1 ST. XAVIER’S HIGH SCHOOL, VAPI COMPUTER SCIENCE INVESTIGATORY PROJECT (Term 2) (2021-2022) By: Ishika Rajesh Singh Class: 12th - Science Subject: Computer Science (083) Taught by: Ms. Shagufa Khan 2 3 INDEX Sr. No. Contents Page No. 1. Declaration 4 2. Acknowledgement 5 3. Introduction 6 4. Working Description 7 5. Coding 8 6. Output 13 7. Bibliography 20 4 DECLARATION We hereby declare that the project work entitled “Management for NEET Capability” is submitted to St. Xavier’s High School, Vapi, for the subject of Computer Science, under the guidance of Ms. Shagufa Khan. It is a record of original work done by us. We further declare that this project record or any part of this has not been submitted elsewhere for any other class. Anushree Warrier Ishika Singh Vanshita Chaudhary 5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would like to express a deep sense of thanks and gratitude to our project guide Ms. Shagufa Khan for guiding us immensely through the course of the project. She always evinced keen interest in our work. Her constructive advice and constant motivation have been responsible for the successful completion of this project. Our sincere thanks go to Mrs. Salma Pathan, our Principal Miss, for her coordination extending every possible support for the completion of this project. We also thank our parents for their motivation and support. We must thank our classmates for their timely help and support for the compilation of this project. Last but not the least, we would like to thank all those who had helped directly or indirectly towards the completion of this project. 6 INTRODUCTION “The Management for NEET Capability” is our step to innovate something new, with the usage of database and coding. In our project, we will display the tables of three subjects, that is, Physics, Chemistry and Biology, along with the insertion of the details of marks of the students into the table. This system can be used by some other coaching institutions. The staffs can store the marks of any major or minor test taken by the student, which is based on the NEET-UG examination. 7 WORKING DESCRIPTION The objective of our project is basically to check whether the student is capable of getting better marks in the NEET Exam or not. We have a program in which the output will first give the menu through which we can select an option as LOGIN SCREEN, then the tables of respective subjects, which are, Physics, Chemistry and Biology can be made to input the details of the marks of the students. Finally, the marks of the subjects will be added together, and out of 720, their marks can be compared and checked to see who has done the better performance. The functions which we have used from the mysql.connector module are: 1. connect() 2. is_connected() 3. cursor() 4. execute() 5. commit() 6. fetchall() 7. format() For NEET capability, if the marks are less than 360, then the student could at least try to perform well in the NEET Exam with the realisation of their mistakes, and get consistent regarding this. Otherwise, if the marks are more than 360, then the student is capable of scoring well in the NEET exam, through consistency. 8 CODING import mysql.connector as con mycon = con.connect(host = 'localhost', user = 'root', password = '1234') if mycon.is_connected(): print("Successfully connected to MySQL!") c1=mycon.cursor() x="Report_cards" c1.execute("SHOW DATABASES") if x not in c1: c1.execute("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS Report_cards") c1.execute("USE Report_cards") print('---------------------------------------------') print("The Management of Report Card for NEET capability") print('---------------------------------------------') print('Enter your choice among the following options:') print("1.Login") print("2.Exit") choice=int(input("Please enter your choice:")) if choice<1 or choice>2: print("You are supposed to enter the choice 1 and 2 to login here!") #If first choice is entered to login if choice==1: u1=input("enter user name:") pwd1=input("enter the password:") if u1=='root' and pwd1=='1234': print('Successfully connected!') print("Welcome! Please enter the marks of NEET Major test.") print("1. Registering marks of Biology") print("2. Registering marks of Physics") print("3. Registering marks of Chemistry") print("4. Total Biology marks details") print("5. Total Physics marks details") print("6. Total Chemistry marks details") print("7. Student marks detail in Biology") print("8. Student marks detail in Physics") print("9. Student marks detail in Chemistry") 9 print("10. Total marks of all the subjects") print('11. Exit') choice = int(input("Enter your choice:")) if choice<1 or choice>11: print("You are supposed to enter the choice between 1 and 10!") #For making inputs of details for a subject if choice==1: c1.execute('CREATE table IF NOT EXISTS Bio_table(bio_name VARCHAR(25), bio_roll INT(2) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, bio_marks INT(3))') bio_name = input("Enter student's name:") bio_roll = int(input('Enter roll no.:')) bio_marks = int(input('Enter marks (Out of 360):')) con_insert="INSERT INTO Bio_table values(""'"+bio_name+"', "+str(bio_roll)+", "+str(bio_marks)+")" c1.execute(con_insert) print('This is successfully registered!') mycon.commit() if choice==2: c1.execute('CREATE table IF NOT EXISTS Phy_table(phy_name VARCHAR(25), phy_roll INT(2) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, phy_marks INT(3))') phy_name = input("Enter student's name:") phy_roll = int(input('Enter roll no.:')) phy_marks = int(input('Enter marks (Out of 180):')) con_insert="INSERT INTO Phy_table values(""'"+phy_name+"', "+str(phy_roll)+", "+str(phy_marks)+")" c1.execute(con_insert) print('This is successfully registered!') mycon.commit() if choice==3: c1.execute('CREATE table IF NOT EXISTS Chem_table(chem_name VARCHAR(25), chem_roll INT(2) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, chem_marks INT(3))') chem_name = input("Enter student's name:") chem_roll = int(input('Enter roll no.:')) 10 chem_marks = int(input('Enter marks (Out of 180):')) con_insert="INSERT INTO Chem_table values(""'"+chem_name+"', "+str(chem_roll)+", "+str(chem_marks)+")" c1.execute(con_insert) print('This is successfully registered!') mycon.commit() #To check the whole details of the subject elif choice==4: con_w='SELECT*FROM Bio_table' c1.execute(con_w) r = c1.fetchall() for i in r : print(i) elif choice==5: con_x="SELECT*FROM Phy_table" c1.execute(con_x) s=c1.fetchall() for i in s: print(i) elif choice==6: con_y="SELECT*FROM Chem_table" c1.execute(con_y) t=c1.fetchall() for i in t: print(i) #To see the details of the marks of the student for a subject elif choice==7: h=int(input("Enter the roll no.:")) con_w='SELECT*FROM Bio_table where bio_roll = ("{}")'.format(h) c1.execute(con_w) u = c1.fetchall() for i in u: print(i) if i[2]<180: print("The student needs to work harder!!!") 11 else: print("The student is capable to get better marks in Biology!") elif choice==8: d=int(input("Enter the roll no.:")) con_d='SELECT*FROM Phy_table where phy_roll = ("{}")'.format(d) c1.execute(con_d) v=c1.fetchall() for i in v: print(i) if i[2]<90: print("The student needs to work harder!!!") else: print("The student is capable to get better marks in Physics!") elif choice==9: f=int(input("Enter the roll no.:")) con_f='SELECT*FROM Chem_table where chem_roll = ("{}")'.format(f) c1.execute(con_f) w=c1.fetchall() for i in w: print(i) if i[2]<90: print("The student needs to work harder!!!") else: print("The student is capable to get better marks in Chemistry!") elif choice==10: g=int(input("Enter the roll no.:")) con_g='SELECT*FROM Chem_table where chem_roll = ("{}")'.format(g) c1.execute(con_g) w= c1.fetchall() for i in w: a=i[2] con_g='SELECT*FROM Phy_table where phy_roll = ("{}")'.format(g) c1.execute(con_g) v= c1.fetchall() for i in v: b=i[2] con_g='SELECT*FROM Bio_table where bio_roll = ("{}")'.format(g) 12 c1.execute(con_g) u = c1.fetchall() for i in u: c=i[2] s=a+b+c sum=print("The total marks for NEET Major test given are:", s) if s<360: print("The student needs to work harder to do his/her best.") else: print("The student is capable to get better marks in NEET exam!") #Gratitude to enter here elif choice==11: print("Thank you for entering!") #If wrong details are filled else: print("Wrong username or password!") #If second choice is entered to exit if choice==2: exit() 13 OUTPUTS 1. Login Screen: 2. For Entering the Details in Biology Table: Spyder (Python 3.8): 1. First Student 14 2. Second Student MySQL 8.0 Command Line Client: 3. For Entering the Details in Physics Table: Spyder (Python 3.8): 1. First Student 15 2. Second Student MySQL 8.0 Command Line Client: 4. For Entering the Details in Chemistry Table: Spyder (Python 3.8): 1. First Student 16 2. Second Student MySQL 8.0 Command Line Client: 5. For Fetching all the Details from Biology Table: 6. For Fetching all the Details from Physics Table: 17 7. For Fetching all the Details from Chemistry Table: 8. For Fetching the Details of Any Student from Biology Table: 1. First Student 2. Second Student 9. For Fetching the Details of Any Student from Physics Table: 1. First Student 18 2. Second Student 10. For Fetching the Details of Any Student from Chemistry Table: 1. First Student 2. Second Student 11. For Fetching the Total Marks of Any Student for all the subjects: 1. First Student 19 2. Second Student 12. Gratitude for Entering in the Management: 13. If Wrong Details are Filled: 14. If Second Choice has been Entered in place of Login, then the User will Directly take the Program to exit, due to exit() function. 20 BIBLIOGRAPHY Book: “Computer Science with Python Class 12” by Sumita Arora Website: https://pythonworld.in/practicalproject/project-list Our Reference Project: 6072 - Hospital Management System - Google Drive (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1xBWm7h-pr nGi_4Du9j4DNgKfo15kCHTv)