Uploaded by Jaiko Bendo

Art Appreciation & Personal Artistic Vision Essay

1. A work of art that I highly respected and admire are the work of Leonardo Da Vinci, the Mona
Lisa. Leonardo Da Vinci began to paint the Mona Lisa in the year 1503. The subject of the
painting is Lisa del Giocondo. Leonardo work with it for several years, adding multiple layers of
thin oil glazes before he died in 1519. It was the mystery of its glaze and smile that caught the
interest of the public, it was renowned for both its curious iconography and its unique history
and it become the one of the most famous artistic masterpieces in history.
2. When we look at a new work of art, our brain searches for patterns, forms, and anything else
that is familiar to help us connect with it. Even if we don't "understand" it, our brain is still
working hard to make sense of what we’re seeing. Also, Humans create art to transmit meaning
to other humans, and focusing your gaze on that meaning might help you become closer to it.
Visual literacy is the key to so much these days, and art is a wonderful location to improve your
eyes for life in general.
1. I think if I will be an artist, I will be a digital artist because of how technologies evolve in such
time so thus the art of an artist.
2. I think the art field that I would explore will be the graphics art because it aims to communicate
a specific message to consumers.
3. Art can be subjective in order to utilize it to express myself, my community, my relation to
others and to the earth I shall create an art that could tell a story and a lesson to the viewers.
The art could make a change if someone understand its meaning. As an artist I need to convey
my sentiments, feelings, ideas, and more through my chosen arts.
4. In my house we have a cross stich of the last supper near in the dining table. It represents that
our family shall eat together to feel the presence and love for each other. The last supper
is Christ's final meal with his apostles before Judas identifies Christ to the authorities who arrest
him. Christ give His body and blood to everyone that He share His bond on the table.