IS S U E NO . 5 AUGU ST 2017 MASS MONTHLY A P P L ICATIO NS IN STR E NG TH S P O R T E R I C HE L MS | G R EG N U C KOLS | M IC H AEL Z OU RD OS 1 The Reviewers Eric Helms Eric Helms is a coach, athlete, author, and educator. He is a coach for drug-free strength and physique competitors at all levels as a part of team 3D Muscle Journey. Eric regularly publishes peer-reviewed articles in exercise science and nutrition journals on physique and strength sport, in addition to writing for commercial fitness publications. He’s taught undergraduateand graduate-level nutrition and exercise science and speaks internationally at academic and commercial conferences. He has a B.S. in fitness and wellness, an M.S. in exercise science, a second Master's in sports nutrition, and is a strength and conditioning Ph.D. candidate at Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand. Eric earned pro status as a natural bodybuilder with the PNBA in 2011 and competes in the IPF at international-level events as an unequipped powerlifter. Greg Nuckols Greg Nuckols has over a decade of experience under the bar and a B.S. in exercise and sports science. Greg is currently enrolled in the exercise science M.A. program at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He’s held three all-time world records in powerlifting in the 220lb and 242lb classes. He’s trained hundreds of athletes and regular folks, both online and in-person. He’s written for many of the major magazines and websites in the fitness industry, including Men’s Health, Men’s Fitness, Muscle & Fitness,, T-Nation, and Furthermore, he’s had the opportunity to work with and learn from numerous record holders, champion athletes, and collegiate and professional strength and conditioning coaches through his previous job as Chief Content Director for Juggernaut Training Systems and current full-time work on Michael C. Zourdos Michael (Mike) C. Zourdos, Ph.D, CSCS, is an associate professor in exercise science at Florida Atlantic University (FAU) in Boca Raton, FL., USA, with a specialization in strength and conditioning and skeletal muscle physiology. He earned his Ph.D. in exercise physiology from The Florida State University (FSU) in 2012 under the guidance of Dr. Jeong-Su Kim. Prior to attending FSU, Mike received his B.S. in exercise science from Marietta College and M.S. in applied health physiology from Salisbury University. Mike served as the head powerlifting coach of FSU’s 2011 and 2012 state championship teams. As an associate professor at FAU, Mike is the director of the FAU Muscle Physiology Research Laboratory. He also competes as a powerlifter in the USAPL, and among his best competition lifts is a 230kg (507lbs) raw squat at a body weight of 76kg. Mike owns the company Training Revolution, LLC., where he has coached more than 100 lifters, including a USAPL open division national champion. 2 Letter from the Reviewers When we wrap up each issue, we cannot believe how quickly the time has gone. Yet here we are with our fifth issue of MASS, just one month shy of half a year. This month will be our second with the addition of audio, and we feel that is just one way MASS has continually improved. Our goal will be to keep improving with each and every issue. Our study selections this month include quite a few aspects of programming. We have reviewed training studies covering the usage of drop sets and supersets along with new information regarding if training to failure is really necessary. Eric has tackled an interesting study regarding the time course of fatigue in response to high volume and high intensity training, which has implications for prescribing the magnitude of training volume within a session. Greg has analyzed concepts related to mental training and self-talk, which provide a very practical and easy-to-implement strategy that may enhance strength gains. Finally, the lifting community has long discussed the different muscle activation of the flat, incline, and decline barbell bench presses, and we examine a recent study which takes on this question. For the video portion, Mike has begun a multi-part series on programming and periodization, which will serve as a comprehensive guide to programming. In this issue, Eric also breaks down macrocycles, mesocycles, and microcycles for diet periodization in order to provide a conceptual model of bodybuilding contest preparation. As always, we hope you enjoy this issue and we remain committed to getting better each and every month. We look forward to next month and celebrating half a year of MASS. The MASS Team Michael, Eric, and Greg 3 Table of Contents 6 19 31 BY G R EG NUCKOL S Muscle Activation and Damage in Grouped vs. Separated Supersets Grouped supersets (training the same muscle with alternating exercises) seem to be a double-edged sword, leading to more muscle activation but also more muscle damage than separated supersets (training different muscles with alternating exercises). BY M I CHAEL C. ZOUR DOS Training to Failure Has Its Place, but It is Not Necessary Performing some or all sets during a training session to failure is common, but is it necessary? This article discusses non-failure versus failure training when volume is equated and when volume is different among a very large sample size. Find out if training to failure is necessary and when it may or may not be appropriate. BY E RI C HEL MS Could Bulking on a High Protein Diet Limit Fat Gain and Improve Health? It is common practice for bodybuilders to aggressively gain weight in the offseason in an attempt to maximize muscle gains, but excessive body fat gain often hinders this process. Does this study provide insight on how a high protein diet might mitigate this issue? 41 BY G R EG NUCKOL S Mind Over Matter: Mental Training Increases Strength Gains Everyone focuses on physical training, but mental training is a powerful, oft-overlooked tool that can boost your strength gains. 4 52 BY M I CHAEL C. ZOUR DOS Drop Set-Only Training Is Time Efficient, but How Can It Be Practically Implemented? Training with drop sets may give you a larger muscle pump; however, some data show the pump may not be as important for hypertrophy as previously thought. Therefore, how and when should drop sets be implemented to maximize muscular adaptations? This article provides specific recommendations regarding this question. 64 74 82 84 BY E RI C HEL MS Recovery from Training: High Intensity vs. High Volume Depending on who you talk to, they might tell you that their recovery is hindered by heavy training or by performing a lot of volume. Which type of training causes more muscle damage, inflammation, and force production suppression? Read here to find out. BY G R EG NUCKOL S How Do Bench Press Variations Affect Muscle Activity in Elite Lifters? In spite of differences in load and technique, most bench press variations seem to cause similar levels of muscle activation in elite benchers. However, the story may be different for newer lifters. BY M I CHAEL C. ZOUR DOS VIDEO: Comprehensive Program Design, Part 1 There are many theories of periodization and program design. However, we often get too caught up comparing one to the other. Well, the first part of this video series demonstrates how periodization and programming concepts should be integrated and sets the stage for a multiple part series to help you design the specifics of a training program. BY E RI C HEL MS VIDEO: The Nuts and Bolts of Diet Periodization With so many concepts to implement, such as diet breaks, intermittent caloric restriction, and high carbohydrate refeeds, it is difficult to program a diet for contest prep that integrates each one in an informed manner, based on the available evidence. However, in this video, Eric shows you how. 5 Muscle Activation and Damage in Grouped vs. Separated Supersets Study Reviewed: Muscle Damage and Muscle Activity Induced By Strength Training Supersets in Physically Active Men. Brentano et al. (2017) BY G RE G NUC KO LS S upersets involve alternating sets of two commonly used for two purposes: different exercises, instead of banging Grouped supersets (GE; training the out all of your sets with a single ex- same muscle with alternating exercises, ercise before moving on. Supersets are sometimes referred to as compound sets) 6 KEY POINTS 1. Supersets using grouped exercises (doing two quad exercises back to back, followed by two chest exercises back to back) resulted in higher muscle activation at some time points and increased markers of muscle damage versus supersets using separated exercises (with each superset including one quad exercise and one chest exercise). 2. The key benefit of performing supersets in your training is to save time. Furthermore, we know that insufficient rest between sets can hinder hypertrophy and strength gains. Therefore, supersets using separated exercises are likely the better option in most circumstances. However, supersets using grouped exercises may be useful during a “shock” mesocycle or microcycle, as they seem to be inherently more physiologically stressful. are often used as an “intensity technique” for hypertrophy. The idea is that you can stimulate a muscle more by simultaneously training it with two different exercises – for example, alternating sets of bench press with sets of DB flyes. Separated supersets (SE; training different muscles with alternating exercises) are often used simply to save time. For example, if you bang out a set of curls between each set of squats, you probably won’t need to rest any longer between each set of squats, and you won’t need to spend more time at the end of your workout doing curls. groups performing both types of supersets, the group performing grouped supersets had larger elevations in creatine kinase and experienced longer lasting muscle soreness. Additionally, the group performing grouped supersets had higher levels of muscle activation in their rectus femoris and anterior deltoid at various time points, though pec, vastus lateralis, and vastus medialis activation were similar between groups. Purpose and Research Questions In spite of supersets’ popularity, they’re The authors had two hypotheses, stemnot incredibly well-studied. This study ming from the assumption that GE adds to the relatively sparse literature on would require greater muscular effort: the subject, looking at the acute effects 1. Muscle activation would be higher of grouped versus separated supersets on with GE versus SE. muscle activation and muscle damage. While it took the same amount of time 2. Indirect markers of muscle damage (performance decrements, creatine for strength levels to return to baseline in 7 kinase levels, and muscle soreness) degrees of flexion. Peak isometric joint would be more elevated with GE torque was measured for the shoulder horizontal flexors (primarily the pecs) versus SE. with the shoulders in 90 degrees of adduction and 30 degrees of horizontal flexion (like a machine pec fly). PlasSubjects and Methods ma creatine kinase levels were assessed Subjects from analyzing venous blood. Soreness The subjects were 20 healthy men (22 was assessed using a 0-10 scale (with 0 were recruited, and two dropped out) who representing no pain, the 10 representing were familiar with strength training but maximum pain) after one rep of shoulder were not competitive lifters. They appear horizontal flexion/extension and one rep to have had some training experience, as of knee flexion/extension. their 10RM lifts were better than most people can manage on day one (10RM Muscle activation was assessed on the bench press around 50kg, and 10RM leg first and fifth sets of pec deck and knee express around 160kg), but they were clear- tensions using surface EMG. The EMG ly quite new to strength training on av- signals were gathered during the concenerage, though training age wasn’t report- tric phase of all reps during the first and ed. They were split into two groups. The fifth sets, and normalized as a percentage subjects in the GE group (n=10) were of the EMG amplitude measured during 26.6±3.4 years old, while the subjects in an isometric voluntary contraction. Musthe SE group (n=10) were 24.9±2.6 years cle activation was assessed in the vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, and rectus femold. oris during knee extensions, and the pecTesting toralis major and anterior deltoid during Indirect markers of muscle damage, the sets of pec deck. Knee extensions and including peak isometric joint torque, pec deck were chosen as the exercises creatine kinase activity, passive range of during which to measure EMG as they motion, and perceived soreness were as- were placed in the same position for both sessed pre-training, and for the following groups (knee extensions were the second five days at the same time of day as the exercise in the first superset, and pec deck initial training session (to control for any was the second exercise in the second sudiurnal variations). Peak torque was also perset). assessed immediately after training. Training Protocol Peak isometric joint torque was mea- Both groups did five sets apiece of sured for the knee extensors (quads) us- bench press, pec deck, leg press, and knee ing a dynamometer with the knees in 70 extension. The GE group supersetted 8 FIGURE 1 Bench press Pec deck Bench press Pec deck Bench press Pec deck Bench press Pec deck Bench press Pec deck Leg press Pec deck Leg press Pec deck Leg press Pec deck Leg press Pec deck Leg press Pec deck Knee extension Leg press Knee extension Leg press Knee extension Leg press Knee extension Leg press Knee extension Leg press Grouped Exercise Supersets EMG Recorded Knee extension Bench press Knee extension Bench press Knee extension Bench press Knee extension Bench press Knee extension Bench press THREE MINUTES OF REST EMG Recorded EMG Recorded EMG Recorded Separated Exercise Supersets Schematic of the exercise sessions; minimal rest between exercises during each superset their five sets of leg press and knee extensions (one set of leg press, one set of knee extensions, one set of leg press, etc.) with no rest between sets. They rested three minutes after their last set of knee extensions, and then supersetted their five sets of bench press and pec deck with no rest between sets. The SE group supersetted bench press and knee extensions first, followed by supersetting leg press and pec deck. It’s not entirely clear how they chose the training weights. Before training, the subjects tested their 10RMs on all four exercises. The authors state “all exercises were performed at the load obtained during the 10RM tests; therefore, both sessions were conducted with loads equivalent to 85% of 10RM.” I think they used 85% of their 10RMs from all exercises, but the wording isn’t entirely clear. It seems that all sets were taken to failure. Findings Performance Both groups performed roughly the 9 CK (% PRE EXERCISE) FIGURE 2 1200 GE SE 1000 *# *# 800 600 400 * 200 0 *# *# * Pre Day 1 * * Day 2 Day 3 * Day 4 Day 5 TIME Mean and SDs of normalized plasmatic creatine kinase activity (%CK) before and during five days after performing grouped exercises (GE) or separated exercises (SE). #Difference between GE and SE sessions (p≤0.05). *Difference from pre-exercise (p≤0.05). From Brentano et al. (1) same amount of training volume (volume point. load differed by less than 1% between Creatine Kinase groups), and their workouts took roughly Creatine kinase levels increased sigthe same amount of time (the mean difnificantly in both groups. They remained ference was only six seconds). significantly elevated above baseline for Peak Torque five days in the GE group, and for four Peak knee extension and shoulder hor- days in the SE group. Furthermore, CK izontal flexion torque decreased in both levels were significantly higher in the GE groups immediately after training. How- group than the SE group for days 2-5 ever, they were not significantly differ- following the training session, with peak ent from pre-training after one day, and levels roughly twice as high. It should didn’t differ between groups at any time also be noted that the researchers only 10 FIGURE 3 KE DOMS 3 GE SE * * 2 1 0 SHF 4 3 DOMS 4 * Pre Day 1 * Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 TIME GE SE 2 * 1 * * 0 Pre * * Day 1 Day 2 * Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 TIME Mean and SDs of delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) of the knee extensors (KE) and shoulder horizontal flexors (SHF), before and during five days, after performing grouped exercises (GE) or separated exercises (SE). There is no difference between GE and SE. *Difference from pre-exercise (p≤0.05). From Brentano et al. (1) took measurements for five days follow- Muscle Activation ing training – it’s possible that CK levels Muscle activation tended to increase were elevated for more than five days in across sets in all muscles in both groups the GE group. (as you’d expect), except for the pecs. There were no differences in vastus laterSoreness Muscle soreness increased in both alis, vastus medialis, or pec activation begroups following training. The increase tween groups. However, anterior deltoid was significant for two days for knee ex- and rectus femoris activation were hightension, and three days for shoulder hor- er at some time points in the GE group izontal flexion. Peak soreness appears to than the SE group. be higher in the GE group, but the difference wasn’t statistically significant. Range of motion Passive range of motion decreased in both groups following training. There were no significant differences between groups. However, ROM was decreased below baseline for longer (2-4 days) in the GE group versus the SE group (1-2 days). Interpretation The overall picture presented by this study was that GE supersets are generally more physiologically stressful than SE supersets, as seen via larger increases in markers of muscle damage and higher muscle activation at some time points. The million-dollar questions are 1) how 11 FIGURE 4 140 1st set - RF SE GE 120 EMG (%) 100 80 60 40 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 REPETITIONS 140 5th set - RF SE GE 120 # EMG (%) 100 # *# # 80 60 40 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 REPETITIONS Mean and SDs of normalized electromyographic signal (%EMG) of the rectus femoris (RF) during the first set and the fifth set when performing grouped exercises (GE) and separated exercises (SE). *Difference from first repetition of fifth set (p≤0.05). #Difference between GE and SE (p≤0.05). From Brentano et al. (1) 12 this study informs when you should implement supersets into your training, and 2) how you should configure your supersets. I’m generally of the opinion that supersets should primarily only be implemented for gaining strength or building muscle if you simply don’t have time to do all of your sets with one exercise before moving on to the next. While most acute muscle fatigue comes from local factors (i.e. from cellular changes leading to fatigue within the target muscle itself ), acute muscular fatigue also has a global component (i.e. if your legs are fatigued, arm muscle performance can decrease a bit as well) (2). This leads me to believe that SE supersets will likely be a bit less effective than simply performing exercises one at a time in order of importance. Furthermore, several studies (3, 4) indicate that longer rest intervals between sets can lead to more hypertrophy and greater strength gains, leading me to believe that GE supersets will likely be a bit less effective than performing their constituent exercises one at a time. That being said, if you are short on time and you want to cut down on workout duration, SE supersets have been shown to be effective for gaining strength. Most of the prior studies have specifically examined antagonistic supersets (i.e. bench supersetted with rows, or a quad exercise supersetted with a hamstrings exercise) (5), but I’d assume those findings mostly generalize to the sort of SE supersets SUPERSETS SHOULD PRIMARILY ONLY BE IMPLEMENTED FOR GAINING STRENGTH OR BUILDING MUSCLE IF YOU SIMPLY DON’T HAVE TIME TO DO ALL OF YOUR SETS WITH ONE EXERCISE BEFORE MOVING ON TO THE NEXT. used in this study, pairing an upper body exercise with a lower body exercise (more on that later). GE supersets may be a useful tool in a couple of circumstances: 1. If training frequency for a muscle is low, so it doesn’t matter that markers of muscle damage are elevated for 5+ days. 2. During a “shock” microcycle or mesocycle in a periodized program. Under most circumstances, I probably wouldn’t recommend GE supersets, as the disproportionate amount of fatigue they induce probably isn’t worth it: They would have the potential to compromise total weekly training volume if training a particular muscle 2-3+ times per week. 13 FIGURE 5 280 240 EMG (%) 200 1st set - AD SE GE # # # # # # # # 6 7 8 *# *# 9 10 160 120 80 40 0 1 2 3 4 5 REPETITIONS 280 EMG (%) 240 5th set - AD SE GE 200 160 120 80 40 0 1 2 4 REPETITIONS Mean and SDs of normalized electromyographic signal (%EMG) of the anterior deltoid (AD) during the first set and the fifth set when performing grouped exercises (GE) and separated exercises (SE). *Difference from first repetition of fifth set (p≤0.05). #Difference between GE and SE (p≤0.05). From Brentano et al. (1) 14 TABLE 1 “Good” Supersets “Bad” Supersets Two non-competing exercises Two exercises using the same muscle groups or movement patterns Adequate rest (45-120 seconds between exercises, meaning ~2-5 minutes of rest before repeating an exercise) Insufficient rest (30 seconds or less between exercises, or 60 seconds or less before repeating an exercise) High-quality training with the benefit of time savings Saves time, but training quality suffers Useful for anyone who’s time-limited Potentially useful in a "shock" training cycle, or if training frequency is low The simplest suggestion would be to retain sufficient rest between each set, unlike the protocol used in this study. For example, if you rest four minutes between sets of squats and you want to sneak a little extra triceps work in, you could do a set of squats, rest a minute and a half, knock out a set of triceps extensions, rest two more minutes, do another set of squats, and repeat the process. That would almost definitely be doable Looking beyond this study, we can for the vast majority of lifters, allowing think conceptually about how to retain you to get in quality work for your squats the benefits of supersets while avoiding and your triceps, as opposed to the sort of back-to-back-to-back sets with no some of the potential downsides. rest during each superset in this present With that being said, the stress they induce would doubtlessly be smaller for more highly trained lifters, so that’s not too big of a concern. However, the previous point concerning the prior research on hypertrophy and rest periods is still relevant here; supersetting two exercises targeting the same muscle/s with short rest periods between each set probably isn’t the most effective way to grow that muscle. 15 APPLICATION AND TAKEAWAYS GE supersets may lead to more muscle activation than SE supersets, but at the cost of increased and longer-lasting indirect markers of muscle damage. As such, GE supersets may be occasionally useful as a “shock,” but they may hamper weekly training volume. If you implement supersets regularly into your training to save time, SE supersets are probably the better option, with a focus on still resting long enough between consecutive sets of both exercises so that training quality doesn’t suffer. study. (I know that immediately after a hard set of squats, I wouldn’t be able to put a full effort into essentially any other exercise.) Using this method, you’re still doing twice as many work sets per unit of time, allowing you to complete your workouts faster. However, you’ll still be able to maintain training quality for both of the exercises involved. This would be more applicable to SE supersets than GE supersets. In support of this idea, a 2014 study (6) compared traditional sets of squats to sets of squats interspersed with bench press and bench pull (seal rows); in both conditions, there were about three minutes between sets of squats. The load used was 80% of 1RM for all sets. The first three sets were sets of four reps, and the last set was taken to failure. There weren’t significant differences in peak ground reaction force, peak power, and average power between groups for the first three sets of squats, but the group performing traditional sets could do one additional rep on the final set taken to failure – squatting performance wasn’t absolutely maximized with this approach, but the relative performance cost was quite small. Furthermore, this general approach was also taken in a 2009 study (7) utilizing bench press and bench pull; that study found no significant differences in strength gains between traditional sets (four minutes between sets, completing all sets of one exercise before moving on to the next) and supersets (with two minutes between sets, and four minutes between sets of the same exercise) over eight weeks. One final thing to mention about the present study: I’m sure the increased muscle activation in the GE group will catch your eye, but I’d caution against getting too excited about it. For starters, there’s no solid evidence that increased surface EMG necessarily leads to more hypertrophy or larger strength gains. Furthermore, both significant differences in EMG readings in this study were observed in supporting muscles (the rectus femoris and the anterior deltoid) rather than the prime movers (the vasti and the pecs). Finally, the difference in anterior deltoid activation during the first set of pec deck was the only particularly large difference. This potentially indicates that 16 the pecs were fatigued from bench press, so the anterior deltoids needed to take over on the pec deck. If you want to ensure that your pec deck sets give your anterior deltoids a bigger stimulus, I’m not going to stop you, but this study doesn’t provide evidence that GE supersets increase activation of the prime movers in an exercise. Next Steps We need more studies examining the long-term effects of supersetted training versus traditional set configurations. We have several studies utilizing acute designs, but long-term training studies are rare. At this point, we can make suggestions based off what we do know from acute studies combined with basic physiological rationales, but those suggestions have to be quite tentative due to the paucity of good training studies. 17 References 1. Brentano MA, Umpierre D, Santos LP, Lopes AL, Radaelli R, Pinto RS, Kruel LFM. Muscle Damage and Muscle Activity Induced by Strength Training Super-Sets in Physically Active Men. J Strength Cond Res. 2017 Jul;31(7):1847-1858. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000001511. 2. Halperin I, Chapman DW, Behm DG. Non-local muscle fatigue: effects and possible mechanisms. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2015 Oct;115(10):2031-48. doi: 10.1007/s00421-015-3249-y. Epub 2015 Sep 2. 3. Buresh R, Berg K, French J. The effect of resistive exercise rest interval on hormonal response, strength, and hypertrophy with training. J Strength Cond Res. 2009 Jan;23(1):62-71. doi: 10.1519/ JSC.0b013e318185f14a. 4. Schoenfeld BJ, Pope ZK, Benik FM, Hester GM, Sellers J, Nooner JL, Schnaiter JA, Bond-Williams KE, Carter AS, Ross CL, Just BL, Henselmans M, Krieger JW. Longer Interset Rest Periods Enhance Muscle Strength and Hypertrophy in Resistance-Trained Men. J Strength Cond Res. 2016 Jul;30(7):1805-12. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000001272. 5. Robbins DW, Young WB, Behm DG, Payne WR. Agonist-antagonist paired set resistance training: a brief review. J Strength Cond Res. 2010 Oct;24(10):2873-82. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e3181f00bfc 6. Ciccone AB, Brown LE, Coburn JW, Galpin AJ. Effects of traditional vs. alternating whole-body strength training on squat performance. J Strength Cond Res. 2014 Sep;28(9):2569-77. doi: 10.1519/ JSC.0000000000000586. 7. Robbins DW, Young WB, Behm DG, Payne WR. Effects of agonist-antagonist complex resistance training on upper body strength and power development. J Sports Sci. 2009 Dec;27(14):1617-25. doi: 10.1080/02640410903365677. █ 18 Training to Failure Has Its Place, but It is Not Necessary Study Reviewed: Strength Training with Repetitions to Failure Does Not Provide Additional Strength and Muscle Hypertrophy Gains in Young Women. Martorelli et al. (2017) BY MICHAE L C . ZO URD O S T raining to failure on each set is to understand why, since taking a set to commonplace in many resis- failure is associated with a greater pump, tance-training programs. It’s easy difficulty level, and feeling of accomplish- 19 KEY POINTS 1. This study examined failure training compared to non-failure training in a population of 89 novice female trainees. 2. Overall, when volume is equated, training to failure is not necessary to significantly improve muscle strength, hypertrophy, and muscular endurance. 3. It remains unknown just how far from failure a lifter can train and still receive the same muscular adaptations as training to failure. ment; however, some data suggest that it might not be necessary to take each set to failure. Despite recent studies that question the necessity of training to failure for muscle adaptations, the practice remains common. This study compared three resistance training programs over the course of 10 weeks in 89 young women. Training in all three programs was limited to the barbell biceps curl and occurred two days per week with two minutes of rest between every set. The three groups were as follows: 1. Repetitions to failure (RF, n=30) in which subjects performed 3 sets to failure at 70% of one-repetition maximum-1RM. 2. Repetitions not leading to failure but with volume equal to RF (RNFV, n=32), which encompassed 4 sets of 7 reps @70% of 1RM. 3. Repetition not to failure (RNF, n=27), which had lower volume than the other groups, as they only performed 3 sets of 7 at 70% of 1RM. Strength was measured via a 1RM barbell curl; power was measured via peak torque (PT) of the elbow flexors; biceps hypertrophy was assessed in terms of changes in muscle thickness (MT) measured via ultrasound; and muscular endurance was tested by performing max reps at 70% of 1RM. All tests were conducted at pre-study, week 5 (mid-study), and week 10 (post-study). All groups increased 1RM strength between 26-28% from preto post-study with no group differences; however, the RNFV (+13.7%) and RNF (+4.1%) groups increased PT at post-study, whereas the RF group (-0.5%) did not improve PT. For MT, the RF (+17.5%) and RNFV (+8.5%) groups experienced significant hypertrophy from pre- to poststudy, while the RNF (+2.1%) group did not experience significant hypertrophy after 10 weeks of training. Finally, all groups increased muscular endurance to the same degree. These data demonstrate that in relatively untrained women, training to failure produces significant strength and hypertrophy adaptations over 10 weeks; however, when volume is matched without training to failure, similar progress will occur. 20 TABLE 1 Group, Subjects Age (years) Height (cm) Body Mass (kg) Training Experience RF, n=30 22.3±3.8 161.6±6.0 63.7±22.5 Physically active women, but no resistance training for 6 months RNFV, n=32 21.7±2.8 162.6±6.0 60.2±13.5 Physically active women, but no resistance training for 6 months RNF, n=27 21.6±3.3 162.2±6.2 62.5±14.1 Physically active women, but no resistance training for 6 months Data are Mean ± Standard Deviation Subject characteristics from Martorelli et al. 2017 (1). Purpose and Research Questions Purpose The main purpose of the reviewed study was to compare the strength and hypertrophy responses in three groups of young women performing biceps curls over 10 weeks. One group trained to failure, one group trained sub-maximally with volume load equated to the failure group, and one group trained sub-maximally with less volume than the failure group. A secondary purpose was to examine the muscular endurance responses between the groups. Research Question Does training to failure elicit greater hypertrophy, strength, and endurance responses than non-failure training in young women? Further, is there a difference in muscle adaptations with non-failure training if volume is equated to, or lower than, failure training? Hypotheses The authors hypothesized that all groups would experience the same strength improvements and that RF and RNFV would experience similar increases in strength to each other and greater increases in hypertrophy compared to RNF due to the lower total training volume in RNF. No hypothesis was provided regarding muscular endurance. Subjects and Methods Subjects Eighty-nine physically active young women who had not performed resistance training for the past six months participated. This large sample size is an excellent characteristic of this study. It is likely that the researchers specifically re- 21 TABLE 2: RESISTANCE TRAINING PROGRAM Repetitions to Failure Group (RF, n=30) Bar curl Day 1 Day 2 3 sets to failure @70% of 1RM 3 sets to failure @70% of 1RM Repetitions Not to Failure with Volume Equate to RF Group (n=27) Bar curl Day 1 Day 2 4 sets of 7 reps at 70% of 1RM 4 sets of 7 reps at 70% of 1RM Repetitions Not to Failure with Lower Volume Group (n=32) Bar curl Day 1 Day 2 3 sets of 7 reps at 70% of 1RM 3 sets of 7 reps at 70% of 1RM 1RM= One-Repetition Maximum. Percentages are week 1 loads, then training load was progressed in each group throughout; however, no specifics were given regarding the progression. cruited participants who had not trained for the prior six months because that is how long it takes for muscles to be fully susceptible to damage again if no training has occurred (2). Specific subject characteristics are provided in Table 1. Study Design and Training Program The subjects trained twice per week for 10 weeks and were divided into three different groups. At pre-, mid-, and post-study, 1RM bar curl, isometric elbow flexor PT, hypertrophy via MT, and muscular endurance (max reps at 70% of 1RM) of the biceps were assessed. 22 FIGURE 1: TOTAL TRAINING VOLUME Total Volume (kg) 10000 * * RF RNFV 8000 RNF 6000 4000 2000 0 *Significantly greater than RNF. RF= Repetitions to Failure; RNFV= Repetitions Not to Failure with Equated Volume; RNF=Repetitions Not to Failure. The three groups were as follows: 1. RF (n=30) in which subjects performed 3 sets to failure at 70% of 1RM. 2. Repetitions not leading to failure, but with volume equal to RF (RNFV, n=32), which involved 4 sets of 7 reps @70% of 1RM. 3. Repetitions not to failure (RNF, n=27), which had lower volume than the other groups, as they only performed 3 sets of 7 at 70% of 1RM. ther details on the progression model are provided. Also, subjects performed 4-6 other exercises per session to train the entire body, and all groups performed these other exercises sub-maximally (i.e. not to failure). The training programs for each group on the bar curl are provided in Table 2. Findings Total Training Volume By design, total training volume (volAll groups had two minutes rest beume load) was similar between RF and tween each set. The authors state that the RNFV, and both of those groups had training loads were gradually increased greater total volume than RNF. The authroughout the study; however, no fur- 23 thors first carried out a pilot study before designing the protocol to determine that 4 sets of 7 (RNFV group) would perform similar volume to the RF group. The total training volume for each group over the entire 10 weeks can be seen in Figure 1. Strength There were no between-group differences in 1RM strength at either mid- or post-study, but all groups significantly increased strength from pre- to mid- and post-study. The percentage changes and pre- to post-study within-group effect sizes (ES) for 1RM can be seen in Table 3. Isometric PT was tested at contraction velocities of 60°.s-1 and 180°.s-1. The RNFV group increased PT at 60°.s-1 from pre- to post-study, while neither the RF nor RNF groups improved this measure. Additionally, both the RNFV and RNF groups improved PT at 180°.s-1 from pre- to poststudy; however, RF did not (p>0.05). The RF group was the only group to not improve PT at either velocity. Hypertrophy (Muscle Thickness-MT) Both the RF and RNFV groups increased MT from pre- to mid- and post-study (p<0.001). The RNF group did not significantly increase MT from pre- to post-study; however, this change did approach significance with a p-value of p=0.09. Table 3 shows the percentage change, ES, and p-value for MT increases in each group from pre- to post-study. Muscular Endurance All groups significantly increased mus- IF VOLUME IS NOT DRASTICALLY DIFFERENT BETWEEN GROUPS, STRENGTH ADAPTATIONS SHOULD BE SIMILAR IF INTENSITY BETWEEN GROUPS IS THE SAME. cular endurance in terms of the number of repetitions performed at 70% of 1RM (p<0.05); however, no group differences existed. Interpretation This study is in agreement with a meta-analysis that training to failure is not necessary for strength adaptations (3). Specifically, the meta-analysis from Davies et al. only included four studies similar to the present study, in which failure training and non-failure training with equated volume were compared. In these studies, there was no significant difference in strength gained. Additionally, of the four previous studies analyzed, none of them included only women, and all had much smaller sample sizes than the 24 TABLE 3: PRE- TO POST- STUDY PERCENTAGE INCREASES AND EFFECT SIZES FOR 1RM STRENGTH 1RM Strength Group Subjects % Change Effect Size P-Value RF +28.3% 0.99 <0.001* RNFV +28.3% 1.26 <0.001* RNF +26.8% 1.00 <0.001* Muscle Thickness Group Subjects % Change Effect Size P-Value RF +17.5% 0.57 <0.001* RNFV +8.5% 0.50 <0.001* RNF +2.1% 0.20 <0.09# *Significant increase from pre- to post-study, #Did not significantly increase from pre- to post-study, but p-value approached significance. RF= Repetitions to Failure, RNFV= Repetitions Not to Failure with Equated Volume, RNF= Repetitions Not to Failure with Lower Volume. present investigation, thus this study is unique in providing findings in a large group of females. The likely explanation for the similar strength adaptations is that all groups trained at the same av- erage intensity (70%). Even when volume has been equated in previous studies, strength gains are larger in groups training at higher intensities (4). In the present study, the RNF group did have 25 lower volume than the other groups and experienced similar strength adaptations. Thus, if volume is not drastically different between groups, strength adaptations should be similar if intensity between groups is the same. Various articles in MASS have discussed the strong relationship between total training volume and muscle hypertrophy, so I won’t rehash the same data over again as I’m sure we’re all well aware of it by now. Because of this relationship, it’s absolutely no surprise that hypertrophy was not statistically different in RF and RNFV and increased slightly less in the RNF group, which completed slightly less volume. Further, analysis of the data shows a +17.5% increase in muscle size in RF compared to a +8.5% change in RNFV, thus there may have been meaningfully greater hypertrophy for the RF versus the RNFV group that wasn’t picked up by the statistical analyses. Actually, the within-group effect sizes of 0.57 (RF) and 0.50 (RNFV) were interpreted as the same magnitude of change (small in this study) despite the 9% greater hypertrophic change in the RF group. As pointed out in the MASS interpreting research document, between-group effect sizes are a more robust analysis for comparing two groups than within group effect sizes, and that calculation may have determined a greater meaningful change in RF versus RNFV. Indeed, I do feel confident that at least a small between-group effect in favor of RF versus RNFV was likely present based upon the 9% difference; however, we simply cannot state that to be 100% true without the individual subject data to calculate this. Importantly, this is the first study to my knowledge to examine hypertrophy responses in a group performing repetitions to failure versus a group stopping short of failure with equated volume in only women, which is a significant contribution to the literature. So, despite the lack of between group ES, the novelty makes this study important, and it should be further stressed that the hypertrophy response was statistically similar between RF and RNFV, meaning that training to failure is not required for large hypertrophy increases in the early phases of training. It isn’t surprising that all groups experienced similar increases in muscular endurance. However, I would have preferred a slightly different method of assessment. Specifically, the muscular endurance test at each time point was conducted using 70% of the pre-study 1RM, instead of using 70% of the 1RM obtained at each specific time point. Testing muscular endurance should use a percentage of current strength and not past strength. In this study, all groups increased 1RM strength to the same degree; therefore, I think it’s likely that muscular endurance improvements were the same as concluded. However, an increase in reps with 70% of the pre-study 1RM at mid- and poststudy reflects an increase in strength in 26 addition to endurance. If the new 1RM was used at each time point to calculate a new 70%, and maximum repetitions completed improved, then that would have been able to truly evaluate if relative muscular endurance increased rather than just strength improving reps performed at the same load as pre-study. To validate this, previous research has demonstrated groups of high and low repetitions to experience similar strength improvement in eight weeks, but the high-rep group improved muscular endurance to a greater degree when the post-study 1RM was used to calculate the load for the endurance test (5). In this study, isometric PT was used as a method of power assessment, and both non-failure training groups improved PT at one or both of the contraction velocity. There is precedent from Izquierdo et al. (6), who showed that training to failure did not improve bench press power output, and other researchers have demonstrated that leg pressing to failure leads to a lower power adaptation than non-failure training (7). These findings are likely due to the decrease in velocity during the final repetitions when training to failure, whereas a non-failure group won’t see the same degree of velocity decrease, and they spend more of their training time lifting at a higher velocity. Practically, training to failure does not need to be used as a primary method for inducing muscle adaptations. In fact, training to failure for strength, and espe- IT MAY NOT BE THE CASE THAT LEAVING 8 RIR WOULD PROVIDE SIMILAR ADAPTATIONS TO FAILURE TRAINING, BUT ENDING A SET WITH AN RIR BETWEEN 1-5 (RPE: 9-5) MAY BE SUFFICIENT. cially power production, should likely be avoided as the primary training strategy. Rather, it should be used strategically in contexts such as an as-many-repsas-possible (AMRAP) set toward the end of a training week, as to not interfere with a subsequent training session. Additionally, since this study was in novice trainees, it should also be noted that beginners are wise to save failure training for assistance or isolation-type movements and avoid failure training on compound exercises (squat, bench press, and deadlift). Since technique is rapidly improving on the main lifts, the risk of injury is exacerbated when training to failure, and there is no reason for novices to heighten this risk. For hypertrophy, a lifter can certainly train submaximally and achieve excellent progress; however, the greater percentage change for hyper- 27 APPLICATION AND TAKEAWAYS 1. It is not necessary for novice females to train to failure to achieve robust hypertrophy and increases in strength. 2. If novices do choose to utilize failure training, it should be relegated to assistance movements, as a technique breakdown during failure training on the powerlifts raises the risk of injury. 3. Training to failure may compromise gains in power output, thus lifters should be cautious about performing too much failure training to not impair rate of force development. trophy in the RF group versus the RNFV group in the presently reviewed study is interesting. This percentage change difference without any other statistics to support it is not enough to recommend failure training as a standalone strategy. Further, previous research from Sampson et al. showed that both failure and non-failure training of the biceps caused hypertrophy with no difference between groups over the first 12 weeks of training (8). Therefore, it seems that submaximal training should be utilized with failure training interspersed. Further, it must be pointed out that this study was on novice female trainees and utilized the bar curl exercise rather than the powerlifts. Therefore, training to failure as a novice on the powerlifts should be discouraged for two reasons: 1) Similar adaptations can occur without failure training, and 2) The skill level of the powerlifts is far greater than a barbell curl, thus novices with poor technique are at a greater injury risk due to technique breakdown during the latter reps of a set when train- ing to failure versus training sub-maximally. It must also be pointed out that the number of repetitions performed by the RF group on each set was not reported; therefore, we cannot know exactly the rating of perceived exertion (RPE) or the amount of repetitions in reserve (RIR) left on each set in the RNFV and RNF groups, which is important to know to determine how far from failure a lifter can train and receive the same benefits as failure training. However, we can look at the data presented and gather a decent estimate of RPE in the non-failure group. At pre-study, the RNFV group performed 11 reps at 70% during their muscular endurance test (this number is derived from the bar graph in the paper). Remember, during the study, they did 4 sets of 7 @70% of 1RM; therefore the first set would have corresponded to an RPE of 6 (or 4 RIR) after the first set, then that RPE likely rose to 7-8 over the next few sets. With that in mind, we can estimate that there were 2-4 RIR during most sets; however, it should also be stat- 28 ed that the ability to perform repetitions at a specific intensity is individual, thus it is also likely that some subjects in RNFV had >4 RIR on some sets, while others had <2 on some sets. Nonetheless, based on the data provided, it seems reasonable to estimate that subjects in RNFV averaged 2-4 RIR throughout the study. This is important because, even though training sub-maximally can provide the same muscular adaptations as failure training, it may not be the case that leaving 8 RIR would provide similar adaptations to failure training, but ending a set with an RIR between 1-5 (RPE: 9-5) may be sufficient. Next Steps The next steps are two-fold. First, this design should be carried out in more highly trained subjects. Further, research which examines failure training versus non-failure training with equated volume should aim to collect RPE/RIR at the end of each set in the non-failure group to provide insight into how far from failure a lifter can train and not compromise adaptations. 29 References 1. Martorelli S, Cadore EL, Izquierdo M, Celes R, Martorelli A, Cleto VA, Alvarenga JG, Bottaro M. Strength training with repetitions to failure does not provide additional strength and muscle hypertrophy gains in young women. European Journal of Translational Myology. 2017 Jun 27;27(2). 2. Hyldahl RD, Chen TC, Nosaka K. Mechanisms and Mediators of the Skeletal Muscle Repeated Bout Effect. Exercise and sport sciences reviews. 2017 Jan 1;45(1):24-33. 3. Davies T, Orr R, Halaki M, Hackett D. Effect of training leading to repetition failure on muscular strength: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sports Medicine. 2016 Apr 1;46(4):487-502. 4. Schoenfeld BJ, Ratamess NA, Peterson MD, Contreras B, Sonmez GT, Alvar BA. Effects of different volume-equated resistance training loading strategies on muscular adaptations in well-trained men. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. 2014 Oct 1;28(10):2909-18. 5. Klemp A, Dolan C, Quiles JM, Blanco R, Zoeller RF, Graves BS, Zourdos MC. Volume-equated high-and low-repetition daily undulating programming strategies produce similar hypertrophy and strength adaptations. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism. 2016 Feb 16;41(7):699-705. 6. Izquierdo M, Ibanez J, González-Badillo JJ, Häkkinen K, Ratamess NA, Kraemer WJ, French DN, Eslava J, Altadill A, Asiain X, Gorostiaga EM. Differential effects of strength training leading to failure versus not to failure on hormonal responses, strength, and muscle power gains. Journal of Applied Physiology. 2006 May 1;100(5):1647-56. 7. Gorostiaga EM, Navarro-Amézqueta I, Calbet JA, Hellsten Y, Cusso R, Guerrero M, Granados C, González-Izal M, Ibañez J, Izquierdo M. Energy metabolism during repeated sets of leg press exercise leading to failure or not. PloS one. 2012 Jul 13;7(7):e40621. 8. Sampson JA, Groeller H. Is repetition failure critical for the development of muscle hypertrophy and strength?. Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports. 2016 Apr 1;26(4):375-83. █ 30 Could Bulking on a High Protein Diet Limit Fat Gain and Improve Health? Study Reviewed: Protein Overfeeding is Associated with Improved Lipid and Anthropometric Profile thus Lower Malondialdehyde Levels in Resistance-Trained Athletes. de Moraes et al. (2017) BY E RI C HE LMS B odybuilders and strength athletes possible to improve their performance. try to gain as much muscle mass as Overfeeding to produce weight and 31 KEY POINTS 1. Bodybuilders practicing overfeeding, defined as consuming an amount of calories at least two standard deviations over their predicted maintenance requirements and more than 50kcal/kg, were assessed based on protein intake, body composition, health, and mood state. 2. Bodybuilders consuming over 1.7g/kg of protein daily (average 3.1g/kg) weighed less, were leaner, and had healthier blood biomarkers compared to bodybuilders consuming less than 1.7g/kg (average 1.6g/kg). 3. As an acute cross-sectional study, causation cannot be inferred. It is not known whether bodybuilders who are leaner and healthier tend to eat higher protein diets, but are actually leaner for some other reason (less frequent or shorter gaining phases, more cardio in the offseason), or if it actually is true that bulking on a much higher protein intake limits fat gain and improves health compared to a lower protein intake. muscle gain is the most common strategy, yet bodybuilders and weight class-restricted athletes have to ensure that the overfeeding process doesn’t make it too much harder for them to get in stage condition or make weight when the competition season rolls around. In this study, a group of male competitive bodybuilders (age 20-35 years), who were currently practicing overfeeding, recorded three-day food records. The bodybuilders were then further divided into a normal overfeeding group eating ≤1.7g/kg/day of protein (NO, n=10), and a protein overfeeding group consisting of those eating >1.7g/kg/day (PO, n=9). Blood, anthropometric, and mood state data were collected to assess differences in body composition, physical health, and mental stress levels between groups. The mean protein intake in the NO and PO groups were 1.6 and 3.1g/kg/day, re- spectively. The higher protein group had significantly (p<0.05) lower body weight, waist circumference, body fat percentage, malondialdehyde levels, total cholesterol, triglycerides, VLDL, non-HDL cholesterol, atherogenic index, and a higher HDL to total cholesterol ratio. Furthermore, the higher protein group tended to have higher HDL overall, though the difference didn't quite reach significance (p=0.07).There were no significant differences in mood state between groups. Thus, in this sample, overfeeding bodybuilders eating a high protein intake tended to be healthier and leaner than those consuming a protein intake of 1.7g/kg or less. Purpose and Research Questions 32 TABLE 1: TRAINING CHARACTERISTICS IN NORMAL AND HIGH PROTEIN OVERFEEDING GROUPS Variable Normal Protein Overfeeding High Protein Overfeeding Experience in training (years) 10.9±2.7 10.4±2.9 Experience in bodybuilding (years) 5.4±1.4 5.6±1.9 Days per week 4.9±0.6 4.5±0.6 Minutes per day 66.5±16.7 58.3±10.2 Minutes per week 325.8±91.7 260.8±49.3 Data from de Moraes et al. 2017 (1) Purpose The purpose of present study was to investigate if a high protein intake is associated with lower body fat levels, an improved blood lipid profile, better mood state, or lower malondialdehyde (MDA) (an oxidative stress marker) levels in overfeeding male bodybuilders. Subjects and Methods Subjects in the offseason, and reported a caloric intake meeting two criteria: 1) Intake needed to be at least two standard deviations above their predicted maintenance, and 2) It needed to be at least 50kcal/ kg. Individuals who performed regular aerobic exercise or used any medication that could interfere with a lipid profile, including anabolic steroids, were excluded if they had used them within the prior eight months. Overall Design Nineteen male bodybuilders between This was a cross-sectional design, the ages of 20 and 35 were recruited. meaning that unlike a controlled trial, the Participants must have participated in at participants were not randomly assigned least one championship-level event, been into dietary interventions that altered 33 only protein intake but kept everything else the same. Rather, this study compared differences in bodybuilders who were already overfeeding, and then compared differences in those bodybuilders when they were stratified by protein intake. This design is a useful way to get an adequate sample in a hard-to-study population, and it allows a study to be quickly completed; however, one can’t infer causality from cross-sectional studies. Resistance Training Characteristics Training experience and the weekly time spent training were reported and were similar between the high and normal protein groups. Participant training characteristics are shown below in Table 1. Body Composition, Biochemical, Dietary, and Mood State Testing Participants completed a three-day food record (two weekdays and one weekend day) in order to assess energy and nutrient intake. Height, weight, skinfold thicknesses, and body circumferences were measured. Body fat percentage was derived from those measurements. Total cholesterol, HDL, VLDL, triglycerides, malondialdehyde, and creatine kinase-MB (a marker for muscle damage specific to heart muscle) levels were assessed. Finally, the profile of mood states questionnaire was given to all participants. Findings Body Composition Differences Table 2 shows the body composition differences between groups. Weight, BMI, body fat percentage, total fat mass, and waist circumference were all significantly lower in the PO group without any significant differences in age, height, or fat-free mass between groups. Dietary Differences Energy intake was similar when comparing NO (56.1±3.2kcal/kg/day) to PO (58.8±3.4kcal/kg/day), as was fiber intake (NO, 42.1±9.2g/day vs PO, 40.4±7.4g/day). Similarly, fat intake as a percentage of total daily calories was similar between NO (21.4±1.5) and PO (23.8±1.3). However, protein intake (as designed) differed between groups, such that NO consumed 1.6±0.2g/kg/day and PO, 3.1±0.3g/kg/day (p<0.05). Additionally, carbohydrate intake was higher (p<0.05) in NO (8.5±0.8g/kg/day) than in PO (6.2±0.5g/kg/day), as was dietary cholesterol (NO, 387.7±94.8 mg/day versus PO, 302.1±101.3 mg/day; p<0.05). Health Biomarker Differences Between Groups Table 3 displays the mean or median (when data were not normally distributed) values of blood markers associated with health. Malondialdehyde, lipoprotein, and lipoprotein-related indexes and ratios were more often in line with the recommended guidelines the authors used as a reference (2) in PO versus NO and were significantly different in seven out of nine comparisons, with relatively low p-values reported in the markers that 34 TABLE 2: ANTHROPOMETRIC DIFFERENCES BETWEEN GROUPS Variable Normal Protein Overfeeding High Protein Overfeeding Age (years) 28.1±2.9 26.9±3.3 Height (cm) 172.9±1.0 172.1±0.4 Body mass (kg) 89.9±6.5 82.9±4.4* Body mass index (kg/m2) 30.1±1.9 27.9±1.4* Body fat percentage (%) 20.9±2.9 14.3±2.5* Fat mass (kg) 18.9±3.8 11.8±3.4* Fat free mass (kg) 70.8±3.5 71.0±3.5 Waist circumference (cm) 90.8±4.1 83.5±3.5* *p<0.05 difference between groups were non-significant. Finally, there were it’s rare to see lipoprotein and heart no reported differences in mood state or health-related blood work reported in creatine-kinase MB between groups. bodybuilders not using anabolic steroids. Typically, lipoprotein cross-sectionInterpretation al comparisons such as this are done to There are a few reasons why I think it’s compare differences in those using anaworthwhile to review this study. First, bolic steroids versus those not using ste- 35 TABLE 3: LIPOPROTEIN AND HEALTH BIOMARKER DIFFERENCES BETWEEN GROUPS Variable Mean or Median NO Mean or Median PO P-Value Guidelines NO Meeting Guidelines PO Meeting Guidelines Triglycerides (mg/dl) 155.1 141.6 0.045 <150.0 4/10 (40%) 8/9 (88.9%) Total Cholesterol (mg/dl) 193.8 186.1 0.013 <200.0 6/10 (60%) 7/9 (77.8%) HDL (mg/dl) 44.6 54.1 0.067 ≥40.0 7/10 (70%) 8/9 (88.9%) LDL (mg/dl) 126.4 100.8 0.153 <100.0 2/10 (20%) 5/9 (55.5%) VLDL (mg/dl) 31.0 28.3 0.045 10.0-50.0 9/10 (90%) 9/9 (100%) Non-HDL Cholesterol (mg/dl) 165.0 127.0 0.013 ≤159.0 6/10 (60%) 8/9 (88.9%) HDL to Cholesterol Ratio 0.21 0.31 <0.05 NA - - Atherogenic Index 209.4 180.8 <0.05 NA - - Malondialdehyde (uL) 6.6 5.5 <0.05 NA - - roids. However, in this study, all partici- ers have a pretty deep-seated belief that pants had not used any anabolic steroids high protein diets are inherently better for at least eight months. for performance, muscle gain, fat loss, Second, I think this is a really useful health, and just in general being a more self-test to gauge whether or not you legit bro. This is certainly something I’ve have a high-protein bias. If you read this had to assess and moderate as a researchstudy and pretty quickly decided it was er, and reading this article did indeed a net win for team high protein, this is a initially evoke my internal pro-protein useful moment to reflect on your biases. bodybuilding bias. However, we have to In my experience, a lot of us bodybuild- acknowledge the substantial limitations 36 of this data set. As a cross-sectional study, this research cannot imply causation. More so, this is a relatively small sample cross-sectional study. If you aren’t quite sure of what I mean or why a study like this can’t “prove” something, let’s talk about what actually occurred. In this study, nothing was actually changed in the diets of these bodybuilders. Food records were collected along with body composition and health data, but nothing was modified and compared to baseline, or to a control group, or to a parallel group over time that was modified in a different way. Rather, the surveyed bodybuilders were simply stratified based on their protein intake and compared once. Without control, who is to say what caused what? For example, while I don’t think it’s BOTTOM LINE, THIS STUDY SHOULD ONLY BE USED AS AN INTERESTING HYPOTHESISFORMING DATA SET. TO TRULY KNOW IF THE RESULTS ARE DUE TO A HIGHER PROTEIN INTAKE, A CONTROLLED TRIAL WOULD BE NEEDED. likely, perhaps the differences in body composition and bloods were due to the high-protein group consuming lower carbohydrates. Or maybe bodybuilders who consume such high protein intakes tend to have a different mindset than those who consume a lower intake, which leads to different behaviors which weren’t captured in this data set. Maybe the lower protein group doesn’t track calories as accurately and underreported their total food intake. Perhaps the higher protein bodybuilders have a mindset that they need to more carefully control body fat in the offseason, and thus while they might bulk on similar calories, they might not do it as often or for as long. Bottom line, this study should only be used as an interesting hypothesis-forming data set. To truly know if the results are due to a higher protein intake, a controlled trial would be needed. With that said, it is not completely unreasonable to hypothesize that the high-protein content of the PO group (or the lower protein content of the NO group) contributed to the differences between groups. Antonio and colleagues have done a number of controlled trial field studies in resistance-trained individuals consuming this level of protein and higher, comparing them to individuals consuming more moderate protein intakes (~1.8-2.2g/kg). Indeed, in these studies, either similar amounts of fat are gained despite a higher caloric intake in the higher protein group (3), or less 37 fat mass is gained in the higher protein groups despite a higher energy intake (4). Additionally, they’ve found that high protein diets don’t seem to negatively impact blood biomarkers (5). However, they have not found an actual superiority for health from higher protein diets. Conceivably, though, if a lower protein group did indeed gain more fat during a bulking phase, continued this each offseason in the long term, and ended up with substantially more body fat than a higher protein group, that in and of itself could negatively impact blood biomarkers, which may be what we are seeing here. However, even this research is not without limitations. The work by Antonio and colleagues stands in contrast to a metabolic ward study (the highest level of control possible) by Bray et al (6) a few years back that found that weight gain was proportionate to energy intake, but that lean mass gain was higher when a greater proportion of calories came from protein. While similar to the findings by Antonio (and those reported here), the substantially lower body weights and similar levels of lean mass suggest that perhaps the satiating power of protein (7) leads to over-reporting of total calories among the high-protein group. Conversely, higher protein intakes may actually lead to more accurate reporting and better adherence, while lower protein groups under-report. It is possible that the combination of a very high pro- tein intake (higher than Bray), resistance training (which did not occur in Bray), and a population of resistance-trained males (which was different from Bray) led to the divergent results. Perhaps high-protein diets in these conditions lead to big upticks in non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT), which – in combination with a higher thermic effect of food (TEF) on a high-protein diet – prevents fat gain without negatively impacting muscle accrual. While possible, I tend to think differences in calorie intake reporting is more likely (or at least a larger contributor to the findings). Is that what is happening in the present study as well? We don’t know, but it’s certainly possible that there are differences in bodybuilders who consume moderateversus high-protein intakes, which could manifest in divergent body composition and health markers that could be unrelated to the protein intake difference itself. Next Steps While this cross-sectional study and the controlled trials in an applied setting by Antonio and colleagues are intriguing, I think it’s high time someone put together a more tightly controlled feeding study. These days, I’m confident that protein intakes over ~1.8-2.2g/kg while in a caloric surplus won’t aid in muscle mass or strength gains (on average, your mileage may vary), but it’s worthwhile 38 APPLICATION AND TAKEAWAYS 1. If you were to randomly sample a group of bodybuilders of a similar training experience with a similar total volume of training, you would probably find that those consuming higher versus lower protein intakes would be leaner and have a better lipoprotein profile. 2. While we can’t say for certain that this outcome is directly caused by a higher protein intake, prior research in this area has shown that consuming roughly 3g/kg of protein or higher is not unhealthy and may result in less fat mass accrual than consuming a more typical intake in the range of 1.6-2.0g/kg. 3. Given the very low chance of any detrimental effect, if a bodybuilder or strength athlete struggles to not put on excess fat while going through a gaining period, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to try a high-protein approach (probably not more than 2.83.2g/kg) to see if this strategy helps keep fat gains at bay. investigating whether or not consuming very high protein intakes could be a useful strategy to prevent excess fat gain in the offseason without causing any negative health issues. In fact, I’m pretty sure it would be a useful strategy, and these data certainly support that possibility. However, we need a follow up, preferably one with a greater level of dietary control than has been previously utilized in the literature, and also a mechanistic analysis of TEF and NEAT to determine why this works. 39 References 1. de Moraes, W.M.A.M., et al., Protein Overfeeding is Associated with Improved Lipid and Anthropometric Profile thus Lower Malondialdehyde Levels in Resistance-Trained Athletes. International Journal of Sports Science, 2017. 7(2): p. 87-93. 2. Third Report of the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (Adult Treatment Panel III) final report. Circulation, 2002. 106(25): p. 3143-421. 3. Antonio, J., et al., The effects of consuming a high protein diet (4.4 g/kg/day) on body composition in resistance-trained individuals. J Int Soc Sports Nutr, 2014. 11(19). 4. Antonio, J., et al., A high protein diet (3.4 g/kg/d) combined with a heavy resistance training program improves body composition in healthy trained men and women--a follow-up investigation. J Int Soc Sports Nutr, 2015. 12: p. 39. 5. Antonio, J., et al., The effects of a high protein diet on indices of health and body composition – a crossover trial in resistance-trained men. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 2016. 13(1): p. 3. 6. Bray Ga, S.S.R.d.J.L. and et al., Effect of dietary protein content on weight gain, energy expenditure, and body composition during overeating: A randomized controlled trial. JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association, 2012. 307(1): p. 47-55. 7. Paddon-Jones, D., et al., Protein, weight management, and satiety. Am J Clin Nutr, 2008. 87(5): p. 1558S-1561S. █ 40 Mind Over Matter: Mental Training Increases Strength Gains Study Reviewed: Effects of Mental Training on Muscular Force, Hormonal and Physiological Changes in Kickboxers. Slimani et al. (2017) BY G RE G NUC KO LS W hen you talk to elite lifters, you’ll notice that, in addition to discussing their training approach, a lot of them also talk about their mental approach to training and competing. This study set out to test the degree to which mental training could augment physical training. 41 KEY POINTS 1. Two groups of high-level kickboxers performed the same lifting program over 12 weeks. One of the groups did additional mental training, including motivational selftalk and visualization. 2. While both groups experienced increased performance, the group doing additional mental training made larger gains. For our purposes here, their additional strength gains in the bench press and half squat are most relevant. 3. The group doing additional mental training also showed markers of decreased stress, including an elevation in testosterone:cortisol ratio and larger decreases in resting heart rate and blood pressure than the group not performing mental training. Over 12 weeks, two groups of high-level kickboxers followed the same strength training program, but one group also performed additional mental training (self-talk and visualization). While both groups got stronger in the bench press and half squat, the group doing additional mental training experienced larger strength increases, along with decreases in heart rate and blood pressure, and increases in testosterone:cortisol ratio. Therefore, purposefully adding self-talk and visualization training to your lifting may help you make faster strength gains without incurring additional recovery demands. 1. Physical training plus mental training would lead to larger strength gains than physical training alone. 2. Physical training plus mental training would lead to larger increases in testosterone and a larger increase in testosterone:cortisol ratio than physical training alone. 3. Physical training plus mental training would lead to larger decreases in cortisol, heart rate, and blood pressure than physical training alone. Subjects and Methods Subjects The subjects were 53 male elite (n=9) or sub-elite kickboxers (n=44), meaning Purpose and Research they competed in at least four national or international competitions per year. Questions They were 24.2±4.4 years old, weighing The authors of this study had three hy- 70.4±10.4kg, and all had at least one year potheses: of resistance training experience. 42 To be included in the study, they had to to analyze testosterone and cortisol levels. All tests, measurements, and blood meet these criteria: 1. They’d never done any sort of dedi- draws were performed at the same times cated mental training with the goal of day (7-8 a.m. for blood draws, blood pressure, and heart rate and 5:30-7 p.m. of improving sport performance. for physical tests) at all three time points 2. They didn’t use any drugs or dietary to minimize the effect of diurnal fluctuasupplements. tions in hormone levels, heart rate, blood 3. They had no recent injuries. pressure, and performance. 4. They had no history of using drugs It’s worth noting that the half squats or medications that could affect the used in this study were actually relatively hypothalamic-adrenal-gonadal axis. close to legal squats in powerlifting. The 5. They had no history of chronic dis- participants were required to squat until the greater trochanter of the femur was ease. parallel with the knee – probably ~2-3 6. They had regular eating patterns. inches above legal powerlifting depth, 7. They had no depressive illnesses. depending on quad size. 8. They had no severe cognitive impairment. Training Protocol 9. They had to have at least moderate mental imagery ability, according to The participants were split into three the Sport Imagery Ability Measure. groups: 1. One group (n=20) performed only physical training (PT). Testing 2. One group (n=18) performed physOne week before the start of the study, ical training plus mental training the participants all tested 1RM bench (PT-MT). press, 1RM half squat, max distance medicine ball throw, and max height 3. One group (n=15) served as a control group, doing no physical or countermovement jump to familiarize mental training. themselves with the tests. At the start of training, after 6 weeks of Training for the PT and PT-MT training, and after 12 weeks of training, groups took place three days per week all groups completed those same physi- for 12 weeks, consisting of a 15-mincal tests again. In addition, the research- ute warm-up, 4 sets of 8 half squat and ers measured the subjects’ resting heart bench presses with 70% 1RM loads, and rate and blood pressure and drew blood 4 sets of 10-12 medicine ball throws or 43 15 MINUTES 30 MINUTES 30 MINUTES 15 MINUTES TABLE 1: TRAINING PROGRAM Physical Training Physical Plus Mental Training General and specific warmup General and specific warmup Bench press and half squat (4x8 with 70% 1RM) Bench press and half squat (4x8 with 70% 1RM) Medicine ball throws and counter-movement jumps (4x10-12 apiece) Medicine ball throws and counter-movement jumps (4x10-12 apiece) 80 seconds of rest between sets 80 seconds of motivational self-talk (MST) between sets Neural cognitive tasks First-person motor imagery for bench press, half squat, medicine ball throws, and countermovement jumps Cooldown (jogging, stretching, shadow boxing) Cooldown (jogging, stretching, shadow boxing) countermovement jumps. They rested 80 seconds between sets of all exercises. Unfortunately, the authors don’t explicitly state how load was progressed for the half squat and bench press. In addition to the physical training, the PT-MT group also performed motivational self-talk between sets and performed mental imagery training at the end of each workout. The motivational self-talk was self-selected, in accordance with self-determination theory. The athletes were told to identify negative self-talk before, during, or after training, write down the negative statement, and to restate that negative statement as a positive or motivating statement. For example, if an athlete 44 FIGURE 1 Relative Increases in Performance 30% 20% 2.0 ** 0.74* 0.84** Physical Plus Mental Training Physical Training Only * = Medium between-group effect size 0.98** ** = Large between-group effect size CMJ = counter-movement jump MBT = medicine ball throw 10% 0% CMJ (cm) MBT (m) Bench press (kg) caught himself thinking “I’m not sure I can lift this much weight,” they’d instead be instructed to repeat something like, “I could lift more weight” between sets. The athletes were asked to change their motivational statements each time a new piece of negative self-talk arose. Mental imagery consisted of internal kinesthetic imagery. This means that the participants were instructed to imagine themselves performing each exercise, looking out through their own eyes (i.e. a first-person view, instead of imagining watching themselves performing the exercise), and maximally exerting themselves through the exercise. The study also notes that they “urged the muscles to contract maximally,” though it’s un- Half squat (kg) clear whether the participants actually maximally contracted their muscles, or just imagined their muscles contracting. While the PT-MT group performed their mental training post-exercise, the PT group performed neural cognitive tasks. The study doesn’t make the nature of those tasks clear, simply stating that they “never involved the abilities needed to form mental images.” I honestly have no idea whatsoever what those tasks involved. Finally, the PT and PT-MT groups performed two 90-minute sessions of kickboxing training per week, mostly focusing on technique and sport-specific training. 45 FIGURE 2 Mental Group Physical Group Control Group TESTOSTERONE (NG/ML) 8 **# 7 *+ 6 5 4 3 0 6 12 TRAINING PERIOD Mental Group Control Group Physical Group CORTISON (NG/ML) 130 **# 120 *+ 110 100 90 80 70 0 6 12 TRAINING PERIOD Mental Group Physical Group Control Group 0,1 **# T/C RATIO 0,08 0,06 0,04 0,04 0 6 12 TRAINING PERIOD Mean ± SD values for resting testosterone, cortisol concentrations, and T/C ration during 12 weeks of mental training in male, trained kickboxers. *Significant difference at post-training compared with pre-training at p<0.05; **Significant difference at posttraining compared with pre-training at p<0.001; # Higher values for the mental group at post-training compared to physical and control groups at p<0.05; + Higher values for the physical group at post-training compared to the control group at p<0.05. From Slimani et al. (1) Findings While the PT and PT-MT groups both improved significantly (p<0.05) in all measures of performance, improvements were larger in the PT-MT group across the board. Performance decreased non-significantly in the control group. The statistical tests reported didn’t check to see if gains were significantly different, strangely (i.e. they reported that relative bench press was higher post-training for the PT-MT group than the PT group, but I don’t think they ran tests to see if the actual increase itself was larger). However, between-group effect sizes can be seen in Figure 1. When looking at the hormonal data, I think the authors had reporting issues. For testosterone, the authors report in the results section and in their figure that testosterone concentrations increased in both the PT and PT-MT groups, and they don’t mention a significant change in the control group. So far, so good. For cortisol, the authors report in the results section that cortisol was higher post-training in the PT-MT group than the PT or control groups. However, that doesn’t match their figure, which shows significant increases in the PT and control groups and a non-significant decrease in the PT-MT group. In the discussion section, the authors report a decrease in cortisol in the PT- 46 FIGURE 3 Physical Plus Mental Training and Physical Training Only 0.0% Physical Plus Mental Training Physical Training Only -2.5% ** = Large between-group effect size (negative means a larger decrease in the PT-MT group) -5.0% -7.5% -10.0% MT group. -1.75** Resting Heart Rate (beats/min) -1.14** Mean Arterial Pressure (mmHg) Finally, for T:C ratio, the authors report that T:C ratio was higher post-training for the PT-MT group than the PT and control groups. That seems to indicate that the authors simply misstated the cortisol data in their results section, but correctly reported it in on their graphs and in their discussion (as a decrease in cortisol would increase T:C ratio). However, if we assume the graphs for testosterone and cortisol are accurate, we run into another problem with the T:C graph. Testosterone concentrations decreased non-significantly for the control group on the graphs, while cortisol levels increased significantly. That would necessarily mean that T:C ratio would decrease over the course of the study. However, the T:C graph shows unchanged T:C ratios for the control group. It’s impossible to square this circle given the data reported. We can make the reported results for the PT and PT-MT groups add up if we assume the authors just made a typo in their results section, but even if we do that, there’s no way we can wind up with a coherent picture for all three groups. As such, I’m not going to pay too much attention to the hormonal 47 TABLE 2 CMJ (cm) MBT (m) Bench press (kg) Half squat (kg) Resting HR (bpm) MAP (mmHg) Physical Plus Mental Training Group Physical Training Group Pre 32.6±2.6 33±2.5 Post 37.9±2.8 25.8±2.7 Pre 4.3±0.3 4.2±0.3 Post 5.5±0.3 4.8±0.3 Pre 60.2±7.8 60.3±7.7 Post 76.2±8.7 69.8±8.7 Pre 89.2±12.5 90.1±13.4 Post 113.5±14.1 104.8±14.7 Pre 69.6±2.5 69.7±2.4 Post 63.2±3.3 67.6±2.8 Pre 89.1±2.3 90.2±2.6 Post 81.5±3.1 85.4±3.5 data for the rest of this review, as there seem to be unresolvable data reporting issues. Lastly, resting heart rate and blood pressure decreased in both the PT and PT-MT groups, with larger decreases in the PT-MT group. All pre- and post-training performance and physiological characteristics of the PT and PT-MT groups can be seen in Table 2. Interpretation The beauty of mental training is that it can increase strength gains without making it more challenging to recover from training. In fact, if you take the hormonal data reported in this study at face value (which, again, may not be prudent), the mental training performed by the PTMT group in this study may have put them in a hormonal state indicative of 48 lower fatigue (increased T:C ratio). That’s corroborated by the larger decreases in resting heart rate and blood pressure in the PT-MT group as well. In this study, the PT-MT group performed two different types of mental training: motivational self-talk, and mental imagery. The way they used self-talk – during rest periods to mentally prepare themselves for their next set – is something we can all implement. At the very least, it will keep you engaged and focused on your training instead of wasting time goofing off or checking Instagram. I think the way they determined the self-talk to use was instructive as well: the participants identified negative self-talk they already had and turned it around to make it positive. That shifts the focus from your perceived shortcomings to your ability to overcome those shortcomings. For example, if your speed off the floor is slow when deadlifting, you’ll be in a much better mental space if you focus more on overcoming that issue (“I can pull these reps faster off the floor”) rather than simply dwelling on it in a negative light (“well, my deadlifts are always slow, so I’m sure this next set will be slow too”). The way mental imagery was used in this study, on the other hand (for 30 minutes post-training), may be less convenient for most people to implement. I’d assume most people don’t want to hang around the gym for another half hour when they’re done training to do THE BEAUTY OF MENTAL TRAINING IS THAT IT CAN INCREASE STRENGTH GAINS WITHOUT MAKING IT MORE CHALLENGING TO RECOVER FROM TRAINING. visualization exercises. However, I doubt that the timing of your mental imagery is crucially important. Furthermore, if selftalk (especially through the entire duration of a rest period) feels hokey to you, you could perform your mental imagery between sets as well. In a prior study, for example, people doing visualization exercises between their training sets gained more strength on the leg press than people not performing visualization exercises between sets (2). The most effective form of imagery tends to be the first-person style used in this study (looking through your own eyes as you imagine the task, rather than observing yourself performing the task from a third-person point of view) (3). Furthermore, the more details you can evoke from the experience – the bar digging into your hands, the feeling of your muscles straining against the load, the music you listen to when you train, etc. 49 APPLICATION AND TAKEAWAYS Adding mental training to your current program will likely boost your strength gains and may even decrease markers of physiological stress. Positive self-talk and first person kinesthetic mental imagery absolutely don’t replace slinging around heavy iron, obviously, but they can help you get larger gains from your training program. – the more effective your mental imagery training will be. If the details of using mental imagery to enhance performance interest you, I’d highly recommend this review (4). The nitty gritty details are outside the purview of this article, but the linked review is very well-written. Next Steps One drawback of this study was that it was performed on people who were prescreened to have at least moderate mental imagery ability. It would be interesting for future studies to address 1) the degree to which that skill is trainable and 2) the relationship between mental imagery ability and the additive strength benefits one can expect from mental training. Furthermore, while this study used participants with some degree of training experience, they were far from elite lifters. Future studies should determine the degree to which high-level lifters benefit from added mental training. 50 References 1. Slimani M, Taylor L, Baker JS, Elleuch A, Ayedi FM, Chamari K, Chéour F. Effects of mental training on muscular force, hormonal and physiological changes in kickboxers. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2017 Jul-Aug;57(7-8):1069-1079. doi: 10.23736/S0022-4707.16.06421-5. 2. Lebon F, Collet C, Guillot A. Benefits of motor imagery training on muscle strength. J Strength Cond Res. 2010 Jun;24(6):1680-7. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e3181d8e936. 3. Yao WX, Ranganathan VK, Allexandre D, Siemionow V, Yue GH. Kinesthetic imagery training of forceful muscle contractions increases brain signal and muscle strength. Front Hum Neurosci. 2013 Sep 26;7:561. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2013.00561. 4. Wakefield C, Smith D. Perfecting Practice: Applying the PETTLEP Model of Motor Imagery. Journal of Sport Psychology in Action. 2012 Volume 3, Issue 1. █ 51 Drop Set-Only Training Is Time Efficient, but How Can It Be Practically Implemented? Study Reviewed: Effects of Drop Sets with Resistance Training on Increases in Muscle CSA, Strength, and Endurance: A Pilot Study. Ozaki et al. (Published Ahead of Print) BY MIC HAE L C . ZO URD O S T o maximize hypertrophy, a variety of riety is used not only because we are conprogramming strategies are often in- tinually searching for the key to muscle tegrated into a periodized design. Va- growth, but also for enjoyment. 52 KEY POINTS 1. In untrained lifters, sessions of only drop sets are very time-efficient and produce similar hypertrophy and strength gains compared to high- and low-load training. 2. There is a diminishing return on the amount of volume that is beneficial for hypertrophy and strength. 3. While metabolic accumulation may play some role in the hypertrophic response, it does not seem to be the primary driver; therefore, drop sets should likely be used in conjunction with traditional sets and not as a standalone strategy once training experience increases. Drop sets, which can be defined as one or more sets with a reduction in load and no rest interval performed immediately after a heavier set, are used to increase the muscle pump. The muscle pump mechanisms may play a role in hypertrophy, but achieving the pump is enjoyable and drop sets are effective at accumulating volume in a short amount of time. The purpose of this study was to examine the changes in biceps hypertrophy, strength, and endurance with a group doing multiple drop sets (DS) compared to a group doing straight sets with a high load (HL) and a group doing straight sets with a low load (LL). Nine untrained males were used in the study, and one arm of each subject was assigned to either the HL, LL, or DS groups, thus there were six subjects (or arms) in each group as there were 18 total arms. For eight weeks, the HL group performed three sets to failure at 80% of one-repetition maximum (1RM) on the seated dumbbell curl with three minutes of rest between sets, while the LL group performed the seated curl for three sets of max reps with 30% of 1RM with 90 seconds of rest between sets, and the DS group did one set to failure at 80, 65, 50, 40, and 30% of 1RM in descending order with <5 seconds of rest between sets. Strength (1RM dumbbell curl and maximal voluntary isometric contraction – MVIC) and hypertrophy were tested before and after the eights weeks as well as during week 5, while muscular endurance (max reps at 30% of 1RM) was tested at only pre- and post-study. All groups experienced significant hypertrophy (assessed via changes in muscle cross-sectional area – CSA) over the eight weeks with no differences between groups. For 1RM dumbbell curl strength, there were no statistically significant differences between groups; however, both HL and DS increased from pre- to post-study, while LL did not. Therefore, even though there was no group interaction for strength, two groups (HL and DS) experienced significant strength improvements, while 53 LL experienced no change in strength. Similar to 1RM curl strength, elbow flexor MVIC increased significantly in both HL and DS from pre- to post-study, but the LL group did not increase MVIC. Additionally, LL performed significantly more repetitions at 30% of 1RM at post-study versus both the HL and DS groups. Importantly, the DS group finished each training session more quickly than the HL or LL groups. Therefore, in untrained individuals who require little volume to progress, using a session of solely DS is a time-efficient way to increase hypertrophy, strength, and muscle endurance in the short term. Purpose and Research Questions Purpose The purpose of the reviewed study was to compare the effects of HL, LL, and DS training on hypertrophy, strength, and muscular endurance of the biceps over eight weeks in untrained males. Research Question HL groups would increase hypertrophy, strength, and muscle endurance. The authors did not explicitly predict a difference between groups, and they didn’t mention the LL group in the hypotheses. However, in the discussion, the authors state that the findings were in conflict with their hypothesis, in that hypertrophy was the same between the HL and DS groups. Therefore, it does seem that the authors hypothesized that DS would produce the greatest hypertrophic response, with no prediction of the other variables. Subjects and Methods Subjects Nine men were in this study. The subjects were all untrained, which was classified as not having performed resistance training for at least one year prior to the start of the study. For group allocation, each arm of every subject was assigned to either the HL, LL, or DS training. So, since there were 18 total arms, this means there were six arms or subjects in each group. Specific subject characteristics are provided in Table 1. Could a training session of only drop sets increase hypertrophy, strength, and Overall Design muscular endurance to the same or even Subjects trained for eight total weeks greater extent as HL and LL training usand underwent pre-, mid-, and posting traditional straight sets? study testing. Seated dumbbell biceps Hypotheses curl 1RM strength and hypertrophy were The authors only provided the hy- tested at all time points, while MVIC and pothesis that they believed the DS and muscular endurance were only tested at 54 TABLE 1: SUBJECT CHARACTERISTICS Number of subjects -9 Total People -18 Total Arms -6 Arms/Subjects in Each Group Age (years) 26±1 Height (centimeters) 173±2 Body mass (kg) 65.1±2.5 Training experience Untrained Data are Mean ± Standard Error Subjects characteristics from Ozaki et al. 2017 (1). pre- and post-study. The MVIC was assessed by subjects performing a five-second maximal contraction of the biceps with the elbow fixed at 60° of flexion. For muscular endurance, subjects performed as many repetitions as possible at 30% of 1RM; however, it is unclear if the poststudy muscular endurance test used 30% of the pre-study 1RM or 30% of the new, post-study 1RM. Before beginning the eight-week training program, subjects came to the lab four times about one week prior to the official program. The first visit was used to assess CSA via magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and to teach proper technique; the second visit was to test 1RM on the seated dumbbell curl and to familiarize everyone with the MVIC procedures; the third visit tested MVIC; and the fourth preliminary visited tested muscular endurance. two weeks and then three times per week in weeks 3, 4, 6, and 7. Weeks 5 and 8 had only two training days, as the latter day of each week was used for mid- and post-testing respectively. The HL and LL groups did three sets to failure at 80% and 30% of 1RM, respectively, on the seated dumbbell curl in every training session. The HL group had three minutes of rest between sets, while the LL group had 90 seconds of rest between sets. The DS group performed one set with 80%, 65%, 50%, 40%, and 30% of 1RM all to failure while only taking enough time between sets to switch dumbbells, which was <5 seconds. Subjects in all groups were instructed to perform the concentric (up motion) as fast as possible while taking two seconds to perform the eccentric (down motion). Additionally, load was determined for weeks 6, 7, and 8 based off the of the 1RM obtained at mid-testing. Resistance Training Protocol Over the eight weeks, all groups The complete training program is providtrained two times per week for the first ed in Table 2. 55 TABLE 2: RESISTANCE TRAINING PROGRAM HIGH LOAD GROUP (n=6, Rest Interval=3 minutes) Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Weeks 1-2 3 Sets of Max Reps at 80% of 1RM 3 Sets of Max Reps at 80% of 1RM Off Weeks 3-4 3 Sets of Max Reps at 80% of 1RM 3 Sets of Max Reps at 80% of 1RM 3 Sets of Max Reps at 80% of 1RM Week 5 3 Sets of Max Reps at 80% of 1RM Mid-Testing: Hypertrophy via MRI 1RM Seated Dumbbell Curl Off Weeks 6-7 3 Sets of Max Reps at 80% of 1RM 3 Sets of Max Reps at 80% of 1RM 3 Sets of Max Reps at 80% of 1RM Week 8 3 Sets of Max Reps at 80% of 1RM Post-Testing: Hypertrophy via MRI 1RM Seated Dumbbell Curl MVIC Muscular Endurance Off LOW LOAD GROUP (n=6, Rest Interval=90 seconds) Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Weeks 1-2 3 Sets of Max Reps at 30% of 1RM 3 Sets of Max Reps at 30% of 1RM Off Weeks 3-4 3 Sets of Max Reps at 30% of 1RM 3 Sets of Max Reps at 30% of 1RM 3 Sets of Max Reps at 30% of 1RM Week 5 3 Sets of Max Reps at 30% of 1RM Mid-Testing: Hypertrophy via MRI 1RM Seated Dumbbell Curl Off Weeks 6-7 3 Sets of Max Reps at 30% of 1RM 3 Sets of Max Reps at 30% of 1RM 3 Sets of Max Reps at 30% of 1RM Week 8 3 Sets of Max Reps at 30% of 1RM Post-Testing: Hypertrophy via MRI 1RM Seated Dumbbell Curl MVIC Muscular Endurance Off DROP SET GROUP (n=6, Rest Interval=Less Than 5 seconds) Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Weeks 1-2 1 set of Max Reps at 80, 65, 50, 40, and 30% of 1RM 1 set of Max Reps at 80, 65, 50, 40, and 30% of 1RM Off Weeks 3-4 1 set of Max Reps at 80, 65, 50, 40, and 30% of 1RM 1 set of Max Reps at 80, 65, 50, 40, and 30% of 1RM 1 set of Max Reps at 80, 65, 50, 40, and 30% of 1RM Week 5 1 set of Max Reps at 80, 65, 50, 40, and 30% of 1RM Mid-Testing: Hypertrophy via MRI 1RM Seated Dumbbell Curl Off Weeks 6-7 1 set of Max Reps at 80, 65, 50, 40, and 30% of 1RM 3 Sets of Max Reps at 30% of 1RM 1 set of Max Reps at 80, 65, 50, 40, and 30% of 1RM Week 8 1 set of Max Reps at 80, 65, 50, 40, and 30% of 1RM Post-Testing: Hypertrophy via MRI 1RM Seated Dumbbell Curl MVIC Muscular Endurance Off 1RM= One-Repetition Maximum. MRI= Magnetic Resonance Imaging. MVIC= Maximal Voluntary Isometric Contraction. Findings Total Volume, Total Repetitions, and Total Time Total volume was significantly greater (p<0.05) in LL (15365 ± 3251 kg) versus HL (4724 ± 354 kg) and DS (5308 ± 408 kg). Also, the average number of total repetitions per session in HL, LL, and DS groups were 15, 177, and 35, respectively. If 177 seems like a lot, that’s because it is. In fact, the LL group did, on average, 104 reps on the first set alone. The DS group completed each session in significantly less time than the HL or LL groups. The average times to complete each training session were as follows: HL= 6.8 ± 0.1 min, LL= 11.6 ± 2.3 min, and DS= 2.1 ± 0.1 min. Hypertrophy While each individual group did not experience statistically significant hypertrophy, when all groups were combined together as one cohort, there was significant hypertrophy from pre- to mid-testing (p<0.001) and from midto post-testing (p<0.001) with no difference between groups. Also, as you can see in Figure 1A, muscle size gradually increased in all groups. Strength For 1RM curl strength, the HL group increased strength from pre- to mid-testing and mid- to post-testing (p<0.05). The DS group had strength improvements that approached significance from 56 FIGURE 1A Significant Combined Group Increase: P<0.001 20 Muscle cross-sectional area (cm2) 18 16 14 PRE POST 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 HL LL DS FIGURE 1B * * 20 One-repetition maximum (kg) 18 16 14 12 PRE POST 10 8 6 4 2 0 HL LL DS Maximum repetitions at 30% 1RM (repetitions) FIGURE 1C 140 #* 120 100 Muscular Endurance Both the LL and DS groups increased the amount of repetitions performed at 30% of 1RM from pre- to post-study; however, HL did not improve muscular endurance. Additionally, at post-study, the LL group completed significantly more repetitions than both HL and DS (p=0.037), which can be seen in Figure 1C. * 80 PRE POST 60 40 20 0 pre- to mid-testing (p=0.09) but did significantly increase strength from pre- to post-testing (p<0.05). The LL group did not significantly increase strength at any time point, although 1RM curl strength did approach a significant change in LL from pre- to mid-testing (p=0.08). Ultimately, there were no statistically significant differences between groups for strength, but remember, HL and DS had statistically significant increases, and LL did not (Figure 1B). Similarly, for MVIC, there were no significant differences between groups, but both HL and DS increased MVIC from pre- to post-study, while LL did not. HL LL DS Figure 1ABC shows the pre- to post-study changes in hypertrophy, 1RM bar curl strength, and muscular endurance. HL= High Load, LL= Low Load, DS= Drop Set. *Significant increase from pre-study. #Significantly greater repetitions performed at post-study compared to both HL and DS. Interpretation The overall results of this study demonstrate that there are multiple short-term programming strategies that can increase muscle performance (hypertrophy, strength, and endurance) in untrained individuals. This is not surprising, as it is well-established that untrained individuals progress very rapidly in the initial 57 TABLE 3A: MAIN LIFT DROP SET WHICH MAY IMPEDE RECOVERY Exercise Monday Wednesday Friday Squat 4X8 @70%* 5X6 @75% 5X4 @80% Bent over row 3X15 3X12 4X8 Bar curl 3X15 3X12 4X8 *Drop set performed immediately following fourth set of eight repetitions on Monday’s squat. If 20kg is decreased and a set to failure is performed following the last set of squats on Monday, then the very high reps from the drop set could cause an increased damage response, which may harm Wednesday’s session. stages of training (2). Interestingly, when looking at the protocols used, the following concepts are in play: the contribution of metabolites to hypertrophy and the time efficiency of DS, the ability of lowload training to produce hypertrophy and strength, and the specificity of low- and high-rep training for strength and muscular endurance. Let’s discuss and apply each of those concepts. Metabolite Build-up and Time Efficiency The similar hypertrophy across groups is unsurprising, as other recent research has shown the same hypertrophy between drop sets and traditional sets (3). Therefore, it seems that metabolic accumulation may not be as significant a contributor to hypertrophy as previously thought. However, MASS reviewed an article demonstrating that rest-pause training, which likely enhances metabolic buildup more than traditional training, led to more hypertrophy than traditional multiple set training (4). Ultimately, we cannot discount the idea that metabolic accumulation may play some additive role in the hypertrophic response. Although, since it is now well-known that hypertrophy occurs independent of repetition range if volume is equated (5,6), it does seem that total volume is a greater driver of muscle hypertrophy than training specifically for metabolite accumulation. Therefore, it doesn’t seem necessary to specifically train for metabolite accumulation as a major goal of hypertrophy training; rather, this is something that can be achieved in certain circumstances to optimize the full potential of muscle growth. For example, this study showed that the DS group completed each session in an average of 2.1 minutes, compared to a to- 58 TABLE 3B: ASSISTANCE WORK DROP SETS AT THE END OF A TRAINING WEEK Exercise Monday Wednesday Friday Squat 4X8 @70% 5X6 @75% 5X4 @80% Bent over row 3X15 3X12 4X8* Bar curl 3X15 3X12 4X8* *Drop sets performed immediately after the last set of both rows and curls on Friday. If 20kg is decreased and a set to failure is performed following the last set of squats on Friday, this could add volume and would be unlikely to affect training capabilities for the next session on Monday. tal training time per session of 11.1 and 6.8 minutes in LL and HL respectively. These findings related to session time reveal that DS training is useful due to the fact that it is time-efficient. Therefore, since we cannot completely discount the role of metabolites to explain the totality of muscle hypertrophy, DS can be used as a part of a training program in a time efficient manner to elicit metabolite accumulation. To implement drop-set training, it’s important to state that using it is not an “all or none” principle, as in the present study. It’s unlikely that a lifter would have one or two training sessions per week where all they perform is drop sets. Rather, a lifter could perform 4 sets of 5 on an exercise, and then immediately following the last set of 5, decrease the load by 10kg and perform repetitions to failure. This strategy is more common in practice than a training session solely devoted to drop sets. Further, drop sets should be strategically placed throughout the week, and the exercises on which they are used should be carefully selected so that excessive fatigue doesn’t impede the next training session. If an individual is training three times per week on the bench press (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) and on Monday does 4 sets of 8 @70% and then does a drop set that allows for 20 repetitions on the last set, that may create too much muscle damage, which could prevent the lifter from training hard on Wednesday. In this scenario, more volume in one session may actually hinder weekly volume. Moreover, utilizing DS on main lifts for high repetitions could lead to technique breakdown. Rather, DS could be implemented on assistance movements on the Friday in the previous example, since the lift- 59 er would have the longest between-day rest on this exercise or muscle group (72 hours), decreasing the odds that fatigue from the drop set would negatively affect the following training session. This addition of drop sets would also increase total training volume while giving the lifter a mental break from doing another heavy set, which could be a practical method of increasing volume in a time-efficient manner. Tables 3A and 3B provide DS scenarios that may harm recovery, along with a more appropriate DS option. To continue the practical discussion, we can think of DS, rest-pause training, and cluster sets as programming strategies. The time efficiency in the present study makes these all feasible options in a situation where the lifter simply has something unexpected to do during the day and has to equate for their pre-planned volume in a short period of time. This is perhaps the most attractive trait of implementing one of the aforementioned programming strategies. Low Load Training Previous research has shown that similar hypertrophy can be achieved when low and high loads have both been taken to failure (7); however, in this study, the LL group did not experience more hypertrophy than the HL or DS groups despite performing more volume. There are two potential explanations to explain why the LL group did not experience greater hypertrophy than the other groups despite performing the most volume. Firstly, al- THE ADDITION OF DROP SETS WOULD INCREASE TOTAL TRAINING VOLUME WHILE GIVING THE LIFTER A MENTAL BREAK FROM DOING ANOTHER HEAVY SET, WHICH COULD BE A PRACTICAL METHOD OF INCREASING VOLUME IN A TIME-EFFICIENT MANNER. though there is a relationship between total volume and hypertrophy, data have shown that moderate volumes are actually preferable to high volumes in the short term for muscle growth (8), and MASS has covered this topic before. The amount of repetitions per session in this study was: HL-15, LL-177, and DS-35. This means that the LL group performed five times more reps per session than the DS group and almost 12 times more reps than the HL. The second explanation is that the volume performed in LL was, in part, ineffective because so many repetitions were performed at low intensity. Essentially, it’s possible that the LL group accumulated a ton of “junk” or ineffective 60 APPLICATION AND TAKEAWAYS 1. Drop sets are a time-efficient way to add volume to your normal training program. 2. Adaptations to strength and endurance tend to occur specific to low and high repetitions respectively. 3. While volume is related to muscle growth and strength, high volume in the shortterm is not necessary, especially for untrained lifters who can make rapid progress on little training volume. volume, which suggests that there is a minimum threshold of intensity in which greater volume will still contribute to muscle adaptations. I believe the second explanation to be more plausible for the lack of additional hypertrophy in the LL group. Moreover, in practice, it seems to be difficult to train with solely low loads in the long run, as it could become difficult to continually achieve progressive overload with sustained low-intensity training due to the extraordinarily high amount of repetitions that occur with low-load training. Muscle Strength and Endurance Specificity The results of the LL group having the smallest strength improvement but performing the most reps at the post-study muscular endurance test are not novel findings. Rather, these results are consistent with robust literature demonstrating low reps on the strength training continuum to produce greater strength than higher repetitions (5, 9, 10). Similarly, high reps have produced greater muscle endurance than low reps (6, 9). The re- sults simply demonstrate the specificity of training zones for both strength and endurance adaptations. Low reps likely confer a greater neuromuscular benefit due to the specificity of enhancing rate coding (the frequency of firing of high threshold motor units), while high reps promote greater mitochondrial and capillary density within muscle fibers to enhance endurance. Simply, these findings simply reinforce the principle of specificity. Additionally, for strength, it is again necessary to state that the lifters were untrained when explaining that DS training alone produced the same strength adaptation as HL training. Both the DS and HL groups had one set at 80% of 1RM, and although the HL group maintained an overall higher intensity per session than the DS group (HL: 80% of 1RM vs. DS: 53% of 1RM), the additional sets at 80% for the HL group may have not been all that important since data have indicated moderate and low volumes may be preferable to greater volumes in the short-term for strength (11). Now, the HL group in this study did not perform 61 true high-volume training, but keeping in mind that the subjects were untrained, we have to ask the question: “How much benefit would the extra sets at 80% have for strength?” It’s possible that the first set at 80% in the DS group was enough to produce similar strength gains compared to the HL group. However, as training experience increases, multiple sets with high intensity (i.e. 80%) would likely be superior for strength adaptation than one set at 80% followed by drop sets at lower intensities. Next Steps While these results demonstrate the potential usefulness of DS, a study should examine DS as a programming strategy on a single day or exercise throughout the week in trained lifters, as this is a more common and feasible training strategy. Further, future data should examine this concept on the main lifts and aim to gather blood samples to analyze metabolic build-up along with indirect markers of muscle damage (soreness, ROM, isometric strength) in the 48 hours following each type of training to gauge the time course of the recovery response, which would examine our theories in Tables 3A and 3B. 62 References 1. Ozaki H, Kubota A, Natsume T, Loenneke JP, Abe T, Machida S, Naito H. Effects of drop sets with resistance training on increases in muscle CSA, strength, and endurance: a pilot study. Journal of Sports Sciences. 2017 May 21:1-6. 2. Ahtiainen JP, Pakarinen A, Alen M, Kraemer WJ, Häkkinen K. Muscle hypertrophy, hormonal adaptations and strength development during strength training in strength-trained and untrained men. European journal of applied physiology. 2003 Aug 1;89(6):555-63. 3. Angleri V, Ugrinowitsch C, Libardi CA. Crescent pyramid and drop-set systems do not promote greater strength gains, muscle hypertrophy, and changes on muscle architecture compared with traditional resistance training in well-trained men. European journal of applied physiology. 2017 Feb 1;117(2):359-69. 4. Prestes J, Tibana RA, de Araujo Sousa E, da Cunha Nascimento D, de Oliveira Rocha P, Camarço NF, de Sousa NM, Willardson JM. Strength And Muscular Adaptations Following 6 Weeks Of Rest-Pause Versus Traditional Multiple-Sets Resistance Training In Trained Subjects. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 2017 Apr 4. 5. Schoenfeld BJ, Ratamess NA, Peterson MD, Contreras B, Sonmez GT, Alvar BA. Effects of different volume-equated resistance training loading strategies on muscular adaptations in well-trained men. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. 2014 Oct 1;28(10):2909-18. 6. Klemp A, Dolan C, Quiles JM, Blanco R, Zoeller RF, Graves BS, Zourdos MC. Volume-equated high-and low-repetition daily undulating programming strategies produce similar hypertrophy and strength adaptations. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism. 2016 Feb 16;41(7):699-705. 7. Schoenfeld BJ, Peterson MD, Ogborn D, Contreras B, Sonmez GT. Effects of low-vs. high-load resistance training on muscle strength and hypertrophy in well-trained men. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. 2015 Oct 1;29(10):2954-63. 8. González-Badillo JJ, Izquierdo M, Gorostiaga EM. Moderate volume of high relative training intensity produces greater strength gains compared with low and high volumes in competitive weightlifters. Journal of strength and conditioning research. 2006 Feb 1;20(1):73. 9. Anderson T, Kearney JT. Effects of three resistance training programs on muscular strength and absolute and relative endurance. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 1982 Mar 1;53(1):1-7. 10. Campos GE, Luecke TJ, Wendeln HK, Toma K, Hagerman FC, Murray TF, Ragg KE, Ratamess NA, Kraemer WJ, Staron RS. Muscular adaptations in response to three different resistance-training regimens: specificity of repetition maximum training zones. European journal of applied physiology. 2002 Nov 7;88(1):50-60. 11. González-Badillo JJ, Gorostiaga EM, Arellano R, Izquierdo M. Moderate resistance training volume produces more favorable strength gains than high or low volumes during a short-term training cycle. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 2005 Aug 1;19(3):689. █ 63 Recovery from Training: High Intensity vs. High Volume Study Reviewed: Comparison of the Recovery Response From High-Intensity and High-Volume Resistance Exercise in Trained Men. Bartolomei et al. (2017) BY E RI C HE LMS A n appropriate training configuration within a microcycle of training depends partially on managing fatigue from previous training sessions. To bet- ter understand how to distribute training sessions, you have to know which days produce more fatigue than others. In this study, 12 males (18-35 years old) with at 64 KEY POINTS 1. An acute bout of high volume, moderate load training with short rest intervals (8 sets of 10 reps at 70% 1RM with 75 seconds rest between sets) suppresses force production to a greater degree and for a longer period than a bout of moderate volume, high load training with longer rest intervals (8 sets of 3 reps at 90% 1RM with 3 minutes rest between sets). 2. In the 72-hour period after high volume training, increases in cross-sectional area (CSA) occurred as a result of inflammation, evidenced by relationships (r=0.60-0.66, p<0.05) between increases in CSA and interleukin-6 (a myokine which increases in response to contraction induced inflammation) and creatine kinase (a biomarker for muscle damage). 3. Additionally, changes in CSA were inversely related (r=-0.58- -0.80, p<0.05) with various measures of muscular strength and power. Thus, performance is impeded proportionally to the degree of inflammation and muscle damage from high volume training for at least 72 hours. Therefore, volume should be distributed over a microcycle so as not to impede performance in subsequent sessions. Additionally, volume should be increased gradually (on an as-needed basis) so the repeated bout effect is elicited, protecting against excessive damage while accomplishing progressive overload. least two years of training experience and a minimum squat one-repetition maximum (1RM) of 1.5 times bodyweight completed two protocols – a high volume (HV, 8x10x70% 1RM), and a high intensity (HI, 8x3x90% 1RM) protocol – in a counterbalanced crossover design. Various tests were then conducted after this protocol at 30 minutes, 24 hours, 48 hours, and 72 hours post-training. Specifically, performance was assessed via counter-movement jump (CMJ) peak power, isokinetic (fixed speed) leg extension strength, isometric (a fixed joint position) leg extension maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) strength, isometric mid-thigh pull strength, and isometric half squat strength. Additionally, vastus lateralis (a muscle of the quadriceps group) cross-sectional area (CSA) was assessed at each time point to determine the degree of swelling and inflammation in response to training. Finally, blood draws were taken from the participants to assess changes in endocrine (testosterone and cortisol), inflammatory (interleukin-6 and C-reactive protein), and muscle damage (creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase, and myoglobin) markers, in addition to subjective ratings of pain and soreness. In response to training, the HI group had lower levels of soreness and blood lactate, and had higher CMJ, isometric leg extension, and MVC strength 65 compared to HV at various time points. Additionally, cortisol, interleukin-6, and vastus lateralis CSA were elevated from baseline only in HV at specific time points, but not HI. Thus, it seems that the HV protocol produced more damage, soreness, and suppressed force production to a greater degree than the HI protocol over a 72-hour period. Subjects and Methods Subjects Twelve experienced, resistance-trained men (body mass, 82.3 ± 8.4 kg; height, 175.2 ± 5.5 cm; body fat, 13.5 ± 3.4%) volunteered to participate in this study. Participants had to be between 18 and 35 years old with at least two years of resistance training experience (actual, 6.3 ± 3.4 years). Additionally, participants had Purpose and Research to be able to squat at least 1.5 times their body mass (actual, 173.4 ± 31.7 kg). ParQuestions ticipants could not use dietary supplePurpose ments or performance enhancing drugs The purpose of this investigation was to during the trial and were screened for compare the acute effects of a HV and prior use. HI training protocol on performance and Overall Design recovery post-exercise in experienced, reIn this crossover design, the participants sistance-trained men. were assessed a total of 11 times. The first Hypotheses assessment was to test their squat 1RM While not directly stated, the authors and to have their descriptive characteriscited previous work showing HV train- tics measured (height, weight, body coming to suppress force production. Much position, etc.). After at least 72 hours, the of the prior work cited, however, was in participants returned to perform either untrained individuals, and the authors the HI or HV protocol (half started with stated that the acute response to train- one, half the other) after baseline assessing is dependent on training experience ment of muscle CSA and baseline blood and the protocol utilized. Thus, while the collection. Then, at 30 minutes, 24 hours, authors likely expected HV training to 48 hours, and 72 hours post-training, suppress force production more and re- blood, CSA, and performance analyses quire a longer recovery period, they left were conducted. The participants then the door open for the possibility that the performed the opposite training prototrained males in this study might have col, and this process was repeated. This is responses that diverged from those seen shown schematically in Figure 1. in prior research. Resistance Training 66 FIGURE 1 BL Day 1 p-30 min p-24 hr p-48 hr p-72 hr � Muscle � Anthropometric measurements ultrasound � Muscle ultrasound � Muscle ultrasound � Muscle ultrasound � Muscle ultrasound � Performance assessments � Blood draw � Blood draw � Blood draw � Blood draw � Blood draw � Squat 1RM � Training protocol � Performance assessments � Performance assessments � Performance assessments � Performance assessments (HV or HI) Reproduced from Bartolomei et al. 2017 (1) After a standardized warm-up, participants performed either the HI or HV protocol. Both HI and HV were comprised of only the squat. During HI, participants performed 8 sets of 3 repetitions at 90% of their previously measured 1RM with three-minute rest intervals between sets. During HV, participants performed 8 sets of 10 repetitions at 70% 1RM with 75 seconds between sets. During both protocols, if the required number of repetitions per set was not completed, the load was reduced in the subsequent set to allow participants to complete the required number of repetitions. No forced repetitions were performed and all training was supervised. at a speed of 60 and 180 degrees per second, isometric leg extension MVC, isometric mid-thigh pull, and isometric half squat were assessed. Prior to performance testing, serum concentrations of testosterone, cortisol, myoglobin, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity, and creatine kinase (CK), as well as plasma interleukin-6 (IL-6) and C-reactive protein (CRP) were assayed. Additionally, muscle CSA of the vastus lateralis was measured via ultrasound. Finally, participants were asked to assess their perception of pain and soreness on a 0-100 visual scale. Dietary Control Participants were instructed to record Performance, Biochemical, Ultrasound, everything they consumed during both and Subjective Testing the HI and HV four-day trial. For the At each testing time interval, CMJ peak second experimental trial, participants power, isokinetic leg extension strength were required to duplicate the content, 67 TABLE 1: SIGNIFICANT CHANGES IN HIGH VOLUME GROUP RELATIVE TO BASELINE AND HIGH INTENSITY GROUP 30 minutes post 24 hours post 48 hours post 72 hours post VARIABLE From Baseline From HI From Baseline From HI From Baseline From HI From Baseline From HI CMJ Both lower Lower Lower No difference Lower Lower No difference No difference MVC Lower No difference No difference No difference No difference Lower Lower Lower Iso60 Lower Lower Lower Lower No difference No difference No difference No difference CSA Higher Higher Higher Higher Higher Higher No difference No difference Soreness Higher Higher Higher Higher Higher Higher Higher Higher Cortisol Higher Higher No difference No difference No difference No difference No difference No difference IL-6 Higher Higher No difference No difference No difference No difference No difference No difference Blood lactate Both higher Higher No difference No difference No difference No difference No difference No difference CMJ: counter-movement jump peak power, MVC: maximum voluntary isometric leg extension strength, Iso60: isometric leg extension strength at 60 degrees per second, CSA: vastus lateralis cross sectional area, IL-6: interleukin-6. HV group relative to baseline and relative to the HI group. It’s worth pointing out that mean changes in many of the performance metrics that were not significantly different between groups still followed a similar pattern of greater suppression in HV than HI, and a slower return to baseline levels over 72 hours. For Findings Table 1 lists all variables where signif- example, in the HI group, the mid-thigh icant differences were reported in the pull peak force bottomed out at 98% and was slightly higher than baseline levels at quantity, and timing of their daily diet from the first trial. Participants were instructed not to eat or drink anything except water within 10 hours of reporting to the laboratory for testing sessions. 68 some time points during the post-training measurement period, while the HV group dropped to 92% of baseline values at 30 minutes post and gradually recovered back up to 97.5% of baseline at 72 hours. Similarly, the isometric half squat peak force dropped to 85% of baseline values at 30 minutes post-training in the HV group then returned to 95% baseline values at 48 hours, while the HI group dropped to 93% at 30 minutes post-training and returned to 95% in only 24 hours. Likewise, cortisol reached a peak at 24 hours relative to baseline in both groups, increasing by roughly two-thirds in the HI group, but by over two-fold in the HV group. The p-values were relatively low, yet not quite significant in the above examples. They likely would have reached significance with more precise measurements or a larger sample size. Correlation between variables The change in CSA from baseline to 30 minutes post-training in HV was inversely related to changes in CMJ (r = -0.68; p = 0.01), MVC (r = -0.58; p=0.05), and isokinetic leg extension strength at 180 degrees per second (r = -0.80; p=0.001). Inverse relationships were also reported for changes in CSA from baseline to 24 hours post-training in both isokinetic leg extension strength at 60 (r = -0.787; p = 0.002) and 180 degrees per second (r = -0.678; p = 0.015) after HV training. WHILE THE DATA DO CONVINCINGLY DEMONSTRATE THAT, INDEED, HIGH VOLUME TRAINING CAUSES MORE INFLAMMATION, CAUSES MORE MUSCLE DAMAGE, AND SUPPRESSES FORCE PRODUCTION TO A GREATER DEGREE, AND FOR A LONGER TIME PERIOD THAN HIGH INTENSITY TRAINING, IT DOES MORE THAN THAT. 30 minutes (r = 0.76; p = 0.004) and 48 hours post-training (r = 0.66; p = 0.798) in the HV group. In addition, a significant correlation (r = 0.660; p = 0.019) was reported between IL-6 and the increase in CSA at 24 hours post-training in the HV group. Finally, a correlation was also observed between CK levels 72 hours post-training and the change in CSA from baseline to 72 hours post-training in HV (r = 0.60; p = 0.037). Interpretation Additionally, correlations were reported between IL-6 and the magnitude of At first glance, this study seems to simreduction in CMJ performance at both ply answer the question, “What is more 69 fatiguing, high volume or high intensity training?” While the data do convincingly demonstrate that, indeed, high volume training causes more inflammation, causes more muscle damage, and suppresses force production to a greater degree, and for a longer time period than high intensity training, it does more than that. This acute study is also illustrative of a number of concepts we’ve discussed previously in MASS, yet also combines them in such a way to show the practical relevance in the immediate microcycle-length term. While there is a clear relationship between training volume and hypertrophy (2, 3) and, to a lesser degree, strength (4, 5), we’ve previously discussed why more volume is not always better and that pre- VOLUME IS ONLY USEFUL IF ONE CAN RECOVER FROM IT AND, AS DEMONSTRATED BY THIS STUDY, DOING A MASSIVE VOLUME OF WORK YOU ARE NOT ACCUSTOMED TO IN A SINGLE SESSION CAN NEGATIVELY IMPACT YOUR PERFORMANCE FOR AT LEAST 72 HOURS. maturely increasing training volume beyond what is appropriate for one’s training age can actually be counterproductive (6). This study gives more mechanistic insight into why doing massive volumes in a single session is counterproductive. If one were to simplistically consider the relationship of volume with hypertrophy and strength, they might conclude that doing as much volume as possible at all times would be optimal. However, volume is only useful if one can recover from it and, as demonstrated by this study, doing a massive volume of work you are not accustomed to in a single session can negatively impact your performance for at least 72 hours. Getting stronger over time is a result of stringing multiple days, weeks, months, and years of effective training together, meaning that your training configuration in the short term should pay respect to the long term. In fact, we’ve previously discussed the merits of setting up a microcycle of training in an intelligent way to manage fatigue, and how doing so in a logical way can improve performance over an entire mesocycle (7). Also, another thing you’ve probably heard about lifting heavy is that it will cause “CNS burnout” if done too often. While this study didn’t address that (and I’m not sure that is something I would even know how to quantify or measure), it did show that on a per set basis, heavy lifting actually did not suppress force production to the same degree as mod- 70 APPLICATION AND TAKEAWAYS 1. In the short term, 8 sets of 10 reps at 70% of 1RM will produce a large level of fatigue that will suppress strength for at least 72 hours to a larger degree than performing 8 sets of 3 reps at 90% 1RM. 2. While this level of volume is not a realistic example for most people, when performing a high-volume session relative to your own work capacity, it would be tactically advantageous to place an easier training day (one that could be accomplished with strength levels below normal) after this session (and maybe in conjunction with a rest day) to allow more time for intra-week recovery before performing any heavy sessions. 3. When you do attempt to increase volume or overreach through an increase in total number of sets, it would behoove you to perform a microcycle (or two) in which you gradually build up to the target volume. This will elicit the repeated bout effect and make the coming sessions less damaging and fatiguing, so that you can complete more of the prescribed workload. erate load lifting. With that said, if you were to actually match volume (not just the number of sets), you would more than likely run into issues lifting heavy exclusively in the long term. It would result in greater joint stress, higher injury risk, and more generalized “burn out,” as sessions would take much longer because you’d have to perform many more sets to equal the workload of the higher-repetition group (8). Finally, it’s also worth addressing the potential conclusion some people might draw when reading this study: that the damage and inflammation from HV training is an inherently good thing for hypertrophy. While it is true that muscle damage likely plays a role in muscle growth (9), in this previous review I discussed why muscle damage should not be viewed as having a direct causative and proportional relationship with hypertrophy, and why it likely doesn’t need to be deliberately sought out in training. Indeed, a systematic review from 2007 found that rates of hypertrophy peaked in the bicep and quadriceps when performing ~40-70 repetitions 2-3 times per week (for a total of ~80-210 repetitions), and then slowed when more volume was performed (on average, in a mixed group of studies primarily on untrained and recreationally trained lifters, with only some well-trained lifters) (10). While the subjects in the present study were actually quite well-trained (on average, over two times bodyweight squat with about six years in the gym), achieving the low end of the volume range presented in the aforementioned systematic review 71 (~80 repetitions) in a single session, from just a single exercise, is probably overkill (even more so if it was performed in addition to other exercises for other multiple groups with similar levels of volume). If you still remain unconvinced, I’d also refer you back to our review of the now infamous “German volume training” study in which trained (not well-trained, but trained nonetheless) lifters gained less muscle performing 10 sets per muscle group three times per week compared to performing five sets. Next Steps So much can be done in the area of acute recovery from training. Most obviously, different amounts of volume at different intensities could be compared. However, no matter how much of this type of data is collected, the response will always be impacted by the previous training of the participants and what type and how much training they were previously acclimated to. It would also be interesting to see the effects of different lengths and types of introductory microcycles designed to acclimate the participants to the HV training protocol to come. This would allow us to see how much the inflammation and muscle damage response could be mitigated, and if this results in a faster recovery of performance. 72 References 1. Bartolomei, S., et al., Comparison of the recovery response from high-intensity and high-volume resistance exercise in trained men. Eur J Appl Physiol, 2017. 117(7): p. 1287-1298. 2. Krieger, J.W., Single vs. multiple sets of resistance exercise for muscle hypertrophy: a meta-analysis. J Strength Cond Res, 2010. 24(4): p. 1150-9. 3. Schoenfeld, B.J., D. Ogborn, and J.W. Krieger, Dose-response relationship between weekly resistance training volume and increases in muscle mass: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Sports Sci, 2017. 35(11): p. 1073-1082. 4. Krieger, J.W., Single versus multiple sets of resistance exercise: a meta-regression. J Strength Cond Res, 2009. 23(6): p. 1890-901. 5. Robbins, D.W., P.W. Marshall, and M. McEwen, The effect of training volume on lower-body strength. J Strength Cond Res, 2012. 26(1): p. 34-9. 6. Gonzalez-Badillo, J.J., et al., Moderate resistance training volume produces more favorable strength gains than high or low volumes during a short-term training cycle. J Strength Cond Res, 2005. 19(3): p. 689-97. 7. Zourdos, M.C., et al., Modified Daily Undulating Periodization Model Produces Greater Performance Than a Traditional Configuration in Powerlifters. J Strength Cond Res, 2016. 30(3): p. 78491. 8. Schoenfeld, B.J., et al., Effects of different volume-equated resistance training loading strategies on muscular adaptations in well-trained men. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2014. 29(10): p. 2909-18. 9. Schoenfeld, B., Does exercise-induced muscle damage play a role in skeletal muscle hypertrophy? J Strength Cond Res, 2012. 26(5): p. 1441-53. 10. Wernbom, M., J. Augustsson, and R. Thomee, The influence of frequency, intensity, volume and mode of strength training on whole muscle cross-sectional area in humans. Sports Med, 2007. 37(3): p. 225-64. █ 73 How Do Bench Press Variations Affect Muscle Activity in Elite Lifters? Study Reviewed: The Effects of Bench Press Variations in Competitive Athletes on Muscle Activation and Performance. Saeterbakken et al. (2017) BY G RE G NUC KO LS T he bench press may just be the most popular exercise in the gym, and many of its variations (including close-grip bench, incline bench, and de- cline bench) are nearly as popular. People like to include bench press variations in their training to work on weak areas of their press (mostly powerlifters) or to 74 KEY POINTS 1. In elite benchers, muscle activation is pretty similar between bench press variations (flat, incline, decline, wide grip, medium grip, and narrow grip), in spite of differences in ROM and load used. 2. The only significant differences observed in the prime movers were lower triceps activation in the incline bench relative to flat and decline bench, and lower anterior deltoid activation in the decline bench relative to the incline bench. 3. If you’re a highly trained bencher, all of the variations studied here will likely provide an effective stimulus with strong carryover to your competition bench setup. round out the muscular development of their pecs (mostly bodybuilders). There are a surprising number of studies looking at muscle activation in the bench press, including one reviewed recently in MASS. Most of them were recently summarized in a systematic review (2). However, very few studies have specifically examined muscle activation in the bench press in elite pressers, generally opting for untrained or recreationally trained populations instead. This study, on the other hand, specifically examined the effects of grip width and bench angle on muscle activation in high-level benchers using 6RM loads. This study found reduced biceps activation with narrow-grip bench, increased biceps activation with incline bench, decreased triceps activation with incline bench, and decreased anterior deltoid activation with decline bench. There were no other significant differences in muscle activation between pressing styles, in spite of differences in load used. Purpose and Research Questions The authors don’t offer any hypotheses. They simply state that the goal of the study was to compare sternal pec, clavicular pec, triceps, biceps, anterior deltoid, posterior deltoid, and lat activation in the wide-grip, medium-grip, narrow-grip, incline, and decline bench press in elite benchers. Subjects and Methods Subjects The subjects were 12 elite-level benchers. Four were full-meet powerlifters, while eight were bench specialists. Nine had won national medals in the bench press (in Norway, I believe, as most of the researchers are Norwegian), three had held multiple national records in the bench press, and three had competed internationally. 75 The subjects competed in weight classes ranging from 59kg to the superheavyweight (SHW) class, with an average body mass of 97.6±18.3kg. They benched between 130kg and 275kg (self-reported), with a mean of 203.1±45.2kg. However, I think some of the athletes’ reported numbers are for raw bench, while some are for single-ply bench (unless there’s a 105kg Norwegian benching 275kg raw I’m unaware of ), so take that average with a small grain of salt. However, we do know their average raw 6RM bench: 132.7±17.1kg. Testing The study was preceded by two familiarization sessions, during which the lifters found their 6RMs for each bench press variation (wide-, medium-, and narrow-grip bench during the first session, and incline and decline bench during the second session). At least six days separated the first and second familiarization sessions, and the second familiarization session from the testing day. Wide grip was the maximum legal width allowed for powerlifting (with the pointer fingers covering the 81cm grip rings), narrow grip was defined as shoulder-width (biacromial breadth), medium grip was the midpoint between wide and narrow grip for each lifter, and incline and decline bench were performed with wide grips on benches set to 25-degree angles. ized order. They took three minutes between each warm-up set, and five minutes between each bench press variation to minimize the effects of fatigue. The lifters were not allowed any equipment that could actually aid in the pressing (bench shirts and elbow sleeves weren’t permitted), though wrist wraps, chalk, and belts were allowed. The lifters were required to keep their head, shoulders, and butt in contact with the bench at all times. Each rep was performed with a soft touch (no pause and no bouncing) at a self-selected cadence. If they were unable to hit six reps with their previous 6RM, the load was reduced; similarly, loads were increased if they indicated they could lift more than their previous 6RM. Muscle activation was assessed using surface EMG for the biceps, triceps, anterior deltoids, posterior deltoids, lats, and the sternal and clavicular portions of the pecs. The researchers used Root Mean Square (RMS) EMG for assessment over all six reps. I’ll save you the technical details, but RMS-EMG basically tells you the average power of the electrical signal from the muscle over the time period sampled. Findings Muscle Activation On the testing day, the lifters worked Across the board, muscle activation up to their pre-determined 6RMs for tended to be similar with all pressing each bench press variation in a random- 76 TABLE 1 Muscle Wide v Medium Wide v Narrow Medium v Narrow Lower Pec 0.06 0.38 0.34 Upper Pec 0.01 0.17 0.17 Triceps 0.24 0.10 -0.15 Anterior delt 0.19 0.26 0.11 Posterior delt 0.03 -0.21 -0.22 Biceps 0.04 0.33 0.25 Trivial Effect Lats 0.00 -0.21 -0.21 Small Effect Muscle Flat v Incline Flat v Decline Incline v Decline Lower Pec 0.19 -0.01 -0.20 Upper Pec 0.26 0.16 -0.07 Triceps 1.16 -0.07 -1.28 Anterior delt -0.14 0.37 0.51 Posterior delt 0.83 -0.12 -0.70 Biceps -0.99 0.32 1.17 Lats -0.35 -0.54 -0.21 Medium Effect Large Effect Between-condition RMS-EMG effect size *Positive indicates higher RMS-EMG values for the first variation listed, and negative values indicate higher RMS-EMG values for the second variation listed. variations. These were the exceptions: 1. Triceps activation was significantly lower (58.5-62.6%; p<0.05) when performing incline bench than flat or decline bench. 2. Biceps activation was significantly higher (48.3-68.7%; p<0.05) when performing incline bench than flat or decline bench. the incline bench than the decline bench, but didn’t differ significantly from the flat bench. 4. Biceps activation was significantly lower (25.9-30.5%; p<0.05) in the narrow-grip bench than the medium-grip or wide-grip bench. Performance The athletes could bench and decline 3. Anterior deltoid activation was sig- bench significantly more than they could nificantly higher (25.7%; p<0.05) in incline bench (18.5-21.5% difference). 77 FIGURE 1 6RM LOADS 150 100 50 0 Wide Flat Bench Decline (25 degrees) Medium Grip Narrow Grip Incline (25 degrees) 6RM loads for the bench variations tested. Furthermore, they could bench significantly more with a wide grip than either a medium (5.8% difference) or narrow grip (11.5% difference), and bench significantly more with a medium grip than a narrow grip. Range of Motion barbell ROM between the incline and decline bench, and between the wide and narrow grip bench with longer ROMs for incline bench and narrow grip bench. Interpretation Elbow ROM was larger for the incline This wasn’t the first time that researchbench versus the decline bench, and for ers examined muscle activation in differthe medium and narrow grip bench ver- ent bench press variations, but most prior studies report larger and more frequent sus the wide grip bench. differences than those reported here (3, 4, There were significant differences in 78 5). Across seven muscles and five bench press variations, there were only four significant differences in total, and two of them were differences in the biceps that are probably completely inconsequential, as biceps are not prime movers in the bench press and are highly unlikely to limit or meaningfully affect performance. Furthermore, the between-group effect sizes tend to only show small or trivial differences between groups when looking at the prime movers (pecs, triceps, and anterior deltoids). Why do the results of this study differ from past research? The authors propose that muscle activation tended to be similar across the bench press variations studied here because the participants were elite benchers. Filling in the gaps a bit (as they didn’t state this explicitly), it doesn’t seem like too much of a leap to assume that since the motor pattern for the flat, wide-grip bench press was so powerful and well-ingrained in these subjects, their nervous systems would attempt to make use of that general motor pattern as much as possible when confronted with similar tasks. Since the lifters weren’t required to lift with an extremely narrow grip (just biacromial width) or on an extreme incline or decline (the incline and decline used were 25 degrees), none of the bench press variations used in this study would have been all that different from the competition bench press the lifters were very accustomed to. I would assume that the key THE SIMILARITIES IN MUSCLE ACTIVATION WOULD SEEM TO SUGGEST THAT ALL FIVE BENCH VARIATIONS INCLUDED IN THIS STUDY WOULD BE VIABLE EXERCISES FOR INCREASING BENCH PRESS STRENGTH. factor in this study was experience with the bench press, rather than the absolute load lifted; as such, it’s likely more applicable to most MASS readers than the previous EMG studies comparing different bench press variations. However, it’s also possible that fatigue influenced the results since the lifters worked up to 6RM loads for all five bench variations on the testing day. It’s possible that bench press variations converge on similar muscle activation patterns when the prime movers are fatigued. However, I don’t think that’s a likely explanation, as the lifters were only performing five hard sets, exercise order was randomized, and the lifters were given plenty of rest between attempts and exercises. The similarities in muscle activation would seem to suggest that all five bench variations included in this study 79 APPLICATION AND TAKEAWAYS With few exceptions, muscle activation was quite similar between incline bench, decline bench, and wide-grip, medium-grip, and narrow-grip flat bench in a cohort of very welltrained powerlifters. Therefore, transfer between those pressing variations is likely quite high, making them all viable tools in the lifter’s or coach’s toolbox for training the bench press. would be viable exercises for increasing bench press strength. Obviously, competition-style bench press should be at the heart of your upper body training if you’re a powerlifter (due to the principle of specificity), but the other variations studied here exhibited similar enough muscle activation that they’d likely transfer well if you want or need more variety in your pressing. Furthermore, incline or close-grip bench press may be valuable for hypertrophy work, as they allow for longer ranges of motion. Conversely, this study pushes back against the notion that bench press variations are required to effectively train all of the musculature involved in the bench press. Unless you happen to be benching to train your biceps, the plain old flat bench press (with any grip width) activated all of the prime movers in the bench press (including the upper pecs) just effectively as any of the variations did. may have been similar on average comparing the incline and decline bench, but maybe pec activation was higher at the bottom of the press for the incline bench, and higher through the midrange for the decline bench), as in a previous study we reviewed here in MASS. Furthermore, it would be interesting to compare these powerlifters to a cohort of bodybuilders who specifically include different pressing variations to target different muscles. 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