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Recruitment & Business English Exercises

5 unit
1. Найдите следующие слова и словосочетания в разделах “Ввод”
и “Чтение” блока, затем переведите их на русский язык
1) младшая должность
2) руководящий пост
3) изменить ситуацию к лучшему
4) фирма охотников за головами
5) кандидаты, включенные в короткий список
6) аналогичный опыт
7) сопроводительное письмо
8) следить за ссылками
9) двигаться боком к заданию
10) квалификация
2.Найдите в текстах английские эквиваленты для следующих фраз
job opening
to review a standard resume
to advertise a vacancy in the media
a candidate for promotion among employees
to make a final choice
job description
job interview
to receive job applications
to find out why someone left their job
initial screening
3.These words are from the texts of this unit. Complete the table below
adaptable adapt adaptable
advancement advance advanced
competitive compete competitive
employment employ employed
apply apply applicable
description describe descriptive
modify modify modifiable
maintain maintain maintainable
recruitment recruit recruitable
4 Complete the following paragraph using the correct article, where it is necessar
1.A headhunter, is it 2. a positive or a negative phenomenon? Some people avoid being called 3.
a headhunter as they are of 4. the opinion that it has certain negative overtones. Others consider
it to be quite 5. a clearly understood term which means that somebody is actively looking for 6.
people for particular jobs. The 7. idea is that headhunters are involved in finding people for jobs
rather than jobs for people. They are looking for specific types of individual for specific
positions. There exists 8. a certain specialization among 9. headhunting firms. Some are engaged
in 10. the financial and banking field, 11. while others specialize in areas such as computer
systems, 12. the use of computer systems and 13. the manufacture and sale of computer systems.
Headhunters usually have 14. a brief, from a client, to fill a particular position, whereas the
majority of recruitment agencies work 15. the other way out.
5. Complete the following article using the correct prepositions. Use one of the prepositions
given in the boч
The Information Age has drastically changed the way companies recruit employees. The Internet
makes huge numbers of job seekers available to any firm with access to the Web. At the same
time, many companies increasingly rely on executive search firms to locate good candidates for
important posts. But traditional recruitment methods — by word-of-mouth or newspaper
advertisements — still work best for some firms.Here's the lowdown on each recruitment method
and how you can make it work for your business:The Internet. Learn to love the Internet — it’s
probably the greatest recruitment resource around. Already, more than two-thirds of human
resources professionals use the Internet to recruit. On the other hand, a recent search for the
phrase “employee recruitment” found more than 1 million Web pages.Executive search firms.
The executive search industry has grown rapidly in recent years, thanks to our booming economy
and the resulting labor shortage. Large corporations make up most of the search firms´
business.Traditional recruiting methods. Don’t be so wowed by fancy technology and premiumpriced headhunters that you ignore time-tested ways of finding good talent. Often, the best
prospective employees are people you hear about from trusted friends or associates.
6. Insert the suitable words into the gaps
In order to fill a key vacancy, a company will usually follow the same recruitment procedure.
First, it will produce a job description, then it produces a profile of an ideal candidate, which is a
list of skills, experience, attributes and so on. Having produced this profile, the company should
then decide on the best recruitment method to get a candidate with this profile. This might be an
advertisement or an advertisement in a newspaper, on the Internet, even an agency or perhaps a
headhunter. After the advertisements are placed or the headhunter contacted, a list of candidates
will then be drawn up to be put through the company’s recruitment process. This might be
interviews, psychometric tests or even handwriting analysis. This should produce the ideal
candidate for the company.
7. Отобразите следующий текст
How to go to work abroad?three quarters of Russians dream of working in another country. The
most desirable country to work in, according to HeadHunter, is the United Kingdom, followed
by the United States, Germany, Canada and Australia. The United States, Germany, Canada and
Australia are next. How to make your dream come true?
First of all, you need to understand whether you are needed at all in the West with in the West
with your profession obtained in Russia. Yes, if you are an IT specialist or financial specialist.
Not if you are a doctor or a humanities specialist. Unfortunately Russian educational programs in
the last two cases are too different from Western standards.If you have the right education, start
looking for your dream job. This can be done in two ways: through the employer and through a
staffing agency. You should choose the recruiting agency carefully. a reputable one, with a good
reputation, otherwise you can find yourself in the country of your dreams with
tourist visa and zero prospects for employment.
To increase your chances of getting a job abroad, learn
It is a great advantage if you can learn the language of the country you are going to and take an
exam to receive a certificate confirming your knowledge.
advantage. Making it easier to find a job abroad by attending a business school and
MBA degree.Once you've decided on the companies you want to work for or the recruitment
agency, you need to think about the next step So, the employer has responded to your resume. The next step is an interview (if the company
has a Russian office) or phone call. The employer will call you, ask you some professional
questions, check your language skills. The phone the telephone interview is usually followed by
a face-to-face meeting with a representative of the company in the you are going to work in.
You should be patient when you return home since decisions of this nature (especially if the
company is large and administratively slow) are not made until after you leave.
administratively) are not made before a couple of months. And lo and behold, you have finally
been hired! In this case, the company should send offer - an offer to work on official letterhead
of the company with the stamped and signed by the manager
6 unit
1. Find the following words and word combinations in the text and
translate them into Russian
a co-owner - совладелец
voluntary compliance - добровольное соблюдение
a sufficient number - достаточное количество
non-executive board directorship - должность невыполнительного директора в совете
a man’s world - мужской мир
the highest proportion - наивысший процент
experienced senior women - опытные старшие женщины
good for accountability - хорошо для ответственности
“time-consuming” search - "трудоемкий" поиск
everybody gains - все выигрывают
2. Find English equivalents for the following phrases in the text
impose a law
dismiss board members
risk disbandment
companies listed on the stock exchange
male-dominated board of directors
bad news
accused of breaking the law
replace with someone unknown
trust for years.
3. These words are from the texts of this unit. Complete the table below
account account accountable
compliance comply compliant
dissolution dissolve dissolved
equality equalize equa
l executive execute executive
engineer engineer engineered
ignore ignore ignored
interrupt interrupt interrupted
leadership lead leading
4. Complete the following paragraph using the correct article,
where it is necessary
There are many outstanding women around the world. Women have excelled in the fields of arts
and literature, politics and governance. Here we look at some of the famous women, who paved
the way and have shown that women are on par with men in their accomplishments. Though
most of the rulers of the ancient world were kings and pharaohs, nevertheless, there were queens,
empresses, saints and other women rulers who ruled their kingdom in their own name. Here are a
few of the most powerful women. Artemisia: Artemisia ascended to the throne after the death of
her husband. She was proclaimed the ruler of Halicarnassus (present day Turkey). Boudicca:
Also known as Boadicea, she was the queen of the Iceni tribes. She was known as a warrior
queen. She led a revolt against the Roman occupation in the East England (present day Norfolk
and Suffolk). Cleopatra: Cleopatra was the Queen of Egypt. She was famed for her beauty.
5. Complete the following article using the correct prepositions.
Use one of the prepositions given in the box
A report published in EastLink Small Business Services shows that women are still less likely to
start new business ventures than men, although they are usually better qualified and more
realistic in their business planning. The report claimed that women were responsible for only 29
per cent of all start-ups in the first half of the year. Moreover, there has been little change in the
proportion of male to female start-ups over the last 10 years with the growth in women-owned
businesses typical of female employment. Studies have shown that gender has no effect
whatsoever on the potential success of a business. The crucial factors are age, vocational
qualification, amount of relevant experience and the number of people employed by the start-up
6. Insert the suitable words into the gaps
Nowadays we can see that the greatest challenge to women in business is having access to the
opportunities, to fill positions, to contract opportunities, to open corporate board seats. Women,
who are successful, need to do more to let other women know when they’re aware of
opportunities. It’s only fair that women be in the pool in relevant numbers. The crucial issue for
businesswomen is the balance between their business and their family life. Many women believe
that being a boss may give them some flexibility as they themselves are able to decide what the
priorities are.However, when a woman has her own business, clients are critically important, and
sometimes she has to make difficult decisions, like to not attend her child’s school event, or
whatever. Somehow, businesswomen manage to survive. The key thing to be prosperous for a
woman is to trust her instincts.
7. Render the following text
Society is interested in the problems of businesswomen. A lot of money
draws attention to themselves. And all just because it is simply impossible not to pay attention to
businesswomen - they are socially active.
Meanwhile, let's say, a music teacher or an engineer at an institute are no less interesting objects
for the attention of specialists. And what distinguishes them from
businesswomen are distinguished only by the absence of small specific problems. Therefore, it
would be more correct to talk about the problems of professionally
of professionally oriented women in general. After all, both the owner of the enterprise, and the
teacher at the school has a certain range of common problems.
Work, if a woman takes it seriously, takes a great deal of her
A lot of energy, thought, creativity and time.
The main problem for the working woman is "how not to become a workaholic?" Included in
this global theme is the question of "do I become one?" On the one hand
on the one hand, this is probably the safest of all addictions: it gives rise to self-confidence, lust
for life, allows a woman to feel herself as an extraordinary person. But on the other hand,
"workaholism" leads to Workaholism leads to defects in the rest of her life, especially her
personal life, to stress, overstrain, a feeling of not being free and discomfort from this
The second important problem is the unequal starting conditions in business for
for men and women. It is still relevant in our (and not only) culture. It is considered that business
is a man's business, women are not capable to lead, and being a leader is not a woman's business.
As a result, in order for a woman to get the same respect as a man, she needs to expend
2.5 times more effort than a man! This creates certain psychological problems.
If you feel the strength and potential to overcome all obstacles,
If you are ambitious and creative, you will undoubtedly succeed!
7 .unit
1. Find the following words and word combinations in the text
“Another cup of tea” and translate them into Russian
printed circuits scattered over… - разбросанные напечатанные цепи...
the thin wires of railways - тонкие провода железных дорог
crammed into rush hour buses - заполненные до отказа автобусы в часы пик
all the noise and commotion - весь шум и суматоха
pebble-dashed semis - облицованные камнями полуторки
the immense complex of operations - огромный комплекс операций
the mining of coal - добыча угля
to carry the current - нести ток
the welding of the metal into the kettle’s shell - сварка металла в корпус чайника
scores of other components - десятки других компонентов
wholesale and retail outlets - оптовые и розничные точки продаж
the calculation of the price - расчет стоимости
the distribution of value added - распределение добавленной стоимости
2. Find English equivalents for the following phrases in the text
“Another cup of tea”
Not thinking about how they fit into the big picture
Construction and maintenance of power plants
Oil extraction
Cable laying
Metal cutting
Rubber insulation
Plastic parts
Kettle packaging
Kettle advertising
Coal mining
Assembly of parts
3. These words are from the texts of this unit. Complete the table below
to convince ----- convincing
extraction extrac extracted
immension immense immense
insulation isolation isolated
intentional intend intentional
4. Complete the following passage using the, a/an or the zero article (–)
Issues for service providers Service providers face many obstacles selling services that goodssellers rarely face. Services are not tangible, making it difficult for potential customers to
understand what they will receive and what value it will hold for them. Indeed, some, such as
consulting and investment services, offer no guarantees of value for the price paid. Since the
quality of most services depends largely on the quality of the individuals providing the services,
it is true that “people costs” are a high component of service costs. Whereas a manufacturer may
use technology, simplification, and other techniques to lower the cost of goods sold, the service
provider often faces an unrelenting pattern of increasing costs. Differentiation is often difficult.
How does one choose one investment adviser over another, since they (and hotel providers,
leisure companies, and consultants, as well as many others) often seem to provide identical
services? Charging a premium for services is usually an option only for the most established
firms, who charge an extra based upon brand recognition
5. Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D)
best fits each gap
— closest
— Like
— have doubled
— rose
— has gained
— smarter
— Growing
— has become
— so fastly
— has to
6. Fill in the missing prepositions in the following text.
Use one of the prepositions from the box where necessary
7. Insert the suitable words into the gaps (two words are odd)
raise the question
expanding manufacturing
transfer of productive
available in
essential commodity
8. Render the following text
The level of development of the economy is characterized by the degree of its dependence on
natural environment. Historically, the so-called primary sector of the economy, including
agriculture and extraction of minerals for their own needs, was formed first. This sector has been
the basis
The economy of all human societies up to the 17th century was based on this sector.
The emergence of the secondary sector - processing industry - marked the formation of a new
type of economy, the industrial economy. Realization of this was given to mankind with great
difficulty. Back in the
In the middle of the 18th century, the most influential school of economics, the physioThe Different Sectors of the Economy
The Different Sectors of the Economy 63 argued that value added was created only in the
primary sector, while the secondary sector redistributed wealth and, in effect, parasitized the
primary sector.
In the twentieth century, science became the direct productive force. Above
over the production of goods, the tertiary sector - the production of
the production of services, technology, software, and other intangible
services, technology, software and other intangible wealth, optimization of financial flows,
logistics. For a while. it was not recognized as a producer of added value, repeating the mistake
of the physiocrats of two centuries ago.The last decade of the 20th century brought the
sector-the production of fundamental results and the shaping of skill levels of workers.
In the first third of the 21st century, the quaternary sector will come to the fore, related to the
formation of motivation
Unit 5
Ufa city, Ak.Korolyova 9
Date (9 may 2023)
Dodo Pizza
Karl Marx 25
Dear Mr. Smith
I am writing to apply for the position of manager advertised on your company’s website. Having
read the job description, I believe that my academic record and interpersonal skills make me a
strong candidate for the position.
I am a second year student and graduated with a business management degree. Last summer I
spent three months gaining practical experience in Dodo pizza in city. My duties included cooking,
baking, order dispensing.
As you will see from my CV, last year I spent an exchange semester at the University of Ghana
.My experience of studying in English and working in Ghana have taught me how to live and
work in different environments, and given me some experience intercultural communication oand
working with diverse teams.
I am fluent in Russian and English.
I am available for an Interview at your convenience and look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely Gulnaz.
Your handwritten signature
Your name, typed