LAWAGON LANG TAPOS KA WORD NGA IMPLEMENTATTION You may have a technical appendix at the end of your report in which you specify each part of your plan, Along with the corresponding cost and revenue projection. In your recommendation for the organization, also consider how this will impact on the on the minor problems you and identify earlier in the case analysis. Address each of these minor problems and make appropriate recommendation for their solution as well. The final paragraph should and temp to tie a bow around your analysis. Briefly how your commendation will solve the major and minor problems faced by the organization. Suggest what the organization should do in the future and how it will be better off because of it. . OTHER QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS. . analyzing the relationship among fixed costs, variable costs and revenue. Marketing profitability analysis examines the profitability of various segments of the company or of various market segment served by the company. You should evaluate carefully all of the quantitative information you are given in a case and ask yourself, “ what can I do with this data to make it more meaningful?” D. OVERALL FINANCIAL ASSESMENT You should first consider the financial status of the business and what are the limits the business can do to avoid problems in the future. Problem identification You already know what are the problems present in the organization in order to find a solution