Select the correct form of the word who or whoever from the choices provided after each sentence. The word you choose should fit the blank in the sentence. 1. To ____________ did you give the book? A. WHO B. WHOM 2. ____________ will you ask to help you with all this work? A. WHO B. WHOM 3. ____________ responsible for this decision A. WHO B. WHOM C. WHO'S 4. You may give this money to ____________ you please. A. WHOEVER B. WHOMEVER 5. ____________ did this should be kicked out of office. A. WHOEVER B. WHOMEVER 6. ____________ going to support the junta now? A. WHOSE B. WHO'S 7. I can't remember ____________ told me that. A. WHO B. WHOM 8. I can't figure out ____________ I should blame for this. A. WHO B. WHOM 9. Give these old coats to ____________ seems to need them most A. WHOEVER B. WHOMEVER 10. ____________ shall I say is calling? A. WHO B. WHOM 11. ____________ car is parked beside that fire hydrant? A. WHOSE B.WHO'S 12. The teacher seemed to flunk ____________ she didn't like. A. WHOEVER B. WHOMEVER 13. I've forgotten ____________ going in my car. A. WHOSE B. WHO'S 14. To ____________ should I address this question? A. WHO B. WHOEVER C. WHOM D. WHOMEVER 15. ____________ fault is that? A. WHOSE B.WHO'S 16. Choose the correct sentence. A. Whom is your closest friend? B. Who is your closest friend? 17. Choose the correct sentence. A. Who do you bank with? B. Whom do you bank with? 18. Choose the correct sentence. A. Who do you think will win the award? B. Whom do you think will win the award? 19. Choose the correct sentence. A. Clare knows whom the winner is already. B. Clare knows who the winner is already. 20. Choose the correct sentence. A. Omar will talk about his girlfriend with whoever asks him. B. Omar will talk about his girlfriend with whomever asks him. 21. Choose the correct sentence. A. Kimiko donates her time to whoever needs it most. B. Kimiko donates her time to whomever needs it most. 22. Choose the correct sentence. A. Quinton will work on the project with whomever you suggest. B. Quinton will work on the project with whoever you suggest. 23. Choose the correct sentence. A. Whom was that in the clown costume? B. Who was that in the clown costume? 24. Choose the correct sentence. A. Kathy was not sure who she was voting for. B. Kathy was not sure whom she was voting for. 25. Choose the correct sentence. A. Whoever wins the lottery will become a millionaire. B. Whomever wins the lottery will become a millionaire. 26. To _______ did you send that letter? A. WHO B. WHOM 27. I've no idea _______ was standing by the lamp post when the robbery happened. A. WHO B. WHOM 28. _______ did you see lurking around last night? A. WHO B. WHOM 29. With _______ will she be going to the ball? A. WHO B. WHOM 30. I just can't think _______ might have done such a thing. A. WHO B. WHOM 31. _______ has left the fridge door open again? A. WHO B. WHOM 32. He would not tell me _______ he saw in the shadows that fateful night. A. WHO B. WHOM 33. We may never know _______ was responsible. A. WHO B. WHOM 34. Parents often transmit to their children ideas about ________ to respect in society. A. WHO B. WHOM 35. To ______ did you speak about the job opening? A. WHO B. WHOM 36. Ray, _______ we all know and love, will not be attending this week’s meeting A. WHO B. WHOM 37. ________ was at the game last night? A. WHO B. WHOM 38-39. Research has shown that children (who/whom) have been overprotected often become adults for (who/whom) life is difficult beyond the family circle. A. WHO B. WHOM 40. The man at the door was not _______ she had expected. A. WHO B. WHOM ANSWERS 1. Choose the correct sentence. Correct Answer: B Who is your closest friend? Explanation: "he = who" "him = whom" You would say, "He is your closest friend." 2. Choose the correct sentence. Correct Answer: B Whom do you bank with? OR With whom do you bank? Explanation: "he = who" "him = whom" You would say, "Do you bank with him?" Note: You may end a sentence with a preposition such as "with." 3. Choose the correct sentence. Correct Answer: A Who do you think will win the award? Explanation: "he = who" "him = whom" You would say, "Do you think he will win the award?" 4. Choose the correct sentence. Correct Answer: B Clare knows who the winner is already. Explanation: "he = who" "him = whom" You would say, "Clare knows. He is the winner already." 5. Choose the correct sentence. Correct Answer: A Omar will talk about his girlfriend with whoever asks him. Explanation: “him” + “he” = “whoever” “him” + “him” = “whomever” You would say, Omar will talk about his girlfriend with him. He asks Omar." 6. Choose the correct sentence. Correct Answer: A Kimiko donates her time to whoever needs it most. Explanation: “him” + “he” = “whoever” “him” + “him” = “whomever” You would say, "Kimiko donates her time to him. He needs it most." 7. Choose the correct sentence. Correct Answer: A Quinton will work on the project with whomever you suggest. Explanation: “him” + “he” = “whoever” “him” + “him” = “whomever” You would say, "Quinton will work on the project with him. You suggest him." 8. Choose the correct sentence. Correct Answer: B Who was that in the clown costume? Explanation: "he = who" "him = whom" You would say, "He was that." 9. Choose the correct sentence. Correct Answer: B Kathy was not sure whom she was voting for. [It is an old wives' tale that you can't end a sentence with a preposition. Just don't end sentences with extra prepositions.] Explanation: "he = who" "him = whom" You would say, "Kathy was not sure. She was voting for him." 10. Choose the correct sentence. Correct Answer: A Whoever wins the lottery will become a millionaire. Explanation: When the entire whoever/whomever clause is the subject of the verb that follows the clause, look inside the first clause to determine whether to use whoever or whomever. In this sentence, you would say, "He wins the lottery." Therefore, use "whoever."