvement
Use a natural vocal style
If you get lost and can’t think of anything to say, simply hesitate a moment and think of
something said earlier that interested you. Go back and make a comment, or ask a
question about that topic.
Remember to use your posture, gesture and facial expressions and voice to send
messages you want clients to hear such as
“I am listening to you very carefully”
“I know what you’re saying is difficult for you”.
Secondly, become aware of the messages your clients are sending to you through their
non-verbal behaviours.
Micro-Skill: Reflecting Content (Paraphrasing)
Encourages clients to continue exploring their own thoughts and ideas
Clearly and briefly reflect on the most important thing the client has just said.
Avoid interpretation yet do not parrot
Aim for genuine, own words.
Useful formats to state these reflections are:
You’re saying........
In other words.......
It sounds as if.........
What I seem to be hearing is.......
So what you’re saying is.......
So it’s as though.......
From listening to you, would it be correct to say that......’
Micro-Skill: Reflecting Feelings
Some examples of how to structure a reflection are:
You feel......because......
I sense that you feel.....
So you feel as though.....
The situation has left you feeling.....
I seem to be picking up you are feeling.....
Could it be that you are feeling.......
It seems as if you are feeling.......
Reflecting back the feelings within a statement/what the client says
Good way to help the client connect with their feelings as we often live in our heads
Catharsis involves releasing troubling emotional feelings
Some examples of how to structure a reflection are:
You feel......because......
I sense that you feel.....
So you feel as though.....
The situation has left you feeling.....
I seem to be picking up you are feeling.....
Could it be that you are feeling.......
It seems as if you are feeling.......
Basic Counselling Skills:
Nonverbal and verbal communication
Parahraing content
“I heard you say…”
“I’m getting the impression that…”
Reflecting patient feelings and implicit messages
Unconditional Positive Regard:
Expression of caring, nurturance and acceptance
Non-judgemental/ non-critical verbal and/or nonverbal reaction
Keeping communications specific
Focus on feelings and facts of relevant concerns
Open Questions:
Assists client clarify/ explore feelings
Counsellor Self-Disclosure:
Shares personal feelings, experiences, or reactions to the client
Includes relevant content intended to help
Better to not self-disclose unless there’s a pressing clinical need that cannot be met in any
other way
Keep interpretations short and concrete
Deliver with tentatively and empathy
Use interpretations sparingly
Information Giving and Removing Obstacles to Change:
Supply data, opinions, facts, resources or answers to questions
Explore with the client possible problems which may delay/ prevent their change
In collaboration with the client, identify possible solutions and alternatives