DCOR Version 1.0 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 261 Design Chain Operations Reference model (DCOR) 1.0 Contents • PLAN 11 • RESEARCH 51 • DESIGN 87 • INTEGRATE 122 • AMEND 159 • Glossary Process Terms 190 Inputs/Outputs 198 Metrics 205 Best Practices 219 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 2 of 261 Design Chain Operations Reference-model (DCOR) 1.0 Scope The DCOR-model has been developed to describe the business activities associated with all phases of satisfying a customer’s demand for a product. The Model itself contains several sections and is organized around the five primary management processes of Plan, Research, Design, Integrate and Amend (shown in Figure 1). By describing design chains using these process building blocks, the Model can be used to describe design chains that are very simple or very complex using a common set of definitions. As a result, disparate industries can be linked to describe the depth and breadth of virtually any design chain. The Model has been able to successfully describe and provide a basis for design chain improvement for global projects as well as site-specific projects. Figure 1 - DCOR is organized around five major management processes. Top Level Design Chain Operations Reference Model - Version 1.0 DC Design Chain DCOR DC Plan (Design Chain) DC P (DC) Research R DC Design D DC Integrate I DC Amend A It spans product development, research and development but does not attempt to describe every business process or activity. Specifically, the Model does not address: sales and marketing (demand generation), and some elements of post-delivery customer support. It should be noted that the scope of the Model is anticipated to change based on Council member requirements. The Model is designed and maintained to support design chains of various complexities and across multiple industries. The Council has focused on three process levels and does not attempt to prescribe how a particular organization should conduct its business or tailor its systems / information flow. Every organization that implements design chain improvements using the DCOR-model will need to extend the Model, at least to Level 4, using organization-specific processes, systems, and practice. The Model is silent in the areas of human resources, training, and quality assurance among others. Currently, it is the position of the Council that these horizontal activities are implicit in the Model and there are other highly qualified organizations that are chiefly concerned with how an organization should train, retain, organize, and conduct their quality programs. Just as the Council recognized the requirements for marketing and sales in commercial organizations, the Council is not minimizing the importance of these other activities. © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 3 of 261 DCOR, like SCOR, Contains Three Levels of Process Detail Figure 2 - DCOR is a hierarchical model with specific boundaries in regard to scope. Level # Description Design-Chain Operations Referencemodel 1 Top Level (Process Types) Comments Schematic Plan Research Design Integrate Amend 2 A company’s design chain can be “configured-to-order” at Level 2 from core “process categories.” Companies implement their strategy through the configuration they choose for their design chain. Configuration Level (Process Categories) 3 Process Element Level (Decompose Processes) PD.1 PD.3 PD.4 Establish Design Plan PD.2 xxxxxxxx Level 1 defines the scope and content for the Design chain Operations Reference-model. Here basis of competition performance targets are set. Level 3 defines a company’s ability to compete successfully and consists of: • Process element definitions • Process element information inputs, and outputs • Process performance metrics • Best practices, where applicable • System capabilities required to support best practices • Systems/tools Companies “fine tune” their Strategy at Level 3. 4 Not in Scope © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Implementation Level (Decompose Process Elements) Companies implement specific design-chain management practices at this level. Level 4 defines practices to achieve competitive advantage and to adapt to changing business conditions. Page 4 of 261 The DCOR-model is a business process reference model as illustrated in Figure 3. That is, it is a Model that links process elements, metrics, best practice and the features associated with the execution of a design chain in a unique format. The uniqueness and power of the Model and its successful implementation is chiefly derived from using these four elements together. © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 5 of 261 It is important to note that this Model describes processes not functions. In other words, the Model focuses on the activity involved not the person or organizational element that performs the activity. Business Process Reengineering Capture the “as-is” state of a process and derive the desired “to-be” future state Benchmarking Quantify the operational performance of similar companies and establish internal targets based on “best-inclass” results Best Practices Analysis Process Reference M odel Capture the “as-is” state of a process and derive the desired “to-be” future state Quantify the operational performance of similar companies and establish internal targets based on “best-in-class” results Characterize the management practices and software solutions that result in “best-in-class” performance Characterize the management practices and software solutions that result in “best-inclass” performance Figure 3 - DCOR is a business process reference model. DCOR-model Structure Besides the five basic management processes (Plan, Research, Design, Integrate, and Amend) that provide the organizational structure of the DCOR-model, it is useful to distinguish between the three process types in the Model: planning, execution, and enable. A planning element is a process that aligns expected resources to meet expected design requirements. Planning processes balance aggregated demand across a consistent planning horizon. Planning processes generally occur at regular intervals and can contribute to design chain response time. Execution processes are triggered by planned or actual demand that changes the state of products. They include scheduling and sequencing, researching and design, materials and integrating product, and amend. Enable processes prepare, maintain, and manage information or relationships upon which planning and execution processes rely. A set of standard notation is used throughout the Model. P depicts Plan elements, R depicts Research elements, D depicts Design elements, I depicts Integrate elements, and A depicts Amend elements. An E preceding any of the others (e.g., EP) indicates that the process element is an Enable element associated with the Planning or Execution element (in this case, EP would be an Enable Planning element). With the intersections of the DCOR and SCOR models in mind, to differentiate the “Plan” process, categories and process elements from those in the SCOR Model , we have a different naming convention in DCOR: PP for Plan Design Chain, PR for Plan Research, PD for Plan Design, PI for Plan Integrate, and PA for Plan Amend. As indicated in Figure 2, the Model is hierarchical with three levels. PD.1 is a notation that indicates a third level process element. In this case, it is a Plan (P – Level 1) element that is concerned with design planning (1 – Level 2) and is specific to identifying, prioritizing, and aggregating design requirements (.1 – Level 3). The DCOR-model contains 8 basic sections: Introduction, Plan, Research, Design, Integrate, Amend, Glossary and Appendices. Plan, Research, Design, Integrate, Amend sections are organized with a standard structure. At the beginning of each section, there are graphics that provide a visual representation of the process elements, their © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 6 of 261 relationships to each other. Following the graphics are text tables that identify: 1) the standard name for the process element, 2) the notation for the process element, 3) SCC’s “standard” definition for the process element, 4) performance attributes that are associated with the process element, 5) metrics that are associated with the performance attributes, 6) best practices that are associated with the process (candidates, not necessarily an exhaustive list), and features (generally technologically related) that can contribute to heightened performance of the process. [Also see using the graphic model on page 9] Within the Research, Design, Integrate, and Amend process elements, a common internal structure (see figure 3, below) has been agreed upon. The Model focuses on three environments: Product Refresh; New Product; and New Technology. As a result, R1 becomes Research Product Refresh, R2 becomes Research New Product and R3 becomes Research New Technology. This same convention is used for Design (e.g. – D1 is Design Product Refresh), and I1 – Integrate Product Refresh. DCOR Overview: Level 1 & Level 2 DC Design Chain DCOR DC Plan (Design Chain) DC P (DC) DC R EP Enable Plan DC EP DC PP Plan Design Chain DC PR Plan Research PD Plan Design PD DC ER Enable Research DC R1 Research Product Ref resh DC R2 Research New Product DC R3 Research New Technology R3 I ED Enable Design DC D1 Design Product Ref resh D2 Design New Product DC D3 Design New Technology D3 A EI Enable Integrate DC I1 Integrate Product Ref resh DC I2 Integrate New Product DC I3 Integrate New Technology I3 A1 Amend Product Fallout A1 DC I2 DC EA Enable Amend EA I1 D2 DC Amend EI D1 DC DC Integrate ED R2 PR DC D R1 DC DC Design ER PP DC DC Research A2 Amend Def icient Product A2 DC A3 Amend Product Specs A3 PI Plan Integrate PI DC PA Plan Amend PA Figure 3- DCOR Environments Within each of the planning and execution sections and following the graphic and text descriptions, the associated Enable elements are described using the same graphic and text formats. It is important to note, that like the process elements themselves, the metrics are intended to be hierarchical. Although not explicit in the Model, Level 1 metrics, as shown in Figure 4 are typically “assigned” to P1 (Plan Supply Chain) and are decomposed (Level 2 metrics) to the respective planning, execution and enable elements. © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 7 of 261 Performance Attributes and Level 1 Metrics Level 1 Metrics are primary, high level measures that may cross multiple DCOR processes. Level 1 Metrics do not necessarily relate to a DCOR Level 1 process (PLAN, RESEARCH, DESIGN, INTEGRATE, AMEND). Perform ance Attributes Level 1 Metrics Reliability Perfect Product Design Product Design Chain Cycle Time Total Design Chain Cost Responsiveness Flexibility Costs Assets x x Product Design Chain Change Cycle Time Design Chain Fixed Assets Value x x x Figure 4 - DCOR Performance Attributes and Level 1 Metrics The metrics are used in conjunction with performance attributes. In Version 1.0 of the DCOR Model, the Performance Attributes are constructed identical to SCOR’s (Supply Chain Reliability, Supply Chain Responsiveness, Supply Chain Flexibility, Supply Chain Costs, and Supply Chain Asset Management). In DCOR the entire set of metrics is not as complete as with the SCOR model. The thrust of this first effort was to associate every process, process category, and process element with one or more Responsiveness and Cost metrics. Flexibility, reliability and Assets will be developed as practitioners prove out the model. The table in Figure 5 defines the performance attributes and indicates which Level 1 metrics are associated with each attribute. The Performance Attributes are characteristics of the supply chain that permit it to be analyzed and evaluated against other supply chains with competing strategies. Just as you would describe a physical object like a piece of lumber using standard characteristics (e.g., height, width, depth), a supply chain requires standard characteristics to be described. Without these characteristics it is extremely difficult to compare an organization that chooses to be the low-cost provider against an organization that chooses to compete on reliability and performance. © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 8 of 261 Performance Attributes and Associated Level 1 Metrics Performance Attribute Design Chain Reliability Performance Attribute Definition Level 1 Metric The performance of the design chain in delivering: % of product designs each period (month, quarter, year, etc.) which meet the following standards: - Delivered to operations by commit date - Assembly and Process Documentation complete - BOM complete and accurate - Manufacturing Readiness Status and Risk Assessment complete - Learning products plan complete - Patent disclosures complete - Product certifications complete - Product test report complete Perfect Product Design Design Chain Responsiveness Design Chain Flexibility The speed at which a design chain provides products to the customer. Time to change a product design after it has been released to operations. Design Chain Cycle Time Design Chain Costs Design Chain Asset Management The costs associated with operating the design chain. The effectiveness of an organization in managing assets to support design chain operations. This includes the management of all assets: fixed and working capital. Total Design Chain Cost Product Design Chain Change Cycle Time Design Chain Fixed Assets Value Figure 5 – Definitions for DCOR Performance Attributes and which Level 1 metrics are associated with each attribute. Associated with the Performance Attributes are the Level 1 Metrics. These Level 1 Metrics are the calculations by which an implementing organization can measure how successful they are in achieving their desired positioning within the competitive market space. While these Performance Attributes are critical in implementing the Model, formal definitions were not previously included in the Model Users of the Model should be aware that the metrics in the Model are hierarchical – just as the process elements are hierarchical. Level 1 Metrics are created from lower level calculations. (Level 1 Metrics are primary, high level measures that may cross multiple DCOR processes. Level 1 Metrics do not necessarily relate to a DCOR Level 1 process (PLAN, RESEARCH, DESIGN, INTEGRATE, AMEND). Lower level calculations (Level 2 metrics) are generally associated with a narrower subset of processes. Additionally, even lower level metrics (diagnostics) are used to diagnose variations in performance against plan. Diagnostics were a critical deliverable of this first effort. © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 9 of 261 Using the graphical model: This reference document differs from earlier documents produced by the Supply Chain Council. It employs graphics to illustrate Processes, Process Categories and Process elements. Let’s look at a process element, EP.2, Manage Design Chain Performance, below: SOURCE OF SPECIFIC INPUT INPUT DC M a n age Plan In fo rm a ti o n PROCESS ELEMENT E P .3 DC RESPONSIVENESS B u si n e ss Ru l e s DC E P .1 OUTPUT DC M a n age De si g n Ch a i n P e rf o rm a n ce DC CO ST EP.2 Manage De si g n Ch a i n P e rf o rm a n ce M a n a g e De si g n E P .7 D C Ch a i n P e rf o rm a n ce EP . 2 Re l i a b l e Co n ti n u o us I m p ro ve m e n t P ro ce ss DC DC E ffi ci e n t a n d e ffe cti ve b e n ch m a rki n g p ro c e ss Co st S o u n d P ro j e ct M a n a g e m e n t P ro ce ss DC a n d M e th o d ol ogy. DESTINATION OF OUTPUT M a n a g e De si g n Ch a i n P e rf o rm a n ce Cycl e t i m e a n d M e th o dol ogy DC L e a n and Si x Sigma METRICS (Clearly identified by category) BEST PRACTICES Note that with this graphic portrayal, all process types are defined at page 189, inputs/outputs are defined at page 197, metrics at page 204 and best practices at page 218. © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 10 of 261 PLAN L e v e l 2 : C o n f ig u r a t io n L e v e l - P la n DC DC P P P l an De si gn Chai n P R P l an Re se a rch DC PP DC PR P D P l an De si gn P l an DC PD P I P l an Integrate DC P A P l an A m e nd PI PA DC E P E nabl e P l an EP PP: Plan Design Chain: Process Category Description/Definition: The development and establishment of courses of action over specified time periods that represent a projected appropriation of design chain resources to meet design chain requirements. P r o c e s s E le m e n t L e v e l - P P : P la n D e s ig n C h a in DC PP Pl an De si g n Ch a i n PP DC P P.1 Gather De si g n Ch a i n Re q u i re m e n t s P P .1 DC P P.2 Gather De si g n -Ch a i n Re so u rc e s P P . 3 B a l a n ce S u p p l y DDe C si g n Ch a i n Re so u rce s wi t h DC Re q u i re m e n t s P P .3 DC P P . 4 E st a b l i sh & Co m m u n i ca t e De si g n -Ch a i n P l ans P P .4 P P .2 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 11 of 261 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 12 of 261 PP Plan Design Chain: Process Element Description/Definition: The development and establishment of courses of action over specified time periods that represent a projected appropriation of design chain resources to meet design chain requirements. RESPONSIVENESS DC P l an desi gn change Cycl e T ime RESPONSIVENESS DC P ro duct Desi gn Change Cycl e T ime RELIABILITY DC P P P l an De si gn Chai n DC PP T ool s support D C bal anced deci si on maki ng DC Col l aborati ve P l anni ng Forecast i ng P erf ect P ro duct De si gn CO ST Re-program m abl e, re-confi gurabl e and DC cont. changeabl e p ro c e sse s On-l i ne vi si bi l i ty of al l desi gn-chai n DC dem and requi rem ent s a n d re sources DC P l an Desi gn Chai n T otal Co st CO ST DC T otal Desi gn Chai n Cost I nst ant aneous D C "reconfi gurati on" of pl ans © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 13 of 261 PP.1 Gather Design Chain Requirements: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of identifying, prioritizing and considering all sources of design chain requirements for the integrated design chain. DC Plan Da t a E P .3 DC B u si n e ss Plan RESPONSIVENESS M a n a g e De si g n Ch a i n Re q u i re m e n t s Cycl e t i m e DC DC Re vi se d B u si n e ss A ssu m p t i o n s CO ST E P .9 DC De si g n Ch a i n Re q u i re m e n t s DC P P .3 P P.1 Gather De si g n Ch a i n Re q u i re m e n t s DC G a t h e r DC Re q u i re m e n t s Co st P P .1 DC Co l l a borati on a m o n g De si g n Ch a i n p artners DC DC Di g i ta l l i n ks a m o n g d e si g n ch a i n m e m b e rs DviCsi b i l i ty o f d e si g n ch a i n DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. S e rvi ce A g re e m e n t s (S A ) A ccu ra te o n -l i n e re q u i re m e n t s a n d p ri o ri ti e s De si g n t o Co st Re d u ct i o n P l a n ni ng Page 14 of 261 PP.2 Gather Design Chain Resources: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of identifying, prioritizing and considering all design chain resources of the integrated design chain. DC Plan Da t a RESPONSIVENESS E P .3 M a n a g e De si g n D C Ch a i n Re so u rce s Cycl e t i m e DC De si g n Ch a i n Re so u rc e s DC P P .3 P P.2 Gather De si g n -Ch a i n Re so u rc e s CO ST P P .2 DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. DC Co l l a borati ve P l a n n i ng, a n d Fo re ca st i n g DC S e rvi ce A g re e m e n t s (S A ) DC G a t h e r DC Re so u rc e s Co st Di g i ta l l i n ks a m o n g d e si g n ch a i n m e m b e rs Page 15 of 261 PP.3 Balance Design Chain Resources with DC Requirements: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of identifying and addressing the gaps between design chain requirements and resources in order to determine the optimal utilization of design chain resources. DC De si g n Ch a i n Re so u rc e s P P .2 DC De si g n Ch a i n Re q u i re m e n t s P P .1 RESPONSIVENESS DC B u si n e ss Ru l e s DC E P .1 DC B a l a n ce d De si g n Ch a i n Re q u i re m e n t s wi t h Re so u rce s DC P P . 3 B a l a n ce De si g n Ch a i n Re q u i re m e n t s wi t h Re so u rce s P P .4 M a n age De si g n Ch a i n B a l a n ci n g Cycl e t i m e CO ST P P .3 B a l a n ce DC D C Re q u i re m e n t s w/ Re so u rc e s Co st DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Co l l a borati ve P l a n n i ng, a n d Fo re ca st i n g DC B u si n e ss In te l l i gence (B I ) Page 16 of 261 PP.4 Establish DC Plans: Process Element Description/Definition: The establishment and communication of design chain priorities, projects and time lines. RESPONSIVENESS B a l a n ce d De si g n D C Ch a i n Re q u i re m e n t s wi t h Re so u rce s DC P P .3 DC CO ST P P . 4 E st a b l i sh & Co m m u n i ca t e DC De si g n -Ch a i n P l ans De si g n Ch a i n Plan P R. 1 P D. 1 P I . 1 P A . 1 E P . 3 E P . 7 DC DC P P .4 Co l l a borati on a m o n g De si g n Ch a i n p artners DC E st a b l i sh DC P l a n Co st Di g i ta l l i n ks a m o n g d e si g n ch a i n m e m b e rs P ro d u ct De si g n a l i g n e d A ccu ra te o n -l i n e DwiCt h Go T o M a rke t P l a n s DviCsi b i l i ty o f d e si g n ch a i n & Op e ra t i o n a l P e rfo rm a n ce M a n a g e De si g n Ch a i n Plan Cycl e t i m e re q u i re m e n t s a n d p ri o ri ti e s In te g ra te d D C P ro d u ct T e a m s & Planning © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 17 of 261 PR: Plan Research: Process Category Description/Definition: The development and establishment of courses of action over specified time periods that represent a projected delivery of research to meet research requirements P r o c e s s E le m e n t L e v e l - P R : P la n R e s e a r c h DC P R Pl an Re se a rch PR DC P R. 1 G a t h e r Re se a rch Re q u i re m e n t s P R. 1 DC DC P R. 2 G a t h e r Re se a rch Re so u rc e s P R. 3 B a l a n ce Re se a rch Re so u rc e s wi t h Re se a rch Re q u i re m e n t s P R. 3 DC P R. 4 E st a b i l sh Re se a rch P l ans P R. 4 P R. 2 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 18 of 261 PR Plan Research: Process Element Description/Definition: The development and establishment of courses of action over specified time periods that represent a projected delivery of research to meet research requirements RESPONSIVENESS DC P l a n d e si g n ch a n g e Cycl e Time RESPONSIVENESS DC DC P ro d u ct De si g n Ch a n g e Cycl e Time RELIABILITY P R Pl an Re se a rch DC PR P e rf e ct P ro d u ct De si g n CO ST E DI l i n ks o r kn o wl e d g e p o rta l i n te g ra te Q u i ck a n d a ccu ra t e D C re se a rch re so u rce DC co m m u ni cati on i n fo rm a ti on Jo i n t S e rvi ce D C A g re e m e n t s wi t h De si g n Ch a i n p a rt n e rs © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Fu l l vi si bi l i ty of t h e re se a rch DC p l a n a m o n g st p a rt n e rs DC P l a n Re se a rch T o t a l Co st CO ST DC T o ta l De si g n Ch a i n Co st Page 19 of 261 PR.1 Gather Research Requirements: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of identifying, prioritizing and considering all sources of Research requirements for the integrated design chain. DC De si g n Ch a i n Plan RESPONSIVENESS P P .4 DC Plan Da t a DC M a n a g e Re se a rch Re q u i re m e n t s Cycl e t i m e E P .3 DC Re se a rch Re q u i re m e n t s DC P R. 1 G a t h e r Re se a rch Re q u i re m e n t s CO ST P R. 1 P R. 3 DC DC G a t h e r Re se a rch Re q u i re m e n t s Co st Fre q u e n t re se a rch p l a n updates © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 20 of 261 PR.2 Gather Research Resources: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of identifying, prioritizing and considering all Research resources of the integrated design chain. RESPONSIVENESS DC P l an Dat a DC E P .3 DC Re se a rch Re so u rc e s P R. 3 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. DC CO ST P R. 2 G at her Re se a rch Re so u rc e s P R. 2 M anage Research Re so u rc e s Cycl e t i m e DC G a t h er Research Re so u rc e s Co st Page 21 of 261 PR.3 Balance Research Resources with Research Requirements: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of identifying and addressing the gaps between Research requirements and resources in order to determine the optimal utilization of Research resources. DC B u si n e ss Ru l e s E P .1 DC Re se a rch Re q u i re m e n t s P R. 1 DC Re se a rch Re so u rc e s RESPONSIVENESS P R. 2 DC DC Re se a rch S ch e d u l e CO ST R1 . 1 R2 . 2 R3 . 3 DC B a l a n ce d Re se a rch Re so u rc e s wi t h Re se a rch Re q u i re m e n t s P R. 4 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. M a n a g e Re se a rch B a l a n ci n g Cycl e t i m e DC P R. 3 B a l a n ce Re se a rch Re so u rc e s wi t h Re se a rch Re q u i re m e n t s P R. 3 B a l a n ce Re se a rch D C Re q u i re m e n t s w/ Re so u rc e s Co st Page 22 of 261 PR.4 Establish Research Plans: Process Element Description/Definition: The establishment and communication of Research priorities, projects and time lines. RESPONSIVENESS B a l a n ce d Re se a rch Re q u i re m e n t s DC wi t h Re so u rce s DC P R. 3 DC Re se a rch Plan DC E P . 3 R1 . 1 R2 . 2 R3 . 3 E R. 7 P R. 4 E st a b i l sh Re se a rch P l ans M a n a g e Re se a rch Plan Cycl e t i m e CO ST P R. 4 DC E st a b l i sh Re se a rch P l a n Co st Di g i t a l L i n ka g e (E DI, X M L , e t c. ) to p ro vi d e re a l -t i m e re se a rch i nformation DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 23 of 261 PD: Plan Design: Process Category Description/Definition: The development and establishment of courses of action over specified time periods that represent a projected delivery of product design to meet design requirements. P r o c e s s E le m e n t L e v e l - P D : P la n D e s ig n DC P D P l an De si gn PD DC P D. 1 G at her De si gn Chai n Requi rem ent s P D. 1 DC P D. 2 G at her De si gn Chai n Re so u rc e s P D. 3 B al ance Desi gn Requi rem ent s DC wi t h Re so u rc e s P D. 3 DC P D. 4 E st abl i sh Desi gn P l an P D. 4 P D. 2 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 24 of 261 PD Plan Design: Process Element Description/Definition: The development and establishment of courses of action over specified time periods that represent a projected delivery of product design to meet design requirements. RESPONSIVENESS DC P D Pl an De si g n DC PD P l a n d e si g n ch a n g e Cycl e Time RESPONSIVENESS DC P ro d u ct De si g n Ch a n g e Cycl e Time RELIABILITY M u l t i -d e si g n ce n te r p l a nni ng a n d e xe cu ti on DC DC P e rf e ct P ro d u ct De si g n CO ST DC P l a n De si g n T o t a l Co st CO ST DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. T o ta l De si g n Ch a i n Co st Page 25 of 261 PD.1 Gather Design Requirements: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of identifying, prioritizing and considering all sources of Design requirements for the integrated design chain DC De si g n Ch a i n Plan P P .4 DC RESPONSIVENESS Plan Da t a DC E P .3 DC De si g n Re q u i re m e n t s P D. 3 DC P D. 1 G a t h e r De si g n Re q u i re m e n t s M a n a g e De si g n Re q u i re m e n t s Cycl e t i m e CO ST P D. 1 DC G a t h e r De si g n Re q u i re m e n t s Co st Di g i ta l l i n ka g e fo r d e si g n ch a i n , DpCl a n n i n g , co n fi gurati on, a n d re q u i re m e n ts © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 26 of 261 PD.2 Gather Design Resources: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of identifying, prioritizing and considering all Design resources of the integrated design chain DC RESPONSIVENESS P l an Dat a DC E P .3 DC De si gn Re so u rc e s P D. 3 DC P D. 2 G at her De si gn Re so u rc e s CO ST P D. 2 DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. M anage Desi gn Re so u rc e s Cycl e t i m e G at her Desi gn Re so u rc e s Co st Page 27 of 261 PD.3 Balance Design Resources with Design Requirements: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of identifying and addressing the gaps between Design requirements and resources in order to determine the optimal utilization of Design resources. DC B u si n e ss Ru l e s E P .1 DC De si g n Re q u i re m e n t s P D. 1 DC De si g n Re so u rc e s RESPONSIVENESS P D. 2 DC De si g n S ch e d u l e DC M a n a g e De si g n B a l a n ci n g Cycl e t i m e D1 . 1 D2 . 2 D3 . 2 B a l a n ce d De si g n Re so u rc e s DC wi t h De si g n Re q u i re m e n t s P D. 4 DC P D. 3 B a l a n ce De si g n Re q u i re m e n t s wi t h Re so u rce s P D. 3 CO ST B a l a n ce De si g n D C Re q u i re m e n t s w/ Re so u rc e s Co st © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 28 of 261 PD.4 Establish Design Plans: Process Element Description/Definition: The establishment and communication of Design priorities, projects and time lines. RESPONSIVENESS B a l a n ce d De si g n D C Re q u i re m e n t s wi t h Re so u rc e s DC P D. 3 DC De si g n Plan DC CO ST P D. 4 E st a b l i sh De si g n Plan E P . 3 D1 . 1 D2 . 2 D3 . 2 S t ru ct u re d P ro d u ct De ve l o p m e n t P ro c e ss (S P DP ro ) P D. 4 M a n a g e De si g n Plan Cycl e t i m e DC E st a b l i sh De si g n P l a n Co st In te g ra te d A sse m b l y P l a n ni ng Use S t a g e -G a t e s to m a n a g e t h e d e si g n p ro ce ss. © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 29 of 261 PI: Plan Integrate: Process Category Description/Definition: The development and establishment of courses of action over specified time periods that represent a projected delivery of products, specifications and processes for Supply Chain, Customer Chain and Business Development to meet product integration requirements. P r o c e s s E le m e n t L e v e l - P I : P la n I n t e g r a t e DC PI Plan In te g ra te PI DC P I . 1 Ga t h e r In te g ra te Re q u i re m e n t s PI.1 DC DC P I . 2 Ga t h e r In te g ra te Re so u rc e s P I .3 B a l a n ce In te g ra te Re q u i re m e n t s w/ Re so u rc e s PI.3 DC P I . 4 E st a b l i sh In te g ra te P l ans PI.4 PI.2 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 30 of 261 PI Plan Integrate: Process Element Description/Definition: The development and establishment of courses of action over specified time periods that represent a projected delivery of products, specifications and processes for Supply Chain, Customer Chain and Business Development to meet product integration requirements. RESPONSIVENESS DC P ro d u ct De si g n Ch a n g e Cycl e Time RESPONSIVENESS DC DC PI Plan In te g ra te PI P l a n d e si g n ch a n g e Cycl e Time FLEXIBILITY DC P e rf e ct P ro d u ct De si g n CO ST DC L i n ka g e s t o e n su re co m m u n i ca t i o n s DC P l a n In te g ra te T o t a l Co st CO ST DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. T o ta l De si g n Ch a i n Co st Page 31 of 261 PI.1 Gather Integrate Requirements: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of identifying, prioritizing and considering all sources of Integrate requirements for the integrated design chain. DC RESPONSIVENESS Plan Da t a DC E P .3 DC De si g n Ch a i n Plan CO ST P P .4 DC In te g ra te Re q u i re m e n t s M a n a g e In te g rate Re q u i re m e n t s Cycl e t i m e DC PI.3 P I . 1 Ga t h e r In te g ra te Re q u i re m e n t s DC In te g ra te Re q u i re m e n t s Co st PI.1 Di gi tal l i n ka g e s DC (X M L , E DI , e t c. ) p ro vi d e vi si b i l i ty © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 32 of 261 PI.2 Gather Integrate Resources: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of identifying, prioritizing and considering all Integrate resources of the integrated design chain. RESPONSIVENESS DC P l an Dat a DC E P .3 DC Integrate Re so u rc e s PI.3 DC P I . 2 Gat her Integrate Re so u rc e s CO ST PI.2 DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. M anage Integrate Re so u rc e s Cycl e t i m e Integrate Re so u rc e s Co st Page 33 of 261 PI.3 Balance Integrate Resources with Integrate Requirements: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of identifying and addressing the gaps between Integrate requirements and resources in order to determine the optimal utilization of Integrate resources DC B u si n e ss Ru l e s E P .1 DC In te g ra te Re q u i re m e n t s PI.1 DC In te g ra te Re so u rc e s RESPONSIVENESS PI.2 DC In te g ra te S ch e d u l e DC CO ST I 1 . 2 I 2 .2 I3 .2 DC B a l a n ce d In te g ra te Re q u i re m e n t s wi t h Re so u rce s PI.4 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. M a n a g e In te g rate B a l a n ci n g Cycl e t i m e DC P I .3 B a l a n ce In te g ra te Re q u i re m e n t s wi t h Re so u rce s B a l a n ce In te g ra te D C Re q u i re m e n t s w/ Re so u rc e s Co st PI.3 Page 34 of 261 PI.4 Establish Integrate Plans: Process Element Description/Definition: The establishment and communication of Integrate priorities, projects and time lines. DC RESPONSIVENESS B a l a n ce d In te g ra te Re q u i re m e n t s wi t h Re so u rce s DC PI.3 DC DC In te g ra te Plan P I . 4 E st a b l i sh In te g ra te P l ans CO ST PI.4 E P . 3 I 1 . 2 I 2 . 2 I 3 . 2 E I.7 P l a n s co m m u n i ca t e d o pDeC n l y a n d cro ss-fu n cti o n a l l y fo r e xe cu ti o n P l a n n i n g for tra n si ti o n i n g DC f ro m d e ve l o p m e n t to p ro d u cti o n © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. M a n a g e In te g rate Plan Cycl e t i m e DC In te g ra te P l a n Co st P l a n s th a t vi o l a te D C b u si n e ss ru l e s a re a d d re sse d cro ss-f u n ct i o n a l l y Ch a n g e s to p l a n a re aD g re Ce d t o cro ss-fu n cti o n a l l y, a cco rd i n g to d e fi n e d ru l e s Page 35 of 261 PA: Plan Amend: Process Category Description/Definition: The development and establishment of courses of action over specified time periods that represent projected resources to meet amend requirements. P r o c e s s E le m e n t L e v e l - P A : P la n A m e n d DC PA Pl an A m e nd PA DC PA.1 Gather A m e nd Re q u i re m e n t s P A .1 DC P A . 3 B a l a n ce In te g ra te Re q u i re m e n t s wi t h Re so u rce s P A .3 DC DC P A . 4 E st a b l i sh A m e nd P l ans P A .4 P A.2 Gather A m e nd Re so u rc e s P A .2 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 36 of 261 PA Plan Amend: Process Element Description/Definition: The development and establishment of courses of action over specified time periods that represent projected resources to meet amend requirements. RESPONSIVENESS DC M a n a g e P l an A m e nd Cycl e t i m e CO ST DC PA Pl an A m e nd DC T otal P l an A m e n d Co st PA DC DC U se A m e nd P l a n ni ng Mi ti gati on o f Ob so l e ce n ce DC Co st A n a l ysi s (M O CA ) CO ST DC T o ta l A m e n d Co st T e ch n o l o gy S u st a i n m e n t (M O CA ) © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 37 of 261 PA.1 Gather Amend Requirements: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of identifying, prioritizing and considering all sources of Amend requirements for the integrated design chain. DC De si g n Ch a i n Plan RESPONSIVENESS P P .4 DC DC Plan Da t a CO ST E P .3 DC Ga t h e re d A m e nd Re q u i re m e n t s P A .3 DC P A.1 Gather A m e nd Re q u i re m e n t s DC Gather Am end Re q u i re m e n t s Co st P A .1 DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. M anage Am end Re q u i re m e n t s Cycl e t i m e Use Hi st o ri ca l B a se d A m e n d Ra t e Fo re ca st s Page 38 of 261 PA.2 Gather Amend Resources: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of identifying, prioritizing and considering all Amend resources of the integrated design chain. RESPONSIVENESS DC P l an Dat a DC E P .3 DC Gat hered A m e nd Requi rem ent s DC P A .3 P A . 2 G at her A m e nd Re so u rc e s CO ST P A .2 DC Rapi d D C reconfi gurati on of Capaci ty © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. M anage A m end Re so u rc e s Cycl e t i m e G at her A m end Re so u rc e s Co st JS A wi t h S ource D C suppl i ers t o share responsi bi l i t i es and costs Page 39 of 261 PA.3 Balance Amend Resources with Amend Requirements: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of identifying and addressing the gaps between Amend requirements and resources in order to determine the optimal utilization of Amend resources. DC B u si n e ss Ru l e s E P .1 DC A m e nd S ch e d u l e A 1.1 A 2.2 A3.1 DC A m e nd Re q u i re m e n t s RESPONSIVENESS P A .1 DC Ga t h e re d A m e nd Re so u rc e s DC P A .2 B a l a n ce d A m e n d D C Re q u i re m e n t s wi t h Re so u rc e s P A .4 P A . 3 B a l a n ce A m e n d Re q u i re m e n t s wi t h Re so u rce s DC P A .3 M anage Am end B a l a n ci n g Cycl e t i m e CO ST B a l a n ce A m e n d D C Re q u i re m e n t s w/ Re so u rc e s Co st Co st a cco u n t i n g sy st e m t o DC d e t e rm i n e b e st p ro c e ss © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 40 of 261 PA.4 Establish Amend Plans: Process Element Description/Definition: The establishment and communication of Amend priorities, projects and time lines. RESPONSIVENESS B al anced A m end D C Requi rem ent s wi t h Re so u rc e s DC P A .3 DC A m e nd P l an DC DC P A .4 Rapi d, dynam i c D C reconfi gurati on of a m e n d p ro ce sses © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. CO ST P A . 4 E st abl i sh A m e nd P l an E P .3 E A .7 M anage am end P l an Cycl e t i m e E st abl i sh A m end P l an Cost Ful l i nternal and D C external vi si bi l i ty t o am end pl ans Page 41 of 261 EP: Enable Plan: Process Category Description/Definition: Enable Plan (Design Chain) is the collection of processes to prepare, maintain, and manage information or relationships upon which Design Chain planning processes rely P r o c e s s E le m e n t L e v e l - E P : E n a b le P la n DC EP Enable Plan EP DC EP.1 Manage Plan B u si n e ss Ru l e s E P .1 DC EP.2 Manage De si g n Ch a i n P e rf o rm a n ce E P .2 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. DC EP.3 Manage Plan In fo rm a ti o n E P .3 DC EP.4 Manage P ro d u ct L i fe cycl e E P .4 DC EP.5 Manage De si g n Ch a i n A sse t s E P .5 DC EP.6 Manage De si g n Ch a i n K n o wl e d g e T ra n sf e r E P .6 DC EP.7 Manage De si g n Ch a i n Co n fi g u ra ti on E P .7 DC EP.8 Manage Plan Re g u l a to ry Co m p l i a n ce E P .8 DC EP.9 Align De si g n Ch a i n Un i t P l a n wi th Fi n a n ci al P l an E P .9 Page 42 of 261 EP.1 Manage Plan Business Rules: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of establishing, maintaining, and enforcing decision support criteria for design chain planning which translate to rules for conducting business, i.e. developing and maintaining customer standards of an entire design chain such as service levels, given service requirements by design chain stakeholders and partners. Business rules align Plan process policies with business strategy, goals, and objectives. This includes developing and enforcing compatibility, connectivity, and interchangeability standards. DC M anage P l an Regul atory Com pl i ance RESPONSIVENESS E P .8 DC DC B u si n e ss Ru l es RESPONSIVENESS E P .2 DC B u si n e ss Ru l es DC E P . 1 M anage P l a n B usi ness Ru l es E P . 2 P A . 3 P D. 3 P P . 3 P I . 3 P R. 3 DC M anage P l an B u si n e ss Rul es Cycl e T i m e DC Num ber of B u si n e ss Rul e Ch a nges E P .1 CO ST M anage P l an B u si n e ss Ru l es DC E P .2 I n t egrat ed busi ness D C and desi gn chai n p l anni ng processes E nt erpri se Level P ol i ci es wi th l ocal E xecuti on DC Long t erm suppl i er a g reem ent s/ part nershi ps DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. DC M anage P l an B u si n e ss Ru l e s Co st E nterpri se l evel spend anal ysi s Col l aborati ve revi ew, agreem D C ent of busi ness rul es pri or to contract executi on E l ect roni c S ourci ng D C and Negoti ati on (E -B usi ness) Page 43 of 261 EP.2 Manage Design Chain Performance: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of measuring actual integrated design chain performance against internal and/or external standards to develop and implement a course of action to achieve targeted performance levels. Performance targets established for the execution of design chain processes are reflected in the process elements for Plan, i.e. cost, reliability, cycle time, responsiveness, assets, and innovativeness DC M a n age Plan In fo rm a ti o n E P .3 DC RESPONSIVENESS B u si n e ss Ru l e s DC E P .1 DC M a n age De si g n Ch a i n P e rf o rm a n ce DC M a n a g e De si g n Ch a i n P e rf o rm a n ce Cycl e t i m e CO ST EP.2 Manage De si g n Ch a i n P e rf o rm a n ce M a n a g e De si g n E P .7 D C Ch a i n P e rf o rm a n ce EP . 2 Re l i a b l e Co n ti n u o us I m p ro ve m e n t P ro ce ss DC S o u n d P ro j e ct M a n a g e m e n t P ro ce ss DC a n d M e th o d ol ogy. DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. E ffi ci e n t a n d e ffe cti ve b e n ch m a rki n g p ro c e ss Co st a n d M e th o dol ogy DC L e a n and Si x Sigma Page 44 of 261 EP.3 Manage Plan Information: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of collecting, integrating and maintaining the accuracy of design chain execution information necessary to plan the balancing of design chain resources to requirements at both the highest aggregate and lowest project/product planning levels DC Re se a rch Plan P R. 4 DC De si g n Plan P D. 4 DC A m e nd Plan P A .4 DC In te g ra te Plan PI.4 DC De si g n Ch a i n Plan RESPONSIVENESS P P .4 DC M a n a g e De si g n D C Ch a i n K n o wl e d g e T ra n sf e r CO ST E P .6 DC M a n age Plan In fo rm a ti o n DC E P .2 E P .6 DC M a n age In fo rm a ti o n Cycl e T i m e EP.3 M anage Plan In fo rm a ti o n DC M a n a g e P l an I n f o rm a t i o n Co st EP .3 Plan Da t a P P . 1 P R. 1 P D. 1 P I . 1 P A . 1 Co l l a borati ve D C P l a n n i n g - De si g n i nformation DC S i n g l e data so u rce f o r d e ci si o n su p p o rt a n d b u si n e ss ru l e s Da t a a cce si b i l i t y a cro ss D C t h e e n te rp ri se fo r vi si b i l i t y b y d i scre te b u si n e ss u n t © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 45 of 261 EP.4 Manage Product Life Cycle: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of defining and maintaining the status of products/services during the total life of a product. This includes establishing processes and maintenance of status information of products RESPONSIVENESS DC P roduct Li fecycl e M anagem ent Cycl e T i m e CO ST DC Li fe Cycl e P l an DC E P . 4 M anage P ro duct Li fecycl e DC M anage Desi gn Chai n Inventory Co st EP .4 P eri odi c revi ew of m e t ri cs & st ra t e gy w/ co m p a ri sons t o i n d u st ry b e n ch m a rks DC Real ti m e D C Dat a on current st a t u s P LCM © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 46 of 261 EP.5 Manage Design Chain Assets: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of acquiring, maintaining and dispositioning an organization's Design Chain capital assets. This includes automation tools and facilities like laboratories, offices, etc RESPONSIVENESS DC M a n a g e De si g n Ch a i n Co n fi ru g ra ti o n DC CO ST E P .7 DC EP.5 M anage De si g n Ch a i n A sse t s DC DC Cro ss Fu n ct i o n a l T e a m s to e xe cu te a n d d e vel op DC L o n g -T e rm Ca p a ci ty a n d Re so u rc e s Re m o va l o f Ob so l e te Ca p i ta l A sse ts © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. M a n a g e De si g n Ch a i n A sse t s Co st ASSETS EP .5 DC M a n a g e De si g n Ch a i n A sse t Cycl e t i m e P l a n Fi xe d A sse t V a l u e A l i g n m e n t o f stra te g i c/ b u si n e ss p l a n s wi t h DC l o n g -t e rm ca p a ci ty/ re so u rce p l a n s DC Fa ci l i ty & Equi pm ent E n vi ro n m e n t Page 47 of 261 EP.6 Manage Design Chain Knowledge Transfer: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of defining a Design Chain knowledge transfer strategy and maintaining the information, which characterizes total Design Chain knowledge management requirements DC RESPONSIVENESS M a n age Plan In fo rm a ti o n DC E P .3 DC M a n age De si g n Ch a i n K n o wl e d g e T ra n sf e r Cycl e t i m e CO ST K n o wl e d g e M a n a g e m e nt S ch e d u l e M a n a g e De si g n D C Ch a i n K n o wl e d g e M a n age De si g n Ch a i n DC K n o wl e d g e T ra n sf e r DC E P .3 DC T ra n sf e r Co st EP.6 M anage De si g n Ch a i n K n o wl e d g e T ra n sf e r ASSETS EP .6 DC K n o wl e d g e M a n a g e m e nt Plan E l e ct ro n i c In fo rm a ti o n DE Cxch a n g e s t h ro u g h o u t DC M e a su re m e n t of P e rform ance DC Autom ated Do cum entati on t h e De si g n Ch a i n M a n a g e In fo rm a ti on D C a cro ss 1 0 0 % o f d e sg i n ch a i n In te rn e t P o o l i ng (E l e ct ro n i c b ro ke ra g e DC o f re se a rch a n d o r d e si g n ) © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Re t u rn o n De si g n Ch a i n A sse t s Ca p t u re a n d D Cm a i n ta i n ca te g o ri ze d sp e ci fi c d a ta Page 48 of 261 EP.7 Manage Design Chain Configuration: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of defining and maintaining the information about the Design Chain network for a group of similar or complimentary products through their full life cycle, including the evaluation of product requirements, product realization (development, introduction and production), product discontinuation, and after-market support. This includes the company's internal and external relationships DC M a n age De si g n Ch a i n P e rf o rm a n ce RESPONSIVENESS E P .2 DC DC De si g n Ch a i n Plan CO ST P P .4 DC M a n age De si g n Ch a i n Co n fi g u ra ti on DC EP.7 M anage De si g n Ch a i n Co n fi g u ra ti on M a n a g e De si g n D C Ch a i n Co n fi g u ra ti on Co st E P .7 E P .5 P l a t f o rm T e a m s D C i n Ne w P ro d u ct In co rp o ra te s l e a d i n g D C p ra c t i ce s su ch a s De ve l o p m e n t P ro ce ss CP FR, V M I , e t c . I m p a ct o f De si g n o n Cost of Qual i ty De si g n i s i n t e g ra t e d wi th Op e ra ti o n s DC P l a n n i n g P ro ce ss DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. M a n a g e De si g n Ch a i n Co n fi g u ari on Cycl e t i m e Page 49 of 261 EP.8 Manage Plan Regulatory Compliance: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of identifying and complying with regulatory documentation and process standards set by external entities (e.g. government). DC Legal P ro c e sse s RESPONSIVENESS DC M anage Desi gn Chai n DC Regul atory Com pl i ance Cycl e t i m e Fi nance T ax & T re asury P ro c e sse s CO ST DC M anage P l an Regul atory Com pl i ance E P .1 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. DC E P . 8 M anage P l an Regul atory Com pl i ance DC M anage P l an Regul atory Com pl i ance Cost EP .8 Page 50 of 261 EP.9 Align Design Chain Plan with Financial Plan: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of revising the long-term Design Chain capacity and resource plans, given the inputs from the strategic and business plans. This includes revision of not only aggregate forecast and projections related to Design Chain, Research, Design, and Integrate plans, but also business assumptions. RESPONSIVENESS Fi n a n ci al P l an f ro m : Fi n a n ce , T a x DC & T re a su ry P ro c e sse s DC DC Re vi se d B u si n e ss A ssu m p t i o n s DC E P . 9 A l i g n De si g n Ch a i n P l a n wi th Fi n a n ci a l P l a n P P .1 ASSETS E P .9 DC Re vi se d B u si n e ss A ssu m p t i o n s t o O u t p u t : Fi n a n ce , T a x & T re a su ry P ro c e sse s DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Re -p l a n n i n g e xi st s i n m u l ti -l e ve l s o f th e De si g n Ch a i n b e t we e n b u si n e sse s DC Re -p l a n n i n g l i n ks d e si g n ch a i n o p e ra ti o n wi t h B u si n e ss/ M a rke t i n g S t ra te g y M a n a g e De si g n Ch a i n Fi n a nci al Re a l i g n m e nt Cycl e t i m e A l i g n De si g n P l a n wi th Fi n a n ci al P l an Co st DC Page 51 of 261 Research Research: Process Description/Definition: Process Categories comprising Research L e v e l 2 : C o n f ig u r a t io n L e v e l - R e s e a r c h DC DC R1 Re se a rch P ro d u ct Re f re sh R1 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. DC R2 Re se a rch New P ro d u ct R2 Re se a rch DC R3 Re se a rch New T e ch n o l o gy R3 DC ER Enabl e Re se a rch ER Page 52 of 261 R1: Research Product Refresh: Process Category Description/Definition: The Research management process encompasses the identification and decomposition of research topics, obtaining and synthesizing of information and evaluation and publishing or archiving of research findings. This includes the identification of sources of supply, sourcing and validation of materials/products against requirements. Research Product Refresh is driven by the research plan. P r o c e s s E le m e n t L e v e l - R 1 : R e s e a r c h P r o d u c t R e f r e s h DC R1 Re se a rch P ro d u ct Re f re sh R1 DC R1 . 1 S ch e d u l e Re se a rch A ct i vi ti e s DC R1 . 1 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. R1 . 2 S o u rce M a te ri a l s R1 . 2 DC R1 . 3 V e ri fy M a te ri a l s R1 . 3 DC R1 . 4 T ra n sf e r Fi n d i n g s/ M a te ri a l s R1 . 4 DC R1 . 5 A u t h o ri ze S u p p l i er P a y m e n t (m -t -s) R1 . 5 Page 53 of 261 PROCESS ELEMENT--Research R1 Research Product Refresh: Process Element Description/Definition: The Research management process encompasses the identification and decomposition of research topics, obtaining and synthesizing of information and evaluation and publishing or archiving of research findings. This includes the identification of sources of supply, sourcing and validation of materials/products against requirements. Research Product Refresh is driven by the research plan. © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 54 of 261 RESPONSIVENESS DC P ro duct Desi gn Change Cycl e Time RESPONSIVENESS DC A uthori ze S uppl i er P aym ent Cycl e T i m e RELIABILITY DC P erf ect P ro duct De si gn RELIABILITY DC DC R1 Re se a rch P ro duct Re f resh R1 Re se a rch Cycl e T i m e FLEXIBILITY DC P ro duct Desi gn Cycl e T i m e FLEXIBILITY Joi nt S ervi ce Mi ti gati on of O b so l e scence Co st A n a l y si s (M O CA ) AC greem ent s A l l i ance and D C D Leverage agreem ents DC Re se arch desi gn change Cycl e Time CO ST DC A uthori ze S uppl i er P a ym e nt Cost CO ST DC Re se a rch T ot al Cost CO ST DC T otal Desi gn Chai n Cost R1.1 Schedule Research Activities: Process Element Description/Definition: Scheduling and managing the execution of the individual deliveries of materials and technology. The requirements are © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 55 of 261 determined based on the detailed Research plan. This includes the identification and validation of potential suppliers of materials or technology. DC Re se a rch Plan P R. 4 DC RESPONSIVENESS B u si n e ss Ru l e s S ch e d u l e D C Re se a rch A ct i vi t i e s E R. 1 Cycl e T i m e DC S ch e d u l e Re se a rch A ct i vi ti e s DC R1 . 1 S ch e d u l e Re se a rch A ct i vi ti e s R1 . 2 DC Re se a rch S ch e d u l e CO ST R1 . 1 DC Ut i l i ze E DI t ra n sa ct i o n s to re d u ce cycl e t i m e a n d co st s Co n si g n m e n t a g re e m e n t s DC t o re d u ce a sse t s a n d cycl e ti m e DC S ch e d u l e Re se a rch A ct i vi t i e s Co st P R. 3 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 56 of 261 R1.2 Source Materials: Process Element Description/Definition: The process and associated activities of ordering and receiving materials and technology. DC S ch e d u l e Re se a rch A ct i vi ti e s DC Re se a rch M a te ri a l from In p u t S u p p l i e r R1 . 1 RESPONSIVENESS DC DC P u rch a se O rd e r (S u p p l i e r) DC R1 . 2 S o u rce M a te ri a l s CO ST R1 . 2 DC DC S o u rce d M a te ri a l s S u p p l i e r ce rti fi ca ti o n p ro g ra m s t o re d u ce / e l i m i n a te recei vi ng i n sp e cti o n DC R1 . 3 DC P a ym e n t A u th o ri za ti o n R1 . 5 B a r co d i n g i s u se d t o m i n i m i ze D C h a n d l i n g ti m e & m a xi m i ze d a t a a ccu ra cy DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. S u p p l i er (Ca rri e r) A g re e m e n t s S o u rce M a te ri a l s Cycl e T i m e DC S u p p l i e r d e l i ve rs d i re ctl y to p o i n t o f u se DC R FI D DC Co m p o n e n t S ta n d a rd i za ti on S o u rce M a t e ri a l s Co st Page 57 of 261 R1.3 Verify Materials: Process Element Description/Definition: The process and actions required determining product conformance to requirements and criteria. This includes documenting and archiving characteristics, test results, form, fit and function, and can include testing in laboratories and disposition of materials. RESPONSIVENESS DC S o u rce d M a te ri a l s DC V e ri fy M a te ri a l s Cycl e T i m e R1 . 2 CO ST DC Re se a rch Do cu m e n t a t i o n DC R1 . 3 V e ri fy M a te ri a l s E R. 3 DC V eri fi ed M a te ri a l s S u p p l i e r ce rti fi ca ti o n p ro g ra m s t o re d u ce / e l i m i n a te recei vi ng i n sp e cti o n B a r co d i n g i s u se d t o m i n i m i ze D C h a n d l i n g ti m e & m a xi m i ze d a t a a ccu ra cy © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. V e ri fy M a te ri a l s Co st R1 . 3 DC R1 . 4 DC DC S u p p l i e r d e l i ve rs d i re ctl y to p o i n t o f u se S u p p l i e r re p l a ce s D Cd e fe cti ve m a te ri al at cu st o m e r's f a ci l i ty Page 58 of 261 R1.4 Transfer Findings/Materials: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of receiving a request for available research materials and documentation of specifications and transferring samples and documentation. DC V eri fi ed M a te ri a l s RESPONSIVENESS R1 . 3 DC T ra n sf e r Re se a rch Re q u i re m e n t s D C Fi n d i n g /M a te ri a l s Cycl e T i m e D1 . 2 I 1 . 3 D2 . 3 D3 . 5 CO ST DC Re se a rch S p e ci fi ca ti o n s DC R1 . 4 T ra n sf e r Fi n d i n g s/ Materi al D1 . 2 I 1 . 3 D2 . 3 D3 . 5 Co st R1 . 4 Dri ve d e l i ve ri e s D C d i re ct l y t o sto ck or P OU © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. T ra n sf e r D C Fi n d i n g /M a te ri a l s DC Ca p abi l i ty T ra n sf e r to Org a n i za ti o n Page 59 of 261 R1.5 Authorize Supplier Payment: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of authorizing payments and paying suppliers for product or services. This process includes invoice collection, invoice matching and the issuance of checks. RESPONSIVENESS DC P a ym e n t A u th o ri za ti o n DC R1 . 2 DC Ou t p u t to Fi n a nci al P ro c e sse s P a ym e n t Cycl e Time RELIABILITY DC R1 . 5 A u t h o ri ze S u p p l i er P a ym e n t R1 . 5 DC % I n vo i ce Re ce i p t s a n d P a ym e n t s Ge n e ra t e d vi a E DI FLEXIBILITY % I n vo i ce s p ro ce sse d wi t h o u t i ssu e s a n d / o r e rro rs DC DC Pay on Re ce i p t CO ST DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Co st per i n vo i ce Page 60 of 261 R2: Research New Product: Process Category Description/Definition: The Research management process encompasses the identification and decomposition of research topics, obtaining and synthesizing of information and evaluation and publishing of research findings. This includes the identification of sources of supply, sourcing and validation of materials/products against requirements. Research New Product is driven by the Design process. P r o c e s s E le m e n t L e v e l - R 2 : R e s e a r c h N e w P r o d u c t DC R2 Re se a rch New P ro duct R2 DC R2. 1 Recei ve & V al i date Re q uest DC R2. 2 S chedul e Re se a rch A ct i vi ti es R2 . 1 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. R2 . 2 DC R2 . 3 S ource M ateri al s R2 . 3 DC R2. 4 V eri fy M ateri al s R2 . 4 DC R2. 5 T ransf er Fi ndi ngs/ M ateri al s R2 . 5 DC R2. 6 A ut hori ze S uppl i er P aym ent R2 . 6 Page 61 of 261 R2 Research New Product: Process Element Description/Definition: The Research management process encompasses the identification and decomposition of research topics, obtaining and synthesizing of information and evaluation and publishing of research findings. This includes the identification of sources of supply, sourcing and validation of materials/products against requirements. Research New Product is driven by the Design process. RESPONSIVENESS DC P ro duct Desi gn Change Cycl e T ime RELIABILITY DC DC R2 Re se a rch New P ro duct P erf ect P ro duct De si gn RELIABILITY DC Re se a rch Cycl e T i m e R2 FLEXIBILITY DC S ervi ce A g re em ent s (S A ) A ut om at ed D C S t at i st i cal P rocess Cont rol (S P C) DC P ro duct Desi gn Cycl e T i m e FLEXIBILITY DC Re se a rch desi gn change Cycl e T i m e CO ST DC Re se a rch T ot al Cost CO ST DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. T otal Desi gn Chai n Cost Page 62 of 261 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 63 of 261 R2.1 Receive and Validate Request: Process Element Description/Definition: The activities of receiving and logging Research requests and determining the completeness of specifications and validity of the request. This includes decomposition of the request. DC Re se a rch Re q u i re m e n t s D2 . 3 I 2 . 3 D3 . 5 DC RESPONSIVENESS B u si n e ss Ru l e s Re ce i ve & D C V a l i d a te Re q u e st Cycl e T i m e E R. 1 CO ST DC S ch e d u l e Re se a rch A ct i vi ti e s DC R2 . 2 R2 . 1 Re ce i ve & V a l i d ate Re q u e st DC Re ce i ve & V al i date Re q u e st Co st R2 . 1 Ut i l i ze E DI D C t o re d u ce cycl e t i m e a n d co st s © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 64 of 261 R2.2 Schedule Research Activities: Process Element Description/Definition: Scheduling and managing the execution of the individual deliveries of materials and technology. The requirements are determined based on the detailed research request. This includes the identification and validation of potential suppliers of materials or technology. DC S ch e d u l e Re se a rch A ct i vi ti e s R2 . 1 DC Re se a rch Plan RESPONSIVENESS P R. 4 DC DC Re se a rch S ch e d u l e DC R2 . 2 S ch e d u l e Re se a rch A ct i vi ti e s P R. 3 CO ST R2 . 2 DC DC S o u rce M a te ri a l s DC R2 . 3 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Ut i l i ze E DI t ra n sa ct i o n s to re d u ce cycl e t i m e a n d co st s DC S ch e d u l e Re se a rch A ct i vi ti e s Cycl e T i m e S ch e d u l e Re se a rch A ct i vi t i e s Co st Co n si g n m e n t a g re e m e n t s t o re d u ce a sse t s a n d cycl e ti m e Page 65 of 261 R2.3 Source Materials: Process Element Description/Definition: The process and associated activities of ordering and receiving materials and technology. DC RESPONSIVENESS S ch e d u l e Re se a rch A ct i vi ti e s DC R2 . 2 DC S o u rce d M a te ri a l s DC R2 . 3 S o u rce M a te ri a l s R2 . 4 CO ST R2 . 3 DC DC P a ym e n t A u th o ri za ti o n S u p p l i e r ce rti fi ca ti o n p ro g ra m s t o re d u ce / e l i m i n a te recei vi ng i n sp e cti o n DC R2 . 6 B a r co d i n g i s u se d t o m i n i m i ze D C h a n d l i n g ti m e & m a xi m i ze d a t a a ccu ra cy DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. S o u rce M a te ri a l s Cycl e T i m e DC S u p p l i e r d e l i ve rs d i re ctl y to p o i n t o f u se DC R FI D S o u rce M a te ri a l s Co st S u p p l i er (Ca rri e r) A g re e m e n t s Page 66 of 261 R2.4 Verify Materials: Process Element Description/Definition: The process and actions required determining product conformance to requirements and criteria. This includes documenting and archiving characteristics, test results, form, fit and function, and can include testing in laboratories and disposition of materials. RESPONSIVENESS DC S o u rce d M a te ri a l s DC RESPONSIVENESS R2 . 3 DC DC Re se a rch Do cu m e n t a t i o n DC R2 . 4 V e ri fy M a te ri a l s E R. 3 DC R2 . 5 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. S u p p l i e r ce rti fi ca ti o n p ro g ra m s t o re d u ce / DC e l i m i n a te recei vi ng i n sp e cti o n B a r co d i n g i s u se d t o m i n i m i ze D C h a n d l i n g ti m e & m a xi m i ze d a t a a ccu ra cy DC V e ri fy M a te ri a l s Cycl e T i m e CO ST R2 . 4 DC V eri fi ed M a te ri a l s Re l e a se to S e l l Cycl e T ime S u p p l i e r d e l i ve rs d i re ctl y to p o i n t o f u se S u p p l i e r re p l a ce s D Cd e fe cti ve m a te ri al at cu st o m e r's f a ci l i ty Re l e a se to Sel l T otal Co st CO ST DC V e ri fy M a te ri a l s Co st Page 67 of 261 R2.5 Transfer Findings/Materials: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of receiving a request for available research materials and documentation of specifications and transferring samples and documentation. DC RESPONSIVENESS V eri fi ed M a te ri a l s T ra n sf e r D C Fi n d i n g /M a te ri a l s R2 . 4 Cycl e T i m e DC Re se a rch S p e ci fi ca ti o n s DC R2 . 5 T ra n sf e r Fi n d i n g s/ M a te ri a l s CO ST R2 . 5 D2 . 3 I 2 . 4 D3 . 5 T ra n sf e r D C Fi n d i n g /M a te ri a l s Co st Dri ve d e l i ve ri e s d i re ct l y t o sto ck or P OU © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Ca p abi l i ty T ra n sf e r to Org a n i za ti o n Page 68 of 261 R2.6 Authorize Supplier Payment: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of authorizing payments and paying suppliers for product or services. This process includes invoice collection, invoice matching and the issuance of checks. DC P aym ent A uthori zati on RESPONSIVENESS R2 . 3 DC DC Out put to Fi nanci al P ro c e sse s DC DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. CO ST R2. 6 A ut hori ze S uppl i er P aym ent R2 . 6 A uthori ze S uppl i er P aym ent Cycl e T i m e DC A uthori ze S uppl i er P a ym e nt Cost P ay on Recei pt Page 69 of 261 R3: Research New Technology: Process Category Description/Definition: The Research management process encompasses the identification and decomposition of research topics for new technology, obtaining and synthesizing of information and evaluation and publishing of research findings. This includes the identification of sources of supply, sourcing and validation of materials/products against requirements. Research New Technology is driven by the Design New Technology process. P r o c e s s E le m e n t L e v e l - R 3 : R e s e a r c h N e w T e c h n o lo g y DC R3 Re se a rch New T e ch n o l o gy R3 DC R3 . 1 Re ce i ve & V a l i d ate Re q u e st R3 . 1 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. DC R3 . 2 Id e n ti fy S o u rce s f o r T e ch n o l o gy R3 . 2 DC R3 . 3 S ch e d u l e Re se a rch A ct i vi ti e s R3 . 3 DC R3 . 4 S o u rce M a te ri a l s/ T e ch n o l o gy R3 . 4 Page 70 of 261 R3 Research New Technology: Process Element Description/Definition: The Research management process encompasses the identification and decomposition of research topics for new technology, obtaining and synthesizing of information and evaluation and publishing of research findings. This includes the identification of sources of supply, sourcing and validation of materials/products against requirements. Research New Technology is driven by the Design New Technology process. © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 71 of 261 RESPONSIVENESS DC P ro d u ct De si g n Ch a n g e Cycl e Time RELIABILITY DC P e rf e ct P ro d u ct De si g n RELIABILITY DC R3 Re se a rch New T e ch n o l o gy R3 DC FLEXIBILITY DC DC S e rvi ce A g re e m e n t s (S A ) Re se a rch Cycl e T i m e P ro d u ct De si g n Cycl e T i m e FLEXIBILITY DC Re se a rch d e si g n ch a n g e Cycl e T i m e CO ST DC Re se a rch T o t a l Co st CO ST DC T o ta l De si g n Ch a i n Co st R3.1 Receive and Validate Request: Process Element Description/Definition: The activities of receiving and logging Research requests and determining the completeness of specifications and validity of the request. This includes decomposition of the request. Last user: system © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 72 of 261 DC Re se a rch Re q u i re m e n t s D3 . 5 I 3 . 3 DC B u si n e ss Ru l e s RESPONSIVENESS E R. 1 Re ce i ve & D C V a l i d a te Re q u e st Cycl e T i m e DC V a l i dated Re q u e st R3 . 2 DC R3 . 1 Re ce i ve & V a l i d ate Re q u e st CO ST R3 . 1 DC P ro d u ct Da t a M D aCn a g e m e n t & E l e ctro n i c Do cu m e n t M a n a g e m e n t © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Re ce i ve & V al i date Re q u e st Co st E DI t o se n d a n d D C re ce i ve te ch n i ca l i n fo rm a ti on Page 73 of 261 R3.2 Identify Sources for Technology: Process Element Description/Definition: The identification and qualification of potential suppliers capable of designing and delivering product and/or technology that will meet all of the required specifications. DC RESPONSIVENESS V a l i dated Re q u e st DC R3 . 1 DC Identi fi ed S o u rce s fo r T e ch n o l o gy DC CO ST R3 . 2 Id e n ti fy S o u rce s f o r T e ch n o l o gy R3 . 3 DC R3 . 2 I d e n t i f y S o u rce s fo r T e ch n o l o gy Cycl e T i m e I d e n t i f y S o u rce s fo r T e ch n o l o gy Co st E DI t o se n d RFQ s Co n cu rre n t e n g i n e e ri n g a n d te ch n i ca l wiD t hCsu p p l i e rs fo r e n g i n e e ri n g i n f o rm a t i o n to re se a rch e rs a n d p ro d u ct te st d a ta DC O n l i n e RFQ p ro ce sse s n ke d i n to th e d o cu m e n t Dl i C m a n a g e m e n t p ro ce ss S u p p l i e r ce rti fi ca ti o n p ro g ra m s t o re d u ce cycl e ti m e fo r ce rti fyi n g su p p l i e rs DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. On l i n e d o cu m e n t m a n a g e m e n t DaCn d a u to m a te d su p p l i e r a p p ro va l p ro ce sse s On-l i ne avai l abi l i ty to su p p l i e r fi n a n ci a l s DC Page 74 of 261 R3.3 Schedule Research Activities: Process Element Description/Definition: Scheduling and managing the execution of the individual deliveries of materials and technology. The requirements are determined based on the detailed research request. DC Identi fi ed S o urces f or T echnol ogy R3 . 2 DC RESPONSIVENESS Re se a rch P l an DC P R. 4 DC Re se a rch S chedul e DC DC S chedul e Re se a rch A ct i vi ti es R3 . 4 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. CO ST R3. 3 S chedul e Re se a rch A ct i vi ti es DC R3 . 3 P R. 3 DC Ut i l i ze E DI t ransact i ons to reduce cycl e t i m e and cost s DC S chedul e Re se a rch A ct i vi ti es Cycl e T i m e S chedul e Re se a rch A ct i vi t i es Cost Co nsi gnm ent agreem ent s t o re d u ce asset s and cycl e ti m e Page 75 of 261 R3.4 Source Materials/Technology: Process Element Description/Definition: The process and associated activities of ordering and receiving materials and technology. This includes issuing/scheduling purchase orders, verification of material/technology receipts, recording into inventory and transfer to laboratory or other point of use. DC S ch e d u l e Re se a rch A ct i vi ti e s RESPONSIVENESS R3 . 3 DC DC Re se a rch Materi al (S u p p l i e r) DC P u rch a se O rd e r (S u p p l i e r) DC R3 . 4 S o u rce M a te ri a l s/ T e ch n o l o gy CO ST R3 . 4 DC S o u rce d M a te ri a l s/ T e ch n o l o gy R3 . 5 DC P a ym e n t A u th o ri za ti o n S u p p l i e r ce rti fi ca ti o n p ro g ra m s t o re d u ce / e l i m i n a te recei vi ng i n sp e cti o n DC B a r co d i n g i s u se d t o m i n i m i ze D C h a n d l i n g ti m e & m a xi m i ze d a t a a ccu ra cy S o u rce M a t e ri a l s/ T e ch n o l o gy Cycl e T i m e DC S u p p l i e r d e l i ve rs d i re ctl y to p o i n t o f u se DC R FI D DC S o u rce M a t e ri a l s/ T e ch n o l o g y Co st R3 . 8 DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. S u p p l i er (Ca rri e r) A g re e m e n t s Page 76 of 261 R3.5 Establish Verification Process: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of establishing the activities, test criteria, environmental requirements and disposition process for verification of the material/technology. DC S ourced M ateri al s/ T echnol ogy RESPONSIVENESS R3 . 4 DC DC V eri fi cati on P ro c e ss R3 . 6 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. DC CO ST R3. 5 E st abl i sh V eri fi cati on P ro c e ss R3 . 5 E st abl i sh V eri fi cati on P ro c e ss Cy c l e Time DC E st abl i sh V eri fi cati on P ro c e ss Co st Page 77 of 261 R3.6 Verify Materials/Technology: Process Element Description/Definition: The process and actions required to determine material/technology conformance to requirements and criteria. This includes documenting and archiving characteristics, test results, form, fit and function, and can include testing in laboratories and disposition of materials. DC V eri fi cati on P ro c e ss CO ST R3 . 5 DC DC Re se a rch Docum ent at i on DC DC V eri fi ed Re se a rch/ M ateri al s R3 . 7 DC R3 . 6 S uppl i er certi fi cati on program s t o reduce/ DC el i m i nate recei vi ng i nspecti on B ar codi ng i s used t o m i ni m i ze D C handl i ng ti m e & m axi m i ze dat a accuracy © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. RELIABILITY R3. 6 V eri fy M ateri al s/ T echnol ogy E R. 3 DC V eri fy M ateri al s/ T echnol ogy Cost V eri fy M ateri al s/ T echnol ogy Cycl e T i m e S uppl i er del i vers di rectl y to poi nt of use S uppl i er repl aces D Cdefecti ve m ateri al at cust om er's f aci l i ty Page 78 of 261 R3.7 Transfer Product: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of releasing research materials/technology and documentation of specifications and transferring samples and documentation to the Design process. DC V eri fi ed M a te ri a l s/ T e ch n o l o gy RESPONSIVENESS R3 . 6 DC DC Re se a rch S p e ci fi ca ti o n s DC CO ST R3 . 7 T ra n sf e r Fi n d i n g s/ M a te ri a l s D3 . 5 I 3 . 4 DC R3 . 7 Dri ve d e l i ve ri e s D C d i re ct l y t o sto ck or P OU © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. DC T ra n sf e r Fi n d i n g / M a te ri a l s Cycl e T i m e T ra n sf e r Fi n d i n g / M a t e ri a l s Co st Ca p abi l i ty T ra n sf e r to Org a n i za ti o n Page 79 of 261 R3.8 Authorize Supplier Payment: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of authorizing payments and paying suppliers for product or services. This process includes invoice collection, invoice matching and the issuance of checks. DC P a ym e n t A u th o ri za ti o n RESPONSIVENESS R3 . 4 DC DC Ou t p u t to Fi n a nci al P ro c e sse s DC DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. CO ST R3 . 8 A u t h o ri ze S u p p l i er P a ym e n t R3 . 8 A u th o ri ze S u p p l i e r P a ym e n t Cycl e T i m e DC A u th o ri ze S u p p l i e r P a ym e n t Co st Pay on Re ce i p t Page 80 of 261 ER: Enable Research: Process Category Description/Definition: Enable Research is the collection of processes to prepare, maintain, and manage information or relationships upon which Research execution processes rely. P r o c e s s E le m e n t L e v e l - E R : E n a b le R e s e a r c h DC E R E nabl e Re se a rch ER E R. 1 M anage Ru l es E R. 2 M anage Re se a rch P erf orm ance E R. 1 E R. 2 D C Re se a rc h B u si n e ss DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. DC E R. 3 M ai ntai n Re se a rch Inform ati on E R. 3 DC E R. 4 M anage P ro duct Li fecycl e E R. 4 DC E R. 5 M anage Re se a rch Capi tal A sse t s E R. 5 DC E R. 6 M anage Re se a rch K nowl edge T ransf er E R. 6 DC E R. 7 M anage Re se a rch Ne t wo rk E R. 7 DC E R. 8 M anage Re se a rch Regul atory Requi rem ent s E R. 8 Page 81 of 261 ER Enable Research: Process Element Description/Definition: Enable Research is the collection of processes to prepare, maintain, and manage information or relationships upon which Research execution processes rely. RESPONSIVENESS DC P ro d u ct De si g n Ch a n g e Cycl e Time RELIABILITY DC P e rf e ct P ro d u ct De si g n FEXIBILITY DC ER Enabl e Re se a rch DC CO ST ER DC E n t e rp ri se L e ve l P o l i ci e s wi th l o ca l E xcu ti o n DC E n a b l e d e si g n ch a n g e Cycl e Time DC E n te rp ri se l e ve l sp e n d a n al ysi s E n a bl e Re se a rch Co st CO ST L o n g t e rm re se a rch a g re e m e n t s/ p a rt n e rsh i p s DC Co l l a b o ra ti ve re vi e w, a g re e m e n t of b u si n e ss ru l e s DC E l e ct ro n i c S o u rci n g D C a n d Ne g oti ati on (E -B u si n e ss) © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. DC T o ta l De si g n Ch a i n Co st ASSETS DC De si g n Ch a i n Fi xe d A sse t V a l ue Page 82 of 261 ER.1 Manage Research Business Rules: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of defining and maintaining rules and work instructions for performing research, establishing supplier relationships and evaluating materials. DC B u si n e ss Ru l e s RESPONSIVENESS E R. 1 DC M a n age Re se a rch Re g u l a to ry Co m p l i a n ce DC M a n a g e Re se a rch B u si n e ss Ru l e s Cycl e T i m e E R. 8 RESPONSIVENESS DC B u si n e ss Ru l e s DC E R. 2 R1 . 1 R2 . 2 R3 . 1 DC M a n age Re se a rch P e rf o rm a n ce E R. 1 M a n a g e Re se a rch B u si n e ss Ru l e s DC E R. 1 CO ST DC E n t e rp ri se L e ve l P o l i ci e s wi th l o ca l E xe cu ti o n DC E n te rp ri se l e ve l sp e n d a n al ysi s L o n g t e rm re se a rch a g re e m e n t s/ p a rt n e rsh i p s DC E l e ct ro n i c Gra n t Ne g oti ati on (E -B u si n e ss) E R. 7 DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Nu m b e r o f B u si n e ss Ru l e Ch a n g e s DC M a n a g e Re se a rch B u si n e ss Ru l e s Co st Page 83 of 261 ER.2 Manage Research Performance: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of defining the requirement and monitoring the performance of the research processes. DC M a n age Re se a rch In fo rm a ti o n RESPONSIVENESS E R. 3 DC DC B u si n e ss Ru l e s CO ST E R. 1 DC M a n age Re se a rch Ne t wo rk DC E R. 7 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. M a n a g e Re se a rch P e rf o rm a n ce Cycl e t i m e E R. 2 M a n a g e Re se a rch P e rf o rm a n ce DC M a n a g e Re se a rch P e rf o rm a n ce Co st E R. 2 P e rf o rm a n ce e xp e cta ti o n s D aCn d b u si n e ss ru l e s a re cl e a rl y co m m u n i ca ted Di sCm e a su re d t h ro u g h th e Co n t i n u o u s I m p ro ve m e n t Re se a rch p e rf o rm a n ce dDa C ta i s co l l e cte d , a n a l yze d , re p o rte d onl i ne DC A sse ss P e rf o rm a n ce Co m p a ra t i ve a n a l ysi s o f reD seC a rch p e rf o rm a n ce i s u se d i n re se a rch d e ci si o n s DC L e a n and Si x Sigm a p e rf o rm a n ce re vi e w Page 84 of 261 ER.3 Manage Research Information: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of collecting, maintaining, and communicating information to support research planning and execution processes. The information to be managed includes: material requirements, material specifications, white papers, patents, etc. DC M a n age Re se a rch K n o wl e d g e T ra n sf e r RESPONSIVENESS E R. 6 DC M a na ge Re s e a r c h DC In fo r m a tion Cyc le T im e Re se a rch Do cu m e n t a t i o n CO ST R1 . 3 R2 . 4 R3 . 6 DC E xe cu ti o n Da t a DC E R. 3 M a i n ta i n Re se a rch In fo rm a ti o n DC M a n age Re se a rch In fo rm a ti o n Co st E R. 3 DC M a n age Re se a rch K n o wl e d g e T ra n sf e r E R. 6 DC M a n age Re se a rch In fo rm a ti o n Co l l a borati ve D CP l a n n i n g - Re se a rch DC i nformation S i n g l e data so u rce f o r d e ci si o n su p p o rt a n d b u si n e ss ru l e s Da t a a cce si b i l i t y a cro ss D C t h e e n te rp ri se fo r vi si b i l i t y b y d i scre te b u si n e ss u n t E R. 2 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 85 of 261 ER.4 Manage Product Life Cycle: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of defining and maintaining the status of products/services during the total life of a product. This includes establishing processes and maintenance of status information of products. RESPONSIVENESS DC DC Li fe Cycl e Plan P ro d u ct L i fe cycl e M a n a g e m e nt Cycl e T i m e CO ST DC E R. 4 M a n a g e P ro d u ct L i fe cycl e DC M a n a g e Re se a rch I n ve n t o ry Co st E R. 4 Re a l ti m e D C Da t a o n cu rre n t P L CM st a t u s © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 86 of 261 ER.5 Manage Research Capital Assets: Process Element Description/Definition: Acquisition, maintenance, and disposition of Research capital assets. (Labs and equipment). DC RESPONSIVENESS M anage Re se a rch Ne t wo rk DC E R. 7 M anage Re se a rch A sse t Cycl e t i m e CO ST DC E R. 5 M anage Re se a rch Capi tal A sse t s DC M anage Research Ca pi t al A sset s Co st E R. 5 Cro ss Fu nct i onal T eam s to execute and devel op DC Long-T erm Capaci ty and Re so u rc e s Rem oval of Obsol ete Research Capi t al A ssets DC A l i gnm ent of strategi c/ b u si n ess pl ans wi t h DC l ong-t erm capaci ty/ re source pl ans DC Faci l i ty & E qui pm ent E nvi ronm ent ASSETS DC ASSETS DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Re se a rch Fi xed A sse t V al ue Ret urn on Desi gn Chai n A sse t s Page 87 of 261 ER.6 Manage Research Knowledge Transfer: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of defining a Research knowledge transfer strategy and maintaining the information, which characterizes total Research knowledge management requirements. This includes creation and maintenance of training materials, delivery of training, and availability and accessibility of training and warranty information. DC DC K n o wl e d g e M a n a g e m e nt Plan RESPONSIVENESS M a n age Re se a rch DC K n o wl e d g e T ra n sf e r Cycl e t i m e M a n age Re se a rch In fo rm a ti o n E R. 3 CO ST DC K n o wl e d g e M a n a g e m e nt S ch e d u l e DC E R. 6 M a n a g e Re se a rch K n o wl e d g e T ra n sf e r DC M a n a g e Re se a rch K n o wl e d g e T ra n sf e r Co st E R. 6 DC M a n age Re se a rch K n o wl e d g e T ra n sf e r E R. 3 E l e ct ro n i c In fo rm a ti o n DE Cxch a n g e s t h ro u g h o u t DC M e a su re m e n t of P e rform ance DC Autom ated Do cum entati on t h e De si g n Ch a i n M a n a g e In fo rm a ti on D C a cro ss 1 0 0 % o f d e sg i n ch a i n In te rn e t P o o l i ng (E l e ct ro n i c b ro ke ra g e DC o f re se a rch a n d o r d e si g n ) © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Ca p t u re a n d D Cm a i n ta i n ca te g o ri ze d sp e ci fi c d a ta Page 88 of 261 ER.7 Manage Research Network: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of defining and maintaining the supplier and research sources network for specific materials/technologies/topics (no capital asset management). DC M a n age Re se a rch Ne t wo rk RESPONSIVENESS E R. 2 DC DC Re se a rch Plan CO ST P R. 4 DC M a n age Re se a rch Ne t wo rk Cycl e T i m e M a n age Re se a rch Ne t wo rk DC E R. 5 E R. 7 M a n a g e Re se a rch Ne t wo rk DC M a n age Re se a rch Ne t wo rk Co st E R. 7 On l i n e d o cu m e n t m anagem ent and a u to m a te d a p p ro va l p ro ce sse s I n te rn e t E xch a n ges DC E DI t o se n d RFQ s a n d te ch n i ca l i n f o rm a t i o n to re se a rch e rs DC Re se a rch ce rti fi ca ti o n Re se a rch A g re e m e n t s DC E st a b l i sh m e n t o f cri te ri a to ra n k re se a rch DC DC DC E va l u a te D C re se a rch n e t wo rk fo r d u p l i ca te s © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 89 of 261 ER.8 Manage Research Regulatory Requirements: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of identifying and complying with regulatory documentation and process standards set by external entities (e.g. government). DC Legal P ro c e sse s RESPONSIVENESS DC Fi n a n ce T ax & T re a su ry P ro c e sse s DC M a n age Re se a rch Re g u l a to ry Co m p l i a n ce M a n a g e De si g n Ch a i n Re g u l a to ry Co m p l i a n ce Cycl e t i m e DC CO ST DC E R. 8 M a n a g e Re se a rch Re g u l a to ry Re q u i re m e n t s E R. 1 DC M a n a g e Re se a rch Re g u l a to ry Co m p l i a n ce Co st E R. 8 DC Do c u m e n t s g e n e ra ted automatically Di re ct co n n e cti o n to Re g u l a to ry DC B o d i e s o r Re g u l a to ry S e rvi ce s DC Di re ct T ra n sf e r o f d o cu m e nts D Cre q u i re m e n t s d u ri n g A sse ssi n g e xp o rt / i m p o rt p ro d u ct d e ve l o p m e n t A b i l i t y t o tra ck co m p o n e n t/ su b -co m p o n e n t re se a rch / d e si g n t o DC co u n try o f o ri g i n © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 90 of 261 Design Description/Definition: Process Categories Comprising Design L e v e l 2 : C o n f ig u r a t io n L e v e l - D e s ig n DC De si g n D DC D1 De si g n P ro d u ct Re f re sh D1 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. DC D2 De si g n New P ro d u ct D2 DC D3 De si g n New T e ch n o l o gy D3 DC ED Enabl e De si g n ED Page 91 of 261 D1: Design Product Refresh: Process Category Description/Definition: The Design management process encompasses the refresh of definition, creation, analysis, testing and release of form, fit and function of an existing product. This includes reviewing and adjusting sourcing, manufacturing, testing, servicing and disposal processes. P r o c e s s E le m e n t L e v e l - D 1 : D 1 D e s ig n P r o d u c t R e f r e s h DC D1 De si gn P ro duct Re f resh D1 DC D1. 1 S chedul e De si gn A ct i vi ti es DC D1. 2 Devel op P rototype © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. DC D1. 3 B ui l d & T est P rot otype DC D1 . 4 P ackage De si gn DC D1. 5 Rel ease Desi gn t o Integrate Page 92 of 261 PROCESS ELEMENTS--Design D1 Design Product Refresh / Facility Touch-up: Process Element Description/Definition: The Design management process encompasses the refresh of definition, creation, analysis, testing and release of form, fit and function of an existing product. This includes reviewing and adjusting sourcing, manufacturing, testing, servicing and disposal processes. This also covers the same activities performed for minor changes, upgrades and repairs for facilities. RESPONSIVENESS DC Nu m b e r o f ch a n g e s p e r P ro d u ct De si g n RESPONSIVENESS DC P ro d u ct De si g n Ch a n g e Cycl e Time RELIABILITY DC P e rf e ct P ro d u ct De si g n FEXIBILITY DC D1 De si g n P ro d u ct Re f re sh DC De si g n Cycl e Time D1 FLEXIBILITY De s ig n Co n fig u r a r ion Co n tr o l & Ch a n g e Bo a r ds DC De si g n p ro d u ct ch a n g e Cycl e T i m e FLEXIBILITY DC P ro d u ct De si g n Cycl e T i m e CO ST DC T o ta l De si g n Ch a i n Co st CO ST DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. De si g n T o ta l Co st Page 93 of 261 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 94 of 261 D1.1 Schedule Design Activities: Process Element Description/Definition: Scheduling and managing the execution of individual prototyping or modeling of designs. The requirements are determined based on the detailed design plan or other types of design pull signals. RESPONSIVENESS DC S ch e d u l e De si g n A ct i vi t i e s Cycl e Time De si g n Plan FLEXIBILITY P D. 4 De ve l o p P ro to typ e Cycl e T i m e DC S ch e d u l e P ro to typ e DC D1 . 1 S ch e d u l e De si g n A ct i vi ti e s D1 . 1 D1 . 2 DC CO ST S ch e d u l e De si g n A ct i vi t i e s Co st De si g n S ch e d u l e Co o rd i n a te d al l ocati on P D. 3 D Co f re so u rc e s a cro ss d e si g n ch a i n CO ST A l i g n p ro d u ct d e ve l o p m e n t D C p ro c e sse s a c ro ss d e si g n ch a i n m e m b e rs DC E sta b l i sh co l l a b o ra ti ve m e ch a n i sm s f o r DC co -d e ve l o p m e n t wi t h su p p l i e rs Co o rd i n a te d e ve l o p m ent D C re so u rc e s a c ro ss th e d e si g n ch a i n © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. DC De ve l o p P ro t o t yp e Co st A l i gn co m p o n e n t d e ve l o p m e nt p ro g re ss A l l o w q u i ck a cce ss D C to i n te rn a l e xi sti ng te ch n o l o g y Page 95 of 261 D1.2 Develop Prototype / Model: Process Element Description/Definition: The series of activities performed to establish the processes, environmental requirements, infrastructure and test instructions for creating and testing a prototype or model. And collecting the materials and technology required for the prototype or model. DC S ch e d u l e P ro to typ e D1 . 1 DC RESPONSIVENESS Re se a rch S p e ci fi ca ti o n s De ve lo p P r o to typ e Cyc le T im e R1 . 4 DC P ro to typ e Re q u i re m e n t DC D1 . 3 DC Re se a rch Re q u i re m e n t s CO ST D1 . 2 De ve l o p P ro to typ e De ve lo p P r o to typ e Co s t D1 . 2 Re a l -t i m e cu st o m e r ve ri fi ca ti on of e n g i n e e ri n g d ra wi n g s & sp e ci f i ca ti o n s T e ch n o l o g y su p p o rt f o r p ro d u ct p ro to typ i n g DC P ro j e ct t ra n sp a re n ce o n th e su p p l i e r si d e d u ri n g th e p ro to typ i n g DC DC R1 . 4 DC Ra p i d se a rch D C o f t re fe re n ce p a rts a n d i n te l l e ctu a l p roperty Uti l i ze d e si g n D C kn o wl e d g e b a se f o r te ch n o l o g y re u se Use 3 D so l i d m o d e l i n g te ch n o l o g y to d e ve l o p p ro to typ e s M a n a g i n g a n d tra ci n g m e ch a n i sm f o r co st a n d ti m e o f d e ve l o p i n g p ro totype DC Autom ate equipm ent a cce ss a n d t e st i n g i n st ru ct i o n s DC Ra p i d expl oi tati on of new te ch n o l o g y re se a rch DC V e ri fy d e si g n re su l t o n l i n e S e cu re e a rl y a n d co n si st e n t te ch n i ca l su p p o rt f ro m th e su p p l i e r DC A l l o w i n sta n t p ro j e ct tra cki n g a cro ss t h e d e si g n ch a i n DC A l l o w q u i ck a cce ss t o p a rt i n fo rm a ti on DC Uti l i ze d e si g n kn o wl e d g e b a se DC DC Co n st ru c t 3 D D Cso l i d m o d e l s d u ri n g t h e p ro to typ i n g p h a se © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. DC E n a b l e q u i ck RFQ f e e d b a ck DC M a n a g e te sti n g e q u i p m e nt Page 96 of 261 D1.3 Build & Test Prototype / Model: Process Element Description/Definition: The series of activities performed on materials to create a prototype of the product in a lab environment or a model on the computer. The processes associated with the validation of product performance to ensure conformance to defined specifications and requirements. DC P ro to typ e Re q u i re m e n t RESPONSIVENESS D1 . 2 DC B u i l d & T e st P ro t o t yp e Cycl e Time P a cka g e Re q u i re m e n t DC D1 . 3 B u i l d & T e st P ro t o typ e D1 . 4 CO ST D1 . 3 E n su re su p p l i e rs’co m p l i a n ce o f q u a l i ty sta n d a rd s & DC ce rti fi ca ti o n i n l a b o ratory B u i l d & T e st P ro t o t yp e Co st P ro vi d e a ccu ra te a n d re a l -ti m e DC t e st re p o rt s t o t h e cu st o m e r M o n i t o r su p p l i e rs’ ca p a bi l i ti es of DC co n d u cti n g re l i abl e t e st i n g p ro ce d u re s DC Use e f fe cti ve d e si g n ru l e s DC V a l i date qual i ty i n l a b e n vi ro n m e nt DC M o n i t o r su p p l i e rs’ te sti n g ca p a b i l i ti e s DC Set up d e si g n ru l e s DC DC Ra p i d P ro to typ e © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Co m p l e t e P ro d u ct De si g n Ce rti fi ca ti o n Page 97 of 261 D1.4 Package Design: Process Element Description/Definition: Activities associated with post-prototyping (or model testing and simulation) documentation, testing, or certification required prior to delivery of the design to Integration. DC P a cka g e Re q u i re m e n t RESPONSIVENESS D1 . 3 DC P a cka g e De si g n Cycl e T i m e P ro to typ e and P a cka g e De si g n DC P a cka g e De si g n Co st D1 . 4 D1 . 5 DC CO ST D1 . 4 P a cka g e De si g n De si g n Do cu m e n t E D. 3 E D. 9 E n su re t h e co m p l e t e n e ss f p ro d u ct sp e ci fi ca ti o n s DoC t e st d o cu m e n ts & p ro d u cti o n © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. DC Co m p l e te P ro d u ct De si g n Ce rti fi ca ti o n Page 98 of 261 D1.5 Release Design to Integrate: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of obtaining receiving, logging and validating a request for a design, obtaining approval and releasing design information (specifications) to the Integration process. DC P ro to typ e and P a cka g e Desi gn D1 . 4 DC RESPONSIVENESS De si g n Re q u i re m e n t s Re l e a se to I n t e g ra te Cycl e Time I 1 .3 DC De si g n S p e ci fi ca ti o n s DC D1 . 5 Re l e a se De si g n t o In te g ra te CO ST D1 . 5 I 1 .3 Re l e a se to I n t e g ra t e Co st S e t u p th e g u i d i n g DC P ro d u ct t ra n sf e r m eeti ngs Fi n a l d e si g n m a tch e s t h e o ri g i n a l d e si g n sp e cs DC De fi n e p ro d u cti o n g u i d el i nes T ra n sf e r M P te ch n o l o g y DC A ssu re d e si g n q ual i ty D C m e ch a n i sm f o r p ro d u ct i o n tra n sfe r DC DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 99 of 261 D2: Design New Product: Process Category Description/Definition: The Design management process encompasses the definition, creation, analysis, testing and release of form, fit and function of a new product. This includes development of manufacturing, testing, servicing and disposal processes. P r o c e s s E le m e n t L e v e l - D 2 D e s ig n N e w P r o d u c t DC D2 De si g n New P ro d u ct D2 DC D2 . 1 Re ce i ve , V a l i d ate & De co m p o se Re q u e se t DC D2 . 2 S ch e d u l e De si g n A ct i vi ti e s D2 . 1 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. D2 . 2 DC D2 . 3 De ve l o p P ro to typ e D2 . 3 DC D2 . 4 B u i l d & T e st P ro t o typ e D2 . 4 DC D2 . 5 P a cka g e De si g n D2 . 5 DC D2 . 6 Re l e a se De si g n t o In te g ra te D2 . 6 Page 100 of 261 D2 Design New Product: Process Element Description/Definition: The Design management process encompasses the definition, creation, analysis, testing and release of form, fit and function of a new product. This includes development of manufacturing, testing, servicing and disposal processes. © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 101 of 261 RESPONSIVENESS DC Nu m b e r o f ch a n g e s p e r P ro d u ct De si g n RESPONSIVENESS DC P ro d u ct De si g n Ch a n g e Cycl e Time RELIABILITY DC P e rf e ct P ro d u ct De si g n FEXIBILITY DC De si g n Cycl e Time FLEXIBILITY DC P ro d u ct De si g n Cycl e T i m e CO ST DC D2 De si g n New P ro d u ct DC CO ST D2 DC S ta n d a rd i ze d De si g n Da t a (B e n c h m a rk). De si g n T o ta l Co st DC De si g n f o r Si x Sigm a DC T o ta l De si g n Ch a i n Co st ASSETS In te g ra te S u p p l i er D C i n P ro d u ct De si g n DC T e am s M o d el i ng & S i m u l a ti o n for De si g n DC P atents p e r p ro d u ct ASSETS In te g r a te d P r oduc t De s ig n Co n fig u r a r ion D C De ve lo p m e n t & DC Co n tr o l & Ch a n g e Co n c u r r e n t En g ine e r ing Bo a r ds DC P atents p e r p ro j e ct ASSETS Co n c u r r e n t P r oduc t D C & Pr oc e s s En g in e e r ing DC C A D /C A M DC T ra d e S e cre t s p e r p ro d u ct ASSETS DC T ra d e S e cre t s p e r p ro j e ct D2.1 Receive Validate and Decompose: Process Element Description/Definition: The series of activities to receive validate and decompose the design requests. © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 102 of 261 DC RESPONSIVENESS De si g n Re q u i re m e n t s Re ce i ve , V a l i d a te & De co m p o se Re q u e st Cycl e Time I 2 . 3 I3 .3 DC V a l i dated Re q u e st DC D2 . 1 Re ce i ve , V a l i d ate & De co m p o se Re q u e se t CO ST D2 . 1 D2 . 2 DC E n h a n ce d co n cu rre n t e n g i neeri ng Re ce i ve , V a l i d a te & De co m p o se Re q u e st Co st Co m p o n e n t su p p l i e rs D C e a rl y i n vo l ve m e n t i n p ro d u ct devel opm ent Do cu m e n t m anagem ent a n d ve rsi o n co n tro l DC Co l l a b o ra ti ve su p pl i er - d e si g n d e ve l o p m e n t DC E n su re S P E C-I N p a rt e a rl y DC V e ri fy d e si g n re su l t o n l i n e M o n i to r su p p l i e r te ch n o l o g y d e ve l o p m e nt DC M a i n ta i n p ro d u ct d a t a co n si st e n cy Do cu m e n t a n d m a n a g e cu st o m e r re q u i re m e n t s DC E st a b l i sh co -d e ve l o p m e n t re l a ti o n shi p wi t h su p p l i e rs DC DC DC DC DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Re a l -t i m e co m m u n i ca ti o n o f d e si g n sp e ci fi ca ti ons V a l i d a te ke y co m p o n e n t s sp e ci fi e d b y d e si g n -i n cu sto m e r Page 103 of 261 D2.2 Schedule Design Activities: Process Element Description/Definition: Scheduling and managing the execution of individual prototyping of designs. The requirements are determined based on the detailed design plan or other types of design pull signals. DC V a l i dated Re q u e st D2 . 1 DC RESPONSIVENESS De si g n Plan S ch e d u l e De si g n A ct i vi t i e s Cycl e Time P D. 4 DC P ro to typ e Re q u i re m e n t DC D2 . 2 S ch e d u l e De si g n A ct i vi ti e s D2 . 3 DC De si g n S ch e d u l e D2 . 2 DC Co l l a borati ve d e si g n A l i g n e d p ro ce sse s DC a cro ss d e si g n ch a i n CO ST S ch e d u l e De si g n A ct i vi t i e s Co st P D. 3 Co l l a b o ra t i ve m e ch a n i sm s D Cfo r co -d e ve l o p m e n t wi t h su p p l i e rs A l i g n co m p o n e n t d e ve l o p m e n t p ro g re ss DC Co o rd i n a te d e ve l o p m ent D C re so u rc e s a c ro ss th e d e si g n ch a i n © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 104 of 261 D2.3 Develop Prototype: Process Element Description/Definition: The series of activities performed to establish the processes, environmental requirements, infrastructure and test instructions for creating and testing a prototype. And collecting the materials and technology required for the prototype. © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 105 of 261 DC Re se a rch S p e ci fi ca ti o n s RESPONSIVENESS R1 . 4 R2 . 5 DC P ro to typ e Re q u i re m e n t De ve l o p P ro to typ e Cycl e T i m e D2 . 2 DC Re se a rch Re q u i re m e n t s DC R1 . 4 R2 . 1 DC D2 . 3 De ve l o p P ro to typ e CO ST D2 . 3 De ve l o p P ro to typ e Co st P ro to typ e Re q u i re m e n t Re a l ti m e ve ri fi ca ti on o f te ch n i cal d o cu m e n ta ti o n wi t h cu st o m e r DC D2 . 4 DC 3 D so l i d m o d e l i n g te ch n o l o g y to d e ve l o p p ro to typ e s M e ch a n i sm f o r D C t ra ci n g p ro to typ i n g e f f e cti ve n e ss Re u se o f e xi sti n g D C t e ch n o l o g y wi th d e si g n kn o wl e d g e P ro j e ct t ra n sp a re n cy wi t h su p p l i e rs DC A u t o m a t e d se a rch D C o f re fe re n ce p a rts a n d i n te l l e ctu a l p ro perti es T e ch n o l o g y su p p o rte d p ro d u ct p ro to typ i n g DC L i n ke d e q u i p m e n t a n d te sti n g i n stru cti o n s DC Ra p i d expl oi tati on o f n e w te ch n o l o g y DC V e ri fy d e si g n re su l t o n l i n e S e cu re e a rl y a n d co n si st e n t te ch n i ca l su p p o rt f ro m th e su p p l i e r DC A l l o w i n sta n t p ro j e ct tra cki n g a cro ss t h e d e si g n ch a i n DC A l l o w q u i ck a cce ss t o p a rt i n fo rm a ti on DC DC Co n st ru c t 3 D D Cso l i d m o d e l s d u ri n g t h e p ro to typ i n g p h a se DC E n a b l e q u i ck RFQ f e e d b a ck DC Uti l i ze d e si g n kn o wl e d g e b a se DC M a n a g e te sti n g e q u i p m e nt DC Ra p i d P ro to typ e D2.4 Build and Test Prototype: Process Element Description/Definition: The series of activities performed on materials to create a prototype of the product in a lab environment. The processes © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 106 of 261 associated with the validation of product performance to ensure conformance to defined specifications and requirements. DC RESPONSIVENESS P ro to typ e Re q u i re m e n t B u i l d & T e st P ro t o t yp e Cycl e T ime D2 . 3 DC P a cka g e Re q u i re m e n t DC D2 . 5 CO ST D2 . 4 B u i l d & T e st P ro t o typ e B u i l d & T e st P ro t o t yp e Co st D2 . 4 DC Qual i fi ed S u p p l i e rs DC Re a l -ti m e t e st re p o rt s DC S u p p l i e r te sti n g rel i abi lity DC De si g n ru l e s DC V a l i date qual i ty i n l a b e n vi ro n m e nt DC M o n i t o r su p p l i e rs’ te sti n g ca p a b i l i ti e s DC Set up d e si g n ru l e s DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Co m p l e t e P ro d u ct De si g n Ce rti fi ca ti o n Page 107 of 261 D2.5 Package Design: Process Element Description/Definition: Activities associated with post-prototyping documentation, testing, or certification required prior to delivery of the design to Integration. RESPONSIVENESS DC P a cka ge Requi rem ent DC P a cka ge Desi gn Cycl e T i m e D2 . 4 DC De si gn Docum ent at i on DC D2 . 5 P ackage De si gn E D. 3 DC P rototype and P ackage De si gn D2 . 6 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. CO ST D2 . 5 DC Qual i ty speci fi cati ons D C t e st d o cu m ent s and producti on gui del i nes P a cka ge De si gn Co st Com pl et e P roduct Desi gn Certi fi cati on DC Page 108 of 261 D2.6 Release Design to Integrate: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of obtaining approval and releasing design information to the Integration process. DC P ro to typ e a n d P a cka g e De si g n RESPONSIVENESS D2 . 5 DC Re l e a se to I n t e g ra te Cycl e Time De si g n S p e ci fi ca ti o n s DC I 2 . 4 I3 .4 D2 . 6 Re l e a se De si g n t o In te g ra te CO ST D2 . 6 Re l e a se to In te g ra te Co st DC P ro d u cti o n t ra n sf e r g u i d el i nes DC P ro d u ct t ra n sf e r m eeti ngs DC De fi ne p ro d u cti o n g u i d el i nes DC T ra n sf e r M P te ch n o l o g y © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 109 of 261 D3: Design New Technology: Process Category Description/Definition: The Design management process encompasses the definition, creation, analysis, testing and release of form, fit and function of a new product and introducing new technology. This includes development of manufacturing, testing, servicing and disposal processes. P r o c e s s E le m e n t L e v e l - D 3 D e s ig n N e w T e c h n o lo g y DC D3 De si g n New T e ch n o l o gy D3 DC D3 . 1 Re ce i ve , V a l i d ate & De co m p o se Re q u e st D3 . 1 DC D3 . 2 S ch e d u l e De si g n A ct i vi ti e s D3 . 2 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. DC D3 . 3 A cq u i re K n o wl e d g e D3 . 3 DC D3 . 4 De ve l o p P ro to typ e D3 . 4 DC D3 . 5 B u i l d & T e st P ro to typ e D3 . 5 DC D3 . 6 P a cka g e De si g n D3 . 6 DC D3 . 7 Re l e a se De si g n t o In te g ra te D3 . 7 Page 110 of 261 D3 Design New Technology: Process Element Description/Definition: The Design management process encompasses the definition, creation, analysis, testing and release of form, fit and function of a new product and introducing new technology. This includes development of manufacturing, testing, servicing and disposal processes. RESPONSIVENESS DC P ro d u ct De si g n Ch a n g e Cycl e T ime RESPONSIVENESS DC Nu m b e r o f ch a n g e s p e r P ro d u ct De si g n RELIABILITY DC P e rf e ct P ro d u ct De si g n FEXIBILITY DC De si g n Cycl e T ime FLEXIBILITY DC D3 De si g n New T e ch n o l o gy DC De si g n p ro d u ct ch a n g e Cycl e T i m e D3 FLEXIBILITY De s ig n Co n fig u r a r ion DC Co n tr o l & Ch a n g e Bo a r ds DC P ro d u ct De si g n Cycl e T i m e CO ST DC De si g n T o ta l Co st CO ST DC T o ta l De si g n Ch a i n Co st ASSETS DC T ra d e S e cre t s p e r p ro d u ct ASSETS DC T ra d e S e cre t s p e r p ro j e ct ASSETS DC Patents per p ro d u ct ASSETS DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Patents per p ro j e ct Page 111 of 261 D3.1 Receive Validate and Decompose: Process Element Description/Definition: The series of activities to receive validate and decompose the design requests. DC RESPONSIVENESS De si g n Re q u i re m e n t s Re ce i ve , V a l i d a te & De co m p o se Re q u e st Cycl e Time I 3 .3 DC V a l i dated Re q u e st DC D3 . 1 Re ce i ve , V a l i d ate & De co m p o se Re q u e st CO ST D3 . 1 D3 . 2 DC Ra p i d Co n cu re n t e n g i neeri ng Re ce i ve , V a l i d a te & De co m p o se Re q u e st Co st E a rl y i n vo l ve m e n t D C wi t h co m p o n e n t su p p l i e rs A u t o m a t e d d o cu m e n t m anagem ent a n d co n tro l DC Re a l ti m e d e si g n sp e ci fi ca ti o n co m m u n i ca t i o n s Co l l a borati ve S p e ci fi ca ti o n De ve l o p m e n t DC Co m p o n e n t Val i dati on Co l l a b o ra ti ve su p pl i er - d e si g n d e ve l o p m e n t DC E n su re S P E C-I N p a rt e a rl y DC V e ri fy d e si g n re su l t o n l i n e M o n i to r su p p l i e r te ch n o l o g y d e ve l o p m e nt DC M a i n ta i n p ro d u ct d a t a co n si st e n cy Do cu m e n t a n d m a n a g e cu st o m e r re q u i re m e n t s DC E st a b l i sh co -d e ve l o p m e n t re l a ti o n shi p wi t h su p p l i e rs DC DC DC DC DC DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. V a l i d a te ke y co m p o n e n t s sp e ci fi e d b y d e si g n -i n cu sto m e r Page 112 of 261 D3.2 Schedule Design Activities: Process Element Description/Definition: Scheduling and managing the execution of individual prototyping of designs. The requirements are determined based on the detailed design plan or other types of design pull signals. DC De si g n Plan P D. 4 DC RESPONSIVENESS V a l i dated Re q u e st DC D3 . 1 DC De si g n P l a n a n d Re q u e st DC DC De si g n S ch e d u l e CO ST D3 . 2 S ch e d u l e De si g n A ct i vi ti e s DC D3 . 2 D3 . 4 Co o rd i n a te d al l ocati on D Co f re so u rc e s a cro ss DC d e si g n ch a i n P D. 3 Co l l a borati ve m e c h a n i sm s fo r co -d e ve l o p m e n t DC S ch e d u l e De si g n A ct i vi t i e s Cycl e T ime S ch e d u l e De si g n A ct i vi t i e s Co st A l i g n e d p ro d u ct d e ve l o p m e nt p ro c e sse s a c ro ss d e si g n ch a i n A l i g n co m p o n e n t d e ve l o p m e n t p ro g re ss DC Co o rd i n a te d e ve l o p m ent D C re so u rc e s a c ro ss th e d e si g n ch a i n © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 113 of 261 D3.3 Acquire Knowledge: Process Element Description/Definition: The series of activities of reviewing research materials, results and findings, understanding the technology and how to integrate into the product design. DC De si g n P l a n a n d Re q u e st RESPONSIVENESS D3 . 2 DC DC P ro to typ e Re q u i re m e n t DC D3 . 4 D3 . 3 A cq u i re K n o wl e d g e CO ST D3 . 3 DC DC Ra p i d a cq u i si ti o n of new te ch n o l o g y T e ch n o l o g y su p p o rt f o r p ro d u ct p ro to typ i n g DC A l l o w a cce ss t o D Csu p p l i e rs’ i n n o va ti ve technology © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. A cq u i re K n o wl e d g e Cycl e T i m e M a n a g i n g i nnovati ve te ch n o l o g y o r n e wl y d e ve l o p e d co m p o n e n t A cq u i re K n o wl e d g e Co st DC A l l o w q u i ck a cce ss D C to i n te rn a l e xi sti ng te ch n o l o g y S e cu re e a rl y a n d co n si st e n t te ch n i ca l su p p o rt f ro m th e su p p l i e r DC Page 114 of 261 D3.4 Develop Prototype: Process Element Description/Definition: The series of activities performed to establish the processes, environmental requirements, infrastructure and test instructions for creating and testing a prototype. And collecting the materials and technology required for the prototype. DC P ro to typ e Re q u i re m e n t RESPONSIVENESS D3 . 2 DC De ve l o p P ro to typ e Cycl e T i m e P ro to typ e Re q u i re m e n t DC CO ST D3 . 4 De ve l o p P ro to typ e D3 . 5 De ve l o p P ro to typ e Co st D3 . 4 P ro j e ct T ra n sp a re n cy DC 3 D so l i d modeling Ra p i d S e a rch o f p a rts a n d i n te l l e ctu a l p roperty DC T i m e a n d Co st Ca p t u re o f p ro to typ i n g Re u se o f d e si g n kn o wl e d g e DC Autom ate equipm ent a n d te sti n g i n st ru ct i o n s DC V e ri fy d e si g n re su l t o n l i n e M a n a g e te sti n g e q u i p m e nt DC A l l o w i n sta n t p ro j e ct tra cki n g a cro ss t h e d e si g n ch a i n DC A l l o w q u i ck a cce ss t o p a rt i n fo rm a ti on DC Uti l i ze d e si g n kn o wl e d g e b a se DC DC DC DC DC Re a l t i m e cu st o m e r co m m u n i ca t i o n s Co n st ru c t 3 D D Cso l i d m o d e l s d u ri n g t h e p ro to typ i n g p h a se DC E n a b l e q u i ck RFQ f e e d b a ck DC Ra p i d P ro to typ e © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 115 of 261 D3.5 Build and Test Prototype: Process Element Description/Definition: The series of activities performed on materials to create a prototype of the product in a lab environment. The processes associated with the validation of product performance to ensure conformance to defined specifications and requirements. DC P ro to typ e Re q u i re m e n t RESPONSIVENESS D3 . 4 DC Re se a rch S p e ci fi ca ti o n s DC R1 . 4 R2 . 5 R3 . 7 DC P a cka g e Re q u i re m e n t DC DC Re se a rch Re q u i re m e n t s DC DC Qu a l i ty Co m p l i a n ce f o r su p p l i e rs DC Re a l ti m e t e st re p o rti n g DC S u p p l i er T e st Rel i abi l i ty DC De si g n ru l e e ffe cti veness DC V a l i date qual i ty i n l a b e n vi ro n m e nt DC M o n i t o r su p p l i e rs’ te sti n g ca p a b i l i ti e s DC Set up d e si g n ru l e s DC R1 . 4 R2 . 1 R3 . 1 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. CO ST D3 . 5 B u i l d & T e st P ro to typ e D3 . 5 D3 . 6 B u i l d & T e st P ro t o t yp e Cycl e Time B u i l d & T e st P ro to typ e Co st Co m p l e t e P ro d u ct De si g n Ce rti fi ca ti o n Page 116 of 261 D3.6 Package Design: Process Element Description/Definition: Activities associated with post-prototyping documentation, testing, or certification required prior to delivery of the design to Integration. This includes the development of manufacturing and testing processes for the supply chain and support processes for the customer chain. DC P a cka g e Re q u i re m e n t RESPONSIVENESS D3 . 5 DC DC P ro to typ e a n d P a cka g e De si g n DC D3 . 6 P a cka g e De si g n D3 . 7 CO ST D3 . 6 DC DC De si g n Do cu m e n t a t i o n E D. 3 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Co m p l e t e n e ss o f p ro d u ct DC sp e ci fi ca ti o n s a n d p ro d u cti o n g u i d e l i nes DC P a cka g e De si g n Cycl e T i m e Co m p l e te P ro d u ct De si g n Ce rti fi ca ti o n P a cka g e De si g n Co st Page 117 of 261 D3.7 Release Design to Integrate: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of obtaining approval and releasing design information to the Integration process DC RESPONSIVENESS P ro to typ e a n d P a cka g e De si g n Re l e a se to In te g ra te Cycl e T i m e D3 . 6 DC De si g n S p e ci fi ca ti o n s DC D3 . 7 Re l e a se De si g n t o In te g ra te CO ST D3 . 7 I 3 .4 Re l e a se to I n t e g ra t e Co st DC P ro d u cti o n T ra n sf e r M e ch a n i sm DC P ro d u ct T ra n sf e r M e e ti n g s DC De fi ne P ro d u cti o n Gu i d e l i n es DC T ra n sf e r M P T e ch n o l o gy © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 118 of 261 ED: Enable Design: Process Category Description/Definition: Enable Design is the collection of processes to prepare, maintain, and manage information or relationships upon which Design execution processes rely. P r o c e s s E le m e n t L e v e l - E D E n a b le D e s ig n DC E D E nabl e De si gn ED ED.1 M a n a g e D C De s ign Bus ine s D sC Ru le s E D. 1 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. ED.2 M a n a g e DC De s ign Pe r for m a nc e E D. 2 ED.3 M a n a g e DC De s ign In fo r m a tion E D. 3 ED.4 M a n a g e ED.5 M a n a g e P r o d u c t Life D C De s ig n Ca pita lD C Cyc le As s e ts E D. 4 E D. 5 ED.6 M a n a g e De s ign DC Kn o w le d g e Tr a ns fe r E D. 6 ED.7 M a n a g e DC De s ign Ne tw o r k E D. 7 ED.8 M a n a g e De s ign DC Re g u la to r y Co m p lia nc e E D. 8 Page 119 of 261 ED.9 M a n a g e Inte lle c tua l P r o p e r ty E D. 9 ED.1 Manage Design Business Rules: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of establishing, maintaining, and enforcing decision support criteria for Design planning and execution which translate to rules for conducting product and process design, i.e. developing and maintaining internal and external customer standards of Design processes such as service levels, given service requirements by design chain stakeholders and partners. Business rules align Design process policies with business strategy, goals, and objectives. DC M anage De si gn B u si n e ss Ru l es RESPONSIVENESS E D. 8 DC DC B u si n e ss Ru l es M anage P l an B u si n e ss Rul es Cycl e T i m e RESPONSIVENESS DC De si gn B u si n e ss Ru l es E D. 1 M anage D C De si g n B u si n e ss DC Ru l es E D. 2 CO ST E D. 1 DC E nt erpri se Level P ol i ci es wi th l ocal E xecuti on DC I n t egrat ed busi ness D C and desi gn chai n p l anni ng processes © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. DC Num ber of B u si n e ss Rul e Ch a nges M anage Desi gn B u si n e ss Ru l e s Co st E nterpri se l evel spend anal ysi s Col l aborati ve revi ew, agreem D C ent of busi ness rul es pri or to executi on Page 120 of 261 ED.2 Manage Design Performance: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of measuring actual Design process performance against internal and/or external standards to develop and implement a course of action to achieve targeted performance levels. DC De si gn B u si n e ss Ru l es RESPONSIVENESS E D. 1 DC M anage De si gn Inform ati on DC E D. 3 M anage Desi gn Chai n P erf orm ance Cycl e t i m e CO ST DC M anage De si gn Ne t wo rk DC E D. 7 E D. 2 M anage De si gn P erf orm ance DC M anage Desi gn P erf orm ance Co st E D. 2 P erf orm ance expectati ons D aCnd busi ness rul es are cl earl y com m uni cated Cost reduct i on and/or cost D Cavoi dance are i denti fi ed, i m pl em ent ed and m easured Desi gn perf orm ance data D C i s col l ected, anal yzed, reported onl i ne Di sCm easured t hrough the Com parat i ve anal ysi s of desi D Cgn perf orm ance i s used i n research deci si ons DC A sse ss P erf orm ance S i x S i gm a S t ati sti cal P ro ce ss Co nt rol DC Lean and S i x S i gm a DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Cont i nuous I m provem ent perf orm ance revi ew Page 121 of 261 ED.3 Manage Design Information: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of collecting, integrating and maintaining the accuracy of Design execution information necessary to plan and execute the integrated design chain. DC De si g n Do cu m e n t a t i o n RESPONSIVENESS D2 . 5 D3 . 6 DC M a n age De si g n K n o wl e d g e T ra n sf e r M a n age In fo rm a ti o n Cycl e T i m e DC E D. 6 CO ST DC M a n age De si g n In fo rm a ti o n DC E D. 2 DC E xe cu ti o n Da t a E D. 3 M a n a g e De si g n In fo rm a ti o n DC E D. 3 Co l l a borati ve D C P l a n n i n g - De si g n DC i nformation DC M a n a g e De si g n I n f o rm a t i o n Co st S i n g l e data so u rce f o r d e ci si o n su p p o rt a n d b u si n e ss ru l e s M a n age De si g n In fo rm a ti o n E D. 6 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Da t a a cce si b i l i t y a cro ss D C t h e e n te rp ri se fo r vi si b i l i t y b y d i scre te b u si n e ss u n t I n t e g ra te d De si g n & O p e ra t i o n a l S yst e m s DC Page 122 of 261 ED.4 Manage Product Life Cycle: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of defining and maintaining the status of products/services during the total life of a product. This includes establishing processes and maintenance of status information of products RESPONSIVENESS DC DC Li fe Cycl e Plan P ro d u ct L i fe cycl e M a n a g e m e nt Cycl e T i m e CO ST DC E D. 4 M a n a g e P ro d u ct L i fe Cycl e M a n a g e De si g n D C P ro d u ct I n ve n t o ry Co st E D. 4 Re a l ti m e D C Da t a o n cu rre n t DC P L CM DC P a re n t Ch i l d De si g n st a t u s DC P ro d u ct I m p ro ve m e n t T e a m s (P I T s) © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 123 of 261 ED.5 Manage Design Capital Assets: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of acquiring, maintaining and dispositioning Design's capital assets to operate the Design processes. This includes laboratories and repair, alteration, calibration and other miscellaneous items to maintain RESPONSIVENESS DC DC M a n age De si g n Ca pi tal A sse t s M a n a g e De si g n Ch a i n A sse t Cycl e t i m e CO ST E D. 7 DC DC E D. 5 M a n a g e De si g n Ca p i ta l A sse t s ASSETS E D. 5 DC Cro ss Fu n ct i o n a l T e a m s to e xe cu te a n d d e vel op DC L o n g -T e rm Ca p a ci ty a n d Re so u rc e s DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Re m o va l o f Ob so l e te Ca p i ta l A sse ts A l i g n m e n t o f stra te g i c/ b u si n e ss p l a n s wi t h DC l o n g -t e rm ca p a ci ty/ re so u rce p l a n s DC M a n a g e De si g n Ca p i t a l A sse t s Co st Fa ci l i ty & Equi pment E n vi ro n m e n t Re t u rn o n De si g n Ch a i n A sse t s ASSETS DC De si g n Fi xe d A sse t V a l u e Page 124 of 261 ED.6 Manage Design Knowledge Transfer: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of defining a Design knowledge transfer strategy and maintaining the information, which characterizes total Design knowledge management requirements. DC DC K n o wl e d g e M a n a g e m e nt Plan RESPONSIVENESS M a n age De si g n In fo rm a ti o n DC M a n a g e De si g n Ch a i n K n o wl e d g e T ra n sf e r Cycl e t i m e E D. 3 CO ST DC M a n age De si g n K n o wl e d g e T ra n sf e r DC K n o wl e d g e M a n a g e m e nt S ch e d u l e DC E D. 3 E D. 6 M a n a g e De si g n K n o wl e d g e T ra n sf e r DC E D. 6 DC In te g ra te d K n o wl e d g e S yste m DC M e a su re m e n t of P e rform ance DC Re a l ti m e De si g n Ch a i n V i su a l i za ti on (vi a In te rn e t) DC Autom ated Do cum entati on E l e ct ro n i c In fo rm a ti o n DE Cxch a n g e s t h ro u g h o u t t h e De si g n Ch a i n M a n a g e In fo rm a ti on D C a cro ss 1 0 0 % o f d e sg i n ch a i n In te rn e t P o o l i ng (E l e ct ro n i c b ro ke ra g e DC o f re se a rch a n d o r d e si g n ) © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. M a n a g e Re se a rch K n o wl e d g e T ra n sf e r Co st Ca p t u re a n d D Cm a i n ta i n ca te g o ri ze d sp e ci fi c d a ta Page 125 of 261 ED.7 Manage Design Network: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of defining and maintaining the information about the Design network for a group of similar or complimentary products through their full life cycle, including the evaluation of market need, product realization (development, introduction and production), product discontinuation, and after-market support. This includes the company's internal and external relationships. DC RESPONSIVENESS M a n age De si g n Ne t wo rk DC E D. 2 DC De si g n Plan DC M a n age De si g n Ca pi tal A sse t s M a n a g e P ro d u ct L i f e Cycl e (DC) Cycl e T i m e CO ST DC E D. 7 M a n a g e De si g n Ne t wo rk M a n a g e P ro d u ct L i f e Cycl e (DC) Co st E D. 7 E D. 5 Di g i ta l P ro d u ct D aCn d Di g i ta l E xch a n g e s E xch a n ges DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. DC Co n cu rre n t De si g n & T e st DC Co n cu rre n t De si g n E va l u a te D C re se a rch n e t wo rk fo r d u p l i ca te s Page 126 of 261 ED.8 Manage Design Regulatory Compliance: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of identifying and complying with regulatory documentation and process standards set by external entities (e.g. government, laboratory safety, hazardous materials disposition, etc). DC DC DC I n p u t f ro m Legal P ro c e sse s RESPONSIVENESS M a n a g e De si g n Ch a i n DC Re g u l a to ry Co m p l i a n ce Cycl e t i m e I n p u t f ro m Fi n a n ce , T a x & T re a su ry P ro c e sse s CO ST M a n age De si g n B u si n e ss Ru l e s DC E D. 1 E D. 8 M a n a g e De si g n Re g u l a to ry Co m p l i a n ce DC M a n a g e De si g n Re g u l a to ry Co m p l i a n ce Co st E D. 8 DC Do c u m e n t s g e n e ra ted automatically Di re ct co n n e cti o n to Re g u l a to ry DC B o d i e s o r Re g u l a to ry S e rvi ce s DC Di re ct T ra n sf e r o f d o cu m e nts D Cre q u i re m e n t s d u ri n g A sse ssi n g e xp o rt / i m p o rt p ro d u ct d e ve l o p m e n t A b i l i t y t o tra ck co m p o n e n t/ su b -co m p o n e n t re se a rch / d e si g n t o DC co u n try o f o ri g i n © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 127 of 261 ED.9 Manage Intellectual Property: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of defining, establishing, maintaining, and enforcing a strategy for managing intellectual property. And the process of collecting, maintaining, and archiving intellectual property information. RESPONSIVENESS DC DC E D. 9 M a n a g e In tel l ectual P ro p e rt y CO ST E D. 9 DC Do c u m e n t s g e n e ra ted automatically DC Autom ated IP M a n a g e m e nt P ro c e ss © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. DC M a n a g e Intel l ectual P ro p e rt y Cycl e T i m e Di re ct T ra n sf e r o f d o cu m e nts DC M a n a g e Intel l ectual P ro p e rt y Co st Page 128 of 261 Integrate L e v e l 2 : C o n f ig u r a t io n L e v e l - I n t e g r a t e DC In te g ra te I DC I 1 In te g ra te P ro d u ct Re f re sh I1 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. DC I 2 In te g ra te New P ro d u ct I2 DC I 3 In te g ra te New T e ch n o l o gy I3 DC EI Enable In te g ra te EI Page 129 of 261 I1: Integrate Product Refresh: Process Category Description/Definition: The Integrate management process encompasses releasing refreshed product and product definitions to Supply Chain execution and releasing refreshed design documentation to Marketing and Support organizations P r o c e s s E le m e n t L e v e l - I 1 : I n t e g r a t e P r o d u c t R e f r e s h DC I 1 Integrate P ro duct Re f resh I1 DC I 1. 1 Recei ve & V al i date Re q uest I 1.1 DC I 1. 2 : Integrate Ne w P ro d uct I 1.2 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. DC I 1. 3 Obtai n & V al i date Desi gn I 1.3 DC I1.4 P i l ot De si gn I 1.4 DC I 1. 5 P ackage P ro duct I 1.5 DC I 1.6 Rel ease P ro duct I 1.6 Page 130 of 261 I1 Integrate Product Refresh: Process Element Description/Definition: The Integrate management process encompasses releasing refreshed product and product definitions to Supply Chain execution and releasing refreshed design documentation to Marketing and Support organizations © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 131 of 261 RESPONSIVENESS DC I n te g rq a te d e si g n ch a n g e Cycl e Time RESPONSIVENESS DC Nu m b e r o f ch a n g e s p e r P ro d u ct De si g n RESPONSIVENESS DC In te g ra te Cycl e Time RELIABILITY DC DC I 1 In te g ra te P ro d u ct Re f re sh I1 P e rf e ct P ro d u ct De si g n FLEXIBILITY DC Nu m b e r o f p ro d u ct d e si g n s FLEXIBILITY DC P ro d u ct De si g n Cycl e T i m e CO ST DC T o ta l De si g n Ch a i n Co st CO ST DC In te g ra te T otal Co st I1.1 Receive & Validate Request: Process Element Description/Definition: Receive, log and assign project numbers to requests. Examine request to ensure completeness of the request © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 132 of 261 DC B u si n e ss Ru l e s EI.1 RESPONSIVENESS DC P ro d u ct Re q u i re m e n t s Re ce i ve & D C V a l i d a te Re q u e st Cycl e T i m e DC V a l i dated Re q u e st DC CO ST I 1 . 1 Re ce i ve & V al i date Re q u e st DC I 1 .1 I 1 .2 S yst e m a t i c M e t h o d fo r m a n a g e m e n t o f Re q u i re m e n ts a n d re q u e st s © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. DC S i n g l e data so u rce f o r d e ci si o n su p p o rt a n d b u si n e ss ru l e s DC Da ta a cce si b i l i ty a cro ss t h e e n t e rp ri se Re ce i ve & V al i date Re q u e st Co st Page 133 of 261 I1.2 Decompose Request: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of decomposing the requests and documenting the specifications of the components (also known as conceptual design). This includes the scheduling of activities and assigning resources. DC In te g ra te Plan RESPONSIVENESS PI.4 DC V a l i dated Re q u e st DC I 1 .1 DC De co m p o se d Re q u e st DC I 1 . 2 : In te g ra te Ne w P ro d u ct I 1 .3 DC CO ST I 1 .2 In te g ra te S ch e d u l e PI.3 DC S yst e m a t i c M e th o d for m anagem ent o f Re q u i re m e n ts a n d re q u e st s De co m p o se Re q u e st Co st S i n g l e data so u rce f o r d e ci si o n DC su p p o rt a n d b u si n e ss ru l e s DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. De co m p o se Re q u e st Cycl e T i m e Da t a a cce si b i l i ty a cro ss t h e e n t e rp ri se Page 134 of 261 I1.3 Obtain & Validate Design: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of identifying, obtaining and validating offthe-shelf designs against the product refresh specifications DC De co m p o se d Re q u e st I 1 .2 DC De si g n S p e ci fi ca ti o n s D1 . 5 DC RESPONSIVENESS Re se a rch S p e ci fi ca ti o n s DC R1 . 4 DC V a l i dated De si g n DC I 1 . 3 Ob ta i n & V a l i d a te De si g n I 1 .4 CO ST I 1 .3 DC DC Re se a rch Re q u i re m e n t s R1 . 4 DC De si g n Re q u i re m e n t s S yst e m a t i c M e t h o d fo r m a n a g e m e n t o f Re q u i re m e n ts a n d re q u e st s Ob t a i n & V al i date De si g n Co st S i n g l e data so u rce f o r d e ci si o n DC su p p o rt a n d b u si n e ss ru l e s D1 . 5 DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Ob t a i n & V a l i d a te De si g n Cycl e T i m e Da ta a cce si b i l i ty a cro ss t h e e n t e rp ri se Page 135 of 261 I1.4 Pilot Design: Process Element Description/Definition: The series of activities performed to create and validate a product pilot. The processes associated with the validation of product performance to ensure conformance to defined specifications and requirements. Examples are manufacturing verification build, customer tests, etc DC V a l i dated De si g n I 1 .3 DC RESPONSIVENESS Fe e d b a ck f ro m Cu st o m e r DC DC Pi l ot De si g n DC I 1 .5 I1 .4 P i l ot De si g n CO ST I 1 .4 DC S yst e m a t i c M e t h o d fo r m a n a g e m e n t o f Re q u i re m e n ts a n d re q u e st s DC S i n g l e data so u rce f o r d e ci si o n su p p o rt a n d b u si n e ss ru l e s De si g n Pi l ot DC Da ta a cce si b i l i ty a cro ss t h e e n t e rp ri se DC DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. P i l o t De si g n Cycl e T i m e Pi l ot De si g n Co st Page 136 of 261 I1.5 Package Product: Process Element Description/Definition: Activities associated with post-piloting documentation, testing, or certification required prior to releasing the product DC RESPONSIVENESS Pi l ot De si gn DC I 1.4 DC P ro duct Rel ease DC I 1. 5 P ackage P ro duct I 1.6 CO ST I 1.5 DC DC P ro duct Docum ent at i on EI.3 Up -to -d a te s h o p pa c k e t/ s pe c ific a tion for DC DC e a c h u n iq ue pr oduc tion e ve n t/d e m a nd P a cka ge P roduct Cycl e T i m e P a cka ge P ro duct Co st Pa pe r le s s p r o d u c tion c o ntr ol De s ig n /u p gr a de pDrC o d u c tio n e q uipm e nt to m a x im ize fle x ibility Ac c ur a te a nd DC a p p r o ve d p r oc e s s pla ns /s pe c ific a tions Re d u c e n on-va lue a d d e d p a pe r w or k DC w hile s till m e a s ur ing pr oc e s s m e tr ic s Ac c ur a te , ba tc h/ c o n fig ur a tion r e c or ds DC fo r w a r r a n ty, r e g u la tor y tr a c k ing Au tom a tic la be l DC a nd s e a l ve r ific a tion P a c k a ging ope r a tion is a n inte gr a l DC p a r t o f th e ove r a ll p r o d u c tio n pr oc e s s M in im ize o p e r a tor DC in d uc e d e r r or s © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 137 of 261 I1.6 Release Product: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of obtaining approval and releasing the product RESPONSIVENESS DC P ro d u ct Re l e a se DC I 1 .5 DC P ro d u ct S p e ci fi ca ti o n s DC A ccu ra t e , b a t ch / co n f i g u ra ti o n re co rd s f o r wa rra n t y, re g u l a t o ry tra cki n g DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. DC I 1 .6 DC CO ST I 1 .6 Re l e a se P ro d u ct t o S u p p l y Ch a i n Re l e a se P ro d u ct Cycl e T i m e Re l e a se P ro d u ct Co st A u to m a te d n o ti fi ca ti on o f l a b o ratory re g a rd i n g sa m p l e availability DC Re vi e w b a t ch re co rd s b y e xce p ti o n Page 138 of 261 I2: Integrate New Product: Process Description/Definition: The Integrate management process encompasses synthesizing the design definitions and decomposition of the design definitions into sets of component design definitions, releasing product and product definitions to Supply Chain and Selling Chain execution and releasing design documentation to Marketing and Support organizations for new products P r o c e s s E le m e n t L e v e l - I 2 : I n t e g r a t e N e w P r o d u c t DC I 1 . 2 : In te g ra te Ne w P ro d u ct I 1 .2 DC I 2 . 1 Re ce i ve & V al i date Re q u e st I 2 .1 DC I 2 .2 De co m p o se Re q u e st I 2 .2 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. DC I 2 .3 Di st ri b u te Re q u i re m e n t s I 2 .3 DC I 2 .4 Re ce i ve & V al i date De si g n I 2 .4 DC I 2 .5 Pi l ot De si g n I 2 .5 DC I 2 .6 P a cka g e P ro d u ct I 2 .6 DC I 2 .7 Re l e a se P ro d u ct I 2 .7 Page 139 of 261 I2 Integrate New Product: Process Element Description/Definition: The Integrate management process encompasses synthesizing the design definitions and decomposition of the design definitions into sets of component design definitions, releasing product and product definitions to Supply Chain and Selling Chain execution and releasing design documentation to Marketing and Support organizations for new products © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 140 of 261 RESPONSIVENESS DC Fi rst to d e l i ve r n e w i d e a to m a rke t RESPONSIVENESS DC In te g rq a te d e si g n ch a n g e Cycl e T i m e RESPONSIVENESS DC Nu m b e r o f " f ri st t o m a rke t" p ro d u ct i n t ro d u cti o n s RESPONSIVENESS DC Nu m b e r o f ch a n g e s p e r P ro d u ct De si g n RESPONSIVENESS DC DC Nu m b e r o f n e w p ro d u ct i n t ro d u cti o n s RESPONSIVENESS In te g ra te New P ro d u ct I2 DC P ro d u ct De si g n Ch a n g e Cycl e Time RESPONSIVENESS P ro to typ i n g a n d IDn C t e g ra t e d De si g n S yst e m (RA P I DS ) DC Ut i l i ze E DI to re d u ce cycl e t i m e a n d co st s DC In te g ra te Cycl e T i m e RELIABILITY DC B u i l d S e q u e n ce W o rk P a c ka g e s DC P e rf e ct P ro d u ct De si g n FLEXIBILITY DC P ro d u ct De si g n Cycl e T i m e FLEXIBILITY DC Nu m b e r o f p ro d u ct d e si g n s CO ST DC In te g ra te T otal Co st CO ST DC T o ta l De si g n Ch a i n Co st ASSETS DC T ra d e S e cre t s p e r p ro d u ct ASSETS DC T ra d e S e cre t s p e r p ro j e ct ASSETS DC Patents per p ro d u ct ASSETS DC Patents per p ro j e ct I2.1 Receive & Validate Request: Process Element Description/Definition: Receive, log and assign project numbers to requests. Examine request to ensure completeness of the request © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 141 of 261 DC B u si n e ss Ru l e s EI.1 DC P ro d u ct Re q u i re m e n t s RESPONSIVENESS DC DC V a l i dated Re q u e st DC I 2 .2 I 2 . 1 Re ce i ve & V al i date Re q u e st Re ce i ve & V al i date Re q u e st Cycl e T i m e CO ST I 2 .1 Re ce i ve & D C V a l i d a te Re q u e st Co st P ro d u ct Da t a M D aCn a g e m e n t & E l e ctro n i c Do cu m e n t M a n a g e m e n t © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. DC E DI t o se n d a n d re ce i ve te ch n i ca l i n fo rm a ti on Page 142 of 261 I2.2 Decompose Request: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of decomposing the requests and documenting the specifications of the components (also known as conceptual design). This includes scheduling activities and assigning resources. DC V a l i dated Re q u e st I 2 .1 DC RESPONSIVENESS In te g ra te Plan DC PI.4 DC De co m p o se d Re q u e st DC I 2 .3 I 2 .2 De co m p o se Re q u e st CO ST I 2 .2 DC DC In te g ra te S ch e d u l e PI.3 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. De co m p o se Re q u e st Cycl e T i m e De co m p o se Re q u e st Co st P ro d u ct Da t a M anagem ent & E l e ct ro n i c Do cu m e n t M a n a g e m e nt DC Page 143 of 261 I2.3 Distribute Requirements: Process Element Description/Definition: The activity of transferring the decomposed requirements to the appropriate Design or Research process. DC De co m p osed Re q uest RESPONSIVENESS I 2.2 DC DC V al i dated De si gn I 2.4 DC I 2.3 Di st ri bute Requi rem ent s CO ST I 2.3 DC DC De si gn Requi rem ent s D2 . 1 DC Di st ri bute Requi rem ent s Cycl e T i m e Di st ri bute Requi rem ent s Co st P roduct Dat a M ent & E l ectroni c D anagem C Docum ent M anagem ent Re se a rch Requi rem ent s R2 . 1 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 144 of 261 I2.4 Receive & Validate Design: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of identifying, obtaining and validating new technology designs against the product requirements and specifications DC V a l i dated De si g n I 2 .3 DC De si g n S p e ci fi ca ti o n s D2 . 6 DC RESPONSIVENESS Re se a rch S p e ci fi ca ti o n s DC R2 . 5 DC V a l i dated De si g n DC I 2 .5 I 2 .4 Re ce i ve & V al i date De si g n CO ST DC I 2 .4 DC S yst e m a t i c M e t h o d fo r m a n a g e m e n t o f Re q u i re m e n ts a n d re q u e st s DC S i n g l e data so u rce f o r d e ci si o n su p p o rt a n d b u si n e ss ru l e s P ro d u ct Da t a M D aCn a g e m e n t & E l e ctro n i c Do cu m e n t M a n a g e m e n t DC Da ta a cce si b i l i ty a cro ss t h e e n t e rp ri se © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Ob t a i n & V a l i d a te De si g n Cycl e T i m e Ob t a i n & V a l i d a te De si g n Co st Page 145 of 261 I2.5 Pilot Design: Process Element Description/Definition: The series of activities performed to create and validate a product pilot. The processes associated with the validation of product performance to ensure conformance to defined specifications and requirements. Examples are manufacturing verification build, customer tests, etc RESPONSIVENESS DC V a l i dated De si g n DC P i l o t De si g n Cycl e T i m e I 2 .4 DC RESPONSIVENESS Fe e d b a ck f ro m Cu st o m e r DC DC Pi l ot De si g n DC I 2 .5 Pi l ot De si g n CO ST I 2 .5 I 2 .6 S yst e m a t i c M e t h o d fo r m a n a g e m e n t o f Re q u i re m e n ts a n d re q u e st s DC S i n g l e data so u rce f o r d e ci si o n su p p o rt a n d b u si n e ss ru l e s DC DC DC Da ta a cce si b i l i ty a cro ss t h e DC e n t e rp ri se © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. De si g n Pi l ot P a cka g e P ro d u ct Cycl e T i m e Pi l ot De si g n Co st CO ST DC P a cka g e P ro d u ct Co st Page 146 of 261 I2.6 Package Product: Process Element Description/Definition: Activities associated with post-piloting product and process documentation, testing, or certification required prior to releasing the product DC Pi l ot De si gn RESPONSIVENESS I 2.5 DC DC P a cka ged P ro duct DC I 2.6 P a cka ge P ro duct DC CO ST I 2.6 I 2.7 P ro duct Docum ent at i on EI.3 DC Up -t o-dat e shop packet / speci fi cati on for DC each uni que producti on event/dem and Desi gn/ upgrade producti on equi pm ent DC to m axi m i ze fl exi bi l i ty DC A ccurat e and D C a p p roved process pl ans/ speci fi cati ons A ccurat e, bat ch/ conf i gurati on records DC f or warrant y, regul at ory tracki ng A utom ati c l abel and seal DC veri fi cati on P ackagi ng operati on i s an i ntegral DC part of the overal l p ro duct i on process © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. P a cka ge P ro duct Co st P a perl ess producti on control Reduce non-val ue a dded paperwork DC whi l e sti l l m easuri ng p ro c e ss m e t ri c s DC P a cka ge P roduct Cycl e T i m e M i ni m i ze operator i nduced errors Page 147 of 261 I2.7 Release Product: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of obtaining approval and releasing the product DC P a cka ged P ro duct RESPONSIVENESS I 2.6 DC DC P ro duct S peci fi cati ons DC A ccurat e, bat ch/ conf i gurati on records f or warrant y, regul at ory tracki ng DC DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. CO ST I 2.7 Rel ease P ro duct DC I 2.7 t o S uppl y Chai n Rel ease P ro duct Cycl e T i m e Rel ease P ro duct Co st A utom ated noti fi cati on of l aboratory regardi ng sam pl e availability DC Revi ew bat ch re co rd s by excepti on Page 148 of 261 I3: Integrate New Technology: Process Description/Definition: The Integrate management process encompasses synthesizing the design definitions and decomposition of the design definitions into sets of component design definitions, releasing product and product definitions to Supply Chain execution and releasing design documentation to Marketing and Support organizations for new technology P r o c e s s E le m e n t L e v e l - I 3 : I n t e g r a t e N e w T e c h n o lo g y DC I 3 Integrate New T echnol ogy I3 DC I 3.1 Recei ve & V al i date Re q uest I 3.1 DC I 3.2 De co m p ose Re q uest I 3.2 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. DC I 3.3 Di st ri bute Requi rem ent s I 3.3 DC I 3.4 Recei ve & V al i date Desi gn I 3.4 DC I 3.5 E st abl i sh E xecuti on P ro c e sse s I 3.5 DC I 3.6 Pi l ot De si gn I 3.6 DC I 3.7 P a cka ge P ro duct I 3.7 DC I 3.8 Rel ease P ro duct I 3.8 Page 149 of 261 I3 Integrate New Technology: Process Element Description/Definition: The Integrate management process encompasses synthesizing the design definitions and decomposition of the design definitions into sets of component design definitions, releasing product and product definitions to Supply Chain execution and releasing design documentation to Marketing and Support organizations for new technology RESPONSIVENESS DC FLEXIBILITY Fi rst to d e l i ve r n e w i d e a to m a rke t DC FLEXIBILITY RESPONSIVENESS DC P ro d u ct De si g n Ch a n g e Cycl e T i m e DC I n te g rq a te d e si g n ch a n g e Cycl e T i m e DC Nu m b e r o f " f i rst t o m a rke t" p ro d u ct i n t ro d u cti o n s RESPONSIVENESS DC Nu m b e r o f ch a n g e s p e r P ro d u ct De si g n RESPONSIVENESS DC Nu m b e r o f n e w p ro d u ct i n t ro d u cti o n s RESPONSIVENESS DC In te g ra te Cycl e T i m e RELIABILITY DC P e rf e ct P ro d u ct De si g n © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. In te g ra te T o t a l Co st CO ST RESPONSIVENESS DC P ro d u ct De si g n Cycl e T i m e CO ST RESPONSIVENESS DC Nu m b e r o f p ro d u ct d e si g n s DC In te g ra te New T e ch n o l o gy I3 DC T o ta l De si g n Ch a i n Co st ASSETS DC P atents p e r p ro d u ct ASSETS DC T ra d e S e cre t s p e r p ro d u ct ASSETS DC T ra d e S e cre t s p e r p ro j e ct ASSETS DC P atents p e r p ro j e ct Page 150 of 261 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 151 of 261 I3.1 Receive & Validate Request: Process Element Description/Definition: Receive, log and assign project numbers to requests. Examine request to ensure completeness of the request DC B u si n e ss Ru l e s EI.1 DC RESPONSIVENESS P ro d u ct Re q u i re m e n t s Re ce i ve & D C V a l i d a te Re q u e st Cycl e T i m e DC V a l i dated Re q u e st DC CO ST I 3 .1 Re ce i ve & V al i date Re q u e st DC I 3 .1 I 3 .2 P ro d u ct Da t a M D aCn a g e m e n t & E l e ctro n i c Do cu m e n t M a n a g e m e n t © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. DC Re ce i ve & V al i date Re q u e st Co st E DI t o se n d a n d re ce i ve te ch n i ca l i n fo rm a ti on Page 152 of 261 I3.2 Decompose Request: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of decomposing the requests and documenting the specifications of the components (also known as conceptual design). This includes the scheduling of activities and assigning resources. DC V a l i dated Re q u e st I 3 .1 DC RESPONSIVENESS In te g ra te Plan DC PI.4 DC De co m p o se d Re q u e st DC I 3 .3 DC CO ST I 3 .2 De co m p o se Re q u e st I 3 .2 De co m p o se Re q u e st Cycl e T i m e DC De co m p o se Re q u e st Co st In te g ra te S ch e d u l e PI.3 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. P ro d u ct Da t a M anagem ent & E l e ct ro n i c Do cu m e n t M a n a g e m e nt DC Page 153 of 261 I3.3 Distribute Requirements: Process Element Description/Definition: The activity of transferring the decomposed requirements to the appropriate Research process DC De co m p o se d Re q u e st RESPONSIVENESS I 3 .2 DC DC Di st ri b u te d Re q u i re m e n t s I 3 .4 DC I 3 .3 Di st ri b u te Re q u i re m e n t s CO ST I 3 .3 DC DC De si g n Re q u i re m e n t s D2 . 1 D3 . 1 DC Di st ri b u te Re q u i re m e n t s Cycl e T i m e Di st ri b u te Re q u i re m e n t s Co st P ro d u ct Da t a M D aCn a g e m e n t & E l e ctro n i c Do cu m e n t M a n a g e m e n t Re se a rch Re q u i re m e n t s R3 . 1 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 154 of 261 I3.4 Receive & Validate Design: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of identifying, obtaining and validating new technology designs against the product requirements and specifications DC Di st ri b u te d Re q u i re m e n t s I 3 .3 DC De si g n S p e ci fi ca ti o n s RESPONSIVENESS D2 . 6 D3 . 7 DC Re se a rch S p e ci fi ca ti o n s DC R3 . 7 DC V a l i dated De si g n I 3 .5 DC I 3 .4 Re ce i ve & V a l i d a te De si g n Ob t a i n & V a l i d a te De si g n Cycl e T i m e CO ST I 3 .4 DC Ob t a i n & V al i date De si g n Co st P ro d u ct Da t a M D aCn a g e m e n t & E l e ctro n i c Do cu m e n t M a n a g e m e n t © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 155 of 261 I3.5 Establish Execution Processes: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of establishing, reviewing and/or modifying the activities, test criteria, environmental requirements and disposition process for manufacturing or sourcing of the product. New technology may require new work and safety instructions, re-layout of cells and conveyors, etc. For manufacturing layout changes this process links to Make Enable processes in the supply chain domain DC RESPONSIVENESS V al i dated De si gn DC I 3.4 DC E xecuti on P ro c e sse s I 3.6 DC CO ST I 3.5 E st abl i sh E xecuti on P ro c e sse s I 3.5 E st abl i sh E xecuti on P ro c e ss Cy c l e T ime DC E st abl i sh E xecuti on P ro c e ss Co st P roduct Dat a M anagem ent & DC E l ect roni c Docum ent M anagem ent © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 156 of 261 I3.6 Pilot Design: Process Element Description/Definition: The series of activities performed to create and validate a product pilot. The processes associated with the validation of product performance to ensure conformance to defined specifications and requirements. Examples are manufacturing verification build, customer tests, etc DC E xe cu ti o n P ro c e sse s RESPONSIVENESS I 3 .5 DC Fe e d b a ck f ro m Cu st o m e r DC DC De si g n Pi l ot DC CO ST I 3 .6 Pi l ot De si g n DC I 3 .6 I 3 .7 S yst e m a t i c M e t h o d fo r m a n a g e m e n t o f Re q u i re m e n ts a n d re q u e st s DC S i n g l e data so u rce f o r d e ci si o n su p p o rt a n d b u si n e ss ru l e s De si g n Pi l ot DC Da ta a cce si b i l i ty a cro ss t h e e n t e rp ri se DC DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. P i l o t De si g n Cycl e T i m e Pi l ot De si g n Co st Page 157 of 261 I3.7 Package Product: Process Element Description/Definition: Activities associated with post-piloting product and process documentation, testing, or certification required prior to releasing the product DC RESPONSIVENESS Pi l ot De si g n DC I 3 .6 DC P a cka g e d P ro d u ct DC DC P ro d u ct Do cu m e n t a t i o n CO ST I 3 .7 P a cka g e P ro d u ct I 3 .8 DC I 3 .7 Up -t o -d a t e sh o p p a cke t / sp e ci fi ca ti o n fo r DC e a ch u n i q u e p ro d u cti o n e ve n t/d e m a n d P a cka g e P ro d u ct Cycl e T i m e DC P a cka g e P ro d u ct Co st P a p e rl e ss p ro d u cti o n co n tro l EI.3 De si g n / u p g ra d e p ro d u cti o n e q u i p m e n t DC to m axi m i ze fl exi bi l i ty p l a n s/ sp e ci fi ca ti o n s Re d u ce n o n -va l u e a d d e d p a p e rwo rk wh i l e sti l l m e a su ri n g p ro c e ss m e t ri c s DC DC A u to m a ti c l a b el a n d se a l ve ri fi ca ti on DC DC M i n i m i ze o p e ra tor i n d u ce d e rro rs DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. A ccu ra t e a n d D C a p p ro ve d p ro ce ss A ccu ra t e , b a t ch / co n f i g u ra ti o n re co rd s f o r wa rra n t y, re g u l a t o ry tra cki n g P a cka g i n g o p e ra ti o n i s a n i n te g ral p a rt o f th e overal l p ro d u ct i o n p ro ce ss Page 158 of 261 I3.8 Release Product: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of obtaining approval and releasing the product DC P a cka g e d P ro d u ct RESPONSIVENESS I 3 .7 DC DC P ro d u ct S p e ci fi ca ti o n s DC DC I 3 .8 A ccu ra t e , b a t ch / co n f i g u ra ti o n re co rd s f o r wa rra n t y, re g u l a t o ry tra cki n g DC DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. CO ST I 3 .8 Re l e a se P ro d u ct D2 . 1 D3 . 1 Re l e a se P ro d u ct Cycl e T i m e Re l e a se P ro d u ct Co st A u to m a te d n o ti fi ca ti on o f l a b o ratory re g a rd i n g sa m p l e availability DC Re vi e w b a t ch re co rd s b y e xce p ti o n Page 159 of 261 EI: Enable Integrate: Process Category Description/Definition: Enable Integrate is the collection of processes to prepare, maintain, and manage information or relationships upon which Integrate execution processes rely. P r o c e s s E le m e n t L e v e l - E I : E n a b le I n t e g r a t e E I E nabl e Integrate DC EI DC E I.1 M anage Integrate B u si n e ss Ru l es EI.1 DC E I.2 M anage Integrate P erf orm ance EI.2 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. DC E I.3 M anage Integrate Inform ati on EI.3 DC E I.4 M anage P ro duct Li fe Cycl e EI.4 DC E I.5 M anage Integrate Capi tal A sse t s EI.5 DC E I.6 M anage Integrate K nowl edge T ransf er EI.6 DC E I.7 M anage Integrate Ne t wo rk EI.7 DC E I.8 M anage Integrate Regul atory Com pl i ance EI.8 Page 160 of 261 PROCESS ELEMENTS--Integrate EI.1 Manage Integrate Business Rules: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of establishing, maintaining, and enforcing decision support criteria for Integrate planning and execution which translate to rules for conducting product and process integration, i.e. developing and maintaining internal and external customer standards of Integrate processes such as service levels, given service requirements by design chain stakeholders and partners. Business rules align Integrate process policies with business strategy, goals, and objectives. DC B u si n e ss Ru l es RESPONSIVENESS DC Integrate Regul atory Com pl i ance DC RESPONSIVENESS EI.8 DC M anage Integrate P erf orm ance DC E I.1 M anage Integrate B u si n e ss Ru l es EI.2 DC M anage Integrate B u si n e ss Rul es Cycl e T i m e DC CO ST EI.1 B u si n e ss Ru l es DC I 1.1 E nt erpri se Level P ol i ci es wi th l ocal E xecuti on DC I n t egrat ed busi ness D C and desi gn chai n p l anni ng processes © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. DC Num ber of B u si n e ss Rul e Ch a nges M anage Integrate B u si n e ss Ru l e s Co st E nterpri se l evel spend anal ysi s Col l aborati ve revi ew, agreem D C ent of busi ness rul es pri or to executi on Page 161 of 261 EI.2 Manage Integrate Performance: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of measuring actual Integrate process performance against internal and/or external standards to develop and implement a course of action to achieve targeted performance levels. DC M a n age In te g ra te In fo rm a ti o n RESPONSIVENESS EI.3 DC M a n age In te g ra te P e rf o rm a n ce DC CO ST EI.1 DC M a n a g e In te g rate P e rf o rm a n ce Cycl e t i m e M a n age In te g ra te P e rf o rm a n ce DC E I.2 M a n a g e In te g ra te P e rf o rm a n ce EI.7 DC M a n a g e In te g rate P e rf o rm a n ce Co st EI.2 P e rf o rm a n ce e xp e cta ti o n s a n d DC b u si n e ss ru l e s a re cl e a rl y co m m u n i ca ted De si g n p e rf o rm a n ce d a ta Di sCco l l e cte d , a n a l yze d , re p o rte onl ine Co m p a ra t i ve a n a l ysi s o f d e si g n p e rfo rm a n ce i s u se d i n re se a rch d e ci si o n s DC DC Co st re d u ct i o n a n d /o r a re i denti fi ed, DC i m p l e m e n te d a n d m e a su re d Co n t i n u o u s I m p ro ve m e n t i s D C m e a su re d t h ro u g h t h e p e rfo rm a n ce re vi e w DC A sse ss P e rf o rm a n ce L e a n and Si x Sigm a © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 162 of 261 EI.3 Manage Integrate Information: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of collecting, integrating and maintaining the accuracy of Integrate execution information necessary to plan and execute the integrated design chain. DC M anage Integrate K nowl edge T ransf er R e s p o n s iv e n e s s EI.6 DC DC P ro duct Docum ent at i on CO ST I 1.5 DC E xecuti on Dat a M anage Integrate Inform ati on Cycl e T i m e DC E I.3 M anage Integrate Inform ati on DC M anage Integrate I nf orm at i on Cost EI.3 DC M anage Integrate Inform ati on DC M anage Integrate K nowl edge T ransf er EI.2 EI.6 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Col l aborati ve D CP l anni ng - Integrate i nformation S i ngl e data source f or deci si on DC support and b u si n e ss ru l es Dat a accesi bi l i t y across D C t he enterpri se for vi si bi l i t y by di screte busi ness unt Page 163 of 261 EI.4 Manage Product Life Cycle: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of defining and maintaining the status of products/services during the total life of a product. This includes establishing processes and maintenance of status information of products. RESPONSIVENESS DC DC Li fe Cycl e Plan P ro d u ct L i fe cycl e M a n a g e m e nt Cycl e T i m e CO ST DC E I.4 M a n a g e P ro d u ct L i fe Cycl e DC M a n a g e In te g rate I n ve n t o ry Co st EI.4 Re a l ti m e D C Da t a o n cu rre n t DC P L CM st a t u s © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 164 of 261 EI.5 Manage Integrate Capital Assets: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of acquiring, maintaining and dispositioning Integrate's capital assets to operate the integration processes. This includes laboratories and repair, alteration, calibration and other miscellaneous items to maintain Integrate equipment. RESPONSIVENESS DC M anage Integrate Ne t wo rk DC CO ST EI.7 DC DC Cro ss Fu nct i onal T eam s to execute and devel op Long-T erm Capaci ty and Re so u rc e s DC Rem oval of Obsol ete Capi tal A ssets DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. A l i gnm ent of strategi c/ b u si n ess pl ans wi t h l ong-t erm capaci ty/ re source pl ans DC DC M anage Integrate Ca pi t al A sset s Co st ASSETS E I.5 M anage Integrate Capi tal A sse t s EI.5 DC M anage Integrate A sse t Cycl e t i m e Faci l i ty & E qui pm ent E nvi ronm ent Integrate Fi xed A sset V al ue ASSETS DC Ret urn on Desi gn Ch a i n A sse t s Page 165 of 261 EI.6 Manage Integrate Knowledge Transfer: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of defining an Integrate knowledge transfer strategy and maintaining the information, which characterizes total Integrate knowledge management requirements. DC DC K n o wl e d g e M a n a g e m e nt Plan RESPONSIVENESS M a n age In te g ra te DC K n o wl e d g e T ra n sf e r Cycl e t i m e M a n age In te g ra te K n o wl e d g e T ra n sf e r CO ST EI.3 DC K n o wl e d g e M a n a g e m e nt S ch e d u l e DC E I.6 M a n a g e In te g ra te K n o wl e d g e T ra n sf e r M a n a g e In te g rate D C K n o wl e d g e T ra n sf e r Co st EI.6 DC M a n age Re se a rch K n o wl e d g e T ra n sf e r EI.3 DC In te g ra te d K n o wl e d g e S yste m Re a l t i m e De si g n D CCh a i n V i su a l i za ti o n DC E l e ct ro n i c In fo rm a ti o n DE Cxch a n g e s t h ro u g h o u t (vi a In te rn e t) DC Autom ated Do cum entati on Ca p t u re a n d D Cm a i n ta i n ca te g o ri ze d sp e ci fi c d a ta © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. M e a su re m e n t o f P e rform ance t h e De si g n Ch a i n M a n a g e In fo rm a ti on a c ro ss 1 0 0 % o f d e sg i n ch a i n DC In te rn e t P o o l i ng (E l e ct ro n i c b ro ke ra g e DC o f re se a rch a n d o r d e si g n ) Page 166 of 261 EI.7 Manage Integrate Network: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of defining and maintaining the information about the Integrate network for a group of similar or complimentary products through their full life cycle, including the evaluation of market need, product realization (development, introduction and production), product discontinuation, and after-market support. This includes the company's internal and external relationships DC M anage Integrate P erf orm ance RESPONSIVENESS EI.2 DC DC Integrate P l an CO ST PI.4 DC M anage i ntegrate Ne t wo rk Cycl e T i m e M anage Integrate Ne t wo rk DC EI.5 E I.7 M anage Integrate Ne t wo rk DC M anage Integrate Ne t wo rk Co st EI.7 DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Di gi tal P roduct and Di gi tal E xch a nges E xchanges DC Co ncurrent De si gn DC E val uate Integrate n e t wo rk for dupl i cates Page 167 of 261 EI.8 Manage Integrate Regulatory Compliance: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of identifying and complying with regulatory documentation and process standards set by external entities (e.g. government). DC I n p u t f ro m Legal P ro c e sse s RESPONSIVENESS I n p u t f ro m Fi n a n ce , D C T a x & T re a su ry P ro c e sse s DC M a n a g e In te g rate Re g u l a to ry Co m p l i a n ce Cycl e t i m e CO ST DC In te g ra te Re g u l a to ry Co m p l i a n ce DC E I.8 M a n a g e In te g ra te Re g u l a to ry Co m p l i a n ce EI.1 DC M a n a g e In te g rate Re g u l a to ry Co m p l i a n ce Co st EI.8 DC Do c u m e n t s g e n e ra ted automatically DC Di re ct T ra n sf e r o f d o cu m e nts Di re ct co n n e cti o n to Re g u l a to ry B o d i e s o r Re g u l a to ry S e rvi ce s DC A sse ssi n g e xp o rt / i m p o rt D Cre q u i re m e n t s d u ri n g p ro d u ct d e ve l o p m e n t Dir e c t c onne c tion to Re g u la to r y Bo d ie s or Re g u la to r y S e r vic e s © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 168 of 261 Amend Description/Definition: Process Categories Comprising Amend L e v e l 2 : C o n f ig u r a t io n L e v e l - A m e n d DC A m e nd A DC A 1 A m end P ro d u ct Fal l out A1 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. DC A 2 A m end De fi ci e n t P ro d u ct A2 DC A 3 A m end P ro d u ct Specs A3 DC EA Enable A m e nd EA Page 169 of 261 A1 Amend Product Fall Out: Process Category Description/Definition: The process of gathering, analyzing and addressing products manufacturability. The process is triggered by feedback that manufacturing quality and process standards/metrics cannot be met. This includes regulatory compliance issues P r o c e s s E le m e n t L e v e l - A 1 : A m e n d P r o d u c t F a ll O u t DC DC A 1 . 1 Re ce i ve a n d V al i date I ssu e DC A 1.1 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. A 1.2 De co m p o se I ssu e A 1.2 A 1 A m end P ro d u ct Fal l out DC A 1.3 Di st ri b u te I ssu e A 1.3 DC A 1 . 4 P u b l i sh A d vi so ry (E C N) A 1.4 Page 170 of 261 PROCESS ELEMENTS--Amend A1 Amend Product Fall Out: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of gathering, analyzing and addressing a product's manufacturability. The process is triggered by feedback that manufacturing quality and process standards/metrics cannot be met. This includes regulatory compliance issues RESPONSIVENESS DC A m e nd Cycl e Time RESPONSIVENESS DC A 1 A m end P ro duct Fal l out A1 DC RESPONSIVENESS DC P ro duct engi neeri ng DC Dat a M anagem ent S of t ware A m e nd P roduct Fal l out Cycl e Time Num ber of ch anges per P ro duct Desi gn FLEXIBILITY DC Nu m ber of post rel ease P roduct De si g n Changes CO ST DC A m e nd P roduct Fal l out T otal Co st CO ST DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. T otal A m e nd Co st Page 171 of 261 A1.1 Receive and Validate Issue: Process Element Description/Definition: The activities associated with receiving, logging (an ECO) and validating the fall out issue. This process is triggered by supply chain or customer chain performance monitoring processes (make yield, source availability, on-site assist failure etc). DC Co n f o rm a n ce I ssu e E A .3 DC RESPONSIVENESS B u si n e ss Ru l e s Re ce i ve & D C V a l i d a te Re q u e st E A .1 DC V a l i dated I ssu e Cycl e T i m e DC A 1 . 1 Re ce i ve a n d V al i date I ssu e CO ST A 1.2 DC DC Re ce i ve & V al i date Re q u e st Co st A m e nd S ch e d u l e P A .3 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. DC P ro d u ct e n g i neeri ng Da ta M a n a g e m e n t S o f t wa re Page 172 of 261 A1.2 Decompose Issue: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of reviewing the issue, duplicating the issue and identifying and documenting the root cause. This includes reproducing the issue in a laboratory or monitoring manufacturing processes and environmental influences and testing of alternative scenarios DC V a l i dated I ssu e RESPONSIVENESS A 1.1 DC DC De co m p o se d I ssu e DC A 1.3 DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. CO ST A 1.2 De co m p o se I ssu e A 1.2 De co m p o se I ssu e Cy cl e Time DC De co m p o se I ssu e Co st P ro d u ct e n g i neeri ng Da ta M a n a g e m e n t S o f t wa re Page 173 of 261 A1.3 Distribute Issue: Process Element Description/Definition: The activity of approving and transferring the ECO to the Integrate process DC De co m p osed I ssu e A1 .2 DC RESPONSIVENESS I nput f rom A ppropri ate Desi gn Chai n (executi o... DC DC Di st ri buted I ssu e DC DC DC E ngi neeri ng Change O rd er DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. CO ST A 1. 3 Di st ri bute I ssu e A1 .4 De co m p ose I ssu e Cy cl e T ime De co m p ose I ssu e Co st P ro duct engi neeri ng Data M anagem ent S of t ware Page 174 of 261 A1.4 Publish Advisory (ECN): Process Element Description/Definition: The process of communicating an advisory of the short-term actions and estimated completion schedule for the ECN. This can include build and/or ship holds customer notification, website posting, etc. DC Di st ri buted I ssu e RESPONSIVENESS A 1. 3 DC P ubl i sh A dvi sory (E CN) Cy c l e T ime CO ST DC E ngi neeri ng Change No t i ce (E CN) DC E A .3 DC P ubl i sh A dvi sory (E CN) Co st A 1. 4 DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. A 1. 4 P ubl i sh A d vi sory (E C N) P ro duct engi neeri ng Data M anagem ent S of t ware Page 175 of 261 A2 Amend Deficient Product: Process Category Description/Definition: The process of gathering, analyzing and addressing a product's technical design deficiency. The process is triggered by feedback that the products performance, behavior and/or appearance do not meet the products specifications as published. This includes tolerances for safety P r o c e s s E le m e n t L e v e l - A 2 : A m e n d D e f ic ie n t P r o d u c t DC A 2 A m end Defi ci ent P ro duct A2 DC A 2. 1 Obtai n Defi ci ency Inform ati on DC A 2. 1 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. A 2. 2 V al i date I ssu e A 2. 2 DC A 2. 3 De co m p ose I ssu e A 2. 3 DC A 2. 4 Di st ri bute I ssu e A 2. 4 DC A 2. 5 P ubl i sh A d vi sory A 2. 5 Page 176 of 261 A2 Amend Deficient Product: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of gathering, analyzing and addressing a product's technical design deficiency. The process is triggered by feedback that the products performance, behavior and/or appearance do not meet the products specifications as published. This includes tolerances for safety RESPONSIVENESS DC A m e nd Cycl e T ime RESPONSIVENESS DC A m end Def i ci ent P roduct Cycl e T ime RESPONSIVENESS DC DC A 2 A m end Defi ci ent P ro duct FLEXIBILITY A2 DC P ro duct engi neeri ng Dat a M anagem ent S of t ware Num ber of ch anges per P ro duct Desi gn DC CO ST A ut om at i c m ateri al D C Revi ew & correct i ve A c t i o n sy st e m s Nu m ber of post rel ease P roduct De si g n Changes DC A m end Def i ci ent P roduct T otal Co st CO ST DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. T otal A m e nd Co st Page 177 of 261 A2.1 Obtain Product Deficiency Information: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of collecting product deficiency information. This information can be pulled from customer support data or pushed by support functions or systems based on thresholds DC P ro d u ct Qu a l i ty I ssu e CO ST E A .3 DC DC P ro d u ct De fi ci e n cy In fo rm a ti o n DC A 2 . 1 Ob ta i n De fi ci e n cy In fo rm a ti o n Ob t a i n De fi ci e n cy I n f o rm a t i o n Co st FLEXIBILITY Ob t a i n De fi ci e n cy D C I n f o rm a ti o n Cycl e A 2.2 Time DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. P ro d u ct e n g i neeri ng Da ta M a n a g e m e n t S o f t wa re Page 178 of 261 A2.2 Validate Issue: Process Element Description/Definition: The activities associated with logging (an ECO) and validating the product deficiency DC P r o d uc t De fic ie nc y In for m a tion A2 .1 DC CO ST Bus ine s s Ru le s DC Va lida te Is s ue Cos t EA.1 DC V a lida te d Is s ue DC A2 .2 Va lida te Is s ue DC A2 .3 DC Am e n d S c he dule P A.3 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. FLEXIBILITY DC Va lida te Is s ue Cyc le T im e P r o d uc te ngine e r ing Da ta M a n a ge m e ... Page 179 of 261 A2.3 Decompose Issue: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of reviewing the issue, duplicating the issue and identifying and documenting the root cause. This may include obtaining a sample product and reproducing the issue in a laboratory and testing of alternative scenarios DC V a l i dated I ssu e CO ST A2 .2 DC DC De co m p o se d I ssu e DC A2 .4 A 2.3 DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. A 2.3 De co m p o se I ssu e De co m p o se I ssu e Co st RESPONSIVENESS DC De co m p o se I ssu e Cycl e T i m e P ro d u ct e n g i neeri ng Da ta M a n a g e m e n t S o f t wa re Page 180 of 261 A2.4 Distribute Issue: Process Element Description/Definition: The activity of approving and transferring the ECO to the Integrate process. This includes the disposal of the products used for reproducing the issue. And receiving and validating the resolution information (ECN) DC De co m p o se d I ssu e A2 .3 DC I n p u t f ro m A p p ro p ri a te De si g n Ch a i n (e xe cu ti o ... DC B u si n e ss Ru l e s CO ST DC De co m p o se I ssu e Co st EA.1 DC Di st ri b u te d I ssu e DC A2 .5 DC A 2.4 Ou t p u t to A p p ro p ri a te De si g n Ch a i n (e xe cu ti o n ... DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. A 2.4 Di st ri b u te I ssu e RESPONSIVENESS DC De co m p o se I ssu e Cycl e T i m e P ro d u ct e n g i neeri ng Da ta M a n a g e m e n t S o f t wa re Page 181 of 261 A2.5 Publish Advisory (ECN): Process Element Description/Definition: The process of communicating an advisory of the short-term actions and estimated completion schedule for the ECN. This can include build and/or ship holds customer notification, website posting, etc. DC Di st ri buted I ssu e CO ST A 2. 4 DC DC E ngi neeri ng Change No t i ce (E CN) DC A 2. 5 P ubl i sh A dvi sory (E C N) DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. FLEXIBILITY DC E A .3 P ubl i sh A dvi sory (E CN) Co st P ubl i sh A dvi sory (E CN) Cy c l e Time P ro duct engi neeri ng Data M anagem ent S of t ware Page 182 of 261 A3 Amend Product Specs: Process Category Description/Definition: The activities associated with Specification Change. The process is triggered with the gathering of an issue and product specifications. The process culminates with the publication of a Specification Change Order (SCO). The process should encompass the requisite reviews and approvals. P r o c e s s E le m e n t L e v e l - A 3 : A m e n d P r o d u c t S p e c s DC A 3 A m end P ro d u ct Specs A3 DC A 3 . 1 Ob ta i n S p e ci fi ca ti o n In fo rm a ti o n A 3.1 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. DC A 3.2 V al i date I ssu e A 3.2 DC A 3.3 De co m p o se I ssu e A 3.3 DC A 3.4 Di st ri b u te I ssu e A 3.4 DC A 3.5 P u b l i sh S CO A 3.5 Page 183 of 261 A3 Amend Product Specs: Process Element Description/Definition: The activities associated with Specification Change. The process is triggered with the gathering of an issue and product specifications. The process culminates with the publication of a Specification Change Order (SCO). The process should encompass the requisite reviews and approvals. RESPONSIVENESS DC A m e nd Cycl e Time RESPONSIVENESS DC A m e nd S p e ci fi ca ti o n Cycl e Time FLEXIBILITY A 3 A m end P ro d u ct S p e cs DC CO ST A3 DC P ro d u ct e n g i neeri ng Da t a M a n a g e m e n t S o f t wa re DC A m e nd S p e ci fi ca ti o n T o t a l Co st CO ST DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Nu m b e r o f S p e ci fi ca ti o n Ch a n g e s T otal A m e nd Co st Page 184 of 261 A3.1 Obtain Specification Information: Process Element Description/Definition The process of collecting product specification information. It may be pulled or pushed. It may totally reside in an automated capability. DC I ssu e E A .3 DC B u si n e ss Ru l e s RESPONSIVENESS E A .1 Re ce i ve & D C V a l i d a te Re q u e st Cycl e T i m e DC S p e ci fi ca ti o n In fo rm a ti o n DC A 3.2 DC A 3 . 1 Ob ta i n S p e ci fi ca ti o n In fo rm a ti o n A 3.1 CO ST DC Re ce i ve & V al i date Re q u e st Co st A m e nd S ch e d u l e P A .3 E l e ctro n i ca l l y D C T ra ck S p e ci f i ca ti o n s a n d Ch a n g e s © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. DC P ro d u ct e n g i neeri ng Da ta M a n a g e m e n t S o f t wa re Page 185 of 261 A3.2 Validate Issue: Process Element Description/Definition: The activities associated with logging a specification change request (SCR) and validating the specification’s deficiency DC S p e ci fi ca ti o n In fo rm a ti o n RESPONSIVENESS A 3.1 DC DC V a l i dated I ssu e DC A 3.3 A 3.2 V al i date I ssu e CO ST A 3.2 DC E l e ctro n i ca l l y D C T ra ck S p e ci f i ca ti o n s a n d Ch a n g e s © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. DC De co m p o se I ssu e Cy cl e Time De co m p o se I ssu e Co st P ro d u ct e n g i neeri ng Da ta M a n a g e m e n t S o f t wa re Page 186 of 261 A3.3 Decompose Issue: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of reviewing specification change request and identifying and documenting the root cause for change. This may include alternative specification alternatives. DC V al i dated I ssu e A 3. 2 DC RESPONSIVENESS I nput f rom A ppropri ate Desi gn Chai n (executi o... DC DC De co m p osed I ssu e DC A3 .4 CO ST A 3. 3 De co m p ose I ssu e DC A 3. 3 E l ectroni cal l y D C T rack S peci f i cati ons a nd Changes © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. DC De co m p ose I ssu e Cy cl e T ime De co m p ose I ssu e Co st P ro duct engi neeri ng Data M anagem ent S of t ware Page 187 of 261 A3.4 Distribute Issue: Process Element Description/Definition: The activity of approving and transferring the SCO to the Integrate process. And receiving and validating the resolution information (SCO) DC De co m p osed I ssu e RESPONSIVENESS A 3. 3 DC DC Di st ri buted I ssu e DC A 3. 4 Di st ri bute I ssu e A 3. 5 P u bl i sh S CO Cycl e T ime CO ST A 3. 4 D C P u b l i sh S CO Cost E l ectroni cal l y D C T rack S peci f i cati ons a nd Changes © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. DC Revi ew S peci fi cati on change frequency and cycl e ti m e trends Page 188 of 261 A3.5 Publish SCO: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of communicating an advisory of the short-term actions and estimated completion schedule for the SCO. This can include updating specifications in an automated capability, notification, website posting, etc. DC Di st ri buted I ssu e RESPONSIVENESS A 3. 4 DC DC S peci fi cati on Change O rd e r (S CO ) DC E A .3 A 3. 5 P ubl i sh S CO CO ST A 3. 5 E l ectroni cal l y D C T rack S peci f i cati ons a nd Changes © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. DC S CO Cy cl e T ime DC S CO Co st P ro duct engi neeri ng Data M anagem ent S of t ware Page 189 of 261 EA: Enable Amend: Process Category Description/Definition: Enable Amend is the collection of processes to prepare, maintain, and manage information or relationships upon which Amend execution processes rely P r o c e s s E l e m e n t L e v e l - E A : E n a b le A m e n d DC E A E nabl e A m e nd EA DC E A . 1 M anage A m e n d B u si n e ss Ru l es P ro c e sse s EA.1 DC E A . 2 M anage A m e nd P erf orm ance EA.2 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. DC E A . 3 M anage A m e nd Inform ati on EA.3 DC E A . 4 M anage P ro duct Li fe Cycl e EA.4 DC E A . 5 M anage Integrate Ca pi t al A sset s EA.5 DC E A . 6 M anage A m e nd K nowl edge T ransf er EA.6 DC E A . 7 M anage A m e nd Ne t wo rk EA.7 DC EA.8 M anage A m end Regul atory Com pl i ance EA.8 Page 190 of 261 EA Enable Amend: Process Element Description/Definition: Enable Amend is the collection of processes to prepare, maintain, and manage information or relationships upon which Amend execution processes rely RELIABILITY DC De s ig n Ch a in FT E p e r P r o d u c ... CO ST DC DC EA En a b le Am e n d EA T o ta l Am e n d Co s t CO ST DC En a b le Am e nd T o ta l Co s t ASSETS DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. De s ig n Ch a in Fix e d As s e t Va lue Page 191 of 261 EA.1 Manage Amend Business Rules: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of establishing, maintaining, and enforcing decision support criteria for Amend planning and execution which translate to rules for conducting business, i.e. developing and maintaining service levels, given service requirements by design chain stakeholders and partners. Business rules align Amend process policies with business strategy, goals, and objectives DC RESPONSIVENESS Bus ine s s Ru le s DC DC M a na ge Am e n d Re g u la to ... RESPONSIVENESS EA.8 DC EA.1 M a n a ge Am e n d Bus ine s s DC Ru le s Proc e s s e s Bus ine s s Ru le s A2 .2 A3 .1 DC M a na ge Am e n d Bu s ine ... EA.2 M a na ge P la n Bus ine s s Ru le s Cyc l... EA.1 En te r p r is e Le ve l Polic ie s DC w ith loc a l Ex e c ution L o n g te r m s upplie r DC a gr e e m e nts /pa r t ne r s hips DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. In te gr a te d bus ine s s a n d d e s ign c ha i... Nu m b e r o f D C Bu s ine s s Rule Ch a n ge s CO ST DC En te r pr is e le ve l s pe nd a na lys is DC Co lla b o r a tive r e vie w , a g r e e m e nt of b us ine s s r ul... M a n a g e Am e nd D C Bu s ine s s Rule s Co s t Ele c tr onic S o u r c ing DC a n d Ne g o tia tion (E-Bus ine s s) Page 192 of 261 EA.2 Manage Amend Performance: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of measuring actual Amend process performance against internal and/or external standards to develop and implement a course of action to achieve targeted performance levels DC M a n age A m e nd In fo rm a ti o n RESPONSIVENESS EA.3 M anage Am end B u si n e ss DC Ru l e s/ P e rf o rm a n c e DC CO ST EA.1 DC M a n a g e De si g n Ch a i n P e rf o rm a n ce Cycl e t i m e M a n age A m e nd Ne t wo rk DC EA.2 M anage A m e nd P e rf o rm a n ce DC M anage Am end P e rf o rm a n ce Co st EA.2 EA.7 DC P e rf o rm a n ce e xp e cta ti o n s a n d b u si n e ss ru l e s a r... Re se a rch p e rf o rm a n ce DC d a ta i s co l l e cte d , a n a l yze d ... DC Co m p a ra t i ve a n a l ysi s o f re se a rch p e rf o rm a n ce ... DC L e a n and Si x Sigm a © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. DC Co st re d u ct i o n a n d /o r co st a vo i d a n ce a re i denti fi ed... DC Co n t i n u o u s I m p ro ve m e n t i s m e a su re d t h ro u g h th ... DC A sse ss P e rf o rm a n ce Page 193 of 261 EA.3 Manage Amend Information: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of collecting, integrating and maintaining the accuracy of Amend execution information necessary to plan and execute the recovery of design chain issues S pe c ific a tion Ch a n g e O r de r ( S CO ) A3 .5 DC M a na ge Am e n d In for m a tion EA.6 DC En g in e e ing Ch a n ge No t ic e ( ECN) RESPONSIVENESS A1 .4 A2 .5 DC DC DC P r o d uc t Q u a lity Is s ue CO ST M a na ge Am e n d Pe r for m a nc e DC ER.3 M a n a g e Am e n d In fo r m a tion EA.2 DC DC DC DC M a n a g e Am e nd In fo r m a tion Co s t EA.3 Ex e c ution Da ta DC Co lla b o r a tive P la n ning De s ign inform a tion DC Da ta a c c e s ibility a c ros s the e nte r pr is e f o ... M a na ge Am e n d In for m a tion EA.6 M a na ge In fo r m a tion Cyc le T im e DC S in gle da ta s our c e for d e c is ion s u p p o r t a ... P r o d uc t Q u a lity Is s ue A2 .1 Is s ue © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 194 of 261 EA.4 Manage Product Life Cycle: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of defining and maintaining the status of products/services during the total life of a product. This includes establishing processes and maintenance of status information of products RESPONSIVENESS DC DC Li fe Cycl e Plan P ro d u ct L i fe cycl e M a n a g e m e nt Cycl e T i m e CO ST DC EA.4 M anage P ro d u ct L i fe Cycl e DC Re a l ti m e D C Da t a o n cu rre n t st a t u s DC © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. DC M anage Am end I n ve n t o ry Co st P ro d u ci b i l i ty Re v i e ws P L CM Page 195 of 261 EA.5 Manage Amend Capital Assets: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of defining capacity requirements and utilization and then acquiring, maintaining and dispositioning an organization's capital assets as part of the overall Amend process RESPONSIVENESS DC M anage A m e nd Capi t al A sset s DC M anage Desi gn Chai n A sse t Cycl e t i m e CO ST EA.7 DC DC E A . 5 M anage Integrate Ca pi t al A sset s CO ST DC Cro ss Funct i onal T e am s DC to execute and devel o... DC Rem oval of Obsol ete Capi tal A ssets © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. A m end Fi xed A sset V al ue DC A l i gnm ent of st rat egi c/ b u si n ess pl ans wi t . . . DC Faci l i ty & E qui pm ent E nvi ronm ent M anage A m end Ca pi t al A sset s Co st Page 196 of 261 EA.6 Manage Amend Knowledge Transfer: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of defining a Amend knowledge transfer strategy and maintaining the information, which characterizes total Amend knowledge management requirements © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 197 of 261 DC K n o wl e d g e M a n a g e m e nt Plan DC M a n age A m e nd In fo rm a ti o n CO ST E A .3 DC M a n age A m e nd In fo rm a ti o n EA.6 Manage D C A m e n d K n o wl e d g e DC T ra n se r E A .3 E A .6 I n t e g ra t e d Ord e r D C M a n a g e m e n t , WM S and T MS A n a l ysi s o f a l l o rd e rs a n d sh i p m e n t s: DC L o g i st i cs, P ro d u ct , Co st . . . A p p o i n tm e n t S ch e d u l i n g D C f o r P i cku p , De l i ve ry o f Cu st o m e r S h i pm ents DC DC DC M e a su re m e n t of P e rform ance Re a l ti m e Op t i m i ze d S h i p m e n t M e th o d S e l e cti on D C S h i p m e n t T ra cki n g , E l e ctro n i c In fo rm a ti o n E xch a n g e s th ro u g h o u t t h e De si g n Ch a i n DC Automated Do cum entati on DC Ca p t u re a n d m a i n tai n ca te g o ri ze d sp e ci fi c d a ta M a n a g e In fo rm a ti on a cro ss 1 0 0 % o f DC d e sg i n ch a i n DC Manage Amend K n o wl e d g e T ra n sf e r Co st Re a l ti m e (vi a In te rn e t) In te rn e t P o o l i ng (E l e ct ro n i c b ro ke ra g e o f re se a rch a n d o r d e si g n ) EA.7 Manage Amend Network: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of defining and maintaining the information about the Amend design chain network for a group of similar or complimentary products through their full life cycle, including the evaluation of © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 198 of 261 market need, product realization (development, introduction and production), product discontinuation, and after-market support DC M a na ge Am e n d Ne tw o r k RESPONSIVENESS EA.2 DC DC Am e n d Pla n M a n age Re se a rch Ne t wo rk Cycl e T i m e CO ST M a na ge D C Am e n d Ca pita l As s e ts EA.5 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. DC EA.7 M a n a ge Am e n d Ne tw o r k DC Manage Amend Ne t wo rk Co st EA.7 Page 199 of 261 EA.8 Manage Amend Regulatory Compliance: Process Element Description/Definition: The process of identifying and complying with regulatory documentation and process standards set by external entities (i.e. government, trade officials, etc.) when planning for Amend DC I n p u t f ro m Legal P ro c e sse s DC I n p u t f ro m Fi n a n ce , T a x & T re a su ry P ro c e sse s RESPONSIVENESS M a n a g e De si g n Ch a i n Re g u l a to ry Co m p l i a n c. .. CO ST DC M a n age A m e nd Re g u l a to ry Co m p l i a n ce DC EA.1 DC DC EA.8 M anage A m e nd Re g u l a to ry Co m p l i a n ce DC M anage Am end Re g u l a to ry Co m p l i a n ce Co st EA.8 Do c u m e n t s g e n e ra ted automatically Di re ct T ra n sf e r o f d o cu m e nts © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. DC Di re ct co n n e cti o n to Re g u l a to ry Bodi es or Re g u l a to ry S e rvi ce s A sse ssi n g e xp o rt /i m p o rt D C re q u i re m e n t s d u ri n g p ro d u ct d e ve l o p m e nt Page 200 of 261 Process Terms (Process Categories and Process Elements) Process Name Description/Definition A1 Amend Product Fallout The process of gathering, analyzing and addressing products manufacturability. The process is triggered by feedback that manufacturing quality and process standards/metrics cannot be met. This includes regulatory compliance issues A1 A1.1 Receive and Validate Issue The activities associated with receiving, logging (an ECO) and validating the fall out issue. This process is triggered by supply chain or customer chain performance monitoring processes (make yield, source availability, on-site assist failure etc). A1.1 A1.2 Decompose Issue The process of reviewing the issue, duplicating the issue and identifying and documenting the root cause. This includes reproducing the issue in a laboratory or monitoring manufacturing processes and environmental influences and testing of alternative scenarios A1.2 A1.3 Distribute Issue The activity of approving and transferring the ECO to the Integrate process A1.3 A1.4 Publish Advisory (ECN) The process of communicating an advisory of the short-term actions and estimated completion schedule for the ECN. This can include build and/or ship holds, customer notification, website posting, etc. The process of gathering, analyzing and addressing a product's technical design deficiency. The process is triggered by feedback that the products performance, behavior and/or appearance do not meet the products specifications as published. This includes tolerances for safety The process of collecting product deficiency information. This information can be pulled from customer support data or pushed by support functions or systems based on thresholds A1.4 A2.2 Validate Issue The activities associated with logging (an ECO) and validating the product deficiency A2.2 A2.3 Decompose Issue The process of reviewing the issue, duplicating the issue and identifying and documenting the root cause. This may include obtaining a sample product and reproducing the issue in a laboratory and testing of alternative scenarios A2.3 A2.4 Distribute Issue The activity of approving and transferring the ECO to the Integrate process. This includes the disposal of the products used for reproducing the issue. And receiving and validating the resolution information (ECN) A2.4 A2.5 Publish Advisory (ECN) The process of communicating an advisory of the short-term actions and estimated completion schedule for the ECN. This can include build and/or ship holds, customer notification, website posting, etc. A2.5 A3 Amend Product Specs A3 A3.1 Obtain Specification Information The activities associated with Specification Change. The process is triggered with the gathering of an issue and product specifications. The process culminates with the publication of a Specification Change Order (SCO). The process should encompass the requisite reviews and approvals. The process of collecting product specification information. It may be pulled or pushed. It may totally reside in an automated capability. A3.2 Validate Issue The activities associated with logging (an SCR) and validating the specification deficiency A3.2 A3.3 Decompose Issue The process of reviewing specification change request and identifying and documenting the root cause for change. This may include alternative specification alternatives. A3.3 A3.4 Distribute Issue The activity of approving and transferring the SCO to the Integrate process. And receiving and validating the resolution information (SCO) A3.4 A3.5 Publish SCO The process of communicating an advisory of the short-term actions and estimated completion schedule for the SCO. This can include updating specifications in an automated capability, notification, website posting, etc. A3.5 A2 Amend Deficient Product A2.1 Obtain Deficiency Information © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. A2 A2.1 A3.1 Page 201 of 261 D1.1 Schedule Design Activities Scheduling and managing the execution of individual prototyping of designs. The requirements are determined based on the detailed design plan or other types of design pull signals. Process Name Description/Definition D1.2 Develop Prototype The series of activities performed to establish the processes, environmental requirements, infrastructure and test instructions for creating and testing a prototype. And collecting the materials and technology required for the prototype. D1.2 D1.3 Build & Test Prototype The series of activities performed on materials to create a prototype of the product in a lab environment. The processes associated with the validation of product performance to ensure conformance to defined specifications and requirements. D1.3 D1.4 Package Design Activities associated with post-prototyping documentation, testing, or certification required prior to delivery of the design to Integration. D1.4 D1.5 Release Design to Integrate The process of obtaining receiving, logging and validating a request for a design, obtaining approval and releasing design information (specifications) to the Integration process. The series of activities to receive validate and decompose the design requests. D1.5 Scheduling and managing the execution of individual prototyping of designs. The requirements are determined based on the detailed design plan or other types of design pull signals. The series of activities performed to establish the processes, environmental requirements, infrastructure and test instructions for creating and testing a prototype. And collecting the materials and technology required for the prototype. D2.2 D2.4 Build & Test Prototype The series of activities performed on materials to create a prototype of the product in a lab environment. The processes associated with the validation of product performance to ensure conformance to defined specifications and requirements. D2.4 D2.5 Package Design Activities associated with post-prototyping documentation, testing, or certification required prior to delivery of the design to Integration. D2.5 D2.6 Release Design to Integrate The process of obtaining approval and releasing design information to the Integration process. D2.6 D3.1 Receive, Validate & Decompose Request The series of activities to receive validate and decompose the design requests. D3.1 D3.2 Schedule Design Activities Scheduling and managing the execution of individual prototyping of designs. The requirements are determined based on the detailed design plan or other types of design pull signals. The series of activities of reviewing research materials, results and findings, understanding the technology and how to integrate into the product design. D3.2 The series of activities performed to establish the processes, environmental requirements, infrastructure and test instructions for creating and testing a prototype. And collecting the materials and technology required for the prototype. The series of activities performed on materials to create a prototype of the product in a lab environment. The processes associated with the validation of product performance to ensure conformance to defined specifications and requirements. D3.4 D3.6 Package Design Activities associated with post-prototyping documentation, testing, or certification required prior to delivery of the design to Integration. This includes the development of manufacturing and testing processes for the supply chain and support processes for the customer chain. D3.6 D3.7 Release Design to Integrate The process of obtaining approval and releasing design information to the Integration process D3.7 EA Enable Amend Enable Amend is the collection of processes to prepare, maintain, and manage information or relationships upon which Amend execution processes rely EA EA.1 Manage Amend Business Rules Processes The process of establishing, maintaining, and enforcing decision support criteria for Amend planning and execution which translate to rules for conducting business, i.e. developing and maintaining service levels, given service requirements by design chain EA.1 D2.1 Receive, Validate & Decompose Request D2.2 Schedule Design Activities D2.3 Develop Prototype D3.3 Acquire Knowledge D3.4 Develop Prototype D3.5 Build & Test Prototype © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. D1.1 D2.1 D2.3 D3.3 D3.5 Page 202 of 261 stakeholders and partners. Business rules align Amend process policies with business strategy, goals, and objectives Process Name Description/Definition EA.1 Manage Amend Business Rules Processes The process of establishing, maintaining, and enforcing decision support criteria for Amend planning and execution which translate to rules for conducting business, i.e. developing and maintaining service levels, given service requirements by design chain stakeholders and partners. Business rules align Amend process policies with business strategy, goals, and objectives EA.1 EA.2 Manage Amend Performance The process of measuring actual Amend process performance against internal and/or external standards to develop and implement a course of action to achieve targeted performance levels EA.2 EA.2 Manage Amend Performance The process of measuring actual Amend process performance against internal and/or external standards to develop and implement a course of action to achieve targeted performance levels EA.2 EA.3 Manage Amend Information The process of collecting, integrating and maintaining the accuracy of Amend execution information necessary to plan and execute the recovery of design chain issues EA.3 EA.4 Manage Product Life Cycle The process of defining and maintaining the status of products/services during the total life of a product. This includes establishing processes and maintenance of status information of products EA.4 EA.5 Manage Integrate Capital Assets The process of defining capacity requirements and utilization and then acquiring, maintaining and dispositioning an organization's capital assets as part of the overall Amend process EA.5 EA.6 Manage Amend Knowledge Transfer The process of defining a Amend knowledge transfer strategy and maintaining the information, which characterizes total Amend knowledge management requirements EA.6 EA.7 Manage Amend Network The process of defining and maintaining the information about the Amend design chain network for a group of similar or complimentary products through their full life cycle, including the evaluation of market need, product realization (development, introduction and production), product discontinuation, and after-market support EA.7 EA.8 Manage Amend Regulatory Compliance The process of identifying and complying with regulatory documentation and process standards set by external entities (i.e. government, trade officials, etc.) when planning for Amend EA.8 ED.1 Manage Design Business Rules The process of establishing, maintaining, and enforcing decision support criteria for Design planning and execution which translate to rules for conducting product and process design, i.e. developing and maintaining internal and external customer standards of Design processes such as service levels, given service requirements by design chain stakeholders and partners. Business rules align Design process policies with business strategy, goals, and objectives. The process of measuring actual Design process performance against internal and/or external standards to develop and implement a course of action to achieve targeted performance levels. ED.1 ED.3 Manage Design Information The process of collecting, integrating and maintaining the accuracy of Design execution information necessary to plan and execute the integrated design chain. ED.3 ED.4 Manage Product Life Cycle The process of defining and maintaining the status of products/services during the total life of a product. This includes establishing processes and maintenance of status information of products The process of acquiring, maintaining and dispositioning Design's capital assets to operate the Design processes. This includes laboratories and repair, alteration, calibration and other miscellaneous items to maintain Design equipment. ED.4 ED.2 Manage Design Performance ED.5 Manage Design Capital Assets © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. ED.2 ED.5 Page 203 of 261 ED.6 Manage Design Knowledge Transfer The process of defining a Design knowledge transfer strategy and maintaining the information, which characterizes total Design knowledge management requirements. ED.6 ED.7 Manage Design Network The process of defining and maintaining the information about the Design network for a group of similar or complimentary products through their full life cycle, including the evaluation of market need, product realization (development, introduction and production), product discontinuation, and after-market support. This includes the company's internal and external relationships. ED.7 Process Name Description/Definition ED.8 Manage Design Regulatory Compliance The process of identifying and complying with regulatory documentation and process standards set by external entities (e.g. government, laboratory safety, hazardous materials disposition, etc). ED.8 ED.9 Manage Intellectual Property The process of defining, establishing, maintaining, and enforcing a strategy for managing intellectual property. And the process of collecting, maintaining, and archiving intellectual property information. ED.9 EI.1 Manage Integrate Business Rules The process of establishing, maintaining, and enforcing decision support criteria for Integrate planning and execution which translate to rules for conducting product and process integration, i.e. developing and maintaining internal and external customer standards of Integrate processes such as service levels, given service requirements by design chain stakeholders and partners. Business rules align Integrate process policies with business strategy, goals, and objectives. The process of measuring actual Integrate process performance against internal and/or external standards to develop and implement a course of action to achieve targeted performance levels. EI.1 EI.3 Manage Integrate Information The process of collecting, integrating and maintaining the accuracy of Integrate execution information necessary to plan and execute the integrated design chain. EI.3 EI.4 Manage Product Life Cycle The process of defining and maintaining the status of products/services during the total life of a product. This includes establishing processes and maintenance of status information of products. The process of acquiring, maintaining and dispositioning Integrate's capital assets to operate the integration processes. This includes laboratories and repair, alteration, calibration and other miscellaneous items to maintain Integrate equipment. EI.4 EI.6 Manage Integrate Knowledge Transfer The process of defining a Integrate knowledge transfer strategy and maintaining the information, which characterizes total Integrate knowledge management requirements. EI.6 EI.7 Manage Integrate Network The process of defining and maintaining the information about the Integrate network for a group of similar or complimentary products through their full life cycle, including the evaluation of market need, product realization (development, introduction and production), product discontinuation, and after-market support. This includes the company's internal and external relationships The process of identifying and complying with regulatory documentation and process standards set by external entities (e.g. government). EI.7 The process of establishing, maintaining, and enforcing decision support criteria for design chain planning which translate to rules for conducting business, i.e. developing and maintaining customer standards of an entire design chain such as service levels, given service requirements by design chain stakeholders and partners. Business rules align Plan process policies with business strategy, goals, and objectives. This includes developing and enforcing compatibility, connectivity, and interchangeability standards. EP.1 EI.2 Manage Integrate Performance EI.5 Manage Integrate Capital Assets EI.8 Manage Integrate Regulatory Compliance EP.1 Manage Plan Business Rules © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. EI.2 EI.5 EI.8 Page 204 of 261 EP.2 Manage Design Chain Performance The process of measuring actual integrated design chain performance against internal and/or external standards to develop and implement a course of action to achieve targeted performance levels. Performance targets established for the execution of design chain processes are reflected in the process elements for Plan, i.e. cost, reliability, cycle time, responsiveness, assets, and innovativeness EP.2 EP.3 Manage Plan Information The process of collecting, integrating and maintaining the accuracy of design chain execution information necessary to plan the balancing of design chain resources to requirements at both the highest aggregate and lowest project/product planning levels EP.3 Process Name Description/Definition EP.4 Manage Product Lifecycle The process of defining and maintaining the status of products/services during the total life of a product. This includes establishing processes and maintenance of status information of products EP.4 EP.5 Manage Design Chain Assets The process of acquiring, maintaining and dispositioning an organization's Design Chain capital assets. This includes automation tools and facilities like laboratories, offices, etc EP.5 EP.6 Manage Design Chain Knowledge Transfer The process of defining a Design Chain knowledge transfer strategy and maintaining the information, which characterizes total Design Chain knowledge management requirements EP.6 EP.7 Manage Design Chain Configuration The process of defining and maintaining the information about the Design Chain network for a group of similar or complimentary products through their full life cycle, including the evaluation of product requirements, product realization (development, introduction and production), product discontinuation, and after-market support. This includes the company's internal and external relationships The process of identifying and complying with regulatory documentation and process standards set by external entities (e.g. government). EP.7 EP.9 Align Design Chain Unit Plan with Financial Plan The process of revising the long-term Design Chain capacity and resource plans, given the inputs from the strategic and business plans. This includes revision of not only aggregate forecast and projections related to Design Chain, Research, Design, and Integrate plans, but also business assumptions. EP.9 ER Enable Research Enable Research is the collection of processes to prepare, maintain, and manage information or relationships upon which Research execution processes rely. ER ER.1 Manage Research Business Rules The process of defining and maintaining rules and work instructions for performing research, establishing supplier relationships and evaluating materials. ER.1 ER.2 Manage Research Performance The process of measuring actual research performance against internal and/or external standards to develop and implement a course of action to achieve targeted research performance. ER.2 ER.3 Maintain Research Information The process of collecting information to support the day-to-day maintenance of all planning and execution data required supporting the sourcing process. ER.3 ER.4 Manage Product Lifecycle The process of defining and maintaining the status of products/services during the total life of a product. This includes establishing processes and maintenance of status information of products. ER.4 ER.5 Manage Research Capital Assets Acquisition, maintenance, and disposition of Research capital assets. (labs and equipment). ER.5 ER.6 Manage Research Knowledge Transfer The process of defining a Research knowledge transfer strategy and maintaining the information, which characterizes total Research knowledge management requirements. This includes creation and maintenance of training materials, delivery of training, and availability and accessibility of training and warranty information. The process of defining and maintaining the supplier and research sources network for specific materials/technologies/topics (no capital asset management). ER.6 EP.8 Manage Plan Regulatory Compliance ER.7 Manage Research Network © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. EP.8 ER.7 Page 205 of 261 ER.8 Manage Research Regulatory Requirements The process of identifying and complying with regulatory documentation and process standards set by external entities (e.g. government). ER.8 I1.1 Receive & Validate Request Receive, log and assign project numbers to requests. Examine request to ensure completeness of the request I1.1 I1.2 : Integrate New Product The Integrate management process encompasses synthesizing the design definitions and decomposition of the design definitions into sets of component design definitions, releasing product and product definitions to Supply Chain and Selling Chain execution and releasing design documentation to Marketing and Support organizations for new products The process of identifying, obtaining and validating off-the-shelf designs against the product refresh specifications I1.2 I1.4 Pilot Design The series of activities performed to create and validate a product pilot. The processes associated with the validation of product performance to ensure conformance to defined specifications and requirements. Examples are manufacturing verification build, customer tests, etc I1.4 Process Name Description/Definition I1.5 Package Product Activities associated with post-piloting documentation, testing, or certification required prior to releasing the product I1.5 I1.6 Release Product The process of obtaining approval and releasing the product I1.6 I2.1 Receive & Validate Request I2.2 Decompose Request I2.1 I2.3 Distribute Requirements Receive, log and assign project numbers to requests. Examine request to ensure completeness of the request The process of decomposing the requests and documenting the specifications of the components (also known as conceptual design). This includes scheduling activities and assigning resources. The activity of transferring the decomposed requirements to the appropriate Design or Research process. I2.4 Receive & Validate Design The process of identifying, obtaining and validating new technology designs against the product requirements and specifications I2.4 I2.5 Pilot Design The series of activities performed to create and validate a product pilot. The processes associated with the validation of product performance to ensure conformance to defined specifications and requirements. Examples are manufacturing verification build, customer tests, etc Activities associated with post-piloting product and process documentation, testing, or certification required prior to releasing the product I2.5 I2.7 Release Product The process of obtaining approval and releasing the product I2.7 I3.1 Receive & Validate Request I3.2 Decompose Request I3.1 I3.3 Distribute Requirements Receive, log and assign project numbers to requests. Examine request to ensure completeness of the request The process of decomposing the requests and documenting the specifications of the components (also known as conceptual design). This includes the scheduling of activities and assigning resources. The activity of transferring the decomposed requirements to the appropriate Research process I3.4 Receive & Validate Design The process of identifying, obtaining and validating new technology designs against the product requirements and specifications I3.4 I3.5 Establish Execution Processes The process of establishing, reviewing and/or modifying the activities, test criteria, environmental requirements and disposition process for manufacturing or sourcing of the product. New technology may require new work and safety instructions, re-layout of cells and conveyors, etc. For manufacturing layout changes this process links to Make Enable processes in the supply chain domain The series of activities performed to create and validate a product pilot. The processes associated with the validation of product performance to ensure conformance to defined specifications and requirements. Examples are manufacturing verification build, customer tests, etc I3.5 I1.3 Obtain & Validate Design I2.6 Package Product I3.6 Pilot Design © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. I1.3 I2.2 I2.3 I2.6 I3.2 I3.3 I3.6 Page 206 of 261 I3.7 Package Product Activities associated with post-piloting product and process documentation, testing, or certification required prior to releasing the product I3.7 I3.8 Release Product The process of obtaining approval and releasing the product I3.8 I2 Integrate New Product The Integrate management process encompasses synthesizing the design definitions and decomposition of the design definitions into sets of component design definitions, releasing product and product definitions to Supply Chain and Selling Chain execution and releasing design documentation to Marketing and Support organizations for new products The Integrate management process encompasses synthesizing the design definitions and decomposition of the design definitions into sets of component design definitions, releasing product and product definitions to Supply Chain execution and releasing design documentation to Marketing and Support organizations for new technology I2 I3 Integrate New Technology I3 Process Name Description/Definition PA.1 Gather Amend Requirements The process of identifying, prioritizing and considering all sources of Amend requirements for the integrated design chain. PA.1 PA.2 Gather Amend Resources The process of identifying, prioritizing and considering all Amend resources of the integrated design chain. PA.2 PA.3 Balance Amend Requirements with Resources PA.4 Establish Amend Plans The process of identifying and addressing the gaps between Amend requirements and resources in order to determine the optimal utilization of Amend resources. PA.3 The establishment and communication of Amend priorities, projects and time lines. PA.4 PD.1 Gather Design Requirements The process of identifying, prioritizing and considering all sources of Design requirements for the integrated design chain PD.1 PD.2 Gather Design Resources The process of identifying, prioritizing and considering all Design resources of the integrated design chain PD.2 PD.3 Balance Design Requirements with Resources PD.4 Establish Design Plan The process of identifying and addressing the gaps between Design requirements and resources in order to determine the optimal utilization of Design resources. PD.3 The establishment and communication of Design priorities, projects and time lines. PD.4 PI.1 Gather Integrate Requirements The process of identifying, prioritizing and considering all sources of Integrate requirements for the integrated design chain. PI.1 PI.2 Gather Integrate Resources The process of identifying, prioritizing and considering all Integrate resources of the integrated design chain. PI.2 PI.3 Balance Integrate Requirements with Resources The process of identifying and addressing the gaps between Integrate requirements and resources in order to determine the optimal utilization of Integrate resources PI.3 PI.4 Establish Integrate Plans The establishment and communication of Integrate priorities, projects and time lines. PI.4 PP.1 Gather Design Chain Requirements The process of identifying, prioritizing and considering all sources of design chain requirements for the integrated design chain. PP.1 PP.2 Gather Design-Chain Resources The process of identifying, prioritizing and considering all design chain resources of the integrated design chain. PP.2 PP.3 Balance Design Chain Requirements with Resources PP.4 Establish & Communicate DesignChain Plans The process of identifying and addressing the gaps between design chain requirements and resources in order to determine the optimal utilization of design chain resources. PP.3 The establishment and communication of design chain priorities, projects and time lines. PP.4 PR.1 Gather Research Requirements The process of identifying, prioritizing and considering all sources of Research requirements for the integrated design chain. PR.1 PR.2 Gather Research Resources The process of identifying, prioritizing and considering all Research resources of the integrated design chain. PR.2 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 207 of 261 PR.3 Balance Research Resources with Research Requirements The process of identifying and addressing the gaps between Research requirements and resources in order to determine the optimal utilization of Research resources. PR.3 PR.4 Establish Research Plans The establishment and communication of Research priorities, projects and time lines. PR.4 R1.1 Schedule Research Activities Scheduling and managing the execution of the individual deliveries of materials and technology. The requirements are determined based on the detailed Research plan. This includes the identification and validation of potential suppliers of materials or technology. The process and associated activities of ordering and receiving materials and technology. R1.1 R1.3 R1.4 Transfer Findings/ Material The process and actions required determining product conformance to requirements and criteria. This includes documenting and archiving characteristics, test results, form, fit and function, and can include testing in laboratories and disposition of materials. The process of receiving a request for available research materials and documentation of specifications and transferring samples and documentation. Process Name Description/Definition R1.5 Authorize Supplier Payment The process of authorizing payments and paying suppliers for product or services. This process includes invoice collection, invoice matching and the issuance of checks. R1.5 R2.1 Receive & Validate Request The activities of receiving and logging Research requests and determining the completeness of specifications and validity of the request. This includes decomposition of the request. R2.1 R2.2 Schedule Research Activities Scheduling and managing the execution of the individual deliveries of materials and technology. The requirements are determined based on the detailed research request. This includes the identification and validation of potential suppliers of materials or technology. The process and associated activities of ordering and receiving materials and technology. R2.2 R2.4 R2.5 Transfer Findings/ Materials The process and actions required for determining product conformance to requirements and criteria. This includes documenting and archiving characteristics, test results, form, fit and function, and can include testing in laboratories and disposition of materials. The process of receiving a request for available research materials and documentation of specifications and transferring samples and documentation. R2.6 Authorize Supplier Payment The process of authorizing payments and paying suppliers for product or services. This process includes invoice collection, invoice matching and the issuance of checks. R2.6 R3.1 Receive & Validate Request The activities of receiving and logging Research requests and determining the completeness of specifications and validity of the request. This includes decomposition of the request. R3.1 R3.2 Identify Sources for Technology The identification and qualification of potential suppliers capable of designing and delivering product and/or technology that will meet all of the required specifications. R3.2 R3.3 Schedule Research Activities Scheduling and managing the execution of the individual deliveries of materials and technology. The requirements are determined based on the detailed research request. R3.3 R3.4 Source Materials/ Technology R3.4 R3.5 Establish Verification Process The process and associated activities of ordering and receiving materials and technology. This includes issuing/scheduling purchase orders, verification of material/technology receipts, recording into inventory and transfer to laboratory or other point of use. The process of establishing the activities, test criteria, environmental requirements and disposition process for verification of the material/technology. R3.6 Verify Materials/ Technology The process and actions required to determine material/technology conformance to requirements and criteria. This includes documenting and archiving characteristics, test R3.6 R1.2 Source Materials R1.3 Verify Materials R2.3 Source Materials R2.4 Verify Materials © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. R1.2 R1.4 R2.3 R2.5 R3.5 Page 208 of 261 results, form, fit and function, and can include testing in laboratories and disposition of materials. R3.7 Transfer Findings/ Materials The process of releasing research materials/technology and documentation of specifications and transferring samples and documentation to the Design process. R3.7 R3.8 Authorize Supplier Payment The process of authorizing payments and paying suppliers for product or services. This process includes invoice collection, invoice matching and the issuance of checks. R3.8 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 209 of 261 Input/Output A m e nd Plan A m e nd Re q u i re m e n t s A m e nd S ch e d u l e B a l a n ce d A m e n d Re q u i re m e n t s wi t h Re so u rc e s B a l a n ce d De si g n Ch a i n Re q u i re m e n t s wi t h Re so u rce s B a l a n ce d De si g n Re q u i re m e n t s wi t h Re so u rc e s B a l a n ce d De si g n Re so u rc e s wi t h De si g n Re q u i re m e n t s Co n f o rm a n ce I ssu e De co m p o se d I ssu e De co m p o se d Re q u e st De si g n B u si n e ss Ru l e s De si g n Ch a i n Plan De si g n Ch a i n Re q u i re m e n t s De si g n Ch a i n Re so u rc e s De si g n Do cu m e n t a t i o n De si g n Pi l ot De si g n Plan De si g n P l a n a n d Re q u e st De si g n Re q u i re m e n t s De si g n Re so u rc e s De si g n S ch e d u l e De si g n S p e ci fi ca ti o n s Di st ri b u te d I ssu e Di st ri b u te d Re q u i re m e n t s E n g i n e e ri ng Ch a n g e No t i ce (E CN) E n g i n e e ri ng Ch a n g e O rd e r E xe cu ti o n Da t a E xe cu ti o n P ro c e sse s Fe e d b a ck f ro m Cu st o m e r Fi n a n ce T ax & T re a su ry P ro c e sse s Fi n a n ci al P l an f ro m : Fi n a n ce , T ax & T re a su r. . . Ga t h e re d A m e nd Re q u i re m e n t s Identi fi ed S o u rce s f o r T e ch n o l o gy I n p u t f ro m Legal P ro c e sse s In te g ra te Plan In te g ra te Re g u l a to ry Co m p l i a n ce In te g ra te Re q u i re m e n t s In te g ra te Re so u rc e s In te g ra te S ch e d u l e I ssu e K n o wl e d g e M a n a g e m e nt Plan K n o wl e d g e M a n a g e m e nt S ch e d u l e M a n age A m e n d B u si n e ss Ru l e s/ P e rf o rm a n ce M a n age A m e nd Ca p i t a l A sse t s M a n age A m e nd In fo rm a ti o n M a n age A m e nd P e rf o rm a n ce M a n age A m e nd Re g u l a to ry Co m p l i a n ce M a n age De si g n B u si n e ss Ru l e s M a n age De si g n Ca pi tal A sse t s I n p u t f ro m A p p ro p ri a te De si g n Ch a i n (e xe cu ti o ... Legal P ro c e sse s I n p u t f ro m Fi n a n ce , T a x & T re a su ry P ro c e sse s Li fe Cycl e Plan B a l a n ce d In te g ra te Re q u i re m e n t s wi t h Re so u rce s B a l a n ce d Re se a rch Re q u i re m e n t s wi t h Re so u rce s B a l a n ce d Re se a rch Re so u rc e s wi t h Re se a r. . . B u si n e ss Ru l e s M a n age De si g n Ch a i n Co n fi g u rati on M a n age De si g n Ch a i n K n o wl e d g e T ra n sf e r M a n age De si g n Ch a i n P e rf o rm a n ce M a n age De si g n In fo rm a ti o n M a n age De si g n K n o wl e d g e T ra n sf e r M a n age De si g n Ne t wo rk M a n age In te g ra te In fo rm a ti o n M a n age In te g ra te K n o wl e d g e T ra n sf e r M a n age In te g ra te Ne t wo rk M a n age Re se a rch P e rf o rm a n ce M a n age Re se a rch Re g u l a to ry Co m p l i a n ce Ou t p u t to A p p ro p ri a te De si g n Ch a i n (e xe cu ti o n ... Ou t p u t to Fi n a nci al P ro c e sse s P ro d u ct Re l e a se P ro d u ct Re q u i re m e n t s P ro d u ct S p e ci fi ca ti o n s M a n age In te g ra te P e rf o rm a n ce M a n age Plan B u si n e ss Ru l e s M a n age Plan In fo rm a ti o n M a n a g e P l an Re g u l a to ry Co m p l i a n ce M a n age Re se a rch In fo rm a ti o n M a n age Re se a rch K n o wl e d g e T ra n sf e r M a n age Re se a rch Ne t wo rk P a cka g e Re q u i re m e n t P a cka g e d P ro d u ct P a ym e n t A u th o ri za ti o n Pi l ot De si g n Plan Da t a P ro d u ct De fi ci e n cy In fo rm a ti o n P ro d u ct Do cu m e n t a t i o n P ro to tye a n d P a cka g e De si g n P ro to typ e Re q u i re m e n t P u rch a se O rd e r (S u p p l i e r) Re se a rch Do cu m e n t a t i o n Re vi se d B u si n e ss A ssu m p t i o n s Re vi se d B u si n e ss A ssu m p t i o n s t o Ou t p u t : Fi n a n ce , T a x ... S ch e d u l e P ro to typ e S ch e d u l e d Re se a rch A ct i vi ti e s S o u rce d M a te ri a l s V a l i dated Re q u e st V e ri fi ca ti on P ro c e ss V eri fi ed M a te ri a l s V eri fi ed M a te ri a l s/ T e ch n o l o gy V eri fi ed Re se a rch / M a te ri a l s © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Re se a rch Materi al (S u p p l i e r) Re se a rch M a te ri a l from In p u t S u p p l i e r S o u rce d M a te ri a l s/ T e ch n o l o gy Re se a rch Plan S p e ci fi ca ti o n Ch a n g e O rd e r (S CO ) P ro d u ct Qu a l i ty I ssu e Re se a rch Re q u i re m e n t s Re se a rch Re so u rc e s Re se a rch S ch e d u l e Re se a rch S p e ci fi ca ti o n s S p e ci fi ca ti o n In fo rm a ti o n V a l i dated De si g n V a l i dated I ssu e V a l i dated I ssu e Page 210 of 261 Input/Output Description/Definition Occurrences Amend Plan A plan for a course of action over specified time periods that involve a projected appropriation of amend resources to meet amend requirements. EA..7 EP.3 PA.4 Amend Requirements Product design issues and manufacturability feed back for current products PA.3 Amend Schedule A plan that authorizes a certain quantity of a specific current items for gathering and analysis of product design issues and manufacturability feed back A1.1 A2.2 A3.1 PA.3 Balanced Amend Requirements with Resources The process result from developing a time-phased course of action that commits amend resources to meet amend requirements PA.3 PA.4 Balanced Design Chain Requirements with Resources The output of the process element which essentially authorizes the plan PP.3 PP.4 Balanced Design Requirements with Resources The process result from developing a time-phased course of action that commits design resources to meet design requirements PD.3 PD.4 Balanced Integrate Requirements with Resources The process result from developing a time-phased course of action that commits integrate resources to meet integrate requirements PI.3 PI.4 Balanced Research Requirements with Resources The process result from developing a time-phased course of action that commits research resources to meet research requirements PR.3 PR.4 Business Rules A1.1 A2.2 A2.4 A3.1 EA.1 ED.1 EI.1 EP.1 EP.2 ER.1 ER.2 I1.1 I2.1 I3.1 PA.3 PD.3 PI.3 PP.3 PR.3 R1.1 R2.1 R3.1 Conformance Issue Rules for conducting business, i.e. developing and maintaining customer and channel performance standards of return processes such as service levels, given service requirements by supply chain stakeholders/trading partners. Business rules align Return process polices with business strategy, goals and objectives Communication of performance non conformance Decomposed Issue A reviewed issue with identified and documented root cause. A1.2 A1.3 A2.3 A2.4 A3.3 A3.4 Decomposed Request Transferring of decomposed requirements to the appropriate Design or Research process. Information about the Design network through their full life cycle, including the evaluation of market need, product realization (development, introduction and production), product discontinuation, and after-market support (includes the company's internal and external relationships). Communication of courses of action over the appropriate timedefined planning horizon and interval, representing a projected appropriation of design chain resource to meet design-chain requirements as they affect the customer. I1.2 I1.3 I2.2 I2.3 I3.2 I3.3 Design Chain Requirements The process result of identifying, prioritizing, and considering as a whole with constituent parts, all requirements that must be satisfied by the design chain execution. PP.1 PP.3 Design Chain Resources The process result from developing a time-phased course of action that commits design chain resources to meet design chain requirements PP.2 PP.3 Design Documentation The product design document is the translation of a set of functional requirements into an operational product that meets both the enterprise and customer expectations. D2.5 D3.6 ED.3 Design Business Rules Design Chain Plan © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. A1.1 ED.1 ED.2 EP.3 EP.7 PA.1 PD.1 PI.1 PP.4 PR.1 Page 211 of 261 Input/Output Description/Definition Occurrences Design Plan A master design plan used to allocate capacity among design resources and schedule finite design activities or executing the performance of a service. D1.1 D2.2 D3.2 ED.7 EP.3 PD.4 Design Plan and Request The process result from evaluating the design schedules relative to customer requested date to determine design schedule. D3.2 D3.3 Design Requirements Design requirements are the translation of a set of functional requirements into design specifications that meets both the enterprise and customer expectations. The process result of identifying, prioritizing, and considering as a whole with constituent parts, all resources available to design process for execution. D1.5 D2.1 D3.1 I1.3 I2.3 I3.3 PD.1 PD.3 Design Schedule A master design plan used to allocate capacity among design resources and schedule finite design activities or executing the performance of a service. D1.1 D2.2 D3.2 PD.3 Design Specifications Design Specification will: a.Define the technical scope of the product. b.Define the expected use and purpose of the product. c. Define relationships with existing products. d.Describe the design of the product. A reviewed issue with identified and documented root cause. D1.5 D2.6 D3.7 I1.3 I2.4 I3.4 Distributed Requirements Transferring the decomposed requirements to the appropriate Design or Research process. I3.3 I3.4 Engineering Change Notice (ECN) Communicating the advisory of the short-term actions and estimated completion schedule for the ECN. This can include build and/or ship holds, customer notification, website posting, etc. Communicating engineering changes to the Integrate Process A1.4 A2.5 EA.3 Execution Data Communicating information about research planning and execution processes. EA.3 ED.3 EI.3 ER.3 Execution Processes The processes associated with the validation of product performance to ensure conformance to defined specifications and requirements. The flow of information back into the control system so that actual performance can be compared with planned performance. I3.5 I3.6 Finance Tax & Treasury Processes Finance Tax and Treasury regulatory documentation and process standards which must be complied with EP.8 ER.8 Financial Plan from: Finance, Tax & Treasury Processes Financial Plan from: Finance, Tax & Treasury which will revise the long-term supply chain capacity and resource plans, given the inputs from the strategic and business plans. EP.9 Gathered Amend Requirements The process result from developing a time-phased course of action that commits amend resources to meet amend requirements PA.1 PA.2 Identified Sources for Technology Validated, decomposed request with complete specifications. R3.2 R3.3 Input from Appropriate Design Chain (execution process) Identification of the need for an ECO to the Integrate process A1.3 A2.4 A3.3 Input from Finance, Tax & Treasury Processes Identified finance, tax and treasury (regulatory) documentation and process standards EA.8 ED.8 EI.8 Design Resources Distributed Issue Engineering Change Order Feedback from Customer © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. PD.2 PD.3 A1.3 A1.4 A2.4 A2.5 A3.4 A3.5 A1.3 I1.4 I2.5 I3.6 Page 212 of 261 Input/Output Description/Definition Occurrences Input from Legal Processes Identified legal (statutory and regulatory) documentation and process standards EA.8 ED.8 EI.8 Integrate Plan A plan for a course of action over specified time periods that involves a projected appropriation of design resources to meet integrate requirements. Identified regulatory documentation and process standards set by external entities (e.g. government). EI.7 EP.3 I1.2 I2.2 I3.2 PI.4 Integrate Requirements The process result from developing a time-phased course of action that commits integrate resources to meet integrate requirements PI.1 PI.3 Integrate Resources The process result of identifying, prioritizing, and considering as a whole with constituent parts, all resources available to the integrate process for execution. The required or agreed time or rate of integration of goods or services designed for a future period. PI.2 PI.3 Issue Communication of performance non conformance A3.1 EA.3 Knowledge Management Plan Communication of courses of action over the appropriate timedefined planning horizon and interval, representing systematic processes by which knowledge needed for an organization to succeed is created, captured, shared, and leveraged A plan that authorizes the company to process knowledge needed (created, capture, share, and leverage) for a specific item. Process standards set by external entities (i.e. government, etc.) EA.6 ED.6 EI.6 EP.6 ER.6 Communication of courses of action over the appropriate timedefined planning horizon and interval, representing systematic processes by which the status of products/services is defined and maintained over the product lifecycle. Rules for conducting business, i.e. developing and maintaining performance standards of amend processes. Business rules align Amend process polices with business strategy, goals and objectives. The process of defining and maintaining a unique network to deliver a specific product set. This includes activities associated with identifying and qualifying product design issues and manufacturability feed back for current products EA.4 ED.4 EI.4 EP.4 ER.4 Manage Amend Information Specifying the inputs, files, processing, and outputs between the processes of managing amend information and amend knowledge transfer. EA.2 EA.3 EA.6 Manage Amend Performance The performance of the amend process based upon criterion, standards, and measurements. EA.2 EA.3 Manage Amend Regulatory Compliance Identified regulatory documentation and process standards set by external entities (i.e. government, trade officials, etc.) which will alter business rules. EA.1. EA.8 Manage Design Business Rules Decision support criteria for establishing, maintaining, and enforcing Design planning and execution for conducting product and process design, i.e. developing and maintaining internal and external customer standards of Design processes such as service levels, given service requirements by design chain stakeholders and partners. (Business rules align Design process policies with business strategy, goals, and objectives) Information about the Design network through their full life cycle, including the evaluation of market need, product realization (development, introduction and production), product discontinuation, and after-market support (includes the company's internal and external relationships). ED.1 ED.8 Integrate Regulatory Compliance Integrate Schedule Knowledge Management Schedule Legal Processes Life Cycle Plan Manage Amend Business Rules/ Performance Manage Amend Capital Assets Manage Design Capital Assets © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. EI.1 EI.8 I1.2 I2.2 I3.2 PI.3 ED.6 EI.6 EP.6 ER.6 EP.8 ER.8 EA.1 EA.2 EA.5 EA.7 ED.5 ED.7 Page 213 of 261 Input/Output Description/Definition Occurrences Manage Design Chain Configuration Information (including the company's internal and external relationships) about the Design Chain network for a group of similar or complimentary products through their full life cycle, including the evaluation of product requirements, product realization (development, introduction and production), product discontinuation, and after-market support. EP.5 EP.7 Manage Design Chain Knowledge Transfer Knowledge transfer information, which affects total Design Chain knowledge management requirements EP.3 EP.6 Manage Design Chain Performance Actual integrated design chain performance and/or external standards used to achieve targeted performance levels. EP.2 EP.7 Manage Design Information Design chain execution information used to plan the balancing of design chain resources to requirements at both the highest aggregate and lowest project/product planning levels Design chain execution information used to plan the balancing of design chain resources to requirements at both the highest aggregate and lowest project/product planning levels ED.2 ED.3 ED.6 Information about the Design network through their full life cycle, including the evaluation of market need, product realization (development, introduction and production), product discontinuation, and after-market support (includes the company's internal and external relationships). Information regarding the status of products/services during the total life of a product. Includes status information of products. Measurement of actual Integrate process performance and/or external standards/targets Execution information used to plan the balancing of Integrate resources to requirements at both the highest aggregate and lowest project/product planning levels. Information regarding the status of products/services during the total life of a product. Includes status information of products. Information related to acquisition, maintenance, and disposition of the capital assets which are used in the integrate process. ED.2 ED.7 Manage Integrate Performance Measurement of actual Integrate process performance and/or external standards/targets EI.1 EI.2 EI.7 Manage Plan Business Rules Decision support criteria for Design Chain Planning which translate to rules for conducting business, i.e. developing and maintaining performance standards of a design chain planning processes such as service levels, given service requirements by design chain stakeholders/trading partners. Design chain execution information for the balancing of design chain resources to requirements at both the highest aggregate and lowest project/product planning levels Identified regulatory documentation and process standards set by external entities (e.g. government). EP.1 EP.2 Manage Design Knowledge Transfer Manage Design Network Manage Integrate Information Manage Integrate Knowledge Transfer Manage Integrate Network Manage Plan Information Manage Plan Regulatory Compliance © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. ED.3 ED.6 EI.2 EI.3 EI.3 EI.6 EI.5 EI.7 EP.2 EP.3 EP.6 EP.1 EP.8 Page 214 of 261 Input/Output Description/Definition Occurrences Manage Research Information Measurement of actual research process performance and/or external standards/targets ER.2 ER.3 ER.6 Manage Research Knowledge Transfer EI.6 ER.3 ER.6 Manage Research Performance Execution information used to plan the balancing of research resources to requirements at both the highest aggregate and lowest project/product planning levels Information (internal and external) about the research network for a group of similar or complimentary products through their full life cycle. Includes market need, development, introduction and production, product discontinuation, and after-market support. Measurement of actual research process performance and/or external standards/targets Manage Research Regulatory Compliance Identified regulatory documentation and process standards set by external entities (e.g. government). ER.1 ER.8 Output to Appropriate Design Chain (execution) Process Output to Financial Processes Output to Appropriate Design Chain (execution) Process A2.4 Payment authorization and paying suppliers for product or services. This process includes invoice collection, invoice matching and the issuance of checks. Construction information and test documentation for a model suitable for use in complete evaluation of form, design, performance, and material processing. Product that has been through a series of activities that containerize completed products for storage or sale to end-users. R1.5 R2.6 R3.8 Payment Authorization Authorizing the supplier payment for goods and services per contract or purchase order R1.2 R1.5 R2.3 R2.6 R3.4 R3.8 Pilot Design The output of the processes associated with the validation of product performance to ensure conformance to defined specifications and requirements I1.4 I1.5 I2.5 I2.6 I3.6 I3.7 Plan Data Information required in the process of setting goals for the organization and choosing various ways to use the organization's resources to achieve the goals. Information about the materials/technology ordered, material/technology quality and the order completeness. EP.3 PA.1 PA.2 PD.1 PD.2 PI.1 PI.2 PP.1 PP.2 PR.1 PR.2 EI.13 I1.5 I2.6 I3.7 Product Quality Issue Product documentation is the set of functional and technical descriptive items used in the enterprise with customers and in the design chain Notification of a discrepancy relating to product quality. Product Release The authorization to ship a product that has been ordered. I1.5 I1.6 Product Requirements The requirements related to the customer's needs (for product), including sales forecasts and actual orders and backorders Detailed product information including, but not limited to key features, compatible options, part numbers, and technical specifications. The documentation (defined specifications) of the process performed on materials to create a prototype of the product in a lab environment. I1.1 I2.1 I3.1 Prototype Requirement The requirement for a prototype of a product or service to be developed for production or sales and the materials and technology required. D1.2 D1.3 D2.2 D2.3 D2.4 D3.3 D3.4 D3.5 Purchase Order (Supplier) Contract for delivery for certain products or services in specified quantities R1.2 R3.4 Manage Research Network Package Requirement Packaged Product Product Deficiency Information Product Documentation Product Specifications Prototype and Package Design © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. ER.2 ER.5 ER.7 ER.1 D1.3 D1.4 D2.4 D2.5 D3.5 D3.6 I2.6 I2.7 I3.7 I3.8 A2.1 A2.2 A2.1 EA.3 I1.6 I2.7 I3.8 D1.4 D1.5 D2.5 D2.7 D3.6 D3.7 Page 215 of 261 Research Documentation Documented and archived characteristics, test results, form, fit and function, and laboratory testing results. ER.3 R1.3 R2.4 R3.6 Input/Output Description/Definition Occurrences Research Material (Supplier) The result of determining if materials meet functional requirements required for developmental products for both enterprise and customer expectations. Research Information about materials which may meet functional requirements required for developmental products for both enterprise and customer expectations. An aggregate research requirements plan used to schedule research activities to meet design and make plans. R3.4 Research Requirements Research requirements related to design needs, including forecasts and actual orders and backorders D1.2 D2.3 D3.5 I1.3 I2.3 I3.3 PR.1 PR.3 R1.4 R2.1 R3.1 Research Resources The identified, prioritized, and considered as a whole with constituent parts, all resources available to the research process for execution. A timetable for planned occurrences in the research process. PR.2 PR.3 Research Specifications Research specifications: Product Description, Raw Materials, Equipment Required, Production Consideration, Production Process, Merchandising Considerations, Estimated Shelf-Life. D1.2 D2.3 D3.5 I1.3 I2.4 I3.4 R1.4 R2.5 R3.7 Revised Business Assumptions An update to the expected cause and effect statements that are the base for the Revised Aggregate Forecast and Projections. These are reviewed periodically with actual results to verify the linkage of actual cause and effect. An update to the expected cause and effect statements that are the base for the Revised Aggregate Forecast and Projections. These are reviewed periodically with actual results to verify the linkage of actual cause and effect. These are specifically related to Finance, Tax and Treasury. The timetable for planned occurrences in the prototyping process EP.9 PP.1 Sourced Materials Materials on order with a selected source against an existing contract or purchase order. R1.2 R1.3 R2.3 R2.4 Sourced Materials/ Technology Materials/technology on order with a selected source against an existing contract or purchase order. R3.4 R3.5 Specification Change Order (SCO) Trigger for the process to change product specifications A3.5 EA.3 Specification Information A specification is a set of requirements. Normally, a specification is the specific set of (high level) requirements agreed to by the sponsor/user and the manufacturer/producer of a system. The specification may also contain both the systems requirements and the test requirements by which it is determined that the systems requirements have been met, known as the acceptance test requirement(s), and a mapping between them. A design of product which ensures performance and conformance to defined specifications and requirements. A3.1 A3.2 Validated Issue Communication of the fall out issue which is triggered by supply chain or customer chain performance monitoring processes (make yield, source availability, on-site assist failure etc). Or, The product resulting from logging (an ECO) and validating the product deficiency A1.1 A1.2 A2.2 A2.3 A3.2 A3.3 Validated Request Validated, decomposed request with complete specifications. Or, examined and assigned request which precede logging (ECO) and validation of the deficiency D2.1 D2.2 D3.1 D3.2 I1.1 I1.2 I2.1 I2.2 I3.1 I3.2 R3.1 R3.2 Verification Process Verification of received material/technology against received orders and technology. R3.5 R3.6 Verified Materials Verification that the order received was the materials ordered, material quality is sufficient and the order is complete. R1.3 R.4 R2.4 R2.5 Research Material from Input Supplier Research Plan Research Schedule Revised Business Assumptions to Output: Finance, Tax & Treasury Processes Schedule Prototype Validated Design © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. R1.2 EP.3 ER.7 PR.4 R1.1 R2.2 R3.3 PR.3 R1.1 R2.2 R3.3 EP.9 D1.1 D1.2 I1.3 I1.4 I2.3 I2.4 I2.5 I3.4 I3.5 Page 216 of 261 Verified Materials/ Technology Verified Research/ Materials © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Verification that the order received was the materials/technology ordered, material/technology quality is sufficient and the order is complete. Verification that the order received was the materials ordered, material quality is sufficient and the order is complete. R3.7 R3.6 Page 217 of 261 Metrics - KPI 0 DCOR Metrics Overview: Key performance indicator allocation diagram % I n vo i ce Re ce i p t s a n d P a ym e n t s Ge n e ra t e d vi a E DI % I n vo i ce s p ro ce sse d wi t h o u t i ssu e s a n d / o r e rro rs A cq u i re K n o wl e d g e Co st A cq u i re K n o wl e d g e Cycl e T i m e A l i g n De si g n P l a n wi th Fi n a n ci al P l an Co st A m e nd Cycl e T ime A m e n d De f i ci e n t P ro d u ct Cycl e T ime A m e n d De f i ci e n t P ro d u ct T o ta l Co st A m e n d Fi xe d A sse t V a l u e A m e n d P ro d u ct Fa l l o u t Cycl e T ime A m e n d P ro d u ct Fal l out T otal Co st A m e nd S p e ci fi ca ti o n Cycl e T ime A m e nd S p e ci fi ca ti o n T o t a l Co st A u th o ri ze S u p p l i e r P a ym e n t Co st A u th o ri ze S u p p l i er P a ym e n t Cycl e T i m e B a l a n ce A m e n d Re q u i re m e n t s w/ Re so u rc e s Co st B a l a n ce DC Re q u i re m e n t s w/ Re so u rc e s Co st B a l a n ce De si g n Re q u i re m e n t s w/ Re so u rc e s Co st B a l a n ce In te g ra te Re q u i re m e n t s w/ Re so u rc e s Co st B a l a n ce Re se a rch Re q u i re m e n t s w/ Re so u rc e s Co st B u i l d & T e st P ro t o t yp e Co st B u i l d & T e st P ro t o t yp e Cycl e T ime Co st per i n vo i ce De co m p o se I ssu e Co st De co m p o se I ssu e Cycl e T i m e De co m p o se Re q u e st Co st De co m p o se Re q u e st Cycl e T i m e De si g n Ch a i n Fi xe d A sse t V a l ue De si g n Ch a i n FT E p e r P ro d u ct De si g n De si g n Fi xe d A sse t V a l u e De si g n p ro d u ct ch a n g e Cycl e T i m e De ve l o p P ro to typ e Co st De ve l o p P ro to typ e Cycl e T i m e Di st ri b u te Re q u i re m e n t s Co st Di st ri b u te Re q u i re m e n t s Cycl e T i m e Enabl e Am end T o t a l Co st E n a b l e d e si g n ch a n g e Cycl e T ime E n a bl e Re se a rch Co st E st a b l i sh A m e n d P l a n Co st E st a b l i sh DC P l a n Co st E st a b l i sh De si g n P l a n Co st E st a b l i sh E xe cu ti o n P ro c e ss Co st E st a b l i sh E xe cu ti o n P ro c e ss Cy cl e T ime E st a b l i sh Re se a rch P l a n Co st E st a b l i sh V e ri fi ca ti on P ro c e ss Co st E st a b l i sh V e ri fi ca ti on P ro c e ss Cy c l e T ime Fi rst to d e l i ve r n e w i d e a to m a rke t Gather Am end Re q u i re m e n t s Co st Gather Am end Re so u rc e s Co st G a t h e r DC Re q u i re m e n t s Co st G a t h e r DC Re so u rc e s Co st G a t h e r De si g n Re q u i re m e n t s Co st G a t h e r De si g n Re so u rc e s Co st G a t h e r Re se a rch Re q u i re m e n t s Co st G a t h e r Re se a rch Re so u rc e s Co st I d e n t i f y S o u rce s fo r T e ch n o l o gy Co st I d e n t i f y S o u rce s fo r T e ch n o l o gy Cycl e T i m e In te g ra te Cycl e T ime In te g ra te Fi xe d A sse t V a l u e In te g ra te P l a n Co st In te g ra te Re q u i re m e n t s Co st In te g ra te Re so u rc e s Co st In te g ra te T otal Co st In te g rq a te d e si g n ch a n g e Cycl e T i m e I n te g rq a te d e si g n ch a n g e Cycl e T ime M a n age Re se a rch A sse t Cycl e t i m e M a n age In fo rm a ti o n Cycl e T i m e M anage Am end B a l a n ci n g Cycl e t i m e M anage Am end B u si n e ss Ru l e s Co st M anage Am end Ca p i t a l A sse t s Co st M anage Am end I n f o rm a t i o n Co st M anage Am end I n ve n t o ry Co st M anage Am end K n o wl e d g e T ra n sf e r Co st M anage Am end Ne t wo rk Co st M anage Am end P e rf o rm a n ce Co st M a n a g e a m e nd Plan Cycl e t i m e M anage Am end Re g u l a to ry Co m p l i a n ce Co st M anage Am end Re q u i re m e n t s Cycl e t i m e M anage Am end Re so u rc e s Cycl e t i m e M a n a g e De si g n B a l a n ci n g Cycl e t i m e M a n a g e De si g n B u si n e ss Ru l e s Co st M a n a g e De si g n Ca p i t a l A sse t s Co st M a n a g e De si g n Ch a i n Re q u i re m e n t s Cycl e t i m e M a n a g e De si g n Ch a i n A sse t Cycl e t i m e M a n a g e De si g n Ch a i n A sse t s Co st M a n age De si g n Ch a i n B a l a n ci n g Cycl e t i m e M a n a g e De si g n Ch a i n Co n fi g u ari on Cycl e t i m e M a n a g e De si g n Ch a i n Co n fi g u ra ti on Co st M a n a g e De si g n Ch a i n Fi n a nci al Re a l i g n m e nt Cycl e t i m e M a n a g e De si g n Ch a i n In ve n to ry Co st M a n a g e De si g n Ch a i n K n o wl e d g e T ra n sf e r Co st M a n a g e De si g n Ch a i n K n o wl e d g e T ra n sf e . .. M a n a g e De si g n Ch a i n P e rf o rm a n ce Co st M a n a g e De si g n Ch a i n Plan Cycl e t i m e M a n a g e De si g n Ch a i n Re g u l a to ry Co m p l i a n c. .. M a n a g e De si g n Ch a i n Re so u rce s Cycl e t i m e M a n a g e De si g n I n f o rm a t i o n Co st M a n a g e De si g n P e rf o rm a n ce Co st M a n a g e De si g n Plan Cycl e t i m e M a n a g e De si g n P ro d u ct I n ve n t o ry Co st M a n a g e De si g n Re g u l a to ry Co m p l i a n ce Co st M a n a g e De si g n Re q u i re m e n t s Cycl e t i m e M a n a g e De si g n Re so u rc e s Cycl e t i m e M a n age In fo rm a ti o n Cycl e T i m e M a n age In fo rm a ti o n Cycl e T i m e M a n a g e In te g rate A sse t Cycl e t i m e M a n a g e In te g rate B a l a n ci n g Cycl e t i m e M a n a g e In te g rate B u si n e ss Ru l e s Co st M a n a g e In te g rate B u si n e ss Ru l e s Cycl e T i m e M a n a g e In te g rate Ca p i t a l A sse t s Co st M a n a g e In te g rate I n f o rm a t i o n Co st M a n a g e In te g rate In fo rm a ti o n Cycl e T i m e M a n a g e In te g rate I n ve n t o ry Co st M a n a g e In te g rate K n o wl e d g e T ra n sf e r Co st M a n age In te g ra te K n o wl e d g e T ra n sf e . .. M a n a g e In te g rate Ne t wo rk Co st M a n age i n te g rate Ne t wo rk Cycl e T i m e M a n a g e In te g rate P e rf o rm a n ce Co st M a n a g e In te g rate P e rf o rm a n ce Cycl e t i m e M a n a g e In te g rate Plan Cycl e t i m e M a n a g e In te g rate Re g u l a to ry Co m p l i a n ce Cycl e t i m e M a n a g e In te g rate Re g u l a to ry Co m p l i a n ce Co st M a n a g e In te g rate Re q u i re m e n t s Cycl e t i m e M a n a g e In te g rate Re so u rc e s Cycl e t i m e M a n age In tel l ectual P ro p e rt y Co st M a n age In tel l ectual P ro p e rt y Cycl e T i m e M a n a g e P l an A m e nd Cycl e t i m e M a n a g e P l an B u si n e ss Ru l e s Co st M a n a g e P l an B u si n e ss Ru l e s Cycl e T i m e M a n a g e P l an I n f o rm a t i o n Co st M a n a g e P l an Re g u l a to ry Co m p l i a n ce Co st M a n a g e P ro d u ct L i f e Cycl e (DC) Co st M a n a g e P ro d u ct L i f e Cycl e (DC) Cycl e T i m e M a n a g e Re se a rch B a l a n ci n g Cycl e t i m e M a n a g e Re se a rch B u si n e ss Ru l e s Co st M a n a g e Re se a rch B u si n e ss Ru l e s Cycl e T i m e M a n a g e Re se a rch Ca p i t a l A sse t s Co st M a n age Re se a rch In fo rm a ti o n Co st M a n a g e Re se a rch In fo rm a ti o n Cycl e T i m e M a n a g e Re se a rch I n ve n t o ry Co st M a n a g e Re se a rch K n o wl e d g e T ra n sf e r Co st M a n age Re se a rch K n o wl e d g e T ra n sf e . .. M a n age Re se a rch Ne t wo rk Co st M a n age Re se a rch Ne t wo rk Cycl e T i m e M a n a g e Re se a rch P e rf o rm a n ce Co st M a n a g e Re se a rch P e rf o rm a n ce Cycl e t i m e M a n a g e Re se a rch Plan Cycl e t i m e M a n a g e Re se a rch Re g u l a to ry Co m p l i a n ce Co st M a n a g e Re se a rch Re q u i re m e n t s Cycl e t i m e M a n a g e Re se a rch Re so u rc e s Cycl e t i m e Nu m b e r o f " f i rst t o m a rke t" p ro d u ct i n t ro d u cti o n s Nu m b e r o f B u si n e ss Ru l e Ch a n g e s Nu m b e r o f ch a n g e s p e r P ro d u ct De si g n Nu m b e r o f n e w p ro d u ct i n t ro d u cti o n s Nu m b e r o f p o st re l e a se P ro d u ct De si g n Ch a n g e s Nu m b e r o f p ro d u ct d e si g n s Nu m b e r o f S p e ci fi ca ti o n Ch a n g e s Ob t a i n & V al i date De si g n Co st Ob t a i n & V a l i d a te De si g n Cycl e T i m e Ob t a i n De fi ci e n cy I n f o rm a t i o n Co st Ob t a i n De fi ci e n cy I n f o rm a ti o n Cycl e T ime P a cka g e De si g n Co st P a cka g e De si g n Cycl e T i m e P a cka g e P ro d u ct Co st P a cka g e P ro d u ct Cycl e T i m e Patents per p ro d u ct P atents p e r p ro j e ct P a ym e n t Cycl e T ime P e rf e ct P ro d u ct De si g n Pi l ot De si g n Co st P i l o t De si g n Cycl e T i m e P ro d u ct L i fe cycl e M a n a g e m e nt Cycl e T i m e P u b l i sh A d vi so ry (E CN) Co st P u b l i sh A d vi so ry (E CN) Cy c l e T ime P u b l i sh S CO Co st P u b l i sh S CO Cycl e T ime Re ce i ve & V al i date Re q u e st Co st Re ce i ve & V a l i d a te Re q u e st Cycl e T i m e Re ce i ve , V a l i d a te & De co m p o se Re q u e st Co st Re se a rch d e si g n ch a n g e Cycl e T i m e Re se a rch Fi xe d A sse t V a l ue Re se a rch T o t a l Co st Re t u rn o n De si g n Ch a i n A sse t s T otal A m e nd Co st T o ta l De si g n Ch a i n Co st T otal P l an A m e n d Co st T ra d e S e cre t s p e r p ro j e ct © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. P l a n De si g n Ch a i n T otal Co st P l a n d e si g n ch a n g e Cycl e T ime P l a n De si g n T o t a l Co st P l a n Re se a rch T o t a l Co st P ro d u ct De si g n Ch a n g e Cycl e T ime P l a n Fi xe d A sse t V a l u e P l a n In te g ra te T o t a l Co st P ro d u ct De si g n Cycl e T i m e Re ce i ve , V a l i d a te & De co m p o se Re q u e st Cycl e T ime Re l e a se P ro d u ct Co st Re l e a se P ro d u ct Cycl e T i m e Re l e a se to I n t e g ra t e Co st Re l e a se to In te g ra te Cycl e T i m e Re l e a se to S e l l Cycl e T ime Re l e a se to Sel l T otal Co st Re se a rch Cycl e T i m e Re se a rch d e si g n ch a n g e Cycl e T i m e S ch e d u l e De si g n A ct i vi t i e s Co st S ch e d u l e De si g n A ct i vi t i e s Cycl e T ime S ch e d u l e Re se a rch A ct i vi t i e s Co st S ch e d u l e Re se a rch A ct i vi ti e s Cycl e T i m e S CO Co st S CO Cy cl e T ime S o u rce M a te ri a l s Co st S o u rce M a te ri a l s Cycl e T i m e S o u rce M a t e ri a l s/ T e ch n o l o g y Co st S o u rce M a t e ri a l s/ T e ch n o l o gy Cycl e T i m e T ra n sf e r Fi n d i n g / M a t e ri a l s Co st T ra n sf e r Fi n d i n g / M a te ri a l s Cycl e T i m e T ra n sf e r Fi n d i n g /M a te ri a l s Co st T ra n sf e r Fi n d i n g /M a te ri a l s Cycl e T i m e V al i date I ssu e Co st V a l i d a te Issu e Cycl e T i m e V e ri fy M a te ri a l s Co st V e ri fy M a te ri a l s Cycl e T i m e V e ri fy M a te ri a l s/ T e ch n o l o g y Co st V e ri fy M a te ri a l s/ T e ch n o l o gy Cycl e T i m e Page 218 of 261 DCOR Metrics - Reliability: Key performance indicator allocation diagram DC % I n vo i ce Re ce i p t s a n d P a ym e n t s Ge n e ra t e d vi a E DI © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. De si g n Ch a i n FT E p e r P ro d u ct De si g n Re lia b ilit y P e rf e ct P ro d u ct De si g n Re se a rch Cycl e T i m e V e ri fy M a te ri a l s/ T e ch n o l o gy Cycl e T i m e Page 219 of 261 DCOR Metrics - Responsiveness: Key performance indicator allocation diagram © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 220 of 261 DC R e s p o n s iv e n e s s A cqui re K nowl edge Cycl e T i m e A m e nd Cycl e Time AAm mend e nd Def P roduct i ci ent PFal roduct l out Cycl Cyclee Time A m e nd S peci fi cati on Cycl e Time A uthori ze S uppl i er P aym ent Cycl e T i m e B ui l d & T est P rot ot ype Cycl e Time De co m p ose I ssu e Cycl e T i m e De co m p ose Re q uest Cycl e T i m e De si gn product change Cycl e T i m e Devel op P rototype Cycl e T i m e Di st ri bute Requi rem ent s Cycl e T i m e E nabl e desi gn change Cycl e Time E st abl i sh E xecuti on P ro c e ss Cy c l e Time E st abl i sh V eri fi cati on P ro c e ss Cy c l e Time Fi rst to del i ver new i dea to m a rke t I dent i f y S ources for T echnol ogy Cycl e T i m e Integrate Cycl e Time Integrqate desi gn change Cycl e T i m e I ntegrqate desi gn change Cycl e Time M anage Re se a rch A sse t Cycl e t i m e M anage Inform ati on Cycl e T i m e M anage A m end B al anci ng Cycl e t i m e M anage am end P l an Cycl e t i m e M anage A m end Requi rem ent s Cycl e t i m e M anage A m end Re so u rc e s Cycl e t i m e M anage Desi gn B al anci ng Cycl e t i m e M anage Desi gn Chai n Requi rem ent s Cycl e t i m e M anage Desi gn Chai n A sse t Cycl e t i m e M anage Desi gn Chai n B al anci ng Cycl e t i m e M anage Desi gn Chai n Confi guari on Cycl e t i m e M anage Desi gn Chai n Fi nanci al Real i gnm ent Cycl e t i m e M anage Desi gn Chai n K nowl edge T ransf er Cycl e t i m e M anage Desi gn Chai n P l an Cycl e t i m e M anage Desi gn Chai n Regul atory Com pl i ance Cycl e t i m e M anage Desi gn Ch a i n Re sources Cycl e t i m e M anage Desi gn P l an Cycl e t i m e M anage Desi gn Requi rem ent s Cycl e t i m e M anage Desi gn Re so u rc e s Cycl e t i m e M anage Inform ati on Cycl e T i m e M anage Inform ati on Cycl e T i m e M anage Integrate A sse t Cycl e t i m e M anage Integrate B al anci ng Cycl e t i m e M anage Integrate B u si n e ss Rul es Cycl e T i m e M anage Integrate Inform ati on Cycl e T i m e M anage Integrate K nowl edge T ransf er Cycl e t i m e M anage i ntegrate Ne t wo rk Cycl e T i m e M anage Integrate P erf orm ance Cycl e t i m e M anage Integrate P l an Cycl e t i m e M anage Integrate Regul atory Com pl i ance Cycl e t i m e M anage Integrate Requi rem ent s Cycl e t i m e M anage Integrate Re so u rc e s Cycl e t i m e M anage Intel l ectual P ropert y Cycl e T i m e M anage P l an A m e nd Cycl e t i m e M anage P l an B u si n e ss Rul es Cycl e T i m e M anage P roduct Li f e Cycl e (DC) Cycl e T i m e M anage Research B al anci ng Cycl e t i m e M anage Research B u si n e ss Rul es Cycl e T i m e M anage Research Inform ati on Cycl e T i m e M anage Re se a rch K nowl edge T ransf er Cycl e t i m e M anage Re se a rch Ne t wo rk Cycl e T i m e M anage Research P erf orm ance Cycl e t i m e M anage Research P l an Cycl e t i m e M anage Research Requi rem ent s Cycl e t i m e M anage Research Re so u rc e s Cycl e t i m e Num ber of " f i rst t o m arket" product i nt roducti ons Num ber of B u si n e ss Rul e Ch a nges Num ber of ch anges per P ro duct Desi gn P a cka ge Desi gn Cycl e T i m e P a cka ge P ro duct Cycl e T i m e P aym ent Cycl e Time P i l ot Desi gn Cycl e T i m e P l an desi gn change Cycl e Time P ro duct Desi gn Change Cycl e Time P roduct Li fecycl e M anagem ent Cycl e T i m e P ubl i sh A dvi sory (E CN) Cy c l e Time Recei ve & P ubl i sh S CO Cycl e V al i date Request Time Cycl e T i m e Recei ve, V al i date & De co m p ose Re quest Cycl e Time Rel ease P ro duct Cycl e T i m e Rel ease to Integrate Cycl e T i m e Rel ease to S el l Cycl e Time Re se a rch desi gn change Cycl e T i m e S chedul e Desi gn A ct i vi t i es Cycl e Time S chedul e Re se a rch A ct i vi ti es Cycl e T i m e S CO Cy cl e Time S ource M ateri al s Cycl e T i m e S ource M at eri al s/ T echnol ogy Cycl e T i m e T ransf er Fi ndi ng/ M ateri al s Cycl e T i m e T ransf er Fi ndi ng/M ateri al s Cycl e T i m e V al i date Issue Cycl e T i m e V eri fy M ateri al s Cycl e T i m e DCOR Metrics - Flexibility: Key performance indicator allocation diagram © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 221 of 261 DC F le x ib ilit y % I n vo i ce s p ro ce sse d wi t h o u t i ssu e s a n d / o r e rro rs E n a b l e d e si g n ch a n g e Cycl e Time Nu m b e r o f p o st re l e a se P ro d u ct De si g n Ch a n g e s Nu m b e r o f p ro d u ct d e si g n s Ob t a i n De fi ci e n cy I n f o rm a ti o n Cycl e Time P ro d u ct De si g n Cycl e T i m e Re se a rch d e si g n ch a n g e Cycl e T i m e Re se a rch d e si g n ch a n g e Cycl e T i m e © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Nu m b e r o f S p e ci fi ca ti o n Ch a n g e s Page 222 of 261 DCOR Metrics - Costs: Key performance indicator allocation diagram © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 223 of 261 Costs A cqui re K nowl edge Co st A m end Def i ci ent P roduct T otal Co st A m end Fi xed A sset V al ue A m e nd P roduct Fal l out T otal Co st A m e nd S peci fi cati on T ot al Cost A uthori ze S uppl i er P a ym e nt Cost B al ance A m end Re q ui rem ent s w/ Re so u rc e s Co st B al ance DC Re q ui rem ent s w/ Re so u rc e s Co st B al ance Desi gn Re q ui rem ent s w/ Re so u rc e s Co st B al ance Integrate Re q ui rem ent s w/ Re so u rc e s Co st B al ance Research Re q ui rem ent s w/ Re so u rc e s Co st B ui l d & T est P rot ot ype Cost Co st per i nvoi ce De co m p ose I ssu e Co st De co m p ose Re q uest Co st Devel op P rototype Co st Di st ri bute Requi rem ent s Co st E nabl e A m end T ot al Cost E nabl e Re se a rch Co st E st abl i sh A m end P l an Cost E st a b l i sh DC P l an Cost E st abl i sh Desi gn P l an Co st E st abl i sh E xecuti on P ro c e ss Co st E st abl i sh Re se a rch P l an Cost E st abl i sh V eri fi cati on P ro c e ss Co st G at her A m end Re q u i rem ent s Cost G a t her DC Requi rem ent s Co st G a t her DC Re so u rc e s Co st G at her Desi gn Requi rem ent s Co st G at her Desi gn Re so u rc e s Co st G a t h er Research Requi rem ent s Co st G a t h er Research Re so u rc e s Co st I dent i f y S ources for T echnol ogy Co st Integrate P l an Cost Integrate Requi rem ent s Co st Integrate Re so u rc e s Co st Integrate T otal Co st M anage A m end B u si n e ss Ru l e s Co st M anage A m end Ca pi t al A sset s Co st M anage A m end I nf orm at i on Cost M anage A m end I n vent ory Cost M anage A m end K nowl edge T ra nsf er Cost M anage A m end Ne t wo rk Co st M anage A m end P e rf orm ance Cost M anage A m end Regul atory Com pl i ance Cost M anage Desi gn B u si n e ss Ru l e s Co st M anage Desi gn Ca pi t al A sset s Co st M anage Desi gn Ch a i n A sse t s Co st M anage Desi gn Chai n Confi gurati on Co st M anage Desi gn Chai n Inventory Co st M anage Desi gn Chai n K nowl edge T ra nsf er Cost M anage Desi gn Chai n P erf orm ance Co st M anage Desi gn I nf orm at i on Cost M anage Desi gn P erf orm ance Co st M anage Desi gn P roduct I nvent ory Co st M anage Desi gn Regul atory Com pl i ance Cost M anage Integrate B u si n e ss Ru l e s Co st M anage Integrate Ca pi t al A sset s Co st M anage Integrate I nf orm at i on Cost M anage Integrate I n vent ory Cost M anage Integrate K nowl edge T ransf er Co st M anage Integrate Ne t wo rk Co st M anage Integrate P e rf orm ance Cost M anage P l an B u si n e ss Ru l e s Co st M anage P l an I nf orm at i on Cost M anage P l an Regul atory Com pl i ance Cost M anage P roduct Li f e Cycl e (DC) Co st M anage Research B u si n e ss Ru l e s Co st M anage Research Ca pi t al A sset s Co st M anage Re se a rch Inform ati on Co st M anage Research I n vent ory Cost M anage Research K nowl edge T ra nsf er Cost M anage Re se a rch Ne t wo rk Co st M anage Research P e rf orm ance Cost M anage Research Regul atory Com pl i ance Cost Obt ai n & V al i date De si g n Cost Obt ai n Defi ci ency I nf orm at i on Cost P a cka ge De si gn Co st Pi l ot De si gn Co st P l an Desi gn Chai n T otal Co st P l an Desi gn T ot al Cost P l an Integrate T ot al Cost P l an Research T ot al Cost P ubl i sh A dvi sory (E CN) Co st P ubl i sh S CO Co st Recei ve & V al i date Re q u e st Cost Recei ve, V al i date & De co m p ose Re q u e st Cost Rel ease P ro duct Co st Rel ease to I nt egrat e Cost Rel ease to Sel l T otal Co st Re se a rch T ot al Cost S chedul e Desi gn A ct i vi t i es Cost S chedul e Re se a rch A ct i vi t i es Cost S CO Co st S ource M ateri al s Co st S ource M at eri al s/ T echnol ogy Cost T otal A m e nd Co st T otal Desi gn Chai n Cost T otal P l an A m e n d Cost T ransf er Fi ndi ng/ M at eri al s Cost T ransf er Fi ndi ng/M ateri al s Co st V al i date I ssu e Co st V eri fy M ateri al s Co st V eri fy M ateri al s/ T echnol ogy Cost © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 224 of 261 DCOR Metrics - Assets: Key performance indicator allocation diagram Assets A l i g n De si g n P l a n wi th Fi n a n ci al P l an Co st De si g n Ch a i n Fi xe d A sse t V a l ue De si g n Fi xe d A sse t V a l u e In te g ra te Fi xe d A sse t V a l u e Patents per p ro d u ct P atents p e r p ro j e ct P l a n Fi xe d A sse t V a l u e Re se a rch Fi xe d A sse t V a l ue Re t u rn o n De si g n Ch a i n A sse t s T ra d e S e cre t s p e r p ro j e ct © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 225 of 261 METRIC DEFINITION METRIC CATEGORY METRIC OCCURENCES % Invoice Receipts and Payments Generated via EDI # of EDI generated invoices receipts and payments divided by the total number of invoices. RELIABILITY R1.5 % Invoices processed without issues and/or errors The number of Invoices processed without issues and/or errors divided by the total number of invoices processed in the measurement period FLEXIBILITY R1.5 Acquire Knowledge Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST D3.3 Acquire Knowledge Cycle Time Align Design Plan with Financial Plan Cost Process cycle time RESPONSIVENESS D3.3 Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). ASSETS EP.9 Amend Cycle Time Total time from receipt of product manufacturability issue or technical deficiency information to publication of ECN RESPONSIVENESS A1 A2 A3 Amend Deficient Product Cycle Time Total time from receipt of technical deficiency information to publication of ECN RESPONSIVENESS A2 Amend Deficient Product Total Cost Total time from receipt of technical deficiency information to publication of ECN COST A2 Amend Fixed Asset Value The current value of the design chain assets used in the Amend process COST EA.5 Amend Product Fallout Cycle Time Total time from receipt of product manufacturability issue to publication of ECN RESPONSIVENESS A1 Amend Product Fallout Total Cost Amend Specification Cycle Time Total Amend Product Fallout Cost COST A1 Total time from receipt of specification change request to publication of SCO RESPONSIVENESS A3 Amend Specification Total Cost Total time from receipt of Specification Change Request to publication of SCO COST A3 Authorize Supplier Payment Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST R1 R2.6 R3.8 Authorize Supplier Payment Cycle Time Process cycle time RESPONSIVENESS R1 R2.6 R3.8 Balance Amend Requirements w/ Resources Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST PA.3 Balance DC Requirements w/ Resources Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST PP.3 Balance Design Requirements w/ Resources Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST PD.3 Balance Integrate Requirements w/ Resources Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST PI.3 Balance Research Requirements w/ Resources Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST PR.3 Build & Test Prototype Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST D1.3 D2.4 D3.5 Build & Test Prototype Cycle Time Cost per invoice Process cycle time RESPONSIVENESS D1.3 D2.4 D3.5 All costs associated with the receipt, review, processing, and payment of a supplier’s invoice for product received. COST R1.5 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 226 of 261 Decompose Issue Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. COST A1.2 A1.3 A2.2 A2.3 A3.22 A3.3 Page 227 of 261 METRIC DEFINITION METRIC CATEGORY METRIC OCCURENCES Decompose Issue Cycle Time Decompose Request Cost Process cycle time RESPONSIVENESS A1.2 A1.3 A2.2 A2.3 A3.22 A3.3 Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST I1.2 I2.2 I3.2 Decompose Request Cycle Time Design Chain Fixed Asset Value Process cycle time RESPONSIVENESS I1.2 I2.2 I3.2 DC Fixed Asset Value = Plan Fixed Asset Value + Research FAV + Design FAV + Integrate FAV + Amend FAV DC Fixed Assets are managed in the Ex.5 processes. ASSETS ER EA Design Chain FTE per Product Design Design Fixed Asset Value # of DC FTEs / # of product designs RELIABILITY EA The current value of the design chain assets used in the Design process ASSETS ED.5 Design product change Cycle Time Develop Prototype Cost Time to design product change FLEXIBILITY D2 D3 Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST D1.1 D1.2 D2.3 D3.4 Develop Prototype Cycle Time Distribute Requirements Cost Process cycle time RESPONSIVENESS D1.1 D1.2 D2.3 D3.4 Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST I2.3 I3.3 Distribute Requirements Cycle Time Enable Amend Total Cost Process cycle time RESPONSIVENESS I2.3 I3.3 Total Enable Amend Cost COST EA Enable design change Cycle Time Enable Research Cost Time to enable design change FEXIBILITY ER Total Enable Research Cost COST ER Establish Amend Plan Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST PA.4 Establish DC Plan Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST PP.4 Establish Design Plan Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST PD.4 Establish Execution Process Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST I3.5 Establish Execution Process Cycle Time Process cycle time RESPONSIVENESS I3.5 Establish Research Plan Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST PR.4 Establish Verification Process Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST R3.5 Establish Verification Process Cycle Time Process cycle time RESPONSIVENESS R3.5 First to deliver new idea to market % of time products are the first to market with new technology or innovative features. # of “first to market” product introductions / # of product introductions RESPONSIVENESS I2 I3 Gather Amend Requirements Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST PA.1 Gather Amend Resources Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST PA.2 Gather DC Requirements Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST PP.1 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 228 of 261 Gather DC Resources Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. COST PP.2 Page 229 of 261 METRIC DEFINITION METRIC CATEGORY METRIC OCCURENCES Gather Design Requirements Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST PD.1 Gather Design Resources Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST PD.2 Gather Research Requirements Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST PR.1 Gather Research Resources Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST PR.2 Identify Sources for Technology Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST R3.2 Identify Sources for Technology Cycle Time Process cycle time RESPONSIVENESS R3.2 Integrate Cycle Time Total cycle time of all Integrate processes RESPONSIVENESS I1 I2 I3 Integrate design change Cycle Time Time to Integrate design change Triggered by ECO from A1.3 or A2.4 RESPONSIVENESS I1 I2 I3 Integrate design change Cycle Time Time to Integrate design change Triggered by ECO from A1.3 or A2.4 RESPONSIVENESS Integrate Fixed Asset Value The current value of the design chain assets used in the Integrate process ASSETS EI.5 Integrate Plan Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST PI.4 Integrate Requirements Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST PI.1 Integrate Resources Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST PI.2 Integrate Total Cost Total Integrate Cost COST I1 I2 I3 Manage Information Cycle Time The average time to generate design chain design information RESPONSIVENESS PA.3 Manage Amend Balancing Cycle time The average time to balance amend changes RESPONSIVENESS EA.1 Manage Amend Business Rules Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST EA.5 Manage Amend Capital Assets Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST EA.3 Manage Amend Information Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST EA.4 Manage Amend Inventory Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST EA.6 Manage Amend Knowledge Transfer Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST EA.7 Manage Amend Network Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST EA.2 Manage Amend Performance Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST EA.2 Manage Amend Plan Cycle time The average time to manage amend plan changes RESPONSIVENESS PA.4 Manage Amend Regulatory Compliance Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST EA.8 Manage Amend Requirements Cycle time The average time to manage Amend requirement changes RESPONSIVENESS PA.1 Manage Amend Resources Cycle time The average time to manage Amend Resources changes RESPONSIVENESS PA.2 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 230 of 261 Manage Design Balancing Cycle time The average time to balance design changes METRIC DEFINITION RESPONSIVENESS METRIC CATEGORY PD.3 METRIC OCCURENCES Manage Design Business Rules Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST ED.1 Manage Design Capital Assets Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST ED.5 Manage Design Capitol Asset Cycle Time The average time to manage Design Capitol Assets RESPONSIVENESS ED.5 Manage Design Chain Requirements Cycle time The average time to manage Design chain requirement changes RESPONSIVENESS PP.1 Manage Design Chain Assets Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST ED.5 Manage Design Chain Balancing Cycle time The average time to balance Design Chain changes RESPONSIVENESS PP.3 Manage Design Chain Capitol Asset Cycle time The average time to manage Design Chain Assets RESPONSIVENESS EA.5 ED.5 Manage Design Chain Configuration Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST EP.7 Manage Design Chain Configuration Cycle time The average time to manage Design Chain configuration actions RESPONSIVENESS EP.7 Manage Design Chain Financial Realignment Cycle time The average time to manage Design Chain Regulatory Compliance changes RESPONSIVENESS EP.9 Manage Design Chain Inventory Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST EP.4 Manage Design Chain Knowledge Transfer Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST EP.6 Manage Design Chain Knowledge Transfer Cycle time Manage Design Chain Performance Cost The average time to manage Design Chain Knowledge Transfer actions RESPONSIVENESS EP.6 ED.6 Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST EP.2 Manage Design Chain Plan Cycle time The average time to manage Design Chain plan changes RESPONSIVENESS PP.4 Manage Design Chain Regulatory Compliance Cycle time The average time to manage Design Chain Regulatory Compliance changes RESPONSIVENESS EA/8 ER/8 EP.8 ED.8 Manage Design Chain Resources Cycle time The average time to manage Design Chain Resources changes RESPONSIVENESS PP.2 Manage Design Information Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST ED.3 Manage Design Knowledge Transfer Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST EP.2 Manage Design Performance Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST ED.2 Manage Design Plan Cycle time The average time to manage design plan changes RESPONSIVENESS PD.4 Manage Design Product Inventory Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST ED.4 Manage Design Regulatory Compliance Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST ED.8 Manage Design Requirements Cycle time The average time to manage Design requirement changes RESPONSIVENESS PD.1 Manage Design Resources Cycle time The average time to manage Design Resources changes RESPONSIVENESS PD,2 Manage Information Cycle Time The average time to generate design chain amend information RESPONSIVENESS ED.3 EP.3 EA..3 Manage Integrate Asset Cycle time The average time to manage Integrate Assets RESPONSIVENESS P1.5 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 231 of 261 Manage Integrate Balancing Cycle time The average time to balance integrate changes RESPONSIVENESS EI.3 Manage Integrate Business Rules Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST EI.1 METRIC DEFINITION METRIC CATEGORY METRIC OCCURENCES Manage Integrate Business Rules Cycle Time The average time to process integrate business rules RESPONSIVENESS EI.1 Manage Integrate Capital Assets Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST EI.5 Manage Integrate Information Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST EI.3 Manage Integrate Information Cycle Time The average time to generate Integrate information Responsiveness EI.3 Manage Integrate Inventory Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST EI.4 Manage Integrate Knowledge Transfer Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST EI.6 Manage Integrate Knowledge Transfer Cycle time Manage Integrate Network Cost The average time to manage Integrate Knowledge Transfer actions RESPONSIVENESS EI.6 Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST EI.7 Manage integrate Network Cycle Time The average time to manage Design Chain configuration actions RESPONSIVENESS EI.7 Manage Integrate Performance Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST EI.2 Manage Integrate Performance Cycle time The average time to manage Integrate Performance RESPONSIVENESS EI.2 Manage Integrate Plan Cycle time The average time to manage integrate plan changes RESPONSIVENESS PI.4 Manage Integrate Regulatory Compliance Cycle time Manage Integrate Regulatory Compliance Cost The average time to manage Integrate Regulatory Compliance changes RESPONSIVENESS EI.8 Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST EI.8 Manage Integrate Requirements Cycle time The average time to manage Integrate requirement changes RESPONSIVENESS PI.1 Manage Integrate Resources Cycle time The average time to manage Integrate Resources changes RESPONSIVENESS PI.2 Manage Intellectual Property Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST ED.9 Manage Intellectual Property Cycle Time The average time to manage Intellectual Property changes RESPONSIVENESS ED.9 Manage Plan Amend Cycle time The average time to manage Amend Plans RESPONSIVENESS PA Manage Plan Business Rules Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST EP.1 Manage Plan Business Rules Cycle Time The average time to process design chain plan business rules RESPONSIVENESS EP.1 ED.1 EA.1 Manage Plan Information Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST EP.3 Manage Plan Regulatory Compliance Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST EP.8 Manage Product Life Cycle (DC) Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST ED.7 Manage Product Life Cycle (DC) Cycle Time The average time to manage Design Chain configuration actions RESPONSIVENESS ED.7 Manage Research Asset Cycle time The average time to manage Research Assets RESPONSIVENESS © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 232 of 261 Manage Research Balancing Cycle time The average time to balance research changes RESPONSIVENESS PR.3 Manage Research Business Rules Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST ER.1 Manage Research Business Rules Cycle Time The average time to process research business rules RESPONSIVENESS ER.1 METRIC DEFINITION METRIC CATEGORY METRIC OCCURENCES Manage Research Capital Assets Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST ER.5 Manage Research Information Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST ER.3 Manage Research Information Cycle Time The average time to generate design chain research information RESPONSIVENESS ER.3 Manage Research Inventory Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST ER.4 Manage Research Knowledge Transfer Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST ER.6 Manage Research Knowledge Transfer Cycle time Manage Research Network Cost The average time to manage Research Knowledge Transfer actions RESPONSIVENESS ER.6 Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST ER.7 Manage Research Network Cycle Time The average time to manage Research configuration actions RESPONSIVENESS ER.7 EA.7 Manage Research Performance Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST ER.2 Manage Research Performance Cycle time The average time to manage Research Performance RESPONSIVENESS ER.2 Manage Research Plan Cycle time The average time to manage research plan changes RESPONSIVENESS PR.4 Manage Research Regulatory Compliance Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST ER.8 Manage Research Requirements Cycle time The average time to manage research requirement changes RESPONSIVENESS PR.1 Manage Research Resources Cycle time The average time to manage Research Resources changes RESPONSIVENESS PR.2 Number of “first to market” product introductions Number of new products which were first to market RESPONSIVENESS I2 I3 Number of Business Rule Changes The number of Business Rule changes over a specified period of time. E.g. changes / month RESPONSIVENESS ED.1 ER.1 EP.1 EA.1 ET.1 Number of changes per Product Design # of design changes after release to operations (SC) / # of product designs RESPONSIVENESS I1 D3 A2 I3 A1 I2 Number of new product introductions Number of new products introduced to the market RESPONSIVENESS I2 I3 Number of post- release Product Design Changes # of product design changes per product due to: 1. Customer significant defects (per product) found after release to operations (SC) (A2 Deficient Product) 2. AND product manufacturing, support or delivery design issues found after release to operations(SC) (A1 Product Fall Out) FLEXIBILITY A1 A2 Number of product designs Total # of product designs released to operations (SC, CC) FLEXIBILITY I1 I2 I3 Number of Specification Changes # of specification changes per product due to: 1. Customer or regulatory revisions 2. AND post product release to operations (SC) FLEXIBILITY A3 Obtain & Validate Design Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST I1.3 I2.4 I3.4 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 233 of 261 Obtain & Validate Design Cycle Time Obtain Deficiency Information Cost Process cycle time RESPONSIVENESS I1.3 I2.4 I4.5 Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST A2.1 Obtain Deficiency Information Cycle Time Process cycle time FLEXIBILITY A2.1 Package Design Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST D1.4 D2.5 D3.6 METRIC DEFINITION METRIC CATEGORY METRIC OCCURENCES Package Design Cycle Time Process cycle time RESPONSIVENESS D1.4 D2.5 D3.6 Package Product Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST I1.5 12.5 I2.6 13.7 Package Product Cycle Time Patents per product Process cycle time RESPONSIVENESS I1.5 12.5 I2.6 13.7 # of patents registered / # of products ASSETS D3 D2 I2 I3 Patents per project # of patents registered / # of projects ASSETS Payment Cycle Time The time from billing date to receipt of payment (reported in days or dollar weighted average days) RESPONSIVENESS R1.5 Perfect Product Design % of product designs each period (month, quarter, year, etc.) which meet the following standards: - Delivered to operations by commit date - Delivered by request date - Assembly and Process Documentation complete BOM complete and accurate - Manufacturing Readiness Status and Risk Assessment complete Learning products plan complete - Patent disclosures complete - Product certifications complete - Product test report complete # of perfect product designs / # of product designs RELIABILITY PI PD R/PP I3 PR R3 R2 ER I1 I2 Pilot Design Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST I1.4 I2.5 I3.6 Pilot Design Cycle Time Process cycle time RESPONSIVENESS I1.4 I2.5 I3.6 Plan Design Chain Total Cost Plan design change Cycle Time Plan Design Total Cost Total Plan Design Chain Cost COST PP Time to plan design change RESPONSIVENESS PD PP DD PR PI Total Plan Design Cost COST PD Plan Fixed Asset Value The current value of the design chain assets used in design chain integration ASSETS EP.5 Plan Integrate Total Cost Total Plan Integrate Cost COST PI Plan Research Total Cost Total Plan Research Cost COST PR Product Design Change Cycle Time Time to change a product design after it has been released to operations. Triggered by ECO from A1.3 or A2.4 Plan design change Cycle Time + Research design change Cycle Time + Design product change Cycle Time + Integrate design change Cycle Time + Enable design change Cycle Time RESPONSIVENESS PD RI PRI3PP R3 ER Pi R2 I2 Product Design Cycle Time Total time from receipt of product requirements (from BD) to release of product design to operations (SC, CC). [Research Cycle Time + Design CT + Integrate CT] It is the sum of the following: Receipt of Product Requirements to Design Product Begin Product Design to Completion of Design Completion of Design to Validation of Design Validation to Release of Design to Operations FLEXIBILITY I2 I1 R1 I3 R2 R3 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 234 of 261 Product Lifecycle Management Cycle Time The average time to generate product lifecycle plan updates RESPONSIVENESS ED.4 EEI.4 EP.4 ER.4 EA.4 Publish Advisory (ECN) Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST A1.4 A2.5 Publish Advisory (ECN) Cycle Time Publish SCO Cost Process cycle time RESPONSIVENESS A1.4 A2.5 Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST A3.4 Publish SCO Cycle Time Process cycle time RESPONSIVENESS A3.4 METRIC DEFINITION METRIC CATEGORY METRIC OCCURENCES Receive & Validate Request Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST I3.1 R2.1 I1.1 I2.1 A1.1 A3.1 R3.1 Receive & Validate Request Cycle Time Process cycle time RESPONSIVENESS I3.1 R2.1 I1.1 I2.1 A1.1 A3.1 R3.1 Receive, Validate & Decompose Request Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST D2.1 D3.1 Receive, Validate & Decompose Request Cycle Time Release Product Cost Process cycle time RESPONSIVENESS D2.1 D3.1 Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST I1.6 12.7 I3.8 Release Product Cycle Time Process cycle time RESPONSIVENESS I1.6 I2.7 I3.8 Release to Integrate Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST D1.5 D2.6 D3.7 Release to Integrate Cycle Time Release to Sell Cycle Time Process cycle time RESPONSIVENESS D1.5 D2.6 D3.7 Process cycle time RESPONSIVENESS R2.4 Release to Sell Total Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST R2.4 Research Cycle Time Total cycle time of all Research processes RELIABILITY R1 R2 R3 Research design change Cycle Time Research design change Cycle Time Research Fixed Asset Value Time to research design change FLEXIBILITY R1 R2 R3 Time to research design change FLEXIBILITY The current value of the design chain assets used in the Research process ASSETS ER.5 Research Total Cost Total Research Cost COST R1 R2 R3 Return on Design Chain Assets Revenues – COGS – R&D/ Design Chain Fixed Asset Value ASSETS EP.6 ED.5 ER.5 EI.5 Schedule Design Activities Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST D3.2 D1.1 D2.2 Schedule Design Activities Cycle Time Schedule Design Activities Cycle Time RESPONSIVENESS D3.2 D1.1 D2.2 Schedule Research Activities Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST R1.1 R2.2 R3.3 Schedule Research Activities Cycle Time Process cycle time RESPONSIVENESS R1.1 R2.2 R3.3 SCO Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST A3.5 SCO Cycle Time Process cycle time RESPONSIVENESS A3.5 Source Materials Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST R1.2 R2.3 Source Materials Cycle Time Source Materials/ Technology Cost Process cycle time RESPONSIVENESS R1.2 r2.3 Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST R3.4 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 235 of 261 Source Materials/ Technology Cycle Time Process cycle time RESPONSIVENESS R3.4 Total Amend Cost Total Amend Cost COST A1 A2 PA A3 EA Total Design Chain Cost Total Design Chain cost per product design COST PD ER I1 R1 I3 PI PP PR R3 R2 I2 Total Plan Amend Cost Total Plan Amend Cost COST PA Trade Secrets per project # of trade secrets files / # of projects ASSETS I2 D2 I3 Transfer Finding/ Materials Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST R3.7 Transfer Finding/ Materials Cycle Time Process cycle time RESPONSIVENESS R3.7 METRIC DEFINITION METRIC CATEGORY METRIC OCCURENCES Transfer Finding/Materials Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). – Transfer Finding/Materials Cycle Time - Process cycle time COST R1.4 R2.5 Transfer Finding/Materials Cycle Time Validate Issue Cost Process cycle time RESPONSIVENESS R1.4 R2.5 Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST A2.2 Validate Issue Cycle Time Process cycle time FLEXIBILITY A2.2 Verify Materials Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST R1.3 R2.4 Verify Materials Cycle Time Process cycle time RESPONSIVENESS R1.3 R2.4 Verify Materials/ Technology Cost Process cost. This cost includes direct costs (labor, materials) and indirect costs (overhead). COST R3.6 Verify Materials/ Technology Cycle Time Process cycle time RELIABILITY R3.6 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 236 of 261 Best Practices DCOR Best Practices - Overview: Knowledge map 3D sol i d modeling Al i gn product devel opm ent p ro c e sse s a c ro ss d esi gn chai n m em bers 3D sol i d m odel i ng technol ogy to devel op prototypes Abi l i t y t o track com ponent/ su b -com ponent research/ desi gn t o country of ori gi n A ccurat e and a p p roved process pl ans/ speci fi cati ons A ccurat e, bat ch/ conf i gurati on records f or warrant y, regul at ory tracki ng Al i gn com ponent devel opm ent p ro g re ss A l i g n ed processes a cro ss desi gn chai n Al i gned product devel opm ent p ro c e sse s a c ro ss desi gn chai n Bar codi ng i s used t o m i ni m i ze handl i ng ti m e & m axi m i ze dat a accuracy Al i gnm ent of strategi c/ b u si n ess pl ans wi t h l ong-t erm capaci ty/ re source pl ans A l l o w access t o suppl i ers’ i nnovati ve technology Al l ow i nstant proj ect tracki ng a cro ss t h e desi gn chai n A l l o w q u i ck a cce ss to i nternal exi sti ng technol ogy Al l ow qui ck a cce ss t o part i nform ati on Anal ysi s of al l o rd e rs and shi pm ent s: L o gi st i cs, P roduct , Cost , G L Chargi ng Appoi ntm ent Schedul i ng f or Pi ckup, Del i very o f Cust om er S hi pm ent s A sse ss Perf orm ance A sse ssi n g export / i m port requi rem ent s duri ng product devel opm ent A ssu re d e si g n qual i ty Aut om at e equi pm ent a cce ss a n d t est i ng i nst ruct i ons Bui l d Sequence W o rk P a c ka g e s B u si n e ss Intel l i gence (B I ) C A D/ CA M Capabi l i ty T ransf er to Organi zati on Capt ure and m ai ntai n categori zed speci fi c data Col l aborati ve revi ew, agreem ent of b u si n e ss ru l es Col l aborati on am ong Desi gn Chai n partners Col l aborati ve desi gn Col l aborati ve m e c h a n i sm s for co-devel opm ent Col l aborati ve Pl anni ng - Desi gn i nformation Col l aborati ve Pl anni ng - Integrate i nformation Aut om at e equi pm ent and testi ng i n st ruct i ons Aut om at ed docum ent m anagem ent and control Aut om at ed Docum entati on Aut om at ed I P M anagem ent P ro c e ss Autom ated noti fi cati on of l aboratory regardi ng sam pl e availability A ut om at ed search of reference parts and i ntel l ectual properti es Autom ati c l abel and seal veri fi cati on Aut om at i c m ateri al Revi ew & correct i ve A c t i o n sy st e m s Col l aborati ve Pl anni ng - Research i nformation Col l aborati ve Pl anni ng Forecast i ng Col l aborati ve revi ew, agreem ent of busi ness rul es pri or to contract executi on Col l aborati ve revi ew, agreem ent of busi ness rul es pri or to executi on Col l aborati ve Speci fi cati on Devel opm ent Col l aborati ve suppl i er - desi gn devel opm ent Com parat i ve anal ysi s of desi gn perform ance i s used i n re se arch deci si ons Com parat i ve anal ysi s of re se arch perf orm ance i s used i n research deci si ons Com pl ete P ro duct De si gn Certi fi cati on Co m p l et eness of product speci fi cati ons and producti on gui del i nes Com ponent Standardi zati on Com ponent Val i dati on Co ncurrent De si gn Co ncurrent De si gn & T est Concurrent engi neeri ng wi t h suppl i ers for engi neeri ng and product test data Co n current P roduct & P ro c e ss Engi neeri ng Co nsi gnm ent agreem ent s t o re d u ce asset s and cycl e ti m e Co n st ru c t 3 D sol i d m odel s duri ng t he prototypi ng phase Cont i nuous I m provem ent i s m easured t hrough t he perform ance revi ew Coordi nate devel opm ent re so u rc e s a c ro ss the desi gn chai n Cost reduct i on and/or cost avoi dance are i denti fi ed, i m pl em ent ed and m easured Cro ss Fu nct i onal T eam s to execute and devel op Long-T erm Capaci ty and Re so u rc e s Data accesi bi l i ty a cro ss t h e ent erpri se Dat a accesi bi l i t y across t he enterpri se for vi si bi l i t y by di screte busi ness unt Defi ne producti on gui del i nes Desi gn Confi gurari on Cont rol & Change B o a rds Desi gn f or Si x Si gm a Desi gn i s i ntegrated wi t h Operat i ons Pl anni ng Process Desi gn perf orm ance data i s col l ected, anal yzed, reported onl i ne De si gn Pi l ot Desi gn rul e effecti veness Desi gn rul es Desi gn t o Co st Reduct i on Pl anni ng Desi gn/ upgrade producti on equi pm ent to m axi m i ze fl exi bi l i ty Di gi t al Li nkage (EDI, XM L, et c. ) to provi de real -t i m e research i nformation Di gi tal l i nkage f or desi gn chai n, pl anni ng, confi gurati on, and requi rem ents Di gi tal l i nkages (X M L, E DI , et c. ) provi de vi si bi l i ty Di gi tal l i nks am ong desi gn ch a i n m em bers Di gi tal Product and Di gi tal E xch a nges Di rect connecti on to Regul atory Bodi es or Regul atory S e rvi ces Di rect T ransf er of docum ents Docum ent and m anage cu st o m e r requi rem ent s Do cu m ent m anagem ent and versi on control Do c u m e n t s generated automatically Dri ve del i veri es di rect l y t o stock or POU Earl y i nvol vem ent wi t h com ponent suppl i ers E DI t o send and recei ve techni cal i nform ati on E DI t o se n d RFQ s and techni cal i nf orm at i on to researchers Effi ci ent and effecti ve b e nchm arki ng p ro c e ss El ect roni c Inform ati on Exchanges t hroughout t he Desi gn Chai n El ect roni c Sourci ng and Negoti ati on (E-Busi ness) El ectroni cal l y T rack Speci f i cati ons a nd Changes Enabl e qui ck RFQ f e e d back E nhanced co ncurrent engi neeri ng E n su re S P E C-I N part earl y Ensure suppl i ers’com pl i ance of qual i ty standards & certi fi cati on i n l aboratory E n su re t he com pl et eness of product speci fi cati ons t est docum ents &producti on Ent erpri se Level Pol i ci es wi th l ocal Executi on Enterpri se l evel spend anal ysi s Establ i sh col l aborati ve m e ch a ni sm s f or co-devel opm ent wi t h suppl i ers Eval uate Integrate n e t wo rk for dupl i cates Eval uate re se a rch n et work for dupl i cates Faci l i ty & Equi pm ent Envi ronm ent Fi nal desi gn m atches t he ori gi nal desi gn specs Frequent research pl an updat es Ful l i nternal and external vi si bi l i ty t o am end pl ans I m pact of Desi gn on Cost of Qual i ty Incorporates l eadi ng p ra c t i ce s su ch a s CP FR, V M I , e t c . Integrate Suppl i er i n Product Desi gn T e am s Integrated A sse m b l y Pl anni ng I n t egrat ed busi ness and desi gn chai n p l anni ng processes I nt egrated Desi gn & O perat i onal Syst em s Integrated Knowl edge System I nt egrat ed Order M a n agem ent , WM S and T M S I nt egrat ed Product Devel opm ent & Concurrent Engi neeri ng Integrated P ro duct T eam s & Pl anni ng Internet Pool i ng (El ect roni c brokerage of research and or desi gn) Joi nt Servi ce Agreem ent s Al l i ance and Leverage agreem ents Lean and Si x Si gm a Li nked equi pm ent and testi ng i nstructi ons L ong t erm research a g reem ent s/ part nershi ps M ai ntai n product d at a consi st ency M anage Inform ati on a c ro ss 1 0 0 % of desgi n chai n M anage testi ng equi pm ent M anagi ng and traci ng m echani sm f or cost and ti m e of devel opi ng prototype M anagi ng i nnovati ve technol ogy or newl y devel oped com ponent M easurem ent of Perform ance M echani sm f or t raci ng prototypi ng ef f ecti veness M i ni m i ze operator i nduced errors Mi ti gati on of Obsol ecence Co st A n a l ysi s (M O CA ) M odel i ng & Si m ul ati on for De si gn M oni tor suppl i er technol ogy devel opm ent M oni t or suppl i ers’ capabi l i ti es of conducti ng rel i abl e t est i ng procedures M oni t or suppl i ers’ testi ng capabi l i ti es On-l i ne avai l abi l i ty to suppl i er fi nanci al s Onl i ne docum ent m anagem ent and autom ated suppl i er a p p roval processes O n l i n e RFQ p ro cesses l i nked i nto the docum ent m a n a g em ent process Packagi ng operati on i s an i ntegral part of the overal l p ro duct i on process P a perl ess producti on control Parent Chi l d De si gn Pay on Recei pt Perf orm ance expectati ons a nd busi ness rul es are cl earl y com m uni cated Peri odi c revi ew of m e t ri cs & st ra t e gy w/ co m p a ri sons t o i n d u st ry b e n ch m a rks Pl anni ng for transi ti oni ng f rom devel opm ent to producti on Pl ans com m uni cat ed openl y and cross-functi onal l y for executi on Pl ans that vi ol ate b u si n ess rul es are a ddressed cross-f unct i onal l y Pl at f orm T eam s i n New P roduct De ve l opm ent P rocess P L CM Produci bi l i ty Re v i e ws P ro duct engi neeri ng Dat a M anagem ent Sof t ware P roduct Dat a M anagem ent & El ect roni c Docum ent M anagem ent Product Desi gn al i gned wi t h Go T o M arket Pl ans & Operat i onal Perform ance P ro duct I m provem ent T e a m s (P I T s) P ro duct T ransf er M eeti ngs Producti on t ransf er gui del i nes Producti on T ransf er M e chani sm Proj ect t ransparence on the suppl i er si de duri ng the prototypi ng Proj ect T ra nsparency Proj ect t ransparency wi t h suppl i ers Prototypi ng and I nt egrat ed Desi gn S yst em (RAPI DS) Provi de accurate and real -ti m e t e st re port s t o t he cust om er Qual i fi ed Suppl i ers Qual i ty Com pl i ance f or suppl i ers Qual i ty speci fi cati ons t e st d o cu m ent s and producti on gui del i nes Rapi d acqui si ti on of new technol ogy Rapi d Co ncurent engi neeri ng Rapi d expl oi tati on of new technol ogy Rapi d expl oi tati on of new technol ogy re se arch Rapi d Prototype Rapi d Search of parts and i ntel l ectual property Rapi d search of t reference parts and i ntel l ectual property Real t i m e cust om er com m uni cat i ons Real ti m e Dat a on current st a t u s Real ti m e Desi gn Chai n Vi sual i zati on (vi a Internet) Real ti m e desi gn speci fi cati on com m uni cat i ons Real ti m e Opti m i zed Shi pm ent M ethod Sel ecti on Real ti m e Shi pm ent T racki ng, (vi a Internet) Real ti m e t est reporti ng Real ti m e veri fi cati on of techni cal docum entati on wi t h cu st o m er Real -t i m e com m uni cati on of desi gn speci fi cati ons Real -t i m e cust om er veri fi cati on of engi neeri ng drawi ngs & speci f i cati ons Real -ti m e t e st re port s Reduce non-val ue a dded paperwork whi l e sti l l m easuri ng p ro c e ss m e t ri c s Rel i abl e Conti nuous I m p ro ve m e n t P ro cess and M ethodol ogy. Rem oval of Obsol ete Capi tal Assets Re-pl anni ng exi st s i n m ul ti -l evel s of the Desi gn Chai n b e t we e n b usi nesses Re-pl anni ng l i nks desi gn chai n operati on wi t h B u si n e ss/ M arket i ng St rategy Re se a rch A g re em ent s Re search perf orm ance data i s col l ected, anal yzed, reported onl i ne Reuse of desi gn knowl edge Reuse of exi sti ng t echnol ogy wi th desi gn knowl edge Revi ew bat ch re co rd s by excepti on Revi ew Speci fi cati on change frequency and cycl e ti m e trends R FI D Secure earl y and consi st ent techni cal su pport f rom the suppl i er Set up desi gn rul es Set up the gui di ng m echani sm f or product i on transfer Si ngl e data source f or deci si on support and b u si n e ss ru l es Si x Si gm a St ati sti cal P ro ce ss Co nt rol Sound Proj ect M a n agem ent P rocess and M ethodol ogy Standardi zed Desi gn Dat a (B e n c h m a rk). S t ru ct ured P ro duct Devel opm ent P ro c e ss (S P DP ro ) Suppl i er (Carri er) A g re em ent s Suppl i er certi fi cati on p rogram s t o reduce cycl e ti m e for certi fyi ng suppl i ers Suppl i er certi fi cati on program s t o reduce/ el i m i nate recei vi ng i nspecti on Suppl i er del i vers di rectl y to poi nt of use Suppl i er repl aces defecti ve m ateri al at cust om er's f aci l i ty Suppl i er T est Rel i abi l i ty Suppl i er testi ng rel i abi lity S yst e m at i c M et hod for m anagem ent of Requi rem ents a n d request s T echnol ogy support f or product prototypi ng T echnol ogy Sust ai nm ent (M O CA ) T i m e and Cost Capt ure of prototypi ng T ransf er M P technol ogy Up -t o-dat e shop packet / speci fi cati on for each uni que producti on event/dem and Use 3D sol i d m odel i ng technol ogy to devel op prototypes Use ef fecti ve desi gn rul es Use Hi st ori cal B a se d A m end Ra t e Fo re cast s Use S t a g e-G at es to m anage t h e desi gn process. Uti l i ze desi gn knowl edge base Uti l i ze desi gn knowl edge base f or technol ogy reuse Ut i l i ze EDI t o reduce cycl e t i m e and cost s Val i date key co m p onent s speci fi ed by desi gn-i n custom er Veri fy desi gn resul t onl i ne © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 237 of 261 Best Practice Description 3D solid modeling Use 3D solid modeling technology to develop prototypes D3.4 3D solid modeling technology to develop prototypes Use 3D solid modeling technology to develop prototypes D2.3 Ability to track component/ sub-component research/design to country of origin Ability to track component/sub-component research/design to country of origin ED.8 ER.8 Accurate and approved process plans/specifications Accurate and approved process plans/specifications Electronic document management I1.5 I2.6 I3.7 Accurate, batch/ configuration records for warranty, regulatory tracking Accurate and low cost batch/configuration records for warranty and regulatory tracking Electronic batch recording/configuration records I1.5 I1.6 I2.6 I2.7 I3.8 Align component development progress The goal of this activity is to track and manage supplier project status on an aggregated level. The manufacturer should ask suppliers to provide timely development project report, e.g. APQA in the auto industry, to make its project management work easier. Once a scheduling change is warranted, the manufacturer would need to notify affected suppliers instantly and call up a scheduling meeting to solve the issue with all stakeholders to prevent project delay. Use extended enterprise project management tools to track and coordinate product development projects with suppliers. Align product development processes across design chain members Align product development processes across design chain members Remarks Occurrences D1.1 D2.2 D3.2 D1.1 Aligned processes across design chain Align product development processes across design chain members D2.2 Aligned product development processes across design chain Align product development processes across design chain members D3.2 Alignment of strategic/ business plans with long-term capacity/ resource plans Alignment of strategic and business plans with long-term capacity and resource planning. Allow access to suppliers’ innovative technology Allow access to suppliers’ innovative technology Use component supplier management system to collect latest technology development on the supplier side. D3.3 Allow instant project tracking across the design chain The goal of this activity is to provide project transparence to the customer from an ODM’s viewpoint. The manufacturer would use an internal project management tool to consolidate project information from internal sources, factories, and suppliers on a regular basis. The manufacturer would then filter out unnecessary information and provide instant project status through a customer portal, allowing the customer to monitor the progress of a project anytime, anywhere. Example: Integrate enterprise/extended enterprise project management tools to make project status available to all relevant parties. D1.2 D2.3 D3.4 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. None Identified ER.5 EA.5 EI.5 ED.5 Page 238 of 261 Best Practice Description Allow quick access to internal existing technology The goal of this activity is to set up an effective mechanism to collect the results from the research phase and apply them during product design. The manufacturer would first need to define classification rules and design application for technical data, and then conduct internal training and seek external sources for technical research. Eventually, the manufacturer would store the research results in a technology database or knowledge management system, and publish the results regularly to potential internal users. The databases should allow powerful search and tracking of user trials. Maintain internal technology database for R&D engineers to search for design reference. The goal of this activity is to establish a mechanism for managing existing parts information and relevant intellectual properties so as to facilitate the practice of design reuse. The manufacturer would want to implement a webbased PLM system with a centralized environment for managing such parts information as classification and attributes. The manufacturer would also want to take advantage of the document management module of a PLM system to store up existing design drawings and define relevant reuse rules. Example: Implement part library/database to manage validated parts, components, and IP information for the purpose of design reuse. View for analysis for all orders and shipments the following data: Logistics, Product, Cost, GL Charging D1.1 D3.3 Appointment Scheduling for Pickup, Delivery of Customer Shipments Appointment Scheduling for Pickup and Delivery of Customer Shipments EA.6 Assess Performance The process of measuring actual performance against internal and/or external standards, providing feedback to achieve and maintain the performance required meeting the customers’ business and/or competitive needs. Assessing export/import requirements during time of product development/manufacture ER.2 EA.2 EI.2 ED.2 Allow quick access to part information Analysis of all orders and shipments: Logistics, Product, Cost, GL Charging Assessing export/import requirements during product development Assure design quality Remarks Occurrences D1.2 D2.3 D3.4 EA.6 Export/import requirements should be included in design chain. Multi-country Export/Import documentation compliance EI.8 EA.8 ED.8 The goal of this activity is to ensure that customer specs are met and to make the deliverables and criteria of a stage gate process available to concerned design chain members and document the outputs. An ODM should provide checkpoint requirements to suppliers, and in turn, provide checkpoint reports for the customer’s audit process over a customer portal. Example: Validate design output against customer specs at each milestone of a stage gate process and document the validation process and results. Establish the mechanism for accessing equipment and testing instructions to aid the prototyping process D1.5 Automate equipment and testing instructions Establish the mechanism for accessing equipment and testing instructions to aid the prototyping process D3.4 Automated document management and control Develop well-defined mechanisms for document management and version control D3.1 Automated Documentation Automated Documentation E1.6 ED.6 EP.6 ER.6 EA.6 Automate equipment access and testing instructions © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. D1.2 Page 239 of 261 Best Practice Description Remarks Occurrences Automated IP Management Process Automated notification of laboratory regarding sample availability The organizations process for Intellectual Property management throughout the design chain Automated notification of laboratory regarding sample availability Employs IP Management Software ED.9 Interface between production system and LIMS I1.6 I2.7 I3.8 Automated search of reference parts and intellectual properties Establish the mechanism for rapidly searching reference parts and intellectual properties Automatic label and seal verification Automatic label and seal verification Automatic interface to inspection systems I1.5 I2.6 I3.7 Automatic material Review & corrective Action systems an automated system that provides real-time, nonconformance status, electronic data transfer and routing, on-line work queues and metrics, online corrective action tracking, reporting and followup, automated archiving, field level security for electronic buy-offs, and occurrence and recurrence analysis capabilities. This system has answered an MDA-St. Louis need for a nonconformance graphics capability. Other benefits of the system to MDA have been realized in all areas of the nonconformance and corrective action process. A2 Bar coding is used to minimize handling time & maximize data accuracy Bar coding is used to minimize handling time & maximize data accuracy Principal advantages included: •Elimination of the paper trail that was labor intensive, time consuming, and costly •Reduction of cycle time and work-in-process •Enhancement of a consistent material review process •Enhanced control of nonconforming material •Readily-available, real-time reporting at any terminal •Improved customer satisfaction MDA-St. Louis plans to use the system to provide historical data to analyze quality problem areas. Trends will be identified revealing design/manufacturing quality problem areas. Resolution of these problem areas could prevent future quality problems. Bar code interface for data collection devices Serial number used as identifier Build Sequence Work Packages Electric Boat Corporation, Quonset Point Facility’s Build Sequence Work Package is a documented approach for capturing the optimum sequence to manufacture a highly complex assembly using an Electronic Product Model and associated threedimensional views to develop a detailed assembly sequence at the part level, taking into account the maximum amount of subassembly, maximum welding mechanization, maximum utilization of automated layout marking, and minimum material handling. © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. D2.3 Building a highly complex assembly such as a submarine that contains thousands of subassemblies, parts, and operations is a challenging task. The traditional approach employed the use of hard-copy drawings and data as the primary vehicle to provide technical requirements and trade instructions to the mechanics on the deck plates. Drawings were difficult to read and interpret, and often required several drawings to obtain the full scope of work. Accessing drawings, work instructions, technical data, and other relevant information was time consuming and required access to multiple drawings and frequent use of a database containing pertinent information. EBQP discovered that some of its new personnel did not have the background to quickly adapt. Because of EBQP’s Advanced Manufacturing Technology program, the traditional approach was questioned. The company realized it needed to provide trade supervision and mechanics with an improved tool to aid in the understanding of the scope of work represented by the drawings, and customize manufacturing aids that enable a mechanic to spend minimum time understanding the drawing and technical requirements. Mechanics were spending about 15% of their time following the traditional process and not adding value to the product. EBQP recognized the need for a single, comprehensive, user-friendly manufacturing aid that would provide all information to the trades needed to complete a given unit. R1.2 R1.3 R3.4 R3.6 R2.3 R2.4 I2 Page 240 of 261 Best Practice Description Remarks Occurrences Business Intelligence (BI) Business Intelligence (BI) PP.3 CAD/CAM The Mechanical CAD/CAM Analysis process enables design engineers to perform analyses onthe-fly and rapidly test iterative design alternatives. Simpler codes, like MacroFlow, are used to supplement the analysis and, in some cases, replace high-end tools. The design engineer is also encouraged to build parametric analysis models that can be readily updated. Parametric modeling reduces errors introduced during re-creation of the model geometries, as well as increases the productivity of engineers and throughput of the engineering department. Capability Transfer to Organization Capability Transfer to Organization through Documentation, Training, Cross and Functional Teams, Capture and maintain categorized specific data Capture and maintain specific data A data warehouse / data mart is the source of all Design Chain planning (master) data, business rules and transaction data. Analytical tools enable the ongoing maintenance and improvement of the business rules based on actual data. The process came about through the efforts of an Engineering Process Improvement Subcouncil. The Subcouncil, composed of site experts from various Lockheed Martin plants, standardized the engineering processes within the company. The Subcouncil also reviewed the situation of design engineers on the ease of performing FEA on parametric models. The result was the Mechanical CAD/CAM Analysis process, which employs a simple FEA tool that uses the same model geometry as the design package of the design engineers. Collaboration among Supply Chain partners extends outwards to suppliers and customers, spanning the supply chain. This process requires the establishment and communications of course of action over the appropriate time - defined (long-term, annual, monthly, weekly) Planning horizon and interval, representing a projected appropriation of supply-chain resources to me supply-chain requirements Entire product is captured in an electronic product model Collaboration among Design Chain partners Collaboration among Design Chain partners extends outwards spanning the design chain. Collaborative design Coordinate allocation of resources across design chain members for collaborative design D2.2 Collaborative mechanisms for co-development Establish collaborative mechanisms for codevelopment with suppliers D3.2 Collaborative Planning Design information Collaborative Planning - Planning information (shared in between suppliers, manufacturers, service providers and customers. Collaborative Planning Integrate information Collaborative Planning - Planning information (shared in between suppliers, manufacturers, service providers, customers and the design chain. Information shared in integrate includes ECNs, advisories and changes to specifications and the management of same. Collaborative Planning - Planning information (shared information) Collaborative Planning Research information Collaboration among Design Chain partners extends outwards Modern communication technologies (XML, web enabled EDI) as well as newly defined standards (e.g. CPFR, eBXML, Rosettanet) supports the real-time information exchange in between the business community. Modern communication technologies (XML, web enabled EDI) as well as newly defined standards supports the real-time information exchange in between the design community Automated systems also support this functionality. Modern communication technologies (XML, web enabled EDI) as well as newly defined standards. Supports the real-time information exchange in between the business community. Collaborative Planning and Forecasting allows collaborative processes across the design chain, using a set of process and technology models (and exchanges).... D2 R1.4 R2.5 R3.7 ED.6 EI.6 EA.6 EA.6 EP.6 PP.1 PP.4 EP.3 D2.2 D3.2 EI.3 ER.3 Collaborative Planning Forecasting CPF, Collaborative Planning, Forecasting Collaborative review, agreement of business rules Collaborative review and agreement of business rules Use of WEB enabled conferencing or meeting software for review ER Collaborative review, agreement of business rules prior to contract execution Collaborative review and agreement of business rules prior to contract execution Use of WEB enabled conferencing or meeting software for review EA.1 EP.1 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. PP Page 241 of 261 Best Practice Description Remarks Occurrences Collaborative review, agreement of business rules prior to execution Collaborative review and agreement of business rules prior to design execution Use of WEB enabled conferencing or meeting software for review ED.1 EI.1 Collaborative Specification Development Involve suppliers in the specs development process and cultivate co-development relationships with suppliers D3.1 Collaborative supplier - design development Involve suppliers in the specification development process and cultivate co-development relationships with suppliers D2.1 P3.1 Comparative analysis of design performance is used in research decisions Comparative analysis of design performance is used in sourcing decisions Software application with data analysis capability EI.2 ED.2 Comparative analysis of research performance is used in research decisions Comparative analysis of supplier performance is used in sourcing research decisions Software application with data analysis capability EA.2 Complete Product Design Certification The goal of this activity is to allow the customer to monitor design tests throughout the development cycle from an ODM’s perspective. The manufacturer would keep track of the results of design tests and publish relevant information for the customer to audit the design process through a customer portal. Example: Provide up-to-date test reports to the customer throughout the product lifecycle via a customer portal. Ensure the completeness of product specifications, test documents and production guidelines Completeness of product specifications and production guidelines Component Standardization Raytheon developed an electronic component standardization section for the company's producibility manual giving the design engineer a standardized step-by-step approach on component/package selection so the component can be handled in the Automated Manufacturing Cell (AMC) prep station and assembled in the cell. Component Validation Validate key components specified by design-in customer Concurrent Design Utilize concurrent design to allow them to provide a real time, interactive design environment © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. D3.5 D1.4 D1.3 D2.5 D2.4 D3.6 D3.6 The engineer may select from a list of all specific part numbers that can be handled in the AMC. If the designer cannot use a part on the list, he then attempts to use a part that can be purchased in one of the standard component packages listed. Possible package parameters are listed for various package types. If the exact package parameters are not listed, the engineer refers to a table listing the standard die configuration for the component package. If the die cannot handle the package, the component cannot be formed in the AMC. A decision must then be made to purchase new tooling or not build the boards in the AMC. This practice maximizes the use of automation and efficient standardized manufacturing processes. Tooling design and fabrication costs are also greatly reduced or eliminated. Rockwell AES plans to incorporate these standards into the Computer-Aided Design (CAD) system for simplified use. R1.2 D3.1 Features of Concurrent Design: 1.) Focus on Entire Product Life 2.) Use and Support of Product models 3.) Well established standards 4.) Attention to Planning Information 5.) Integrated specifications and requirements 6.) Awareness of Decision Making Process 7.) Attention to Designing Quality in Every Phase of the Design 8.) Emphasis on Communications 9.) Concurrent Development of Product and Manufacturing Process EI.7 ED.7 Page 242 of 261 Best Practice Description Remarks Occurrences Concurrent Design & Test McDonnell Douglas Aerospace (MDA)-West has converged test development with concurrent engineering efforts. Test and verification personnel are an integral part of product development teams, and all tests conducted at MDA-West are a result of the work of concurrent engineering teams. Personnel from other functional areas are involved in the planning and design of tests. There are several examples and areas in this effort: ED.7 Concurrent engineering with suppliers for engineering and product test data Utilize concurrent design with researchers to allow them to provide design and product integration data Concurrent Product & Process Engineering The Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant has the design, development, manufacturing and certification/testing technologies and capabilities that are imperative for complex/difficult-to-make machined parts and assemblies. The principal enabling technologies that allow for these processes to proceed in a timely, accurate, and cost effective way center on the use of concurrent engineering infrastructure elements that include a large (many nodes) computing network, comprehensive information system, and the implementation of shared computing tools. Because of the need for tight informational control from design through production, the Product Data Management (PDM) System has the ability to securely and verifiably handle many information/user nodes while still allowing for vital information sharing necessary for real-time concurrent engineering design. The concurrent engineering process makes use of a computing environment that includes a CAD System; capability for on-line comment/approve capabilities; generations of data for NC machines; process engineering data; and fabrication and inspection DNC. Consignment agreements are used to reduce assets and cycle time while increasing the availability of critical items The project involved team members from design, test and verification, material and process, and others. Unlike past development projects, actual construction and test planning of the shroud was started prior to completion of its development. This resulted in the shroud being quickly completed. Using the concurrent engineering approach eliminated costly redesign efforts and improved the resulting product's quality. Ten Features of Concurrent engineering: 1.) Focus on Entire Product Life 2.) Use and Support of Design Teams 3.) Realization that the Processes are as important as the Product 4.) Attention to Planning for Information Centered Tasks 5.) Careful Production Requirements Development 6.) Encouragement of Multiple concept generation and evaluation 7.) Awareness of Decision Making Process 8.) Attention to Designing Quality in Every Phase of the Design Process 9.) Concurrent Development of Product and Manufacturing Process 10.) Emphasis on Communications The advantages of concurrent processes include identifying manufacturing/assembly problems earlier in the design cycle; refining and addressing design/manufacturing dependencies early; providing product and process modeling; and simultaneously providing simulation information to all segments of the design/manufacturing team to validate and verify processes and provide an early start on product documentation and training aids when necessary. Oak Ridge estimates its CAD drafting and modeling have provided a 300% gain over twodimensional manual drafting, and threedimensional modeling, while costly, has paid for itself by allowing for corrections and changes that streamline many downstream manufacturing and testing processes. Consignment inventory management R2.2 R11 R3.3 Consignment agreements to reduce assets and cycle time Construct 3D solid models during the prototyping phase Continuous Improvement is measured through the performance review The goal of this activity is to use 3D solid modeling technology to develop prototypes and perform digital mockup. The manufacturer would better adopt a CAD model exchange standard across the design chain, and ask suppliers to use the same 3D software. The manufacturer would then be able to take the 3D models provided by suppliers and perform digital mockup on its own 3D tools. Example: Use 3D solid modeling CAD systems for prototyping and integrating CAD files from external parties. Continuous Improvement and development is driven and measured through the performance review process © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. R3.,2 D2 D1.2 D2.3 DE.4 Quality is a never ending quest and Continuous Process Improvement (CPI) is a never ending effort to discover and eliminate the main causes of problems. EA.2 ED.2 EI.2 Page 243 of 261 Best Practice Description Coordinate development resources across the design chain Cost reduction and/or cost avoidance are identified, implemented and measured The goal of this activity is to involve codevelopment suppliers in the product planning phase for resources allocation of a specific development project. The manufacturer would first perform project scheduling, design requirements analysis, production planning, and manage all relevant information with a PDM system. The manufacturer would need to ink a co-development contract with the supplier for that specific project. The manufacturer could then start sending out resources and scheduling requests to individual supplier, aggregate the responses, and perform project management tasks on the PDM system. Involve co-development suppliers in early stage of development and plan resource allocation together. Cost reduction and or cost avoidance are opportunities are identified, implemented and measured on a periodic basis Cross Functional Teams to execute and develop LongTerm Capacity and Resources Use of Cross Functional Teams to execute the process of developing Long-Term Capacity and Resource Plans. Data accessibility across the enterprise Data accessibility across the enterprise for visibility by discrete business units Enhanced performance (doing more with less) is the key to life-cycle cost reduction. Improvements in the productivity must have the highest priority if management is to achieve its goals. Cost avoidance is defined as situations where project savings are accrued through a change in outcome (i.e., end state) that is reviewed and approved by all stakeholders and regulators. Cross functional teams bring different personal characteristics, expertise, training, and experience to bear, leading to more potential solutions being raised and more iteration being performed and results in better performance of tasks, higher productivity, and increased quality of the resulting work products. Web based access to various levels of enterprise data Data accessibility across the enterprise for visibility by discrete business unit Data accessibility across the enterprise for visibility by discrete business units Web based access to various levels of enterprise data Define production guidelines The goal of this activity is to ensure that production environment, equipment, and SOP will by ready by the pilot run phase. The manufacturer would define SOP for mass production, final assembly, and testing according to the results of the pilot run phase, and would build a list of production transfer documents and equipment specs. The manufacturer may want to manage all documents mentioned above with a document management module of a PLM system. Example: Produce SOP for mass production according to the production environment and equipment of successful pilot runs. The system consists of two elements -- a monthly configuration update matrix and a document that contains a top-level description of the aircraft. The monthly configuration update matrix reflects the change board decisions that affect the aircraft configuration. The configuration matrices allow MDA-St. Louis to quickly identify all aspects of the design configuration that could potentially be affected by any change. This enables MDA-St. Louis change boards to document design notes, loft definition, and trade studies to provide a common definition of the current product configuration across the product design community. It also provides a single configuration baseline for the monthly Technical Performance Measurement (TPM) process which assesses design maturity/requirement conformance. Design Configuration Control & Change Boards Best Practice Description © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Remarks Occurrences D1.1 D2.2 D3.2 D1.1 E1.2 D3.2 D2.2 EP.5 EI.5 ED.5 ER.5 EA.5 I3.6 I1.1 I1.3 I1.4 I1.2 I2.4 I2.5 EI.3 EP.3 ED.3 D1.5 D2.6 D3.7 The Configuration Description document is periodically reissued to reflect the cumulative impact of the change board decisions on the actual design. The monthly update matrices defined the changes that impact the configuration definition. This documentation contains text and graphics portraying the air vehicle, airframe, subsystems, avionics, armament, new technology, and flight test installations. It is updated to support key program milestones, ranging from Critical Design Review to Low Rate Initial Production (Figure 2-1). This process can track multiple design baselines from actual through planned configurations. D1 D2 D3 Remarks Occurrences Page 244 of 261 Design for Six Sigma Lean and Six Sigma is a structured process improvement methodology that significantly increases the involvement and effectiveness of employees in improving the systems they use to perform their work. The fundamental goal is to provide value through the eyes of the customer. Six sigma deployment and lean integration has been an evolutionary process at Lockheed Martin Naval Electronics & Surveillance Systems-Surface Systems (NE&SS-SS). The company used a manufacturing process focus up through 1998, a design focus in 1999, and a business processes focus in 2000. The Quality, Ethics and Mission Success Organization developed the strategy, implemented the plan, and coordinated the driving change across the business. Today, Lean and Six Sigma is a structured process improvement methodology that significantly increases the involvement and effectiveness of employees in improving the systems they use to perform their work. The key focus areas are: Transactional Lean and Six Sigma which exposes sources of errors rework, and non-value added steps. Manufacturing Lean and Six Sigma that prioritizes and eliminates the most costly defects. Design for Six Sigma that validates the availability of capability to meet customers’ needs. Complexity is growing overall, as companies begin to adopt co-design and cooperative design practices. D2 Design is integrated with Operations Planning Process Design is integrated with the operations planning process Design performance data is collected, analyzed, reported online Design performance data is collected, analyzed and reported online and real-time through extranet applications Web based relational database / management application ED.2 EI.2 Design Pilot One of seven elements of the Product Design Process (PDP) developed by Polaroid. PDP has seven steps: idea exploration; concept; feasibility; product development; design pilot; manufacturing pilot; and commercialization. In this process the company held process personnel responsible for their contribution. For example, Polaroid allowed program managers to control their own program budgets, but held them accountable for the program’s performance. I1.4 I2.5 I3.6 Design rule effectiveness Use effective design rules Design rules Use effective design rules Design to Cost Reduction Planning ITT A/CD revised its practices, and established Design-to-Cost (DTC) Reduction Planning to meet changing customer contract objectives and to compete more aggressively. The company consolidated the disjointed sections of its previous practices into a structured system. ITT Aerospace/ Communications Division also established objectives to meet contract-mandated, unit-cost reduction quotas, and used measurements to evaluate the Integrated Product Development (IPD) output of the process. The DTC system integrates all elements of the design and manufacturing processes. First, management establishes competitive cost targets. Next, the BOMs and all manufacturing information are loaded into the material requirements planning system. Labor estimates are then calculated, and advanced manufacturing and test engineering personnel work with suppliers to cost any custom requirements. A first draft of the design-to-unit production cost is established, and then the design and manufacturing processes are reviewed again for completeness and data validation. The unit cost is baselined, and management compares this cost to the cost target. In addition, management identifies any additional cost considerations. The unit cost is then updated with quotes and all factory, assembly, and test operations information for a second draft. The final unit cost is negotiated with the customer. © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. EP.7 D3.5 D2.4 In the past, ITT Aerospace/Communications Division (A/CD) determined unit costs after production rather than as part of the design phase. Design engineers focused on performance and paid minimal attention to recurring unit production costs. As a result, the necessary cost reduction efforts became a post design release process driven by senior management who instituted reductions to remain competitive. Cost reductions also involved suppliers and operations, and often resulted in hardware elements being redesigned to accommodate a lower cost approach. DTC Reduction Planning enabled ITT A/CD to compete more aggressively, resulting in contract awards for entire production lots. The system provides objective measurements of IPD outputs; fosters organizational culture change; and promotes innovative thinking. The process is now embedded in all programs which require production hardware, including low volume projects. ITT A/CD exceeded its cost targets which resulted in a unit price reduction of 75% between 1989 and 1998. PP.1 Page 245 of 261 Best Practice Description Remarks Occurrences Design/upgrade production equipment to maximize flexibility Design/upgrade production equipment to maximize flexibility and avoid line stoppages Machine productivity and downtime monitoring 11.5 I2.6 I3.7 Digital Linkage (EDI, XML, etc.) to provide real-time research information Digital Linkage (EDI, XML, etc.) is used to provide real-time research information and handle routine transactions Using standardized file formats like XML and JAVA programs to insure interoperability make visibility amongst researchers. PR.4 Digital linkage for design chain, planning, configuration, and requirements Digital linkage for design chain, planning, configuration, and requirements DD.1 Digital linkages (XML, EDI, etc.) provide visibility Digital linkages (XML, EDI, etc.) provide accurate visibility into product plans, documentation, production plans, and inventory positions Product Life Cycle Management Software and Digital exchanges supporting Standard for the Exchange of Product (STeP) Model Data facilitate the digitization of open standards and exchange of information about product and process Tightly integrated design chain enabled by paperless transactions Digital links among design chain members Digital links (XML Based, EDI. and DEX.) among design chain members. Real-time exchange of design chain information between design chain members PP.1 PP.2 PP.4 Digital Product and Digital Exchanges Internet Exchanges of digital content for design (see ISO 10303 series STandard Exchange of Product subassemblies up to the actual product. Also includes digital exchanges to convey business to business implementation conventions Direct connection with regulatory bodies or subscription services ISO 10303 series of application protocols (APs) )and Digital Exchanges (DEX ED.7 EI.7 Direct Transfer of documents Direct Transfer of documents Electronic documentation submission via EDI and/or Internet Document and manage customer requirements The goal of this activity is to involve the customer and sustain customer commitment throughout the process of setting the market requirements specification. The manufacturer would probably implement a demand management system to manage RFP/RFQ information and set up threeway discussion meetings with the customer and co-development suppliers. The manufacturer should gain technology support from the supplier while conducting feasibility test and assessing internal R&D capabilities against customer requirements. Feature: Convert customer requirements into product spec and assess internal R&D capabilities accordingly. Develop well-defined mechanisms for document management and version control Direct connection to Regulatory Bodies or Regulatory Services Document management and version control P1.1 EA.8 ED.8 EI.8 ER.8 EA.9 ED.8 ER.8 ED.9 EI.9 D2.1 D3.1 D2.1 Documents generated automatically Documents generated automatically Electronic documentation submission via EDI and/or Internet EA.8 ED.8 EI.9 ED.9 ER.8 Drive deliveries directly to stock or POU Drive deliveries directly to stock or point-of-use in manufacturing to reduce costs and cycle time Pay on receipt Specify delivery location and time (to the minute) Specify delivery sequence R1.4 R2.5 R3.7 Early involvement with component suppliers Monitor technology development from component suppliers and early involve them in the product development process Electronic data interchange is used to send technical information to and from potential research suppliers Digital linkage to research in quoting, planning, configuration and service applications. R3.1 I2.1 I3.1 EDI to send RFQs and technical information to researchers Electronic data interchange to send RFQs, RFI, sources sought and technical information to researchers This feature allows design chain to broadcast their need for research throughout the website’s research base. ER.7 R3.2 Efficient and effective benchmarking process Efficient and effective benchmarking process leveraging cross industry metrics and definitions. Use of varied bench marks from different sectors EP.2 Electronic Information Exchanges throughout the Design Chain Standards based digital exchanges of information for the design chain Electronic Sourcing and Negotiation (E-Business) Electronic Sourcing and Negotiation (E-Business) Electronically Track Specifications and Changes Automated tools EDI to send and receive technical information © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. D3,1 ER.6 EP.6 EI.6 EP.6 EA.6 Business Rules for electronic sourcing process and hierarchy for the Design Chain EP.1 EA.1 ER A3.1 A3.2 A3.3 A3.4 A3.5 Page 246 of 261 Best Practice Description Enable quick RFQ feedback The goal of this activity is to ensure fast response to a RFQ from an ODM’s perspective. The manufacturer would need to first educate its R&D engineers to perform cost analysis based on customer requirements and use a cost management system to keep track of existing cost structure. Example: Implant cost management system. Enhance capabilities of concurrent engineering and reduce the response time for engineering changes The goal of this activity is to select and confirm key components before product RFP and RFQ are set in an OEM-ODM relationship. The ODM selects key components, assesses their next-generation specs, and validates their integration before starting to collaborate with the OEM on setting the final product RFP/RFQ. Feature: Practice collaborative product planning with the customer Conduct component research before start of product planning Ensure suppliers’ compliance of quality standards and certification in laboratory environments D1.2 D2.3 D3.4 Ensure the completeness of product specifications test documents &production Enterprise Level Policies with local Execution Ensure the completeness of product specifications test documents &production D1.4 Enterprise Level Policies with local Execution Web based access to enterprise level business rules EA.1 ED.1 EP.1 E1.1 ER.1 Enterprise level spend analysis Enterprise level spend analysis applied to the Design Chain Web based access to current spend data available from enterprise to part level EA.1 ER R.1 EDIER.I ER. Enhanced concurrent engineering Ensure SPEC-IN part early Ensure suppliers’ compliance of quality standards & certification in laboratory Remarks Occurrences D2.1 D2.1 D3.1 D1.3 Establish collaborative mechanisms for codevelopment with suppliers D1.1 Evaluate Integrate network for duplicates Evaluate research network for duplicates Facility & Equipment Environment Evaluate integrate network for duplicates Merge Programs for duplicates E1.7 Evaluate research network for duplication Merge Programs for duplicates ER.7 ED.7 Facility & Equipment Environment System software to list checklist items, report results of audit & forward actions to be taken EA.5 ED.5 E1.5 EP.5 Final design matches the original design specs Ensure that the final design matches the original design specs D1.5 Frequent research plan updates The research plan is updated frequently to reflect actual or research forecast information PR1 Full internal and external visibility to amend plans Full internal (and external if they share in the amend process responsibilities) visibility to amend plans Intranet and Extranet communications tools PA.4 Impact of Design on Cost of Quality The Cost of Quality System provides Mason & Hanger (M&H) management with the information needed to help minimize total quality cost, and consequently, helps direct management decisions. M&H engineering, supervisory, and management personnel have on-line access to the Cost of Quality System, and it is used as a primary report card to gauge the results and effectiveness of specific initiatives. The system is based on the American Society of Quality Control book Principles of Quality Costs, as well as an internal M&H quality control standard procedure. Quality costs are tracked in four categories - Prevention, Appraisal, Internal Failure, and External Failure. Examples of some of the prevention costs include training, design, audits, quality planning and supplier activities; appraisal cost activities include inspection, source inspection, and testing; internal failure cost activities include supplier corrective actions, material review board, scrap, and rework costs; and external failure cost activities include returned goods and customer complaints. As a part of (Mason & Hangar's) M&H's Quality Management System (QMS), the Cost of Quality System prepares graphical reports illustrating plant-wide quality costs, plantwide defect trends, item quality costs (total or per unit), and comparisons of different production lines. The format of the graphs can be selected to depict total quality cost trends for prevention, appraisal, and failure costs; quality costs normalized by production direct labor hours, total cost, or per unit cost; pie charts of prevention, appraisal, and failure costs; or a similar series of charts for defects categorized and displayed as minor, major, and critical. Plant-wide costs related to quality can also be compared, sorted, or ranked by any of the data input fields. Trend data is calculated monthly and depicted on individual graphs, allowing adverse trends to be easily identified and corrective action to be initiated as appropriate. EP.7 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 247 of 261 Best Practice Description Remarks Occurrences Incorporates leading practices such as CPFR,VMI, etc. Incorporates leading practices such as Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment, Vendor Managed Inventory, and real time point of consumption reporting in the Design Chain. CONAX Florida Corporation has a highly effective supplier improvement, education, and awareness program. The company established a Supplier Service Group in 1988 to initiate two-way communication, develop a supplier/CONAX Florida Corporation team concept, and improve supplier performance. This group, which assists CONAX Florida Corporation suppliers in consistently meeting quality requirements, revised its format for supplier surveys and audits to provide positive feedback and the capability to lend assistance when necessary. The group categorized suppliers by location and product/process type and developed a supplier rating system which issues monthly ratings to all suppliers based on defects, process controls, and delivery. The supplier service program has significantly improved communication on problems and corrective action and has enhanced product/process design integrity during planning stages by involving suppliers. CPFR, VMI, EP.7 Efforts to continually help suppliers improve include a rigorous qualification process for new suppliers. CONAX Florida Corporation also conducts extensive training programs for suppliers and directs Supplier Awareness Seminars for machine shops and special process suppliers. Training sessions include Statistical Process Control (SPC), CONAX Florida Corporation requirements, and military specifications. The company has developed a special course on SPC for short production runs which is offered to suppliers. CONAX Florida Corporation also performs a Pareto analysis of all supplier nonconformances. In addition, recognition and awards for "A"-rated performance are provided. These efforts have produced exceptional cost savings by reducing or eliminating scrap, rework, and defects as well as by developing "A" rated suppliers and potential ship-to-stock suppliers. CONAX Florida Corporation supplier improvement initiatives have raised the number of "A" rated suppliers from 73% in 1987 to over a current 96%. Over 10% have been certified ship-to-stock. Automatic assembly planning has many advantages over traditional methods of analyzing assembly processes. The process can be verified and code generated for robotic programming before the product leaves the design stage. This can be used with solids modeling in design for assembly analysis tools, as well as for disassembly analysis to aid in the recycling of future products. This work is part of the Archimedes Project in the Intelligent Systems and Robotic Center and provides the APRIMED project with assembly manufacturing feedback and automated robot workcell programming. The project takes solid computer models of parts and determines if the parts can be fit together. It also checks if parts can be easily inserted or removed from the final assembly for maintenance, repair, or assembly. In addition, this project checks to ensure there is room for the necessary tools and working tool space. The project maintains a goal to build and demonstrate an assembly planning system that could assemble products in robotic work cells and provide designers with useful feedback on the assembly process. Design Chain performance dashboard capability. D2 With Cincinnati Milacron’s new method, a design engineer uses the Pro-Sheet Metal 3D model to create the flat pattern layouts of new part designs. Flat pattern layouts can now be generated in about ten minutes. In addition, the new method eliminates the chance of interpretation errors. Engineering change notices for updates can be handled within minutes, since the flat pattern layout is parametrically driven by the Pro-Sheet Metal 3-D model. EP.3 Integrate Supplier in Product Design Teams Integrated Assembly Planning Because modern products have more parts, are designed faster by different designers, and are packed into a smaller volume, Sandia performs automatic assembly planning to aid in manufacturing. The design is checked using this application to ensure that products can be easily assembled, serviced, and disassembled. This confirms design assembly ease, checks designers' assembly plans to avoid costly mistakes, reduces time to market by automating parts of the production planning process, and gives feedback to designers regarding the assembly and disassembly process. (Sandia) Integrated business and design chain planning processes Integrated Design & Operational Systems Integrated business and design chain planning processes where cross-functional input is leveraged to set business rules. The process of implementing a concurrent systems strategy. Part of that strategy will be the capability to design and produce a sheet metal part without paper and with minimal human analysis. Major manufacturing objectives include 100% conformance to specifications; improved facility and equipment usage; reduced manufacturing costs; and on-time delivery. The concurrent systems strategy consists of the Engineering Database; Pro-Engineer CAD; Product Data Manager; Pro-Review Engineering Markup; ERP: Shop Floor Control (with requirements planning and finite capacity scheduling); Pro-Sheet Metal Optimation; Distributed Numerical Control; Computer Aided Process Planning; and ProManufacture. © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. PD.4 ED.1 EA.1 EI.1 EP.1 Page 248 of 261 Best Practice Description Remarks Occurrences Integrated Knowledge System Integrated Knowledge System Integrated Knowledge System via an e-portal which provides internal and external users with access to knowledge E1.6 ED.6 Integrated Order Management, WMS and TMS Integrated Knowledge System Integrated Knowledge System via an e-portal which provides internal and external users with access to knowledge EA.6 Integrated Product Development & Concurrent Engineering Concurrent Integrated Engineering and Manufacturing (CIEM) represent Missile Systems Division's (MSD’s) effort to develop a concurrent engineering design methodology. The MSD project recognizes that prerequisites to effective integration are the simplification of design data management and the elimination of interdisciplinary barriers to concurrent design activity. Initial effort is therefore focusing on business process simplification and the development of truly integrated design teams. The objective is to achieve the same level of cooperation and concurrency seen today in smaller scale teams resolving technical problems. The CIEM system base is projected to be a three dimension solid model design software package. The solid design will be used by engineering analysis, manufacturing, and test organizations for their supporting design and planning efforts. A data management system capable of storing and interrelating all design relevant data will be developed. This capability will reduce redundancy and streamline such time consuming processes as design release and change control. A developed, detailed build strategy (a design and build process agreed to by engineering, material management, production, and testing plan disciplines). This strategy reflects the collective agreement of all company disciplines. The CIEM effort is a major MSD initiative guided by a high-level steering committee of department directors with division level managerial support. MSD CIEM involves five interrelated activities: •Team building •Technical applications •Business applications •Network and data management •Expert systems D.2 The build strategy include facilities and equipment; assembly principles; pipe, paint, and tank strategies; planning and scheduling; work stations; engineering; quality assurance; and manpower. Having implemented this build strategy, Bender has increased its shipbuilding capabilities from three ships to six ships a year, with a goal of eight ships a year. Bender has also increased company profits and improved employee morale and customer satisfaction. Developing a detailed builds strategy as a design and build process agreed to by engineering, material management, production, and testing plan disciplines. This strategy reflects the collective agreement of all company disciplines (Bender Shipbuilding and Repair Company) PP.4 Integrated Product Teams & Planning Internet Pooling (Electronic brokerage of research and or design) Joint Service Agreements Alliance and Leverage agreements Internet Pooling (Electronic brokerage of research and or design) Collaborative Planning Systems © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. EA.6 ED.6 ED.6 ER.6 Collaboration among Design Chain partners extends outwards. CPF - Collaboration among Design Chain partners R1 Page 249 of 261 Best Practice Description Remarks Occurrences Lean and Six Sigma Lean and Six Sigma is a structured process improvement methodology that significantly increases the involvement and effectiveness of employees in improving the systems they use to perform their work. The fundamental goal is to provide value through the eyes of the customer. Lockheed Martin identified several key roles in pulling the Lean and Six Sigma methodology together, and it starts from the top. A Senior Leadership Team (SLT) of top executives provides visible support through programs and resources to drive overall change throughout the organization. Functional organizations select Management Points of Contact to be the focal point of Lean and Six Sigma (e.g., project measurements, performance, results) in their areas. These individuals manage and focus resources, concurrent with identifying key project opportunities. The company also uses Master Black Belts (MBBs), full-time employees who have significant experience in Six Sigma and Lean methodology in addition to change management leadership. MBBs implement program strategy; lead projects; facilitate improvement events; and provide training and mentoring for over 500 Black and Green Belt employees trained in the Lean and Six Sigma philosophy. The key focus areas are: - Transactional Lean and Six Sigma which exposes sources of errors rework, and non-value added steps. Manufacturing Lean and Six Sigma that prioritizes and eliminates the most costly defects. - Design for Six Sigma that validates the availability of capability to meet customers’ needs. EA.2 ED.2 EI.2 EP.2 ER.2 Linked equipment and testing instructions Establish the mechanism for accessing equipment and testing instructions to aid the prototyping process Long term research agreements/partnerships Long term research agreements/partnerships Maintain product data consistency The goal of this activity is to ensure consistent product data across the design chain. The manufacturer would manage product data generated over the product life cycle with an enterprise PDM system. Once an EC request is generated, the manufacturer would freeze the current product revision and broadcast an ECR/ECN to design chain members through a standard data exchange mechanism between different enterprise PDM systems. When the EC request is completed, the manufacturer would update the product data and publish it to relevant design chain members to complete the EC process and ensure product data consistency across external parties. Feature: se PDM system to enforce consistent product data, coding, and workflow. Information across 100% of design chain is electronic (paperless) Manage Information across 100% of design chain Manage testing equipment Managing and tracing mechanism for cost and time of developing prototype Managing innovative technology or newly developed component D2.3 Electronic rules for business relationships and transactions ER.1 D2.1 D3.1 ISO standards based information on the product. e.g. ISO 10303 application protocols EA.6 EA.6 EI.6 ER.6 ER.6 The goal of this activity is to remain tight control of production equipment and testing facility. The manufacturer would first need to know the testing capabilities of its suppliers, and then build a list of internal and external facility sources, outline standard operation procedure (SOP) for using them, and manage all relevant information via a equipment management system. Example: Maintain access to latest equipment and testing instructions to aid the prototyping process. Establish the managing and tracing mechanism for the cost and time of developing prototype D1.2 D2.3 D3.4 Establish the mechanism for managing innovative technology or newly developed component D3.3 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. D1,2 Page 250 of 261 Best Practice Description Measurement of Performance Measurement of Performance for On-time Design Chain Delivery and Completeness EA.6 ED.6 EI.6 EP.6 ER.6 Mechanism for tracing prototyping effectiveness Establish the managing and tracing mechanism for the cost and time of developing prototype D2.3 Minimize operator induced errors Minimize operator induced errors Automatic download of production equipment with setup parameters Graphical display of setup/changeover/layout I1.5 I2.6 I3.7 Mitigation of Obsolescence Cost Analysis (MOCA) The methodology, known as Mitigation of Obsolescence Cost Analysis (MOCA), has shown to be an industry leading proactive approach to managing the obsolescence impact. In contrast, most existing methodologies used to mitigate DMSMS rely on databases that are effective only in determining the current availability of parts, and possibly the identification of alternative parts. PA R1 Modeling & Simulation for Design As shipyards investigate and develop solutions for production improvement, the proposed modifications must be analyzed for operational performance as well as their affect on adjoining processes. However, the development of a simulation to support these analyses can be time consuming and costly due to the effort of collecting the data required and actually creating the modeling/simulation. In general, shipyard processes are poorly documented and, in some cases, the information only exists as personnel experience. Thus, collecting this data, organizing it and entering the information into a simulation package can be a very arduous task. The CALCE EPSC’s MOCA is a unique methodology that uses a detailed cost analysis model based on future production projections, maintenance requirements, and parts obsolescence forecasts. It provides the basis for determining the optimum Design Refresh Plan for specific components. Design Refresh is a system design strategy that sets a target point along the procurement timeline for revising the design to eliminate obsolete parts. MOCA determines the number of refresh activities (redesign) that will optimize the system sustainment costs, and identifies the dates for these activities. It uses inputs from the bills of material, part obsolescence forecasters, future production projections (including spares), and obsolescence mitigation choices. This methodology results in a robust analysis, since it is a stochastic tool that is supported by data represented by probability distributions. This is key to assuring that the results are within reasonable ranges, even though the problem being addressed is highly subjective. The UNO effort will develop a modeling infrastructure that will store pertinent manufacturing process and planning knowledge, associate specific product data with the process information and make both readily available to analysis tools. Phase I of a three-phase program formulated a modeling plan for the manufacturing process modeling system, the business use cases for the system, the system requirements/specifications, and subsequent selection of a potential commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) solution. Figure 3-1 identifies the principal elements of this system concept. Currently in Phase II, shipbuilders are performing a proof of concept test of the system to determine the modeling capabilities and limitations for shipyard production planning activities. Phase III of the effort will focus on implementation issues and the development of solutions to limitations identified in Phase II. Applicability to Navy and U.S. Coast Guard shipbuilding programs were identified, with potential early impact on the Navy DD(X) program. This task requires considerable additional effort, but should provide some results that will be quite interesting to the shipbuilding industry. Monitor supplier technology development The goal of this activity is to monitor and audit suppliers’ design capability on a regular basis. The manufacturer would test and validate new component technology promoted by the supplier and would store validated part information in such IT tools as part library and supplier technology database. The manufacturer would also monitor suppliers’ design capability with a formal audit process and document their performance KPIs in a supplier management IT tool. Feature: Use component supplier management system to allow suppliers actively publish and update their technology development. © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Remarks Occurrences D2 D2.1 D3.1 Page 251 of 261 Best Practice Description Monitor suppliers’ capabilities of conducting reliable testing procedures Monitor suppliers’ capabilities of conducting reliable testing procedures D1.3 Monitor suppliers’ testing capabilities The goal of this activity is to monitor the testing technology and capabilities on the supplier side. The manufacturer should conduct supplier site visits to get a feel of the quality of component testing and keep record of the results in a supplier management system. The supplier should also provide internal and external test certification regularly for the manufacturer to remain informed. Example: Keep track of critical testing skills and equipment on the supplier side. On-line availability to supplier financials D1.3 D2.4 D3.5 On-line availability to supplier financials Online document management and automated supplier approval processes On line document management and automated supplier approval processes can reduce the cycle time and costs associated with managing supplier evaluations Online RFQ processes linked into the document management process On line RFQ processes linked into the document management process reduces cycle time and product management costs Packaging operation is an integral part of the overall production process Packaging operation is an integral part of the overall production process Paperless production control Paperless production control Parent Child Design The Sandia National Laboratories' (SNLs’) Agile Product Realization of Innovative ElectroMechanical Devices (A-PRIMED) Project has initiated a new design "parent-child" program where the "parent" refers to a class of products and "child" to an instance within the class. SNL maintains that if multiple variants of a new product are inevitable, then it is necessary to plan for the variability. By initiating this new framework, Sandia is able to plan production processes and facilities that address all child products and automate design and manufacturing tasks related to design variations. Also, parameter space qualification contributes to an agile product realization process. Pay on Receipt Electronic Invoice Processing © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Remarks Occurrences The process of identifying, evaluating and considering, as a whole with constituent parts, all things that add value in the creation of products or performance of services. Create a secured and private workspace on the Net where you can run your business, promote collaboration with others, and unite everyone on your team -- no matter where they are located. Departments and teams can quickly and easily create online workspaces for project, customer or partner collaboration without IT involvement or administration. RFQ is sent electronically processed by the vendor or service provider and returned electronically where key data is transferred from fields on the form throughout the extended design-chain to all participants’ systems. This is made easier by the use of standardized terminology EDI and XML templates. Increasing government scrutiny required the client to focus efforts on ensuring compliant manufacturing processes with Product Labeling, UPC Codes, Inspection Stickers and Expectance Labels having greater importance. Determining these requirements need to be part of the production process. Electronic dispatch of operations R3.2 The parent-child paradigm is a proactive design which attempts to predict and plan for all product variations up front. Although similar to variant design, it differs in that variant design normally addresses variations and repercussions after an initial design has been created. Parametric design provides capabilities for controlling geometric relationships between features in a product. A parent-child design uses parametric design and other technologies for product/process development and qualification. Sandia has applied the new paradigm to the development of a complex product such as a maze wheel (a strong link device for nuclear weapons). Some examples of the design constraints that were considered for such a product include the number of codes supported, stresses to which the component may be subjected, component size, weight, and speed of operation. One major benefit of this approach is to ensure that all future instances of this class of product can be produced using the same manufacturing facilities and processes. Digital linkage to suppliers quoting, planning, configuration, customer service applications, invoicing and payment. ED.4 R3.2 R3.2 I1.5 I2.6 I3.7 I I1.5 I2.6 I3.7 R1.5 R2.6 R3.8 Page 252 of 261 Best Practice Description Remarks Occurrences Performance expectations and business rules are clearly communicated Performance expectations and business rules are clearly communicated prior to the initiation of research Web based access / availability to business rules and performance criteria EA.2 ED.2 EI.2 ER.2 Periodic review of metrics & strategy w/ comparisons to industry benchmarks Periodic review of metrics & strategy w/ comparisons to industry benchmarks Real time view of data EP.4 Planning for transitioning from development to production This is accomplished by the Division General Manager requiring reviewing and approving a Transition to Production Plan on all engineering development programs, all second source programs and all major ECPs to ongoing production programs. Such a plan consists of a series of miniplans, one for each for, currently, 77 requirements. The miniplans are supported by checklists that are constantly updated to capture lessons learned and they are completed and signed by the transition team, consisting of the lead project engineer for the program office, for engineering, for manufacturing, for product assurance, for procurement and for logistics. These miniplans are compiled into a single document, supported again by a checklist, which is signed by the senior managers of the listed disciplines that report to the Division General Manager. The process is designed to achieve teamwork among all members, but particularly among program office, engineering and production, since the plan cannot be presented unless consensus of the details is reached. This plan is reviewed by the Division General Manager at the beginning of a development program for approval and at the end to validate compliance. In the event of multi-year development programs, other Division level reviews occur and these are linked to the design reviews. This planning is used to augment the discipline of the engineering process, to ensure that the support engineering functions are an integral part of the design effort, to ensure that production engineering participates in the design process and finally to ensure that the design team continues to support the project during initial production.(Raytheon) PI.4 Plans communicated openly and cross-functionally for execution Plans which do not violate business rules are communicated openly and cross-functionally for execution Plans that violate business rules are addressed crossfunctionally Plans that violate business rules (e.g. Service Agreements) are addressed cross-functionally Platform Teams in New Product Development Process Use of Platform Teams in the New Product Design and Development Process PLCM Product Life Cycle Management Producibility Reviews Two-way channel of communication between design and manufacturing facilitates the staged acquisition of cutting-edge manufacturing technologies for early design enrichment. © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. PI.4 Select a coordinator, who does the initial thinking to set the framework for the first stage of action planning. The coordinator serves as a cross-functional program manager and should report directly to the executive sponsor. Platform teams are cross-functional and include members from design engineering, manufacturing engineering, purchasing, P1.4 Product Life Cycle refers to the succession of stages a product goes through. Product Life Cycle Management is the succession of strategies used by management as a product goes through its life cycle Electric Boat's manufacturing personnel review repetitive work packages to minimize welding operations and eliminate rework. The Producibility Reviews are part of EB’s continuous effort to improve quality while reducing manufacturing costs. One example is found in revisions to the manufacture of cable pans and pipe details. Traditionally, drip pans were assembled from four separate pieces which were welded full length using tungsten inert gas. Welding was time consuming and required strongbacking to counteract distortion from the welding heat. Furthermore, pan straightening and extensive clean-up were required after welding which was a laborintensive process. After introducing the Producibility Review process, a Sheet metal Process Improvement Team devised a pan manufacturing process which required one piece of material, a press brake sequence, and minimal welding. This new approach significantly reduced welding time, eliminated strong-backing, and reduced clean-up time, resulting in a higher quality product with minimal distortion. EA ED EI EP ER P1.4 EA.4 Page 253 of 261 Best Practice Description Remarks Occurrences Product- engineering Data Management Software product-engineering data management software that provides the ability to electronically define, edit, manage, distribute and view product engineering data and processes across the enterprise and global value chain. Users can manage 2D and 3D design data and create and collaborate on part information, BOMs and product structures, associated design and manufacturing documentation, engineering change requests (ECRs) and engineering change order (ECO) information and processes Product Data Management & Electronic Document Management are used to manage technical documents and requirements Benefits of software drastically reduce the quantity and cycle times of ECRs and ECOs; eliminate redundant data and lower product development cost A1 A1.1 A1.2 A1.3 A1.4 A2 A2.1 A2.2 A2.3 A2.4 A2.5 A3 A3.1 A3.2 A3.3 A3.5 The process of identifying, prioritizing, and considering as a whole with constituent parts, all the sources of demand in the creation of a product or service. Consideration of supplier’s material availability in company’s supply resources (including supplier’s production plans and capacities, inventory, and delivery plans) The ACT PTM system was instituted to bring the best practices developed over time by product development people into an organized and easily understood prescriptive format. When Harris acquired another major semiconductor producer and its related subsidiary companies, there were many methods being used — Applying Concurrent Teams was an attempt to standardize the methodology company-wide. Applying Concurrent Teams defines milestones, reviews, and metrics for product development. The system is designed to reduce development time which is currently not well determined in quantifiable cause/effect data; improve the quality of fit between the product and the market (customer); and provide an easier-to-review process for senior management for better allocation of personnel and other resources to the project. Its concurrent use of not only manufacturing engineering but also marketing personnel during the project lifetime advances the concurrent engineering process a step further. This methodology is still new to the Harris culture, but the company acknowledges that it is an important aspect of the commercial development process. Keys to success are based on Harris' ability to allow product developments to maintain customer focus, ensure that all members of the design/development team are following the same business plan with the same commit dates, and retain coordinated marketing, design, and manufacturing strategies. The TDS applies the same basic reasoning as is used in Applying Concurrent Teams but applies it to the development of new technologies. The TDS provides an avenue (or road map) for the development, demonstration, and validation of new enabling technologies through the use of cross- functional teams. This formal methodology is now implemented companywide. I2.1 I2.2 I2.3 I2.4 I3.1 I3.2 I3.3 I3.4 I3.5 R3.1 Product Data Management & Electronic Document Management Product Design aligned with Go To Market Plans & Operational Performance Applying Concurrent Teams to Product To Market (ACT PTM) and the Technology Development System (TDS) combined to provide a comprehensive system for carrying new products to market and carrying new technology through to the marketplace. © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. PP.4 Page 254 of 261 Best Practice Description Remarks Occurrences Product Improvement Teams (PITs) Auto-Valve, Inc. takes a proactive approach to identifying and correcting design issues that affect product performance, cost, schedule, and customer satisfaction with its Product Improvement Team process. The Product Improvement Team process uses a formalized Design Review Process to capture and keep data organized and to optimize the Product Improvement Team’s overall effectiveness. AutoValve Inc (AVI): a new process was implemented incorporating Design Review Process to optimize overall effectiveness. The Design Review Process collects product requirements, establishes design verification and validation plans, defines design change requests and evaluations, and documents design review updates, meeting guidelines, and meeting records. All contribute to the overall effectiveness of the PIT process to capture necessary data and keep it organized, something that was overlooked in the past. The PIT is cross-functional. The process and monthly meetings include Quality Assurance, Engineering, and Operations. Each design improvement opportunity is now an entry into the Design Review Process and is tracked through completion. ED.4 Product transfer meetings Initiate product transfer meetings to review potential issues during mass production D1.5 D2.6 D3.7 Production transfer guidelines Set up the guiding mechanism for production transfer D2.6 Production Transfer Mechanism Set up the guiding mechanism for production transfer D3.7 Project transparence on the supplier side during the prototyping Monitor and ensure project transparence on the supplier side during the prototyping stage D1.2 Project Transparency Monitor and ensure project transparence on the supplier side during the prototyping stage D3.4 Project transparency with suppliers Prototyping and Integrated Design System (RAPIDS) Monitor and ensure project transparence on the supplier side during the prototyping stage Prototyping and Integrated Design System (RAPIDS) D2.3 Provide accurate and realtime test reports to the customer Provide accurate and real-time test reports to the customer D1.3 Qualified Suppliers Ensure suppliers’ compliance of quality standards and certification in laboratory environments D2.4 Quality Compliance for suppliers Ensure suppliers’ compliance of quality standards and certification in laboratory environments D3.5 Quality specifications test documents and production guidelines Ensure the completeness of product specifications, test documents and production guidelines D2.5 Rapid acquisition of new technology Establish the mechanism for acquiring suppliers’ new technology D3.3 Rapid Concurrent engineering Enhance capabilities of concurrent engineering and reduce the response time for engineering changes D3.1 Rapid exploitation of new technology Rapid Prototype Monitor and exploit the results of new technology research A rapid prototyping method to fabricate models directly from 3-D CAD data. This method provides a quick physical visualization of hardware concepts without the need for expensive and timeconsuming machining, tooling or drawing generation. Rapid prototyping can produce a prototype overnight with higher accuracy than previous methods could accomplish in weeks. D1.2 D2.3 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Rapid Prototyping and Integrated Design System (RAPIDS) were developed by MDA and Integrated Systems Inc. Using this system, build and test stages are concurrent to shorten design time. Designers use accurate, rapid prototyping methods to perform fit and function tests early in the process, generate more iterations and alternatives, and receive prompt feedback. This approach optimizes designs and avoids substantial costs later in the process. Rapid prototyping also reduces manufacturing costs by creating more producible designs, encourages design-formanufacturing assembly, and constructs master patterns for vacuum forms, castings, and tooling. Other benefits include improved IPT communications; reduced design and manufacturing times; and better comprehension and response capability regarding requests. I2 D1.3 D2.3 D3.4 Page 255 of 261 Best Practice Description Rapid Search of parts and intellectual property Establish the mechanism for rapidly searching reference parts and intellectual properties D3.4 Rapid search of reference parts and intellectual property Establish the mechanism for rapidly searching reference parts and intellectual properties D1.2 Real time customer communications Communicate real-time with the customer to verify engineering drawings, specifications, assemblies, and prototyping cost analysis D3.4 Real time Data on current status Real time data on current status. Real time Design Chain Visualization (via Internet) Real-time Shipment Tracking, (via Internet) ED.6 EI.6 Real time design specification communications Communicate design specifications real-time with the customer or the project manager D3.1 Real time Optimized Shipment Method Selection Real-time Optimized Shipment Method Selection (Air Parcel, Ground Parcel, LTL, etc.) Based on Customer Service Requirements EA.6 Real time Shipment Tracking, (via Internet) Real-time Shipment Tracking, (via Internet) EA.6 Real time test reporting Provide accurate and real-time test reports to the customer D3.5 Real time verification of technical documentation with customer Communicate real-time with the customer to verify engineering drawings, specifications, assemblies, and prototyping cost analysis D2.3 Real-time communication of design specifications Communicate design specifications real-time with the customer or the project manager D2.1 Real-time test reports Provide accurate and real-time test reports to the customer D2.4 Reduce non-value added paperwork while still measuring process metrics Reduce non-value added paperwork while still measuring process metrics Electronic data collection of completion, quality, scrap, labor and equipment data I1.5 I2.6 I3.7 Reliable Continuous Improvement Process and Methodology. Reliable Continuous Improvement Process and Methodology. EP.2 Removal of Obsolete Capital Assets Removal of Obsolete Capital Assets CIP is an awareness of all clients’ needs and preferences, 2) harmonizes these to produce benchmarks of quality attainment and 3) is led by these harmonized benchmarks of quality Automated Calculation of ABC Velocity Movement Re-planning exists in multilevels of the Design Chain between businesses A Re-planning process exists in multi-levels of the Design Chain between business enterprises Business to business internet capability to share common data. EP.9 Re-planning links design chain operation with Business/ Marketing Strategy A Re-planning process links the design chain operation with the Business Strategy and the Marketing Strategy. Requires visibility into what capacity is available or what the trade-offs to using those capacities in different ways are. Need to understand what yields can be expected and just what needs to be done. EP.9 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Remarks Occurrences Dynamic calculation of safety stock based on actual sales EP.4 ER.4 ED.4 EI.4 EA.4 EP.5 ER.5 ED.5 EA.5 Page 256 of 261 Best Practice Description Remarks Occurrences Research Agreements Research Agreements An agreement between The Company and domestic and global research centers, specifying service levels, payment terms and other conditions ER.7 Research performance data is collected, analyzed, reported online Research performance data is collected, analyzed and reported online and real-time through extranet applications Web based relational database / management application ER.2 Reuse of design knowledge Utilize design knowledge base to support reuse of existing technology D3.4 Reuse of existing technology with design knowledge Utilize design knowledge base to support reuse of existing technology D2.3 Review batch records by exception Review batch records by exception Electronic batch records linked to process plans/recipes and exceptions flagged I1.6 I2.7 I3.8 Review Specification change frequency and cycle time trends Periodic review of capital asset plan to determine if additional equipment, if needed, can be funded Periodic review of capital asset plan to determine if additional equipment, if needed, can be funded A3.4 RFID RFID RFID is next generation bar coding. R1.2 R2.3 R3.4 Secure early and consistent technical support from the supplier The goal of this activity is to secure the scope of technical support/service from the supplier side at the very beginning of the product planning phase. The manufacturer would have to clearly define support requirements including scope of service, personnel, pricing, etc. This is especially important when dealing with complex, fast-paced component technology such as wireless chips and handset camera modules. Example: Define and confirm the scope of technical support from the supplier as early as in the stage of product planning. The goal of this activity is to have the customer codefine design rules and enforce the rules across the design chain from an ODM perspective. The manufacturer would first provide its design rules for customer review and finalize a working set design rules. The manufacturer then would pass pertinent design rules to its suppliers and require them to follow the rules and provide prototypes for validation purpose. The description of design rules should be managed with a document management module of a PLM system. Example: Set up design rules with the customer as an effective reference for R&D engineers to ensure design accuracy. Set up the guiding mechanism for production transfer Set up design rules Set up the guiding mechanism for production transfer Single data source for decision support and business rules Single data source for decision support and business rules. © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. D1.2 D2.3 D3.3 D1.2 D2.3 D3.3 D1.5 A data warehouse/data mart is the source of all planning (master) data, business rules and transaction data. Analyzing tools enable the ongoing maintenance and improvement of the business rules based on actual data. EP.3 ER.3 ED.3 EI.3 EA.3 I1.2 I1.3 I1.4 I2.4 I2.5 I3.6 Page 257 of 261 Best Practice Description Remarks Occurrences Six Sigma Statistical Process Control Statistical Process Control (SPC) has been used in the assembly process area with great success. For example, using DOE, SPC has helped CACD select the best suppliers, metals for applicators, and stencils for use in the surface mount preparation area. A series of four DOE were also used to investigate optimization of water wash cleaning equipment, the results of which provided the basis for cleaning system settings. It also resulted in a major resistor vendor changing the curing process to yield better marking permanency. DOE has helped Rockwell CACD to optimize the viscosity of conformal coating, and SPC is still used to control conformal coating thickness, viscosity, and conveyor speed SPC is used in several functional areas such as design, procurement, information technology, material verification, warehouse stock issuing, assembly, test, and shipping. Design engineering establishes a baseline database during the design phase. Goals are determined to help drive improvements and identify points where improvements have the greatest impact on first time success. Tools and resources such as Design of Experiments (DOE), Monte Carlo simulators, and six sigma scorecards are provided for predictability of first-time success. Upon determining design robustness, tasks and tools within sub-processes are identified to improve first-time success. Sound Project Management Process and Methodology Software application with data analysis capability (Rockwell) ED.2 Collecting the right information and applying it quickly to improve performance is the true value of any metric, no matter what part of IT it’s applied to. Make sure the metrics being used to measure the quality (and quantity) of your maintenance work provide an accurate reflection of how you and your team are doing. A draft ship breakdown structure was developed for mechanical products. The proposed breakdown uses an object oriented approach similar to the approach recommended by ISO 10303. Four levels of indenture from the ship to the maintenance part are proposed. A definition is provided for each object along with a list of properties for identification and RAM data exchange. The draft breakdown structure is currently being reviewed by the project advisory board. Since the development process was defined by the Engineering Process Improvement Center under various corporate owners, the result was an immense set of documentation, requirement procedures, and manuals with no local ownership. Projects were run without formal plans or accountability, and often ended in a countless array of design loops. To resolve this situation, General Dynamics Armament Systems (GDAS) reinvented its Structured Product Development Process (SPDpro) to foster successful and efficient product development and integration EP.2 Sound Project Management Process and Methodology Standardized Design Data (Benchmark). Standardization of Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability performance data is a key element to obtain useful shareable information for use in the improvements of ship design and operation. The University of New Orleans, College of Engineering is currently attempting to establish a standard that will help plan and design teams handling Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability objectives. Structured Product Development Process (SPDPro) The SPDpro established a requirements-driven development process and provides an Integrated Engineering approach to satisfy requirements. The Process is now under local control; defines program responsibilities with monthly status measurements; and requires up-front detailed planning with traceable requirements. Emphasis is on development efficiency in addition to technical excellence. Among the specific project elements defined by the SPDpro are: Systems Engineering Management Plan (SEMP) establishes project plan; Specifications define requirements to be met; Test Plan defines testing to be performed; Technical Performance Measures identify performance needed for success; Metrics provide feedback; Compliance Matrix shows which requirements are satisfied; Requirements Traceability allocates and derives requirements; System/Subsystem Design Document defines architecture, functionality, specification tree, and external interfaces; Project Self-Assessment monitors project execution; and Risk Management tracks and mitigates project risks. (General Dynamics) Supplier (Carrier) Agreement Supplier (Carrier) Agreements © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. An agreement between The Company and domestic and global carriers, inbound and outbound, specifying service levels, payment terms and other conditions SCCD2 PD.4 R1.2 R2.3 R3.4 Page 258 of 261 Best Practice Description Remarks Occurrences Supplier certification programs to reduce cycle time for certifying suppliers Supplier certification programs can reduce the cycle time for certifying existing suppliers to provide new technologies R3.2 Supplier certification programs to reduce/ eliminate receiving inspection Supplier certification programs are used to reduce (skip lot) or eliminate receiving inspection The Statistical Process Control (SPC) Supplier Certification program is an initiative under the Lockheed Martin Tactical Aircraft Systems (LMTAS) Supplier Relations Program requiring that all suppliers use statistical methods and techniques to analyze their processes and outputs for reducing costs and improving product quality. Skip lot / sampling inspection logic Supplier delivers directly to point of use Supplier delivers directly to point of use Electronic Tag tracking to Point of Use (POU) destination R1.2 R1.3 R2.3 R2.4 R3.4 R3.6 Supplier replaces defective material at customer's facility Supplier replaces defective material at customer's facility with good product as required. Electronic Tag tracking to Point of Use (POU) destination R1.2 R2.4 R3.6 Supplier Test Reliability Monitor suppliers’ capabilities of conducting reliable testing procedures D2.4 D3.5 Systematic Method for management of Requirements and requests Requirements and requests are a component of an overall product management framework I1.2 I1.3 I1.4 I2.4 I2.5 I3.6 Technology supported product prototyping Work with suppliers for technology support of product prototyping D1.2 D2.3 D3.3 Technology Sustainment (MOCA) The most mature MOCA methodology is known as the Technology Sustainment MOCA. This form of the tool provides planning data that supports refreshing the design at its current configuration. It provides a series of unique benefits: • The analysis can be performed earlier in the development cycle allowing for more effective refresh budget planning. This extends the reaction time allowing for more planning time. • Guidelines for addressing the refresh requirements are more accurate. • Operational availability is improved as the design refreshes mitigate the obsolete parts before they become critical to system operation. • “System-blind” results can be factored across systems. Because the methodology looks at components, it can be used to address planning for all systems using the same mix of components. • Execution of the performance improvement roadmap is improved. Establish the managing and tracing mechanism for the cost and time of developing prototype Time and Cost Capture of prototyping Transfer MP technology The goal of this activity is to ensure solutions for production transfer problems through crossfunctional/cross-enterprise production technology transfer meetings. The manufacturer would set up a production transfer team consisting of staff from purchasing, R&D, pilot run, mass production, and project management. The R&D department should work side-by-side with the transfer team critical issues like scheduling, design and manufacturing technology, etc. The manufacturer may want to manage all relevant information via a document management module of a PLM system. Example: Set up a task group to manage technology transfer to mass production. © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. CALCE is also developing an enhanced MOCA version known as the Technology Insertion MOCA. This version adds decision networks to the current sustainment methodology. The intended benefit is to consider other design factors besides obsolescence, making it possible to characterize key elements, such as performance and reliability that influence design. Not only would it be possible to determine optimum refresh design dates, but also how the design might be improved. R1.2 R1.3 R2.3 R2.4 R3.4 R3.6 PA D3.4 D1.5 D2.6 D3.7 Page 259 of 261 Best Practice Description Remarks Occurrences Up-to-date shop packet/ specification for each unique production event/demand Up-to-date shop packet/specification for each unique production event/demand Electronic Work Instructions I1.5 I2.6 I3.7 Use 3D solid modeling technology to develop prototypes Use 3D solid modeling technology to develop prototypes D1.2 Use effective design rules Use effective design rules D1.3 Use Historical Based Amend Rate Forecasts Use Historical Based Amend Rate Forecasts Use historical amend data to determine an historical amend rate for individual products and/or for product groups PA.1 Use Stage-Gates to manage the design process. Implementation of the stage-gate process. The process established a set of stage-gates (or milestones) at key points in the life of each R&D project. Each stage-gate had a specific set of deliverables and responsibilities that had to be met before a project was allowed to proceed to the next level. Representatives of general management, operations, engineering, marketing, and other functions defined responsibilities at each stage-gate, and senior management approval of expenditures and responsibilities was required. A list of criteria used to evaluate and rank the potential attractiveness of proposed R&D projects prior to expending significant company funds. (WEIRTEC). A second element, implemented by WEIRTEC in the formal control of R&D expenditures, was the formulation of both international and domestic alliances with other companies to more effectively leverage the technology resources of WSC. The alliances also expanded the scope and reach of available technology. The alliance concept now provides collaborative application development with WSC customers, international companies, and even other North American steel producers through the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI). The goal of this activity is to help product developers to take advantage of existing design knowledge base in the ways of design rules and parameter design tools. The manufacturer would first need to build a sustainable set of design rules from existing talent and then define design parameters according to past product specs. The manufacturer should invest in internal training on how to use and maintain the knowledge base and track its benefits through effective KPIs. Example: Implement add-on CAD modules embedded with design rules that can help engineers to build upon past success and reduce learning curve Utilize design knowledge base to support reuse of existing technology Further control of the company's R&D expenditures was achieved by using Microsoft Project software as a management tool to improve the planning and tracking of all development activities. This customized software incorporates project timelines, deliverables, and required resources, as well as project tracking, technical notes, and report generation. PD.4 Utilize design knowledge base Utilize design knowledge base for technology reuse D1.2 D2.3 D3.4 D1.2 Utilize EDI to reduce cycle time and costs Utilize EDI to reduce cycle time and costs I2 R2.1 Validate key components specified by design-in customer Validate key components specified by design-in customer D2.1 D3.1 © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Page 260 of 261 Best Practice Description Verify design result online The goal of this activity is to verify design results with the customer via enabling IT tools during the prototyping phase. The manufacturer would implement a PDM system to host design data like engineering drawings, specifications, assemblies, and prototyping cost analysis, and review design data with the customer via online 3D discussion tools. Once an engineering change (EC) is warranted, the manufacturer would pass the request via a workflow management system, reducing the response time for an EC. Feature: Use synchronous tools like online CAD viewers, virtual prototyping, digital mockup, and virtual reality to communicate real-time with the customer Use product data management (PDM) system that has powerful integration with the above tools through the product development cycle © APICS 2014. All rights reserved. Remarks Occurrences D1.2 D2.1 D2.3 D3.1 D3.4 Page 261 of 261 apics.org © APICS 2014. 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