Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region III SCHOOLS DIVISION OF AURORA DINADIAWAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL 2nd QUARTER PERFORMANCE TASK MUSIC 7 S.Y. 2022-2023 Name: _____________________________________ Score:_________________ Grade and Section: ________________________ Date: _________________ MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING COMPETENCY performs music from Cordillera, Mindoro, Palawan and of the Visayas, with accompaniment MU7LV-IIb-g-6 evaluates music and music performances using rubrics on musical elements and style.MU7LV-IIc-h-10 INSTRUCTION: Choose any song to perform from Cordillera, Mindoro, Palawan and Visayas music. Accompany your performance with an improvised musical instrument. Needs Improvement Excellent Good Fair CATEGORY 2 pts 6 pts 4 pts 3 pts Some accurate pitches, but with frequent errors. Very few accurate or secure pitches. Basic rhythmic patterns including the creation and improvisation of rhythmic ostinatos were performed, however, 3-4 irregularities were noted 5-6 irregularities were noted during the performance Execution of the patterns did not interlock with the beat in most of the performance More than 6 irregularities were noted Dynamics Softness and loudness are evident in the whole song. Softness and loudness are slightly evident in the first stanza and chorus Only the soft/loud part was evident in the first stanza of the song. There is no dynamics at all. Expressions Emotions are clearly evident in the singer’s face in the whole duration of the song. Emotions are slightly inconsistent in the first stanza but the singer is able to express in the chorus part. Emotions are only evident in the first two lines of the song. The singer is singing in a poker face. Mastery The song was flawlessly performed (memorized lyrics and steps) The lyrics was memorized but there are evident mistakes in the execution of the choreography The lyrics was memorized but there are no choreography Pitch Pitch is very accurate. Most of the pitches is accurate. Rhythm Basic rhythmic patterns including the creation and improvisation of rhythmic ostinatos were performed accurately ACCUMULATED POINTS Highest Possible Score: 30 points Good: 16-20 Score: Equivalent Rating: Fair: 11-15 Rating: Excellent: 21-30 Needs Improvement: 10 Scorer’s Name Signature: Teacher: The lyrics was not memorized (either sung without mistakes but with a copy or without a copy but mistakes were evident in the performance.) Date: