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Database Systems Course Syllabus - Spring 2023

Inspire, Transform and Impact
School of Science & Engineering
CSC 3326 03
Office hours:
Lamiae Bouanane
MWF 10:00a – 13:00p
and by appointments
Spring 2023
Email: l.bouanane@aui.ma
Office: Bldg 8B Room 302
Phone# 3307
Lecture sessions: MWF 14:00 –14:50p
CSC 2302 or CSC 2306
Prerequisite for:
CSC 3374, CSC 5301, CSC 5355, CSC 5358
Offered in semester: Fall, Spring & Summer
Credit hours:
Contact hours:
5 h/week: 3 lecture hours + 2 lab hours
The course covers the design and implementation of Relational databases. While significant
focus is placed on Entity-Relationship and Relational modeling, other models and current trends
in database are introduced. Relational Algebra and SQL are covered, including procedural SQL.
A Relational DBMS is used along with database application development as lab work and class
projects. Transaction and concurrency issues are also addressed.
“Database Systems: Design, Implementation, & Management,” 13/e, C. Coronel & S. Morris;
2019 Cengage Learning.
SO1 Analyze a complex computing problem and to apply principles of computing and other
relevant disciplines to identify solutions.
SO2 Design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of
computing requirements in the context of the program’s discipline.
SO3 Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts.
SO4 Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing
practice based on legal and ethical principles.
SO5 Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to
the program’s discipline.
SO6 Acquire knowledge and skills to deal with the challenging twenty-first century issues in
LO1 Understand the fundamental concepts and techniques used in database systems,
including current trends;
LO2 Produce good relational DB design (CAC SO1);
LO3 Use SQL to build and query a DB (CAC SO2);
LO4 Implement a DB using a DBMS, matching general DB concepts with the internals of the
DBMS, and connecting the DB to the Web and/or another GUI (CAC SO3, 5).
Course grades will be based on the total points earned in the following requirements:
Course requirement
Mid-term exam
Final exam
Course grade percentage
The grading system is as follows:
In the term project, in teams of two or three, you will bring together concepts and tools to develop
database applications. Project deliverables consist of:
1. A project proposal (10% of project grade) with requirements ‘gathering and specification.
2. A detailed mid report (20% of project grade) describing the detailed design and ERD.
3. A comprehensive final report documenting the (revised) design and the complete
implementation of normalized database tables; and integration with a web interface and/or
another GUI. The final report constitutes 20% of the project grade, and the implementation
and overall work 25%.
4. A presentation of the project work along with a demo. The presentation and demo
constitute the remaining 25%.
There are laboratory sessions to assist you in becoming familiar with SQL, in preparing your
assignments and in developing your project applications. The scheduled laboratory sessions will
be used to complete practical exercises and to consult with the instructional staff about projects
and other aspects of the course.
You need your laptops during lab sessions to install and use the database server and utilities, and
sometimes during lecture sessions.
All students are expected to adhere to AUI's attendance regulations, which include the statement,
“Regular attendance and participation in all class meetings in which a student is registered are
expected. Beyond merely attending each class, students are expected to participate actively and
not remain passive learners. It is the instructor’s responsibility to set, and to communicate to
students, the participation requirements for each course. Except for excused absences authorized
by the University, the degree to which classroom participation is required, and whether or not
work missed by a student during an absence may be made up, is at the discretion of the
instructor.” (AUI Academic Catalog). The complete text of the Catalog is posted under:
http://www.aui.ma/AUI-Catalog2019-2021.pdf . When a student exceeds the ceiling of 7
absences (class and lab combined), the instructor may sign an administrative withdrawal form.
Academic Misconduct
The university’s statement on academic integrity is found in AUI Catalog: “It is the aim of the
faculty to foster a spirit of honesty and a high standard of integrity. The instructor of a course is
responsible for initiating action against dishonesty or plagiarism that occurs in class.
In cases of convincing evidence of academic dishonesty such as cheating, plagiarism, or
falsification, an instructor should take appropriate action. Before taking such action, however,
the instructor should attempt to discuss the matter with the student.”
Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, collusion, falsifying
academic records, misrepresenting facts, and any act designed to give unfair academic advantage
to the student (such as, but not limited to, submission of essentially the same written assignment
for two courses without prior permission of the instructor) or the attempt to commit such an act.
Examinations are to assess what you know individually; cheating on an exam will result in a
score of 0 (zero) for the test.
Avoid plagiarism on formal writing assignments by making liberal use of citing references.
Plagiarism will result in a score of 0 for the assignment; this includes the term project.
Cases of academic dishonesty will be reported to the SSE Dean. Students with serious or
multiple violations may be referred to the Student Disciplinary Committee for further discipline.
Civility in the Classroom
In this course, you are expected to act in a manner consistent with the behavior expected in the
professional workplace. Respect each other, come to class prepared, be supportive of others, be
attentive, contribute when appropriate, and be engaged in your learning. Civility is expected.
In order for everyone to have the opportunity to maximize learning, inappropriate or disruptive
behavior is prohibited and may result in a request to leave the classroom at a minimum.
Examples include, but are not limited to, using cell phones in class, texting in class, excessive
tardiness or late arrivals, demanding special treatment, challenges to the instructor’s authority,
leaving class early, shuffling backpacks and book bags, using offensive language or remarks,
chewing gum, wearing caps, prolonged side discussions, playing games in class, sleeping, overt
inattentiveness, and using a laptop during class unless instructed to do so.
6, 7
Course Overview
Database Systems
Data Models
Ch 1
Ch 2
The Relational Database Model
Project proposal due Sun February 12
Introduction to SQL (Structured Query Language)
Ch 3
Relational Algebra
Advanced SQL
ER (Entity Relationship) Modeling
Ch 8
Ch 4
Ch 7
***Mid-term Exam******************
Normalization of Database Tables
Ch 6
Advanced Data Modeling
Project mid report due Sun March 26
Database Design
Ch 5
11-13 Transaction Management & Concurrency Control
Project implementation progress due April 30
Ch 10
Ch 9
Project final report due Sun May 14
Project presentations and demos, starting Tue May 16
*** Final Exam, as scheduled by the University **
Reading should be completed prior to lectures so that you can understand material to be
covered in class on that day. Chapter numbers refer to the course textbook.