2022 Edition Sheep Brain Atlas A Photographic Guide Neuroanatomy Laboratory Dr. Janelle LeBoutillier Acknowledgements When this Sheep Brain Atlas was originally conceived in 2007, the idea was to compile a selection of brain dissections which could be used by students to study outside of the lab using a web-based platform. The goal was to provide students with images that reflected our course content and a self-test tool to assess their learning. All students enrolled in NROB60 at UTSC have access to this atlas via our course page. Feedback from students, primarily through course evaluations over the past years, resulted in the production of a printed version of the atlas, dissection guides and more detailed study worksheets to further assist them in successfully completing the laboratory content. Together, the aim of the printed version of the sheep brain atlas and the web supplement is to provide students in our introductory anatomy course with the tools to prepare for and succeed in our labs! This book would never have become reality without the help and suggestions of many supportive colleagues and students. In particular, I would like to acknowledge the contributions of Dr. Zenya Brown, Sadia Riaz, Michael Murphy-Boyer, Ken Jones, and Yomi Gammada. Dr. Zenya Brown and Sadia Riaz, experienced teaching assistants with the course for many years who share my enthusiasm for brain anatomy, played a pivotal role designing and revising the 2014-2022 Editions of the Sheep Brain Atlas. Michael Murphy-Boyer, an instructional multimedia designer working on this project in the Information and Instructional Services at UTSC created our webversion of the sheep brain atlas. Ken Jones, the principal photographer at UTSC provided the original custom photographic and imaging services, and Yomi Gammada, who as a UTSC undergraduate was involved with the majority of data input with the original Atlas 2007 edition. Many others have assisted with various aspects of this project for the 2007, 2010 2014 and 2016 editions. I wish to thank (in alphabetical order): Zac Campbell, Daryl Cheung, Victoria Fugariu, Kimia Honarmand, Jaspreet Johal , Matthew John, Sarah Johnson, Crystal Mahadeo, Paul McKeever, Andreea Moraru, Vito Oriente, Christina Plaginannakos, Vishwajeet Tummala, Tina Wang and Ruth Warre for their contributions. Lastly, I would like to express my appreciation to University of Toronto Scarborough for their financial support through teaching enhancement grants without which this project could not have succeeded. Please send all correspondence to: Dr. Janelle C. LeBoutillier Department of Psychology University of Toronto Scarborough 1265 Military Trail, Scarborough ON M1C 1A4 janelle.leboutillier@utoronto.ca Sheep Brain Atlas: A Photographic Guide Copyright by Janelle C. LeBoutillier, 2022 Previous Editions: 2007, 2010, 2014, 2015, 2016 1 Contents Introduction Anatomical terminology Anatomical characteristics of the brain Planes of orientation List of Acronyms Major Subdivisions of the Brain Major Neuronal Circuits Naming Structures on Bellringer Tests Study Sheets Sheep Brain Dissections Photoseries 1 Photoseries 2 Photoseries 3 Photoseries 4 Photoseries 5 Photoseries 6A Photoseries 6B Appendix 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 24 34 41 53 70 79 92 99 2 Introduction Welcome to the laboratory component of Neuroanatomy Laboratory (NROB60). The purpose of this lab is to provide you with hands-on anatomy training, familiarizing you with the three dimensional structure of the mammalian brain. A good understanding of (i) the location and connections between brain regions (learned here in the lab), and (ii) the physiology of neuronal activity (learned in lecture), together form the fundamental basis of your neuroscience training. Labs will examine large-scale neuroanatomical structures (gross anatomy) through a series of dissections. To accomplish this task, The Sheep Brain Atlas: A Photographic Guide is divided into six Photoseries, each designed to visually guide you through the dissections conducted on your assigned sheep brain over the term. In brief summary: Photoseries 1 – examines the external features of the dorsal, lateral and ventral surfaces of the sheep brain Photoseries 2 – reviews the 12 cranial nerves, their point(s) of attachment, and the type of sensory and/or motor information each nerve carries Photoseries 3 – the sheep brain is bisected along the longitudinal midline (midsagittal plane), showing the medial face of the two hemispheres Photoseries 4 – details a hippocampal dissection, which reveals components of the diencephalon Photoseries 5 – a transverse (horizontal) cut is made at two depths revealing the dorsal and ventral components of the diencephalon, basal ganglia and limbic system Photoseries 6 – the sheep brain is sectioned coronally through the cerebrum (6A) and cerebellum (6B), to reveal cortical and subcortical structures, including several fiber tracts and nuclei not visible in other planes. Before we begin, I’d like to offer a word of advice: learning neuroanatomy requires time and effort, as it is the equivalent of learning both a new language and “map of the brain” simultaneously. So allow yourself lots of time to practice the nomenclature using the various study aids we have designed to facilitate your learning. These include: • • • • The Study Sheets in this Atlas (pg 11-23) The “Random label” and “Full label” self-test feature of the online Atlas Dissection videos Weekly office hours Teaching this course is one of my passions. I hope you enjoy the material covered and I wish you success with your studies! Dr. Janelle LeBoutillier 3 Anatomical Terminology In anatomy, using standard directional terms and planes of orientation enables us to describe the locations of structures in relation to other structures/locations. Below is a list of terms that will be frequently used in the labs. Dorsal (Superior) Posterior (Caudal) Anterior/Rostral: near the head end or toward the front plane Posterior/Caudal: located behind a part or toward the rear Ventral (Inferior) Dorsal (Superior) Dorsal: relating to the back or top side of an animal Ventral: relating to the front or bottom side of an animal Superior: above or on the upper surface Inferior: below or on the lower surface Posterior (Caudal) Medial: referring to the middle of the body or structure (towards the midline) Lateral: situated at or extending to the side (away from the midline) Proximal: a part of the body that is closer to the center of the body than another part Distal: a part of the body that is located far from a point of reference Anterior (Rostral) Ventral (inferior) Proximal (closer to midline) Ipsilateral: on the same side of the body Contralateral: on the opposite side of the body Efferent: away from; e.g. efferent motor neuron- carries information away from CNS Afferent: towards; e.g. afferent sensory neuron- carries information towards CNS Anterior (Rostral) Distal (Further from midline) Lateral! Medial! 4 Anatomical Characteristics of the Brain Lissencephalic (Greek: lissos = smooth; enkephalos = brain): a brain in which the cerebral hemispheres are devoid of convolutions (gyri) and clefts (sulci) Gyrus (“hill”) Sulcus (“valley”) Fissure Gyrencephalic (Greek: gyros = spiral; enkephalos = brain): a brain in which the cerebral hemispheres are highly folded and convoluted due to presence of gyri and sulci Gyrus (pl. gyri): the ”hill" or convolution on the surface of the brain; caused by the folding of the cortex matter" White matter" Sulcus (pl. sulci): the “valley” or cleft on the surface of the brain, separating the gyri Fissure: is a deep sulcus; elongated cleft, natural division Grey matter: consists of neuronal cell bodies (soma) and dendrites White matter: is composed of bundles of myelinated axons; it appears white to the naked eye because myelin is primarily composed of lipid (fat) Planes of Orientation Sagittal Cut (conducted in PS3)" Right" Left" Horizontal Cut (conducted in PS5)" Dorsal" Sagittal plane: vertical plane that divides the brain into right and left parts Ventral" Horizontal (Transverse) plane: divides the brain into dorsal and ventral (superior/ inferior) parts; is perpendicular to coronal and sagittal planes Coronal Cut (conducted in PS6)" Coronal (frontal) plane: vertical plane that divides the brain into anterior and posterior (rostral/caudal) sections Posterior" Anterior" 5 List of Acronyms NOTE: On bellringer tests you are required to provide the complete full name of all anatomical structures. The acronyms below have been utilized in this course as a space saving technique on study sheets and slides shown during labs. III IV A AL Alv ATN B C CA CC CN CP DG F Fl G GP H Hb HI Hy IC LGB LV Third ventricle Fourth ventricle Amygdala Ansiform lobule Alveus Anterior thalamic nuclei Body of corpus callosum Claustrum Cerebral aqueduct Corpus callosum Caudate nucleus Cerebral peduncle Dentate gyrus Fornix Flocculus Genu of corpus callosum Globus pallidus Hippocampus Habenula Habenulointerpeduncular tract Hypothalamus Inferior colliculus Lateral geniculate body Lateral ventricle MB Med MGB MI Mid MTN OC OT OB OTb OTr P PB Pf PmL Pv S SC SF SM SN SP SpC T TB VTN Mammillary body Medulla Medial geniculate body Massa intermedia Midbrain Medial thalamic nuclei Optic chiasm Optic tract Olfactory bulb Olfactory tubercle Olfactory tract Putamen Pineal body Paraflocculus Paramedian lobule Pulvinar Splenium of corpus callosum Superior colliculus Subcallosal fasciculus Stria medullaris Septal nucleus Septum pellucidum Spinal cord Thalamus Trapezoid body Ventral thalamic nuclei 6 Major Subdivisions of the Sheep Brain The brain is divided into numerous subdivisions based on embryonic and evolutionary development. These include the: 1. FOREBRAIN Telencephalon – the cerebrum: Cerebral cortex: - Frontal lobe - Parietal lobe - Occipital lobe - Temporal lobe Subcortical structures: - Hippocampus - Amygdala - Basal ganglia Rhinencephalon: - Olfactory tract - Pyriform lobe Diencephalon – the “interbrain”; connects midbrain to cerebrum: - Thalamus - Hypothalamus - Mammillary body - Pineal body 2. MIDBRAIN Mesencephalon – the midbrain: - Cerebral peduncles - Superior colliculus - Inferior colliculus 3. HINDBRAIN Metencephalon - Cerebellum - Pons Myelencephalon - Medulla VENTRAL SURFACE (PS2) CP SpC Med TB Pons OT MB OC OTr OB Brain Stem The brain stem = mesencephalon, pons + medulla MIDSAGITTAL CUT (PS3) SC PB IC T Cerebellum SpC Cingu Mid Med Pons MB late gy Hy rus OC 7 Brain Stem Major Neuronal Circuits Although structurally discrete, many regions of the brain are functionally interconnected due to dense neuronal projections between them. Such neuronal networks form “systems” that govern complex behaviours. Two major systems found in the sheep brain are the basal ganglia and limbic system. THE BASAL GANGLIA The basal ganglia is a subcortical system composed of several structures, including the: CUT E CN • Striatum: caudate nucleus, putamen • Pallidum: globus pallidus, ventral pallidum • Substantia nigra • Thalamus This system is primarily associated with voluntary motor movements, action selection and procedural learning. P GP CUT H Damage to the basal ganglia can lead to movement disorders such as Parkinson’s and Huntington’s disease. T SN THE LIMBIC SYSTEM The limbic system is a complex network of numerous structures, including the: • • • • • Hippocampus Amygdala Anterior thalamic nuclei Fornix Prefrontal cortex This system mediates a variety of complex behaviours including emotion, memory and motivation. CUT F H ATN A F Prefrontal Cortex 8 Naming Structures on Bellringer Tests As you proceed through each Photoseries you will encounter several structures that are comprised of numerous anatomically discrete regions/lobules/nuclei. These include the: • Cerebellum (PS3) • Corpus callosum (PS4) • Thalamus (PS3-6) • Hippocampal formation (PS3-6) • Ventricular system (PS3-6) On bellringer tests you are expect to provide the most specific name for the structure. For example, in the image on the right, the appropriate answer for the green pin is “simplex” not “cerebellum”. The Thalamus • In PS3, you are viewing the midsagittal surface of the left and right thalamus. In this dissection, you can only see the gross anatomical boundaries of the structure, plus the area where it crosses the midline (massa intermedia). This is because the majority of the thalamic nuclei are located lateral to the midline. Thus, it is accurate in PS3 dissections to state “thalamus” or “massa intermedia” as your answer, depending on which structure is pinned • In PS4, PS5 and PS6, the individual thalamic nuclei are visible, therefore you must state which specific nuclei has been pinned as your answer You are responsible for knowing which nuclei are visible in each cut/dissection based on the labeling in your atlas The Hippocampal Formation • In PS3, the specific components of the hippocampal formation can not be seen. Again, this is because most of the components are located lateral to the midline. Thus, it is accurate in PS3 dissections to state “hippocampal formation” as your answer • In PS4, PS5 and PS6, the individual components of the hippocampal formation are visible, therefore you must state which specific structure has been pinned as your answer You are responsible for knowing which areas of the hippocampal formation are visible in each cut/dissection based on the labeling in your atlas Cerebellum HF CC MI VENTRAL SURFACE DORSAL SURFACE 9 Study Sheets Note: The following study sheets do not label all neuroanatomical structures identified in Photoseries 1-6. Students are responsible for learning all structures as presented in each Photoseries. See Appendix for answers. Neuroanatomy Laboratory Dr. Janelle LeBoutillier Cerebrum (latin) = brain Cerebellum (latin) = little brain PHOTOSERIES 1: Dorsal and Lateral Structures FIG. 1 5 4a 3 4b 6 2 1. _______________________ 2. _______________________ 3. _______________________ 4a. _______________________ 1 b. _______________________ Cerebellum 5. _______________________ 6. _______________________ Prefix definitions: Endo– inside; within Ecto– outer; external Supra– above; over Anterior What is the difference between a sulcus and gyrus? FIG. 2 5 4 7 3 6 1 2 Cerebellum 1. _______________________ 2. _______________________ 3. _______________________ 4. _______________________ 5. _______________________ 6. _______________________ 7. _______________________ Anterior The olfactory tract and pyriform lobe are continuous structures What is the difference between a sulcus and fissure? FIG. 3 1. _______________________ 2. _______________________ 3. _______________________ 4. _______________________ 5. _______________________ 6. _______________________ 7. _______________________ Anterior 8. _______________________ 1 Cerebellum 2 3 4 5 6 8 7 The olfactory bulbs are located outside of the brain PHOTOSERIES 2: Ventral Surface Structures FIG. 1 Once axonal projections from the olfactory bulb enter the brain, the structure becomes the olfactory tract 1 2 5 4 3 Tracts are bundles of myelinated axons that connect one part of the brain to another 6 (center ‘hole’) 7 Posterior Which structures comprise the brain stem? 1. ___________________ 2. ___________________ 3. ___________________ 4. ___________________ 5. ___________________ 6. ___________________ 7. ___________________ FIG. 2 Pons (latin) = bridge The trapezoid body, olive and pyramidal tract are regions of the medulla The ventral median fissure runs along the ventral surface of the medulla and spinal cord 1 Medulla Spinal Cord 5 2 1. ___________________ 3 2. ___________________ 3. ___________________ 4. ___________________ 5. ___________________ 6. ___________________ 4 6 PHOTOSERIES 2: Cranial Nerves and Tracts NAMING: Oh once one takes the anatomy final very good vacations seem heavenly FUNCTION: Some say marry money but my brother says bigger brains matter more FIG. 1 Note the point of attachment of each cranial nerve 1 POINTS OF CRANIAL NERVE ATTACHMENT: Midbrain 2 Pons Medulla 3 4 5 6 8 7 9 (on lateral surface of midbrain) 12 1. __________________________ 2. __________________________ 3. __________________________ 4. __________________________ 5. __________________________ 6. __________________________ 7. __________________________ 8. __________________________ 9. __________________________ 10. __________________________ 10 11. __________________________ 11 12. __________________________ 13. __________________________ 13 14. __________________________ 15. __________________________ What is the difference between a nerve and a tract? PHOTOSERIES 3: The Rostral Cerebellum FIG. 2 Primary Fissure 4 5 6 7 3 2 1 Pons Rostral The lingula, centralis and culmen together comprise the anterior lobe of the cerebellum 1. _______________________ 2. _______________________ 3. _______________________ 4. _______________________ 5. _______________________ 6. _______________________ 7. _______________________ PHOTOSERIES 3: The Cerebellum FIG. 1 Primary Fissure 5 4 6 AL PmL Pf 3 2 7 1 Fl Spinal Cord Pons Medulla Lateral 5 4 6 3 SC 2 IC 7 8 1 Pons Medulla Midsagittal FIG. 3 3 5 4 2 1 Caudal Spinal Cord 1. _______________________ 2. _______________________ 3. _______________________ 4. _______________________ 5. _______________________ 6. _______________________ 7. _______________________ Compare Figure 1 & 2: Note that the nodulus can only be seen in a midsagittal cut because it is located at the base of the cerebellum FIG. 2 Primary Fissure Prefix definition: Para– beside; alongside of Flocculus – tuft of wool Vermis – worm Spinal Cord 1. _______________________ 2. _______________________ 3. _______________________ 4. _______________________ 5. _______________________ 6. _______________________ 7. _______________________ 8. _______________________ Note that the ansiform lobule and flocculus cannot be seen in the caudal (posterior) view 1. _______________________ 2. _______________________ 3. _______________________ 4. _______________________ 5. _______________________ The fornix is a component of the hippocampal formation 10. _______________________ _______________________ 9. _______________________ 7. _______________________ 8. _______________________ 6. _______________________ 7. _______________________ 5. _______________________ _______________________ 4. 6. _______________________ 3. _______________________ _______________________ 2. The corpus callosum is a commissure – a bundle of myelinated axons that cross the midline 5. _______________________ 1. _______________________ 9 4. 8 7 6 _______________________ 5 3. Pons 3 _______________________ Med Mid 1 2 2. 5 6 7 What is the difference between a commissure and a tract? 4 3 _______________________ 2 1. Pons Mid 1 FIG. 2 What is the function of the corpus callosum? Why is it white? Med FIG. 1 PHOTOSERIES 3: Midsagittal Structures 10 The massa intermedia is the region of the thalamus that connects the left thalamus & right thalamus at the midline Prefix definition: Hypo– under; beneath Anterior PHOTOSERIES 3: The Midsagittal Ventricular System FIG. 1 Choroid Plexus 2 1 3 1. _______________________ 2. _______________________ 3. _______________________ 4. _______________________ 4 PHOTOSERIES 4: Major Arteries and Brain Stem Nuclei FIG. 2 2 3 1 The Circle of Willis is composed of arteries labeled 1,3 and 4, plus the anterior communicating artery and internal carotid arteries. (Arteries 2 & 5 supply the brain but are not considered part of the Circle of Willis). 4 5 Anterior Communicating Artery (under optic chiasm) Ventral FIG. 3 “Name the space” IC Spinal Cord Dorsal 1 2 5 3 4 SC 1. _______________________ 2. _______________________ 3. _______________________ 4. _______________________ 5. _______________________ 1. _______________________ 2. _______________________ 3. _______________________ 4. _______________________ 5. _______________________ 6. _______________________ 16 PHOTOSERIES 4: Hippocampal Formation and Diencephalon The fimbria (white matter) is the most anterior aspect of the hippocampal formation; it is smooth and white in appearance FIG. 1 SC 2 5 1 4 6 3 ‘membrane separating LV’ Dorsal view of the Hippocampal formation 1. _______________________ 2. _______________________ 3. _______________________ 4. _______________________ 5. _______________________ 6. _______________________ The dentate gyrus (grey matter) and hippocampal fissure (groove) are only visible in the ventral view FIG. 2 5 3 2 4 6 8 9 1 Ventral view of the Hippocampal formation FIG. 3 1 SC Pons Lateral 2 3 5 _______________________ 2. _______________________ 3. _______________________ 4. _______________________ 5. _______________________ 6. _______________________ 7. _______________________ 8. _______________________ 9. _______________________ The optic chiasm, optic tract, LGB and pulvinar are one continuous structure Optic Radiation IC 7 1. 4 Internal Capsule 6 1. _______________________ 2. _______________________ 3. _______________________ 4. _______________________ 5. _______________________ 6. _______________________ 1 LV 2 3 5 4 LV 6 7 Cut A2 FIG. 2 LV III 4 5 3 2 6 1 (the “space”) CA 7 IV Cut B2 7. _______________________ Observe which structures can be seen in the A and/or B cut, as well as the overall shape of the brain, to determine which transverse cut you’re examining. 1. _______________________ Globus Pallidus – The pulvinar, LGB and MGB 1. _______________________ Latin for “pale are also thalamic nuclei 2. _______________________ 2. _______________________ globe”; the 3. _______________________ structure is Fasciculus – a slender bundle 3. _______________________ traversed by of fibers 4. _______________________ 4. _______________________ myelinated axons of other brain The caudate nucleus, 5. _______________________ 5. _______________________ regions, causing putamen and globus pallidus 6. _______________________ the light grey (pale) are components of the basal 6. _______________________ appearance ganglia 7. _______________________ FIG. 1 PHOTOSERIES 5: Horizontal Cuts at the level of the Pineal Body (Cut A) and ventral level of the Thalamus (Cut B) PHOTOSERIES 6A: Coronal Cuts Through the Cerebrum (Cuts C to H) CUT C 2 1 3 4 6 CUT D 4 5 6 9 8 1. _______________________ 2. _______________________ 3. _______________________ 4. _______________________ 5. _______________________ 6. _______________________ 7. _______________________ 8. _______________________ 1. _______________________ 2. _______________________ 3. _______________________ 4. _______________________ 5. _______________________ 6. _______________________ 7. _______________________ 8. _______________________ 9. _______________________ 10. _______________________ 10 (on ventral surface) CUT E SF 2 1 8 3 7 6 1. _______________________ 2. _______________________ 3. _______________________ 4. _______________________ 5. _______________________ 6. _______________________ 7. _______________________ 8. _______________________ 19 PHOTOSERIES 6A: Coronal Cuts Through the Cerebrum (Cuts C to H) CUT F SF 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 1. _______________________ 2. _______________________ 3. _______________________ 4. _______________________ 5. _______________________ 6. _______________________ 7. _______________________ 8. _______________________ 1. _______________________ 2. _______________________ 3. _______________________ 4. _______________________ 5. _______________________ 6. _______________________ 7. _______________________ 8. _______________________ 9. _______________________ 8 CUT G LV SF 9 1 2 4 6 LV 3 9 1 7 8 (Ventral Surface) CUT H 1 10 (outer surface of hippocampus) 3 9 III 8 4 7 5 6 10 (outer surface of hippocampus) 10. _______________________ Remember, the pulvinar, LGB & MGB are also thalamic nuclei 1. _______________________ 2. _______________________ 3. _______________________ 4. _______________________ 5. _______________________ 6. _______________________ 7. _______________________ 8. _______________________ 9. _______________________ 10. _______________________ Mastering The Cerebral Coronal Cuts When studying the coronal cuts, keep in mind the anterior to posterior progression of structures learned in PS3-5: Cuts C to E • As you progress posteriorly, you are observing the evolution of the major striatal/pallidal components of the basal ganglia (see pg 8 for complete description of basal ganglia) and the capsules (internal/external/extreme) that separate them • The globus pallidus is the last structure of the striatal/pallidal basal ganglia to enter, which occurs around Cut D3/4 • The presence of the optic chiasm indicates that you’re at the tail end of the striatal/pallidal basal ganglia Cuts F to H • As you progress posteriorly, you are observing the evolution of the thalamus and hippocampal formation Remember from PS4 that the thalamus (Pv, LGB, MGB etc) is located ventral to the hippocampal formation; this spatial arrangement is evident in PS6 • The entry of the hippocampal formation in Cut F indicates the end of the major striatal/ pallidal components of the basal ganglia and beginning of the diencephalon (see page 7 for complete description of the diencephalon) Taken together, you should note that when components of the striatal/pallidal components of the basal ganglia are visible, you can not see thalamic nuclei. Conversely, when components of the thalamus and hippocampal formation are visible, you can not see the striatal/pallidal region of the basal ganglia. Thus, it is helpful to think to yourself: “Front of brain – striatal/pallidal basal ganglia; back of brain – hippocampal formation/ thalamus” Cut C" The major components of the striatal/ pallidal basal ganglia are visible in Cuts C to E Cut D1" Cut D3" Cut E2" Cut F1" Cut G" Cut H1" The hippocampal formation and thalamic nuclei are visible after the optic chiasm in Cuts F to H Cut H4" Cut I" Cut E4" 21 PHOTOSERIES 6B: Coronal Cuts Through the Cerebellum (Cuts J to L) CUT J 1 8 2 3 1. _______________________ 2. _______________________ 3. _______________________ 4. _______________________ 5. _______________________ 6. _______________________ 7. _______________________ 8. _______________________ 7 Fasciculus– a slender bundle of fibers Lemniscus– a fiber tract that terminates at specific nuclei in the diencephalon Reticular– forming an intricate network 4 6 5 CUT K 1. _______________________ 2. _______________________ 3. _______________________ 4. _______________________ 5. _______________________ Peduncle– band of neuronal projections joining different parts of the brain C UT L 1 2 4 3 6 5 7 (on ventral surface) 1. _______________________ 2. _______________________ 3. _______________________ 4. _______________________ 5. _______________________ 6. _______________________ 7. _______________________ 22 Mastering The Cerebellar Coronal Cuts When studying the cerebellar cuts, keep in mind; 1. The overall shape of the cut • Cut J is a “W” shape • Cut K is a “U” shape, where the brain stem is: (i) connected to the cerebellum along the lateral edges (ii) tight against the ventral surface of the cerebellum, causing the ventricle to appear as a narrow slit • Cut L is also a “U” shape, where the brain stem is: (i) not connected to the cerebellum (ii) ventricle is larger CUT J Brain stem connected to cerebellum along lateral edges" “W” shape! 2. The spatial clustering of nuclei Learn the order of the nuclei along the ventral surface of the IV ventricle • The cerebellar peduncle and vestibular nucleus were previously seen in PS4 CUT K Brain stem connected to cerebellum along lateral edges" Learn the order of the nuclei along the midline • The medial longitudinal fasciculus and medial lemniscus are located along the midline in Cuts J and K Note the location of nuclei located lateral to the midline • The reticular formation is in the same location in all cuts Remember each cut has a tract that runs along the ventral surface • The transverse pontine fibers are located in the cut through the pons • The trapezoid body fibers are located in the cut through the trapezoid body • The pyramidal tract was previously seen in PS2 “U” shape! CUT L Brain stem is not attached to cerebellum" “U” shape! 23 Sheep Brain Dissections Photoseries 1 During this lab we will examine the dorsal, ventral and lateral surface structures of the sheep brain. By the end of this class, you should be able to: - Understand and utilize all basic anatomical terms - Identify all major gyri and sulci - Identify the major components of the cerebellum - Identify all major lateral and ventral structures Neuroanatomy Laboratory Dr. Janelle LeBoutillier Dissection Procedures: Photoseries 1 Neuroanatomy Laboratory ANATOMY OF THE DISSECTION In this lab, you will remove the meninges (pia, arachnoid and dura mater) from the outer surface of the cerebrum and cerebellum. In addition, the pituitary gland (hypophysis) will be removed from ventral surface of the brain to expose several cranial nerves. MATERIALS • Scissors • Dissection probe • Forceps • Dissection Tray PROCEDURE Removal of Meninges on the Cerebrum Most specimens arrive with dura (see page 29) and arachnoid mater already removed from the dorsal and lateral surface of the brain. However, pia mater – a thin, translucent, cellophane-like membrane – remains adhered to the entire surface of the brain. 1. To begin the process of pia mater removal on the dorsal surface, use your scissors to make shallow cuts along the entire length of the medial longitudinal fissure, which is the deep groove located in between the left and right cerebral hemispheres (see photograph below). Medial longitudinal fissure Once the pia mater has been cut along the midline, you need to create similar openings along each sulci using your dissection probe (steps 2-3). " 25 2 Dissection Procedures 2. Place the tip of your probe along a sulcus in the frontal lobe and gently press it through the pia mater. Once it has been severed, lift the probe out of the sulcus (see photograph below). You may also use your scissors to cut through the pia mater along each sulcus to complete this step if you find it easier. 3. Repeat Step 2 along the entire length of each sulcus, working in an anterior to posterior direction, over the entire dorsal and lateral surface of the brain. Medial longitudinal fissure Frontal lobe 4. Once pia has been severed along each sulcus, insert the smooth outer edge of the forceps into a sulcus and grasp a loose edge of the pia mater. Secure the forceps in the closed position and slowly pull the membrane away from the surface face of the brain (see photograph below). 5. Repeat step 4, moving from anterior sulci to posterior sulci until all pia mater has been removed from the dorsal and lateral surface of the cerebrum. 26 Dissection Procedures Removal of Meninges on the Cerebellum 1. Place your forceps flat on the surface of the cerebellum. Grasp the pia mater by squeezing the arms of the forceps into the closed position. Be careful not to damage the underlying cerebellar tissue during this step. Cerebellar folia Note that cerebellar folia (gyri on the surface of the cerebellum), are arranged in a medial-lateral orientation (i.e., extend laterally from the midline). 2. Once you have securely grasped the membrane with your forceps, pull the translucent layer in the lateral direction, away from the midline of the brain (i.e., the same direction the cerebellar folia are oriented). Do not pull the membrane along the anterior–posterior axis, as this may damage the underlying cerebellar tissue. Cerebellar hemisphere Pull meninges in the lateral direction Vermis Cerebellar hemisphere 3. Repeat Steps 1-2 along the entire length of the vermis and cerebellar hemispheres until all pia mater has been removed from the cerebellum. 27 Dissection Procedures Removal of the Pituitary Gland (Hypophysis) 1. Orient your brain so that the ventral surface faces up. Locate the pituitary gland (hypophysis) – the darker-coloured bulb, located in the center of the ventral surface, surrounded by dura mater (white, opaque, ridgid membrane; see photograph below). 2. With your fingers, carefully lift dura at the edges. You will note that it is attached to the ventral surface of the brain by several cranial nerves (see table on page 35 for complete list of cranial nerves and their points of attachment). Dura mater Pituitary Gland (Hypophysis) 3. Using your scissors, snip the cranial nerves as close to the dura mater as possible (this will preserve the integrity of each nerve for closer examination in Photoseries 2). Repeat for each nerve until the dura mater and pituitary gland (hypophysis) can be lifted off the brain without any resistance. Once removed, the cranial nerves should be visible. Cut cranial nerves closest to dura ANATOMY OF DISSECTED SAMPLE Your assigned sheep brain now has its meninges and hypophysis removed. The dorsal, lateral and ventral surface of the cerebrum is now exposed, as well as the folia of the cerebellum. The cranial nerves are also visible. 28 Dorsal View with Dura Mater Dura mater mmb Ventral View with the Hypophysis Pituitary gland mmb Dura mater Periamygdaloid cortex (Uncus) mmb mmb 29 Dorsal View of Cerebellum Medial longitudinal fissure Cerebellar hemisphere Spinal cord mmb mmb mmb Cerebellar hemisphere mmb Cerebrum mmb Dorsal View with Arteries Cerebellar hemisphere Spinal cord Vermis mmb mmb mmb Cerebrum mmb 30 Dorsal View with Gyri and Sulci Ectomarginal gyrus Marginal gyrus Endomarginal gyrus mmb mmb mmb Endomarginal sulcus mmb Ectomarginal sulcus Marginal sulcus mmb mmb Dorsal View with Gyri and Sulci Rostral suprasylvian gyrus Ansate sulcus Coronal sulcus Precoronal gyrus mmb Caudal suprasylvian gyrus mmb mmb mmb mmb 31 Dorsal View with Gyri and Sulci Rostral suprasylvian gyrus mmb Ectomarginal gyrus mmb Caudal ectosylvian gyrus Precoronal gyrus Coronal sulcus mmb mmb Caudal suprasylvian gyrus mmb Marginal gyrus mmb mmb Endomarginal gyrus mmb Endomarginal sulcus Ansate sulcus mmb mmb Marginal sulcus Medial longitudinal fissure mmb Suprasylvian sulcus mmb Ectomarginal sulcus mmb mmb Dorsal View with Gyri and Sulci Coronal sulcus mmb Ansate sulcus mmb 6 Precoronal gyrus 32 Lateral View Rhinal fissure mmb Sylvian sulcus mmb Diagonal sulcus mmb Presylvian sulcus Pyriform lobe mmb mmb Lateral olfactory tract Periamygdaloid cortex (Uncus) mmb mmb Presylvian gyrus mmb 33 Sheep Brain Dissections Photoseries 2 During this lab we will examine the location and point of attachment of each cranial nerve and sensory tracts. By the end of this lab you should be able to: - Identify all 12 cranial nerves - Know the type of information each nerve carries (sensory, motor or both) - Distinguish between nerves and tracts *Note: The hypoglossal nerve is not pictured in this Photoseries, but students are still responsible for knowing its location (see diagram on page 13) and type of information it carries (see table on page 35). Neuroanatomy Laboratory Dr. Janelle LeBoutillier Ventrolateral View Pons Periamygdaloid cortex (Uncus) Presylvian sulcus mmb mmb Ventral median fissure mmb mmb Olive Lateral olfactory tract Sylvian sulcus mmb mmb Trapezoid body mmb mmb Pyriform lobe mmb 35 Ventral View Periamygdaloid cortex (Uncus) Optic tract Olive mmb Trapezoid body mmb mmb mmb Pyramidal tract Optic chiasm mmb mmb Olfactory tubercle mmb Ventral median fissure Lateral olfactory tract Pons mmb Pyriform lobe mmb mmb mmb Ventral View Oculomotor nerve Pons Pyramidal tract Ventral median fissure mmb Lateral olfactory tract mmb mmb mmb mmb Mammillary body mmb Olfactory bulb mmb 36 Ventral View with Meninges Mammillary body Infundibulum Abducens nerve Olfactory tubercle mmb Olfactory bulb Spinal accessory nerve Medial olfactory tract mmb Vagus nerve Lateral olfactory tract mmb Glossopharyngeal nerve Tuber cinereum Trigeminal nerve Ventral View with Cranial Nerves Infundibulum mmb Mammillary body mmb Trigeminal nerve Oculomotor nerve Tuber cinereum mmb mmb mmb Facial nerve mmb Vestibulocochlear nerve mmb 37 Ventral View with Cranial Nerves Optic nerve mmb Infundibulum mmb mmb Oculomotor nerve mmb Mammillary body Tuber cinereum mmb mmb Spinal accessory nerve Trigeminal nerve Vestibulocochlear nerve mmb Facial nerve mmb mmb mmb Lateral View with Cranial Nerves Oculomotor nerve Optic nerve mmb Pons mmb Spinal accessory nerve mmb mmb Olive Periamygdaloid cortex (Uncus) mmb Facial nerve Trigeminal nerve mmb mmb mmb Vestibulocochlear nerve mmb 38 Lateral View with Cranial Nerves Tuber cinereum mmb Mammillary body mmb Abducens nerve Trigeminal nerve mmb mmb Vestibulocochlear nerve Facial nerve mmb mmb Ventral View with Cranial Nerves Oculomotor nerve mmb Optic tract mmb Optic chiasm mmb Medial olfactory tract Olfactory tubercle Trochlear nerve mmb mmb mmb Lateral olfactory tract mmb 39 Ventral View with Trochlear Nerve Infundibulum mmb mmb Tuber cinereum Oculomotor nerve mmb Rhinal fissure Trochlear nerve mmb mmb mmb Lateral-Ventral View of Cranial Nerves Trochlear nerve Oculomotor nerve mmb Trigeminal nerve mmb mmb Pons mmb Trapezoid body mmb 40 Sheep Brain Dissections Photoseries 3 During this lab we will make a midsagittal cut, revealing structures located along the midline of the brain. By the end of this lab you should be able to identify: - Components of the cerebellum - Structures within the diencephalon, mesencephalon and brain stem - Components of the corpus callosum - Major gyri and sulci along the midline - Components of the ventricular system Neuroanatomy Laboratory Dr. Janelle LeBoutillier Dissection Procedures: Photoseries 3 Neuroanatomy Laboratory ANATOMY OF THE DISSECTION In this lab, a midsagittal cut will be made to expose midline structures, including the corpus callosum, diencephalon, brain stem and vermis of the cerebellum. MATERIALS • Dissection tray • Dissection knife (TA will provide and assist as necessary) PROCEDURE 1. Turn your dissection tray upside down, exposing the flat metal surface which you will use as your cutting surface. Position your assigned brain in the center with the dorsal surface facing up (see photograph below). 2. Work with your partner to complete the dissection: one person should stand on one side of the lab bench, closest to the frontal lobe, and stabilize the brain by firmly holding the cerebral and cerebellar hemispheres with their fingers. The other lab partner should stand on the opposite side of the lab bench and position the knife (see photograph below). 3. Place the dissection knife in the medial longitudinal fissure, and ensure that it is oriented perpendicular (90 degrees) to the surface of the dissection tray. Remember to keep your fingers away from the midline where the cut will be made (see photograph below). CAUTION: Keep your fingers away from the midline where the brain is being bisected. 42 Dissection Procedures 4. Ensure that the cerebellum and spinal cord are lined up with the blade along the midline (see photograph below). The person stabilizing the brain needs to maintain the brain in this exact position while the cut is being made. Ensure that the the cerebellum and spinal cord are appropriately lined up with the dissection knife along the midline of the brain. 5. Apply even pressure down the full length of the blade, and slice downwards in one smooth motion. Do not make sawing motions back and forth, as this may damage the tissue along the midline; the blade is sufficiently sharp to slice right through the brain in one smooth motion. 6. Once the blade connects with the surface of the dissection tray, slowly pull the dissection knife towards you, keeping it perpendicular to the tray at all times. 1 2 Pull dissection knife towards you Apply pressure downwards 7. You can now pull apart the two hemispheres to reveal midline structures. If the meninges have not been thoroughly removed, the hemispheres may remain slightly connected, particularly along the ventral surface; if this occurs, use your scalpel to sever the connected tissue. 43 Dissection Procedures 8. Before proceeding with the content of Photoseries 3, clean the metal surface of the dissection tray using paper towels and 70% ethanol. Once cleaned, you can turn over the dissection tray, place your bisected sheep brain inside, and examine midline structures. Clean metal surface of dissection tray before proceeding with the content of Photoseries 3. ANATOMY OF THE DISSECTED SAMPLE After performing this cut along the midline, you will have separated the left and right hemispheres. The corpus callosum, ventricular system, thalamus, hypothalamus, pineal body, vermis and superior+inferior colliculi will be visible. 44 Lateral View with M eninges Sylvian sulcus Rhinal fissure Paraflocculus Paramedian lobule mmb mmb mmb mmb Spinal accessory nerve mmb Flocculus Lateral olfactory tract mmb Abducens nerve mmb Olfactory bulb mmb mmb Sagittal Section Showing Anterior Lobe of the Cerebellum Simplex Primary fissure mmb mmb Tuber vermis Culmen Centralis mmb mmb mmb mmb Pyramis Lingula mmb mmb Flocculus Cut surface of pons mmb mmb Paraflocculus mmb 45 Lateral Cerebellum Tuber vermis Pyramis Ansiform lobule mmb mmb mmb Uvula mmb Paramedian lobule mmb Paraflocculus mmb Flocculus mmb Caudal View of the Cerebellum Tuber vermis mmb Paramedian lobule Pyramis mmb mmb Paraflocculus Uvula mmb mmb Cut surface of spinal cord mmb 46 Dorsal View of the Rostral Cerebellum Simplex Tuber vermis mmb mmb Ansiform lobule Primary fissure mmb mmb Culmen mmb Paraflocculus mmb Rostral View of the Cerebellum Tuber vermis mmb Ansiform lobule Simplex mmb mmb Paraflocculus Primary fissure Culmen mmb mmb mmb Centralis mmb Flocculus Lingula mmb mmb IV ventricle mmb Cut surface of pons mmb 47 Midsagittal Section of the Cerebellum Simplex mmb Primary fissure Tuber vermis mmb mmb Pyramis mmb Uvula Centralis Lingula mmb mmb mmb Nodulus mmb Sagittal Section with the Cerebellum Primary fissure mmb Simplex Culmen Centralis Lingula mmb mmb mmb mmb Nodulus mmb 48 Midsagittal Section of the Cerebellum Simplex Tuber vermis mmb Primary fissure mmb Culmen Pyramis mmb Centralis mmb mmb mmb Uvula Cerebral aqueduct mmb mmb Lingula mmb IV ventricle Nodulus mmb mmb Midsagittal Section Fornix mmb Genual sulcus Posterior commissure mmb Cingulate gyrus Superior colliculus Inferior colliculus mmb mmb mmb mmb Genual gyrus Mammillary body mmb mmb Hypothalamus mmb Anterior commissure Subcallosal gyrus mmb mmb 49 Midsagittal Section Body of corpus callosum III ventricle Splenium of corpus callosum Superior colliculus mmb mmb Genu of corpus callosum mmb mmb mmb Lateral ventricle Interventricular foramen mmb Caudate nucleus Inferior colliculus mmb Pineal body mmb mmb mmb Midsagittal Section with Arteries Body of corpus callosum Stria medullaris mmb mmb Septum pellucidum Habenula Choroid plexus mmb mmb mmb Genu of corpus callosum Mammillary body mmb Hypothalamus Optic chiasm mmb mmb mmb 50 Midsagittal Section Thalamus III ventricle Cingulate gyrus mmb Cerebral aqueduct mmb mmb mmb Massa intermedia mmb Septum pellucidum mmb IV ventricle Genual gyrus mmb mmb Midbrain Pons Interventricular foramen Spinal cord mmb mmb mmb Medulla Midsagittal Section Of Epithalamus Habenula Stria medullaris Thalamus Choroid plexus mmb mmb Pineal body mmb mmb Posterior commissure mmb Massa intermedia mmb mmb 51 Midsagittal Section of Diencephalon and Brain Stem Thalamus Fornix mmb mmb Midbrain mmb Medulla Pons Massa intermedia mmb mmb mmb Hypothalamus mmb Dorsal Sagittal Section Alveus mmb Choroid plexus mmb Genual gyrus Pineal body mmb mmb 52 Sheep Brain Dissections Photoseries 4 During this lab we will perform a hippocampal dissection, which will reveal numerous components of the diencephalon. By the end of this lab you should be able to identify: - Brain stem nuclei - Arteries of the brain - Components of the hippocampal formation - Components of the diencephalon - Major tracts and capsules Depth of the cut 53 Dissection Procedures: Photoseries 4 Neuroanatomy Laboratory ANATOMY OF THE DISSECTION In this lab, the cerebral cortex will be removed from one hemisphere of your assigned sheep brain to expose the hippocampal formation. MATERIALS • Scalpel • Forceps • Scissors • Dissection probe • Dissection tray PROCEDURE Exposing the Hippocampal Formation 1. With your scalpel, make an incision through the splenium of the corpus callosum (CC). Extend the incision in a posterior direction, cutting through the occipital lobe (see below for depth and location of this first cut). Splenium of the CC Initial incision (Midsagittal view) Occipital lobe Extend incision posteriorly through the occipital lobe 2. Continue cutting in a smooth motion along the circumference of the cortex. Cut all the way around the brain – through the occipital lobe, border of parietal-temporal lobe and frontal lobe – until you return to the location of your first incision. Your goal is to remove the top half of the cerebral cortex and expose subcortical structures below (see photos on the next page for guidance). 54 Dissection Procedures 1 Parietal lobe 2 Temporal lobe Cerebellum Incision through occipital lobe (Caudal view) 3 Temporal lobe Parietal lobe Frontal lobe Incision through frontal lobe (Anterior view) Incision through parietal lobe (Lateral view) Parietal lobe 4 Frontal lobe Incision through frontal lobe (Midsagittal view) 5 CAUTION: Keep your fingers away from the blade of the scalpel while performing this dissection. Splenium of CC Return to location of initial incision (Midsagittal view) 55 Dissection Procedures 3. Remove the top half of the brain that you have just bisected. You should see the dorsal aspect of the hippocampal formation surrounded by an opening, which is the lateral ventricle (see photo below). Removing Cortical Tissue Surrounding the Hippocampal formation 1. Locate the lateral ventricle (the hollow “space”) along the caudal edge of the hippocampal formation. Using your forceps, grasp the cortical tissue and carefully peel the tissue away from the hippocampal formation (see photos below). Cortex to be removed Hippocampus Cortex to be removed Lateral Ventricle 2. Continue to remove all remaining cortex with your forceps (and scalpel if necessary) until the entire ”horn" of the hippocampal formation is revealed. Note that the hippocampus is only attached at the midline by the fornix, so try not to sever this point of attachment. 56 Dissection Procedures ANATOMY OF THE DISSECTED SAMPLE Once the surrounding cortex has been removed, the entire “horn” of the hippocampal formation should be visible. Dorsal view of Hippocampal Formation Hippocampus Grasp the dorso-lateral tip of the hippocampal formation (labelled below) and gently lift up the “horn”. The ventral surface of the hippocampal formation, as well as several thalamic nuclei, will be visible. Lateral view with Hippocampal Formation Ventral view of Hippocampal Formation Dorso-lateral tip of Hippocampal formation Lateral view with Hippocampal Formation Removed Thalamic nuclei 57 Lateral View with Arteries Rhinal fissure mmb Paraflocculus mmb Paramedian lobule Middle cerebral artery Flocculus mmb Periamygdaloid cortex (Uncus) mmb mmb mmb mmb Ventral View with Arteries Posterior cerebral artery Basilar artery Anterior cerebral artery mmb mmb mmb Posterior communicating artery mmb Middle cerebral artery mmb 58 Circle of Willis Posterior communicating artery mmb Basilar artery mmb Posterior cerebral artery Middle cerebral artery mmb mmb Pyriform lobe mmb Dorsal View of Brain Stem Nuclei Vagal nucleus Obex mmb IV ventricle mmb Gracile nucleus mmb Cerebellar peduncle Cuneate nucleus mmb mmb mmb Vestibular nucleus mmb 59 Dorsal View of the Hippocampal Formation and Caudate Nucleus Superior colliculus Inferior colliculus mmb mmb IV ventricle mmb Caudate nucleus Septum pellucidum Vagal nucleus Obex mmb mmb mmb Gracile nucleus mmb Cuneate nucleus mmb mmb Vestibular nucleus mmb Genu of corpus callosum Dorsal fornix Alveus mmb mmb mmb Dorsal View of IV Ventricle Inferior colliculi Cerebellar peduncle IV ventricle mmb Superior colliculi mmb mmb mmb 60 Dorsal View of Hippocampal Formation Vestibular nucleus Obex mmb mmb Pineal body Vagal nucleus Gracile nucleus mmb Genu of corpus callosum mmb mmb mmb Cuneate nucleus mmb Dorsal fornix mmb Fimbria mmb Dorsal View of Hippocampal Formation Septal nucleus Fimbria Alveus Superior colliculi Caudate nucleus Dorsal fornix 61 Hippocampal Formation Fimbria Alveus Superior colliculi mmb mmb mmb Pineal body mmb Caudal View of Midbrain Pulvinar Alveus mmb Pineal body mmb mmb Superior colliculi IV ventricle Inferior colliculi mmb mmb mmb 62 Lateral View of Hippocampal Formation Splenium of corpus callosum Pineal body Superior colliculus mmb Caudate nucleus mmb mmb Genu of corpus callosum mmb mmb Fimbria mmb Lateral ventricle Alveus mmb mmb Dorsal View of Detached Hippocampal Formation Alveus Fimbria mmb mmb 63 Ventral View of the Hippocampal Formation Hippocampal fissure mmb Dentate gyrus mmb Fimbria mmb Ventral View of the Hippocampal Formation Dentate gyrus Hippocampal fissure mmb mmb Fimbria mmb 64 Dorsal View of the Diencephalon and Striatum Fimbria mmb Habenula Stria medullaris mmb mmb Corona radiata Superior colliculus mmb mmb Medial geniculate body Caudate nucleus mmb mmb Lateral geniculate body Pulvinar mmb mmb Ventral View of Diencephalon Lateral geniculate body Optic tract mmb mmb Trapezoid body mmb Pyramidal tract Pons Optic chiasm mmb Mammillary body mmb mmb mmb 65 Lateral View of Midbrain Superior colliculus Pulvinar mmb mmb Lateral geniculate body Medial geniculate body Inferior colliculus mmb mmb mmb Optic tract mmb Lateral View of Midbrain Pulvinar Superior colliculus Inferior colliculus Medial geniculate body Lateral geniculate body mmb mmb mmb Optic tract mmb mmb mmb Mammillary body mmb Optic chiasm mmb 66 Lateral View of Midbrain Superior colliculus Pulvinar Lateral geniculate body mmb mmb Ansiform lobule mmb mmb Paramedian lobule mmb Paraflocculus Medial geniculate body mmb Flocculus Olfactory bulb mmb mmb mmb Pons mmb Lateral View of Internal Capsule Inferior colliculus mmb Pons Superior colliculus Corona radiata mmb mmb Internal capsule mmb Mammillary body Optic chiasm mmb mmb mmb Optic tract mmb 67 Lateral View of Internal Capsule Optic radiations Corona radiata mmb Superior colliculus mmb Massa intermedia Optic chiasm Internal capsule mmb mmb IV ventricle mmb mmb mmb Lateral View of Internal Capsule Pulvinar Thalamus mmb mmb Pineal body Massa intermedia mmb mmb Inferior colliculus mmb 68 Ventral Cerebrum Splenium of corpus callosum mmb Body of corpus callosum mmb Genu of corpus callosum Cerebrum mmb mmb 69 Sheep Brain Dissections Photoseries 5 During this lab we will make a transverse (horizontal) cut at the level of the pineal body (Cut A) and ventral level of the thalamus (Cut B). By the end of this lab you should be able to identify dorsal and ventral components of the diencephalon, basal ganglia, limbic system as well as major capsules + tracts. Midsagittal Cut Cut A Cut B A1 A2 B1 B2 70 Dissection Procedures: Photoseries 5 Neuroanatomy Laboratory ANATOMY OF THE DISSECTION In this lab, two horizontal (transverse) cuts will be made: • Cut A – sectioned at the level of the pineal body to expose the basal ganglia and dorsal thalamic nuclei • Cut B – sectioned through the ventral region of the thalamus to reveal thalamic nuclei, limbic structures and the complete ventricular system MATERIALS • Dissection tray • Dissection knife (TA will provide and assist as necessary) PROCEDURE Horizontal (transverse) Cut A 1. Turn the dissection tray upside down, exposing the flat metal surface. Place one hemisphere of your brain on the metal surface, orientated with the midsagittal surface facing up (see photograph below). 2. Work with your partner to complete this dissection: one person should stand on one side of the lab bench and secure the the brain in the position shown below. The other person, standing on the opposite side of the lab bench, should position the dissection knife. 3. Place the dissection knife perpendicular to the surface of the dissection tray, positioned at the level of the pineal body (shown in photograph below). Apply even pressure down the full length of the blade, and slice downwards in one smooth motion. Do not make sawing motions back and forth, as this may damage the tissue; the blade is sufficiently sharp to slice right through the brain in one smooth motion. Cut A CAUTION: Keep your fingers away from the blade of the knife. Pineal body 71 Dissection Procedures 4. Once contact has been made with the metal surface of the dissection tray, slowly pull the knife towards you and allow the two pieces of the brain to separate. The structures at the level of the pineal body level should be visible (see photograph below). Cut A Horizontal (transverse) Cut B 1. Take the ventral portion of the hemisphere sectioned in Cut A, and orient the tissue on the metal surface of the dissection tray as shown below. Caution: you are now working with a thinner piece of brain tissue, and therefore need to be more cautious when stabilizing the brain and positioning the knife. 2. Align the knife along the ventral aspect of the cerebellum, above the brain stem (see photograph below). Cut B Brain stem Cerebellum CAUTION: In Cut B you are dissecting a smaller tissue sample – ensure that your fingers are appropriately positioned away from the blade of the knife. 72 Dissection Procedures 3. Once again, push the knife through the brain tissue until you contact the surface of the dissection tray. Slowly pull the knife towards you and allow the two sections to separate. Cut B Clean metal surface of dissection tray before proceeding with the content of Photoseries 5. 4. Before proceeding with the content of Photoseries 5, clean the metal surface of the dissection tray with 70% ethanol. Once cleaned, you can turn over the dissection tray, place your bisected sheep brain inside, and examine transverse structures. ANATOMY OF THE DISSECTED SAMPLE After performing these horizontal (transverse) cuts, dorsal and ventral components of the basal ganglia, diencephalon and limbic system will be visible. 73 (A1) At the Level of the Pineal Body Lateral ventricle Lateral geniculate body Dentate gyrus mmb mmb mmb Superior colliculus Pulvinar mmb mmb Caudate nucleus mmb Stria medullaris mmb Paraflocculus Habenula mmb mmb Pineal body mmb (A2) At the Level of the Pineal Body Internal capsule Caudate nucleus Subcallosal fasciculus mmb mmb Putamen mmb Septal nucleus mmb III ventricle mmb mmb Medial thalamic nucleus Lateral ventricle mmb mmb Genu of corpus callosum mmb Septum pellucidum mmb Anterior thalamic nucleus Ventral thalamic nucleus mmb mmb 74 (A2) At the Level of the Pineal Body Dentate gyrus Alveus Septal nucleus Paraflocculus Pineal body Genu of corpus callosum Pulvinar Septum pellucidum Lateral geniculate body (A3) Ventral to the Pineal Body Fimbria mmb Dentate gyrus External capsule Alveus mmb Globus pallidus mmb mmb mmb Cut surface of superior colliculus mmb 75 (A3) Ventral to the Pineal Body Internal capsule Caudate Nucleus mmb mmb Cut surface of superior colliculus Putamen mmb mmb (B1) Ventral Level of the Thalamus Fimbria Amygdala mmb mmb Dentate gyrus Caudate nucleus mmb mmb III Ventricle mmb Central gray Cerebral aqueduct Genu of corpus callosum mmb mmb mmb Septal nucleus Ventral thalamic nucleus mmb mmb Habenulo-interpeduncular tract mmb 76 (B1) Ventral Level of the Thalamus Ventral thalamic nucleus mmb Habenulo-interpeduncular tract Globus pallidus Genu of corpus callosum mmb mmb mmb Lateral geniculate body mmb Medial geniculate body mmb (B2) Ventral to the Corpus Callosum External Capsule Putamen mmb Globus pallidus Internal capsule mmb mmb Amygdala Caudate nucleus mmb mmb Lateral geniculate body Lateral ventricle mmb mmb Medial geniculate body Habenulo-interpeduncular tract Septohypothalamic and septotubercular tracts mmb mmb Ventral thalamic nucleus Fornix mmb mmb mmb III ventricle mmb 77 Structures seen in both Cuts A & B: ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Structures specific to Cut B: ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Cut B2 Structures specific to Cut A: Cut A2 PHOTOSERIES 5 IN-LAB ACTIVITY: Determine with structures are specific to Cut A, Cut B and are common to both Sheep Brain Dissections Photoseries 6A During this lab we will make coronal cuts throughout the cerebrum (cerebral hemispheres). C OB OTr D E F G H Cerebral cuts I OTb OC Pons MB TB Med CP C. Caudal to Olfactory Bulbs D. Olfactory Tubercles E. Optic Chiasm F. Caudal to Optic Chiasm G. Mammillary Body H. Cerebral Peduncles I. Rostral Pons Neuroanatomy Laboratory Dr. Janelle LeBoutillier Dissection Procedures: Photoseries 6A Neuroanatomy Laboratory ANATOMY OF THE DISSECTION In this lab, seven coronal cuts through the cerebrum will be made through the following ventral surface structures: Cut G – through mammillary bodies Cut C – caudal to olfactory bulbs Cut H – through cerebral peduncles Cut D – through olfactory tubercles Cut I – through the rostral pons Cut E – through optic chiasm Cut F – Caudal to optic chiasm MATERIALS • Dissection tray • Dissection knife (TA will provide and assist as necessary) • Scalpel PROCEDURE 1. Turn the dissection tray upside down, exposing the flat, metal surface. Place one hemisphere of your assigned brain on the metal surface, orientated with the ventral surface facing up (see photograph below). 2. Work with your partner to complete this dissection: one person should stand on one side of the lab bench and hold the the brain in place. The other person, standing on the opposite side of the lab bench, should position the dissection knife. 3. Place the dissection knife caudal to the olfactory bulbs, keeping the blade perpendicular to the surface of the dissection tray (shown in photograph below). Push the knife straight down in one smooth motion. 4. As the blade touches the tray, slowly pull the knife towards you and let the two pieces of brain separate. Your cut should be similar to that shown below. Olfactory bulb Cut C )+" Dissection Procedures 5. To complete Cut E, repeat steps 2-4, with the knife positioned at the level of the optic chiasm. Cut E 6. Similarly, repeat steps 2-4 at the level of the cerebral peduncles (Cut H). Clean metal surface of dissection tray before proceeding with the content of Photoseries 6A. Cut H ANATOMY OF THE DISSECTED SAMPLE After performing these coronal cuts through the cerebrum, all major cortical and subcortical structures will be visible, including several ventricles, tracts, commissures and capsules. 81 (C1) Caudal to Olfactory Bulbs Corona radiata Cingulum Lateral ventricle Subcallosal fasciculus Claustrum Caudate nucleus External capsule Septohypothalamic and septotubercular tracts Putamen (C2) Caudal to Olfactory Bulbs " Corona radiata Cingulum Genu of corpus callosum Caudate nucleus Putamen Lateral olfactory tract Septohypothalamic and septotubercular tracts 82 (D1) Through Olfactory Tubercles Body of corpus callosum Caudate nucleus Subcallosal fasciculus Extreme capsule Internal capsule Claustrum Putamen External capsule Anterior commissure Olfactory tubercle Septohypothalamic and septotubercular tracts (D2) Through Olfactory Tubercles Caudate nucleus Subcallosal fasciculus Extreme capsule External capsule Internal capsule Lateral olfactory tract Anterior commissure Olfactory tubercle 83 (D3) Through Olfactory Tubercles Extreme capsule mmb Subcallosal fasciculus External capsule mmb mmb Putamen mmb Internal capsule mmb Globus pallidus Claustrum mmb mmb (D4) Through Olfactory Tubercles Cingulum mmb Septum pellucidum Septal nucleus Globus pallidus mmb mmb mmb Olfactory tubercle mmb Lateral olfactory tract mmb 84 (E1) Through Optic Chiasm Body of corpus callosum Lateral ventricle Caudate nucleus Extreme capsule Septal nucleus External capsule Putamen Claustrum Globus pallidus Preoptic area Internal capsule Optic chiasm Column of fornix (E2) Through Optic Chiasm Subcallosal fasciculus Extreme capsule Caudate nucleus Claustrum Internal capsule Putamen Globus pallidus Optic chiasm 85 (E3) Through Optic Chiasm Body of corpus callosum mmb Caudate nucleus mmb Extreme capsule External capsule mmb mmb Claustrum Optic chiasm mmb mmb Globus pallidus mmb (F1) Through Optic Chiasm Body of corpus callosum Lateral ventricle Fornix Fimbria Subcallosal fasciculus Extreme capsule Caudate nucleus Anterior thalamic nucleus Amygdala Claustrum Fornix External capsule Hypothalamus Optic Chiasm Putamen 86 (F2) Through Optic Chiasm Fornix Fimbria Cingulum Subcallosal fasciculus Internal capsule Optic tract III Ventricle Hypothalamus (G1) Anterior to Mammillary Body Subcallosal fasciculus Fornix III ventricle mmb mmb mmb Stria medullaris mmb Mammillothalamic tract Fornix Choroid plexus mmb mmb mmb Mammillary body mmb Optic tract mmb 87 (G2) Through Mammillary Body Fornix Fimbria mmb Subcallosal fasciculus mmb mmb Medial thalamic nucleus Stria medullaris mmb mmb Ventral thalamic nucleus III ventricle mmb mmb Fornix mmb Mammillary body mmb Optic tract mmb (G3) Through Mammillary Body Splenium of corpus callosum mmb Subcallosal fasciculus Fornix Dentate gyrus mmb mmb mmb Fimbria Habenula mmb Medial thalamic nucleus mmb mmb Ventral thalamic nucleus Optic tract mmb mmb Mammillothalamic tract mmb Fornix mmb III ventricle mmb 88 (H1) Through Cerebral Peduncles Pineal body Subcallosal fasciculus mmb mmb Posterior commissure Dentate gyrus mmb mmb Lateral geniculate body mmb Medial geniculate body Alveus mmb mmb Crus cerebri Substantia nigra mmb Midbrain reticular formation mmb mmb (H2) Through Cerebral Peduncles Cingulum mmb Subcallosal fasciculus Splenium of corpus callosum mmb mmb Pulvinar Pineal body mmb mmb Lateral geniculate body mmb Medial geniculate body Crus cerebri Midbrain reticular formation mmb Posterior commissure mmb mmb mmb Substantia nigra mmb 89 (H3) Through the Cerebral Peduncles Dentate gyrus Pineal body mmb mmb Posterior commissure mmb Pulvinar mmb Lateral geniculate body Medial geniculate body mmb Alveus mmb Midbrain reticular formation mmb mmb (H4) Through Cerebral Peduncles Splenium of corpus callosum mmb Subcallosal fasciculus Superior colliculus mmb mmb Dentate gyrus Posterior commissure mmb Alveus Lateral ventricle mmb mmb mmb 90 (I1) Through the Rostral Pons Optic radiations Superior colliculus mmb mmb Inferior colliculus Central gray mmb mmb mm b Cerebral aqueduct mmb (I2) Through the Rostral Pons mmb Superior colliculus mmb Inferior colliculus Rostral pons mmb mmb 91 Sheep Brain Dissections Photoseries 6B During this lab we will make coronal cuts throughout the cerebellum. Cerebellar cuts J K OB OTr L J. Mid-Pons K. Rostral medulla L. Glossopharyngeal nerve OTb OC Pons MB TB Medulla CP Neuroanatomy Laboratory Dr. Janelle LeBoutillier Dissection Procedures: Photoseries 6B Neuroanatomy Laboratory ANATOMY OF THE DISSECTION In this lab, three cerebellar coronal cuts will be made through the following ventral surface structures: • Cut J – though mid-pons • Cut K – through rostral medulla • Cut L – at the glossopharyngeal nerve MATERIALS • Dissection tray • Dissection knife (TA will provide and assist as necessary) • Scalpel PROCEDURE 1. Turn the dissection tray upside down, exposing the flat metal surface. Place the uncut cerebellum remaining from Photoseries 6A on the metal surface, orientated with the ventral surface facing up (see photograph on the following page). 2. Work with your partner to complete this dissection: one person should stand on one side of the lab bench and hold the the brain in place. The other person, standing on the opposite side of the lab bench, should position the dissection knife. 3. Place the dissection knife over the middle of the pons, keeping the blade perpendicular to the surface of the dissection tray (shown in photograph on the next page). Push the knife straight down in one smooth motion. Caution: you are now working with a small piece of brain tissue, therefore be cautious when stabilizing the brain and positioning the knife. 93 Dissection Procedures 4. When the blade touches the tray, slowly pull the knife towards you and let the two pieces of brain separate. Your cut should be similar to that shown below. CAUTION: You are working with a small tissue sample – ensure that your fingers are appropriately positioned away from the blade of the knife. Cut J CUT J 5. The next cerebellar cut (Cut K) is made along the division line between the pons and the trapezoid body, as shown below. Repeat steps 2-4 to complete this cut. Cut K Clean metal surface of dissection tray before proceeding with the content of Photoseries 6B. CUT K . 6. The final Cut L is made along the division line between the trapezoid body and the rest of the medulla (no photograph shown). Note: this coronal section will likely separate into two pieces: (1) the cerebellar folia and (2) the 'kidney bean' shaped medulla. ANATOMY OF THE DISSECTED SAMPLE After performing these coronal cuts through the cerebellum, numerous brain stem nuclei, tracts and the IV ventricle will be visible. 94 (J1) Through Middle of Pons Superior cerebellar peduncle Reticular formation mmb mmb Dorsal tegmental nucleus mmb (J2) Through Middle of Pons Superior cerebellar peduncle Dorsal tegmental nucleus mmb Reticular formation Medial longitudinal fasciculus Medial lemniscus mmb mmb mmb mmb Transverse pontine fibers mmb Corticospinal and corticobulbar tracts mmb 95 (J3) Through Middle of Pons Lingula mmb Dorsal tegmental nucleus Medial longitudinal fasciculus mmb Superior cerebellar peduncle mmb Corticospinal and corticobulbar tracts mmb mmb Medial lemniscus mmb (K1) Through Rostral Medulla Lingula Trapezoid body fibers Medial lemniscus mmb mmb mmb Medial longitudinal fasciculus mmb 96 (K2) Through Rostral Medulla Lingula mmb IV ventricle Medial longitudinal fasciculus mmb mmb mmb Medial lemniscus mmb Trapezoid body fibers mmb (K3) Through Rostral Medulla IV ventricle Reticular formation mmb Vestibular nucleus mmb Lingula Medial longitudinal fasciculus mmb mmb mmb 97 (L) Through Glossopharyngeal Nerve Solitary tract Olivary nucleus mmb mmb Medial longitudinal fasciculus Inferior cerebellar peduncle Pyramidal tract mmb mmb mmb Reticular formation mmb Vestibular nucleus mmb 98 Appendix Neuroanatomy Laboratory Dr. Janelle LeBoutillier Answers to Study Sheets PAGE 11 Figure 1 – Majorgyri 1. Endomarginal gyrus 2. Marginal gyrus 3. Ectomarginal gyrus 4. A. Caudal suprasylvian gyrus B. Rostralsuprasylvian gyrus 5. Caudal ectosylvian gyrus 6. Precoronal gyrus What is the difference between a sulcus and a gyrus? On the surface of a gyrencephalic brain, the sulci are the grooves or “valley” and the gyri are the “hills” (see Anatomical Terminology section) Figure 2 – Major sulci 1. Medial longitudinal fissure 2. Endomarginal sulcus 3. Marginal sulcus 4. Ectomarginal sulcus 5. Suprasylvian sulcus 6. Ansate sulcus 7. Coronal sulcus What is the difference between a sulcus and a fissure? A fissure is a very deep sulcus (see Anatomical Terminology section) Figure 3 – Lateral surface structures 1. Sylvian sulcus 2. Diagonal sulcus 3. Rhinal fissure 4. Pyriformlobe 5. Uncus (periamygdaloid cortex) 6. Olfactory tract 7. Presylvian gyrus 8. Presylvian sulcus PAGE 12 Figure 1 – Ventral surface structures 1. Olfactory bulb 2. Lateral olfactory tract 3. Pyriformlobe 4. Uncus (periamygdaloid cortex) 5. Tuber cinereum 6. Infundibulum 7. Mammillary body Which structures compose the brain stem? The midbrain, pons and medulla (see Major Subdivisions of the Sheep Brain) Figure 2 – Ventral brain stem 1. Midbrain 2. Pons 3. Trapezoid body 4. Olive 5. Pyramidal tract 6. Ventral median fissure PAGE 13 Figure 1 – Cranial nerves 1. Olfactory bulb (I) 2. Olfactory tract 3. Optic nerve (II) 4. Optic chiasm 5. Optic tract 6. Oculomotor nerve (II) 7. Trochlear nerve (IV) 8. Trigeminal nerve (V) 9. Abducens nerve (VI) 10. Facial nerve (VII) 11. Vestibulocochlear nerve (VIII) 12. Glossopharyngeal nerve (IX) 13. Vagus nerve (X) 14. Spinal accessory nerve (XI) 15. Hypoglossal nerve (XII) What is the difference between a nerve and a tract? Nerves are bundles of myelinated axons located in the peripheral nervous system (cranial nerves are components of the PNS). In the central nervous system, analogous structures are called tracts. Figure 2 – Rostral cerebellum 1. Lingula 2. Centralis 3. Culmen 4. Simplex 5. Ansiformlobule 6. Paraflocculus 7. Flocculus 100 PAGE 14 Figure 1 – Cerebellum: lateral view 1. Lingula 2. Centralis 3. Culmen 4. Simplex 5. Tuber vermis 6. Pyramis 7. Uvula Figure 2 – Cerebellum: midsagittal cut 1. Lingula 2. Centralis 3. Culmen 4. Simplex 5. Tuber vermis 6. Pyramis 7. Uvula 8. Nodulus Figure 3 – Cerebellum: caudal view 1. Uvula 2. Pyramis 3. Tuber vermis 4. Paramedian lobule 5. Paraflocculus PAGE 15 Figure 1 – Corpus callosum 1. Splenium of the corpus callosum 2. Cingulate gyrus 3. Body of the corpus callosum 4. Fornix 5. Subcallosal gyrus 6. Genu of the corpus callosum 7. Genual gyrus What is the function of the corpus callosum? Why is it white? The corpus callosum is a commissure – a bundle of myelinated axons that cross the midline. Myelinated fibers appear white in colour due to the lipid (fat) composition of myelin. What is the difference between a commissure and a tract? Tracts are bundles of axons that connect one part of the brain to another. Projection tracts typically extend vertically (between higher and lower brain regions) within the same hemisphere, whereas commissural tracts cross from one cerebral hemisphere to the other via “bridges” called commissures. Figure 2 – Midsagittal structures 1. Inferior colliculus 2. Superior colliculus 3. Pineal body 4. Posterior commissure 5. Habenula 6. Thalamus 7. Massa intermedia 8. Mammillary body 9. Hypothalamus 10. Optic chiasm" PAGE 16 Figure 1 – Ventricular system 1. Interventricular foramen 2. Third (III) ventricle 3. Cerebral aqueduct 4. Fourth (IV) ventricle Figure 2 – Major arteries 1. Anterior cerebral artery 2. Middle cerebral artery 3. Posterior communicating artery 4. Posterior cerebral artery 5. Basilar artery Figure 3 – Brain stem nuclei 1. Obex 2. Gracile nuclei 3. Cuneate nuclei 4. Vestibular nuclei 5. Vagal nuclei 6. Fourth (IV) ventricle PAGE 17 Figure 1 – Dorsal view of hippocampal formation 1. Genu of corpus callosum 2. Caudate nucleus 3. Septum pellucidum 4. Septal nucleus 5. Dorsal fornix 6. Fimbria Figure 2 – Diencephalon + ventral view of hippocampal formation 1. Hippocampal fissure 2. Dentate gyrus 3. Fimbria 4. Caudate nucleus 5. Stria medullaris 6. Habenula 7. Medial geniculate body 8. Pulvinar 9. Lateral geniculate body 101 Figure 3 – Lateral view of diencephalon 1. Pulvinar 2. Medial geniculate body 3. Lateral geniculate body 4. Optic tract 5. Mammillary body 6. Optic chiasm PAGE 18 Figure 1 – Horizontal Cut A2 1. Subcallosal fasciculus 2. Anterior thalamic nuclei 3. Medial thalamic nuclei 4. Pulvinar 5. Lateral geniculate body 6. Dentate gyrus 7. Superior colliculus Figure 2 – Horizontal Cut B2 1. Dentate gyrus 2. Fimbria 3. Amygdala 4. Globus pallidus 5. Fornix 6. Habenulo-interpeduncular tract 7. Central gray PAGE 19 Figure 1 – Coronal Cut C 1. Corona radiata 2. Cingulum 3. Subcallosal fasciculus 4. Caudate nucleus 5. Internal capsule 6. Putamen 7. External capsule 8. Septohypothalamic and septotubercular tracts Figure 2 – Coronal Cut D 1. Internal capsule 2. External capsule 3. Extreme capsule 4. Body of corpus callosum 5. Lateral ventricle 6. Septum pellucidum 7. Septohypothalamic and septotubercular tracts 8. Anterior commissure 9. Olfactory tubercle 10. Lateral olfactory tract Figure 3 – Coronal Cut E 1. Body of corpus callosum 2. Septum pellucidum 3. Septal nucleus 4. Column of fornix 5. Preoptic area 6. Optic chiasm 7. Globus pallidus 8. Claustrum PAGE 20 Figure 1 – Coronal Cut F 1. Body of the corpus callosum 2. Fimbria 3. Anterior thalamic nuclei 4. Caudate nucleus 5. Amygdala 6. Fornix 7. Hypothalamus 8. Optic chiasm Figure 2 – Coronal Cut G 1. Third (III) ventricle 2. Habenula 3. Medial thalamic nucleus 4. Ventral thalamic nucleus 5. Optic tract 6. Mammillothalamic tract 7. Fornix 8. Mammillary body 9. Dentate gyrus 10. Alveus Figure 3 – Coronal Cut H 1. Pineal body 2. Posterior commissure 3. Pulvinar 4. Midbrain reticular formation 5. Substantia nigra 6. Crus cerebri 7. Medial geniculate body 8. Lateral geniculate body 9. Dentate gyrus 10. Alveus 102 PAGE 22 Figure 1 – Coronal Cut J 1. Lingula 2. Dorsal tegmental nucleus 3. Medial longitudinal fasciculus 4. Medial lemniscus 5. Transverse pontine fibers 6. Corticospinal and corticobulbar tracts 7. Reticular formation 8. Superior cerebellar peduncle Figure 2 – Coronal Cut K 1. Vestibular nucleus 2. Medial longitudinal fasciculus 3. Medial lemniscus 4. Trapezoid body fibers 5. Reticular formation Figure 3 – Coronal Cut L 1. Inferior cerebellar peduncles 2. Vestibular nucleus 3. Solitary tract 4. Medial longitudinal fasciculus 5. Olivary nucleus 6. Reticular formation 7. Pyramidal tract 103