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Caribbean Studies Past Paper Questions

Caribbean Studies Past Paper Questions
1. Location and Definition of the Caribbean Region and its Diaspora
● The Caribbean is a diverse and complex place, with the term “Caribbean itself
understood in many ways by researcher. Explain FOUR ways in which the concept of the
Caribbean is defined by researchers. (20 marks) 2016
● "The ideal way to describe the Caribbean is by using political and historical definitions."
With the use of examples, discuss the extent to which you agree with this statement. (30
marks) 2013
2. The Historical Process
● The colonizers employed different systems of production in the Caribbean as a means of
increasing production and wealth. Choose any TWO of the following systems of
production and describe TWO ways in which each system contributed to the oppression
of the peoples of the Caribbean:
Indentureship (20 marks) 2019
● “Internal Self Government was the most important movement towards independence in
the Caribbean.” Discuss the extent to which you agree with this statement. (30 marks)
● To what extent can it be argued that genocide and revolution are central themes in
Caribbean history? (30 marks) 2011
● Describe the major migration into the Caribbean that greatly impacted society and
culture. (20 marks) 2010
● Using examples from the Caribbean, explain how Caribbean people throughout history
have responded to oppression. (20 marks) 2008
● Describe the contribution of peasant groups to the development of Caribbean society in
the period after emancipation. (20 marks) 2007
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● “The history of the Caribbean is a history of the exploitation of labour.” Discuss with
reference to TWO of the following labour systems:
Indentureship (30 marks) 2006
● Describe the major effects of slavery OR indentureship on Caribbean society and culture.
(20 marks) 2002
3. Characteristics of Society and Culture
Describe FOUR popular ways of understanding society, outlining ONE limitation of EACH for
understanding Caribbean societies. (20 marks) 2018
● Using 3 examples from the Caribbean explain the relationship between culture and
society. (20 marks) 2011
Describe THREE different ways in which the term “culture” is used. Refer to examples from
Caribbean society and culture to illustrate your answer. (20 marks) 2007
4. Identity and Social Formation
● Explain FOUR ways in which Indo- Caribbean people have influenced Caribbean culture.
(20 marks) 2017
“While some men, particularly in the highest social strata, have been able to maintain
their traditional position in the family, education system and labour force, the majority
are being eclipsed [replaced] by women in all these areas.” Errol Miller, 1991.
Discuss the extent to which you agree with this view taking into consideration gender
practices in the Caribbean context. (30 marks) 2016
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● “Caribbean societies are undergoing processes of cultural change. These processes have
been variously viewed as acculturation, transculturation or creolization.” Fernando Ortiz,
Discuss the relationship between any TWO of these processes and the extent to which
you agree with any of them. (30 marks) 2016
● Examine FOUR factors that promoted social mobility in the Caribbean. (20 marks) 2015
● “Carnival and Phagwah create opportunities for Caribbean people to publicly express
their identities.” Discuss the extent to which you agree with this statement. (30 marks)
● Using examples, describe FOUR ways in which indigenous peoples have contributed to
the way of life in the Caribbean. (20 marks) 2014
● “United we stand, divided we fall.” Examine the extent to which social challenges faced
by people in the Caribbean region may hinder Caribbean unity. (30 marks) 2014
“Social stratification continues to be a key feature of Caribbean society.” Using examples
to support your answer, discuss the extent to which you agree with this statement. (30
marks) 2012
● “Cultural practices are never erased; they are transformed.” Using examples from the
Caribbean, discuss the extent to which you agree with this statement. (30 marks) 2012
● Account for the changing role that race, colour and ethnic affiliation play in Caribbean
society and culture. (30 marks) 2009
● “There is no single Caribbean culture.” Do you agree? Provide arguments and examples
to support your answer. (30 marks) 2009
● Using examples from the Caribbean, explain TWO of the following concepts:
Cultural erasure
Cultural retention
Cultural renewal
(20 marks) 2008
● Assess the role of ONE of the following in the formation of Caribbean identity:
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African Caribbean culture
Indo- Caribbean culture
(30 marks) 2008
“All ah we is one.” Discuss the social challenges faced by Caribbean people in achieving
Caribbean unity. (30 marks) 2006
● Drawing from your own experiences, discuss the extent to which the concept of
“Caribbean identity” is a myth or a reality. (30 marks) 2005
● Describe the causes of social stratification in Caribbean countries. (20 marks) 2004
● Discuss the challenges for Caribbean society as it seeks to achieve national unity in a
context of cultural diversity. (30 marks) 2003
5. Impact of Geographical Phenomena
● Individuals, more than governments, have a responsibility to mitigate the effects of
natural disasters. Discuss the extent to which it is the responsibility of individuals rather
than governments to mitigate the effects of natural disasters. (30 marks) 2017
● Examine FOUR ways in which settlement patterns in the Caribbean have been influenced
by the physical landscape. (20 marks) 2015
● Using examples, describe FOUR measures that can be taken to minimize the impact of
soil erosion in the Caribbean. (20 marks) 2014
● Examine FOUR factors which have caused coral reefs in the Caribbean to be threatened
with extinction. Include examples in your response. (20 marks) 2013
● Examine THREE strategies that Caribbean countries can use to minimize the impact of
earthquakes in the region. (20 marks) 2012
● Explain 3 ways in which the physical landscape has influenced settlement patterns in the
Caribbean. (20 marks) 2011
● “Flooding is caused by a combination of natural and man- made factors.” Discuss the
extent to which flooding is a MAJOR environmental hazard in the Caribbean. (30 marks)
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● Examine THREE measures that Caribbean countries can implement to minimize the
danger posed to coral reefs in the region. (20 marks) 2009
● Discuss the social and economic impact of natural disasters on the Caribbean. (30 marks)
● Describe the value of coral reefs to Caribbean society and culture. (20 marks) 2005
● Assess the measures that Caribbean countries can realistically undertake to minimize the
danger posed by earthquakes. (30 marks) 2004
● Describe how the physical landscape has influenced settlement patterns in the
Caribbean. (20 marks) 2003
● Describe the importance of coral reefs to the culture and society of the Caribbean. (20
marks) 2001
● The Caribbean is unprepared to cope with natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions
and earthquakes. Evaluate this statement. (30 marks) 2001
6. Impact of Societal Institutions on Caribbean People
● During colonial rule, education in the Caribbean was an effective means of upward social
mobility. Using THREE points, discuss the extent to which you agree with this statement.
(30 marks) (2019)
● Assess the ways in which colonial education impacted the formation of Caribbean
society and culture. (30 marks) 2013
● Examine THREE ways in which the family, as a social institution, impacts on society and
culture in the Caribbean. (20 marks) 2012
● European cultural institutions continue to impact Caribbean society and culture in the
independence period. To what extent do agree with this statement? (30 marks) 2011
● Describe THREE ways in which education facilitated the colonial agenda in the
Caribbean. (20 marks) 2010
● Examine THREE ways in which the justice system, as a social institution, impacts on
society and culture. (20 marks) 2009
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● Assess the extent to which religion continues to dominate the life of Caribbean people.
(30 marks) 2007
● Examine at least FOUR challenges being faced by the justice system in Caribbean society
and culture today. (20 marks) 2006
● Describe how education, as a social institution, impacts on Caribbean society and
culture. (20 marks) 2005
● To what extent do European cultural institutions continue to dominate Caribbean society
and culture? (30 marks) 2005
7. Caribbean Arts and Popular Culture in the Region and its Diaspora
Explain FOUR ways in which the arts have contributed to human development in the Caribbean. (20
marks) 2017
Explain FOUR ways in which the historical experience and culinary practices of Caribbean people
have been shaped/ influenced food choices today. (20 marks) 2016
Describe how one art form or expression of popular culture has contributed significantly to the
economic development of Caribbean countries. (20 marks) 2003
8. Caribbean-Global Interactions
Caribbean people continue to migrate outside of the region in search of a better life. Assess the
extent to which extra- regional migration is a loss for the Caribbean. (30 marks) 2018
Festivals in the Caribbean have become commercialized as a result of the influence of extra
regional countries. Discuss the extent to which you agree with this view. (30 marks) 2017
“The Caribbean needs its diaspora in order to fully understand itself.” Examine the extent to
which Caribbean diasporic communities influence the formation of Caribbean identity. (30
marks) 2014
Describe FOUR ways in which the Rastafarian culture has impacted the societies of metropolitan
countries. (20 marks) 2013
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Examine the impact of Rastafarian culture on the metropolitan societies of North America and
Europe. (30 marks) 2010
“Caribbean migrants in the United Kingdom and North America have had a limited impact on
those societies.” Present arguments for OR against this statement. (30 marks) 2007
Describe FOUR ways in which Caribbean society and culture impact upon the economies of
extra regional countries. (20 marks) 2006
Discuss the view that a “Caribbean identity” is more clearly evident among Caribbean nationals
who meet outside the region than it is among nationals in the Caribbean itself. (30 marks) 2004
Explain how the tourist industry has helped to shape patterns of behaviour within Caribbean
communities. (20 marks) 2004
Describe the factors that have led Caribbean migrants living in metropolitan countries to create
a “home away from home”. (20 marks) 2003
During the past three decades Caribbean music and Caribbean festivals have gained widespread
acceptance internationally. Analyse the nature of the Caribbean. (30 marks) 2003
Describe how the migration of Caribbean people to the United States, Canada and the United
Kingdom acceptance internationally. Analyse the nature of this impact for the Caribbean. (30
marks) 2002
Describe the impact of Rastafarianism on cultural practices beyond the Caribbean region. (20
marks) 2001
Caribbean festivals such as CARIBANA and Notting Hill Carnival in England and Labour Day in
Brooklyn, New York have a positive effect on the economies of the host countries.” Discuss. (30
marks) 2001
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Module 2: Issues in Caribbean Development
1. Concepts and Indicators of Development
Per capita measurements are used to understand economic growth indicators such as GDP and
GNP. Explain TWO advantages and TWO disadvantages of using GDP per capita measurement as
an indicator of development. (20 marks) 2018
● Discuss 3 similarities and 3 differences between sustainable and economic development.
(20 marks) 2011
Outline FOUR indicators of development and describe their relevance as indicators of
development in the Caribbean. (20 marks) 2007
● Using examples from the Caribbean, describe the importance of EACH of the following
Economic development
Political development
Social development (20 marks) 2009
2. Factors that Promote or Hinder Development
● Explain FOUR challenges to the development of the tourism sector in the Caribbean,
indicating how EACH challenge impacts development in the region. (20 marks) 2017
● Explain FOUR measures which governments can use to encourage entrepreneurial
activities in the Caribbean region. (20 marks) 2016
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● In light of the region’s vulnerable environment, discuss the extent to which sustainable
development is a viable option. (30 marks) 2015
● Discuss FOUR measures that can be taken by Caribbean government to promote
economic growth during a recession. (20 marks) 2014
● Describe FOUR ways in which the empowerment of women can promote development
in the Caribbean. (20 marks) 2013
● “The Caribbean needs sustainable tourism.” Discuss the extent to which you agree that
it is feasible for the Caribbean to practise sustainable tourism. (30 marks) 2012
● Describe FOUR ways in which Caribbean countries can increase their levels of
productivity. (20 marks) 2012
● Describe FOUR ways in which technology has advanced development in the Caribbean.
(20 marks) 2012
● Explain how the distribution of wealth in the Caribbean hinders development in the
region. (20 marks) 2010
“Tourism has advanced development in the Caribbean.” Present arguments for AND
against this statement. (30 marks) 2009
● Describe THREE ways in which discrimination against women hinders development in
the region. (20 marks) 2009
● Describe the contribution made by Caribbean governments to sustainable development
in the region. (20 marks) 2008
● Explain how the distribution of wealth in a Caribbean country impacts on its
development. (20 marks) 2007
● Describe FOUR challenges faced by Caribbean governments in their efforts to promote
tourism development. (20 marks) 2006
● For a named Caribbean country, describe the factors that may be hindering the process
of development. (20 marks) 2005
● Suggest ways in which the tourism industry in the Caribbean can further advance
development in the region. (30 marks) 2005
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● “Imported technology has marginally improved the economies of the Caribbean.” To
what extent do you agree with this statement? (30 marks) 2003
● Examine FOUR ways in which Caribbean countries can achieve high levels of productivity.
(20 marks) 2004
● Describe some positive and negative effects of population growth on development in
the Caribbean. (20 marks) 2001
Globalisation and Development
● “Technology not only played a role in ushering in the age of globalization, but has been a
driving force behind its advancement.” Describe FOUR ways in which technology has
contributed to the advancement of globalisation in the Caribbean. (20 marks) 2019
● Explain FOUR ways in which the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) between
CARIFORUM and the European Union (EU) promotes free trade CARIFORUM countries
and the EU. (20 marks) 2017
● Explain FOUR ways in which global economic conditions influence the economic options
of regional governments. (20 marks) 2016
● Examine the evolution of the labour movement in the region from colonialism to
globalization and describe THREE impacts on regional economies. (30 marks) 2016
● Discuss FOUR ways in which popular movements in the Caribbean have shaped the
region’s political identity. (20 marks) 2015
● Discuss FOUR ways in which structural adjustment programmes (SAPs) impact
development in the Caribbean. (20 marks) 2015
● Discuss FOUR ways in which the distribution sector in the Caribbean can contribute to
the overall growth and development of the region and its diaspora. (20 marks) 2014
● Examine TWO ways in which EACH of the following organizations facilitates development
in the Caribbean:
The World Bank
The World Trade Organization (WTO) (20 marks) 2013
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● Describe FOUR ways in which the process of globalization is affecting the development
of the Caribbean. 2006
● Describe FOUR ways in which technology facilitates globalization in the Caribbean. (20
marks) 2008
● Describe how globalization affects the prices of goods and services in Caribbean
countries. (20 marks) 2004
“Globalization benefits the rich and powerful countries more than it benefits the
nations of the Caribbean.” To what extent do you agree with this statement? (30 marks)
4. The Integration Movement
● A major challenge to the CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME) is the
differences in levels of development among member states. Using THREE points,
discuss the extent to which you agree with this statement. (30 marks) 2019
● Discuss FOUR of the challenges faced by the Regional Security System (RSS) in its
efforts to respond to the security needs of the Caribbean region. (30 marks) 2016
● Discuss the extent to which the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), in its present
form, is capable of responding to the economic challenges of globalization. (30
marks) 2015
● “CARICOM cannot last for five more years!” Discuss the extent to which you agree
with this statement in view of the challenges faced by CARICOM. (30 marks) 2012
● Discuss the view that freedom of movement is the key factor hindering integration in
the Caribbean region. (30 marks) 2011
● “The ultimate goal of CARICOM is to institute a single government for CARICOM
member states.” If this goal becomes a reality, discuss the ways in which this
development may help OR hinder the movement towards Caribbean integration. (30
marks) 2009
● Describe THREE factors that encourage Caribbean integration, and assess the impact
this integration is likely to have on social, political and economic development of the
region. (30 marks) 2007
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● “Freedom of movement poses the greatest challenge to establishing the CSME.” To
what extent do you agree with this statement? (30 marks) 2006
● Discuss the view that a major challenge to the integration movement in the
Caribbean is the wide disparity in levels of development among member countries of
CARICOM. (30 marks) 2004
● ‘Unless there is political harmony and social justice, integration as proposed by
CARICOM is only a dream.” Evaluate this statement. (30 marks) 2001
5. Contributions of Sport
● Sports play a major role in regional development. Discuss the extent to which you agree
with this statement. (30 marks) 2017
● Discuss the extent to which sports have contributed to the development of Caribbean
identity regionally and in the diaspora. (30 marks) 2013
● Discuss 4 challenges that are faced by Caribbean governments in using sports as a means
of facilitating development in the region. (20 marks) 2011
● For ONE named Caribbean country, examine its commitment to human development
through sports. (30 marks) 2010
● “West Indian cricket, once the pride and joy of Caribbean sports fans worldwide, has in
recent years often lacked competitiveness in test matches.” Assess the impact of this
“lack of competitiveness” will have on regional cricket in general and on the region’s
development specifically. (30 marks) 2007
● To what extent do sports in the Caribbean provide educational opportunities for
Caribbean people as well as a route to Caribbean nationalism? (30 marks) 2006
● “Sports has made a great contribution to the development in the Caribbean.” To what
extent do you agree with statement? (30 marks) 2003
● Describe the contribution made by sports to regional integration and economic
development. (20 marks) 2001
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6. Intellectual Traditions
● Discuss the extent to which the ideology ‘indigenous perspectives’ has contributed to
the reshaping of thoughts on Caribbean development. (30 marks) 2018
● “In the 1960’s, the dependency theory attempted to explain underdevelopment in the
Caribbean.” Discuss the extent to which the Dependency theory is still useful in
explaining Caribbean development in the twenty first century. (30 marks) 2014
7. Roles and Functions of the Mass Media
● “The mass media in the Caribbean is pre- occupied with sensational news reporting such
as crime and violence- rapes and burglaries- with little focus on the region’s economic,
educational and other developmental issues.” Give arguments for AND against this
statement. (30 marks) 2010
● “Freedom of the press is a necessity in all Caribbean countries” Do you agree? Provide
arguments and examples to support your answer. (30 marks) 2008
● Examine how freedom of the press impacts on development in the Caribbean. (30
marks) 2005
● Describe how political interference has affected mass media’s ability to contribute
positively to the development of the Caribbean region. (20 marks) 2003
8. Social Justice
● Police brutality is an issue of social justice in the Caribbean. Analyse the effects of such
brutality on Caribbean societies. (30 marks) 2017
● “Discriminatory practices limit the potential of the Caribbean to facilitate development.”
Discuss this statement with reference to discrimination in the Caribbean based on
ethnicity and sexual orientation. (30 marks) 2014
● “Development is directly related to the ability of citizens to exercise their fundamental
democratic rights.” Do you agree? Using examples from the Caribbean, assess the
validity of the statement above. (30 marks) 2013
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● “Breeches in social justice hinder development by perpetuating inequality in the
Caribbean.” Discuss this statement with reference to age and class. (30 marks) 2011
● “Many Caribbean people continue to experience discrimination in their own countries.”
Discuss this statement with reference to age, ethnicity and class. (30 marks) 2008
● Describe how discrimination against women impacts on development in the Caribbean.
(20 marks) 2005
● Discuss the extent to which the inequitable distribution of wealth in Caribbean countries
can be regarded as a breach of social justice. (30 marks) 2004
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