AIR POLLUTION CAUSED BY DUST AND SMOKE Let’s begin! -Presented by Noor Fatima. CONTENTS OF TABLE Investigating into worsening air quality of polluted cities such as Rawalpindi, Lahore, Multan, and less polluted cities such as Islamabad, Kashmir and Swat. INTRODUCTION TO AIR POLLUTION Brief intoduction to air pollution. CAUSES AND CONSEQUENCES Major causes of air pollution in Pakistan’s polluted air cities. DATA COLLECTION METHODOLOGY Method of data collection and review of data collected. RESULTS Survey results and stats. SOLUTIONs Steps to counter rising air pollution. CONCLUSIONS All summed up! TOPIC CONTENTS 01 INTRODUCTION 02 SURVEYS What is air pollution and what causes it? How many people are effected in Pakistan. 03 SOLUTION 04 CONCLUSION Special measures taken to improve air quality. All in one, perfectly summarized. 01 CLEAN AIR FOR BREATHING …and a happy healthy life. AIR, There’s something in it. INTRODUCTION ● ● ● ● Air is essential for life, we breathe in it. Air pollution is release of pollutants into the atmosphere. Pollutants are substances that add to environment and harm organisms. Nine out of ten human beings currently breathe air that exceeds the WHO’s guideline limits for pollutants. SOURCES OF POLLUTANTS EMISSION Smoke from vehicles, industries, soot from household chimneys. COMBUSTION Burning of fossil fuels and forest fires realeases CO2. CONSTRUCTION Road, buildings and fly overs are source of debris and dust that add into air. IMPACT OF AIR POLLUTION DISEASES Spread of skin, eyes, lungs and heart diseases. BODY Irritate organs and skin, specially in children and make them less immune. DEATH RATE Death of premature babies due to respiratory issues. AIR QUALITY AND ENVIRONMENT PLANTS WATER Recycle air, take in carbondioxide release oxygen. Water bodies may get polluted due to contaminated rainfall. RAIN ANIMALS Clean air, suspended particles dissolve into waterdroplets. Brth defects, diseases and lower reproductive rates. AQUATIC LIFE LIFE Polluted run off water from rain effects aquatic life. Every living organism needs air. FACTS What are the drastic effects of bad air quality? 7 million premature deaths annually according to WHO. Mercury attacks the central nervous system. In large amounts, lead can damage children’s brains and kidneys, and ability to learn. Global warming due to greenhouse gases ultimately causes climate change. CREDITS: template was created bythan Slidesgo, including In one This yearpresentation a mature tree will absorb more 48 pounds icons by Flaticon, infographics & images by Freepik of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release oxygen in exchange. CAUSES OF AIR POLLUTION SOURCES AND ACTIVITIES CONTRIBUTING TO AIR POLLUTION PRESENTED BY “SARA MUKHTAR” CONTENT Industrial activities Forest fire Transportation Burning of fossil fuel Domestic Activities Construction And demolition Agricultural Practices EXPLANATION • • • • • • AGRICULTURAL PRACTICES: Pesticides and fertilizers used in farming can contribute to air pollution. INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITIES: Industries like manufacturing , mining and construction emit pollutants such as carbon monoxides, nitrogen oxides, Sulphur dioxide and particulate matter into the air. TRANSPORTATION: Vehicle like cars ,buses , trucks and pollutants such as carbon monoxide , nitrogen oxides , and particulate matter into the air. BURNING OF FOSSIL FUEL: The burning of fossil fuel such as coal , oil and gas for electricity and heating releases pollutants. FOREST FIRES: Natural events like forest fires can release large amount of particulate matter and harmful gases into the air. CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION: Construction activities like evacuation and demolition release dust and particulate matter into air. DOMESTIC ACTIVITIES: Activities like cooking , burning of candles or incense, and smoking can also contribute to indoor and outdoor air pollution. A PICTURE IS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS EFFECTS BREATH IN , HARMFUL OUT :UNVEILING THE DAMAGING EFFECT OF AIR POLLUTION GLOBAL WARMING HEALTH ISSUES HAZARDS TO WILDLIFE OZONE DEPLETION ACID RAIN EXPLANATION • • • • • • HEALTH ISSUES: Air pollution posses significant health risks, including respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, reduced lung function, developmental issues in children and increased mortality rates. DIRTY AIR IS DETRIMENTAL TO CHILDHOOD: Dirty air is detrimental to childhood leading to increased respiratory illness , impaired lung development and long term health implication. GLOBAL WARMING: AIR pollution contributes to global warming by releasing green house gases, particularly carbon dioxide, which trap heat in atmosphere, leading to climate change , altered weather patterns and ecological disruption ACID RAIN: Air pollution causes acid rain when pollutants like Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides react with atmospheric moisture, forming acidic compounds that fall to the ground, damaging ecosystem, water bodies and infrastructure. OZONE DEPLETION : Air pollution contributes to ozone depletion as certain pollutants , such as chlorofluorocarbons break down to ozone molecule in earth atmosphere. HAZARDS TO WILDLIFE :Air pollution poses hazards to wild life by contaminating their habitat, impairing their respiratory system , disrupting ecosystem , and leading to population decline and biodiversity loss. CONSEQUENCES Air pollution is greatest environmental threat to public health globally and account for an estimated 7 million premature death every year. If air pollution is not effectively controlled the consequences would be dire .The environment would suffer from further degradation. Climate change would be intensify, resulting in more frequent and severe extreme weather events, rising sea level, and disruption of agriculture system. The economic impact would be significant , with healthcare expenses, productivity losses, and damage to infrastructure burdening economies. Ecosystem would become imbalanced , potentially causing irreversible damage and species extinction. 02 Rationale and Methodology. -Presented by Remal Wasim. RATIONALE: After examining the disturbing statistics of Air Pollution in our country and experiencing the adverse effects on our daily lives and health, it was imperative that we, as a research group focused on this topic and tried to shed some light on the deteriorating Air Quality in Pakistan. Undoubtedly, many researches have already been conducted on this issue but We exclusively focused on the educated youth of the country. We took samples from major industrial hubs of Pakistan along with major scenic hill stations which resulted in a unique comparative study of various cities. METHODOLOGY CONTENTS 1 Problem Statement 2 Sample 3 Hypothesis 4 Instrument 5 Procedure METHODOLOGY PROBLEM STATEMENT SAMPLE HYPOTHESIS INSTRUMENT To study the effects of and perception about Air Pollution in six cities of Pakistan. 30 citizens of various cities. 90% of the participants were educated people ranging from 15 to 30 years of age “Air Pollution exists in major cities of Pakistan and adversely effects the citizens.” “Air Pollution Survey” by “Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities” Exploring the phenomenon of Air Pollution in Pakistan and PROCEDURE its physiological and emotional implications on citizens living in the cities. CITIES AND POLLUTION Twin Cities Lahore Kashmir Multan Sawat Findings ●The findings have been compiled based on exploratory analysis of the experiences of 30 educated citizens typically ranging from 15 to 30 years of age. ●Primarily, consent was taken from all participants and after which each participant personally filled in their response. The process took several days as the task was divided on each researcher and spread across various cities. • • • Following the attainment of data, it was compiled into statistical graphs. Furthermore, percentages were calculated regarding the findings of each questionnaire item of each participant. Then, the data was compiled in a way that enumerated how many participants experienced air pollution, in which city and in which intensity. Afterwards, the data was analysed. Following analysis, the results were compiled based on which the conclusions were drawn. Lastly, this research was concluded. PARTICIPITANT’S STAT ??% 85% 100% TOTAL AGE RANGE EDUCATED 30 Participitants. 30-15 years old. 85% adults Few working with jobs. Results Stats and graphs, too much fun! -Presented by Laiba Rasheed A PICTURE IS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS Cities of research Lahore Twin cities Most polluted city of Pakistan. Mainly rawalpindi, islamabad is less polluted. Multan Swat Kashmir Polluted. Least polluted. Relatively less polluted. GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION 8 7 6 5 Series 1 Series 2 Series 3 4 3 2 1 0 lahore rawalpindi multan kashmir,sawat LAHORE ● ● ● Overall air quality as compared to last year: much worse than the last year. Causes: 77 percent of the people think industrialization as the main cause of air pollution Breathing issues: 93 percent of the people suffering from breathing issues. People at risk of asthma or living with asthma may suffer from more attacks. Smog in Lahore increases the risk of wheezing and coughing. Diseases in Lahore 1 2 3 4 Skin Breathing Asthma Wheezing 66% of population is suffering. 93% of the people suffering Risk of asthma, asthma patients may suffer from more attacks. increased the risk of wheezing and coughing due to smog. RAWALPINDI • • • Overall air quality as compared to last year: worse than the last year. Cause: 40% people think of industrialization as the main cause. Breathing and skin issues: 45% have skin and breathing problems. MULTAN • • Overall air quality as compared to last year: Little worse than the last year Breathing issues: 56% people suffer from breathing issues and thorat irritation KASHMIR AND SWAT • • • Overall air quality as compared to last year: Much better than the last year. Breathing issues: 30% people suffering from shortness of breath, throat irritation. Skin issues: 10% have skin issues. Conclusions LAHORE HAS THE HIGHEST RATIO OF AIR POLLUTION. • The air quality of Lahore was hazardous • Lahore once again ranked as the most polluted city in the world . 03 Let’s move onto solutions! SOLUTIONS TO AIR POLLUTION WHAT WE CAN DO -Presented by Qurat-ul-Ain Some best ways to reduce Air pollution 1. Using Public Transport Using public transport is a short way of contributing to less air pollution as it provides with less gas and energy . Using public transport will help in: • Reducing the overall emission. • Number of vehicles reduced on the roads. • Lesser traffic congestion episodes. • It is pocket friendly alternative 2. RECYCLE AND REUSE The concept of recycle and reuse is not just conserve resources but also helpful for air pollution as it helps in reducing pollution emissions. The recycled products also take less power to make other products. TRASH RECYCABLES 3. REDUCTION TO FOREST FIRE AND SMOKING The collecting of garbage and setting it on fire in dry seasons or dry leaves catching fires is a huge factor for causing air pollution. Moreover smoking also causes air pollution and causes the air quality to worsen along with obviously damaging one’s health. 4. USE FILTERS FOR CHIMNEYS ● ● The gas that is emitted from fireplaces in homes and factories are extremely dangerous for air pollution and harms the air quality severely. The use of filters should be implemented at least if the consumption couldn’t be lessened, this will help to reduce the effect of harmful gases absorbing in the air. 5. IMPLEMENT AFFORESTATION Go green there is no planet B Grow as many trees as possible. The practice of planting trees provides a lot of benefits to the environment and helps with the release of oxygen. 6. RENEWABLE FUEL AND CLEAN ENERGY PRODUCTION ● The most basic solution for air pollution is to move away from fossil fuel, and replacing them with alternative energies like solar, wind and geothermal. 7. ENERGY CONSERVATION ● A large number of fossil fuels are burnt to generate electricity. Therefore, do not forget to switch off the electrical appliances when not in use. Thus, you can save the environment at the individual level. 04. Conclusion Presenter: Shahab Uddin Main Causes Of Air Pollution Domestic Activities Construction & Demolition Transportation 10% 30% 50% 70% Industrial Activities Effects Of Air Pollution Acid Rain Diseases Hazardous To Life Ozone Depletion Global Warming Air pollution infographics Kashmir &Swat Low Highest Multan Medium high Lahore Twin Cities Graphical Representation of Air pollution According To Survey Diseases Caused by Air Pollution in Surveyed Cities 75% 50% 30% Skin Asthma Wheezing Most common Problems 1 Lahore is considered as on of the hazardous city in the world . 2 3 Air pollution Statistics of overall Survey Symptoms Women Men Tiredness 50% 60% Headache 100% 80% Coughing 80% 60% Difficulty breathing 30% 40% Mucous 10% 15% Irritation 70% 50% Solutions To Air pollution 1 Use of public Transport 2 3 Energy Conservation Recycling Afforestation 4 5 Reduce Smoking Thank you For Listening