BOMET UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION COURSE CODE: EDF 112 COURSE TITTLE: INTEGRITY AND CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT TUTOR: DR. SIMIYU GROUP 14 MEMBERS NAME REG NO. VANICE MOKAYA SOE/2/122/222. CAROLINE MWATELA. SOE/2/072/223. DIANA CHEPKURUI SOE/2/118/224. DENIS. KIPKORIR. SOE/2/160/225. JACKSON. STELLA. ISAAC OKONGO. CHEPKOECH. KIPNGETICH SIGN SOE/2/085/226. SOE/2/6001/227 SOE/2/158/2228.9 QUESTION: CRITICALLY EXAMINE AND DISCUSS THE REASON WHY THE GOVERNMENT THROUGH THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND BUC AS A UNIVERSITY HAS PUT A LOT OF EMPHASIS IN THE CHARACTER MORAL AND INTEGRITY EDUCATION IN TRAINING OF THE TEACHERS IN KENYA INTRODUCTION The Kenyan government, through the Ministry of Education and the country's universities such as BUC, has emphasized character, moral, and integrity education in teacher training for various reasons. These reasons can be examined critically to gain a better understanding of why this emphasis is necessary. Character, moral, and integrity education is a critical aspect of teacher training in Kenya, with the government and universities such as BUC emphasizing its importance. This emphasis is necessary to promote positive values, accountability, and trust between teachers and students. However, some critics argue that other stakeholders also have a role to play, and it can be challenging to measure the effectiveness of character education. In this essay, we will critically examine the reasons why the government and universities in Kenya have put a lot of emphasis on character, moral, and integrity education in teacher training. We will also explore the potential benefits and drawbacks of this approach. BODY Character, moral, and integrity education promotes positive values in schools. Teachers who receive training in these areas are better equipped to instil positive values in students. A school environment that promotes positive values can contribute to the holistic development of students. 1. Character, moral, and integrity education helps to build trust between teachers and the following ways:1. character, moral, and integrity education in teacher training is essential because it helps to create a culture of ethics and values in schools. Teachers who have received training in these areas are better equipped to instil positive values in their students, which can help to promote social cohesion and prevent various social ills such as corruption, crime, and drug abuse. A school environment that promotes values such as honesty, respect, and responsibility can contribute to the holistic development of students. 2. character, moral, and integrity education in teacher training is necessary because it helps to build trust between teachers and students. When teachers demonstrate integrity and ethical behaviour, students are more likely to respect and trust them. This trust is crucial because it enables students to feel safe and secure in their learning environment, which can improve their academic performance and overall well-being. 3. character, moral, and integrity education in teacher training can help to promote accountability and transparency in the education sector. Teachers who have received training in these areas are more likely to be accountable for their actions and to operate transparently. This can contribute to the development of a more efficient and effective education system. 4. character education can help students develop the necessary skills for responsible citizenship 5. Teachers who have received training in character and education are more likely to model ethical behaviour and positive values 6. Character education can contribute to the prevention of corruption and other forms of unethical behaviour 7. students who have received character education are more likely to be responsible and respectful citizens 8. character education can promote a culture of peace and non violence in schools 9. Teachers who have received character education are more likely to have positive relationship with there teachers 10. students who have received character education are more likely to have better academic performance 11. Teachers who have received character education are better equipped to manage the diverse needs of there students 12. character education can help reduce to reduce disciplinary problems in schools 13. students who have received character education are more likely to have positive relationship with there peers 14. character education can promote inclusivity and tolerance in schools 15. Teachers who have received character education are better equipped to identify and address social and emotional problems among there students 16. character education can promote a sense of community and belongings in schools 17. character education can help prevent bullying and other forms of violence in schools 18. Teachers who have received character education are better equipped to promote diversity and cultural awareness in their classrooms 19. character education can promote resilience and copying skills among students 20. Teachers who have received character education are better equipped to promote ethical and positive behaviour in their colleges. However, some critics argue that character, moral, and integrity education should not be the sole responsibility of teachers. They argue that parents, guardians, and other stakeholders also have a critical role to play in instilling positive values in children. Additionally, some critics argue that character education can be difficult to measure and evaluate, making it challenging to determine its effectiveness. CONCLUSION In conclusion, the Kenyan government's emphasis on character, moral, and integrity education in teacher training is essential for creating a culture of ethics and values in schools. However, it is crucial to recognize that character education should not be the sole responsibility of teachers, and all stakeholders must work together to promote positive values in children. Additionally, it is vital to develop effective methods for measuring and evaluating the effectiveness of character education in improving students' academic performance and overall well-being. REFERENCES Kenya institute of curriculum development. (2021) The framework for character and citizenship education in Kenya. Nairobi, Kenya: Author Orodho j, .A,(2018) teacher professional development and character education in Kenya an overview . international journal of humanities and social science research ,7, (1),1-14 UNESCO . (2018) Quality education for sustainable development. A handbook for educators Paris, France and Authors