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Korean Wallpaper Installation Tips and Tricks

Korean Wallpaper:
Installation Tips and Tricks
Source: WCD Korean Wallpaper WALLTEX WT1808-1
Are you planning to have a makeover in your room? Wallpaper is an
excellent way to give any room a fresh and new look. Korean wallpaper is
the latest trend taking the interior design industry by storm. It is a type of
wallpaper made from high-quality materials and comes in various designs
and patterns. Installing Korean wallpaper might seem daunting, but it is not
as complicated as it seems. In this article, we will provide some installation
tips and tricks to make the process smoother.
Korean wallpaper is a high-quality wallpaper made from natural materials
such as silk, cotton, and paper. It is a type of wallpaper known for its
durability, longevity, and ease of maintenance. Installing Korean wallpaper
is a daunting task. Still, it is a relatively simple process that can be done by
anyone with the right tools and knowledge.
Source: WCD Korean Wallpaper WALLTEX WT1801-4
Why Choose Korean
There are several reasons why you should choose Korean wallpaper over
traditional wallpaper. Korean wallpaper is made from high-quality materials,
meaning it is more durable and long-lasting than traditional wallpaper. It is
also easier to maintain and clean, which makes it an excellent option for
high-traffic areas such as living rooms, bedrooms, and hallways.
Source: WCD Korean Wallpaper WALLTEX WT1811-6
Tips & Tricks For
Preparing the wall: Before you install Korean
wallpaper, it is essential to prepare the wall
properly. Start by removing any existing
wallpaper, filling any cracks or holes, and
sanding down the surface to create a smooth
and even surface. Once the wall is clean and
dry, you can begin the installation process.
Source: Canva
Measuring the wallpaper: Before cutting the
wallpaper, you need to measure the wall to
determine how much wallpaper you will need.
Measure the height and width of the wall and
add an extra 2-3 inches to the height and
width to allow for trimming and adjustments.
Source: Canva
Cutting the wallpaper: Once you have
measured the wall, you can cut the wallpaper
to the correct size. Use a sharp knife or
scissors to cut the wallpaper to the correct
size, leaving an extra 2-3 inches at the top and
bottom to allow for trimming and
Source: Canva
Applying the adhesive: Before you start
installing the wallpaper, you need to apply the
adhesive to the wall. Make sure to use a highquality adhesive that is suitable for Korean
wallpaper. Apply the adhesive to the wall using
a roller or a brush, covering the entire surface
Source: Canva
Installing the wallpaper: Once the adhesive
is applied, you can start installing the
wallpaper. Start at the top of the wall and work
your way down, aligning the wallpaper
correctly. Use a wallpaper smoothing tool to
smooth out any bubbles or wrinkles as you go.
Source: Canva
Smoothing out bubbles and wrinkles: As
you install the wallpaper, you may encounter
bubbles or wrinkles. Don't worry; it's normal.
Use a wallpaper smoothing tool or a soft cloth
to smooth out any bubbles or wrinkles. Start
from the center of the bubble or wrinkle and
work outwards to remove any trapped air or
excess adhesive.
Source: Canva
Trimming excess wallpaper: Once you have
installed the wallpaper, you may have excess
wallpaper at the top and bottom of the wall.
Use a sharp knife or scissors to trim the
excess wallpaper, leaving a little extra at the
top and bottom for adjustments.
Source: Canva
Cleaning up: After you have installed the
wallpaper, it's time to clean up. Use a damp
cloth to remove any excess adhesive from the
wallpaper or surrounding area. Let the
wallpaper dry for at least 24 hours before
moving any furniture back into the room.
Source: Canva
Maintaining Korean wallpaper: Korean
wallpaper is easy to maintain and clean. Wipe
down the wallpaper with a damp cloth to
remove dust or dirt. Avoid using harsh
chemicals or abrasive materials that could
damage the wallpaper.
Source: Canva
Common mistakes to avoid: There are a few
common mistakes to avoid when installing
Korean wallpaper. One mistake is not
preparing the wall properly, which can lead to
a bumpy or uneven surface. Another mistake
is not measuring the wallpaper correctly,
resulting in excess wallpaper or gaps in the
pattern. Lastly, avoid using too much
adhesive, which can cause the wallpaper to
bubble or peel.
Source: Canva
Korean wallpaper is a great way to give your
room a fresh and modern look. Installing
Korean wallpaper is a daunting task. Still, it's a
relatively simple process with the right tools
and knowledge. Remember to prepare the wall,
measure the wallpaper correctly, and use highquality adhesive to ensure a smooth and longlasting installation.
Looking to transform your space with Korean
wallpaper? Look no further than Wallpaper &
Carpets Distributors in Malaysia! Visit our
website at www.wcd.com.my or give us a call at
+603-7875-5555 to learn more about our
wide selection of high-quality wallpaper and
carpets. Let us help you create the perfect
look for your home or business. Contact us