ANTICHOLINERGICS PRESENTED BY DR.SRIDEVI DEPARTMENT OF PEDODONTICS INTRODUCTION:Anticholinergic drugs are those which blocks actions of Ach on autonomic effectors and in the CNS excreated through muscarinic receptors. Nicotinic antagonists which blocks actions of Ach are generally referred as “ganglion blockers” and “neuromuscular blockers”. Atropine, the prototype drug of this class, is highly selective for muscarinic receptors, but some of its synthetic substitutes do possess significant nicotinic blocking property in addition. All anticholinergics are competitive antagonists CLASSIFICATION:1) 2) 3) NATURAL ALKALOIDS- Atropine,Hyoscine(Scopolamine) SEMISYNTHETIC DERIVATIVES- Homatropine,Atropine methonitrate,Hyoscine butyl bromide,Ipratopium bromide. SYNTHETIC COMPOUNDSa)Mydriatics: Cyclopentolate,Tropicamide b)Anti-secretary-Antispasmodics i) Quaternary compounds: Propantheline, Clidinium,Glycopyrrolate, Oxyphenonium ii) Tertiary amines: Dicyclomine,Oxybutynin, Flavoxate,Pirenzepine c) Anti-parkinsonian:Trihexyphenidyl(benzhexol) Procyclidine,Biperiden The natural alkaloids are found in plants of solanaceae family – atropine in atropa belladonna and datura stramonium,hyoscine in hyoscyamus niger. The term belladonna comes from the italian “beautiful woman” and is so named because instillation of one of these drugs ino the eyes was said makes woman more attractive. USES:Preanaesthetic medication- during GA antichoinergics diminishes secretions in respiratory tract,thus lessening the likleyhood of laryngospasm and help prevent reflex vagal slowing of the heart. Antispasmodic , Antiulcer therapy: functional GIT disorders Anti sailogogues To relieve urinary frequency and urgency in neurogenic disorders COPD: Ipratopium is used to preserve the ciliary motility and prevents the formation of mucous plugs. As mydriatic and cycloplegic for refraction testing and fundoscopy : Tropicamide parkinsonism: reduces tremors ang rigidity Motion sickness: hyoscine Mushroom poisoning : atropine Antidote for anticholinesterase eg. Neostigmine Heavy metal poisoning ADVERSE EFFECTS:Belladonna poisoning : manifestations include- dry mouth, difficulty in swallowing and talking, dry flushed and hot skin,difficulty in micturition psychotic behaviour, dilated pupil, blurring of near vision, palpitation, convulsion and coma occur in severe poisoning. Treatment :- gastric lavage with tannic acid - patient should be dark and quiet room. - Physostigmine 1-3 mg SC/IV antagonises both central and peripheral effects, should be repeated 4-6 hrly CONTRAINDICATIONS:Narrow angle glaucoma Prostatic hypertrophy PREPARATIONS AND ORAL DOSAGES USED IN DENTISTRY:DRUG DOSE TIME OF ADMINISTRATI ON Atropine sulphate 0.4- 1mg 1-2 hrs Belladonna tincture 0.6 -1ml 2.5-3 hrs Glycopyrrolate 1-2mg 30-45 mins Propantheline bromide 15-30mg 30-45 mins Scopolamine 0.4-0.8 mg 30-60 mins QUESTION ROUND:Why anticholinergics are preferred preanaesthetically? What problems does dentists usually comes across with patients on anticholinergics and how do they overcome this? What are contraindications? Drug interactions of anticholinergics? What is atropine flush? Prevention and Treatment? What is glaucoma? Why anticholinergics are contraindicated only in narrow angle glaucoma? What is central anticholinergic syndrome? prevention? What are the uses in dentistry? Side effects? GLAUCOMA Progressive form of optic nerve damage associated with increased iop CENTRAL ANTICHOLINERGIC SYNDROME Produced by scopalamine occasionally atropine THANK YOU