S Chapter 5: Transport in Plants & Animals Fundamentals of Biology, SEM II AY 2022-2023 Objectives • To demonstrate: ✓ The different types of transport systems in plants and animals. 5.1 Membrane permeability structure results in selective • All cells have the plasma membrane 11) i • The plasma membrane is Selectively permeable: ✓ Allows some molecules in and keeps other molecules out. ✓ The structure helps it to be selective! e Lipids bilayer 5.1 Membrane permeability structure results • Function of the membranes: in selective in - • A steady movement of small molecules and ions moves across the plasma membrane in both directions. 5,5 • -x Sugars, amino acids, and other nutrients enter the cell, and metabolic waste products leave it. = out in I • The cell takes in oxygen for cellular respiration and expels carbon - - dioxide. = - 20+ waste. • cell membranes are selectively permeable, and substances do not cross the barrier as and when they like. 5.1 Membrane permeability structure results in selective 2 - • Importance of lipid bilayer: • Consists of Hydrophilic heads and hydrophobic tails, which are ↳o arranged in two layers and hence the name lipid bilayer. • Polar molecules such as glucose and other sugars pass only slowly - ↳• rapid • through a lipid bilayer. I e Water, an extremely small polar molecule, does not cross very in price rapidly. read - -Phot Non polar molecules, such as CO2 hydrocarbons, carbon dioxide, and oxygen, can dissolve in the lipid bilayer of the membrane and cross it with ease. ~ radquicen 5.2 Passive Transport / y Transport Passive * S I Active 5.2 Passive Transport Passive Transport: • Does not require energy. 555) 5 • Involves diffusion or facilitated transport. • Carrier proteins are not required. 5.2 Passive Transport Passive Transport Diffusion See lipids <salutes) Osmosis (water) Facilitative Diffusion Diffusion of water molecules. Diffusion with the help of transport proteins (protein carriers). bilayers - con A 5.2 Passive Transport 1. Diffusion: -> from cone 151 concentration low to b Conc & • In the absence of other forces, diffusion is the movement of a substance from where it is more concentrated to where it is less concentrated. • Diffusion is associated with movement of solids, liquids or gases, but not water. • The molecules move down a concentration gradient. - • Diffusion continues until all molecules are evenly distributed (equilibrium is reached). 5.2 Passive Transport • Diffusion across a biological membrane is a spontaneous process. • One important example is the uptake of oxygen by a cell performing cellular respiration. • The diffusion of a substance across a biological membrane is called passive transport because the cell does not have to expend energy to make it happen. 5.2 Passive Transport ahh#)>⑦@π?. . ⑤ ↑ b - M b - - 5.2 Passive Transport 1. high low solute to solute. from high H20 to low H20 can. 2 2. Osmosis: from con • Osmosis is diffusion of water from a region of lower solute concentration to that of higher solute concentration until the solute concentrations on both sides of the membrane are equal. • The molecules move down a concentration gradient. • The diffusion of a water across a biological membrane (osmosis) is called passive transport because the cell does not have to expend energy to make it happen. 5.2 Passive Transport Osmosis ↓ only water A > - B 5.2 Passive Transport Osmosis in animal cells: • He0 • 8 · & ↑ ..... H20 Shring Same Isotonic: If a cell without a wall, such as an animal cell, is placed in an environment that is isotonic to the cell (iso means "same"), there will be no net movement of water across the plasma membrane. ↑more -> core Hypertonic: if a cell is transferred to a solution that is hypertonic to the cell (hyper means "more”), the cell will lose water to its environment, thus it shrivels, and probably die. • Example : This is one reason why an increase in the salinity (saltiness) of a lake can kill the animals there—if the lake water becomes hypertonic to the animals' cells, the cells might shrivel and die. bless - • & I ⑨ d & D ·o ;555 conc Hypotonic: If we place the cell in a solution that is hypotonic to the cell (hypo means "less"), water will enter the cell faster than it leaves, and the cell will swell and lyse (burst) like an overfilled water balloon. 5.2 Passive Transport Osmosis in animal cells: Shrivel normal I ↳urstllest 5.2 Passive Transport Osmosis in plant cells: • Hypotonic: When water enters the cell , the plant cell swells as water enters by osmosis, However, the elastic wall will expand only so much before it exerts a back pressure on the cell that opposes further water uptake. At this point, the cell is turgid. • Hypertonic: When water leaves the cell, the plant cell shrivels and the central vacuole becomes very small. This results in a process called Plasmolysis. • Isotonic: If a cell with a wall, such as a plant cell, is placed in an environment that is isotonic, there will be no net movement of water across the plasma membrane, or sometimes water moves in both directions making it soft.This is called Flaccid condition. 5.2 Passive Transport Osmosis in plant cells: and protect plant cell rotonic Iertonein 5.2 Passive Transport same high water Low H20 - H2O -> HO L * - - Lysed I shriveled mall H20 ↳ ↳ H20 - E -> & -> ↳ 5.2 Passive Transport 3. Facilitated Diffusion: • Many polar molecules and ions blocked by the lipid bilayer of the membrane diffuse passively with the help of transport proteins. • This movement of lipid insoluble molecules through the membrane is called facilitated diffusion. 5.3 Active Transport Active Transport: • To pump a molecule across a membrane against its gradient requires work. • In active transport, the movement of substances across membranes is against concentration concentration. gradient from low • Need energy in the form of ATP. • Proteins involved in active transport are called pumps. • Proteins use energy to move substances. to high 5.3 Active Transport 5.3 Active Transport Active Transport - Pumps: • Animals for active transport have sodium potassium pumps especially in nerve and muscle cells. • For example, compared to its surroundings an animal cell has a much higher concentration of potassium ions and a much lower concentration of sodium ions. • The plasma membrane helps maintain these steep gradients by pumping sodium out of the cell and potassium into the cell. • Change in shape of the pump after attachment and detachment, allows the movement of sodium and potassium ions. Sodium Potassium pump: Low A High 5.4 Bulk Transport in out Bulk Transport (Exocytosis & Endocytosis): • Moving large molecules (macromolecules) into & out of cell through vesicle formation. • Vesicle formation require energy. • Examples: ✓ Exocytosis ✓ Endocytosis • Phagocytosis: “cellular eating” -> • Pinocytosis: “cellular drinking” solid -> • Receptor-Mediated Endocytosis liquid 5.4 Bulk Transport Exocytosis: &55 • Vesicles fuse with plasma - membrane. • The plasma membrane is enlarged. • Molecules move out of the cell. 3-8 ↳8: 5.4 Bulk Transport passive Endocytosis: 1. ↳ diffussich Yes I Phagocytosis solid eating 2. Pinocytosis Liquid drinking 3. Receptor-mediated endocytosis speisis fic eng -> 5.4 Bulk Transport 1. Phagocytosis: • It is the cellular process of eating. • Also called cell eating. suraund • It involves engulfing solid particles by cell membranes. S digestion 5.4 Bulk Transport 2. Pinocytosis: • It is when cell ingests extra cellular fluid and contents. • Also called cell drinking. • Forms invagination by cell membranes. • Releases fluid filled vesicles in cytoplasm. aking as 5.4 Bulk Transport 3. Receptor-Mediated Endocytosis: • It is a type of (pinocytosis) in which specific molecules are ingested into the cell. • Location of receptors on the plasma membrane called a coated pit. • Molecules first bind to specific receptor proteins • Vesicle will form, contain the molecules and their receptor. Receptor ↑ - Sted Dixi 5 8 -> digestic enzy 5.5 Plant structure, growth and development Major Plant organs: • • • The three basic plant organs: Roots, Stems, and leaves. CO2 S Light Plant is divided into a root system and a shoot system. Shoot system consisting of stems and leaves. Forms - - Plants must absorb water and minerals from below the ground and CO2 and light from above the ground. I - • Roots will die without the organic nutrients imported from the shoot system. • Conversely, the shoot system depends on the water and minerals that roots absorbed from the soil. - - 7 minerals is water Basic organs ↳root ↳ Stem 5.5 Plant structure, growth and development ↳Leaves Different types of Plant cells plant systems root b systems woot) bshoot systems stem Leaves flowers 5.5 Plant structure, growth and development Different types of Plant cells loss of water from Learts 8 5.6 Vascular Transport in Plants ④ - CO2 +HO-CHiO6 ⑬ - I - ⑬ I 0 ↑ -miniras I xylem (ap One CHOst - planted . # - zylem ① ⑳ > Es Respiring mco2 - M ↳Ar On + Or kloewyger God's 1. 2 xylem -Root phloem to leaves (water leaves to all and menral) plant 5.6 Vascular Transport in Plants & intere be Vascular Tissue (Xylem) Xylem includes 2 types of dead, hollow, tubular cells: • Tracheid: These are long, thin tube like structures without perforations at the ends. • Vessel elements: short, wide tubes perforated at the ends (together form a pipe, called vessel). ✓ (Both cells have sections on the walls) pits (thin down->up 5.6 Vascular Transport in Plants Vascular Tissue (Xylem) Xylem includes 2 types of dead, hollow, tubular cells: • Tracheid: These are long, thin tube like structures without perforations at the ends. • Vessel elements: short, wide tubes perforated at the ends (together form a pipe, called vessel). ✓ (Both cells have sections on the walls) pits (thin 5.6 Vascular Transport in Plants Vascular Tissue (Phloem) • Phloem cells are ALIVE! (unlike xylem) • Phloem composed of: • Sieve tube members (STM) • Companion cells Xylem cells [dead] 5.6 Vascular Transport in Plants Cell type Tracheid Vascular Tissue (Phloem)Long Length • Phloem cells are ALIVE! Wedth (unlike xylem) Thin tube • Phloem composed of: No perforation at ontube members (STM) Perforati • Sieve the end (absent) Pits • Companion cells Present Vessel elements Short Wide tube Has perforation at the end (present) Present 5.6 Vascular Transport in Plants Sit de ↳ dis upword 000o - dan 0 Water and Minerals 0 Food Xylem Cell type 5.6 Vascular Transport in Plants Phloem One way (up) Two ways (up+down) Transported material H₂O + minerals Sugar (Food) End walls between cells Absent Present (With perforation) Type of cells Trachied, vessel element (Dead) STM - companion cells (Alive) Direction of flow Water and Minerals Food 5.6 Vascular Transport in Plants Types of transport in plants: Transport in plants occurs on three levels: • Cellular transport level • Short-distance transport • Long-distance transport I 5.6 Vascular Transport in Plants - e Types of transport in plants: • Cellular level: uptake and loss of water and solutes by specific cells (root hairs). ①it • Short distance transport: Cell to Cell at level of tissue or organ cell (loading sugar from leaf to sieve tube). • Long distance transport: transport of [ sap within xylem and phloem (whole plant). 5.6 Vascular Transport in Plants Short-distance transport: plasma cellthat ↑5141 • Symplast route: connections between cells or plasmodesmata - have a continuous cytoplasm. - • Apoplast route: Area of cell wall provides a matrix through which liquids may travel. -> -> cell wall-cell cytoplasom membren 5.6 Vascular Transport in Plants Long-distance transport • Diffusion is much slow for long distance transport in a plant like those of water and minerals. • Long-distance is the transport of sap within xylem and phloem at the level of the whole plant. • Water & Solutes move through xylem vessel elements. • Sugars (food) travels through sieve tubes. • The process of movement in vessels and sieve tubes is called Bulk flow. • Bulk Flow: The movement of a fluid driven by pressure. 5.6 Vascular Transport in Plants As all plants Long-distance transport -> push sugar • In phloem, hydrostatic pressure (due to addition of sugar with water) generated at one end of a sieve tube forces sap to the opposite end of ↳ phorem the tube. The place where the food is Prepared (Source- leaf) The place where the food is stored or used (Sink). In xylem it is tension (negative Pressure) that drives long distance transport. palling force Transpiration: evaporation of water from a leaf reduces pressure in leaf xylem. Root pressure: creates pressure in the roots to push the water up. cell • • • • • - > ↳ pushing force 5.6 Vascular Transport in Plants Pathway of water movement through xylem (by Osmosis): 1. Soil water enters the root through its epidermis. 2. Water travels in two ways : • The cytoplasm of root cells — called the symplast: crosses the plasma membrane and then cell to cell through plasmodesmata passes from • In the nonliving parts of the root — called the apoplast: in the spaces between the cells and in the cells walls themselves. This water has not crossed a plasma membrane. 5.6 Vascular Transport in Plants Pathway of water movement through xylem (by Osmosis): 3. The endodermis which is the inner boundary of the cortex is impermeable to water. 4. Endodermis has a corky material running in horizontal and radial direction called casperian strip. xyem 5. Therefore, to enter the 1 stele I the Apoplastic water must enter the symplasm of the endodermal cells. 6. From here it can pass by plasmodesmata into the cells of the stele. - 5.6 Vascular Transport in Plants -j ↑ 5.6 Vascular Transport in Plants Transport of Water up the Xylem: -> the 1. Root Pressure (pushing xylem sap) - > 2. Transpiration (pulling xylem sap) water and mineral 5.6 Vascular Transport in Plants 1. Root Pressure (pushing xylem sap) • Root cells actively pump ions (by using ATP) into the xylem and create a gradient allowing water to move into xylem. • The accumulation of water in the xylem , creates a pressure, called root pressure, which forces water upwards. 5.6 Vascular Transport in Plants 2. Transpiration (pulling xylem sap) • Loss of water from leaves is called transpiration. • Each molecule of water vapor evaporates from stomata on leaf surface, a new molecule comes in. • Second molecule replaces first. • It depends on cohesive forces (in water) and adhesive forces (water & walls). 5.6 Vascular Transport in Plants Transport of organic nutrients • Carbohydrates manufactured in leaves or released from storage organs are distributed through phloem by a process called translocation. • Phloem sap is made up of water and sucrose, In addition to amino acids, other sugars and hormones transported. which are also 5.6 Vascular Transport in Plants Source and Sink • Source: where the sugar starts its journey (either where it is produced or stored). • Sink: where sugar ends up (either where it is needed or will be stored). 5.7 Plant Nutrition Plants nutritional requirements • Every organism continuously exchanges energy and materials with its • • • • environment. At the level of the ecosystem, plants and other photosynthetic autotrophs perform the key step of transforming inorganic compounds into organic compounds. Plants need light as the energy source for photosynthesis. In order to synthesize organic matter. Plants also require raw materials in the form of inorganic nutrients: water, minerals, and carbon dioxide. For a typical plant, water and minerals come from the soil, while carbon dioxide comes from the air. 5.7 Plant Nutrition Macro and micro nutrient requirements Macronutrients: Micronutrients: • Nine essential elements are called macronutrients. Plants require them in relatively large amounts. • These include: • Carbon • Oxygen • Hydrogen • Nitrogen • Phosphorus • Sulfur • Potassium • Calcium • Magnesium • Eight elements are called micronutrients. Plants require them in relatively small amounts. • These include: • Chlorine • Iron • Manganese • Boron • Zinc • Copper • Nickel • Molybdenum 5.7 Plant Nutrition 5.8 Animal Nutrition Need to Feed • All animals are heterotrophic in nature. We are dependent on a regular supply of food. • All animals eat other organisms—dead or alive, whole or by the piece. • In general, animals fit into one of three dietary categories: • Herbivores: such as gorillas, cattle, hares, and many snails, eat mainly autotrophs (plants and algae). • Carnivores: such as sharks, hawks, spiders, and snakes, eat other animals. • Omnivores: regularly consume animals as well as plant or algal matter. Omnivorous animals include cockroaches, crows, bears, raccoons, and humans, who evolved as hunters, scavengers, and gatherers. 5.8 Animal Nutrition 5.8 Animal Nutrition 5.8 Animal Nutrition Energy Supplements • All animals as a result of various metabolic reactions produce ATP, which is the energy currency of the cell. • Nearly all of an animal's ATP generation is based on the oxidation of energy rich organic molecules—carbohydrates, proteins, and fats—in cellular respiration. • Fats are especially rich in energy; the oxidation of a gram of fat liberates about twice the energy liberated from a gram of carbohydrate or protein. 5.8 Animal Nutrition Ingredients of a balanced diet • Essential amino acids • Essential fatty acids • Proteins • Fat and water soluble Vitamins • Minerals 5.9 Blood Composition and Function Blood is composed of many components, but the four most important ones are: Red blood cell White blood cell • Red blood cells • White blood cells • Platelets- • Plasma 2 3 Platelets Plasma 5.9 Blood Composition and Function Whole blood Plasma (water) (46-63%) Cellular Elements (37-54%) 1. Plasma Proteins (7%) 1. Red Blood Cells (99.9%) 2. Water (92%) 2. Platelets 3. Other Solutes (1%) 3. White Blood Cells (0.1%) 5.9 Blood Composition and Function Functions of Blood 1. Transporting oxygen and nutrients to the lungs and tissues. 2. Removing Carbon dioxide and wastes from all tissues 3. Forming blood clots to prevent excess blood loss. 4. Carrying cells and antibodies that fight infection. 5. Bringing waste products to the kidneys and liver, which filter and S clean the blood. 6. Regulating body temperature. - 5.9 Blood Composition and Function Red Blood Cells (Erythrocytes) • They are relatively large microscopic cells without nucleus. • Occupy 40-50% of total blood volume. -> male • In ♂, 1µL of blood contains 4.5-6.3 million RBCs. femal • In ♀, 1µL of blood contains 4.2-5.5 million RBCs. 5.9 Blood Composition and Function White Blood Cells (leukocytes) • Exist in variable numbers and types but make up a very small part of blood's volume, normally only about 1%. • A typical µL of blood contains 6000-9000 WBCs. Compare that to RBCs • There are five types of WBC namely: 5.9 Blood Composition and Function Platelets (thrombocytes) • Platelets or thrombocytes, are cell fragments without nuclei. • Function: clot blood at the site of wounds. • They do this by adhering to the walls of blood vessels, thereby plugging the rupture in the vascular wall. • They also can release coagulating chemicals which cause clots to form in the blood that can plug up narrowed blood vessels. 5.10 Blood Vessels Structure & Function Blood vessels • Arteries: Carry blood away from the heart. • Veins: Carry blood to the heart. • Capillaries: Connects arteries to veins. S 5.10 Blood Vessels Structure & Function Arteries and Veins Arteries Veins Elastic in nature Blood carried away from heart More muscle, narrow lumen Carry oxygenated blood Pulmonary artery - deoxygenated blood • Largest artery (Aorta) from heart branches to small arteries • Smallest arteries are called Arterioles • Arteries have no valves • • • • • • • • • • • • Elastic in nature Blood to the heart Less muscle, wide lumen Carry deoxygenated blood Pulmonary vein - oxygenated blood Smallest veins are called Venules Venacava (largest vein) branches to veins which branch then to venules. • Veins have valves (to prevent back flow of blood) 5.10 Blood Vessels Structure & Function Arteries and Veins 5.11 Circulation and Gaseous Exchange co2+ waste • Every organism must exchange materials and energy with its environment. • The exchange ultimately occurs at the cellular level. • The resources required by cells, such as nutrients and oxygen, move across the plasma membrane into the cytoplasm, and metabolic wastes, such as carbon dioxide, move out of the cell. • In unicellular organisms, these exchanges occur directly with the external environment. • For multicellular organisms, however, direct exchange with the environment is not possible. 5.11 Circulation and Gaseous Exchange Human Heart: Blood circulation • Heart is a pump that pushes blood to cells, organs and tissues. • Blood delivers nutrients and oxygen and removes CO2 and wastes. • Blood is carried from heart to rest of the body by arteries, Smalleste arterioles and capillaries. --> • Blood is returned to heart by veins and venules. the smallest nein -rooms • The heart has 4 chambers. i • The upper chambers: are called the left and right atria. -> • The lower chambers: are called the left and right ventricles. -> · -- Anatomy of the Heart ② ① ③ ⑭ 5.11 Circulation and Gaseous Exchange Description of the heart • Aorta and pulmonary artery: carry blood away from heart. • Pulmonary vein and vena cava: carry blood to the heart. • Deoxygenated blood collected in superior and inferior venacava flows into right atrium. • Oxygenated blood leaves through Aorta. 5.11 Circulation and Gaseous Exchange Description of the heart • Four valves that control blood flow: • Mitral (bicuspid) valve • Tricuspid valve • Pulmonary valve • Aortic valve 5.11 Circulation and Gaseous Exchange Blood flows in Mammals 1. Right atrium receives deoxygenated blood from superior and inferior vena cava. 2. Deoxygenated blood flows from right atrium into the right ventricle through the tricuspid valve. 3. Then, Deoxygenated blood is pumped into the pulmonary artery through the pulmonary valve to lungs. 5.11 Circulation and Gaseous Exchange Blood flows in Mammals 4. Oxygenated blood from lungs is returned to the left atrium via the pulmonary vein. 5. Then, it enters the left ventricle via the mitral (bicuspid) valve. 6. Oxygenated blood exits the left ventricle into the aorta via the aortic valve and circulates to body tissues. 5.11 Circulation and Gaseous Exchange Summary of Pathway: • Blood enters heart from superior and inferior vena cava 1. Right atrium 2. Right ventricle 3. Pulmonary arteries to the Lungs 4. From the Lungs to Pulmonary veins 5. Left atrium 6. Left Ventricle 7. Aorta to the rest of the body