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CRUL Assignments Jan - July 2020

Certificate in Russian Language
(For January and July 2020 Sessions)
Assignments for ORU-001 and ORUL-002
School of Foreign Languages
Indira Gandhi National Open University
Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068
Course Code: ORU-001/2020
Dear Student,
We hope you enjoyed reading the course and found it useful in applying it in your
communication with others.
In order to help you understand the material better, practice the activities and prepare
you for the examination later, we have an assignment for each of the courses. All the
assignments are Tutor Marked Assignments (TMAs) and carry 100 marks each.
Aims: The TMAs are mainly concerned with your ability to understand the material
and apply it meaningfully in real-life interactions. These assignments are as much a
teaching device as a testing tool.
Guidelines: You will be required to answer the questions which are based on the units
and your understanding and practice of the activities. Do not reproduce chunks of
information from the units.
As in day-to day life, planning is important in doing the assignments well. Read the
assignments carefully; go though the units on which they are based; write down some
points regarding each question and then re-arrange them in a logical order. In an
essay-type answer, allot adequate time to your introduction and conclusion. The
introduction must tell the evaluator how you interpret the given topic and how you
propose to develop it. The conclusion must summarize your views on the topic.
You should write in your own handwriting.
Make sure that your answer:
is logical;
is written in simple and correct Russian;
is written neatly and clearly;
reflects your understanding of the units.
You will be evaluated on the following criteria:
 fulfilling and completing all aspects of the task/question;
 how you have dealt with your ideas;
 whether you used appropriate linkers
 did you make adequate use of paragraphs;
 range and correctness of vocabulary;
 accuracy of grammatical structures.
Please remember that it is compulsory to submit your assignments before you can
take the Term End Exams. Also remember to keep a copy of your assignments with
you and do take a receipt from your Study Centre when you submit the assignments.
Last Date for Submission of Assignment:
For June Exam
For December Exam
31st March
30th Sept
Best of Luck!
Note: Remember the submission of assignment is a precondition for appearing in
the Term End Examination. If you do not submit the assignment on time,
you will not be allowed to appear in the examination.
The top of the first page of your response sheet should look like this:
Enrolment No.……………………………………
Course Title……………………..
Assignment No…………………
Study Centre…………………
Shivaji Bhaskar
Programme Coordinator (CRUL)
Certificate in Russian Language (CRUL)
Assignment (ORU-001: Communication Skills-I)
Course Code: ORU-001
Max. Marks: 100
All Questions are Compulsory
1. Answer the following questions:
5x5= 25
a) Write a brief note (250 words) on the origin of Russian language and its
b) Write the Russian alphabet in correct order.
c) Write five sentences in Russian about your family.
d) Write five sentences in Russian about Russia.
e) Write a brief note (250 words) about Russian Culture.
2. Answer the following questions:
5x2= 10
a) Write the meaning of following words in Russian
b) Write the meaning of following words into English
Translate the following sentences into Russian.
5x5= 25
Hello, my name is Kamal. I am a student in a university. My University is
big. I study Russian language. I love Russia.
4. Translate the following text into English.
40x1= 40
Антон- москви . го ро ители то е ив т в оскве. е ас Антон
ра отает в осковском ниверситете на математи еском фак л тете. н
препо авател . Антон оро о знает англи ски язык. го папа ин енер и
ра отает на ими еском заво е в оскве. го ама ител ница. на
ра отает в московско горо ско
коле. го ена ата а ран е ила в
алинингра е. ё ро ители и се ас ив т там. ни
е не ра ота т.
ни на пенсии.
Certificate in Russian Language (CRUL)
Assignment (ORUL-002: Communication Skills-II)
Course Code: ORUL-002
Max. Marks: 100
All Questions are Compulsory
1. Answer the following questions:
5x5= 25
a) How many letters are there in the Russian alphabet and how are they
pronounced? Give one example for each letter.
b) How many Consonants are there in Russian alphabet and how are they
pronounced? Give one example for each letter.
c) How many Vowels are there in Russian alphabet and how are they
pronounced? Give one example for each letter.
d) What is interrogative and affirmative sentence? Explain with one example
in Russian.
e) Why learning Russian is important today?
2. Read the following text and narrate the text in your own words in Russian.
25x1= 25
олгогра о ен ол о и красивы горо . тот горо на о ится на ге
оссии. о
р г ван ивёт в олгогра е. н ст ент. ан е его
ро ители или в оскве а се ас они ив т в том горо е. го мама
нна етровна – препо авател ница. на ра отает в инстит те. ё
инстит т на о ится в центре горо а. го папа Антон иколаеви – вра .
н ра отает в ол нице. та ол ница на о ится не алеко. го стар ая
сестра ария ится в ниверситете. на ивёт в о е итии.
его ня воскресен е. ся сем я от ы ает. ама папа и мла ая сестра
и т в парк а ван и ёт на ста ион. его ня на ста ионе игра т
ф т ол ные коман ы инамо и партак».
3. Read the following text and narrate the text in your own words in Russian.
25x1= 25
а ое воскресен е если пого а оро ая мы о им в сосе ни лес.
тот лес о ен красивы – ол о и г сто . Т а о ят разные л и.
екоторые си ят на скаме ке некоторые г ля т разговарива т по т
песни. ног а л и ле ат прямо на траве и ита т книги. лес ест
не ол ое озеро.
и т т г ля т от ы а т со ира т гри ы к па тся
в озере. я ом ест мален ки етски парк. Там ети игра т ката тся
на велосипе е. ес – то прекрасное место ля от ы а.
4. Read the following text and narrate the text in your own words in Russian.
25x1= 25
настоя ее время никто не пи ет пис ма.
и или звонят или
о а тся ерез интернет. о в ера я пол ил о но интересное пис мо.
ог а по тал он принёс пис мо и я ви ел по ерк на конверте я сраз
понял то оно от А ока. А ок – ител
ивёт в алёко еревне г е
ит истори – современн
. А ок л ит еревн .
ит её исты воз
её зелёные поля её ти
и споко н
изн .
от по ем он ре ил остат ся в еревне.
своём пис ме А ок пи ет то скоро приез ает в ели и о ет
провести з ес зимние каник лы. январе в ели ывает ме
наро ная
кни ная выставка. Там он о ет к пит новые книги и рналы. А ок –
настоя и л ител книг. н пи ет то него тол ко о на л ов –
книги. о я зна по ем е ё он о ет с а прие ат . е в ели ивёт
ина – ев ка котор он л ит.