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Research Activity Sheet: Hospitality Thesis Writing

2. The
behind the other ASEAN countries in
research and development.
3. The
behind Japan and the united states as far
as research and development is concerned.
In Japan, the number of scientists, teachers, and engineer engaged, in
Research and Development per 10,000 populations is 40.
5. In the Philippines, the number of scientists, teacher, and engineers
engaged in Research and Development per 10,000 populations is 7.
In Korea, the number of patents granted per year is
The technology index of the Philippines is negative 0.1.
years behind China, Taiwan, India, Brazil and
Mexico in Research and Development.
An effective researcher is doing the thing right.
10. A good researcher must possess the 3 R’s namely, research-oriented,
resourceful, and religious.
11. The continuing annual populations growth is 2.4
12. In the year 2000, the expected populations in the Philippines is
The response variable is independent
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A variable which alters the relationship between the
independent variable is intervening
variable which interferes with the independent and
dependent variables but whose effects can either
strengthen or weaken the independent and dependent
1. Logical
2. Cyclical
3. Empirica
Applied research
Action research
Field research
Basic research
1. Action research
2. Applied research
4. Laboratory
1. Library research
. Action research
. Applied research
. Action research
. Field research
. Independent varia
2.Dependent variable
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3.Moderate variable
4. Intervening variable
1. Cyclical
. Logica
1. Field research
2. Library research
4. Pure research
1. Independent variable
2. Dependent variable
3. Intervening variable
4. Moderate variable
1. Applied research
2. Action research
3. Field research
4. Pure research
Research gives so much opportunities and ways to improves
people lives. It helps the people to focus on improving their life
and led to a good quality of life. Research improves the quality of
life in all different aspects because of research people might know
how the world works with studies, experiment and some aspects
of life to have wider ideas to improve the quality of life. A man
makes up confusion how our life evolved and learned their
mistakes with other and themselves to have a better conscience
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Research improves instruction a lot to make the hardest
instruction to simpler and easier to people. Because of research
some people is easy to understand and increased their
knowledge of understanding. Also the teachers might be
resourceful, creative, dedicated when it comes on finding and
giving instructions so that they have rational thinking and can
form a good basis on what they doing.
Research Improve Students Achievement
Research Improves student’s achievement by measuring the
student’s practices impact in learning. How can they measure
their time into their study and learn to make good decision to
invest their time with their goal. Research help a students some
particular unexpected insights from the result of their hard work.
Research conducted on instructional efficacy to practice
influences learning of the students to their achievement.
Research Satisfies Man’s Needs
First research can satisfy man’s needs through making innovative
inventions and medicine just to make human’s daily life easier
and comfortable and hassle free. The best example for today
generation is technology – internet it because it fastens the
communication of the people and give some important
information to make our life easy. Research is very important to
us because it makes our life easy like todays because all classes
are systematic and we oblique to find ways to keep on study
despite of our situation from today.
Research Reduces The Burden Of Work
Yes it is research improves the quality of life in all aspects.
Research reduces the burden of work in just one click you can
gain help or ideas base on the research if you want less burden
from your work to make it easier and not heavy to do so. Through
research you can find some ways and means of to making things
easier and impossible looing good in a work place or some
commercial premises.
2. Explain briefly the components of the research process.
● Here’s the basic components of research process: the
Problem/ Objectives
The researcher as identified as the researchable and has implications
to the government thrust. Based on his identified major problems he
formulates the specific problems/objectives of the study.
Theoretical/Conceptual Framework
The theoretical framework uses abstract concepts, facts or laws,
variables and relations that explain and predict how observed
phenomena exist and operate in the investigation.
The conceptual framework presents the researchers own way of
understanding and concepts based upon the previous readings and
experiences relative to the field of focus investigation of your problem. A
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conceptual framework elaborates the research problematic in relation to
relevant literature.
As presumed as true statements of facts related to the research
problem. They are clearly related to provide the reader the basis for
analyzing the conclusions that result from the assumption in doing this.
The researcher must consider the question: what assumption have you
made about the nature of the research you are investigating.
Hypotheses are relevant to theoretical research and are generally
used in quantitative inquiry. When a researcher states hypotheses, the
leader is entitled to have an exposition of the theory that lead to them as
well as the assumptions underlying the theory.
Review of Related Literature
The studies related to the present study to determine the similarities
and differences of the findings of the past studies and to gain insights into
the aspects of the problem that are critical and controversial.
Research Design
The researcher can decide the research instrument for collecting data
and these data are processed manually or by machine, whichever is the
economical and accurate, using the statistical tools in order that
reasonable precise analysis and interpretation of results can be attained.
Summary, Conclusions, Recommendations
Summarize the whole study, draws conclusion based on the findings
and hypotheses tested and recommendations for further research. Such
recommendations should detail with a conclusions.
3. Give a major problem in line of your forte and illustrate the independent,
intervening and dependent variables.
● For one major problem is Lacked of Learning from our course which is in
hospitality industry that affected by the covid – 19. Less knowledge on
the practical performance because we don’t have a face to face classes
and it might be affect to degree that we take.
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