)The t knowledge regarding experience he as reas on cons deY Source the as lisis Empiricisd s ono Radiona had Empirici sts considey Radionalisds whexeas of Enowle dge be1ween dideyen ce main Source of knowledge. fo Enpiricibm a r e r e la ted ofun da men ta ls idea abo t the bevms, Rahiona lism and philos ophy philesephy is he study Both knowle dge. Source main innate the s Empin Ci'sm dea of knowle dge empirtcor eurdence discovered through Rodiona lism to on refer to ond logic a source giuen s is T+ of experience. Ra behind ther a han han Evidente the know ledge is a vew is the that which is renson oY term used in derived appeals knowledge . Any Considey about example of Ya hona lism ic experiments. to rom from believe that examples empiricism. Mathemails rea son to be wh Ch is indellecdual everyBhing exper imental philosephy rea Sen justificadian alogic ,that is Tationalism . Rationa lists we o that that shyed loaic behind . when the the refey do here is tha every knowledge. +he other hand any wih a to belje ve empirici'stS , philesophy in used term Scr ence is an exampe has has a Both Inductivism theories the and dosigne d la wS do Hypothetico- Deducti vism actound foY and heories in scientitic empleyed When we consider abou how su ch a Tn Hupothefico - Deducdive, melhod to method of certainity the hallmats of of saien ce dedu cing Predic tions from Inductivism , the are esplana fions. we navelty ore indu ctiobn. the method s tha hypohesis. hallmarks of sientific an d bread t h . Then Sci ence heorie S, SCien ce is he method of Tnductiu'sm Accor dinq logic justifes method of scien ce of those In of hypothe s19 and are ph losep re knowledge Consider Hypothas im, and depth. A theory is a statement o r set of sta tements invo luing ot least one heorefical term . Pnductivists ase empiricists who maindain that onghing -fore inducivists fictious claimed enties of a to ex IsBs that Crea fed must be obsesUasle . 7here theoyiHrcal y des crip ion of ei-ther economiC Hence , according which inductivi sts endries humans fo the of observoa tions heories are not a e po pare 0r predica tion des Coiphions rel world of un observa bles. Bat, the Hypothe si'sts maintain that the theovihh eal terms desiqnate real entries not given fo and +heovies are ungbse rvable descriptions entrie S us of a in obee Tva tion s real wor/d (ir) Faoncis numbey of experimenta or observationa propo si ion (a low o Bacon s 6i en ce nduc4ive generali2ad.on , That 5 method of genera conce. ved the method o Bacon me thod is an rea Son ing. Bacon's requiremen ts for theory) example of method begins making the by from facis, a arge ri 1ving n ducdion . the opplicoion th de sc ription of nducrve of nreful, systematic he the obse r va tions produce 9ualiky facts. He then proceeds to use inducdion, the ab 1,4y to genera lige trom rom a s e nece SsaT to one o axiom S. more GU) Hume's Problem do human fact ? How is composed bein gs form The second 2uestion, Are justied? Does do really have o Parts nature of two qnestion opinions about unobs e rve d matlers belies formed in the way we noy mally SomeOne who 'reuSCns" as rea son to belie ue his conclusions he hus not chserved ? 7his abon ! s normative Problem. As men mefhod hioned and above David Hamk the by ha method. possibilidy of critiei zed dinding causes he of indnc , ve phenomena 4he Co) ). Kar! PoppeY yejected ad-hoc modi ditations to the theoies because changes they are to theorg a testable- Ad -hoc not that made are mod. fi cafions are Solely to explain ne w underlging princ ip le Karl Popper behoved that theorles should be based on evidence. and set they are not bused on an of principles that can be tested and should only be made f in by thetheory a way 4he new +hat is that mo di diee fions eidente Can be con si'stent wh explained Ahese Princtp les G) kasl Popper CoTS oboTate d the contends cun Accovdingto theory, , in howeve Hem ce, PoPper drops by 4he concept of Trudh and replaces his chasacteri 2ation of h e goa of scien ce aike rion The criterion of the Thus sciend idic theory be true', better Popper, in serence we go from theory and the the truth no be said to of very concept 'yertSimiliHude tha verisimildude of a Content minus occording to of beHesness ess the false fo be Her fo VerisimiliHu de theory S nothinq br content of hat theory, theory Popper, Out of two Successiue he0y ies any time in the history of science, we fin d theory Posse sses greater Verisimi lidu de, and betler han ids prdecessoT he sucesso7 s herefore When an observa 1ion goes aga nst possible hat the or initia to Say Sa more of the main cond on o predicf/ion, i o of theory o is the fa lse. as, one auxiliaIy hy poth e Ses could be folse. Thus, falsificadion ofa theory by a aingle observational statement going poscible , as Sdatements we unable against the instanc e o theoxy to pick ovl which used to gef the pred1chion is of the 1o be dalse. an not o3). Main feadure theorg o his physiCs is he qave madhemadi rul he worl od ond hente i t burl4 a solLd fonnda tion to 4he Also of Newtonian i end1di his grasp hought C of mathematics was faw more powertul than He conempora rieS. could develop most important invendron,4hat is all we know prfferential Calculus, to descrrbe the motion of Solid bodies. So overall con sderation about neudonian ma hematica physics theoales are 4he main impor tont Consider Crownin9 chreven ent of the a 17*h i). Before revolution of newtonian physics o pposing 4rends in 17 The empirica 2. So the, Newton introduted empha9i2ing tha interpredadion thin9 to to thing century Gcience there hnd been2 represended by represented by the nethey Ba con and De S Ca proper mrx ture of eaperiments wrthoud rte s both metheds systemadic noT dedu cfron from dirst prin tiples wrtho ut Cxperimentalevidence Newton his his cendury Science. method method The rational /s will could go beyon d lead to a relia ble trom reuions trends the r using his mathemadical analysis ii.Newtonian mechamcs mainly developed base On the mo tion ofmate rial particles, caused by theiz m ntual attra c fion that is, by of the dorce of gravty. Also thisforre on a parrcie using he exp laine d fhe efed Newton's ea nations ol mo d,on Bunt arcording to he Neton's vrew, Cnod crea ted in4he heqinning he maBerial parBrcles, the forces be dw e n Lhem and the fun dament al lows mohion. So mechancstrc vrew rig010US deterninism of nadure , with is hus clere ly ' ated to Hha giand cosmic mahine Compe lely tasua and delermiy:de fv). Tn nineheenth- terrlu ry d.scoverd phenomena. This mechanistri model, couldn So Faradag and he ekchric d of a fore tw a first subtler to new pe of describe force . qo much beyond from these forces subler con ceppt Con cept of a mag n e ic So Maxwell drd studies abou magneic for re. By replacing wh the wih he mu were 5 elecdrc and for ce Newtoian 4h properl prop lu effecds of e ofa ofa freld physres oncept forre fore he they