FACULTY OF EDUCATION, ARTS, AND HUMANITIES Master of Education in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (MEd-TESOL) International Program (Batch IX-Intake 1&2) MASTER’S THESIS LIST OF SUPERVISORS AND SUPERVISEES NO ID 1 A053073 2 A048313 Students’ Name MANG SENG (096 363 6969) HENG PUTHNEARADEY (092458224) Sex M F Research Topic and Questions TEACHING AND LEARNING VOCABULARY TECHNIQUES FOR ESL PROGRAM AT BELTIE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL CAMPUS 24 1. What challenges do students face when learning English vocabulary? 2. How effective are these strategies in helping students of BELTEI International School B24 develop their English vocabulary? 3. What resources or materials can teachers and learners use to develop engaging and interactive vocabulary lessons that cater to the diverse learning styles? INFLUENCE OF SPEECH ANXIETY ON ORAL COMMUNICATION SKILLS ESL LEARNER ON STUDENTS AT BELTEI INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY 1. What is the speech anxiety in communication? 2. How does language anxiety affect communication? 3. Why do students have to be anxiety of speaking? 1 Group Supervisors Others 3 A055405 SAO RATHA (016806847) M THE IMPACT OF BILINGUALS PRESCHOOL EDUCATION OF THE LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT FOR FOUR MACRO SKILLS AT P T S SCHOOL IN SIHANOUKVILLE 1) Why is bilingual pre-school education on the language development of four macro skills impacted? 2) What are the benefits of bilingual pre-school education on the language development of four macro skills for teacher and children? 3) How can a bilingual preschool education on the language development of four macro skills develop? TEACHERS’ PERCEPTIONS OF THE EFFECTIVENESS AND USE OF BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES: BELTEI INTERNATIONAL 1. How do teachers perceive the effectiveness of behavior management strategies, and which strategies do they consider most and least effective? 2. What is the frequency of teachers' use of behavior 4 A055345 CHHITH THET (077664489) M management strategies, and which strategies do they use most and least frequently? 3.How do teachers' perceptions, utilization, and beliefs about behavior management strategies vary based on their teaching assignment, education level, 2 years of experience, and their perception of the most significant role in their job? EFFECTIVENESS OF ONLINE LEARNING FOR BELTEI UNIVERSITY STUDENTS POST-COVID19 PANDEMIC 5 A053049 HIM KARONA (017 354441) M 6 A055347 SORN SARIN (098727697) M 1. What factors that allow students to choose online learning over physical learning? 2. What is BELTEI University perspective of students attending physical class and students attending online class? 3. Is online learning still relevant after COVID-19 pandemic? THE EFFECT OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE IN ESL TEACHERS ON ESL STUDENTS' ACADEMIC ENGAGEMENT, READING AND WRITING PROFICIENCY: ESL STUDENTS' MOTIVATION AS A MEDIATING FACTOR AT BELTEI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL 1. What challenges do ESL students face when reading and writing? 2. How to challenges ESL teachers face when teaching reading and writing skills? 3. Why ESL students need selflearning strategies do students use in learning reading and writing skills? Note: 1- Research Proposal Submission on ………………… 2- Research Proposal Approved by Faculty on …………………. 3- Progressive Research and comments on ……………………….. 4- Progressive Research by Faculty by on ………………………. 5- Final Defense and Submission of Master’s Thesis on ………………………. Note: You have to repeat this course again if you miss the final submission and pays 150$ to this repeat. Date: ……./………../……….. President 3