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Over 40 Hormone Reset Diet Training Manual

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No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever,
electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any
informational storage or retrieval system without expressed written, dated and
signed permission from the author. All copyrights are reserved.
Disclaimer and/or Legal Notices
The information provided in this guide is for educational purposes only. We
are not doctors and this is not meant to be taken as medical advice. The
information provided in this guide is based upon our experiences as well as our
interpretations of the current research available.
The advice and tips given in this download are meant for healthy adults only. You
should consult your physician to insure tips given in this course are appropriate
for your individual circumstances.
If you have any health issues or pre-existing conditions, please consult with your
physician before implementing any of the information provided below.
This product is for informational purposes only and the author does not accept
any responsibilities for any liabilities or damages, real or perceived, resulting from
the use of this information.
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Table of Contents
Welcome to the Over 40 Hormone Reset Diet Training Manual......................................5
Chapter 1: How to achieve Rapid Fat Loss for the Long Haul......................................7
Introduction: The Over 40 Ab Solution .......................................................10
5 Amazing Benefits of Metabolic Zone Training .........................................15
Chapter 2: The 3 Proven Systems of Metabolic Zone Training....................................21
Chapter 3: The Exercises and Workouts .....................................................................36
Chapter 4: The Best Bodyweight Exercises.................................................................45
Chapter 5: The Best and Worst Cardio Machines........................................................56
Chapter 6: The Truth About Carbohydrates and Your Belly Fat ..................................65
Chapter 7: Over 40 Hormone Reset Diet Continuation Plan .......................................73
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Welcome To The Over 40 Hormone
Reset Diet Training Manual
One of the smartest exercise protocols on the planet.
Ok, we’re biased. :)
But we truly believe it is. And once you apply this approach consistently we’re sure you’ll
We’ve had countless amounts of emails from men and women between the ages of 25 and 65
over the last few years validating the efficacy of this approach for shrinking belly fat.
And if you’re reading this, I’m sure you’re smart enough to know that diet pills, endless long
duration cardio and infomercial gadgets that supposedly target stomach fat, do not work.
So whether you’re really overweight and trying to accelerate your current fat loss, you’ve hit a
plateau, or you’re looking to burn off that last few pounds of stubborn fat…
You’ve just found your solution.
The strategies we’ll share with you inside this guide will ensure that you’ll NEVER hit a plateau
and you’ll always know EXACTLY what to do so that your body is always burning fat when you
eat and exercise.
This means every time you do any type of cardio, you’ll be targeting stubborn fat by using the
proper metabolic system. In fact, these workouts can even help you quickly break apart and
“burn off” pockets of ugly cellulite.
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And believe it or not, there are also tremendous benefits to combining lower intensity cardio
with intervals…but you have to use the right strategy.
But first, a little reality check.
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How to Achieve Rapid Fat Loss
for the Long Haul
Do You Have Realistic Expectations?
When it comes to Rapid Fat Loss, many folks set themselves up for unrealistic expectations
and never follow through.
Before we get to our proven strategies, here are a few quick tips and insights that will set you
up for both immediate and long-term, sustained weight loss.
Although these strategies work fast – no matter what your age, gender, or current condition –
in order to achieve success you must have the following two things working in your favor.
Component #1:
See the Big Picture
Although you can get a VERY fast start with just using interval training, it won’t last unless you
see the big picture if you’re over 40 years old.
You’ll no doubt get rapid results applying these techniques, but you must be patient enough to
stay the course down the road a few weeks when your old habits want to sneak back into your
Additionally, we all have different genetics.
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A young man between 20 and 40 is going to get fat burning results a heck of a lot faster
than an aging female who has dieted for years, damaged her metabolism and has
hormones that are all out of whack.
If you’re a female and this somewhat describes you, just be patient enough to understand
your metabolism is going to be a little more stubborn because you have other factors working
against you.
Keep going even if you feel stuck. You’ll get your breakthrough if you apply this stuff and stick it
Component #2:
Just like anything in life, the longest way is a short cut. You’re never going to be perfect
following a plan, but do your best to be a little more anal if you want RAPID fat loss. It will pay
Obviously, the ultimate goal is to be in great shape year round, but most people set their
expectations too high because they compare themselves to a swimsuit or fitness model,
Hollywood celebrities, or even professional athletes.
I know from my own personal experience of being involved in the talent and fitness modeling
industry that you can usually only hold those “peak” moments shown in photographs for
a few hours at a time, a day or two at most.
Unfortunately, after photographers “capture” these moments, they hand them off to big
companies, advertisers and marketers who trick us into making us feel like we should be able
to look this way all the time.
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Not true, OR realistic.
Think about how many times you’ve seen a famous model or actor on the cover of a magazine
or on a commercial looking out of this world.
Then a day or two later while you’re buying groceries you see them “caught on hidden
camera” with all their physical flaws exposed by some gossip magazine or publication.
Whether it’s a peak moment caught on camera or airbrushing, remember to compare yourself
with yourself -- and your past results, so that your expectations are realistic and progressive
at the same time.
This is the only way, in our opinion, to make this type of approach a rewarding experience.
Rapid fat loss is an opportunity for life changing breakthroughs along with physical and
personal growth.
This is an important anchor in your life that needs to be a priority.
If you’re like most of the world, you’re busy. You spend most of your time and energy
committing to other people and responsibilities beside yourself.
Make sure you block off time to plan ahead and make time for YOU.
Schedule your nutrition and exercise first…so you can give everybody else your very
This is not a selfish thing to do. You’ll find the reward will carry over into other areas of your life
in a very positive way.
Additionally, your confidence will soar because you’ll end up looking great too.
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The Over 40 Ab Solution
First let’s review the 3 “Zones” you’ll be using to attack your “Over 40” stubborn fat cells and
start seeing your belly get flatter in less than 7 days from now.
The entire purpose of Zone #1 is to stabilize blood sugar and flat line your body’s #1 fat
storage hormone—insulin, before using Zone #2.
This allows fat to be used much quicker as an energy source, while putting your body in the
perfect hormonal state to release fat burning and youth hormones stimulated by Zone #2
You’ll see a few different “primers” below, which require very little time and effort.
Now that your body is “primed” to burn off stubborn fat it’s time to enter Zone #2, which
is comprised of two different types of exercise protocols specifically designed to release
MASSIVE amounts of fat burning and youth hormones into your bloodstream.
The first one is called Metabolic Bursting (20-30 second bursts of high intensity exercise) and
the second is called Threshold Intervals (60 second bursts of high intensity exercise).
Both of these protocols will release the hormones that “break apart” stubborn fat cells and
keep your body looking younger.
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Everything is laid out for you step by step inside this guide.
The third and final step is to “burn off” and permanently remove stubborn fat cells you’ve just
released from using Zone 2.
We call this the Free Fatty Acid Finisher, and although it’s completely optional it’s highly
recommended to use if and when time permits.
Let’s review all 3 Zones in detail…
Zone #1: “PRIME”
Goal: Flat line insulin and keep blood sugar levels stable so
your body can use fat as its FIRST source of energy
Primer #1: Walk 5 to 10 minutes or do some other type
of low intensity exercise. This will help lower insulin
before you use the Zone #2 12-minute workouts.
If you eat before you start using the exercise protocols found in Zone #2 you’ll spike insulin,
which BLOCKS your body’s ability to release the hormones that are responsible for burning
stubborn fat.
Primer #2: Exercise in the morning (or after waking up) in a completely “fasted” state OR
if you exercise later in the day try to wait 3 to 5 hours AFTER eating until you exercise.
Whenever you fast, your body’s blood sugar stabilizes and your insulin levels remain low
causing your body to release more “youth hormones” (Growth Hormone).
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This also puts your body in the perfect hormonal state to release fat burning hormones when
using the Zone #2 protocols.
BONUS Primer: Try to wait 60-90 minutes after each 12 minute workout before you
consume ANY calories.
The Over 40 Ab Solution12 minute workouts will force your body to release more Growth
Hormone and adrenaline by ramping up your sympathetic nervous system.
This helps create a fat burning hormonal environment inside your body both during AND after
exercise. If you decide to eat directly after exercise there’s no doubt this is a “healthy” choice,
but always remember this:
The minute you consume ANY calories after exercise, you’ll spike your body’s #1
storage hormone – insulin.
And although insulin helps shuttle nutrients to muscles quickly, it’s the antagonist of growth
hormone so it can potentially STOP your body from burning fat altogether.
But if you wait 60-90 minutes after exercise before eating, the absence of insulin—along with
the presence of growth hormone and adrenaline will spare muscle and help you burn a lot
more stubborn fat.
That’s why I recommend you ride the fat burning wave for 60-90 minutes after exercise by
NOT eating right away.
NOTE: This doesn’t mean you can’t get great results eating directly after exercise if you
want to.
But I recommend that you “ride the fat burning wave” to accelerate the burning of belly fat after
your 12 minute routines.
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*NOTE: These primers are only intended for healthy people who have been cleared by their
doctor for exercise. If you have pre-diabetes or diabetes of any kind, consult your physician
before attempting any of these recommendations.
Zone #2: “RELEASE”
Zone #2 uses 2 scientifically proven exercise protocols
that will “release” your body’s MOST stubborn fat cells so
they can be burned off.
I’m sure you’re no stranger to interval training. If it’s
something you’ve never tried before, you’ve landed on
the perfect spot. This guide will have you burning fat like
you’ve never experienced.
For those of you who don’t know, intervals are simply a very hard, short burst of exercise
(sprinting, jumping, cycling, bodyweight exercises, high intensity cardio, etc.) followed by an
active recovery period before repeating another interval or burst.
If you’re familiar with this type of strategy I have even better news.
There’s actually a better way to approach interval training to help your metabolism overcome
the adaptive response that’s associated with exercise.
You’ll learn all about it below.
The 2 protocols below are by far the most efficient and effective way to force the release of
fat burning hormones to help you burn off stubborn belly fat while simultaneously overcoming
exercise plateaus and adaptation.
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Traditional intervals typically last 1 to 2 minutes in length. The Metabolic Bursting intervals
you’ll be using below are shorter in duration (10 to 30 seconds max) and harder in effort.
You’ll have to adjust your level of effort based on your current condition, but age does
NOT matter.
Even if you’re well into your 50s (like Karen), 60s, or even 70s, you can apply Metabolic
Zone Training. Just make sure you’ve been cleared by your doctor for exercise and apply the
intensity levels to your current level of fitness.
And once you discover the amazing benefits of using the Metabolic Bursting protocols
after using your “primer” you’ll never look back.
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5 Amazing Benefits of Zone #2
Metabolic Bursting
1. UNLEASHES your fat burning hormones
It all starts with hormones called Catecholamines.
Catastrophic HUH? No…Catecholamines!
Catecholamines are “fight-or-flight” hormones released by the adrenal glands in response to
stress like high intensity bursting. They are part of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and
they force the release of free fatty acids into the bloodstream.
Catecholamines eventually convert to dopamine, norepinephrine, and eventually to
epinephrine, which ultimately forces the release of these free fatty acids.
In other words, these catecholamines break apart stubborn fat (more on how to “burn
off” this stubborn fat in a second).
This is just one of the many reasons why strategic bursts are so much more effective for fat
loss than traditional exercise and old-school cardio.
Several key studies also indicate that a series of 20 to 30 second sprints sharply increased
HGH (Human Growth Hormone) in the body while exercising – and also for roughly 2 hours
after a workout.
Speaking of after, let’s not forget about the famous “After burn.”
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Bursting and intervals have the potential to increase your metabolic rate for 38 to 48 hours
after doing just one 12 minute session.
Pretty amazing.
In the fitness world we call this EPOC or Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption. EPOC
is just a fancy acronym for the amount of fat and calories burned AFTER a workout.
IMPORTANT: If you want stellar results from bursting – enough to see a dramatic change in
how your body looks – it doesn’t require a lot of time…but it does require the right strategy and
In other words, you have to push yourself out of your comfort zone even if you’re a little
Trust me, you’ll know when you get there…
So how do you really know if you’re going hard enough to release an arsenal of fat burning
hormones while producing the maximum after burn?
Here are some guidelines:
1. Lack of oxygen and feeling out of breath.
Kind of obvious, but take this one to heart. In fact, grunting, moaning, and crying out to the
fat burning gods are not uncommon. Seriously, you need to bust it if you want results from
bursting. Or as Jim Carry says in the movie Liar, Liar, “I’m kickin’ my own ass!”
2. Muscle burn (lactic acid overload).
Sometimes you should notice your chest burning for several minutes after your bursts. This
is a good sign. It means your fight or flight response and (SNS) has kicked up – big time.
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3. Increase in body temp or breaking a serious sweat.
In fact, you should continue to sweat for a while afterwards if you push yourself hard
enough. This is your body’s way of trying to cool itself down, but it’s also a sign that you’ve
pushed yourself hard enough to get the hormones going.
4. You must “feel the pain.”
Just remember, when you think you can’t do another burst or interval…do 1 or 2 more.
At times you might feel tingles in your arms, legs, or even in your head. This is commonly
referred to as the GH “tingles” and it’s another key indicator that you’re performing your
bursts and intervals properly.
Caution: Do not go all out if you’re not conditioned properly. Again, apply EACH technique
based on your current health.
Remember, this is a process, NOT an event. If you’re just starting out, gradually increase
intensity as you condition yourself week by week. But first things first – make sure you’re
healthy enough to go all out and apply these strategies.
2. Gets you fitter, FASTER than any other type of exercise
Researchers from 2 published journal articles found that bursts or sprinting for 20 to 30
seconds performed 3 times a week for 20 minutes or less produced the same results as 3
endurance (the slow boring stuff) cycling sessions, each of which lasted 90 minutes to 2 hours.
In other words, just one hour of bursting or sprinting over the course of a week produced what
would take up to 6 hours of the normal, boring textbook target heart rate cardio.
Also, after just two weeks (or six total bursting/sprinting workouts) subjects increased their
endurance by 100% and they began using oxygen more efficiently to burn fuels.
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3. Burns more overall calories--- especially FAT calories
Although traditional, low-intensity target heart rate exercise gets a lot of the attention and
publicity…sprint – speed bursting type workouts actually deliver superior fat-loss results.
Here’s why.
Although you can maintain lower intensity workouts for longer periods of time (1 hour or more)
and it allows you to supposedly burn a greater percentage of fat calories (as opposed to carbs
or stored glycogen)…minute for minute the slow-stuff burns substantially fewer total calories,
therefore fewer fat calories as well.
In fact, subjects who engaged in these types of workouts increased the amount of fat they burned
36% more than those who engaged in moderate intensity exercise. It’s because the higher
intensity workouts produce more mitochondria (your body’s cellular fat-burning powerhouse).
All this indicates is that adding bursting and interval workouts to your fitness program also
conditions your body to burn more fat during moderate-intensity exercise, as well.
4. Fuels your mind, fights Alzheimer’s,
and makes you SMARTER
Research indicates that higher intensity workouts are a great catalyst for your brain to produce
more dopamine and serotonin. These are brain transmitters that reduce stress during
exercise and other activities.
There is also the evidence suggesting that bursting can increase the amount of
catecholamines your brain produces (discussed above). Remember, these are
neurotransmitters found in the amino acid tyrosine which help the body stay sharp during
prolonged periods of work, sleep deprivation, and other stressful situations…like everyday life.
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In other words, when you make time to go fast and burst on a regular basis you won’t feel
lethargic after lunch anymore.
It seems to create the perfect synergy between the brain and the body.
5. Puts a “spring” in your step and makes you look
and feel YOUNGER again
Have you ever noticed how kids have non-stop energy, can go all day long without stopping
and the last thing they want to do is sleep?
It’s because they run around with the ‘need for speed’ in their everyday activities and their
natural hormones are cranking.
It seems like we all start to lose that drive by the time we hit our late 20s. But bursting workouts
3 to 5 times a week will create a new confidence and an appreciation for the spectacular
engine that God has given us called our body.
Your body is supposed to have its engine revved up on weekly basis. It’s the best form of
physical and emotional renewal to release more fat burning hormones and bring back some
youthful energy.
As you can see, the benefits of this approach are very efficient and effective.
Let’s break it down.
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Zone #3: “BURN”
Zone #3 uses the long forgotten “old school” steady state
cardio trick used by Fitness Models and Professional
Bodybuilders to whittle away their last few pounds of stubborn
fat making their skin look tighter in their midsection and love
handles look tighter.
Although Zone #3 is completely optional, it’s the only proven
method I know of that will “burn off” and REMOVE your stubborn fat cells that have been
“released” from Zone #2, preventing your body from “restoring” stubborn fat cells.
Zone #3 is simply 10 to 30 minutes of steady state cardio or brisk walking for 10-30 minutes
AFTER you perform your 12-minute workouts.
When you chronically do steady state cardio it’s hard on your heart, releases stress
hormones, and can actually stop your body from burning stubborn fat…
UNLESS it’s done sparingly and at the right times like we show you in the following chapters.
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The 3 Proven Systems of
Metabolic Zone Training
There are 3 different Metabolic Protocols that you’ll be using below.
Protocol #1: (ZONE 2) Metabolic Bursting is the most powerful and it was just discussed in
great detail above. It involves a series of short-hard bursts of exercise lasting between 20 and
30 seconds with recovery time between bursts.
Protocol #2: (ZONE 2) Threshold Intervals involves a series of short-hard intervals that
usually last 60 seconds (sometimes they can be longer) with recovery time between intervals.
Protocol #3: (ZONE 3) The Old-School Fat Finisher (steady state cardio) is lower intensity
cardio done for longer durations.
By combining all three systems in a strategic “protocol” you’ll maximize your fat burning
potential and prevent your body from hitting exercise adaptation.
Each “protocol” is specifically designed to feed off each other for rapid results and continuous
Here’s how all 3 protocols work:
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Protocol 1
Metabolic Bursting (creatine-phosphate)
Remember, bursting is by far the most efficient and effective way to force the release of fat
burning hormones to help you burn off stubborn body fat and bust through a plateau.
There’s no need to discuss this in any more detail since we just covered 5 HUGE benefits of
using this approach above.
To recap, metabolic bursts are simply a very hard, short burst of exercise (cardio, sprinting,
jumping, cycling, bodyweight exercises etc.) followed by an active recovery period to let the
heart rate come back down before repeating another interval or burst.
Again, this is totally different than traditional interval training that you’ve probably read
about on-line or in fitness magazines.
This type of anaerobic (without oxygen) energy system is called the creatine phosphate
system. It fuels maximum and near-maximum efforts of these short-bursting types of intervals.
Only tiny amounts of creatine phosphate are stored in the muscles, so this energy system
cannot support efforts lasting much longer than 20-30 seconds.
These bursting types of workouts burn more calories per minute than all workouts of lesser
Aerobic and threshold interval exercises cause a slight “after burn” effect, but it is not as
pronounced as the 38 to 48 hours you’ll get from bursting. The research I’ve read and looked
at indicates about a 60 minute after-burn from aerobic activity and about a 3 to 4-hour afterburn window from threshold type of intervals that you’ll learn about below.
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The most popular protocol using these types of “bursts” is called the Tabata Protocol – named
after the scientist who discovered them.
The Tabata Protocol Breakdown
4 minute warm up
The warm up is important for a few reasons. First, it lowers and stabilizes insulin. This is
vital because it’s nearly impossible to burn fat in the presence of insulin.
Additionally, it warms up the muscles, which will prevent injury, and begin the process of
creating more blood flow preparing the way for releasing fatty acids.
4 minute Tabata bursting protocol
The 20/10 - bursting/rest protocol at the beginning will stimulate the release of
hormones and help break apart stubborn fat.
This facilitates the release of Free Fatty Acids into the blood stream.
It will also help enhance the after-burn, activate Glut 4 (glucose transporter), and
provide a huge metabolic shock to help you burn off more stubborn fat.
Here’s an example exercise
graph of the Tabata Bursting
Unlike this graph above, I
highly recommend a 4-minute
warm up and a 4 minute cool
down as well as you’ll see in
your workouts in Chapter 3.
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It’s important to let the heart rate come back down to normal levels before stopping.
There is also a valid reason for performing 10 to 30 minutes of steady state cardio after
this type of training when you have time.
More on this in a minute.
Another variation of Metabolic Zone Training you’ll see below with your weekly schedule and
exercise charts below is 30/30 HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training).
It’s simply 30 seconds of bursting hard (using high intensity cardio or resistance training of any
type) followed by 30 seconds of recovery time.
Metabolic Bursting Summary
Goals and Benefits:
Releases fat burning hormones to force Free Fatty Acids into the blood stream
Increases Growth Hormone Production (up to 450% more post workout)
Enhances “after-burn” (EPOC: Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption)
Enhances post workout nutrient partitioning, which is the up regulation of your body’s
ability to store food inside the muscles and liver
Elevates hormonal response - release of brain chemicals and fat burning hormones
Short, hard high intensity bursting-intervals performed for 20 to 30 seconds, followed
immediately by a recovery period
Repeat cycle between 5 and 10 times
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Type of exercise and/or equipment to use (see Chapter 3 for exercise section):
You can use cardio machines, sprinting, jumping, jump rope, stairs or any type of
bodyweight movements (burpees, jump squats, mountain climbers) etc. for this protocol.
If you use the treadmill, be careful. Once you get the belt moving at higher speeds, you’ll have
to straddle the treadmill for the rest during these protocols because you won’t have the time to
slow the belt down and speed it back up again.
12 minutes with optional Free Fatty Acid Finisher (See Chapter 3)
When to Perform:
Directly after intense weight training
In the a.m. in a “fasted” state (or a protein shake and some krill oil is fine too but try not
to eat too much or you’ll suppress fat burning hormones and raise insulin too much)
3 to 5 hours after a balanced meal, when insulin is lower, to help maximize the hormonal
Protocol 2:
Threshold (anaerobic glycolysis)
“Threshold” Interval intensity is the first anaerobic system, which is technically called anaerobic
glycolysis. This is the metabolic system just above Aerobic training.
During the process of anaerobic glycolysis, glucose (sugars and/or our body’s metabolic fuel)
is broken down for energy without the use of oxygen.
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This process of breaking down glucose occurs at a much faster rate using Threshold Intervals
than with aerobic metabolism from lower intensity, steady state – type of cardio exercise.
Simply put, the Threshold system can support higher-intensity efforts.
However, when glycolysis takes place during a Threshold type of workout, it also produces
metabolic waste products that inhibit muscle contractions, which results in faster exhaustion.
The aerobic system can use these same waste products as fuels, but as soon as exercise
intensity crosses a certain threshold, wastes are produced faster than they can be used.
These waste products then accumulate in the muscles, which begin to “burn” (from lactate or
lactic acid) and feel weak, and pretty soon you’re toast and you have to recover again.
That’s why it’s so important to incorporate the Threshold system with a series of intervals.
Performing intervals at this intensity level that is slightly above this aerobic “threshold”
carries significant benefits.
To begin with, Threshold Intervals simply enhance the cardiovascular benefits that come from
aerobic training.
If you do only aerobic-intensity workouts for a prolonged period of time, your results will level
off - FAST. But by adding threshold intervals into your program, you can continue to make
progress WITHOUT plateaus.
Additionally, Threshold Intervals are typically performed at what’s called the “Lactate
Threshold,” which has been shown to rapidly deplete glycogen stores.
So the threshold workout will empty out every last bit of glycogen inside your muscle tissue
and liver to clear the way for an influx of extra carbs and calories that may happen on a cheat
day or a higher carb day.
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In other words, it will help create more room in your energy tank by aggressively depleting both
muscle and liver glycogen enhancing fat–loss and/or making room for a cheat meal.
Ok, I know all this sounds fantastic but keep in mind that Threshold Intervals are only beneficial
when you also build them WITH a base of aerobic training.
In other words, Threshold Intervals will also help you burn more fat and calories when
incorporating a base of steady state aerobic cardio AND short duration higher intensity
bursts along with it.
Remember: all three protocols provided in this guide will “FEED” each other to prevent
plateaus so you can maintain continuous progress and accelerate your results for the long
How the Threshold System works…
You should typically stay in this anaerobic zone for 1-2 minutes max (we prefer 60 seconds
HARD for maximum results) at a time before letting your heart rate come back down to recover.
Tips and misc notes about the Threshold System:
Sometimes it is difficult to gauge intensity with Threshold Intervals. Unlike Metabolic
Bursting, which is shorter in duration (20-30 secs) AND you must go “all out,” Threshold
Intervals must be closer to 60 to 180 seconds in duration and therefore pacing yourself
is vital.
If you go “all out” at the beginning of each interval, you’ll poop out and never make it all
the way through while maintaining the proper intensity.
You’ll also be tapping into and working the WRONG system. So make sure you pace
yourself by monitoring your intensity levels closely and follow the detailed interval
training charts below in the workout section.
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Threshold Summary
Goals and Benefits:
Rapidly depletes glycogen stores
Conditions the first anaerobic system (anaerobic glycolysis)
Primes and programs metabolism to get a faster and better fat burning response from
the other two metabolic systems
Moderate to High Intensity 60 to 180 second hard intervals followed by one to two
minute recovery periods
Usually 12 to 30 minutes
When to Perform:
Directly after resistance or body weight training
In the a.m. in a “fasted” state (again, a protein shake and some krill oil is fine, but try not
to eat too much or you’ll suppress fat burning hormones and raise insulin too much)
3 to 5 hours after a balanced meal to help maximize the hormonal effect
A few hours before an influx of extra carbs, calories, or a cheat meal
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Protocol 3:
Steady State Cardio
(Old-School Free Fatty Acid Finisher)
When you perform “old-school” steady state cardio you use the aerobic system.
Within this intensity level, oxygen is primarily present so you can go for longer durations at a
steady pace.
Just remember: Aerobic means with oxygen (easier) and anaerobic means without oxygen
Whenever you use the aerobic system, the majority of fat calories burned happens during the
workout itself – as opposed to after compared with higher intensity protocols.
In aerobic metabolism, oxygen is used to break down fatty acids and glucose to release
energy. The aerobic system produces harmless byproducts (carbon dioxide, water, and heat).
Since this energy is readily available for use, aerobic-intensity exercise can continue for
relatively long periods of time, especially in well-conditioned people.
But because aerobic metabolism is usually slower, this energy system is inadequate to support
high-intensity efforts.
But there’s still more to the story…
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The DEATH of traditional aerobics and cardio?
Regardless of what people are saying on-line or what your local personal trainer has to say
about intervals or low intensity aerobics, the uncontested truth is this:
We need BOTH aerobic (old-school) cardio AND a variety of intervals to be a real fat
burning machine year round.
And regardless of what the masses are saying, exercising at aerobic intensity results in many
positive adaptations. You just have to be “smart” about it and strategically use it the RIGHT
When approached properly, it strengthens the heart and the entire cardio-respiratory
system, which results in general good health and also enhances performance in all
Aerobic conditioning is the foundation of fitness because it’s the springboard that prepares the
body to handle higher-intensity exercise.
So aerobic intensity (old-school) steady state cardio should remain an integral part of even the
most advanced training regimens.
Aerobic intensity exercise also increases your overall endurance, which allows you to sustain
activity for longer periods of time.
It does this by increasing your body’s fat-burning efficiency and glucose storage capacity.
Aerobic-intensity exercise is also an excellent means of improving body composition, because
the rate of fat burning peaks in the middle of this intensity range.
Keep in mind this is a much different metabolic process than burning stubborn fat with bursting
or intervals, but a necessary aspect that should not be overlooked.
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Even though calories are burned more rapidly in threshold and bursting intervals
workouts than in aerobic workouts, the overall calorie-burning potential of aerobic
exercise is greater.
Again, this is only measuring metabolic activity during the workout, not afterwards.
Benefits of Limited Amounts of
“Old-School” Cardio…
Conditions the aerobic system to strengthen the heart and cardiovascular system
differently than higher intensity workouts
Serves as the foundation for ALL other exercise intensity levels
Increases performance, capacity, and endurance of higher intensity exercise
Burns off residual Free Fatty Acids that are actively released during higher intensity
exercise sessions
The “Old-School” Sneaky Trick That STOPS Your Body
From Restoring OVER 40 Stubborn Fat Cells…
Whenever you have the extra time, perform “old-school” cardio AFTER any type of high
intensity exercise.
This is a metabolic trick that’s extremely effective for burning “stubborn” fat and
avoiding something called “re-esterification”.
Here’s why:
Immediately after you finish these high intensity bursts or even strategic body weight circuits
(like MRT) using this protocol, free fatty acids literally pour or “dump” into the bloodstream.
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Research shows these fatty acids float around and can literally move from your upper body to
your lower body (or somewhere else) and just be re-stored as body fat again.
This process is called re-esterification that happens frequently to people trying to lose stubborn
belly fat and even ugly pockets of cellulite.
Weird and wacky – I know, but God designed the human body to be a survivor. So your
body will do whatever necessary to protect itself by holding on to more fat.
This type of “old-school” steady state cardio session will work like gangbusters because you’ll
“burn off” all the residual Free Fatty Acids that are floating around in the bloodstream.
We call this a Strategic Steady State Free Fatty Acid Finisher and it’s one of the best ways
to stop your body from ever hitting a weight loss plateau.
Steady State Cardio
Free Fatty Acid Finisher Summary
Goals and Benefits:
Conditions aerobic system
Further accelerates glycogen depletion
Increases capacity and performance of other high intensity workouts
Increases body’s ability to store and utilize glycogen (i.e. energy)
Burns off residual Free Fatty Acids present in the blood stream from strength training
Perform a steady state cardio session with an intensity range between 72% and 85% of
max heart rate.
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*See calculations in the next section for your own personal heart rate under intensity level
guidelines, but the easiest way is to use the talk test.
10 to 30 minutes (sometimes as much as 60 minutes is fine during aggressive periods
of calorie burning) but there’s no reason to do steady state cardio more than a few times
per week
When to Perform:
On weekends when you have more time for longer duration exercise
Directly after any type of Strength Training Workout
Directly after any type of high intensity interval or metabolic bursting type of workout
shown below
Never perform before high intensity exercise or strength training. You’ll drain the energy
stores that are necessary for higher intensity training and potentially burn up precious
muscle tissue
Warning: The protocols in the next section are NOT for beginners. Do not try this technique if
you haven’t conditioned yourself previously with normal exercise on a consistent basis or been
cleared by your doctor for higher intensity exercise.
Intensity Level Guidelines for
Protocols #2 and #3 (Zone 2)
(Metabolic Bursting and Threshold)*
Level 1 = Warm-Up or Slow Pace
Level 2 = Medium
Level 3 = Medium-High
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Level 4 = High
Level 5 = Hard as you can go. BUST IT! (based on your current level of personal
*Intensity levels are different for every person and are based on your current condition, age,
gender, or other limitations, so please gauge your intensity level based on where you’re at right
now personally.
Intensity Level Guidelines for
Old-School Cardio System #1 (Zone 3)
(All steady state cardio)*
1) Maximum Fat-Burning Zone is 72-75% of Heart Rate Max for longer duration sessions
between 10 to 30 minutes (but up to 60 minutes would be fine also).
Maximum Fat-Burning Zone is 80-85% of Heart Rate Max for shorter duration sessions
between 10 to 30 minutes.
How to calculate: 220 – age + 10 beats x 0.72 to 0.85
Example: (for someone who is 40)
220- 40 +10 = 180+10=190
190 x .72 = 136
190 x .85 = 161
range: 136-161
2) Make sure to stay at same pace the entire Aerobic-Endurance Phase and use the talk test;
if you can have a “normal” conversation you are not going hard enough, but if you feel you
have to slow down you’re probably going too hard.
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3) Duration should be 10-30 minutes performed AFTER your 12 minute workouts below or
used 1 or 2 times weekly on its own (no more).
4) Type of exercise is optional. You can run or use any cardio of your choice. You can also use
bodyweight exercises if you get stuck working out when you travel or at home.
Level 1 = Warm-Up or Slow Pace
Level 2 = Medium
Level 3 = Medium-High
Level 4 = High
Level 5 = Hard as you can go (based on your current level of personal condition)
*Intensity levels going to vary from person to person and are based on your current condition,
age, gender, or other limitations. Please gauge your intensity level based on where you’re at
right now personally.
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Your Over 40 Hormone Reset Diet Training Protocols
The 12
60 sec. bursts 20 seconds
with 60 sec. burst with 10
seconds rest
or any of
the cardio
20 seconds
bursts with 10
seconds rest
exercises or any
of the cardio
exercises below
30 Second
30 Second
30 seconds 30 seconds
bursts with 30 bursts with 30
seconds rest seconds rest
or any of
the cardio
Steady State Steady State
/ Old-School / Old-School
10-30 min.
10-30 min.
(or walk
(or walk
Any Cardio
listed below
Any Cardio
listed below
The Exercises
Acceptable exercises to use on Cardio Exercises Only Days (T, Th, Sat):
üü Sprinting
üü Bike
üü Stationary or Recumbent Bike (any type)
üü Step Mill
üü Treadmill
üü Stair Climber
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üü Elliptical
üü Cross Trainers
üü Jumping Rope
üü Rowing
üü Battle Ropes
üü ANY cardio exercise that will elevate your heart rate fast.
Acceptable exercises to use on Bodyweight Exercise Days (M, W, F):
Bodyweight Squats
*Can be turned into a Goblet squat by holding one dumbbell with both hands
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DB or Barbell Squat
Jump Squat
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Forward and Reverse Lunge (bodyweight or with dumbbells)
Jumping Lunge
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Thruster - also called Squat Press
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The Workouts
Threshold Intervals
1. Warm Up
2. Threshold Interval 60 seconds followed
by 60 seconds of walking or slow pace
(Repeat 5x)
3. Cool Down
4. Free Fatty Acid Finisher: Steady State
Cardio or Walk Briskly for 10 to 30 minutes
End Workout
2 -10
11 - 12
Burst: 5
Rest: 1
Intensity Level Guidelines Below
Level 1 = Warm-Up or Slow Pace
Level 2 = Medium
Level 3 = Medium-High
Level 4 = High
Level 5 = Hard as you can go (based on your current level of personal condition)
*Intensity levels are different for every person and are based on your current condition,
age, gender, or other limitations, so please gauge your intensity level based on where
you’re at right now personally.
*ZONE #3: BURN (optional) If time permits, and you have the energy, using your favorite
Steady State Cardio or Brisk walking for 10 to 30 minutes after bursting and threshold
workouts will burn off any Fatty Acids present in the blood stream and prevent re-esterification
(restoring of stubborn fat cells).
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Tuesday & Wednesday:
Metabolic Bursting
1. Warm Up
2. Burst or Sprint for 20 seconds followed
immediately by resting for 10 seconds
(Repeat 8xs)
3. Cool Down
4. Free Fatty Acid Finisher: Steady State
Cardio or Walk Briskly for 10 to 30 minutes
End Workout
2 - 10
11 - 12
13 - 45
Burst: 5
Rest: 1
Intensity Level Guidelines Below
Level 1 = Warm-Up or Slow Pace
Level 2 = Medium
Level 3 = Medium-High
Level 4 = High
Level 5 = Hard as you can go (based on your current level of personal condition)
*Intensity levels are different for every person and are based on your current condition,
age, gender, or other limitations, so please gauge your intensity level based on where
you’re at right now personally.
*ZONE #3: BURN (optional) If time permits, and you have the energy, using your favorite
Steady State Cardio or Brisk walking for 10 to 30 minutes after bursting and threshold
workouts will burn off any Fatty Acids present in the blood stream and prevent re-esterification
(restoring of stubborn fat cells).
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Thursday & Friday:
30 Second HIIT
1. Warm Up
2. Burst or Sprint for 30 seconds followed
immediately by resting for 30 seconds
(Repeat 8xs)
3. Cool Down
4. Free Fatty Acid Finisher: Steady State
Cardio or Walk Briskly for 10 to 30 minutes
End Workout
3 - 10
11 - 12
12 - 45
Burst: 5
Rest: 1
Intensity Level Guidelines Below
Level 1 = Warm-Up or Slow Pace
Level 2 = Medium
Level 3 = Medium-High
Level 4 = High
Level 5 = Hard as you can go (based on your current level of personal condition)
*Intensity levels are different for every person and are based on your current condition,
age, gender, or other limitations, so please gauge your intensity level based on where
you’re at right now personally.
*ZONE #3: BURN (optional) If time permits, and you have the energy, using your favorite
Steady State Cardio or Brisk walking for 10 to 30 minutes after bursting and threshold
workouts will burn off any Fatty Acids present in the blood stream and prevent re-esterification
(restoring of stubborn fat cells).
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Saturday & Sunday:
Old-School Cardio
1. Warm Up
2. Aerobic Phase
70-75% of heart rate max
(220-age + 10 beats x .75)
3. Cool Down
End Workout
5 - 40
40 - 45
*OPTIONAL: Day 6 and 7 are totally optional for the Over 40 Ab Solution schedule, but highly
recommended. You can also walk briskly for 10 to 30 minutes or engage in your favorite
recreational activity.
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The Top 12 Bodyweight Exercises
Body weight exercises are one of the best insurance policies you can use in your quest to stay
lean, healthy, and feeling great.
There are a thousand different ways to skin the exercise cat, so regardless of what regimen
you plan on following for the New Year, the exercises below are the perfect backup plan when
you’re short on time or resources.
Karen and I both love using equipment like dumbbells and barbells, but we always incorporate
bodyweight workouts into our regimen when traveling or there’s no time for a gym.
No fancy equipment. No fighting traffic. No waiting in lines. No interruptions.
You can use bodyweight exercises to:
-- Burn fat and gain muscle at the same time when you limit rest periods.
-- Improve heart strength.
-- Increase metabolic rate (“after burn” effect) for 38 to 48 hours.
-- Reduce joint pain and fight against arthritis.
-- Release anti-aging hormones.
-- Accelerate full body glycogen depletion.
-- Build stability muscles, coordination, balance and core strength (unlike traditional cardio
and weight training machines).
Every exercise below utilizes multiple muscle groups, gets your heart rate pumping, and burns
tons of calories. In fact, a few studies indicate that circuit training using your bodyweight can
burn more calories than interval training or steady state cardio.
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Below is a basic body weight circuit example you can print off and use. Directions underneath.
Make sure you warm up first to prevent injury. I recommend a few minutes of foam rolling,
along with some low-intensity cardio or active stretching for 5 minutes.
Weighted or unweighted, the basic squat builds up not only
hip and leg strength but also improves your overall level of
fitness. One of the great things about squats is how versatile they are. Once you’re able to do a fair number of regular
squats with perfect form, you can change them a bit and do
the more advanced versions below.
Start experimenting with the prisoner squat first, then once
you’ve mastered the form move onto jump squats and
eventually pistol squats for those who are more experienced.
Prisoner squats
With hands locked behind your head squat till your butt touches a bench beneath you and then
come back up to the standing position.
TIPS: When you’re at the bottom of the movement, make sure you push from the heels and
not the toes. This puts the focus on your hams, glutes, and quads and takes stress off the
knees. When you’re at the top of the movement, make sure you maintain a slight bend in the
knees, which will keep working muscle stimulated.
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Jump Squat
Every program needs some form of explosive training. There’s nothing better for developing
speed and power than jumps. Simply squat down then explode up as high as you can.
TIPS: Make sure you’re pushing from the heels, not the toes when you jump from the bottom of
the movement and adjust the height (and intensity) of the jump so that you can maintain proper
form and hit your target reps.
Pistol Squats (advanced) Pistol squats are
one-legged squats that develop every muscle
in the lower body as well as great balance,
stabilization, coordination and athleticism.
TIPS: Try squatting with one leg by holding
your hands straight out in front of you to help
you balance. (Place a bench (or chair) under
your butt.)
The pull-up is more of a “pure strength move” than most of the
choices on this list, and it’s a favorite on “essential bodyweight
exercise” lists. The pull-up is easily one of the best ways to
strengthen your arms and shoulders.
Chin ups build the lats and biceps better than anything else. An
impressive number of full range, perfect reps is 20. And by perfect
reps we mean starting from a dead hang and pulling up so that
your chin clears the bar without kicking your legs.
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TIPS: If you lack the strength to do a bodyweight pull-up
you can wrap an exercise band over the top of the bar
and then under your knees to assist, or you can use a
modified version of the inverted row image you see here:
(Walking Lunges, Reverse Lunges, Jumping Lunges)
Walking Lunges
Begin standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. Step forward with
one leg, flexing the knees to drop your hips. Descend until your rear
knee nearly touches the ground. Your posture should remain upright,
and your front knee should stay directly above the front foot at a
90-degree angle.
Jumping Lunges
Stand with your feet together, elbows bent 90 degrees. Lunge forward with your right foot.
Jump straight up as you thrust your arms forward, elbows still bent. Switch legs in midair, like
a scissor and land in a lunge with your left leg forward. Modify this exercise by skipping the
jump and performing alternating reverse lunges instead.
Reverse Lunges
To begin, stand tall with your hands at your hips or overhead. Take a large and controlled
step backward with your left foot. Lower your hips so that your right thigh (front leg) becomes
parallel to the floor with your right knee positioned directly over your ankle at a 90-degree
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TIPS: Similar to squats always make sure you’re pushing from your heels at the bottom of the
movement to protect your knees and isolate the leg muscles. Always maintain a 90 degree
angle with your legs at the bottom of the movement.
The push-up is another obvious choice for a list of fundamental bodyweight exercises. It
doesn’t get more basic than using your arms to push your body up from the ground. When
practiced, the push-up also happens to be one of the best full-body exercises around because
it automatically builds your core and chest, while elevating your heart rate in a cardio type of
The pushup is still one of the top five chest builders in existence.
Regular Pushup
Get into a high plank position. Place your hands
firmly on the ground, directly under shoulders.
Begin to lower your body—keeping your back
flat and eyes focused about three feet in front
of you to keep a neutral neck—until your chest
grazes the floor. Push back up.
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Spiderman Pushups
Start out in a regular pushup position, but as you go
down to the bottom of the movement, lift your right
foot and pull your right knee up until it touches your
right elbow. Repeat the movement for the left side
alternating back and forth.
Superman Pushups (advanced core exercise)
Lay down on your stomach with your arms above your head and legs straight.
Next, put your hands close together on the floor and feet together. This is the starting
position. Begin exercise by tightening your core and pushing up off the ground so that your
body comes up off the ground (see image).
At this point, only your hands and feet should be touching the floor. Lower back down to
starting position. This completes one rep.
Planks (regular and rotating)
Get in the pushup position with forearms on the
ground instead of your hands. Your elbows should
line up directly underneath your shoulders. Toes
on the ground. Create a straight, strong line from
head to toes – a plank.
Goal: hold for a minute or more.
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TIPS: Once you’ve mastered the regular plank, you can start experimenting with different
types of planks, like rotating back and forth from side to side so that you’re only using one arm
at a time. You can also experiment with holding one arm pointed out in front of you for 3 to 5
seconds at a time and rotate back and forth.
Mountain Climbers
Mountain climbers are a full body workout.
Begin at the top of a pushup position, with your
weight supported by your hands and toes.
Explosively reverse the positions of your legs,
extending the bent leg until the leg is straight and
supported by the toe, and bringing the other foot
up with the hip and knee flexed.
TIPS: This is a great exercise to wedge in-between sets of weights for 30 seconds to
accelerate heart rate and increase the calorie burn. Make sure you adjust the speed based off
your legs, the reps and time you’re using.
Side Shuffles
Try to take up as much space as you can as
you move side to side touching heel to heel so
that your legs never cross over each other.
Bend your knees and keep your head up.
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Master the movement by going slowly at first, then increase speed and intensity as your form
gets better.
TIPS: Use cones, chalk (if you’re outside), or some other type of landmark that you can touch
as you go back and forth. You can use either time or reps for this exercise.
Bear crawls
This reminds me of football practice back in high school.
These were always a killer.
Kneel on hands and knees facing crawling path. Raise
knees off of the floor, but keep hips low.
Crawl forward while keeping hips low never letting your
knees touch the ground.
TIPS: Start slow and then increase speed and intensity after you master proper form. This is a
fun exercise to use with a workout partner. You can race each other or time each other to see
who can do it faster.
Broad jumps
Stand behind a line marked on the ground
with feet shoulder width apart. Swing your
arms backward, bend your knees, and
then thrust/jump forward as far as you can
landing with both feet at the same time.
Turn around and repeat using reps of 10
to 15 or for time. I like using 30 seconds at a time with 30 seconds rest and repeating 3 to 5
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TIPS: This exercise can tend to be very ballistic so using a soft surface like an exercise mat or
a gymnastics floor can help. You can also cushion and absorb some of the impact by bending
your knees when you land.
Single Leg Romanian Dead Lift
This exercise is great for balance, coordination, and core strength.
Keeping that knee slightly bent, perform a stiff-legged
deadlift by bending at the hip, extending your free leg
straight behind you for balance. Continue lowering your
body until your upper body and rear leg are parallel
to the ground, and then return to the upright position.
Repeat for the desired number of repetitions and switch
TIPS: After you master proper form using your bodyweight you can start adding resistance by
holding onto dumbbells or a kettlebell.
I personally think the burpee is one of THE best full body exercises for health and weight loss.
Begin in a standing position. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart. Lower your body into
a squatting position, while placing your hands on the floor in front of you. Kick your feet back
so that you are in planked push-up position.
Keep your hands firmly on the ground to support your body.
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Lower your chest to perform a full push-up. Kick your feet back to their original
position. Stand up, and then jump into the air before repeating.
TIPS: Beginners who are uncomfortable kicking their feet back can walk back into the pushup
position. You can also start out by doing this movement without a pushup or a jump to master
the form.
Jumping Jacks
This is another great low impact exercise to wedge in
between your weight training sets to elevate heart rate and
increase calorie burn.
Stand with your feet together and your hands down by your
In one motion jump your feet out to the side and raise your
arms above your head.
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Immediately reverse that motion by jumping back to the starting position.
TIPS: This exercise also makes for a great warm-up before moving to more advanced
exercises. There’s really no advanced variation of jumping jacks but you can increase difficulty
and intensity simply by increasing the speed of the movement.
Bodyweight Print Off Workout Sheet
Bodyweight Triple Sets
Time Length
of Set
Round Round Rest Between
MRT Circuit
A-1 Bodyweight Squats
30 sec
30 sec
A-2 Plank
30 sec
30 sec
A-3 Bear Crawls
30 sec
30 / 120 sec
B-1 Lunge
30 sec
30 sec
B-2 Pull-Ups
30 sec
30 sec
B-3 Burpees
30 sec
30 / 120 sec
C-1 Pushups
30 sec
30 sec
C-2 Side Shuffles
30 sec
30 sec
C-3 Mountain Climbers
30 sec
30 / 120 sec
Perform A-1, A-2, and A-3 for 30 seconds each, resting 30 seconds between each
exercise. Complete 3 times each for a total of 3 rounds. After your last (9th) set rest for
2 minutes and move to Triple-Set #2.
Perform B-1, B-2, and B-3 for 30 seconds each, resting 30 seconds between each
exercise. Complete 3 times each for a total of 3 rounds. Rest 2 minute and move to
Triple Set #3
Rinse and Repeat for C-1, C-2, and C-3. Perform each exercise for 30 seconds with 30
seconds rest in between each exercise. Repeat 3 rounds. Done.
Feel free to substitute other bodyweight exercises based on condition and/or limitations.
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The Best and Worst Cardio Machines
Since the main purpose of any cardio machine is to raise your heart rate by moving large
muscles, requiring lots of oxygen to be circulated throughout your body, we decided to give you
the pros and cons of the most popular cardio machines...and regardless of what your favorite
cardio equipment is, we’re going to look at the actual science.
A study in the Journal of American Medical Association compared several exercise machines.
We’ll look at the results so you can get the most bang for your buck to help you battle the
holiday belly bulge (I’m already feeling it after Thanksgiving weekend).
I’ll get into more detail about all the health benefits of doing cardio the right way in the bonus
section below on “Cardio-Cycling,” but first let’s take a look at the best and worst cardio
machines for you to use through the holidays and beyond.
Aerobic exercise performed properly prompts the release of endorphins, which provide an
overall sense of well-being. Let’s dive in.
Cycling gets your legs moving and your heart pumping without pounding your joints. “You get
the same cardiovascular benefits from cycling that you get from any other form of aerobic
exercise—walking, jogging or dancing,” says Lisa Callahan, MD, medical director of the
Women’s Sports Medical Center at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City. That is
probably one of the best reasons to hop on your bike at least 3 times per week.
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Running has the potential to take its toll on your body’s joints. But biking has far lower impact;
it also engages the muscles in the legs without as much force coming down on the knees. So
long as you keep your legs pumping on your bike, it ends up being a smoother, lower-risk form
of cardio you’ll appreciate, especially if you’re recovering from an injury.
Biking gets your leg muscles working hard depending on how fast and hard you pedal. It can
burn from 500 – 1000 per hour, making it one of the top calorie burners. You won’t see a lot of
benefit if you don’t pick a resistance that would have you breathing hard.
(Recommendation: Keep it around 90 RPM)
The following are just a few benefits of biking:
Increased cardiovascular fitness
Increased muscle strength and flexibility
Improved joint mobility
Decreased stress levels
Improved posture and coordination
Strengthened bones
Decreased body fat levels
Prevention or management of disease
First we have to differentiate between step mills and stair climbers. A Stairmaster (or stair
climber) simulates climbing stairs by having 2 independent peddles, where a step mill (or stair
mill) actually duplicates stair climbing.
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The motion of a step mill is similar to climbing up steps, but your body weight is actually
pushing the steps down. Step mills or stair mills are like going up an escalator backwards. It is
just like you are climbing up your local stadium steps, except they are never-ending.
Step mills are not for the beginner. Even at very low settings, Step mills get your heart rate up
very quickly. When you increase the difficulty level, the escalator goes faster.
Also note that the steps are pretty narrow. If you have feet over size 12, it may be awkward to
exercise on the step mill. This is unfortunate, because the step mill is definitely one of the best
cardio machines to get your heart rate up and keep it up.
5 Ways To Challenge Yourself On The Step Mill
Take two steps at a time.
Do the whole session without touching the handrails.
Turn around and step up backward. (You can hang on for this variation.)
Hold a medicine ball any way you can, or wear a weight vest.
Do intervals: Try 30 seconds fast, 60 seconds slow and repeat for a set amount of time.
Outside the gym, take the stairs as often as possible.
Climbing just eight flights of stairs a day has been shown to lower average early
mortality risk by 33%. Not only is this a great form of NEPA (non-exercise physical
activity), a study in the journal Neurobiology of Aging showed that people who take
at least one flight of stairs each day have “younger” brains, defined by having more
gray matter, than other people their age. And people who live in a house with stairs
are generally leaner than those who don’t, even if they do no other forms of formal
exercise. This is one of the main reasons we put our master bedroom on the 2nd
floor of our new house. :-)
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STEP MILL TIP: Do not support your entire body weight with the handles. You should hold
them for safety reasons, but they are not meant to support your body weight. This takes away
from the intended effects of the exercise.
You can also step up sideways both ways on step mills. This is a great way to help strengthen
your legs’ stabilization mechanism, and the inner and outer thighs. (Do not try this if you have
any ligament problems in your knees). It will give you just as much calorie-burning benefit as
running up on an incline on a treadmill.
The step mill also does a great job of toning your butt and thighs. While using it, try holding
dumbbells or switching to a slow pace and taking 3-4 steps at a time.
On a Stair Climber (Stairmaster), you’re working directly against gravity and your body weight.
Any time a cardio exercise has a vertical component it will be more difficult than horizontal-only
STAIR CLIMBER TIP: Like most of the best cardio machines, it is better for you to avoid
over-gripping the handles. The handles are for balance only. If you need to support your body
weight with the Stairmaster, you should raise the intensity level a bit. To get the most effective
workout on a Stairmaster, use an interval program. As with most cardio exercises on machines,
the interval programs will allow you to burn the most calories in a shorter amount of time. This
is my least favorite cardio machine, but I recommend using cardio equipment you enjoy so if it
tickles your fancy... have at it!
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The impact of jumping rope increases bone density, but it isn’t as hard on your joints as
running because the impact of each jump is absorbed by both legs. In fact, according to
Dr. Daniel W. Barry, a researcher who has studied the bones of the elderly and of athletes,
the latest studies show simply jumping is one of the very best exercises for improving bone
Even jumping at a very moderate rate burns 10 to 16 calories a minute. Exercise for three
10-minute rounds and you’re looking at 480 calories in half an hour. According to Science
Daily, 10 minutes of skipping rope is about equivalent to running an 8-minute-mile.
JUMP ROPE TIP: Want to get “lighter on your feet?” Skip rope every day for a few minutes.
When you jump rope on the balls of your feet, body connects with mind to make “neural
muscular adjustments” to keep you balanced. That’s why jumping rope is a boxer’s favorite
exercise in the world. Skipping rope improves your balance and quickness/coordination by
making your mind focus on your feet for sustained periods of time, even if you’re not conscious
of it.
Of all the fitness options out there, rope jumping is still one of the least expensive. A great jump
rope is only about $20.
Running on a treadmill (obviously) has cardiovascular benefits. The action of treadmill running
requires you to repeatedly move the major muscles in your legs, hips and arms. As a result to
this physical effort, your breathing and heart rate increase, and blood flow increases between
your lungs and muscles.
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A good treadmill run could burn anywhere from 600-1200 per hour. And if you choose to raise
the incline you can even burn more after you’re done with your workout. So if you don’t like
running, then get on the treadmill and walk at a very steep incline. Just remember not to hold
on too tight to the handles or your workout will be ineffective. But if you choose to walk, then
you’ll only burn 50-400 cals per hour.
Weight-bearing exercises, such as running or walking on a treadmill, can increase the density
of your bones. Increased bone density strengthens your skeleton, and reduces the risk of
bone-thinning diseases such as osteoporosis. A 2008 study reported in the Journal of Bone
and Mineral Metabolism found that regular endurance training on a treadmill had significant
bone density benefits in rats.
Some studies have found that as far as energy expenditure goes, nothing beats the treadmill
for walking and or running. It is 40% greater energy expenditure while running on a treadmill
compared to cycling.
TREADMILL TIP: Start with a 5 minute warm up: Walk or run for three-minutes at a
comfortable pace at zero incline then change the incline settings so you are mimicking hill
training. Increase the incline by 1% every three minutes to build up to an incline of 4%. Lower
the incline back to 1% and repeat a few more times. End by walking for three minutes to cool
The Elliptical machine is a product of the mid-90s. It’s become one of the most popular
machines of all time. Why? It’s too easy.
The main problem with using this machine is that it is not challenging enough. This non-impact
exercise is mainly an invention to help those with joint problems.
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The elliptical has minimal compressive forces on your bones and joints. Once you get the
elliptical machine moving, momentum then takes over and cuts short any benefits to your
cardio system. But it’s become the main exercise equipment of many Americans who think
they are actually getting a workout while watching television.
ELLIPTICAL TIP: You’re going to have to use the handrails as little as possible and challenge
yourself with high resistance on the settings.
Do not make the elliptical machine your only source of cardio. If you perform onlynon-impact
exercise, your bone mass and strength could suffer in the long run.
Rowing is considered one of the most efficient exercises because with every stroke almost all
the muscles in your body come into play. And get this...you may be able to stop doing crunches
because the rower really works all those abs. So by comparison, if you’re spinning (cycling)
you are using 95% legs and 5% upper body but with a rower you are using 60% lower body
and 40% upper body.
ROWING TIP: A rowing machine can burn over 1,000 calories per hour, and it’s an excellent
upper and lower body muscular endurance and cardiovascular workout. But it can be boring.
To make things more interesting on the rowing machine, try to intersperse short periods of very
hard pulling with easy pulling. For instance: row for 250 yards as hard as possible, then row
100 yards easy, and repeat 6-8 times. When rowing, use both your torso and legs — not just
your arms.
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Recumbent cycling is typically considered the lazy way to do aerobics. Because most people
coast the whole time. If you really want this machine to work for you, you must set it to HILL
programs. At the top of some hills you will want to quit because your legs burn so badly, but
just as you are ready to quit, the interval will be over and you will be coasting again.
RECUMBENT BIKE TIP: If you want to get the best cardio workout on a recumbent bike, use
one of the hill profiles. These are interval programs which raise and lower the resistance for
periods of time, using the principles behind interval training.
Make sure you set up the distance to the pedals properly. Your legs should come to almost a
full extension, but not locked out. If the pedals are too close you will most likely burn out your
leg muscles more than increase your heart rate. The recumbent bike is probably one of the
best aerobic machines for the elderly and people with back problems.
Aerobic exercise prompts the release of endorphins, which provide an overall sense of wellbeing. According to all the scientific research it looks as though 3 machines outperform the
TOP 3 Cardio Machines
#1: The treadmill #2: The step mill #3: The rower
This doesn’t mean you can’t get stellar results using other machines, but you’ll get the most
out of your efforts from these 3 machines.
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Over the long term, aerobic exercise will strengthen your heart and lower your resting heart
rate. Your resting circulation will improve and your arteries will be kept clearer, reducing the
risk of a heart attack or stroke.
The best cardio machine is going to be the one you enjoy the most without causing you
injury. For example if you sit all day (a big NO NO) then biking is not going to be your best
choice. Or if you have bad knees, don’t choose the step mill. Remember that performing the
same motion over and over again can cause muscle imbalances.
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The TRUTH About Carbohydrates
and Your Belly Fat
There’s no doubt that if you abuse carbohydrate intake, you can hinder fat loss results
following the Over 40 Hormone Reset Diet Training Guide…
… But most people aren’t even aware of the fact that carb-based starches provide the purest,
most natural source of fuel than any other food.
In fact, glucose is one of the oldest evolutionary fuels on the planet.
And if you exercise consistently you’ll only store ONE out every 120 calories from glucose as
We use glucose as an internal fuel source and it’s the building block of foods.
But our lifestyles have changed dramatically over the years. Our quality of food and our food
choices are different than they used to be.
Most people wake up nowadays and grab a quick, processed snack like a bowl of cereal, a
bagel, whole-wheat toast, muffins, doughnuts, or even fast food laden with high fructose corn
Over time this is what makes you fat because unlike other foods, as soon as a
carbohydrate enters your mouth it’s instantly available for energy needs.
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AND when energy intake is abundant and little or no energy is expended, muscle and liver
stores over fill, and the body starts storing the unused energy from carbohydrates as fat.
So any and all impact carbs you eat will “spill
over” and be stored as fat.
Therefore, if you’re completely sedentary you should
definitely eat more like a caveman to stay lean and
healthy – and avoid fat “spillover”.
Cut out processed foods, limit impact carb intake
and focus on animal and plant proteins, vegetables,
moderate amounts of whole fruits, berries, and
friendly fats (raw nuts and seeds, coconut oil, avocado, etc.).
But if you’re reading this you should already be active and starting to exercise, which means
you should be adding some strategically timed low sugar, gluten-free starches and fruits to
your plan consistently to enhance fat-loss.
So once you start losing some weight and you’re consistently using strength and interval
training, over time you’ll dramatically improve your insulin sensitivity.
This means as you start to lose weight and get leaner, your metabolism changes.
And when this happens you gotta “get smart,” which means you have to customize, tweak, and
adjust your plan to fight certain diet adaptations.
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This is when the pure starches and fresh fruit from nature will help you…
Build muscle
Boost metabolism
Raise thyroid output
Keep leptin (your body’s #1 fat burning hormone) levels in check
Improve the free testosterone to estrogen ratio for both men and women
Burn more lower stomach fat
So even though we’ll strategically be limiting carbs for your first week to accelerate fatburning, starches and fruits right from nature should consistently be a part of your plan a few
days of the week.
The best choices are tubers (sweet potatoes, potatoes), squash (acorn and butternut), different
types of rice (yes – even white rice is acceptable), gluten free oats and all fruits.
Carb Timing
Carb timing is crucial to understand if you want to avoid your favorite high carb foods, like
potatoes, bread, and pasta, from being stored on your body as fat.
So let’s break down the best time to eat carbs to prevent fat storage and create faster fat loss.
Good, Better, and BEST Carb Timing Tricks…
First up – Good:
A good time to consume these types of starches or fruits is first thing in the morning or upon
waking up – especially if you work out early in the morning.
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This works for a few reasons.
1. You’ve fasted all night while you sleep so glycogen levels have been depleted and this
leaves extra room for carbs to replenish lower glycogen stores.
2. Your metabolic rate runs highest during the a.m. hours (or after you wake up from
sleeping) than it does later in the day (post workout being the one exception to this rule)
so you’ll more likely use these carbs as energy.
3. Insulin sensitivity is also higher when you wake up than other times of the day, which
allows your body to utilize carbs and limit fat spillover.
Next up – Better:
An even better time to consume starches and fruits is three to four hours before high
intensity exercise.
This will ensure that these carbs are used as energy during and after the workout to avoid fatspillover – and provide sustained energy throughout the workout.
More details on how to handle the post-workout window are provided in your Lean 19 bonus book.
Last up – BEST:
The best time to consume pure glucose based carbs from starches, and sugars from fruits, is
in your post workout anabolic window of opportunity.
This is typically a window that lasts anywhere from 30 minutes all the way to 3 hours after high
intensity training.
Make sure you consume your largest impact carb serving of the day within 30 to 60 minutes
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In fact, if you work out late at night you could actually consume your LARGEST carb serving of
the day right BEFORE bed and not worry about fat spillover.
Remember, when you work out intensely enough you’ll set off several powerful
metabolic triggers no matter what time of day it is:
Accelerated depletion of muscle glycogen
Stressing of creatine phosphate stores
Release of catecholamines (fat burning hormones)
The end result ends up being increased fat loss and something called “super-compensation”
through stimulation of Glut 4 (a glucose transporter).
See more on how to activate Glut 4 in the Lean 19 bonus book.
This effect simply means storage capacity inside your muscles and liver is well above normal
levels, and this is greatly enhanced during the post workout window.
Other benefits include increased insulin sensitivity, glucose uptake, and glycogen synthesis.
Again, under these conditions your body will store carbs (and other macro-nutrients) at a much
faster and higher rate than normal.
This is why we always recommend consuming the majority of your carbs in your post workout
Regardless of whether your goal is fat loss, strength, performance, energy, improved health
or anything else, it’s still critical for you to understand the process of nutrient timing.
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And even though I always like to focus on rapid fat loss, you can benefit from comprehending
how nutrient timing works for disease prevention and your overall health as well because it
helps fight high blood sugar.
Carb Preparation
This one is short, sweet, and should be very obvious.
Steam your rice and bake your potatoes. Don’t fry them or douse them in tons of oil. In fact,
the FEWER ingredients you use with these starches, the better.
They can work their magic best when eaten in their most natural form.
Of course, fruits should be eaten as whole fruits with the skin (not skins that you peel of
course..haha). It should go without saying: you shouldn’t eat fruit from a can (nasty.) and you
should always try to go organic or buy directly from a local farm when possible.
Today’s farming has dramatically increased pesticides inside and on the outside of fruits…and
the depleted soil from the years of abuse has dramatically lowered the nutrient quality as well.
Unfortunately chicken fried rice, a loaded baked potato, and fruit cobbler (yummy) aren’t part of
this strategy.
Save them for your cheat day one or two times per week.
Carb Combining
Food combinations are another HUGE aspect of sustained fat-loss.
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Consistently combining your foods the right way is what will help KEEP your body in a fat
burning environment.
There’s a lot of debate about how to combine foods, but I’ve always focused solely on
keeping blood sugar and insulin stable throughout the day.
This not only enhances your body’s ability to consistently use fat as fuel, but also promotes
overall health and general well-being. If you learn how to keep blood sugar stable, you’ll
potentially avoid cardiovascular disease and even epidemics like diabetes.
Additionally, your energy will increase in a big way.
There are, however, a few exceptions to this rule.
Here are all the details on food combining for FASTER fat loss:
1. NEVER eat carbs by themselves
Remember, almost all impact carbs tend to spike blood sugar (raise insulin) more than other
foods which creates a fat storing environment inside our body. In fact, it’s nearly impossible to
burn fat in the presence of high insulin.
So always combine your impact carbs with some type of lean protein.
2. ALWAYS have some type of high quality complete
protein in every meal when possible
Consuming protein in every meal will keep your body in a consistent ―anabolic (muscle
preserving) state. Protein also provides muscles with a steady stream of amino acids to help
assist in repair and growth of lean muscle tissue.
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This will also help keep blood sugar more stable throughout the day to keep you in a high
energy – fat burning environment.
Also, the thermic effect of protein will help prevent metabolic slow down and burn more
calories (in other words, your body will burn more calories digesting and breaking down
protein than it will digesting and breaking down fat and carbohydrates).
By consuming protein frequently throughout the day you’ll naturally burn more calories. I also
find protein helps fight off the cravings.
So if you’re consistently performing high intensity exercise (intervals, bursting, weight training,
bodyweight circuits, etc.), go ahead and tear up those starches and fruits.
They do the body good.
Just make sure you follow these guidelines and you’ll maintain the perfect balance of burning
fat and fighting adaptation by keeping your hormones and metabolic rate in check.
Fat loss (and effective fitness) is not just about exercising more and cutting calories. It’s getting
your exercise and nutrition working together synergistically at the right times based on your
For example, performing bursting or threshold workouts on days when carbs and calories are
lower and using strength training on days where carbs and calories are higher is going to give
you more bang for your buck.
This is an approach that will help you achieve rapid fat loss and gain strength – all while
preserving muscle tissue.
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Over 40 Hormone
Reset Diet Continuation Plan
Now that you’ve gone through a week or two of the Over 40 Hormone Reset Diet 12 minute
****Need to change links
routines, let’s address the #1 question we receive.
What NOW?
The first thing that we recommend after the Over 40 Hormone Reset Diet is to continue with
our long-term [Over 40 Hormone Reset Diet Meal Plans and Recipes along with our [OVER 40
Hormone Reset Diet Training Accelerator Pack].
I’ve also provided some short and long term guidelines below so you can continue your journey
of rapid and sustained fat loss.
So first things first, let’s cover the 3 step formula you must follow to stay lean for the long haul.
If you don’t address all 3 steps of the fat-loss lifestyle you’ll be dead in the water.
So in order for you to maintain and continue your results from here on out you have to have a
This is problem #1 with long-term fat loss: an incomplete plan.
For example:
- Some folks will try to eat right, but skip their workouts.
- Other people exercise like a machine, but eat like crap.
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- Then there are those who try to eat right and do a boatload of cardio…
But they completely ignore strength training.
All of these are a HUGE no-no.
In other words, cardio/intervals, strength training, or nutrition all by themselves won’t do
It’s the SYNERGISTIC approach of using all 3 of these things consistently that really forces
your body to feed on ugly body fat and allows you to get and STAY lean for the long run.
THIS is the 3-step formula to long-term fat-loss success and a flat belly for life.
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Even though nutrition has the biggest impact on fat-loss, you simply can’t ignore cardio/
intervals/metabolic zone training and resistance training.
So if you’re EVER struggling with your results, this is your reminder to always analyze whether
or not you’re REALLY being consistent with all three components of your plan.
If just ONE of the pillars above is missing, you’ll most likely fall short of your goals…or worse
yet… just gain the weight right back.
Why You NEED Resistance and Weight Training…
Since the Over 40 Hormone Reset Diet Training Manual has resistance training workouts that
are specifically designed for an aggressive burst of fat-loss, I wanted to quickly address your
long-term approach.
One of the biggest myths about fat loss and fitness is that lifting heavy weights or using
resistance training will make you “bulky”.
So do yourself and favor and burn this in your brain forever: You should be afraid of not
having enough muscle rather than having too much!
More muscle = MORE fat loss and a healthy metabolism.
Remember, muscle burns calories while you’re at rest and gives you the lean-toned look
without the bulk. That’s because it raises your basal metabolism, which causes you to burn
more calories 24 hours a day. You’ll even burn more calories while you’re sleeping.
And when you use weights or resistance training, you’ll never have to worry about the
“bulky” look.
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Truth be told, it’s impossible to get bulked up like professional bodybuilders without drugs.
And anybody who is afraid of “bulking up” with weight or strength training has been
In fact, it’s one of the only ways you’ll be able to achieve the lean toned “Hollywood” type of
look – WITHOUT all the surgery. ;-)
And – YES, you can add a significant amount of muscle without being a meathead. In fact, it
should be one of your top priorities.
If you’re afraid of lifting “heavy” or getting “bulky” and you just circuit train or meander around
doing 3 sets of 10 to 15 reps, you’re pretty much wasting your time.
In fact, here’s what happens when you don’t lift heavy enough weight…
If you start out with an apple or pear shaped type of body and all you do is try to eat healthy
and do normal slow-go cardio or aerobics (or even just intervals), you’ll just burn up muscle
and end up looking like a “smaller” apple or pear.
PLUS, you’ll end up with no muscle tone AND no real lasting change in your metabolism so
you can KEEP the weight off. NOT good.
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Additionally strength and resistance training provides a laundry list of physical
and mental benefits that will improve the quality of your life…
Reverse the natural decline in your metabolism
Energizes you
Strengthens your bones, reducing your risk of developing osteoporosis
Improves your muscular endurance
Makes you strong…duh
Gives you confidence and increases your self-esteem
Makes daily activities easier
Makes you less prone to low-back injuries
Decreases your resting blood pressure
Decreases your risk of developing adult onset diabetes
Decreases your gastrointestinal transit time
Increases your blood level of HDL cholesterol (the good type)
Improves your posture
Improves the functioning of your immune system
Lowers your resting heart rate
Improves your balance and coordination
Elevates your mood
Decreases anxiety and depression
Helps you sleep better
Puts you in a better mood
Increases blood flow in the brain
Additionally, lifting weights (whether it’s your body weight, a dumbbell, a kettle bell, or heck…
even a machine) is also one of the greatest stress relievers on earth.
And to top it all off, you get a brand new body to boot!
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Continuation Cheat Sheet
*We recommend the following workout schedule below after you’ve finished 2 – 4 weeks of
your Over 40 Ab Solution workouts.
It’s also highly recommended that you start using our OVER 40 Recipe Book and Meal Plans
and our OVER 40 Body Sculpting System which are both specifically designed to work with
your continuation program below.
Weekly Schedule
Your 8
Fast Paced
Protocol 1
Fast Paced
Weight Training
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Protocol 2
Fast Paces
Protocol 3
Off or
You can
always swap
Saturday for
Ok, now let’s get into the structure and set up of your continuation plan.