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History 2520 Quiz 1: US History

History 2520 Quiz 1
1) True or False The western US was a vast unpopulated area prior to the 1880s.
2) Native-American life was transformed most drastically by:
a) The Carlisle School
b) Custer’s defeat at the Little Bighorn
c) Destruction of the Buffalo Herds
d) Communal life
3) Frederick Jackson Turner’s “Frontier Thesis” suggested:
a) That the end of the frontier meant the end of democracy
b) That the presence of Indians in the west harmed American development
c) That frontier individualism destroyed America’s communal society
d) That the growth of American democracy was tied to the frontier.
4) What event supplied the evidence for Turner to propose his thesis?
a) The 1890 Census
b) The 1893 Columbian Exposition
c) Custer’s Defeat
d) Sitting Bull’s death
5) True or False – Around 1890 the ethnicity of immigrants who came to the US shifted.
6) A “Bird of Passage” would probably:
a. Return home relatively regularly.
b. Seek a job in agriculture.
c. Live alone in a large apartment.
d. Marry a native born American.
7) The National Origins Act (1924):
a. Increased the number of Southeast Europeans allowed into the US due to a labor shortage.
b. Provided for a small increase in the number of Asians entering the US.
c. Increased the naturalization period to 25 years.
d. Used earlier census data to limit immigration to the US.
8) Why was a “Dumbbell Tenement” viewed as the best design?
a. Each room had a window.
b. The shafts provided for a built in waste disposal system.
c. Their supports were made from iron, not wood.
d. No one believed the design was a good one.
9) Which does not fit into the “Search for Order” theme:
a. Baseball rules.
b. Prostitution.
c. Central Park.
d. Police and Fire Departments.
10) Which best describes the origin of the term the “Gilded Age?”
a. Reference to the rise of Guilds and Labor Unions
b. The use of horses for transportation
c. The belief that underlying the wealth and economic growth of the US was a set of serious problems
d. Belief that the US was mostly a nation of immigrants