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Theories of Culture: Hall, Clusters, Hofstede

Hall’s Low-Context, High-Context
Cultural Cluster Approach
Hofstede’s Six Dimensions
1. Hall’s Low-Context, High-Context Approach
• Developed by Edward and Mildred Hall
• Different cultures have different ways of communicating;
• communicate explicitly (low-context culture)
• communicate implicitly (high-context culture)
• An approach to understanding communication based on the relative emphasis on verbal and nonverbal sign
• People in a high context culture such as Saudi Arabia tend to place a larger importance on long-term
relationships and loyalty and have fewer rules and structure implemented.
• Low context implies that a lot of information is exchanged explicitly through the message itself and rarely is
anything implicit or hiddento transmit meaning
• An approach to understanding communication based on meaningful clusters of countries that
share similar cultural values
• A cultural cluster comprises that countries that share many culture similarities although differences do
• The Anglo Cluster comprises Australia, Canada, England, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa (White
sample), and the United States of America. These countries are all developed nations, predominantly
English speaking, and were all once British colonies.
• E.g. : US Firm’s first exporting efforts often focus on Canada and UK, while Hong Kong and Taiwan
have been successful in China’s market
A synthesis of country clusters
Monday, February 1, 20XX
Social orientation
 Relative importance of the interests of the individual vs the interest of the group
Collectivism indicates that there is a greater importance
placed on the goals and well-being of the group.
Individualism indicates that there is a greater importance
placed on attaining personal goals.
A person’s self-image in this category is defined as “We.”
People are expected t put the good of the group ahead of their •
The person come first- often put their own career interest
own personal welfare, interest or success.
before the good for their organization.
Collectivist cultures are common in Asian and Latin American
A person’s self-image in this category is defined as “I.”
For example, the United States, Australia, United
countries. Guatemala, Ecuador, Venezuela, Indonesia,
Kingdom, Canada, Netherland, New Zealand, and Ireland
Pakistan, Taiwan, South Korea, China, Bangladesh, and
are individualistic countries.
Malaysia are considered the most collectivistic nations
Power orientation
• The beliefs that people in a culture hold about the appropriateness of power
and authority differences in hierarchies such as business organization.
High power
• A high-power distance index indicates that a
Low power
• A low power distance index indicates that a
culture accepts inequity and power
culture encourages flat organizational
differences, encourages bureaucracy, and
structures that feature decentralized
shows high respect for rank and authority.
decision-making responsibility, participative
• Bangladesh, China, India, Singapore,
Malaysia, and Arab countries have very high
management style, and emphasis on power
• Austria, Israel, Denmark, New Zealand,
power distance scores; therefore, these
Norway, Germany, and United Kingdom are
countries are examples of high PDI in 2022.
examples of low power distance countries in
Uncertainty orientation
 related to the level of stress in a society in the face of an
Uncertainty acceptance
People in high uncertainty avoidance society follow the
Uncertainty avoidance
rules and regulations thoroughly to avoid undesirable
They prefer to follow routines and make plans to prevent
unpredictable moments.
comfortable with undesirable moments.
They mainly act first before garnering enough information.
They are not intended to follow all rules and regulations
thoroughly; so, they work to reduce the unnecessary rules
They also believe proper planning is an essential
component for achievement
People in low uncertainty avoidance society are
from the society and organization.
Singapore (8), Jamaica(13), Denmark(23) and
Greece, Guatemala, Russia, Portugal, Belgium, and Japan
Hongkong(29), Sweden (29), and also Malaysia 36 are
are considered as the high uncertain avoidance countries
examples of low uncertainty avoidance countries.
Goal Orientation
Describe how people are potentially motivated in cultures with e.g. a feminine or a masculine
• Masculinity comes with the following
• Femininity comes with the following
characteristics: distinct gender roles, assertive,
characteristics: fluid gender roles, modest,
and concentrated on material achievements and
nurturing, and concerned with the quality of life.
• Slovakia, Japan, Hungary, Austria, Venezuela,
• Sweden, Norway, Netherland, Denmark, Costa
Rica, and Finland are considered as the most
Italy, Mexico, and China are considered
feminine countries in the world for their low MAS
masculine countries for their high score in this
score in this dimension.
Time orientation
 The extent to which members of a culture adopt a long term or a
short term outlook
Short term on work and life
• Focus on the past and present, emphasizing respect
for tradition and fulfilment of social obligation
• According to Hofstede’s cultural dimensions model,
Ghana(4), Nigeria(13), Australia(21), United
States(26), Philippines(27), and also Norway(35) are
considered as the short-term oriented countries in the
Long term
• Values dedication, hard work, perseverance and
• According to Hofstede’s cultural dimensions theory,
South Korea(100), Taiwan(93), Japan (88),
China(87), Germany(83), and Singapore(72) are the
long-term orientation countries in the world
Indulgence- Restrain orientation
 Individuals free to seek personal satisfaction
Indulgence refers to a society where a higher percentage of people
Restraint refers to a society where a smaller
acknowledge that they are leading a happy life.
percentage of people declare that they are leading a
People in an indulgent society enjoy life freely; hence, they have
happy life.
fun and obtain optimistic attitudes.
According to Hofstede’s cultural dimensions, the most indulgent
countries in the world are Venezuela(100), Mexico(97), Puerto
People in a restrained society suppress gratification
and do not focus on the freedom of speech
According to Hofstede’s cultural dimensions model, the
Rico(90), El Salvador(89), Nigeria(84), Colombia(83), Germany(83),
restraint countries in the world are Pakistan(0),
Trinidad and Tobago(80), Sweden(78), Australia (71), Canada(68),
Egypt(4), Latvia(13), Ukraine(14), Albania(15),
Australia(68), and also Argentina(62).
Belarus(15), Estonia(16), Iraq917), Russia(20), and also